Love Life with Matthew Hussey - Why Adversity Can Actually Be a Good Thing
Episode Date: March 23, 2016We all encounter obstacles that stand in our path to the happiness we want and deserve. But whether those roadblocks will stop you dead in your tracks, or serve as a catalyst to motivate you to fight ...for the things you want most in life, is completely up to you. Today I’m going to teach you how to reframe your negative experiences as opportunities to fiercely pursue your dreams.
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Hello everybody this is Matthew Hussey with Love Life. Do you know the number one most powerful
technique you can use to get any man addicted to you and only you? Take a second to see if
you can figure it out. Don't worry if you can't guess what it is. It's simple to use but it's
also easy to overlook which is why most women will never use it.
I'll tell you what this subtle trick is in just a moment.
I want to talk about overcoming adversity and why it is so important to understand how to overcome and challenge the way that you look at the problems from the past and the things
that are standing in your way in the present. I think that people often play the violin for
themselves in the problems that they have in life. They tend to play the victim. They worry that
somehow the universe is conspiring against them. And they lack the ability, which I think is one
of the most important abilities in the world, to reframe their experience, to look at whatever the experience they're having as an opportunity, as something that actually
could fundamentally help them instead of hurt them. Marcus Aurelius said, the impediment to action
advances the action. What stands in the way becomes the way. Now, what he meant by this was that
whatever you think is
the roadblock the obstacle that is stopping you from getting what you want right now can actually
be the exact thing that gets you what you want that kid who grew up hungry knows how to fight
for what he wants because he knew he knows what it's like to be hungry and to have to go and get
it yourself the person with no education values education because they never
got the formal education growing up and therefore have a completely different respect for it in
their adult life. There are people in this world who are more educated than everyone else and had
the least formal education. The person who had the toughest, you know, someone says I had an
alcoholic for a parent. Great. You know more about people than most of us do because you know how to
deal with people. You know what it's like to deal with somebody who has an addiction that gives you an understanding of
the human condition in a much deeper more rich way than people who didn't have that and of course
that gives you something different to pass on to your children or to the people in your life
because you understand life better there was something interesting that was written by a man named Thomas Paine,
one of the writers back in the 18th century who moved to America. And he had an interesting speech
that he gave to kind of motivate people during the revolution. He was on the side of the unionists
and really bringing people to have liberty and to be able to choose their own
government. And one of the things he said that was really interesting to rally people,
this was said on December 23rd, 1776. These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier
and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country. But he that stands by it now
deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered.
Yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.
What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly. It is dearness only that gives everything its value.
What he was saying was anything that comes easy feels like it doesn't have the right value for us.
When we actually have to fight for something, when something is difficult and we have to overcome it, that is when something has value to us. Now, I know that right now in
your life, there are things that are troubling you. There are things that are holding you back.
Maybe you feel like your body isn't the way you want it to be. Maybe you feel like there's someone
at work that's standing in your way. Maybe you feel like you're bored at work, but it's too late
in life to change your position. And you feel like you have to stay with that track now.
You couldn't shake things up.
All of these things can be in their own way the thing that actually accelerates your success.
I know men who always said they were ugly and it drove them to go and learn about how to actually talk to women and how to actually interact with the opposite sex. And because of that, they actually learned far more about interacting with other human beings
than guys who had always had it all. And then when those guys who always had it all find that
they lose their hair or they change or whatever, suddenly they're left not knowing how to talk to
people, not knowing how to actually go and create attention. Whatever it is that you're using as the excuse can become the way.
Not just something that we succeed in spite of, but something that we succeed because of.
And I think that that's one of the most empowering concepts that's available to us in this lifetime.
Now, on to the answer to the question that i asked you at the start of the show
what's the number one most powerful technique to get any man addicted to you compliments
it sounds simple and it is a well-given compliment will make him melt in your hands
but the exact words you need to use are crucial and easy to mess up. That's why I've created a special guide for you where I give you my five most powerful compliments that you can give to any man to create a deeper connection.
To download your five compliments guide, just go to forward slash compliments.