Lovett or Leave It - Runnin' Down a Dreamer

Episode Date: October 10, 2017

Bonus ep! Rob Huebel, Taz Ahmed, and Felix Biederman join Jon at LA Podfest to talk Trump's revised travel ban, immigration, and DOJ's trans ruling. Plus a dramatic reading by Rob and "Too Stupid to b...e True" on birth control. Good.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey guys. How are you doing? November 3rd, Love It or Leave It will be at the Anthem in Washington, D.C. There are still some tickets for that. And we have tickets left for the second show at the Beacon in New York City on Saturday, November 11th. End of housekeeping. We have a great show. I want to bring up our panel to start breaking down the news. She is an activist, storyteller, and co-host of the podcast Good Muslim, Bad Muslim.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Please welcome Taz Ahmed. He is the star of the upcoming new YouTube Red series Do You Want to See a Dead Body and co-star in Amazon's Transparent. Please welcome Rob Hubel. And he is the co-host of Chapo Trap House. please welcome Felix Biederman. Let's get into it. I guess I should say, what a week. Donald Trump this morning, again, Saturday, right before or after his threat of thermonuclear war,
Starting point is 00:01:19 said, I called Chuck Schumer yesterday to see if the Dems want to do a great health care bill. Obamacare is badly broken. Big premiums. Who knows? So I love the who knows. We should start with the who knows because it's fantastic because it's like crazier things have happened. You know, he's like, he's
Starting point is 00:01:40 in on the story. He's telling a story. Taz, do you know? Do I know who knows? I don't know who knows. He's telling a story. Taz, do you know? Do I know who knows? I don't know who knows. He definitely doesn't know. And I read an article that Schumer also doesn't know. So who knows? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Who knows? Yeah, it goes to the heart of Donald Trump. Deals are my art form. Because on the one hand, he is sabotaging Obamacare. We're going to talk about birth control and what they're doing a little later in the show, but even beyond this most recent decision to allow companies to not cover birth control, they've been trying to sabotage the exchanges.
Starting point is 00:02:19 They've been blocking states in their ability to make changes. They're shortening the enrollment period. They're taking down at key moments when people could sign up for insurance. They're not allowing as much advertising. I mean, he is trying to destroy this law. And that, I suppose there was some logic to it
Starting point is 00:02:37 when he was trying to make things worse to pass a conservative bill. But now that's failed. And so, but he still only has the one move, which is shooting the hostage. You know, and it's like, the hostage is on the ground.
Starting point is 00:02:55 I'm, you know, I don't know how to finish the analogy. But so, John, So, John, what is the point of that, though? Like, why even pretend that there will be a coming together? Like, is it just to fuck with people? Is it just to drag this out so that people might get up hope?
Starting point is 00:03:14 That's not going to happen, right? There doesn't seem to be a strategy to it, right? Because it really feels very impulsive. He's frustrated with the Republicans. He's maybe sending a message to Mitch McConnell. He thought it would be something fun. He liked the press he got around Schumer and DACA. They're still having conversations.
Starting point is 00:03:33 This was born of Trump calling Schumer to talk about this. The fact that, on the other hand, he is also actively undermining Obamacare, I don't think there needs to be a connection. There doesn't need to be a plan. There's, there's all this talk about how Kelly as chief of staff has been reining Trump in, right? But he can't at night and he can't in the mornings and all the rest. Like, you know, Trump is being Trump. He picked up the phone and called HHS to stop them from fixing something in Iowa, while then immediately calling Chuck Schumer to talk about trying to
Starting point is 00:04:03 fix Obamacare. And these things are opposed. One of the things Chuck Schumer would surely demand of Trump is that they stop their efforts to sabotage Obamacare and take things in the opposite direction. So, you know, it's just messing with people. And beyond that, I don't know. I want to move on to another topic, which is Muslim Ban 3.0, which is coming. It's going to be implemented on October 18th. They added new countries, Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela. Sudan was removed from the list. Presumably this was about
Starting point is 00:04:34 getting over the hump of claiming so that they could claim that it wasn't directed at Muslims. North Korea is there, so it's not Muslim anymore. Taz, you host a podcast called Good Muslim, Bad Muslim. I don't know which. I know you have a co-host. I don't know if you're the good one or the bad one.
Starting point is 00:04:51 We are both both. Oh my god. Who's more bad? Nuance. But I know this has been on your mind, and you're doing organizing around it. What's the state of this right now, and what do you think people need to know? What was supposed to happen was the Supreme Court was supposed to do an
Starting point is 00:05:07 oral hearing on October 10th. And I don't know if you all remember, but when Muslim ban 2.0 happened and Hawaii pushed back and Seattle pushed back, all of those pushing back was supposed to go to Supreme Court. Supreme Court said, we're going to wait 90 days. And within those 90 days, Trump came back with 3.0. And then the Supreme Court was like, well, if there's 3.0 out there,, we're going to wait 90 days. And within those 90 days, Trump came back with 3.0. And then the Supreme Court was like, well, if there's 3.0 out there, then we're not going to do the hearing. So it's just kind of delaying the process of what's been happening. So now, we're really unsure what's going to happen on the 18th, because these three countries were added. We know for sure that the five Muslim countries, there's going to be no visitors allowed.
Starting point is 00:05:47 My co-host, Azara Norbach, she's Iranian. She has family in Iran, and now no relatives can come visit. It's a complete restriction, absolutely no ins and outs, no refugees. Syria's on the list. No one from Syria is allowed to come in. It's just terrible, and it's so ridiculous and terrible that this is happening. So if you go to
Starting point is 00:06:09 there's a bunch of events that are happening. We want to bring awareness. What's that website? See how I underscored that. And one of the things I want to highlight is that Cool.
Starting point is 00:06:24 That everyone showed up to the airports when this came out in January. And all of these things that are being put in place are just numbing us so that we're not as reactionary as we were. And I want to re-empower all of you to take action that this is just as important now, even more important now than it was back in February. is important now, even more important now than it was back in February. Yeah, there is something that happened, which is I think the shock of it and the chaotic way in which it was proposed, it did feel novel and frightening for people, and they turned out at the airports, and it seems like that energy has dissipated, right? I mean, is it just that we're tired? Is it that there's only so many times people can get themselves riled up about it?
Starting point is 00:07:03 Is it because they have changed it and kind of have muted the criticism? I mean, what do you think's happening? Well, one of the things that happened with the Muslim ban 2.0 was that instead of the people coming into American airports and getting pushed away, the restrictions happened in the home country. So going to the airport no longer was an actual, like having lawyers at the airport wasn't a strategy that was actually helpful. So because now it's been pushed away to foreign soil, there's less, I guess, interest in it. But we need to keep active. I mean, this is a culture of numbing that's happening right now. And I like to refer to Islamophobia as the fear industrial complex, right?
Starting point is 00:07:46 And it's not just in Islamophobia that Trump is pushing fear. He's pushing fear with immigrants and undocumented and in healthcare and amongst women. And we're just kind of getting numb to it because there's just so much happening. Hey, don't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:08:00 There's more of Love It or Leave It coming up. Now for a segment called OK Stop. Here's how it works. We're going to watch a clip, and as we go, we'll just stop it to talk about what we're seeing. Earlier this week, Governor Jerry Brown of California signed a bill that made California a sanctuary state. This means that there will be protections for undocumented immigrants. It was announced on October 5th, the same day as the deadline for DACA recipients to request a two-year extension. Here's how Fox News' The Five responded, and we can pause this as we go. 25% are thought to be undocumented, and the governor was very clear that these people are scared,
Starting point is 00:08:40 or he thinks they're in fear, and they were trying to address that. What do you think how do you strike that right well do you think that law enforcement has come forward there then there's a they're split you know there are some sheriffs across the country who say this what california did is absolutely unnecessary and others who say actually it is a problem because we need them to talk with us greg uh this is politics run by animosity it It's pure symbolism. Breaking news. I know the word virtue signaling is getting old. Okay, stop.
Starting point is 00:09:09 Oh, my God. It should be, okay, stop. You know, you can do your reading. Okay. The audacity of anyone on Fox News to be like, this is all symbolism. The audacity of anyone on Fox News to be like, this is all symbolism. These fuckers. It is not symbolism to tell undocumented people in California that it's safe to report domestic violence, that it's safe to report sexual abuse.
Starting point is 00:09:47 That it's safe to report that you're being harassed at work. It is not symbolism for the people whose lives are spent in the shadows of a system that makes them punished for the fact that we built a second class cast for millions of people to do the work at a lower cost because Americans either wouldn't do the jobs or wouldn't do the jobs at the price that businesses were willing to pay. I mean, that seems pretty clear. Let's keep rolling the clip. This is one giant virtue signal by a state. Here's a question. If Democratic representatives are influenced by illegal aliens politically demonstrating, isn't that illegal foreign influence on politics?
Starting point is 00:10:18 Okay, stop. Okay, stop. Okay, stop. I like how this man who appears to be about 68 years old is talking about virtue signaling, which is, like, really only something you should know about if you're, like, online and you have one of those abbeys that's like a Roman statue,
Starting point is 00:10:37 and your name is, like, you know, Reactionary Gamer 1488. I mean, we have this weird time now where Fox News is exclusively watched by people in hospice care, but is now kind of informed by stupid online logic guy shit. Well, not only that,
Starting point is 00:10:56 Fox News felt like it was having waning influence as its audience aged and as its various sexually harassing meat bags at the top of the hierarchy were slowly removed or by virtue of the Grim Reaper or the legal system, one or the other.
Starting point is 00:11:17 And then this strange thing happened, which is one of their most fervent viewers, a retiree from Manhattan and Palm Beach, became the fucking president. And now Fox News, like it or not, is one of the most important and influential institutions on the planet. I mean, it is like, you just accept it, guys. You can hiss all you want.
Starting point is 00:11:40 Fox and Friends, those fucking morons in the morning, are some of the most important and influential human beings on planet Earth, right? Oh, yeah. But, fuck. Hold on, hold on. Look, I know it sounds bad. I know it sounds bad. The four, like, human Labrador retrievers with just vacant Xanax eyes
Starting point is 00:12:02 are informing Trump of everything. But we were talking about the Manchurian candidate. What if we got the Fox and Friends to be for universal health care? Well, I mean, isn't that a strategy that the White House staff uses? They have to feed things to Fox and Friends to make sure that Trump sees it?
Starting point is 00:12:20 God, it's like a human centipede. It's exactly that. It is. Let's keep watching the question for later. Maybe Paul Mueller should look into it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I think it's time to invade California and arrest Jerry Brown. How can he still be governor? He was governor when I was a kid. Okay, stop. We're not getting
Starting point is 00:12:43 very far in this clip. Who cares? It sucks. First of all, it is true that Jerry Brown has been governor over a very long span of time. He's quite old now. Now, I like the way he dated Linda Ronstadt. Look, and I think these are the governors trying to deal with millions and millions of people. It's a really tough issue, obviously.
Starting point is 00:13:08 That's why they're elected. Exactly. Great point. That's sort of a group of people on television knowing the grievance they're supposed to be stoking, but actually not knowing the information, like not knowing how to do it, how to exactly go after Jerry Brown.
Starting point is 00:13:29 No, they're going like prompter, prompter, prompter. Just musings. Just, yeah. So just to close this out, thank you, Greg Gutfield, for reminding us. There was an abrupt deadline to renew DACA earlier this week. About 40,000 people were eligible, did miss the deadline. So that is heartbreaking.
Starting point is 00:13:48 The DACA deal that Trump tentatively made with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is unfortunately being undermined by C-plus Santa Monica fascist Stephen Miller. And so that is ongoing. I mean, Taz, I don't know what you think about the latest with DACA or what people should be doing. Well, it's super, super sad that 25% of the people who are eligible weren't able to sign on and renew. It was $500, the cost of doing it. And it took a lot of paperwork.
Starting point is 00:14:17 There was a lot of paperwork out there. And just to do all of that, at my day job, we were really working hard to get it out in the media and in social media to try to find folks and let them know this was happening. And there was resistance efforts to fundraise money in case there were people who didn't have the money. But I'm surprised, actually, that 25% didn't sign on. Yeah. important it is for this deal to get done and for people to keep the pressure on and to not let people inside the White House who are quite capable of running circles around Donald Trump because he's a racist in decline
Starting point is 00:14:50 who are going to try to mess with us on the Hill because they know that the person in charge just can't run the show. So, this week, there was a series of reports about Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein, about decades of sexual harassment and misconduct. The story is ongoing.
Starting point is 00:15:15 By the time you hear this on Tuesday, we seem to be learning more and more all the time. It's despicable and monstrous and a reminder of just in how many different facets of our culture there are powerful men getting away with despicable behavior every single day from the president to Hollywood Harvey Weinstein issued a deeply strange apology although how sorry can you be when you apologize and then your lawyer says he's going to sue everybody. It's like, I'm so sorry for what my lawyer is going to sue about. But Rob has graciously offered to do a dramatic reading of this deeply strange apology. Guys, give it up for Rob Hubel.
Starting point is 00:16:02 I don't know what Harvey Weinstein sounds like, but I'm going to do an impression of him. I've never heard his voice. I came of age in the 60s and 70s when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then. I have since learned it's not an excuse in the office or out of it to anyone. I realized some time ago that I needed to be a better person,
Starting point is 00:16:31 and my interactions with the people that I work with have changed. I appreciate the way I've behaved with... There are some grammatical errors in this that he wrote. I'm breaking character. I'm back. There are some grammatical errors in this that he wrote. I'm breaking character. I'm back. I appreciate the way I've behaved with colleagues in the past has caused a lot of pain, and I sincerely apologize for it. Though I'm trying to do better, I know I have a long way to go. That is my commitment.
Starting point is 00:17:07 My journey now will be to learn about myself and to conquer my demons. Over the last year, I've asked Lisa Bloom to tutor me, and she's put together a team of people. I've brought on therapists, and I plan to take a leave of absence from my company and deal with the issue head on. I so respect all women and I regret what happened. I hope that my actions will speak louder than words and that
Starting point is 00:17:35 one day we will all be able to earn their trust and sit down together with Lisa to learn more. Jay-Z wrote in 444. Quote, I'm not the man I thought I was. And I better be that man for my children. The same is true for me.
Starting point is 00:18:01 I want a second chance in the community. But I know I've got to do work to earn it. I have goals that are now priorities. Trust me, this is not an overnight process. I've been trying to do this for 10
Starting point is 00:18:19 years. But this, this is a wake-up call. I cannot be more remorseful about the people I hurt, and I plan to do right by all of them. I'm going to need a place to channel that anger. So I've decided to give the NRA my full attention. I hope Wayne LaPierre will enjoy his retirement party because I'm going to do it at the same place I had my bar mitzvah. I'm making a movie about our president.
Starting point is 00:18:58 Perhaps we can make it a joint retirement party. One year ago, I began organizing a five million dollar foundation to give scholarships to women directors at USC. While this might seem coincidental, trust Trust me, it's been in the works for years. It will be named... It will be named after my mom. And I will not disappoint her. Give it up for Rob for that dramatic reading. This shit is no laughing matter. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:55 But that fucking statement is one of the craziest things I have ever heard. And I cannot believe someone has made me want to root for Wayne Pierre in a conflict. And that's real. That is real. That is a real statement. No one said to him, wait a second. I just hope. I am pretty sure that we can say with some certainty that not a single liberal in all of the United States fell for that NRA thing, right?
Starting point is 00:20:32 I don't think anybody, I don't think that, hey, look over there worked, right? I don't know. What's he apologizing for? I couldn't really tell from that. Yeah, well, that's another thing. Also, that Jay-Z line? Which is wrong. Like, that's not the line, right?
Starting point is 00:20:51 He did, first of all, he did my favorite thing that all those, whenever anyone is accused of, like, being a sexual predator, the best thing they do is go, um, actually, my mom is a woman. My wife is a woman.
Starting point is 00:21:09 And possibly my daughter. So how could I be sexist? But on a more serious note about this, that thing's fucking ridiculous. It's funny to laugh at this fucking prick who really hasn't had to take orders from people in any capacity for too many decades. But I think there is something in there that betrays the kind of cultural sickness. When he is attempting to buy indulgences by doing an NRA thing that never in a million years would ever affect gun control policy.
Starting point is 00:21:48 Who in a red state is going to see, like, oh, Harvey Weinstein made a fucking NRA movie. I'm against guns now. But yesterday it came out, reporting for David Sirota, that Harvey Weinstein's lawyer paid $10,000 to Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance, a Democrat, to drop a sexual assault charge. Now, it was done through the campaign finance infrastructure, so technically it's not illegal. But I think that the way that Weinstein talks later on, that he's setting up a $5 million foundation, that he's giving
Starting point is 00:22:25 money to USC. It betrays a kind of problem in our politics where we believe that philanthropy from rich people like that is benevolent. They see it as a way to sort of buy salvation for their numerous crimes.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And as much as I hate the false equivalence from the right wing about, oh, well, you can't say that Donald Trump's a sexual predator if you had Harvey Weinstein. Well, we really should not have it so that guys like that get access to candidates and give millions of dollars and they can have this outsized influence.
Starting point is 00:23:04 Because, sorry, more often than not, of dollars and they can have this outsized influence because sorry, more often than not, ultra wealthy people are predatory. They are sick. They're insane because it is an illness to want to hoard that much fucking money. If it's not him, it's Jeffrey Epstein. It's
Starting point is 00:23:20 any number of people that have gained access to our political parties. And it's not just a democratic problem. It's a number of people that have gained access to our political parties. And it's not just a Democratic problem. It's a problem with our system. But that's what I think about. No, there's a similarity in this story in that Donald Trump's lawyer went to the very same district attorney to talk about the potential charges against Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka. And lo and behold, they had donated a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Now, Cyrus Vance Jr. can claim that it wasn't on purpose and that the money didn't influence him. And you know what? He's probably telling the truth because the money didn't get the influence. The money gets the access. The money makes you someone that they know. These people all end up knowing each other.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And that is not a partisan issue. That is, as you said, that is a societal issue. And one other thing that was reported, I think this does all tie back. To me, the most troubling thing about what was happening with Cyrus Vance is, and it goes to your point about these indulgences, the reason Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka weren't prosecuted for the fraud they perpetrated at Trump Soho is because as part of their settlement with the people they lied to to get their deposits for this dumb building, they weren't allowed to participate in the investigation.
Starting point is 00:24:30 So they were able to legally buy their way out of their crimes. And so that, to me, is one of the larger issues. Not to separate it from an also deeply fucked up societal problem of men in power being able to abuse their power in this way. You know all you need to know after the first two lines. I came of age in the 60s and 70s when all the rules about behavior in the workplaces were different. That was the culture then. That's all you need to know. If you read that, you're like, okay, never mind.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Never mind. Never mind. I feel like there's a lot of people who were alive then who managed to escape that debauched period of time. How did they do it? were alive then who managed to escape that debauched period of time without becoming without committing decades of sexual harassment and misconduct in the years that followed. How did they do it?
Starting point is 00:25:13 Taz, what do you got? I was going to say, speaking on behalf of all women, or all female, I should say, since that's the word in the media this week, I reject this apology. Yeah? There you go. I reject this apology. Yeah? There you go.
Starting point is 00:25:27 Because I don't, yeah. Consider it rejected. Rejected. I think that's official. By the way, yeah, Jay-Z's probably like, fucking don't quote me, idiot. Fucking don't drag me into this. Dumb motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:25:44 Yeah, who wants to be in that? who wants to be in that fucking Google Alert? That is somehow the worst feature that Jay-Z has ever done. The worst feature that Jay-Z has ever done. And he's had some bad ones. Yeah, yeah. There's been some rough collaborations. Now for a segment
Starting point is 00:26:06 called Too Stupid to be True. Here's how it works. Each of us has a quote. Each one of you has a quote under your chairs. We will read them. There's four quotes. One of them is too stupid to be true. The rest of them are true. I will say that for many, many months of playing this game, they were all true. The rest of them are true. I will say that for many, many months
Starting point is 00:26:25 of playing this game, they were all true. But that became untenable as you all slowly caught wise to the plot. So it is now a real game. Would anybody like to play Too Stupid to Be True? I see a friend of the pod up front, Elisa. Hi, what's your name? Edith.
Starting point is 00:26:44 Edith, hi, how are you? I'm fabulous, thank you for asking. Are you ready to play too stupid to be true? I hope I am. Okay. On Friday, it came out that the Trump administration moved to expand the rights of employers to deny women insurance coverage for contraception,
Starting point is 00:26:58 which means that women's employers will be able to determine if they have access to healthcare for a specific, for what their doctor tells them that they need it's absurd. There have been many ridiculous comments trying to defend these kinds of decisions and just in case
Starting point is 00:27:14 I get it wrong I have been at the podfest all weekend so I was out of touch yesterday. Okay You're not going to get it wrong It's entirely based on your readings I want you to know something. What's that called when you preemptively lower expectations? Podcast.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Someone said the Trump administration. So the good news for you, these are not all fresh quotes. These are quotes in recent years by politicians defending their position on birth control. Your job will be to suss out which are real and which one is fake. I will kick us off. Unhappy liberal women want other people to pay for their bad decisions. If they can afford HBO to watch girls, they can afford their own lifestyle.
Starting point is 00:27:59 I think that's real. You think that's real? Taz, you're up. Bring me one woman who has been left behind. Bring me one. There's not one. The fact of the matter is this is a trampling on religious freedom and religious liberty in this country.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Not one woman left behind. What do you think? I think that's true. I mean, I don't think it's true. Yeah, we know it's not true. We know what you meant. Don't worry. You believe that statement.
Starting point is 00:28:28 Rob, you're up. Frankly, condoms are a very, very poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It was truly a modern liberal answer to a problem that parents like me are facing all over America and, frankly, all over the world okay I've never heard that one it's terrifying my mom was a sex educator in
Starting point is 00:28:52 high schools for 17 years so I'm hoping that that one's fake but I'm gonna reserve judgment good Edith I want to appreciate you keeping us posted I like that she says she's going to reserve judgment when it's a game that we're... Your job is to judge. Exactly. I'm waiting for the last. Okay, you're going to... Felix, you're up.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I have been a conservative my entire life. I have never met anybody, any conservative, who wants to ban contraceptives. Last I checked, we don't have a rubber shortage in America. Ew. I'm going
Starting point is 00:29:32 with number three. So, you think Rob's is fake. Rob, can you read yours again? Frankly, condoms are a very, very poor protection against sexually transmitted diseases. I'm going to stop you there. That was Mike Pence. And that was real.
Starting point is 00:29:48 I should have known. And Edith, you have lost. Felix's quote was by America's favorite analyst of condoms, Ted Cruz. Oh yeah, they call him Teddy Raw. Very cool. Very gross image. Raw dog. Raw dog senator, yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Oh, my God. And Taz read a quote by airplane enthusiast and former HHS secretary Tom Price. Unfortunately, the quote about HBO girls, I made that up. Edith, I'm sorry. You have lost. Too stupid to be true.
Starting point is 00:30:22 But you do get our consolation prize, a gift card to Parachute Shield. Oh, yay! Now it's time for the rant wheel. Here's how it works. We'll spin the wheel and rant about the topics wherever it lands. Today on the wheel, we have
Starting point is 00:30:36 the media and Iran. We have dogs on airplanes. We have Trump's accent work. We have the fearless girl statue. We have the fearless girl statue we have the introduction of the McVegan we have go-go in-flight Wi-Fi which can't seem to fall off the wheel
Starting point is 00:30:51 we have who defines the word terrorist which kind of covered we have DOJ trans bullshit and I think we have audience suggestion on there let's spin the wheel. It has landed on the DOJ trans bullshit. Jeff Sessions has now said that he doesn't believe trans people should be protected according to the law that protects people
Starting point is 00:31:22 from gender discrimination or sex discrimination at work. And it is so fucking appalling that he would do this. And their logic is that discriminating somebody because of their gender, because they're trans, does not count as discriminating against somebody because they're a man or a woman. And look, they've been trying to use the same logic on gay rights for a long time, though it seems like they've given up. And now they're trying to divide gay same logic on gay rights for a long time, though it seems like they've given up, and now they're trying to divide gay people from trans people,
Starting point is 00:31:48 though they still do make that argument that oh, discriminating against someone for being gay isn't like discriminating against somebody for being man or for being woman, even though someone could be fired because they married the wrong gender, right? If they had been a woman, they wouldn't be fired. But this is just completely beyond the pale. It is just 100% bigotry
Starting point is 00:32:03 to say that a company should be able to put a sign in their window that say trans people need not apply. I mean, I don't really have some grand thought on this. It's just yet another way in which Jeff Sessions, as Trump is, you know, tweeting about whatever the fuck, that Jeff Sessions is fucking hammering a despicable agenda every single day and doing real, real damage. And another part of this too, it's just people use abstractions to try to get through this whole Trump thing, but this notion of like, we're surviving this or we'll get through this. It's always important to remember who the we is because there's a lot of different we's in this country and there's a lot of people being punished every single day. I think what stunned me the most when I saw this news was that it's the unraveling of a lot. It's the slow degradation.
Starting point is 00:32:42 Like we have major things that are happening, but there's also these really subtle things that are also degrading, and things that should be normal aren't normal anymore. Yeah, it's not like we need to go looking for actual problems. You know? There's no shortage of problems. Like, he's inventing new things. Anyway, let's spin it again.
Starting point is 00:33:01 things. Anyway, let's spin it again. Alright, this is a bit lighter. It has landed on Trump's accent work. I think that we have a clip of what Trump did in the fucking East Room of the White House. We are also praying for the people of Puerto Rico. We love Puerto Rico. And the people of Puerto Rico. We love Puerto Rico.
Starting point is 00:33:28 And we also love Puerto Rico. What the fuck? What the fuck was that? Taz, what was that? It was just racist nonsense. And look at that smile on his face. It's such a bullying, like he said it in a bullying tone. And we also like Puerto, like putting it in like white language also.
Starting point is 00:33:48 Like that's a fucking wink to people. Like it's cool to be racist. I'm racist. You should be racist. It's a place going through a calamity of epic proportion. They are suffering. And he's in the East Room making weird jokes about doing an accent. And by the way,
Starting point is 00:34:08 Melania's face, which you can't see at home because it is a podcast and you're at the gym. There are pictures of Melania at my gym. I like that you think people work out to you. Or the toilet. No, go ahead. Melania's face is... It's sort of right where this clip stopped. It's frozen in an expression that's like,
Starting point is 00:34:30 I need to make my face show not how I feel. Yeah. But I've done that so long, those muscles are tired. And so the truth does seep out a little bit. I mean, doing dumb accents is what is like, it's just a racist president. Same week he says, like, the fucking country just got hit by three hurricanes.
Starting point is 00:34:57 And he says, he walks in the room and says, this is the calm before the storm to his generals. Like, what the fuck would you, why would you use that turn of phrase different situation i know but still like to even use the words calm before the storm to people like in the country they're like fucking that's like saying to a guy that just got out of the hospital from being hit by a bus like oh fuck a, fuck a bus! You know, like, bus, bus! It's like, don't say calm before the storm. Well, Rob, I agree with you completely,
Starting point is 00:35:30 though I do think, in fairness to Donald Trump, the decline that he is going through that we all see every day, his vocabulary is being reduced, like the Newspeak dictionary from 1984. Like, he's doing his own... His vocabulary is dropping on a basically daily basis to the point now where he's been left with
Starting point is 00:35:51 between maybe 200 and 300 words. And so he did relearn storm, calm, and those kicked out other words he might have used. And that's something that he's struggling with on our behalf. Well, this happened right after he went to Puerto Rico and he was throwing paper towels into the crowd
Starting point is 00:36:09 I mean the fucking optics of that they got hit by a fucking hurricane and you're gonna fucking throw paper towels just stand there and go fuck you fuck you and then get on your helicopter.
Starting point is 00:36:25 And then talking about their debt because somebody reminded him. My hat fell off. One of his many douchebag advisors reminded him about the debt on the way or is in a briefing page with a picture and a map that he saw. It had one line about the debt. The Puerto Rico trip is interesting because it really is that he is broken. And he just doesn't know how to be empathetic. He doesn't know how to be kind one-on-one or have any kind of human emotion or even how to fake it.
Starting point is 00:36:52 It's just not in his bag of tricks. So sad. It's not great. Not great. He's a puncher. What's a puncher? Isn't that how he thinks of himself? People always describe him as a puncher.
Starting point is 00:37:06 You punch him, he punches back. That's what I think when I think about Donald Trump. Boxer. Natural athlete. I'd like to see him in those trunks. That footage... We should have just taken that footage of him playing beach volleyball
Starting point is 00:37:22 and that should have been the entire message of 2016. I don't think I've seen that. I haven't seen this one either. That is yet another unsung failure of the Hillary Clinton campaign. I would say the three biggest failures, not going to Wisconsin, email server, failing to make enough use of that beach volleyball video. I mean, why? So people could see the thick president?
Starting point is 00:37:45 Like, Enjoy that? It's the hat and the hair. It's the yelp. He does this kind of yelp. Yeah, it's an athlete's yelp. I don't think it is. Most athletes don't play beach volleyball in pleated khaki pants. Yeah, that's the difference between a regular
Starting point is 00:38:01 athlete and an elite one. Right. I would say, too, they underuse the shots of him falling down while playing golf. Have you ever seen those shots where he's like, oh, there's some shots of him looking for a ball but falling down and then trying to climb up a hill. And he's wearing see-through khakis where you can see his tighty-whities. It's the fucking best.
Starting point is 00:38:23 I was flying back and as always because I'm an addict, I signed up for GoGoWiFi and then always complain because it sucks and say please give me free GoGoWiFi, your Wi-Fi sucks. And they are amenable. People on the other end, they know what their service is.
Starting point is 00:38:39 So you can get free Wi-Fi and every time I just write them, I say this Wi-Fi was very bad. I'd like free Wi-Fi. And they say, we write them, I say, this Wi-Fi was very bad. I'd like free Wi-Fi. And they say, we're sorry you had a bad experience. We'll send you a coupon. And all I think is, deals are my art form. I wanna thank our panel.
Starting point is 00:38:55 Guys, give it up for Taz Ahmed, Rob Hubel, and Felix Biederman. Thank you guys for coming to LA PodFest. Have a great afternoon. Good night. Thank you.

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