Love Life with Matthew Hussey - This Quick Tip Will Transform Your Relationships Forever

Episode Date: January 2, 2017

Grab a pen and paper, because I’ve got a (fun) little assignment for you today! I’m going to give you a tip that you can use today that will transform the most important relationships in your life..., year-round. You’ll be surprised to learn how simple this tiny, yet powerful, action is to implement, and how much it will mean to the people you care about.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Matthew Hussey here with Love Life. Do you ever feel like you keep attracting the wrong kinds of men? I can understand how frustrated and hopeless this must make you feel at times. All you want is a good guy who appreciates you and treats you well. Someone who's a partner in all of life's ups and downs. But instead you end up with jerks. or you're not alone. So many women can relate. I want you to smile right now because today I'm going to give you a simple way to get rid of the jerks and only attract quality men into your life. Before I give that to you, let's get into today's episode. I wanted to give you something quick today, a quick little tip that you can apply every week of your year this year, that by the end of the year will mean that your friends, your family,
Starting point is 00:00:56 your contacts, your colleagues will feel closer to you, more connected to you, and have a greater sense of reciprocity towards you. In other words, that feeling that they want to give back in their relationship with you than ever before. So how do you do this? This is going to be very, very simple. I recently heard that one of my staff was moving. And one of my other staff, one of my kind, caring employees came to me and said, you know, since this staff member is moving, perhaps we should send her something. So we ended up sending her a little basket of flowers to go on her kitchen shelf. And then on our team meeting, we heard from this staff member and she said, I just, I'm so grateful that you guys send it. I told my boyfriend that I work with the coolest people in the world and that I love, I have the best job ever. I love my job.
Starting point is 00:02:01 She said, you guys are so amazing. Thank you so much. And it meant the world to her. This gesture meant so much to this person. And although a simple thing, it reminded me of just how important it is to take that time to implement small gestures with the people that matter. And one of the mistakes we make is we wait until an event like the holidays, we wait until a birthday, or we wait until some special occasion to show them that we care. And the danger of that is that, let's say at Christmas, if you want to show a gesture to someone on Christmas, firstly, you're trying to figure out 50 gestures all at the same time for people that you care about which becomes overwhelming for you and ends up with that focus being diluted on any one person's gesture and if it's their birthday they're receiving 10 20 30 gestures from people gifts
Starting point is 00:03:00 thank you cards you name it from all different people on this same day, which means that your gesture gets diluted by the fact that their focus is diversified over all of those different parties. So my challenge to you is this. I want you today to make a list of the people that matter, that by the end of the year, you want to have shown you matter to me. Make that list. It may be 10 people. It may be 50 people. And let's think of this as 12 months from now. This is a 12-month project starting with today. Each week from now on, I want you to perform one small gesture for someone that matters to you. It might be sending them flowers. It might be simply sending them a card, telling them what you think. It may even be a phone call. It doesn't always have to be a gift. It might be, you know,
Starting point is 00:03:57 the gift of just spending time with someone on the phone for 10, 20 minutes. It might be inviting someone somewhere, whatever it is, I want you to perform a gesture for one person each week that matters to you. You will find that this will change your life because the people that are important to you will feel so loved and thought of by you in a way that they never have before because you've actually systematically structured those moments of thoughtfulness for them. And you've also made sure to make a list so that every single person gets that airtime in your thoughts. This is going to make a big difference. Thank you for listening, guys. I will see you soon. By the way, join me on forward slash coach Matthew Hussey. If you're not there already,
Starting point is 00:04:49 I'm constantly posting new advice, new articles from my brother, new videos, new radio shows. Make sure you come and join me on there for the discussion and I'll see you in the next episode Love Life. Okay, so we started off today talking about how you want to finally stop attracting the wrong men. I told you I have something for you that will show you how to make a quick shift that will bring the right kind of men into your life. Well, I've created a powerful training video for you called the three mindsets that drive men wild. And it guides you through the simple steps that you can take to attract the kind of men you truly want to get your free access to three mindsets that drive men wild. Just go to forward slash mindsets.

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