Love Life with Matthew Hussey - This Makes You INSTANTLY More Approachable
Episode Date: March 3, 2017See that handsome guy over there across the bar? He actually wants to approach you. But he’s way too terrified of being rejected to take a shot in the dark. He needs the right signals from you to his move. In today’s episode of LOVE Life, I’m sharing 3 tips you can use tonight that make you instantly more approachable, along with a fascinating little fact about men that will literally change the way you look at them forever. Intrigued? Have a listen… But be warned, you may have to start turning the men away!
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This is Love Life and I'm your host, Matthew Hussey.
It's so exciting to hear feedback from women who say things like,
Matt, I tried the advice from your podcast and I met someone incredible that same night.
But occasionally, I'll hear something like,
when something finally starts to go right in my life,
I have trouble trusting that it's real and I just can't enjoy it.
If you can relate,
I want you to stay tuned until the end of today's show because there's something really exciting I
want to share with you that has the power to change your way of thinking forever.
But first, let's get to the episode.
Today, we are talking about what immediately attracts people to other people. Now, studies have found that 70% of men reportedly notice a woman's eyes most,
followed by her smile, and then her breasts.
Now, women were the same, but they noticed eyes, then smile, then height.
Now, does this mean that we're hopeless if we haven't got nice eyes, nice smile, and nice breasts?
Well, I have found from experience that
it's more about how we use what we have than worrying about whether ours match up to other
people's. Because the truth is, you're always going to lose that battle. There is always going
to be someone with a more perfect smile. There's always going to be someone with more perfect eyes
or breasts or a guy who's taller than you. It's always going to be the with more perfect eyes or breasts or a guy who's taller than you.
It's always going to be the case.
Now, I want to stick to the subject of approachability and immediate attraction today because that's the thing we're talking about.
What do people notice first?
So how do you become more approachable to other people in your life?
Because I'm a big believer in the fact that if we can actually expand the amount of options we have at the outset, we're going to be able to be much more choosy about who we spend time with down the line. So in the
interest of making that funnel really wide, there are three things that you can do immediately that
are going to make you more approachable. The first of these seems extremely obvious, but most people
do it terribly, and that's eye contact. By the way, men are genetically predisposed to be worse at
recognizing cues than women are. Did you know this? So if you give cues to a guy that you think are
obvious by your standards, they're still not obvious to a guy. Look for a second more than
is comfortable to you. I guarantee that it's still not going to be enough to communicate to the guy,
but it's going to be enough to maybe create some potential.
And don't be afraid to look again.
You don't have to be staring him down,
but you can be looking back and forth a little bit two or three times
and it's not going to do any harm.
It's not going to make you look desperate.
It's just going to make you look curious and cute.
Now, your smile is the next thing.
That's number two.
This is the thing that's going to have a big impact. Because by the way, if you just use your eyes and you don't emote at the same time, that is a recipe for disaster. A guy thinks it's his job to approach you. So for a woman, it's much more important to have that open facial expression so that the guy will actually come over. Don't look like you're angry. Actually smile. And this works, by the way, even
if you're not smiling at him. Even if he's in the corner of your eye and you're talking to your
friend and you're laughing and smiling whilst talking to your friend, it shows you're having
a good time and you're enjoying your life. So many women, I see this in venues all the time,
you go out to a bar and women stand there like they're too cool to smile. And then they go home
at the end of the night and they're like, I don't know why guys never approach us. I just don't get it. You know,
we always want to talk to guys and guys never come up to us. And that's because you look like
you're going to murder them. So don't be afraid of smiling a little. And then the third one is touch.
Be tactile. I mean, little delicate touches that show that you're confident in your body and that you're not afraid of him.
So those three things are going to make a huge difference.
Eye contact.
Do it a second longer than you're comfortable with.
Facial expression.
Make it positive even if you're not looking at him at the time.
Trust me, he notices everything if he's looking at you.
And third, don't be afraid to touch. As soon as you touch,
you are speeding up attraction tenfold versus the people that never do. So with that, I bid you adieu.
Take care, my friends. It was lovely speaking to you again. And if you want more information like
this, practical tips, because by the way, that's what we're doing here is giving practical tips.
You'll know by now if you listen to this that I do not like airy fairy advice. I like giving actual strategies and things people can do, not be yourself. So if you want more of
this stuff, come to my website, I will see you there. Take care, my friends. Bye-bye.
Now, if you can't enjoy the good things that come into your life because you don't feel worthy, I have an incredible opportunity for you.
I want you to apply for my Matthew Hussey retreat.
On this powerful program, we'll go way beyond the tips I teach you in my podcasts,
straight to the core of your deeper issues so that you can overcome them once and for all.
I'll give you the tools to change the relationship you have with yourself
so that you can finally achieve the core confidence you need to get the love,
the success and the happiness you deserve.
Right now, there are extremely limited spots available on the retreat,
but one of them could be yours.
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