Love Life with Matthew Hussey - This May Just be THE Perfect Online Dating Profile

Episode Date: July 8, 2016

You know you’re awesome, and any man would be lucky to date you.  But how do you get that across in a paragraph (without the use of the dreaded humble-brag)? Well you’re in luck, because today I�...��m going to break down, line-by-line, what I consider to be THE most perfect online dating profile I’ve ever seen. In subtle, witty, playful ways, this woman communicates who she is, what she has to offer, and what she’s looking for in a partner (including the most genius way of inconspicuously mentioning that she wants to have kids someday). Oh yeah, and I also give you a link to download the profile so you can use it as a template! (You’re welcome ☺)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody this is Matthew Hussey with Love Life. Do you know the number one most powerful technique you can use to get any man addicted to you and only you? Take a second to see if you can figure it out. Don't worry if you can't guess what it is. It's simple to use but it's also easy to overlook which is why most women will never use it. I'll tell you what this subtle trick is in just a moment. But first, let's get to the episode. I get a lot of questions about online dating profiles. And whenever I go on a TV show, they're always asking me to like dissect someone's profile and break it down. What's wrong with it? Why is this person not getting dates? And I was recently asked to go on Rachel Ray and discuss an online dating profile
Starting point is 00:00:50 that a woman had sent in who said that she wasn't getting great quality guys. And so they said to me, well, you know, what's wrong with her profile? What's she written that is attracting these types of guys? So naturally I go to the profile, I start reading it. And what I find is the most amazing profile. I mean, I, I'm going to read this to you because I think she has done so much right in this profile. I'm not going to name her. I'll, I'll keep her anonymous just in case, but I want to read you this because there are so many tips that you can take from this as you go through. So I'm literally going to dissect this as we go through. She says, my self summary, I'm very okay with ditching Yelp to explore a new city by just walking around until a local bar or restaurant inspires me to stroll in.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Love that. That's really lovely. Waking up early and enjoying the entire day rather than rolling into bed just as the sun is rising. That's clever, by the way. Whether she meant it or not, I don't know, but that's clever because what you're really saying is I'm appealing to all of you guys out there who aren't trying to date a party girl, right? I like to get up early and make the most of the day. I'm not one of these people who likes to be out till the early hours of the morning. There are many guys out there who want to sleep with the party girl, but they want a girlfriend who's not the party girl. So as soon as you say this, you're appealing to that type of guy who's like, ah, she's not this girl who's out there going
Starting point is 00:02:13 crazy every night, hanging out with tons of guys and whatnot. This person might actually be the person that I want to take home to mom. So I love that. Choosing to read a real book before it's electronic version. Isn't that cool? Like many of us are like that about books, especially the smart people. They like books. So you're appealing again to the smart guy. Going off the social media grid when on vacation or visiting family. I think that's a very attractive quality. Someone who's not addicted to social media as so many men and women are these days, and attempting new recipes. A little subtle message there. I like to cook.
Starting point is 00:02:46 Love it. But she didn't do it in a heavy-handed way. She did it in an indirect way. Next section, what I'm doing with my life. By day, I'm in marketing and account management for a digital agency. The rest of the time, adoring New York and surrounding myself with people who make me cry from laughing so hard and inspire little adventures in everyday moments. Isn't that great? It's so cool. By the way, notice this. She's in marketing and account management for a digital agency, right? That
Starting point is 00:03:16 in itself is an impressive role, but she doesn't spend lots of time validating herself on that and making that identity. She gives it one quick line and then moves on to real life and what she's all about in real life. I love that. Too many people out there validating themselves on their status at work. I'm really good at hula hooping. Now, I love this because some of the things that we've already heard from her are quite serious. Not all of them, but they're a little deeper. So now when she has this chance to talk about what she's really good at, she says hula hooping, she kind of breaks that serious tone and gets a little playful. It also is kind of a nice way to
Starting point is 00:03:54 show your humility because I'm sure there are things that she's really good at, but she's not choosing to air them all right here. She just decides to get playful. That actually shows a lot of confidence. Then she says the six things I could never do without. My parents' advice, again, she gets a little deep there. I like that. I always talk about in attraction, unique pairings being these things that show that you have both depth and superficial qualities. You have a sense of humor and you can be serious. You're sexy, but you're also funny. This is what she's showing. She's showing she can be light and she can be deep. So my parents' advice, clothing iron, running shoes, journal, music that caters to my mood, and friends who can make me laugh as much as they are supportive. I spend a lot of time thinking about how crazy it is that my children will never
Starting point is 00:04:41 experience going to Blockbuster on a Friday night and how I can positively influence people and how this great big universe works. Now, I have to stop here because when she says how crazy it is that my children will never experience going to Blockbuster on a Friday night, that is genius. And I have to give this woman credit because this has become, since reading this, a new online dating profile tip for me. Because how many people are heavy handed in the way they talk about the fact that they want marriage or kids? This is so clever. Because what she said is, kids are in my future. I'm going to have children. But she doesn't say, I want to have children. She says, I spend a lot of time thinking about how crazy it is. My children will never get to go to blockbuster video. That is a, that is genius. She has communicated everything she needs to communicate in a way
Starting point is 00:05:33 that's not even making the main point that she wants kids. It's about what they won't experience. I just think it's, it's, that is fantastic. And I love the fact that, you know, one of the things she thinks about is how the universe works. Again again she's showing that she's a thinker the most private thing i'm willing to admit i've never seen pulp fiction again so playful so fun she's not taking by the way that question is designed to be bait isn't it it's designed to be bait for you to get super personal she's decided to get personal on her own terms in other parts of the profile. But in this part, she's decided to be playful about it. And I love that. You should message me if you've been told you're a positive, outgoing or witty person and you enjoy new experiences. I love the fact
Starting point is 00:06:16 that she says you've been told you're a positive, outgoing or witty person. That in itself is clever as well. It's a very elegant way of coming at it. So I just, I commend this profile. I think it is so great, so powerful, and it separates her from every other woman who a guy doesn't see as girlfriend material. So this brings me to my next point. And I'm going to have to be terse about this because maybe we can deal with this in another episode. But she is asking why it is she's not meeting great quality guys. And we would be wrong to assume that her profile is the reason for this. This woman is actually on OKCupid with this profile right now. I would say her biggest problem, perhaps, is that she's on OKCupid, that she needs to be on a different platform. It might be that she goes to where you might have a more serious type of person
Starting point is 00:07:07 looking for a relationship. And I would encourage her, by the way, to demonstrate all of this wit and playfulness and depth in person to guys because I don't know what guys wouldn't fall for someone like this in person either. So thank you so much for listening, guys. Come join me on Facebook to continue the conversation.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Let me know what you thought of the profile. I'm at forward slash coach Matthew Hussey. I'll see you soon. Now, on to the answer to the question that I asked you at the start of the show. What's the number one most powerful technique to get any man addicted to you? Compliments. It sounds simple, and it is. A well-given compliment will make him melt in your hands, but the exact words you need to use are crucial and easy to mess up. That's why I've created a special guide for you where I give you
Starting point is 00:07:59 my five most powerful compliments that you can give to any man to create a deeper connection. To download your five compliments guide, just go to forward slash compliments.

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