Lovett or Leave It - After Nunes, Delight?

Episode Date: April 1, 2017

Danny Zuker, D'Arcy Carden, and Tommy Vietor join for a rundown of the week's news. Also Jon attacks "S-Town" because why not. ...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You guys ready to start the show? Welcome everybody to Love It or Leave It. A senior White House advisor this week said that the White House is in beta mode. Well guess what? Love It or Leave It is coming out of beta mode tonight. Let's start the show. Love It or Leave It, it's Love It or Leave It. I want applause, people. Hello. Can't believe we got tonight, too.
Starting point is 00:00:37 This is great. This is great. Hello. I brought notes. Oh, Tommy's got notes. We have Tommy Vitor. Hi. Former spokesman for the National Security Council,
Starting point is 00:00:52 host of Pod Save the World, my co-host on a little show called Pod Save America. We have Darcy Carden. Hi, guys. She plays Janet on The Good Place, which is one of my favorite shows. Cute. You're cute.
Starting point is 00:01:02 We have Danny Zucker, who is an executive producer and writer on a show called Modern Family. Ever heard of it? Thank you guys for being here. Let's get into it. What a week.
Starting point is 00:01:19 We're going to call that the What a Week chime. I thought that was the Monday bell. It can be whatever you want it to be. Let's cool it on the bells, Jesse. I know you're excited. You know, we're running out of ways to introduce segments about Russia. We're out of puns.
Starting point is 00:01:40 I don't want to see from Russia with anything again. And the story's getting so complicated. It's almost like a story within a story within a story, like some kind of nesting doll. There were two big developments this week. One was on Devin Nunes, the chair of the House Intel Committee. The other was about Michael Flynn,
Starting point is 00:02:03 the former National Security Advisor. Friend of the pod. Friend of the pod. Friend of the pod. That's where the bell should happen. So, I continue to find it very difficult to get to the bottom of this Russia story, so I'm glad Tommy is here. I got this.
Starting point is 00:02:18 So, let's break this in half. Let's start with Devin Nunes. He's under a lot of fire this week because he doesn't seem smart enough for his job. No. Among other reasons. Can you just walk us through, it's like, what's happening? Sure.
Starting point is 00:02:32 Hi, guys. Thanks for coming out. Yay! When we left our hero, Devin Nunes, the Republican chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, who is in charge of figuring out what the hell Russia's involvement was in hacking our election, interfering with it, whatever you want to call it. Our affable but impossibly stupid friend was diving out of an Uber to go to the White House to gather some intelligence from a secret source that he said put him or herself at great personal risk to whistle, to blow the whistle on this wrongdoing that showed that
Starting point is 00:03:03 the Obama White House was collecting intelligence on the Trump transition team. This week, we learned that his sources work for fucking Donald Trump. And one of them worked for Devin Nunes on the Intel Committee. It was his lawyer. So what we've learned is no one has any confidence in Congressman Nunes. Not Republicans who wanted to recuse himself from the investigation. Not Democrats. Apparently not himself, because all he does
Starting point is 00:03:26 is look sheepish in front of the camera. He does have this sheepish little face. He doesn't have any confidence in himself. He only gets pictures taken of him with his face in one position, which is sort of like... Oh, perfect for a podcast, though. No, no, no, I know. Thank you. No, listen, I've been a successful podcaster
Starting point is 00:03:43 for a really long time. So even with my voice, I can convey a very subtle facial expression. So I'm going to do it right now. You guys ready? It worked. Very good. God damn it, he's good. He's not even a good liar.
Starting point is 00:03:58 That's like the thing that drives me. Like, I have a friend has three kids. Say his name. Tim. And the oldest kid is named Danny, not after me. Middle girl, Jamie,
Starting point is 00:04:08 and our youngest kid, Tommy. Important to know. We're going to cut this. You're going to love this. Trust me. I have five Emmys. I know how to weave a tail. They're downstairs.
Starting point is 00:04:22 They hear a crash of a door. Jamie is crying. What happened? So they run up the stairs, and they go, what happened? And Tommy says, she got her head caught in the door. And the oldest son, Danny, says, no, Tommy slammed the door on her. And they look at him, and they say, Tommy? And Tommy's response is, I'm not Tommy.
Starting point is 00:04:43 And maybe you should cut that. But that's how he is. When they were walking down the hallway. And it's like, I didn't say that. It's all Nathan Thurm stuff. It's all. Yeah, no. He lies like a toddler.
Starting point is 00:04:57 He lies like a toddler. It's one thing to be lied to by somebody kind of smart who's trusting that you're smart, too. Yes. It's so insulting the way they lie to us. Oh, I know. It's like, who are you going to believe, me or the thing I said yesterday? Right. I'm not Nunes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 You saved it. I'm not Devin Nunes. I'm not Devin Nunes. Devin Nunes doesn't work here. That's not me. So Devin Nunes runs to the White House. He gets this information. He then claims, I have this information.
Starting point is 00:05:32 I'm not telling you where you got it from. He then gives a press conference saying, the information I got from the White House really reflects well on the White House. And then over the ensuing few days, all of it comes out. He looks terrible. He looks embarrassed. Lied to reporters. Lied to reporters to say, all of it comes out. He looks terrible. He looks embarrassed.
Starting point is 00:05:46 Lied to reporters. Lied to reporters, like, you know, just saying, oh, I talked to Devin Nunes. He lied to my face. I guess my question is, so I think it's pretty obvious that Devin Nunes is in over his head. What did Devin Nunes think was going to happen? You know, everybody who gets in touch, in contact with Donald Trump is going down in flames in front of his eyes. I don't know what anyone would run to support this guy
Starting point is 00:06:06 at 37% of the polls and at this point in time where you have a national security advisor that made it less than a month. It's like the opposite of King Midas. No, but everybody turns to shit. What was Devin Nunes doing a few months ago?
Starting point is 00:06:22 Who is this guy? I've never heard of him before. Really? Is he just like a fame whore? He's like, this is my chance. He was trying on suits in Joseph A. Bank. And this guy that looked a lot like him died. Wow. And they came to him and they said, listen, did you see the movie Dave?
Starting point is 00:06:42 Dave. We're doing that. We're doing that. We're doing that. I went to high school with Chris Christie. True story. Whoa, tell us everything. He was like an older, like, so his younger brother was my best friend in high school, Todd Christie. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And Chris Christie was like an older brother to me and normal size. Did you know this? No, it's really true. I know. John, the podcaster's mouth is wide open. I'm a gape. I know John from Podcasters his mouth is wide open I'm a gape I know so like you know
Starting point is 00:07:06 Chris would drive me around and was like you know my dad was not president so Chris was kind of like my daddy and then and that's why I wrote comedy but Chris
Starting point is 00:07:17 yeah so I watched Chris sort of transform not just physically but like because remember Chris was the Republican we liked for a little while you know he hugged
Starting point is 00:07:25 Obama and it was all that. And then he got in forget about the bridge shit, but then you watched him get behind. I was the last person apologizing for Chris Christie because I have a family connection. I still love his brother. But then when he threw his support behind Trump and you just watched him wither, you just watched
Starting point is 00:07:42 like all of those memes and it's ruined him. He's like poison. It's like polonium. You just watched all of those memes. And it's ruined him. He's like poison. It's like polonium. You can't get near him without becoming like him. And actually the only person who can pull off being like Donald Trump is Donald Trump. He's really good at it.
Starting point is 00:07:58 But you know why? Because he's so good looking. You know what I mean? It's like, yeah, he doesn't have charisma. He's not the smartest, but he's fucking hot. You know what I mean? It's like blonde hair,
Starting point is 00:08:14 tan skin, like round curves. Big ass. He's hot as hell, and you guys all know it, and that's why you're here. I'd pee on that. That! See, now you're here. I'd pee on that. See, now you saved that.
Starting point is 00:08:28 I did. I said, no, yours was going better than my Tommy story. But it was funny. I love that Tommy story. No,
Starting point is 00:08:33 it's great. You brought it back to Russia with Polonium, but did you do drugs with Chris Christie? No, Chris, in fact,
Starting point is 00:08:38 I'm going to give you how good a guy Chris was. So Todd and I, Todd, his brother and I would like, we were like sneaking beers
Starting point is 00:08:43 out of like, there's a Chinese restaurant in Livingston, New Jersey. Like, you could be like 13 and you could buy beer out the back. And so we're doing that and he caught us. And a vuncular Chris like took us under. He goes, you guys are, you know, you're good students. You don't want to throw your life away this way. He was like the class president.
Starting point is 00:08:59 I mean, he was legitimately, I swear, a decent guy. Chris Christie like really helped you. He did help me. We don't know where you would be but for Chris Christie. Absolutely. Chris Christie saved your life. He absolutely did. You were falling in with a bad crowd.
Starting point is 00:09:11 You were making mistakes. I need to show you my marrow. Hold on. This is Chris's. So that's Devin Nunes. He's figuring things out as he goes. But there's another half to this story which is the fact that michael flynn former national security advisor briefly national
Starting point is 00:09:31 security advisor uh said that he would like immunity in exchange for his testimony and his lawyer to put it not to put too fine a point on it put a statement out saying michael flynn he's got quite a story to tell um which is a little desperate um so once again Tommy I just want to turn to you and just like can you just help us understand what's happening here yes so General Flynn who was Trump's national security advisor for like 23 days less than a month resigned in disgrace because he lied to the vice president about his contacts with the Russian ambassador I just want to pause and say that I got in a fight with a conservative commentator named Hugh Hewitt
Starting point is 00:10:06 about this very issue. And while when I went on his show, I did not do a good job making my case because I was on his turf and frankly, I was a little underprepared. I may have lost that battle, but I did win the war. You did win the war.
Starting point is 00:10:19 Go on. Apparently, General Flynn went to the committee and said, I want immunity to testify about contacts with Russians and the campaign and everything else. Now, any lawyer worth his or her salt would say this is what you do. You get immunity. You cut a deal. But these investigations in Iran-Contra, some of the things Ali Noor said, the committees later screwed up DOJ's effort to prosecute him. So this time around, DOJ is not saying anything.
Starting point is 00:10:44 The committee is sort of rejecting this outright and saying we're not ready to discuss immunity. And, you know, it's a question of what he's seeking immunity for. What wrongdoing could there be? Could it also be that they have enough dirt on him? Like, can they get them all? I mean, is that a possibility that, like, they want it? I mean, obviously, if they could get to the pig in chief,
Starting point is 00:11:03 they would get to that. Yeah, you go to the level below to flip to get the chief. Yeah. We all saw The Sopranos. And that's where 100% of my understanding of this comes from. Me too. But it is fascinating not only that Flynn is seeking immunity, but that he's publicly seeking immunity, which could mean that he's screwed but isn't really quite sure how screwed Trump is and how much information he has.
Starting point is 00:11:28 But the good news is Donald Trump had an opinion, actually, on what it means when somebody seeks immunity. And I think we might have a clip. His lawyer says Mike Flynn's discussing answering questions from the House and Senate Intelligence Committees in return for getting immunity from unfair prosecution. The President just tweeted about this very thing. He said, I'll read it to you, Mike Flynn should ask for immunity in that this is a witch hunt.
Starting point is 00:11:53 When you are given immunity, that means that you've probably committed a crime. And if you're not guilty of a crime, what do you need immunity for, Brian? Oh my God, he's so hot, right? immunity for, right? Oh my god, he's so hot, right? So, I guess my question would be, it looks bad. We all kind of want it to be bad. But the reason Donald Trump was saying this is
Starting point is 00:12:18 that they were in a campaign against Hillary Clinton. Several members of Hillary Clinton's campaign and former staff either pleaded the Fifth or sought immunity before they testified. That didn't result't result in any charges did result in a great letter from James Comey which unleashed a great president unleashed a national nightmare we're currently living through while he was investigating Donald Trump at that time which he did not tell us about again very cool thanks a lot by way, I want to say that I personally appreciated James Comey's remarks
Starting point is 00:12:48 today on the importance of remaining nonpartisan at the FBI. It really just means a lot to hear that coming from him, given that he fucked us. Where was I? So I guess the question is we want this to mean
Starting point is 00:13:03 that the kind of you know we're circling Donald Trump we're circling some kind of evidence but the truth is we just genuinely don't know right we don't know how bad this is for Donald Trump yeah we don't know and most of the time investigations like this what gets you is not some giant cover up of a grand conspiracy it's the fact that you
Starting point is 00:13:21 lied about it but they fired him I mean that's the thing that gives me hope that this is going to end and i'm sorry to dwell on it in a p-tape because that's going to be the satisfying thing because that's your goal that's your golden idol that would be my my oscar which i don't know uh, but the excuse they gave for firing him, that he lied to the vice president, that just doesn't... In this, with this crew of people, I don't know. Donald Trump lies to the vice president every single day.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Yeah, and I mean, and Mike Pence is lying to himself, I think. Catch my drift. I did. I caught it. You know what I'm saying. I've been told I'm supposed to frown upon that. No, my gay daughter
Starting point is 00:14:07 tells me I can't call Mike Pence gay. Why does she say that? She says it's like, because that's like the thing they say, like, you know, closeted gay people
Starting point is 00:14:14 are dangerous, and like, so it trickles down. That's so, she got really militant on me. But fuck. But fuck her. She has a straight twin.
Starting point is 00:14:29 Oh, that's so interesting. I'm very'm modern family i'm just i'm i'm kidding both the twins are gay i hate them both let's move on to climate change which is uh uh very in right now um Okay, so I wanted to start this conversation because I've got a little bee in my bonnet. You're so cute. On December 1st, 2016, Politico ran a story called Ivanka Trump Climate Czar, that she would use her platform as the ostensible first lady
Starting point is 00:14:58 of the United States to make this one of her signature issues. And at the time I said, I believe this is bullshit, and now it is time to settle accounts it was bullshit the Department of Energy under Rick Perry who is a stupid person you might have heard of he had the word climate change banned at the office of climate change which sucks cuz now nobody can find it no and then then the Department of Climate Change, which sucks because now nobody can find it. No, and then the Department of Energy actually denied that they banned it,
Starting point is 00:15:28 but didn't deny that they strongly discouraged the use of the phrase. So they can't talk about climate change at the Climate Change Office. More importantly, Donald Trump signed an executive order rolling back Obama-era rules about the climate. And I just wanted to run through a couple of what those rules were because, you know,
Starting point is 00:15:44 we inform, we entertain, and we inspire action here at Crooked Media. Brad Plummer at Vox, who did not pay for this, but from whom I did steal all of this information, wrote a very good summary of what this does. And I just wanted to quickly run through it. It rolls back the clean power plant, which was supposed to cut emissions to 32%. It revises the carbon standards for coal plants to make it easier to build them, even though economic forces are the reason we're not using coal. Cheap natural gas, cheaper renewables.
Starting point is 00:16:14 But they want to blame the government, and so they're going to make it easier to build coal plants. Not clear that that will have any impact, except making it easier to build coal plants. They're going to revise regulations on methane from oil and gas drilling, which is very dangerous and a gift to polluters. And this is an important one. They're going to lower the social cost of carbon. And what that means is, how many of you guys know what that is? Anybody?
Starting point is 00:16:36 I've got one in the front. You're studying. You're doing great. What that means is when we make regulations, we try to account for what those regulations will do. And the Obama administration said carbon dioxide causes floods. It causes wildfires. What that means is when we make regulations, we try to account for what those regulations will do. And the Obama administration said carbon dioxide causes floods. It causes wildfires.
Starting point is 00:16:49 It causes real problems. And those have a cost and we all pay them together. And the Obama administration said if you want to put out carbon pollution, we should account for that when we're making regulations. And the Trump administration said no thank you. You're all fucked. And finally they're going to lift a moratorium on coal leasing of federal lands, which is just terrific. Here's the thing. Gallup poll. 66% of
Starting point is 00:17:13 Democrats say climate change is a big deal to them, but only 18% of Republicans say the same. This issue has gotten more partisan. People who believe climate change is a threat has actually gone down. That's terrifying. And I I guess my question I wanted to put it to Danny and Darcy which is how do we make people care about this how do we change the way we talk about it to make this feel more real for people we'd rehearse this so you start
Starting point is 00:17:36 and the reason I want to ask now is because it's about messaging and getting it out there and just to the normal people how do we yeah I mean this is the fact that I bring do we... Yeah. I mean... This is the fact that I bring up a lot with people. I have relatives
Starting point is 00:17:47 who are... Name them. And this is not an exaggeration, not smart on this because they've been listening to Fox News
Starting point is 00:17:56 and, you know, you have to just remember like there's the whole portion of that country who's been fed that this isn't real. But the fact I always tell them
Starting point is 00:18:04 at dinner parties when I'm like when they say you know pass the salt and I say you voted for Trump who called me an asshole you fucking bitch. I didn't say that. But I say like in the entire
Starting point is 00:18:19 civilized world there's only one group of people who believe it's a hoax and it's American Republican Party. That's it. Like, the conservatives in Germany and France, the conservative parties in Australia, they all accept it. Like, I don't know, I guess it's,
Starting point is 00:18:36 I don't know, maybe this is just the mean person in me, but I think we have to marginalize those people. I think you have to make this feel like it's flat earth and it's stupid, and call it out, and not, and I think CNN and MSNBC and all of legitimate news things, you can't put on that panel a guy who says climate change is real and then put another person on there who says it's not real because that doesn't make sense. There's no equity in that. Yeah, that's my feeling.
Starting point is 00:19:08 My husband and I, we just say, we say, turn to dust. Which is, that's not helpful at all, but that's, I mean, it's like, yeah, how do you convince somebody that is convinced? You know, China has taken over solar. I mean, we could be, Obama tried to do this for, let me explain what Obama tried to do to you guys. No, please. We barely made sense. I watched him try to do this over eight years where it's like,
Starting point is 00:19:28 let's make these green energy jobs. And he was fought at every turn. You guys, do you remember Obama? Oh my God. It actually hurts my heart. It is so crazy how different the president is now. How is it? I keep thinking about
Starting point is 00:19:43 in 50 years when our kids, grandkids, they'll be like, wait, Trump came after Obama? Like right after? There's no way. Right,
Starting point is 00:19:52 it feels like it was a hundred years before. That's one of those things. It's like a friend overcorrecting on a relationship so she's with a really buttoned down guy and then the next thing
Starting point is 00:20:00 she's with a DJ. You know, it's like that's what America does. Trump is our DJ president. she's with a DJ. It's like, that's what America does. Trump is our DJ president. He's our dumb DJ. There was a really... He only plays three doors down.
Starting point is 00:20:15 Thank you. There's no bowing in podcasts. She's in UCB, so she said that was really good. I was like, get off the stage now. That's as good as you can get. Our final topic this week is, to me, the most enjoyable topic, which is
Starting point is 00:20:35 what happens when a gang that doesn't shoot straight gets into a circular firing squad? So two things happened in just the past day or two. Trump, in a tweet, attacked both the Freedom Caucus and Democrats,
Starting point is 00:20:50 saying he's going to run against both of them in 2018. Bob Corker, a senator from Tennessee, attacked Paul Ryan for saying that Democrats shouldn't work with Republicans. It's very exciting. All the
Starting point is 00:21:05 recriminations in the aftermath of this failed health care bill. Donald Trump is lashing out. That is his style. I guess the question I have is, will they ever pass anything ever again? Ever again. You know, I tweeted at Rich Lowry, who is a conservative, and I wondered, the only thing keeping Trump's approval ratings up is the fact that every Republican likes him. If he starts really going at these Freedom Caucus guys, will that not hurt him in the long run? His response was, if it was a real effort to fight this battle, maybe it will hurt him. But I don't know what he's going to pass.
Starting point is 00:21:36 I just want to say that I applaud you for having a colloquy that's dignified and not acrimonious with someone with whom you disagree. Every good story starts with, I tweeted at. Donald Trump gets graded on a curve at every step along the way. You know who's a pain in the ass? Liberals. And you know who fucking whipped them into line? Nancy Pelosi.
Starting point is 00:21:57 So get it together, Paul Ryan. Get it together, Donald Trump, and pass something. Can you imagine Paul Ryan getting it together? No. No. You know, even Paul Ryan had to admit this this week. You know, he has spent eight years in the stands like calling balls and strikes and saying,
Starting point is 00:22:12 here's what I would do. Oh, I'm so smart. Here's my crazy budget. And the numbers don't add up, but they don't have to. I'm Paul Ryan and I get good press. And then he gets called to the big game the first time and he picks up the ball and he's like, I'm going to throw such a strike. People are going to be like, that's awesome. And then he throws the to the big game the first time, and he picks up the ball, and he's like, I'm going to throw such a strike.
Starting point is 00:22:26 People are going to be like, that's awesome. And then he throws the ball, and he hits an old woman in the stands, and she died. That woman died. She died in front of all of us. We saw her die. And then all the people that said he was the best pitcher in the world were like, let's give him another ball.
Starting point is 00:22:43 Let's see what he does next time. That was your first successful sports metaphor. Can we get a round of applause for that? Love it. That was really good. Love it? I love it. And that's what a week.
Starting point is 00:22:53 Wow. When we come back, a little segment we're calling, Okay, Stop. And we're back. Now for a segment we're calling Okay Stop or Okay Stop. In this segment, we're going to watch a clip from the news and we're going to stop it when we want
Starting point is 00:23:14 because it's enraging and we're going to break it down. It was previously called Play by Play, but people thought that that was not a good name. And we're in beta. We're working out the kinks. This is OK Stop. OK Stop. Do you remember when Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:23:28 asked her at a press conference to set up a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus for him? Because she was the only black person he'd met that day. And I want to pause and say, this is April Ryan. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:23:38 This is a podcast. From the American Urban Radio Network. And she's talking to Sean Spicer in the briefing room. I also just, while we're stopped, I don't think enough has been said. It's not the most important thing, and it's not particularly political, but Sean Spicer
Starting point is 00:23:52 has an incredibly deep philtrum. There's a shadow under it. What's a philtrum? Do you know what a philtrum is? No. Okay, Danny's pointing under his nose. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It's like a butt. I'm just saying, Danny's pointing under his nose. Oh, yeah. This is like, it's like a butt. I'm just saying, that's all. Here's the problem. First of all, never noticed that. Second of all, now we'll always notice that. Forever. Yeah, yeah. So let's roll the clip.
Starting point is 00:24:21 It's April Ryan in the White House briefing room talking to Sean Spicer. You've got Russian, you've got wiretapping, you've got... No, we don't have that. I don't. No, no, I get it, but you keep... I've said it from the day that I got here until whatever...
Starting point is 00:24:38 Okay, stop. There is nothing worse than being condescended to by your intellectual inferior. I just want to say that. There is nothing worse than being condescended to by your intellectual inferior. I just want to say that. There is absolutely. When my daughter would be like, I'd be explaining why you can't run into the street. And she'd be like, Dad. No, you don't get to condescend to me.
Starting point is 00:24:58 You were shitting yourself a year ago. Yeah, look at her face. Look, Russia. If the president puts Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that's how Russia can come out. Yeah, look at her face. Look, Russia. If the president puts Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that's how Russian came out. Okay, stop. Okay, stop. He prepared that joke. It was written ahead of time for sure, not by him. Somebody else wrote it and he read it and he was like, that's the one. It was, he was so proud of it. Yeah. He brought it out way too early. Yeah. He was super hungry to deliver his Russian salad dressing line.
Starting point is 00:25:26 But also, by the way, why salad? Let's use as few words as possible. We know this from Twitter comedy. You could just say Russian dressing. There's so much wrong with the joke. Yeah, because you never have seen Trump eat a salad in his fucking life. It's also the worst dressing. You guys, I think Russian dressing is more see-through.
Starting point is 00:25:44 I just hate when Republicans make jokes. I hate when we make jokes too but that fuck have you been following Mike Huckabee okay sorry but the Mike Huckabee feed is now it's really bad is that him or is that someone right I mean it's so I think it might be one of his sons I think it might be one of his unemployable sons I totally know which son. But every single person... No, I... Well, no, that's... I appreciate your agenda here,
Starting point is 00:26:08 but the reality is... Oh, no, no, hold on. Okay, okay, stop. He is more Melissa McCarthy in this clip than Melissa McCarthy is. Do you know what I mean? I do. I think that Melissa McCarthy has gotten in his head,
Starting point is 00:26:21 and now he's like... It's kind of like, don't think of a blue car. Yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly, exactly. And then all he he's like, it's kind of like, don't think of a blue car. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly, exactly. And then all he's up there and he's just like, just don't be like that woman who dresses like me.
Starting point is 00:26:30 And don't get all mad. And then he's mad and it's happening. At some point, report the facts. The facts are that every single person who has been briefed
Starting point is 00:26:38 on this subject has come away with the same conclusion. Republican, Democrat, so I'm sorry. Okay, stop. I really like that moment because he doesn't say what
Starting point is 00:26:47 the conclusion is because none of that is true. He doesn't come to the same conclusion. This is very serious and we need to get to the bottom of it because there may have been collusion. That's the only thing that you could say after that. You're shaking your head. I appreciate it. But understand
Starting point is 00:27:03 this, that at some point, the facts are what they are. And every single person who has been briefed on this situation with respect to the situation with Russia, Republican, Democrat. Okay, stop. Do you think that he ever had lips at one point, like maybe when he was younger? He looks like he's been outside for hours. I'm a appointee. Career. like he's been outside for hours. I'm a pointy career. Have all come to the same conclusion. At some point, April,
Starting point is 00:27:30 you're going to have to take no for an answer with respect to whether or not there was collusion. Okay, stop. We didn't even say it and he knew. You knew it was time to stop. None of what Sean is saying is true, right? And it's just so incredible to be so self-righteous when you're not telling the truth
Starting point is 00:27:46 it's like it's like saying how could you be mad at me for being late my car broke down i've been sick for a week my dog died my aunt died and you're gonna come at me for being late to school does do you guys do you guys think that he believes everything i mean like has he convinced himself or does he like go off stage and throw up or what happens? I think when you tell yourself a lie that long, you internalize it
Starting point is 00:28:10 and you start to believe it. That's kind of all of it. I've worked on shitty shows and in order to get through a shitty show, you can't think it's a shitty show because you've still got to be
Starting point is 00:28:16 the little midnight writing jokes for a shitty show and you've just got to convince yourself it's good and I always wonder with these guys, are they just,
Starting point is 00:28:24 does he know he's like on like the worst possible show? I was gonna name three shows. Don't do it. I'm not naming any shows. But you can. I still have a career. Love it or leave it.
Starting point is 00:28:43 Now we're getting somewhere. I thought 60 Under Penn was kind of funny but whatever you know no accounting for taste it's a cult classic the only difference look
Starting point is 00:28:53 cult classics are beloved by critics but don't find an audience the only difference between 1600 Penn and a cult classic is the critics didn't like it
Starting point is 00:29:00 that's a point I'll make over and over and I'll just say this for the podcast listeners. John is crying a lot right now. There's tears streaming down his face. One of the first things, for some reason, I actually never did this in a vain way,
Starting point is 00:29:14 but what would come up when you would Google me was that I worked on Stacked with Pamela Anderson. So, I know, you know, 1600 Penn was a great show. My show, I've... Compared to Stacked. No, compared to a lot of show. My show, I've... Compared to stat. No, compared to a lot of shows. I thought it was good.
Starting point is 00:29:28 That's the end of the video. Great, no, that was... And that's a segment we're calling Okay, Stop. Yay, love it. Love it. Love it. And now for a segment we're calling
Starting point is 00:29:42 There's like just so much going on. Okay. There's an issue that hasn't been getting a lot of attention because as always, we're dealing with a world historic investigation into the president plus a bunch of crazy shit going on in Congress. So I want to know how many of you guys know about this issue, which is the fact that the Congress is voting to make it harder for people to save for retirement. Does anyone here know about that? You emailed me a link. Yeah, I only know because you told me. Me too.
Starting point is 00:30:13 Nobody knows about it. Nobody knows about it. All right. So let's talk about it really quick. So here's the deal. Obama wrote a rule, and the rule said states and cities can create retirement programs for people whose companies don't have retirement programs. Already 12 million people are saving for retirement using those programs.
Starting point is 00:30:34 The Senate voted this week by 50 to 49, okay, only passed by one vote, to undo those rules for cities. This is really important. And the reason it's important is that the only people who want to see this rule reversed are the financial industry, the Chamber of Commerce. Employers like it because it's a cheaper way to let their employees save for retirement. Employees like it because everybody needs to save for retirement. Cities that have been considered doing this, like big cities have considered doing this, like New York City. And if this rule is undone, cities and states won't know if they're allowed because the law is complicated.
Starting point is 00:31:04 We don't have to get into it. But basically, this is going to make it much harder for people to save for retirement. Here's why this is important and why I'm bringing this up. They've already voted to undo this for cities. Next week, they may vote in the Senate to make the same rule change for states. And if that happens, the five states that have already done this, plus the dozens of other states that are already considering it, might not be able to let tens of millions of people use this program to save for retirement.
Starting point is 00:31:31 And it's really important. It's going to be a super close vote, and there are several senators who you should contact. How many people here have been contacting senators and congressmen for the first time in their lives? It's me. How many people are being honest? Yay, everybody.
Starting point is 00:31:46 I feel very good about that. Yeah, I think everybody does it. I feel very good about that. So I wanted to run through this. So here are the senators that people need to call. They are Bob Corker of Tennessee, Steve Daines of Montana, Dean Heller of Nevada, John Nevada. I mean, we knew.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Not Nevada. I'm not some coastal elite who says nevada i'm a down home johnny lunch pail and i say nevada uh also john mccain and jeff flake of arizona um this is something that people can actually stop it really is unclear whether it's going to pass and when people you know look people are talking. They're like, Donald Trump's tweets are a distraction from... This is actually one of those things. This is genuinely a distraction. Republicans would love to pass this as a gift to the Chamber of Commerce and the financial service industry who are really against this. And we can actually stop it because hundreds of people could call in the next few days and actually change some votes because this is one of those small issues
Starting point is 00:32:42 that a committed group of people speaking out about can make a difference. So I want to encourage everybody listening and everybody here to make a call. Let's do it. If you're clapping, that means you're going to do it. I love it. I love it. We're all going to call. Love it. Will you link it on the podcast? We're going to link it.
Starting point is 00:32:59 I'm going to tweet a link. Link below, guys. Tweet a link. Go. So everybody get involved. We can stop this bill uh and that's there's so much going on when we come back a new segment we're calling too stupid to be true uh but first a word from our president donald trump i want to thank your entire leadership team including your national president chuck canterbury. It's always live for me.
Starting point is 00:33:27 You know, unfortunately, other guys say, make a speech, nobody cares. With me, everything's live. One mistake, and it's no good. But we just can't make mistakes, right? So we don't make mistakes. Go ahead, Ken. Chuck Canterbury, the national president. Terrific.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Now for a segment we're calling Too Stupid to be True. Let me tell you about this segment. We have found one clip of a pundit saying something absurd. We have also written two things that are too stupid to be true. Each of our guests today will read one to us. And then it will be up to an audience member, one of you lucky audience members, to decide. And then we will play the clip and you will find out if you were right or wrong. Do we have a mic in the house?
Starting point is 00:34:22 Who wants to do this? Raise a hand. I guess we're doing this. Yay! Can up sure can you guys applaud for lauren so i've learned now that your name is lauren yes um thank you for coming thank you for having me um what is that is that an accent no i'm from los angeles is that an accent did anybody else hear british for one second man i don't i don't hear accents everybody's people lauren what brings you here where are you from from los angeles that's to sound seamless. So Tommy, Darcy, and Danny are going to read to you a quote that may or may not be something a pundit said this week. It will be up to you to decide which one you think is true.
Starting point is 00:35:15 Are you ready? I'm ready. Tommy. In defending Flynn after hearing that he once said seeking immunity was the same as admitting guilt, quote, maybe he didn't understand how immunity worked at this point. Oh, that seems stupid. It's very stupid.
Starting point is 00:35:29 It's very stupid. How do you feel about that? Pretty stupid. But I'm not ready to make my choice yet. Okay, okay, okay. Darcy, Darcy, you're up. Hi, Lauren. Hi.
Starting point is 00:35:40 All right. On whether it's important to investigate whether there is collusion between Russia and the White House. If we're going to start going down this road, is Adam Schiff colluding with Nancy Pelosi? They're putting out statements on the same day, on the same subject. Oh, man.
Starting point is 00:36:02 So equating talking to a member of Congress who is allowed to know everything that you know versus colluding with the White House on the investigation you're doing of the White House. It's pretty stupid. Also quite stupid. Thanks, Lauren. Danny, you're up.
Starting point is 00:36:19 In response to anger over Bill O'Reilly's racist comments about Representative Maxine Waters, quote, What I don't like is the left always runs and clutches, Oh, I'm a woman, don't say anything bad about me. It seems it's always that card that is played. But it is okay to call the President of the United States orange and redhead. End quote.
Starting point is 00:36:43 So equating sexism and racism to skin tone and hairhead. End quote. So equating sexism and racism to skin tone and hair color. That is 100% true. So you think that Danny's is true. You think that is true? I think that was probably sad. That's your vote. Audience, would you agree?
Starting point is 00:36:57 No. Oh, wow. Guys. Thank you. Guys, here's the best part. It's a trick question. A trick? They're all true. No way!
Starting point is 00:37:09 Everybody has to drink. I never thought this was true. I heard that. I heard hers. Yeah, you all heard one of them and you thought that must be the true one. But guess what? You're not paying enough attention. They're all fucking true. Let's roll the clip.
Starting point is 00:37:23 I gotta see this. The question is, if we're going to start going down this road, is Adam Schiff colluding with Nancy Pelosi? They're putting out statements on the same day, on the same subject. But Jeffrey, that committee is not investigating Nancy Pelosi. They are investigating
Starting point is 00:37:38 people who were associated with the Trump campaign. What I don't like is the left always runs and clutches, oh I'm a woman, don't say anything bad about me, or I belong to a certain race. It seems like it's always that card that's played, but it's okay to call the president of the United States orange and redhead. Michael Flynn also said about Clinton associates, if you gotta ask for immunity, chances are
Starting point is 00:38:07 you did something wrong and you're guilty. Now he's in this boat. Maybe he didn't understand how immunity worked at that point. For everybody listening at home, you should go find this clip of Kayleigh McEnany on CNN because the other panelist rolls her eyes she rolls her eyes so hard
Starting point is 00:38:26 that I do believe she passed away. I want you guys to know. I'm also tired of all these people calling Trump redhead. Oh, yeah. Don't stop. It's more of an hombre. You guys know what I'm talking about.
Starting point is 00:38:39 That was good. Yeah. That's a gay thing that I know. I know gay things. I want you guys to know. Great. I want you guys to know that we're going to do this segment again. And one of them will be true and two of them will be made up.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Because we will not lie to you again. So you're lucky. You got to be here for the one time we did it this way. Because I got to say, this feels like a permanent segment. We're going to do this every week. That's great. Up is triangle. And that's a segment
Starting point is 00:39:07 we're calling Too Stupid to be True. And when we come back, the rant wheel. Ooh. John reads the ads. John, you have anything to add? No, I'm enjoying the breaks.
Starting point is 00:39:25 I think the breaks add a live feeling that makes it worth coming. And they'll tell their friends, it's cool, there's stuff that happens that you won't hear. Much like the real show, the commercials are better than the conversation. Tommy, that's not the vibe.
Starting point is 00:39:40 And you will not be back. Wow, love it or leave it. Love it. Is my show. My rules. And not be back. Love it or leave it is my show. My rules. And we're back! Now for a segment we call the rant wheel. The rant wheel has several topics from politics and culture
Starting point is 00:39:56 in the news. One note we got was, explain the rant wheel. We're listening. It's in audio format. Here are the topics we have. we have resist enlist persist enlist i misread it it's a hillary clinton quote it's stupid uh we have you know what you guys one uh non-republican criticism no laughter you're a bunch of hacks jared kushner s town the new podcast that's competing with Crooked Media
Starting point is 00:40:26 Big Little Lies again S-Town the final four Pence's Rules About His Marriage and again S-Town I just wanted to know that we might land on S-Town so we're going to spin the wheel
Starting point is 00:40:42 and wherever it lands we're going to rant about it it's that simple Jesse let to spin the wheel, and wherever it lands, we're going to rant about it. It's that simple. Jesse, let's roll the wheel. It has landed on Jared Kushner. The Kush. This fucking guy. Your dad spends $2 million, and it gets you into Harvard.
Starting point is 00:41:07 You meet Ivanka Trump and you get married. You buy the Observer with the money you inherited. You start a real estate company. It doesn't do that well with the money that you inherited. Donald Trump, your father-in-law, says, come work at the White House. I think I'd say yes to that. I think that's something that I'd say yes to.
Starting point is 00:41:22 That's a cool opportunity, right? You get to work at the White House. But then Donald Trump pulls you aside and he says, I'd like you to be in charge of Middle East peace, reorganizing the government, criminal justice reform. I want you to do all three. And you say to him, yes. Why don't you say to him, I should not do this, dad. Can I call you dad? Is that where we're at? Because I'm not qualified. Because i'm a guy that bought a building on fifth avenue and couldn't make it work i'm a mild-mannered handsome person that's why i'm here there are a lot of mild-mannered handsome people who should not be in charge of the government. Any additions? I fucking can't stand it.
Starting point is 00:42:06 It's unbelievable. Rant, rant, rant, rant. Go with this. And every picture of Jared Kushner, he looks like he feels bad. You see him, he looks like he's like, I know I shouldn't be here. It's so important.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Criminal justice reform is so important. And we have a guy who doesn't know anything about it in charge donald trump said if there's one person we should put in charge of middle east peace it's jared kushner and as far as i can tell the only qualification is that donald trump remembers that jared kushner is jewish and i have to tell you, like, I'm Jewish. I think Danny's Jewish. I resent that, but yes, it's true. And we should not be in charge of Middle East peace.
Starting point is 00:42:53 Oh, God, no. And honestly, Tommy looks like a boat shoe became a person. He's the waspiest thing I've ever seen. They based many of the characters in Sound of Music on his face. And I would trust him with this issue long before I trusted me with it. Thank you. So, and that's that. That's Jared Kushner.
Starting point is 00:43:20 Love it. Good one. Love it. Love it. Let's roll it again. That was a tour de force, man. Started off as slam poetry. That was really good.
Starting point is 00:43:34 Yay. You guys want me to take this one? Yeah, please. No, just let him go, man. Rant. Rant. Rant. Rant. Why are there so many conservatives who just let him go man rant rant rant rant why are there so many conservatives
Starting point is 00:43:49 who believe that if they get dinner with a person of the opposite sex that person will not be able to not have sex with them so I don't know if you guys follow this so Mike Pence had this rule which says A I don't drink alcohol outside of the presence of my wife and I won't eat dinner
Starting point is 00:44:04 with a woman who is not my wife one-on-one. And there's a whole group of people who are like, I don't see what's wrong with that, because there's a whole group of people who forgot that women can have jobs now. And you know what? And then there's the whole conservative people who are like, this is the problem with those liberals. They don't respect the institution of marriage.
Starting point is 00:44:26 If I take my marriage seriously and I don't get drunk with somebody of the opposite sex, they're going to criticize me for being some kind of a prude. If women and men cannot get dinner together by themselves because they're going to fuck 100% of the time, women aren't going to be able to get jobs and stuff. Danny. I'm living proof that this doesn't happen. I actively try to make this happen. I was going to throw out some
Starting point is 00:44:59 dinner invites tonight, but I'm going to come up dry. I feel like comedy, Darcy, Danny, you're both in comedy. Yeah. Darcy more so. Oh,
Starting point is 00:45:08 thank you so much. God damn it. That's the dynamic we're going for. I love this. It's kind of a hostile thing, but it's like backstage, we are friends. Zook it or Luke.
Starting point is 00:45:16 No, I don't know. But, comedy is traditionally dominated by men, and men who hire their friends. Right. Yes. And,
Starting point is 00:45:24 if men, that's's it it's just really frustrating it's it's sad it's like it's a sad thing to think about because what it means is that he doesn't consider women equal i mean we already knew that right 100 because of everything that he's done up till now but it just means he, the thought of going to dinner with a woman, the only possibility is that he couldn't, what, control his boner, his huge boner? That's right.
Starting point is 00:45:52 How could she control herself around said boner? Which I love even more, that she would just throw herself at him. It's just, it's such a, it's so sad. It's so old fashioned. It makes me like bummed. It makes me bummed. It makes me truly, truly bummed
Starting point is 00:46:06 that that's still a way that not just he would think, but so many people that were sticking up for him. I get an alcoholic not going to a bar, but what dark forces live inside you that you can't sit down with a woman? Fuck that, man. And I think we understand his career as a result.
Starting point is 00:46:24 Yes, here we are. Let's roll the wheel again. That was good. We all want S-Town. Make a little line. Okay. Get him. It was S-Town.
Starting point is 00:46:40 Who do these serial people think they are? Okay, so I have a couple comments. First of all, I'm going to listen to the whole thing. Second, I specifically want to talk about this new habit that all these kind of cool media people... Wiggle. I'm wiggling. I'm wiggling.
Starting point is 00:46:59 Oh, we don't release it one week at a time. We release it all at once so you can enjoy it at your timetable, so you can binge it, right? Netflix is like, Orange is the New Black. You can watch it all at once. That's some great fucking thing. You know what? I watched an entire season of Orange is the New Black.
Starting point is 00:47:16 I watched it really quickly because it's so good. Do you know what I remember it being about? A woman in jail. I retained nothing else. about a woman in jail. I retained nothing else. And now S-Town is dominating the iTunes charts. It has pushed Love It or Leave It into the doldrums.
Starting point is 00:47:36 You go to the top episodes, and it's like, number one, episode one, S-Town. Number two, episode two, S-Town. And you have to go so far down till you find Pod Save America reminder a juggernaut to find Pod Save the World
Starting point is 00:47:48 also a juggernaut to find with friends like these another hit from your friends at Crooked Media and most importantly not to bring it up again
Starting point is 00:47:57 but a show called Love It or Leave It a juggernaut? so fuck you S-Town fuck you for deciding to come out the week that I do this fun small thing
Starting point is 00:48:08 and I don't they spent like six months working on it we threw this shit together hard to believe and I'm peeking at number two on the iTunes chart and it's just infuriating
Starting point is 00:48:17 he's crying again I know listeners at home they can't see it but I am crying again there's tears of blood coming out of his eyes. You know what? I'm done. I'm sad about it.
Starting point is 00:48:31 That's the rant wheel. Woo! But don't forget to listen to S-Town. It's probably fantastic. I mean, we're all gonna listen to S-Town fuck I hate to see him like this next week on
Starting point is 00:48:51 Love It or Leave It we talk to Jared Kushner about his efforts to personally rewrite NAFTA after he finds out what's in it thank you guys for coming love it or leave it I need the song Jesse Thank you guys for coming. Yay!
Starting point is 00:49:07 Love it or leave it. I need the song, Jesse. There it is. Thank you guys so much for coming to episode two of Love It or Leave It. We all had a great time. All right, good night, guys. Oh, let me thank my guests.
Starting point is 00:49:21 I have to thank my guests, Tommy Vitor, Darcy Carden, Danny Zucker. What a night. All right. Bye, guys. .

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