Love Life with Matthew Hussey - The Sexiest Quality in a Woman

Episode Date: December 14, 2015

What is the sexiest quality in a woman, or in a man for that matter?  If you said “confidence,” that’s a good guess…but it’s not the right answer.  In today’s episode of LOVE Life I’m ...going to reveal what this rare – but easily attainable – quality is, and explain the 3 ways you can approach life (hint: you want to choose #3).  When you do this, you’ll be more interesting, engaging, fascinating and attractive to everyone you meet.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Matthew Hussey. Welcome to Love Life, which is now, by popular demand, a podcast on iTunes. I couldn't be more excited to deliver on something that women in my community have been asking for for years, and to reach a whole new audience of women who want to live their best lives, whether that means an amazing relationship, a satisfying social life, the career of their dreams, or all of these things and more. Now, before I give you some helpful advice you can use right now, I need to ask you a favor. Under my podcast picture on iTunes, I want you to hit the subscribe button. This will make sure that you and I stay connected and that you'll get each new show as soon as it's released. Did you click subscribe? Great. Let's start the show. Hi there. This is Matthew
Starting point is 00:00:53 Hussey. Today I want to talk about learning. Now that seems pretty dry, but I promise you it's not going to be because I think learning is one of the sexiest things on earth. If we're not learning, we're stagnating. And as soon as you start stagnating, your results will drop in any area of life. As I've gotten more and more into this area, I guess in some ways the self-development world, although I'm not a massive fan of the term, as I got more into it, I started to realize there are different types of people in life. The first type of person is the person who looks at self-development, looks at people who try and learn and improve themselves and laughs, sneers and says, oh,
Starting point is 00:01:30 you're the type of person that needs that. Those are sad, hopeless cases. How could you need that? Just get on with life. That's one type of person. That type of person, often they've achieved a little bit of success. They get a little bit of ego, a bit of arrogance, and they think they don't need everything, anything. They become ignorant. The second type of person is the self-help junkie. They're the person that reads every book, goes to every seminar, and they become this disgusting type of person that cannot actually do anything, but they can tell everyone everything. They can say, oh, well, I went to a seminar once where they said this, and this is how you should do it. But they're not doing anything. They're
Starting point is 00:02:08 just a junkie. They'll be at the same seminar again in a month. They'll read another book and another book and another book, but they don't do anything. Those people suck. Then there's the third type of person. This is the type of person that is never too proud to learn, never too proud to grow. They always want to learn more. They're looking for an edge in any way. They want to learn more about a different area. If someone knows more about an area, they don't shy away from that person and they don't try and hide their admiration for that person. They say, oh, teach me. If you know something I don't, teach me. I'd love to learn more about that area. They're thirsty for knowledge, but when they learn it, they apply it.
Starting point is 00:02:42 That type of person is engaging and interesting and always moves forward. That's the type of person that I really admire. And those type of people win every single time because they're not afraid to ask questions. They're not afraid to learn. They're not afraid to know or to admit what they don't know. Here's my problem. I got to a level of success when I was about 21, 22. It was the first time that I ever started making any money. And I'd never had money before. So I felt confident and I felt like I'd made massive achievements in my life. And all of a sudden I stopped reading and I stopped training myself. I stopped trying to learn and grow. I didn't go to events anymore
Starting point is 00:03:21 like I did when I was growing up. I all of a sudden felt like I knew everything. And I remember meeting up with one of my mentors. And he said to me, this is one of my original mentors I'd had since I was 18 years old. And if you don't know me, you know, I believe highly in the power of mentors. But he was standing with me and he said, so what books are you reading right now? What are you learning? And I said, you know, to be honest, I'm not really reading anything right now. I said, you know, I, I, I don't want to pollute my mind with other ideas because I want to come up with my own stuff. So I really just want to, you know, create on my own.
Starting point is 00:03:54 I don't want to have any other ideas in my mind. And if I could describe to you the look of disappointment, as he looked at me, it, it made me sick to my stomach. And he looked at me and he said, mate, I got to tell you, I'm so disappointed. He said, that is so disappointing to hear. He said, I always had you down as someone who loved learning and who always wanted to know new ideas and grow. And the fact that you're telling me that you don't want to is really disappointing. You know, when someone uses that word disappointing and it just cuts you so deep. And at the time I didn't say anything because my ego was getting all protective. And I got home and I couldn't forget about it.
Starting point is 00:04:30 And from that moment forward, I picked up every book. I went to every program. I tried to learn and learn and learn. I could not bear the thought that there were things out there that I could learn, but I wasn't because I was being too arrogant. So my message out there to everyone right now is be the third type of person. The third type of person is the person who is never too arrogant to learn. Will read a book knowing that even if they know 90% of it, but get 10% of new information, it was worth reading the book. They'll make sure that they're always learning, but they're always applying at the same time.
Starting point is 00:05:04 Be that person. Do not be the other two. Now, if you want to come and do this with me, if you want to take your life to the next level with me and go through a very intensive immersion program, you can do that. It's called The Retreat. You can go to forward slash retreat. Go and apply for that program if you want to. But frankly, guys, whatever it is you do,
Starting point is 00:05:25 wherever it is you go, make sure that you're learning, whether it's with me, whether it's with my retreat program, or whether you go and follow someone else. Keep learning. It's the sexiest quality on earth, and it's the one that's going to help you to achieve everything you want. Take care. I'll see you soon. Thank you for listening. And if you liked what you heard today, be sure to leave a five-star review and comment on iTunes, which will help me reach more women out there just like you who deserve the life they've always wanted. In the iTunes app or on your desktop, just look up the show, click on Ratings and Reviews,
Starting point is 00:06:01 and then click Write a Review. Thank you. I appreciate the support more than you know, and then click write a review. Thank you. I appreciate the support more than you know, and I'll catch you next time.

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