Love Life with Matthew Hussey - Two Things I Want You to Do Today

Episode Date: September 21, 2016

I have a mission for you today: You just need to do two simple things. I’ll be honest, though: It’s going to take courage, and it requires stepping out of your comfort zone. But you’ll thank me ...for it when you’re done. I did this myself recently, and the reward was well worth the risk. Curious yet? I explain everything in this episode of LOVE Life…

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hello everybody this is Matthew Hussey with Love Life. Do you know the number one most powerful technique you can use to get any man addicted to you and only you? Take a second to see if you can figure it out. Don't worry if you can't guess what it is. It's simple to use but it's also easy to overlook which is why most women will never use it. I'll tell you what this subtle trick is in just a moment. But first, let's get to the episode. I want to talk today about innovation. We recently did a video on YouTube called 50 Shades of Earl Grey. You may have seen it. If you haven't, I recommend you go and watch it if you want to see me making a fool out of myself. It's a recent parody video we did of Fifty Shades of Grey.
Starting point is 00:00:54 We parodied the trailer. And we really put a lot of production and investment into this thing that was very new for us. Now, you never know when you do something new, how it's going to turn out. You never know how people are going to respond to it, whether it's going to be good or bad. I have come to value innovation and being on the cutting edge and trying new things more than almost anything else because it requires courage. Because when you're doing something well, to change it up and to try something new is
Starting point is 00:01:33 incredibly difficult. You risk losing all of the validation that you get from doing what you normally do. It requires creativity and thought because you're not just doing it the same as everybody else. You're actually thinking of a way to do it differently. And so for me, the message that I want to put out today is to really encourage you to innovate and to push the boundaries and to try things that are new. And sometimes it even applies to your personality, just trying on new parts of your personality that you don't normally think are you, but you just want to try on for size because you feel like you've stayed in your shell for too long. Don't expect not to meet some resistance. Don't expect not to have people shine a light on you and ask
Starting point is 00:02:22 you what you're up to and why you're doing things differently. Because they will, of course, even when they're doing it in a positive way, it will draw attention to you. But that's okay. That's at least a sign that you're pushing boundaries. Now, one thing to be wary of is negative criticism when it happens. People just essentially going after you and saying that you shouldn't do that, you should go back to the old you. When that happens, understand that just because the majority of people don't like something, it doesn't make them right. There are plenty of times in life where the majority of people don't like something and actually over time that changes. But even more dangerous sometimes is when everyone reacts positively. I released this Fifty Shades of
Starting point is 00:03:13 Earl Grey video and the response has been overwhelmingly positive. In a couple of days we got 220,000 views or something like that and a huge number of really positive comments. That type of feedback is potentially even more dangerous than negative feedback. Because when everyone likes what you do, it can become paralyzing. If I create something and everyone loves it, my temptation is to identify with all of that praise and to now own it and to say, well, this is all about me and my work and look how much people love it. And now I'm terrified to do something new again because I don't want to interrupt the praise and the validation that I've already gotten. So we have to be very careful. Negativity can be dangerous because it can stop you trying if you feel like you're being rejected. But positivity can also be very careful. Negativity can be dangerous because it can stop you trying if you feel like you're being rejected, but positivity can also be very dangerous. So public opinion doesn't necessarily matter. What matters is that you're innovating for yourself and that you're trying
Starting point is 00:04:14 new things, that you're pushing your own boundaries. And I want to implore you to do two things today. First, do not be afraid to innovate. Try something out. Risk the hatred. Risk people calling you strange. And secondly, don't attach your identity to the outcome either way. If it's very positive, don't get too attached to the positivity. Don't identify with it. And if it's all negative or the majority is negative, don't identify too much with that either. There is a fine line between everyone being offended by your work or hating it or not liking it and them thinking that it's inspired. So don't identify with the reaction. Just keep producing, keep innovating, keep creating, and you'll find that your boundaries are stretched,
Starting point is 00:05:06 the work gets better, and you become a more interesting and educated person in whatever it is you're doing because you're prepared to take risks and try things. That's it for today, my friends. Come follow me on Facebook. It's forward slash coach Matthew Hussey. I will see you then. Now, on to the answer to the question that I asked you at the start of the show. What's the number one most powerful technique to get any man addicted to you? Compliments. It sounds simple, and it is.
Starting point is 00:05:45 A well-given compliment will make him melt in your hands. But the exact words you need to use are crucial and easy to mess up. That's why I've created a special guide for you where I give you my five most powerful compliments that you can give to any man to create a deeper connection. To download your five compliments guide, just go to forward slash compliments.

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