Lovett or Leave It - There Will Be Mud

Episode Date: September 9, 2023

Lovett Or Leave It takes a Sirius turn as we host this week’s show from our brand-new location. When Lovett goes high, Marcella Arguello gets even higher, while London Hughes joins us from across th...e pond to make America sound downright utopian. Congressman Ro Khanna tells Big Business do not pass go, and definitely do not collect $200. Bobby Berk gives the queer side eye to 2023’s most played-out interior design trends, and we roll the Rant Wheel all over the 2024 Candidate Playlist, because yikes. For a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email and include the name of the podcast.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? Welcome to Love It or Leave It, back-to-school edition. You know what that means. Kendra gives me a swirly, I steal Brian's lunch money, Brian stuffs Malcolm in a locker, and Malcolm gives Hallie a cigarette to smoke under the bleachers, because we're all bullies you root for
Starting point is 00:00:23 here at Love It or Leave It. And what a bully show we have for you. Marcelo Arguello guests the cost of drugs on the mean streets of Los Angeles as provided by the LAPD. London Hughes decides which side of the pond is better and then helps you figure out how to handle your bullies. Congressman Ro Khanna is here to bust some trust
Starting point is 00:00:38 and Bobby Burke trains that queer eye of his on questionable design choices and the rant wheel because summer is over but I'm still hot under the collar. And you all have to pretend to be a much bigger audience. You're doing great. Hey, you're doing great, everybody. Just crushing it. You seem like twice as many people.
Starting point is 00:01:01 But we can do better. But first, let's get into it. What a week. Tucker Carlson aired an interview with a convicted con artist named Larry Sinclair, who in 2008 rented a room at the Press Club in Washington to claim that back in 1999, he smoked crack and had sex with Barack Obama. Personally, I was pretty surprised by Obama's response to this. Yes, we did. Okay.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Just to note, the press club event in 2008 ended with Sinclair being arrested for an open warrant in Delaware. For blowing Joe Biden, shouted Sinclair as he was removed from the venue. Anyway, obviously this is ridiculous. Obama isn't gay. If he were gay, would he have been able to resist this? Strutting up and down the West Wing hallways, looking all sexy, my Jose Banks suit pitted through even though my bike was an e-bike. When Sinclair first claimed to have had sex with Obama in 2008, a political blogger challenged him to a lie detector test. Sinclair failed that test, then claimed the blogger rigged the test with the help of Obama advisor David Axelrod. If you know David Axelrod, imagining him rigging any kind of technological device is about as plausible as imagining him free-soloing to the
Starting point is 00:02:43 top of El Capitan. A judge declared Donald Trump liable for defamation in E.G. and Carol's second lawsuit against the former president. The only question for the jury will be over damages. Defame me once, shame on you. Defame me twice, we're skipping to damages, you fucking idiot. Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, an investigative legal group, has filed a lawsuit against Trump claiming a clause in the 14th Amendment of the Constitution prevents him from running for president. We've got him this time, tweeted a resistance-wide mom as her lonely two-year-old develops a lifelong anxious attachment style.
Starting point is 00:03:18 Imagine. Turns out apparently Trump can't be president because he's already required to take the job of the man he killed at the insurrection, Santa Claus. Meanwhile, a handful of Trump's dozens of co-defendants in his four criminal cases have begun flipping against him, with their lawyers blaming the former president for their actions. Who could have imagined that a group of the most opportunistic, treasonous people in America would be capable of such betrayal? This is an important lesson, I think, though, for people, especially for kids.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Look to your left. Look to your right. Are you the most famous person involved in a vast criminal conspiracy? It might feel good in the moment. But it's dangerous. You don't want to be the top person in that thing. Just having a Rudy there, that's safety. On Tuesday, former head of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, was sentenced to 22 years for his part in the January 6th attack on the Capitol. Things seem hard for him right now, but it's about to get a lot better. Imagine if you went to jail for the crime of loving Hilary Duff too much.
Starting point is 00:04:26 You loved Hilary Duff so much that you rioted because she fucking rules. And then you go to prison and a year into a 20-year term, who's your new roommate? Multi-hyphenate singer, actor, shining star, Hilary Duff? It's cool as hell. On Tuesday, Mitch McConnell released a letter from the Capitol's on-site doctor saying there is no sign that the Senate minority leader had a stroke or seizure, despite two incidents in which McConnell froze while speaking on camera. So everybody can relax. The Senate minority leader is just an ongoing medical mystery. As a society, we are treating Mitch McConnell like a czech engine light like something is
Starting point is 00:05:07 clearly wrong we don't know what it is and every once in a while he just stops and he just hit him on the back of the head and he starts back up again when someone fucking freezes mid-sentence and stands there for 30 seconds in a stupor and they have to escort him off. It's not reassuring when the doctor says we don't know what's going on. You want to know, like, oh good, we figured it out. The doctor concluded the letter by saying, now if you'll excuse me, I have several living corpses in my waiting room who need to be told that they're senators and healthy enough to serve. Then in a Wednesday press conference, McConnell said that he had no plans to step down, telling reporters, I have no announcements to make on that subject.
Starting point is 00:05:50 I'm going to finish my term as leader and I'm going to finish my Senate term. He then stood there until Thursday's press conference. Meanwhile, when the San Francisco Chronicle asked Dianne Feinstein on Wednesday why the aging senator had given her daughter power of attorney, Feinstein said she had not. Later, she called back to say that on second thought, she had. And even more encouraging, during the second call, she sounded much younger. Just...
Starting point is 00:06:14 Just by... That's like, look, we got some diarrhea stuff coming, don't worry. But... If it weren't for the week when someone had diarrhea on a plane so bad it's news, that would have been my favorite joke. Just five weeks after Judge Janet Protasewicz was elected to the Wisconsin Supreme Court, thank you, I said it correctly, Republicans in the state have called for her impeachment despite the lack of any grounds before she's heard a single case.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Why? If she is impeached, even if not convicted and removed, she would not be allowed to sit for cases until the inquiry is resolved, which would deadlock the court at 3-3 and stop the court from throwing out gerrymandered maps and protecting abortion access. Is this a disgusting attempt to subvert democracy and overturn a fair election? You be the judge.
Starting point is 00:07:01 Please, be the judge. They've impeached all the judges. On Wednesday, Mexico's Supreme Court decriminalized abortion nationwide, making abortion legally accessible in all 32 states. Yeah. Do it. Hey, this is Mike over at Border Patrol.
Starting point is 00:07:20 This is a new one. We've got some people swimming the other way. They're okay, but I just don't, I don't, I don't stop those ones, right? I let those ones through. That's somebody else's problem. I stop the ones going this way. I'm Mike. While reporting on a string of robberies in the Chicago area,
Starting point is 00:07:45 a news crew was robbed at gunpoint during the recording. In addition to the crew's personal items, the assailants also took the news station's camera. This was then incorporated into a new report from the station about Chicago's troubling rise in dramatic irony. Some 70,000 people were trapped at Burning Man over the weekend after heavy rains hit Nevada's Black Rock Desert and turned the roads in and out of the festival into thick mud. Hey, what do you call 70,000 people trapped and starving at Burning Man?
Starting point is 00:08:12 A good start. Tragically, one death has been confirmed. Sorry. Tragically, only one death has been confirmed. Sorry. Tragically, only one death has been confirmed. Sadly, Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have filed for divorce after four years of marriage. A source reportedly told TMZ Joe had access to a ring cam that he said captured Sophie saying and or doing something that made him realize the marriage was over.
Starting point is 00:08:43 I love this. A single detail with a level of vagueness that says, hey, let your imagination run wild. Was Sophie Turner out on the front porch in the middle of the night fighting coyotes and eating out of the garbage like a raccoon? Almost certainly not. But this statement holds space for that beautiful possibility.
Starting point is 00:09:00 Authorities apprehended two people after discovering someone had smashed a huge hole through a section of the Great Wall of China. Why can't we have one vacation without you bringing your work into it, said Mrs. Kool-Aid Man as she was carted off in handcuffs by regional security officials. Anyway, I don't see the problem. They used to have a Great Wall. Now they've got two pretty good walls. Anyway, I don't see the problem. They used to have a Great Wall. Now they've got two pretty good walls. What was outrageous is after crashing into the Great Wall,
Starting point is 00:09:29 the perpetrator looked directly into the camera and said, that'll leave a mark, completely demolishing the historic fourth wall of China. Yeah, that's right. A team of marine scientists working off the coast of Alaska have discovered a mysterious golden orb resting deep on the seafloor. We're sure there's a completely natural explanation for this, and it doesn't, you know, grant wishes or anything. The lead researcher told reporters as a newly single Joe Jonas kissed her on the forehead
Starting point is 00:09:58 and handed her yet another zero-calorie taco. And finally, in our favorite news of the week, a Delta flight to Spain was disrupted after two hours when the pilot notified air traffic control that a passenger had diarrhea all the way through the airplane.
Starting point is 00:10:21 And let me tell you something. It was only by the grace of God that I had the second worst diarrhea on the plane that day. Everyone is treating this like a joke, but this is what happens when someone smuggles more than 3.4 ounces of a dangerous liquid on board. The scanners can't catch this. Another passenger wrote in a post, both my wife and I were on the flight. It was a mess.
Starting point is 00:10:50 The pilots made the right decision to turn around. The ground crew ripped out the carpet and put new in. First of all, ooh, you have a wife. It wasn't pretty. Look, it wasn't pretty, but on the bright side, if this didn't happen, the ground crew would never have discovered the plane's beautiful vintage hardwood floors.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Also, replacing the carpets? Nice try. That plane is done. Give it a purple heart and push it into the ocean. I also love the idea that anyone's questioning whether the pilot made the right call. Like, I hope this pilot is the new Sully. I hope the National Transportation Safety Board runs a bunch of diarrhea simulations
Starting point is 00:11:28 to see if he could have made it to Barcelona. The flight from Atlanta was ultimately forced to turn around and return to Hartsfield-Jackson Airport. After receiving medical attention on the ground, the passenger, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, recovered fully and died. When we come back, a dispatch from the playa. Last weekend, tens of thousands of interesting people were stranded in the desert after heavy
Starting point is 00:12:04 rains hit Burning Man, flooding the roads in and out of the festival. Tonight, we bring you the untold story of the debacle, as recorded in one burner's letters to his girlfriend. Well, one of his girlfriends, he's Polly, because, as he explains, humans aren't naturally monogamous. My dearest Amanda, the rains fall heavy upon the playa tonight, and I am tripping balls. I write to you from the meager shelter of my tent, which was air-conditioned before the generator flooded, which is now total bullshit. I beseech you, my love, listen to this app idea. A generator that cannot flood, because it's on the blockchain. Is that anything, my sweet Amanda?
Starting point is 00:12:42 Jumping Jehoshaphat, I'm high. Is that anything, my sweet Amanda? Jumping Jehoshaphat, I'm high. Anyway, I pray you think it a sound notion, for I have secured for us an angel investor, who I met when, by divine providence, our electric unicycles collided near an all-white spirit reading of The Will to Change by Bell Hooks. But I will tell you more upon my return,
Starting point is 00:12:58 for now I must make ready to biohack my location, which is to start walking, and I fear my solar-powered strobe light bracelet will not last till morn. Yours, Zachary. When we come back, Von Drugs. Hey, don't go anywhere. There's more of Love It or Leave It coming up.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And we're back! According to LA's own KTLA, last month the LAPD allegedly sent a list of current street drug prices to the independent media outlet LA Taco in what appears to be an accidental reply-all situation. It could happen to any of us. Here to see how well she knows her grams from her kilos, it's the hilarious Marcela Arguello. Hi.
Starting point is 00:13:56 Oh, we're shaking? I have my hand free. Hey, hi, hi. Sorry. Hello. It's me, Marcela Arguello. Wow, bitch. Rude.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Rude. That was so nice to you she'll come back let her let them go and they'll come back or what's that saying i don't know yeah no that was it i'm ready hi um i am did you see that the lapd accidentally leaked i did not see that that's good i i know i know and i And I was tempted to look into it right now when you said it. But I was like, I don't have time. Ha. Good. Because you would have been like cheating on the quiz. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:36 And I don't do that. Do you like Bob Barker? Who doesn't love Bob Barker? Dogs that want to reproduce. Yeah, that's true. Cats and dogs that want to reproduce. That's true. Hey, Bob Barker, Dogs that want to reproduce. Yeah, that's true. Cats and dogs that want to reproduce. That's true.
Starting point is 00:14:46 Hey, Bob Barker, quit stepping on my dick. Yeah, he was a cock block. We do know that Bob Barker was an animal cock block. We do know that. How about Bob Barker's cameo in Happy Gilmore?
Starting point is 00:14:57 Are there any other deceased game show hosts that you'd like to watch beat Adam Sandler to a pulp? I mean, I think every game show host should be allowed to beat Adam Sandler. Period. Bring in Pat Adam Sandler. Period.
Starting point is 00:15:06 Bring in Pat Sajak. Yeah. Don't you think it's interesting that Bob Barker was just like, yeah, I know there's a lot of issues in the world. But at the end of every episode, I'm going to make one point. Yeah. And I'm going to make it well. And it's so odd that it is my point, but I'm going to say it so often it won't be odd. And then it's going to come around to be cool.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Yeah. Was it cool i mean why people have a thing about saving animals that's very specific to them well i think it's an interesting example of someone being like i have a platform bob parker saying i have a platform is funny not a term i think that it would have you know uh but but it's like what's something that i can tell people every day at 11 59 a.m that's when the morning is uh that'll actually work you know yeah i bet it did work i think it worked i just definitely you know like when i was a kid i was like wow that's so cool yeah with the animals are a problem and you grow up and you're like couldn't pick something a little heavier like AIDS or some shit, bro? There was actually real problems back in the day.
Starting point is 00:16:09 I don't know what people could do with their dogs to stop AIDS. No, but I'm saying you could pick up at the end of your show, you'd be like, hey, y'all, wear protection. There's AIDS out there. Donate. Donate. Donate. Hey, donate.
Starting point is 00:16:24 You know, the one type of stand-up comedy show i don't do is benefits for animals it's true that's the one that's your line i'm not doing their show because of that but that is what i why i can't do their shows i don't care about animals donate your money to the homeless. I don't... I'm sorry. I don't know what to... I know. The dog is looking at John very upset. Now I understand
Starting point is 00:16:51 why the dog doesn't like me. In honor of Bob Barker's extremely timely demise. What? We're going to play a classic Price is Right game. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 00:17:01 It's called Easy as 123. What do you think it's going to be? Plinko? Oh, I wish. I really loved, as a kid, I loved Plinko because it's like the whole premise of the show disappears. It's like this is a show about knowing the price of bananas and knowing what a vacuum cleaner costs and knowing how much a boat costs for some reason. much a boat costs for some reason. Boats loom in the
Starting point is 00:17:24 prices white world in the same way that quicksand looms in the child's cartoon world. Absolutely. Who knows what the price of a fucking boat is? That's what you had to guess? That sucks. Of course, Bob. I know the price of a boat. The point I'm making is that
Starting point is 00:17:39 when you get to Plinko, all that's out the window. All of it. It's just pure fucking luck. Pure luck. It was beautiful. I loved Plinko. I mean, everyone got pumped when Plinko all that's out the window all of it it's just pure fucking luck pure luck it was beautiful i loved plinko i mean everyone got pumped when plinko came on yeah do you think hey everyone with the fever was excited as fuck when they're at home i had a fever yeah yeah yeah when we had a fever i can't go to school did you you watch The Price is Right when you were sick? Of course I watched The Price is Right when I was sick. It was the best.
Starting point is 00:18:08 It was always a bummer. I didn't like the soap operas. Oh, no, I never watched the soap operas, no. And there was a bunch of other game show stuff around The Price is Right that wasn't as fun. No, Bob Barker was the best. He just looked crazy as fuck. Tan with that white hair and those crazy eyes
Starting point is 00:18:24 and that skinny microphone. I wanted him to violate me. He looks like he does it with class. Right? You know what no one talks about? What? About growing up. What?
Starting point is 00:18:40 The moment when you have outgrown the true younger children's cartoons. Sure. And you don't know that yet, but your body knows. Yeah. You know? Like when Nick Jr. You'd be like, oh, I can't watch Nick Jr. anymore.
Starting point is 00:18:55 But no one tells you that you're too old for it. You have to feel it. You have to know yourself. Like these plots are too simple for me now. Yes. Yeah. And it's not time for The Price is Right yet. I mean, I'm the youngest of four
Starting point is 00:19:05 so I had Price is Right exposure pretty young. I got a lot of young shit, you know. Of things you can be exposed to too young, Price is Right is cool. It is very cool.
Starting point is 00:19:16 I will admit to that. Not a lot of adult themes. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Other than I think that like... Him kissing people and asking for kisses. And being like, oh, I can't, I can't, I can't tell people the price of a Honda Civic
Starting point is 00:19:28 if there's not a woman in a bikini. I mean... What are we doing here? Is this television or not? I definitely have my mind blown. Like, wow, how do they know all the prices to this stuff? And it's just like dish soap. Here's how easy as one, two, three works.
Starting point is 00:19:42 I'm going to tell you three drugs from LAPD's handy dandy drug pricing sheet. You have to put them in order from most to least expensive. Oh, wow. We'll do two rounds. Okay. All right? If you get it right, you win a prize, which is not drugs, because there are members of Congress here. Oh.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Marcella, are you ready? I guess. Let's start with this. This is going to be our psychedelics round. Okay. Okay. What? You put them in order from most to least expensive expensive okay a plant of peyote plant a plant of just a plant literally on the sheet it's a full plant full plant hey pundit not the time uh a half ounce of psilocybin which is is mushrooms. Yeah. Or a full sheet of LSD.
Starting point is 00:20:28 How much was the mushrooms you said? A half ounce. I want to say a full sheet of LSD is most expensive. Guys, come on. We need some help here. Audience, what are we thinking? Come on, surprise us. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:42 What am I thinking? Right? Full sheet? $1. Wait, I'm the Right? Full sheet. $1. Wait, I'm the host. God, you're dumb. See, that's what Bob's Barker job was hard. It was hard.
Starting point is 00:20:53 You were already helping me. I forgot. I know. Okay, wait. What did we say? Full sheet of LSD is most expensive, right? Yes. And then peyote.
Starting point is 00:21:05 Peyote. And then mushrooms. Ding, ding, ding. Brr, brr, brr. You got it. I love drugs. I love drugs. I love drugs.
Starting point is 00:21:21 Oh, all of a sudden you give a fuck. Did you see that? You said shift. Oh, all of a sudden you give a fuck. Did you see that? You said shift. Pundit was briefly on an opiate for reasons that are between her and her doctor. But when you go to the vet hospital to get the opiates,
Starting point is 00:21:39 they really now look at you up and down and are being like, you have to sign for this because this is a controlled substance. And there is this moment where they're like, don't take these. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:21:50 They just look in the eyes and their eyes just say, Hey, don't take these. These are for your dog. And the bottle says, don't take these. These are for your dog. Sure.
Starting point is 00:21:59 But then in the back of your mind, you think, what do I got? Two factories, two side by side factoriesby-side factories one that does it for humans and one that's like a little bit worse for dogs that doesn't make sense that doesn't make sense once you've cracked how to make one you don't you don't do it a different way for the fucking dogs you know it's the same place same shape bottle same shape lid
Starting point is 00:22:19 but the real question is why does your dog need meth? Why do you need meth? Are you ready for your second round? Yes, I am. This is the airplane with Tom Cruise in that movie that was like one of the ones that he did that we don't talk about that much. Sounds like a hit. A classic. American made.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Classic. This is the American made. Kendra, fucking absolute champ. All right. We're going to call this the kilo round. Okay absolute champ. All right. We're going to call this the kilo round. Okay. Most to least expensive. Okay.
Starting point is 00:22:54 According to the LAPD's sheet that they came. This is so stressful for my street cred. Cocaine. Kilo of cocaine. A kilo of Mexican black tar heroin. Okay. And a kilo of Molly. A kilo of Mexican black tar heroin. Okay. And a kilo of Molly. A kilo? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:23:11 What are the market prices these days? I'm trying to remember the last time I was on the dark web. What was I? The dark web. Yeah, what were the prices on the Silk Road? Wow, this one's tough. I got to say, right, audience? This one's tough, right?
Starting point is 00:23:27 This guy who looks like he knows the cost of black tar heroin. Sir, help me out. I need some help. This one's tough. All right. I feel like... Wait, what was the last one? It was cocaine, Mexican black tar heroin, and Molly.
Starting point is 00:23:41 I feel like Molly is going to be the least expensive. Thank you. Thank you. Look, I love the Venn diagram that this is telling us. You have a spicy audience. I'm proud of you. I'm proud of you for applauding when you're applauding. Liberals are liberal with the intake.
Starting point is 00:24:02 You know what I mean? I'll tell you something else. There's a lot of drug knowledge, and they weren't fully on board with me saying that I was rooting for the people at Burning Man to die. Well, look, your audience is a certain type of person. What do you want me to say to you? No, listen, we're both circling it.
Starting point is 00:24:23 Yeah. All right, so you said... Okay, Molly's the least expensive i i actually think the coke as long as it's pure kilo cocaine i think it would be most expensive i think that's the right i feel like that's the only because black tar heroin that's some sketchy shit right there yeah it doesn't sound good yeah it's not good and that's and And that's what this is about. And that's what this segment's about. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And Ruth, like, this is, we're not, we're just talking about prices. Yeah. But don't, this is not a thing to buy. Yeah, this is not a thing to buy unless it's where you're at. No, you go to the vet and you get dog medicine. Yeah. But, you know, people do. So I'm going to say cocaine.
Starting point is 00:25:01 And then I'm going to say black tar heroin. And then I'm going to say Molly. Marcella, you got it. I love drugs. Oh, say the prices. Oh, yeah. Okay, this broke motherfucker wants to know what the prices are. Okay, yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:21 Because you want to know the prices. People with money don't ask. According to the... He's all fucking put it in my veins. They've been abused. Because you want to know the prices. People with money don't ask. He's all fucking put it in my veins. It's an abuse. The cost of the... So for the first one, yes. A full sheet of LSD was $400. A full plant of peyote was $200.
Starting point is 00:25:40 And a half ounce of mushroom was $120. Kilo of molly, $7,500. Kilo of Mexican black jar heroin, $12,500. Kilo of cocaine, between $15,500 and $17,000. Yeah, I believe that. Wow. Pure cut without the fentanyl mixed in is a good price. I guess it's not like Jenny's where you can like get two scoops.
Starting point is 00:26:07 No. You selfish bastard. But you guys listen. If you're listening, please be careful when you're doing drugs and experimenting. Get fentanyl test strips, please, for the love of God. Save your life. Be careful out there. That's the lesson from this sheet.
Starting point is 00:26:22 Yes. The sheet is no good. Yeah. And they're watching. I don't understand why they're keeping it a secret. I think that they're just trying to like pretend like they don't know what's up. That's it. Any final thoughts on Bob Barker?
Starting point is 00:26:36 May he rest in peace. He was a little bit of a creep, but what old man isn't? Thank you so much, Marcella. Thank you. She is headlining at the Improv on September 15th. Yes. So get those tickets. Please come check me out.
Starting point is 00:26:49 I'll be mean to you if you want. If that's your thing. And for me, it is. Marcella will be back for the rant. We come back. Yay. London time. London's calling.
Starting point is 00:27:00 There it is. There it is. Thank you. Thank you. There it is. There it is. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:27:10 And now another dispatch from Burning Man. My dearest Amanda, conditions are bleak. My trench foot worsens and marches steadily upwards. It is trench groin now. Supplies are dwindling. Thankfully Diplo brought enough ostrich jerky for what he must have imagined would be a far more comprehensive orgy Alas, here I remain trapped knee-deep in this godforsaken goo Sober except for the DMT
Starting point is 00:27:34 Oh my love, from my vantage on the playa I have witnessed such horrors I saw one of the chain smokers ripped to pieces by a mob of tech dads Who were screaming about how they don't feel like they're 40 so they aren't. I saw a crying woman eat her own steampunk goggles. I saw Elon Musk. Cherish, darling. If I am not to survive, you have 36 hours to get my head to the cryogenics lab in Scottsdale. Yours until temporary death, Zachary. When we come back, pip pip, it's London. The lady, not the city. Our next guest calls herself the comedy Beyonce, which means I need a new nickname.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Welcome to the stage. Author, stand-up, and hilarious person. It's London Hughes, isn't it? All right. Hi. How you doing? Welcome. Good to see you Welcome Good to see you
Starting point is 00:28:25 Good to see you Thanks for being here Hi guys Hi audience Hi Oh Let me get comfy Jesus Christ
Starting point is 00:28:33 Talk to me As you wish In your You have a book out Living My Best Life Hun Yes Hun or huh?
Starting point is 00:28:43 Hun In My Best Life Hun I'm British Living My Best Life Hun Yeah. Yes. Hun or huh? Hun. Hun. Living My Best Life, Hun. I'm British. Living My Best Life, Hun. Yeah, you know, I get it now. Yeah. You describe moving from the UK to pursue comedy in the US. Yes.
Starting point is 00:28:50 And you say you made more money in one year in America than your whole life in Britain. Yes. What made comedy in the UK so much... Wait. It's a bit... No, I'm just saying what you're saying. Carry on. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:28:58 What made comedy in the UK so much harder? What made comedy in the UK so much harder? I'm not a white man. Right. Basically, like, Britain, like, is systemically racist. uk so much harder what made comedy in the uk so much harder i'm not a white man right basically like britain like it's systemically racist so like they're not going to call you the n-word to your face but like you'll just feel like one sometimes and so they treat you in a way where if you're not a white guy there's not a lot of things you really can get to the top at like exceeding and comedy is like the main thing comedy acting anything in
Starting point is 00:29:25 the entertainment it just pays to be a white man and I'm the opposite of that so uh it didn't work for me it did work I was doing well but you know he was just like just maintaining this level like I just kept watching all my like white guys like my white friends would just look like you would go they would go and say a couple jokes and they'd be famous like that overnight. And you know when your parents are like, how come James is on TV and you're not? And I'm like, James is a dick, mum. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:29:51 I don't know. So that's basically what happened. I just was a black woman in England trying to be a comedian and that's why it was harder. But America loved black women in. They embraced me. It was great.
Starting point is 00:30:03 Thank you, America. I'm in the best time. I do think there's a lot of i mean i think there are a lot of people uh that would be surprised to hear that the u.s comedy scene is not riven by systemic racism why would they be shocked wait what listen the biggest comedians in the world right now come from America, and most of them are black men. So really and truly, America's actually doing... When it comes to racism in comedy,
Starting point is 00:30:32 America's doing better than everybody. Like, America's doing... Well done, America. Hey. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, look at the comedians. Whoopi Goldberg was successful.
Starting point is 00:30:43 She doesn't even have eyebrows. They let a black woman with no eyebrows But look at the comedians. Whoopi Goldberg was successful. She doesn't even have eyebrows. They let a black woman with no eyebrows be like one of the biggest comedy actors in the world in America. Didn't you pitch a show with Whoopi Goldberg? I did in the UK and they didn't want it. It's shock indeed. Shock and awe.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Can you believe it? Me and Whoopi, it was called Looking for Whoopi. We were going to go around America because I'm trying to be Britain's answer to Whoopi, it was called Looking for Whoopi. We were going to go around America because I'm trying to be Britain's answer to Whoopi Goldberg. And we pitched it. Whoopi said yes, she'd love to do it. And no British TV channel wanted it. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Exactly. And that's when I was like, if I can't even get a show with Whoopi Goldberg off the ground, then I have no business being in this country. So I came in. So yeah. off the ground then I have no business being in this country so I came in so yeah and somehow Kevin Hart flies you to Las Vegas yes that's a sentence like Kevin Hart flies you to Las Vegas that captures so much about busyness like you know what I mean like like that's a
Starting point is 00:31:40 busy person he's so busy yes he's I love Kevin. He's my boy. So he saw a clip of me doing stand up like at this thing called the Edinburgh Comedy Festival, which is like the biggest arts festival in the world since Scotland every August. And I did a show there called To Catch a Dick. And it's now on Netflix. Check it out. It's very funny. And essentially he basically was like, this girl's amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:05 I need to meet her. But he's so busy that i could only meet him in vegas and we couldn't have a meeting because he couldn't he didn't have the time to like take away so i just followed him around for the day and that was and that's what we did because he didn't he didn't have the time in his schedule to talk to me so we had the meeting in the back of his car then in a hotel suite then backstage at some massive venue right before he went on stage and yeah it was great and on his podcast it was amazing yeah how do people maintain that what is it's epic wouldn't you love that i hate that i have time for this show i wish jesus I wish I was busy. Having a nice conversation. No, look, it's important to keep busy.
Starting point is 00:32:50 Yeah. It just seems exhausting. No, it's not. It's amazing. Being busy and rich, wouldn't you love that? I just don't want to be busy. Okay. You just want to be rich.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Yeah, no, I love it. During college, you were identified on a Facebook page yes as the university's biggest hoe yes
Starting point is 00:33:10 that was just an anonymous post yes and a lot of people dragged you on there dragged me to filth um and it wasn't true
Starting point is 00:33:19 there were actual real hoes doing the dirt but they were undercover and I was the poster child for their hoish ways but I weren't really the undercover. And I was the poster child for their ho-ish ways. But I weren't really the ho. I was a lovely girl.
Starting point is 00:33:29 I just liked talking to boys. Boys are great. Do you know what I mean? I'm not sure. No. They're like, I went to all girls school. And so like,
Starting point is 00:33:37 by the time I got to university, because we call, you call it college, but we call it university. By the time I got to university, there was like so many men. And I just hadn't been in an environment with that much dick so i was like oh i was like i was charlie in the chocolate factory i was like all the oompa loompas so i was going to all these guys and like talking to them and then girls were like she's talking to jermaine on monday and then tony
Starting point is 00:34:02 on tuesday and she's a hoe and I wasn't really because I wasn't sucking their dick it was just conversation we were doing you never figured out who made the post no so it was when Facebook had just been invented I'm of that era guys uh Facebook was just only for like university students in the beginning and when it hit England we were the first university students to get it and yeah essentially you could make a page and it's all anonymous you can make a and it was called yeah my university was called kingston university and it was called kingston university uncovered we're uncovering the biggest hoes on campus and it was like my face and then my facebook linked to my facebook account and then people were like this girl is a hoe
Starting point is 00:34:42 leave your comments and girls guys were just like yeah she's this and girls were like yeah one time she left my my house with another guy and he was my boyfriend when he arrived but he left with her and i'm like that's not true that means you ain't got game if i can steal your man then that's a you problem so not a me problem but yeah that's a cool story thank you but yeah no it was it was it was horrible it was i was when i write about it in my book which is where you got it from it was a horribly horrible time i was very sad well it sounds like there was a there was bullying in college and then there was bullying in the comedy scene yeah i think a lot like a lot of the book is about overcoming
Starting point is 00:35:17 bullying are you all right there love are we boring you are you good honey a little reverse sneeze from my old gal pundit nothing a little nothing a little opiate won't fix later what would you say no not inside i just sometimes he takes drugs uh oh wow but like a lot of the book is about overcoming bullies yes what's your sort of what was your what's your main lesson been you know doing that well i didn't really so at the time i'm very confident now. Look at me. I'm a bad bitch.
Starting point is 00:35:46 But I wasn't always. Thank you. But I wasn't always. I was very insecure. And I used to seek validation in other people. Can you look at me when I'm talking to you? In other people. Jesus, what is this show?
Starting point is 00:35:59 I was. What was you doing? Walk me through what went through your head just then. So I was listening. Yeah. But I was thinking about what went through your head just then so i was listening yeah but i was thinking about what we're going to next and i was looking for hallie who is our head writer who i'm going to ask a question of to ask a question of you okay and i didn't know if she was in here or on the other side of the glass so you decided to just look away from me mid speech when i'm talking about my vulnerability and being insecure right yes because I have a lot of undiagnosed things.
Starting point is 00:36:25 Okay. And one of them is that I don't care if people don't look at me while I'm talking. And I forget that people really care about that. Because I just was listening carefully. But what's good about this, and I'll try to sustain it as long as I can. But the good news is this moment
Starting point is 00:36:40 notified Halle that I'm going to go to her next. Yes, so you didn't actually have to look away. You could have just been like hey Hallie and do like can you come and sort the shit out you didn't have to be rude and ruin my thing now and now we're making it about you yeah I mean look I think there's a lot of ways this could have gone better for sure yeah for sure no that and that's and that's like what I'm that's a you problem no I think it's currently a little bit both of our problems just because you're here both of our problems. Just because you're here. Well, no, because you're stuck because you're here. Why is it my problem?
Starting point is 00:37:07 Because you're here. Hallie, can we do the next segment, please? Wait, no, but wait, no, wait. Tell me what you learned. No, you don't care. No, I do care. Do you actually? I really do.
Starting point is 00:37:17 We care. They care. Thank you, audience. I feel like they care. I do care. This is what we're going to... Hold my hand. Okay. This is what we're going to do. So basically, I contact and human touch my two favorite things. That's why I do a show in front of an audience.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Okay, so basically what I learned from being bullied was that when people bully you, it's their insecurities. It's their problem. It's how they view themselves. And you shining affects them in a way where they have to break you down. So if you get bullied, it's because the people are the wrong people. They're the mean ones and you're a bad bitch.
Starting point is 00:37:58 Yeah. Yeah. You got really nice eyes. Your eyes are pretty I gotta tell you something human touch eye contact and compliments are you trying to fucking kill me
Starting point is 00:38:15 I don't work like this I just like how awkward you are I'm like hey this is your show you can relax. Everyone here is here for you. If I could relax, none of this would be here. This is all because
Starting point is 00:38:32 I can't relax. You're the star. They all love you. They're all here for you, babe. Look. I love you. Wait, you're going to fix me? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:38:40 You're going to fix me now? I don't think so. You're so anxious. Your hands were so clammy. Yeah. Your clammy yeah yeah 24 hours a day seven days a week yeah we're one podcast away from figuring it out jesus it must be hard being in this this this is this is a lot isn't it honey yes it is. It's okay. One time when I was being bullied, Mrs. Satz, I'm sorry, Ms. Satz was in front of the class.
Starting point is 00:39:11 And every time she would turn and face the board, the kids sitting in front of me and the kids sitting behind me would lift my desk and drop it one inch. Can you believe that? So it's just like she faces the board and then just bam. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:39:25 Why did they do that? Well, I thought, I mean, I was listening to the thing you said. What? No, no. But why is that a thing? Like, why not just throw a paper ball at your head? Like, why is lifting a desk a thing? Why are there museums filled with medieval torture devices when punching works?
Starting point is 00:39:42 Because people want to be creative when they're mean. That's disgusting. I feel sorry for them. they i'm sorry i'm sorry you went through that thanks but they were trying to dim your light because you were a bad bitch and they could sense that i think i was um wearing a no fear tennis t-shirt that was three sizes too big and i think probably they were right yes what if they were right no but you are a bad bitch oh thank you yeah
Starting point is 00:40:08 you should say it say I'm a bad bitch no I'm not gonna do it no cause I feel like you don't believe that you're a bad bitch say it he should say it
Starting point is 00:40:18 say I'm a bad bitch is would you there's a fine say hey hey say I'm a bad bitch I'm a bad bitch. Is, would you, there's a fine, Hey, Hey, say I'm a bad bitch.
Starting point is 00:40:26 I'm a bad bitch. Yeah! But, Don't it feel good? Look at the smile. Look at the smile. You know what, you know what I like about,
Starting point is 00:40:33 you know what's great about this? Look at the smile. I love it. I think what's important about this, do I? Yes. I think what's important about this, what I'm learning about this is,
Starting point is 00:40:39 there's such a fine line between encouraging and bullying in a sense. Because I don't know. I think put this in a minor key, you're fucking me up right now. No, I'm really. You know what I mean? I'm chopping the table. I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:40:52 I'm sorry. Now. Go on. Change tact. What's next? Here's what's next. Okay. What you got for me?
Starting point is 00:40:59 Here's what it is. So you've had this experience of overcoming bullying. Yes. Hallie, our head writer yes had a bullying experience that I believe may have also involved Facebook
Starting point is 00:41:09 what happened babe oh well okay first of all I'm sorry I wasn't here earlier I was taking a shit and I didn't know anything was happening I thought I got enough time
Starting point is 00:41:19 and I was dead wrong can you take a shit at work you are a bad bitch thank you well done it wasn't planned it wasn't planned. It wasn't part of the event or anything.
Starting point is 00:41:28 I'm happy for you. But yeah, I had this experience. I thought, I was like, this isn't interesting. So this person who I thought was a friend of mine from high school messaged me. I haven't talked to him since then. But you know what I mean? Just someone who I was in a bunch of classes with him. Just someone who I thought fondly of.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Messaged me on Facebook. And I think he was becoming a youth minister. Or was in some sort of 12-step program either way what and he said hey i just want to let you know i'm so sorry about how mean i was to you during high school i was so cruel to you and i i just really wanted to reach out it really bothered me and honest to god i had to reply like i thought we were friends oh wow and so i want to get your reaction because i was like if he had done that i would have just thought we were all kidding around. But then he did that and I was like oh. He hated you.
Starting point is 00:42:10 Yeah. Anyway so what do I do with that now? That's my question to you. No there's nothing you could do now. That's it. Just sit in your shit. Literally. You're fine. The fact that he apologized to you means that you were on his mind. You were living in his house rent free. Is that what the Americans say? That makes sense. So that's what you were doing.'re clear you were on his mind you were living in his house rent
Starting point is 00:42:25 free is that the what the americans say that makes so that's what you were doing so yeah you've already won honey oh thank you okay great well don't you think it's a little concerning that he thought he was bullying you for years and you thought you were just chopping it up with a yeah with a roasted with were you in a roast yeah what was he saying what was he doing oh yeah no just don't even want to get into it just just stuff horrible roast stuff but like i was so i just was like yeah that's like you do a friend would do oh you thought he was negging you did you want to smash no oh okay okay yeah no for sure no i thought we were bros i thought we were like you know just buddies yeah huh yeah see that's that's a common thing with women because we're taught to believe that if a man's mean to you
Starting point is 00:43:05 it's because he likes you so like any guy would be like you're shit and I'm like okay yeah I would have sex with you so yeah
Starting point is 00:43:13 it's a hard one but no you've won you've won at life thank you you can go you can go back and flush yeah I want to go for a second round go back and flush
Starting point is 00:43:20 hey you have to get in there and I'm so glad that your flight even though you didn't get to Barcelona, that everything... Oh, yeah. I gotta get back.
Starting point is 00:43:28 It's about to take off. I gotta get back in there. They're taxing on the runway for me. Halle Kiefer, everybody. Thank you. Thanks, Halle. What's up, babe? Any final thoughts for us?
Starting point is 00:43:38 Well, I have a book. It's called Living My Best Life, Hun. Following Your Dreams is No Joke. And it came out two days ago congratulations thank you thank you I had just left New York
Starting point is 00:43:51 I went to Barnes & Noble in New York on 5th Avenue and I signed copies and it was very surreal I was like oh my god I've made it
Starting point is 00:43:57 so yeah it's a crazy time it's wild to write a book it is and I wrote it in two months 90,000 words 304 pages, two months.
Starting point is 00:44:06 And I said, no social media, no going out, no alcohol, no dick. And I did it for two months and the book is amazing. I'm so proud of myself.
Starting point is 00:44:14 That's cool. Thank you. Thank you so much. I don't think I could go two months without social media. All right. There we go. He's really funny for halfway through you turned
Starting point is 00:44:26 away you looked away from me for a second it's a hard show to run no you turned your head i was listening you were wrong and let's move on why don't you know what we can talk about this at home fine what's next what's the next segment living my best life hun following your dreams is no joke is out now everybody check it out london hughes thank you so much it's so funny we come back yes we canna don't go anywhere this is love it or leave it and there's more on the way and we're back Changing gears. I love when our show changes gears. He represents Silicon Valley in Congress, and he co-founded the Antitrust Caucus in the House.
Starting point is 00:45:13 A man of contradictions. Please welcome Congressman Ro Khanna. Thank you so much for being here. Now let's start with this, and obviously it's not the most important topic I imagine many of your most annoying constituents were trapped at Burning Man this weekend It's my social media feed
Starting point is 00:45:32 What, if anything, could you have done to keep them there longer? Well, they feel like that's their spiritual journey that's their morality so, you know, that's their spiritual journey. That's their morality. So, you know, that's part of the problem, that maybe they just need to have a different form of getting ethics. View that as entertainment. Okay. I support that. So you've got to be the only member of Congress,
Starting point is 00:45:59 and maybe the only human being, who has gone on both Hugh Hewitt's radio show and Bad Faith, which is like a very lefty podcast. Like what makes it worth your time to go on, say, like a right wing show where you know you're gonna get the shit kicked out of you? Part of the problem, I think, in our politics is we have way too much certitude, way too much sense that we know the truth. What we have is morally superior. We're not going to engage with the other side. I grew up in a belief that you engage other people, you listen to other people, you don't come with a view that you know everything. So going on these shows, I mean,
Starting point is 00:46:37 sometimes I vehemently disagree. And sometimes I want to hear the other side and engage in conversation. And I know it sounds simplistic. But if we just had more conversations in this country, genuine conversations, not I want to go on Fox News because I want a viral clip to go share with other people. I think we would do far better as a country. So we're in the middle of a strike in the entertainment industry that has now lasted more than four months. A lot of the contentious issues relate to how the business model has changed in television and film. That's about streaming, but it's also about a bunch of consolidation. That's allowed just a few companies to control a huge part of the industry.
Starting point is 00:47:13 Can you talk a little bit, as someone who has co-founded the caucus on antitrust, what role do you think antitrust regulation could play in making the entertainment industry a fairer place? Well, what I say is technology is not a license for exploitation, right? I mean, we look at the strike very simply. And you used to, if you wrote The Friends or you wrote Seinfeld, when you'd have the reruns or when it would get syndicated, the writer would get compensated. Now, if you were the writer for Ted Lasso or the writer for a show that does well, Apple or Netflix aren't even telling you how many people are streaming that. And they do have way
Starting point is 00:47:53 too much market share because how many people do you have a choice of in going to these services? So in this case, I would just have regulation that would require them to disclose the amount of people who are watching a show and compensate based on that. And that's why I stand with the writers and what they're doing. But I think more broadly, we do need to look at market concentration and make sure that when you have companies, you don't have unfair concentration so that you have power over workers or over consumers in unfair ways. I mean, it used to be there were rules that created a dividing line between, say, networks and studios. And you see this in a bunch of different industries, right? That, you know, the networks control the way people see the content. They also make the content. Amazon controls the store. They make stuff for the store. Apple controls the app store. They
Starting point is 00:48:43 make stuff for the store. Are there more structural changes that you would see, at least in entertainment, that fit with this sort of problem? Do you think it's right that a company like Comcast, they can own the cable, they can own the network, they can own the studio making the content, that they can own the whole thing, top to bottom? Traditionally, vertical integration, which you're talking about, hasn't been an antitrust violation. But I do think that there's a problem when you have Apple or Amazon not only making the content, but then privileging the content. So Amazon's making products, and then suddenly when you go on to Amazon search, those products
Starting point is 00:49:23 come up first. Or Apple's making a streaming service, and then they're prioritizing that in the App Store. What I would require is neutrality, that if you are going to have one of these products that you're making, you can't favor it over other products. And that was actually Klobuchar's bill, which I thought was a very good start. And unfortunately, we didn't get it passed. In the absence of that, what did you think of the Biden administration's rules that they put out in July, laying out a firmer antitrust regulations? I think that that was a good start.
Starting point is 00:49:57 And that will guide people like Lena Kahn and the Justice Department to take stronger action. It will curb some of the worst practices because they know there's an activist division in the FTC and justice, but it can't take away the courts, right? I mean, the courts are still gonna be ruling, unfortunately, often against the agencies because the law hasn't changed.
Starting point is 00:50:21 But I think that the frustration, John, on antitrust speaks to something deeper. I represent a district, Silicon Valley, that has $10 trillion of market value. It's literally one third of the S&P 500, Apple, Google, Intel, Yahoo, Cisco. You've had the concentration of obscene amount of wealth in places like the Valley, New York, LA. And at the same time, when you go around the country, you go to Johnstown, Pennsylvania, you go to Ashtabula County in Ohio, you go down River Michigan, you go to Dayton or Milwaukee, you've had the total collapse of the working class or the middle class where people don't believe in the American dream. And people are saying,
Starting point is 00:51:01 how have we allowed this to happen? Antitrust is just one part of the issue. The bigger problem is the concentration of economic opportunity in a few places where so much of America has been left out. their own products is they're using their vast market power, their size to go into industries where they're competing against much smaller, much less well-funded firms, right? Like Apple can go into the entertainment business and become a competitor overnight, buy up movies by Martin Scorsese, even though they weren't in the industry two years ago, but they can do that right because of the scale they have dwarfs anything that anyone in this town can compete with. So I think it depends on what you're saying. If you're saying, okay, you make a very good phone and you're just selling that phone and you're building the size, that to me is less problematic if you're not engaged in dominant behavior. something in a different industry and getting into a different industry by undercutting them, I would be much more vigilant on not just approving the acquisitions and mergers,
Starting point is 00:52:17 which actually I think one thing the Biden administration has done. They have really limited and scrutinized those kind of acquisitions and mergers. And they're considering the impact on a community, the impact on jobs. And that I do think is a concern. So I would say it's not as much size as much as expanding into other industries, leaving communities hollowed out, because you don't care. There does seem to be just sort of a missing part of the national debate. And even just the way we talk about economics, because, you know, there's we talk about a national inflation rate, we talk about national unemployment rate, we talk about national income, and then you go into the actual data and in the same way that they adjust the number seasonally, what we never see is a report that says, hey, turns out for the last say 10 or 15 years, we've had incredible,
Starting point is 00:53:05 unrelenting economic growth in these 10 cities. And actually, if you go to 70% of the country, they've been in a state of, like, we talked about it that way, that, hey, this whole part of the country has been in a permanent recession since, say, like 1997, and nobody's really talked about it. I think that explains so much, not all of our politics, but so much of the anger at our politics. I mean, it's actually pretty simple. People used to have $30 jobs. Now they have $15 to $17 jobs working in Amazon warehouses instead of steel plants. So, yeah, the unemployment rate may be 3.5%, but those aren't family-sustaining jobs.
Starting point is 00:53:40 And then they've got $10,000 for childcare. And they've got, I don't know, $20,000, $30,000 if they want to go to college. And they've got medical debt. And most young people can't think of even buying a house. And then they hear all these politicians saying, well, things are going in the right direction. They say, no, they're not. No, they're not. Now, I give the president a lot of credit for trying to steer the Titanic in the right direction in terms of what he's trying to do. But he's trying to reverse decades of policy. And I think that's the balancing act for Democrats, which is to acknowledge that the working class and lots of parts of this country have really been left out.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Can we make it the Olympic instead of the Titanic? Because the Olympic got fucked up and they got towed back to port. That's a great point. We're in the middle of yet another mini kerfuffle about the fact that, I don't know if you know this, but President Biden's old. Voters are clearly concerned about Biden's age, but at the same time, especially because Republican extremism is dangerous and makes the stakes feel total. Democratic voters and politicians are also risk averse. And so there's no appetite or participants in a primary. So how do we get out of this loop and get from concerns about Joe Biden's age as a biggest liability, which it is, to the hard work of doing everything we can to make sure that he stays president? First of all, no candidate is perfect.
Starting point is 00:55:04 everything we can to make sure that he stays president. First of all, no candidate is perfect. The person who I believe is the most talented politician of modern times, Barack Obama, was two years into a Senate term. That was a legitimate criticism of him when he was running for president. How can you become president having two years as a Senate? Bill Clinton was the governor of a very, very small state. So yes, President Biden is old. You can't have anyone assume the presidency, even Democratic politicians we've had, and not have something that you could say, well, I wish he was 65. Sure, I wish he was 65. But look at what he has achieved. Look at the Inflation Reduction Act, the infrastructure bill, the CHIPS Act, which actually brought $20 billion to Ohio. I often say this. If Donald Trump actually brought $20 billion to Ohio. I often say
Starting point is 00:55:45 this. If Donald Trump had brought $20 billion to Ohio in new factories, we'd be hearing about that every day. Look at what he has done on the American Rescue Plan. I talked about child care and the cost of child care. 70,000 facilities have child care today because of that plan the president passed. And that's going to go away if the Republicans don't have the budget. And look at his leadership on Ukraine, where he has shown judgment. It's easy to say, let's support Ukraine. He's done that. Obviously, he's rallied NATO. But you know where he's shown judgment? He hasn't gone further in provoking a world war with Russia. That's a very fine balance that he's managed to strike. So he has extraordinary experience. He has done a lot.
Starting point is 00:56:24 He can win in the Midwest. And I think he deserves a second term. The power of his reputation and having been around a long time, ironically, made it possible for him to shift left without being tarred by the right as having become some lefty. Like, they've been trying for years to paint Joe Biden this way. It won't work. This is his skill. The same policy Bernie Warren says, oh, radical left. Joe Biden says, ah, it must be middle America, normal America.
Starting point is 00:56:56 And so he's taken a lot of policies and really made them mainstream. But I think it is foolish to do anything but be all in for Joe Biden. If you want Medicare for all, as I do, if you want free public college, if you want massive investments in climate, the way to get there, the way to get a progressive future is to have eight years of Joe Biden and then push for it, not four more years of a Republican or Donald Trump. So I think we've got the one thing that concerns me, John, the only – I'm not a bedwetting Democrat, and I think Biden's going to be fine, is that I don't see yet the same urgency that we had when Trump was there,
Starting point is 00:57:37 and that was because Trump was in our face, and we knew how bad it was. But we've got to get that same passion. If we get the turnout, we'll win. Congressman Conner, thank you so much. We'll be back for the rant wheel. We'll be right back. Thank you. And now the final installment of the Burning Man letters. My dearest Amanda, let it be known that this is the hardest message I've ever had to deliver. Other than the time I fired 400 local journalists
Starting point is 00:58:05 so that my private equity firm could turn their downtown printing press and delivery warehouse into an indoor-outdoor brew pub and third space called Truth Factory. Because this is a letter, you can see the umlaut over the U, so no need to describe it further. I've decided to remain at the Playa indefinitely. Did you know, Amanda, that volunteers remain after Burning Man and clean up for all the freaks? Volunteers do this. Does that break your brain like it does mine?
Starting point is 00:58:33 That volunteers stay behind and clean up after billionaires for free? I've decided I must remain to protect the Playa. And for no recompense, I shall pick up the garbage left behind by Sergey Brin so that Burning Man, what seems to me is a music festival without music, can continue forever. I feel I have been reborn in the primordial muck. Also, the mud made me realize our relationship is what's really holding me back and that we should maybe break up?
Starting point is 00:59:01 Talk it over with the Kewl. Yours, maybe maybe Zachary when we come back Bobby Burke is here please welcome to the stage you love him on Queer Eye he's the only person America trusts to look at their disgusting futon and tell them they're still worthy of love please welcome to the stage Bobby
Starting point is 00:59:24 Burke and he's got a dog. Oh, yeah. It's going to be fine. She's protecting me. Hi, Bobby. Thank you for being here. Thank you for having me. Your book is called
Starting point is 00:59:36 Right at Home, How Design is Good for the Mind. What is the number one mistake people make that makes them slowly lose their minds? You know what? I think worrying about
Starting point is 00:59:44 what everybody else thinks about their house, worrying about what magazines tell them, worry about what I tell them. Your home should be a space that makes you happy and helps you recharge. So the biggest mistake is worrying about what other people think. Just by looking at me, what mistake do you think I'm making in my home? Do you live here? You're like, kind of? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:00:03 What do you think of my home? I love it. It seems a little cold to live in. Well, I'll tell you something. They were like, we think there's too many screens. And I was like, never. There's never too many screens. I think we can get a couple more screens in here.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Then it'll really feel cozy. I think there's a spot for another one right above that one, actually. Yeah, why not? Why not? Because if you love screens, put them up. Hey, what do you... This is your house. This is my house.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Hey, why did everything become beige? And then do you think that's done? Do people know blue exists? Well, I mean, I know blue exists. If you've seen my show at all, I love using blue.
Starting point is 01:00:40 And I mean, look at my eyes. So blue exists. And your shirt. Why is everyone looking into my eyes tonight but but there had there was this trend where like color was sort of sucked out of the blue I feel like we're kind of
Starting point is 01:00:57 still there why I mean I don't know why are all the cars gray that's black or white I'm not in the automobile industry I don't know. Why are all the cars gray? Or black or white? I'm not in the automobile industry. I don't know. I don't know. But if it's a rental car, it is probably gray.
Starting point is 01:01:11 Right. I think that maybe, I don't know, it's a safe choice. What happened to us? We got boring. We got boring. We got boring. My car is green. My car is blue.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I have a blue car. We have color it's actually the first car of color the first car that I've got that was look yes
Starting point is 01:01:31 we all caught what you almost said which you have a path breaking car of color and you caught it but it was too good and then I was you weren't sure
Starting point is 01:01:42 never mind never mind so I do think there's like my face is a bright red But it was too good. And then I was... You weren't sure. Never mind. Never mind. Never mind. So I do think there's like... My face is a bright red color. No, it's good. It's good. No, it's good. Bobby, you're going to help us make a final ruling on popular interior design trends.
Starting point is 01:01:57 So here's how this game is going to work. We're going to show you a design trend and you will deem it innocent or guilty. Okay. All right. Are you ready? Yes. And this is for design court. I want to be a
Starting point is 01:02:10 chief justice. What are they called? The Supreme Court. Yeah, they're called the Supreme Court and that's you in the center there. Yes, applaud that. Sure. Alright. Innocent or guilty? Edison bulbs. Guilty.
Starting point is 01:02:27 It's done. It's over. No more. It's too warm. I like a warm light, but it's too warm. It's like almost not light light. What do you do? What's going to replace them?
Starting point is 01:02:39 A brighter bulb. Wait, is what makes it an Edison bulb the fact that it's orange or the fact that it is see-through and you see the filament? No, it's the shape and you see the filament because it looks like an original bulb created by Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison, who famously. Who famously, and back then that was the only bulb. And it was a big deal. So guilty. Next up, shiplap. Joanna, guilty.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Now, here's the thing. I sorry is she here i'm scared now here's what i don't kill me i don't here's what i don't understand where does something like why does all of a sudden people like you know what my house should be a boat well because i think originally it was created because it's easy to install. And instead of like older houses had like plaster walls and they were hard to replace. So they just covered them in wood. But then somehow it became a design choice and an overly used one. And it's guilty. Yeah, it's guilty.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Avant basic home goods like the now ubiquitous corn stool. So my options are guilty or innocent? Yes. Innocent. I love sitting on a corncob. I'm so glad you said that. I'm so glad. He's like, me too.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Wait. No, but you know what? You know what? I would say this. I would say this. When you're sitting on a corncob, it can go a couple different ways. You're right, it can. Sometimes you're sitting on a corncob and can go a couple different ways. You're right, it can. Sometimes you're sitting on a corn cob
Starting point is 01:04:07 and you're like, this works. But sometimes you're like, I don't feel safe. I don't feel safe. That's right. That's right. Innocent. Innocent. Not really, but innocent. Next up, tubs in bedrooms.
Starting point is 01:04:28 No. And on a parquet wood floor? Can you imagine if she got wet? It'd be ruined. And whoever lives in that room, she's not worried about the floor, so it's ruined. I also would say that this is a photo of a four, what do they call it, the four poster bed? And a bay window and two bathtubs. Oh, I thought there was a swirly chair on the left.
Starting point is 01:04:50 But no, that's two tubs. I think it's two side-by-side tubs like a Cialis commercial. That's what I was thinking. And I feel like it's some of those, like you see those Instagram posts where there's like toilets right next to each other, like couple toilets. And I'm first of all like, ew. Second of all, I'm like, take a bath together, not in a bathtub next to each other. like couple toilets. And I'm first of all like, ew. Second of all, I'm like, take a bath together, not in a bathtub next to each other.
Starting point is 01:05:07 That's weird. I hate it when I go to a hotel and the bathtub is in the room. And I'm like, that's a design choice and a bad one. So guilty. I don't like it. Yeah. Hey, you know what's great? A wall between where you sleep and where you shit.
Starting point is 01:05:18 Yeah. Yeah, I agree. Just a little rule that I have. Adore. Next up, painting red brick homes white. Innocent. Gasp. I do.
Starting point is 01:05:29 I like it. Okay. Yeah, I do. I think it's a fresh way to make a home look more modern. And if it's a historic brick, I'm a little less... Like the one that got thrown at Stonewall.
Starting point is 01:05:43 Yes, just like that one. Don't paint that one white. Don't stonewall yes just like that one don't paint that one white don't paint that one don't whitewash that the gay white gays already think they did stonewall but it wasn't the white gays um so the what the yes yeah and that's so important so like a and like an 80s or 90s brick house paint her paint her but see here's the thing here's my question for you Sure why not But once you've painted it you can't unpaint it You can go back
Starting point is 01:06:09 Yeah you can just sandblast it You just got sandblasted You just got sandblasted You take the corncob Yeah you just Yeah that's You know that we brought this from my home My actual home
Starting point is 01:06:24 The Michelangelo's David with an ice cream cone on his face Do you know that we brought this from my home, my actual home? The Michelangelo's David with an ice cream cone on his face. It reminds me of like the corncob art. Yes, that also is a photo of my home. Well, I liked your home. Thank you. Next up, open floor plans. I think they're fine.
Starting point is 01:06:43 I prefer a little privacy. I've lived in like lofts in downtown LA with open floor plans, and it's not for me, but I think it's for someone. And we think it's for someone. Yeah. Everything is for someone. But I mean, that space is beautiful. So, oh, I'm supposed to say guilty or innocent. Innocent.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Innocent. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Barn doors. If it's a barn door on a bathroom can we cuss on here yeah fuck you why would you do that like it doesn't muffle sound
Starting point is 01:07:12 it doesn't prevent smells from seeping out what was the point of it you can hear everything it's also like thank you so much for saying that. It's not like, was there,
Starting point is 01:07:28 the pocket door, they already cracked the code on the door. When you don't have enough room for the door, you do the pocket door. Well, pocket doors actually take up more space.
Starting point is 01:07:37 But not for opening and closing. Not for opening and closing. No, but in the walls, in the walls, in the walls. Fucking barn doors. What do you think you are? You're not in a barn?
Starting point is 01:07:44 You know what, for a closet maybe? Whatever. But I don't, yeah, I think they're just, so many times people put them on a bathroom
Starting point is 01:07:52 and I'm like, you didn't think this through. You didn't think it through when you're sitting there with explosive diarrhea and your spouse is laying in the bed listening to it and smelling it
Starting point is 01:08:04 and your spouse is like, this is Atlanta to Barcelona all over again. Yes. Yeah. Or not even your spouse. Just like a hookup. You didn't think it through. Oh, yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:17 That's no good. Yeah. Yeah. The horse has left the barn door. You know what I mean? Yeah. I don't know what that means. I'm like, I know what you mean, but actually. No, I don't think. I don? Yeah. I don't know what that means. I'm like, I know what you mean, but actually...
Starting point is 01:08:27 No, I don't think it... I don't know what it could have meant. Wait, question. Why are they making everything into... If you go... It's like... Do you see there's... They're farmhouses.
Starting point is 01:08:36 They're making everything look like pretend farmhouses. I mean, when the little kid's like... Absolutely destroyed today. So cute. It's fine. It's fine. But farm. Why are they making everything farm?
Starting point is 01:08:50 Farm houses. What happened? Joanna. It's just a trend from them. Yeah. Huh? Yeah. And a controversial.
Starting point is 01:09:00 It's fine. It's fine. It's farmhouse is your thing. It's your thing. But yeah, I think it's a little, I'm done with it. We're done with it. Yeah, I'm done with it. I'm so sick of seeing these farmhouse McMansions in LA where they tore down these cute little craftsmen or homes with personality and they just put up these massive modern farmhouses.
Starting point is 01:09:18 And I'm like, that doesn't look like a farmhouse anymore. No one thinks there's a fucking sheep in there. I mean, there might be. Yeah. Final one. Guilty or innocent? Too many houseplants. Never enough. Because it makes the air nice.
Starting point is 01:09:32 It makes the air nice. It releases endorphins. There's a whole chapter in my book about plants and what they do for your mental health and your well-being. And just also, they look great. We love plants. We love plants. We love plants.
Starting point is 01:09:47 Innocent! And show people the book. It's called Right at Home, How Good Design is Good. Nice. For the mind. For the mind. I was like, wait, that doesn't sound right. How Good Design is Good.
Starting point is 01:10:01 That's a cute title, too. It's pretty good. I thought it was like, oh, that's cool. I thought it was different earlier. It's a cute title, too. It's pretty good. I thought it was like, oh, that's cool. I thought it was different earlier. It's out on September 12th. Easy to remember because the day after a day you'll never forget. No. Brian sneaks things into the cards.
Starting point is 01:10:17 When we come back, don't forget to buy the book. When we come back, the rant wheel. Deep dishes and Pizza. Now that I have the Midwest's attention, Love It or Leave It is coming to Chicago on September 21st and Madison on September 22nd for two great nights of mayhem, malort, and ill-advised dairy consumption.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I'll be joined by wonderful guests like Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson, Peter Sagal, Alice Wetterlin, Jillian Flynn, Ben Wickler, and more. Tickets are going fast. Head to slash events to get yours today. And just one note, I know that deep dish is pizza. And in fact, just because we had a conversation about Chicago at the office, I ordered a deep dish pizza yesterday. Was it good?
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yeah. We'll be right back. All right. And we're back. Please welcome back to the stage London Marcella and Congressman Ro Khanna. Thanks for being willing to stick around. Hello.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Congressman. Hello. We've got multiple dogs. Do you remember what friends they were in the green room? Yeah, were they beefing up? They were arch nemesis out here. Seriously? It's her.
Starting point is 01:11:28 Seriously? This is what happens. Fame changes you. Yeah. Crazy. Here's the thing. Crazy. Dogs are like their owners.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Sweet, a little loud, and the second she thought there was someone who might take a little bit of her limelight, she wanted to eat them. Oh, wow. I know people like that. Aren't you like that i'm joking he's the best hey have you had fun on this show i have i didn't fall was he rude to you i didn't fall yeah the last time london and i worked together i fell where'd you fall uh off the stage of wheel of fortune Wheel of Fortune. We were on Celebrity Wheel of Fortune, which I won, by the way. Because I was injured. No, because the fool didn't affect your brain. It was your shoulder.
Starting point is 01:12:15 But every time I spun that wheel, I was in agony. I couldn't even see the wheel. He dealt with it very well. You played through the pain. I did. She actually didn't know today that I pretty much went to the hospital
Starting point is 01:12:25 afterwards did you really not literally but I ended up in like chiropractor and physical therapy for like a month and a half he started out so well
Starting point is 01:12:32 I had no idea it's called acting darling well done darling thank you well done I was going to say was he rude to you because he was rude to me
Starting point is 01:12:38 no not at all he was so sweet really that's nice why were you mean to London though she's a civil girl. And now you're in Congress.
Starting point is 01:12:49 The U.S. Congress. Pelosi once said, don't go on with the comedian. I've got like three of them here. You really do. Oh, shit, yeah. Everybody pull out their dicks. Let's go. My bad.
Starting point is 01:13:01 And now it's time for the rant wheel. I haven't complained about a single thing for weeks so let's do this on the wheel we have the 2024 Republican candidate
Starting point is 01:13:13 playlist as was published by Politico we have people who say they like people watching we have using social media
Starting point is 01:13:19 to go viral we have Beyonce wondering why people couldn't go on mute we have the British Royals we have Tom Hardy's American accent we have being British Royals. We have Tom Hardy's American accent. We have being single over 30.
Starting point is 01:13:27 And we have Kyle XY only getting three seasons. Very specific. Very specific. XY. Is that the guy with no belly button? Yeah, no belly button. You remember the poster at the mall. He was hot, except for the no belly button thing.
Starting point is 01:13:43 That was weird. That was my thought. Love it. I want that one. Let's spin the wheel. How will you do a body shot? Here we go. It has landed on Beyonce wondering why people couldn't go on mute.
Starting point is 01:14:02 Thank you so much. It's me, Beyonce. I was like, it's Beyonce mute. Thank you so much. It's me, Beyonce. Thank you so much. It's amazing to be here with y'all. It's incredible. I'm so thankful. It's incredible.
Starting point is 01:14:20 Thank you so much for selling out three shows at Sophie's Stadium. Thank you so much. for selling out three shows at sophie stadium thank you so much i just don't understand why y'all couldn't go on mute um um where everybody was going on mute uh but people in the nosebleeds just didn't do it. And I don't know why. Why it's so hard to flex like Helen Keller, but it's okay.
Starting point is 01:14:56 There's three shows left, and I need y'all to go on mute when I say go on mute. Thank you so much. It's me, Beyonce, and I'm so thankful. It's a blessing. Thank you so much. Yes. That is correct. Innocent.
Starting point is 01:15:19 That was good. That was a very good impression. Thank you so much. There's so many videos of her this weekend saying, thank you so much. You had it in your phone. I had messages of people telling me they thought of me when they watched her talk because
Starting point is 01:15:37 thank you so much is all she's saying. That's all she's saying. So much to be thankful for. It's a gratitude tool. Thank you so much. Go on mute. Thank you. Let's spin it again. Using social media to go viral, which I believe was suggested by Congressman Ro Khanna.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I was hoping I didn't have to follow that, but I guess... You know, my rant, they said, what do you want to rant about? I said, why does everyone in this country suddenly have a rant? Like you go on social media, everyone seems to be upset about something,
Starting point is 01:16:13 ranting on something. Even the most thoughtful, nuanced writers, professors, they go on social media, it's one long rant. Well, they're bored right now. And then they want to, and then everyone, you know, I do it too. You count how many retweets
Starting point is 01:16:27 you have, likes you have, and then it's like this empty feeling at the end of it. We did all of that ranting. How about we just stop ranting just for one day? Sort of a tough rant mid-segment. Heads up next time, like, hey, I'm going to fucking fuck this whole thing up.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Make you seem like a real chump when you try to rant about something you saw on the news next. No, but it's such an important point during this segment called The Rant Wheel. Our beloved and famous segment of The Rant Wheel. We are part of the problem and we're doing nothing to change it. No, but one thing I've noticed is there's a certain kind of academic that goes on social media. They lose all faculties. They just sort of, you're like, oh, no, I thought you were really good. And they were like, you're smart.
Starting point is 01:17:13 And you're like, you're a nut. Yeah. And then they go into it. I mean, it's like that you lose all sense of how people talk. I mean, maybe not on this rant section, but like normal, normal conversation. You go on social media and it's just like people lose it.
Starting point is 01:17:29 I don't do social media because it's beneath me. I'm not a TikTok. It's beneath me in every way. I'm actually funny in real life because I don't want to be a TikTok comedian in the same bracket
Starting point is 01:17:38 as a girl that eats bananas and farts songs. I don't, what? They make some money. I've got money. Diddy shoes, Laboondi on. I'm good. Hey London, I didn't say you didn't make some money I've got money did he show you I'm good
Starting point is 01:17:46 hey London I didn't say you didn't make money I make funny money TikTok money and I'm not gonna be dancing and doing mime and along to some bullshit for stuff
Starting point is 01:17:54 it's evolved now you don't have to do that as much as TikTok because that's why I refuse as well I'm like I can't dance can't you I can't be on TikTok I'm a great dancer
Starting point is 01:18:01 I used to think I was but Karamo tells me I'm not oh really no don't listen to him I'm sure you're no listen to think i was but karamo tells me i'm not i really yeah no don't listen to him hey no listen to him he's black he's probably right all right let's spit it again oh it has landed on the 2024 candidate playlist so here's all i want to say about this you know it had all the things you would have expected. Chris Christie likes Bruce Springsteen.
Starting point is 01:18:30 Vivek Ramaswamy, his first song is Eminem. But what stopped me in my tracks is I'm on Nikki Haley's list. And it says Fast Car. By? Tracy Chapman. No. The country dude that read. Luke Combs. Yeah. Fast Car by Tracy Chapman no the country dude that read
Starting point is 01:18:47 Luke Combs yeah and I don't I love covers I think there's beautiful and amazing covers I think it's cool
Starting point is 01:18:56 that in Aretha Franklin's cover of Eleanor Rigby she starts by saying I'm Eleanor Rigby that always thought that was the coolest fucking thing
Starting point is 01:19:02 Whitney Houston covering I Will Always Love covering I Will Always Love You. I Will Always Love You. Famously repeated mostly though that's it that is the lyric. A lot of great covers out there. This is
Starting point is 01:19:15 a fun segment. Ouch. Why are you trying to you're doing the thing. You're bullying me. Am I shining too brightly? Is my light threatening to you no i want you to shine more i want i'm on your team listen as a bully i will say she's not bullying you you're just caving too quickly caving too quickly caving in why are you siding with guests i'm here every goddamn week.
Starting point is 01:19:46 The point I was going to make is. What was the point? Sorry. Your favorite song. One of your favorite songs is Fast Car, but not the one by Tracy Chapman. That is cuckoo fucking. She's trying to pander to the bass. But there's something so like, wow, can you believe it?
Starting point is 01:20:01 He's singing that song and he's making it work. People love that. I'm sure they do. They do. They love that. It's on the Spotify hits playlist that I skip. Because of the algorithms, this guy can't seem to stop.
Starting point is 01:20:24 It's Congress and Silicon Valley's fault. And that's really the most important this guy can't seem to stop. It's Congress and Silicon Valley's fault. And that's really the most important thing. Yeah, because she was like the most normal one on the stage and now the song. Now I'm going to have to view it
Starting point is 01:20:33 in all different ways. Nikki Haley's the most normal one on the stage? On the debate stage. That's a good stage. Honestly, though, yeah, I agree. He's right.
Starting point is 01:20:41 Yeah. She was like, climate change isn't a hoax or something. She said it isn't. Bold statement for a Republican to make. She was at least... I, you know,
Starting point is 01:20:50 I believe that climate change is just... Jesus, hug us a little closer. Here's the thing. Hey, I didn't make that up. That's Tina Fey when she was impersonating... What's the dumb one from Alaska? Payload, Payload, Payload. Nikki Haley was at least like evasive and like avoided the question which is like what republicans used to do right now they're just like climate change is
Starting point is 01:21:11 a hulk so like i i prefer the party that just avoided the questions and you know the span at least they were pretending to be like my god there's just no room under that bar there's just that bar that bar is on the fucking ground. Let's spit it again. Is there something you can take from what I just did and make it in part of the show? It has landed on the British Royals. That's mine. I'm just so
Starting point is 01:21:37 fucking sick of hearing about that. You know what? I know. I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the ones who don't want to be royals and want their privacy, but they're everywhere. Take pictures of me. Just go away. Tell us. How are you feeling?
Starting point is 01:21:53 Go away. You want privacy? Great. That's fine. Just go away. They went away. They're in Montecito. No, that's not going away. You're not too pathetic to Harry? I mean, I don't know him personally. This isn't a personal jab. What annoyed you?
Starting point is 01:22:08 Why are you saying that? Because we're both gingers? No, because we're like red. Are you ginger? No, because you're both white. Get out of here. Of all the places. No, elaborate more.
Starting point is 01:22:20 No, I'm in. I'm in. No, continue. I just feel like they are a huge expense to the British public. Okay. And they do nothing for them. The ones in the councils. No, the real ones.
Starting point is 01:22:30 Yeah, talk about the real ones. All right. Yeah. All right. You can offer that to me. I don't know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you see?
Starting point is 01:22:36 Did they ever find out? You know, we don't know what's wrong with Mitch McConnell. Did they ever find out what's going on with Charles's hands? I know. It's just he's got king's fingers. He's got big chunky big chunky king fingers like that I don't like him
Starting point is 01:22:48 but can I just say Prince Charles because I always call him Prince Charles but he's a king now so King Prince Charles basically the prince formerly
Starting point is 01:22:58 the king formerly known as Prince the king formerly known as Prince the king formerly known as Prince I did a gig for Royal Armed Forces Day.
Starting point is 01:23:05 I did stand up and I was the only black girl there. And he made a beeline to me and he said, I was far too pretty to be a comedian. Oh. I know. And I don't know if that's a compliment or insult, but I kind of been like, is he saying that all comedians aren't pretty?
Starting point is 01:23:19 I don't know. But he was just like, I would have to say, I just think you're far too pretty to be a comedian. I was like, oh, suck your dick. It was crazy. It was crazy. Natasha Leggero has a great joke because she used to have people say that to her.
Starting point is 01:23:33 It went, people always tell me I'm too pretty to be a comedian. And I always tell the guy, you're too ugly to be talking to me. So that's what you should have said. God bless Natasha Leggero. It's the same energy, but Prince Charles could get it, though. Like, he's not too... Wait, what? Let me tell you why.
Starting point is 01:23:47 Let me tell you why. What? Let me tell you why. There was a rumor back in the day, right, that Prince Charles was secretly having a liaison with one of the three degrees, the singers, right? So he's into black girls. And that's why...
Starting point is 01:24:01 Just because he's into black girls, he can get it? Wait, that's why Harry and Meghan is such a thing, because he's in the black girls he can get it wait that's why that's why harry and megan is like such a thing because he's just like his father but with prince charles the thing i like about him is he has money and so for that reason yes i could get with him yes and money taken from half the world but that's to be fair yeah I take it back. I don't want that dirty money. I don't want that dirty dick. I don't want it, Prince King Charles. It's still Spence. You know, the card still swipes.
Starting point is 01:24:34 No one needs to know that it came from art that's in the Ashmolean. No, it really came from, it was like the way the British Museum is just so fucked up, just stole everyone's shit and then put it in a museum and then charged them to look at it. It's crazy. Colonialism is really bad, guys. Seriously. I'm so glad you finally said it. It's so bad.
Starting point is 01:24:54 So bad. And look, if there was one thing that tonight's show was all about, that was it. And it does, you know, sure, he's rich. Yes, but at what cost? Spin it again. Oh, wait, you know, sure. He's rich. Yes. But at what cost? Spin it again.
Starting point is 01:25:08 Oh, wait. He forgot my rat. Oh, look at that. Well, there we go. There we go. Nah. Let me change it. I don't like you.
Starting point is 01:25:19 My rat is about you. I came on your show. You looked away from me. You forgot that I had a run. You're disrespectful. I don't like it. I want to your show. You looked away from me. You forgot that I had a run. You're disrespectful. I don't like it. I want to leave it. I don't love it.
Starting point is 01:25:33 Not at all. Would you just do that for anything? Yeah. I thought that was something you reserved for moments of happiness. No. It has landed on being single over 30. Okay, yes. My rant is shock um my rant
Starting point is 01:25:47 is it's so annoying being single at 30 because being single in your 20s is fun and i loved it i actually was single on purpose but being single in your 30s as a woman like you've missed the first draft of good men because they're all married so you're in the second draft you've got to wait for the divorcees but then you're in this weird era but it's a weird era where men are like i went on a date with a guy who told me he was a director but it turns out he was a director of a funeral home so this is the thing and like the thing is he was married as well i just feel like it's not fair on me i'm a queen and i've got all these paupers that i'm mingling with and then the more the older you get in your 30s the more money you make as a woman the more successful you are the smaller your dating pool gets and now my day in history is
Starting point is 01:26:27 like a who's who of uber drivers and i do not like it so i don't like being single over 30 and uh yeah that's my rant well thank you for sharing that and i'll just say i was thinking about that which is i accidentally wasn't single in my 30s I decided to be single in my late 20s and then early 40s. Happens. So I just skipped it. I never did single in my 30s. Wasn't single in my 30s for even one second.
Starting point is 01:26:53 Yeah, my husband and I have been together since I was 22. This is the thing. Shut up. Shut up. But you guys got to be single and have fun. Let me get out of here. No.
Starting point is 01:27:01 No. This is the thing. Yeah, everybody, boom. And the thing is like I can't even talk to my single Like I have single girls And we're all saying the same shit But then my other friends
Starting point is 01:27:10 Are like married with kids And I can't talk to them They don't get it I'm out here They're there with babies And I'm out here Sucking dick in the trenches It's not the same
Starting point is 01:27:17 So like they can't relate to my life And then like Well that is how they got babies Well that's true But it's just like I need new friends now I need single girlfriends All my married friends are true but it's just like I need new friends now I need single girlfriends all my married friends
Starting point is 01:27:26 are boring and it's just like ugh it's just hard I don't like it yeah do you understand no I do
Starting point is 01:27:33 yeah I do you want to touch on it you want to say anything else no okay okay we're just gonna
Starting point is 01:27:43 we'll just sit here then um when we come back we'll just sit here then. When we come back, we'll end on a high note. And we're back. Because we all need it this week, here it is, the high note. Hey, Love It. It's Liz. I'm calling from Northern California.
Starting point is 01:28:12 I left you a high note about a year ago that a year after losing everything in a wildfire, we had broken ground on our new house. And I'm so excited to tell you that we moved home last week and we have a beautiful house. And I just I'm so thankful for our community and our family and our friends, and I did not plan on crying. I just, and thank you guys, as always, for all of the work that you do, and just sending lots of love to everybody in Hawaii. We've been there. We've been through it. You can do this and come out the other side. Take care. Hey, my name is Katie, and after four months of looking for a job, I just signed an offer letter this week, and I cannot express how excited and thankful I am to be employed again. A lot of my friends ask how I'm going to be celebrating, and it's probably, I'm going to the doctor because I lost health insurance, and this is why we need universal health care. But it's definitely a high note, and I can't wait to start my new gig.
Starting point is 01:29:08 Love you, John. Love listening to the show. Thanks for all you do. I love it. This is Angie from Toledo, Ohio. I love your show. My kids love your show. My whole family loves your show.
Starting point is 01:29:21 But aside from that, my high note for this week was this week coming up will be my first day teaching in my first year of teaching middle school English language arts here in the state of Ohio. I am a first year teacher at 36 years old. I finished my student teaching while escaping an abusive marriage with two kids and not getting paid for student teaching. So I am overjoyed to finally be able to take this step and be an educator for the future in Ohio and hopefully someday turn this state blue where we don't have to worry about fighting for women's rights anymore because they're already guaranteed in our Constitution. Thanks, Levin.
Starting point is 01:30:15 Hi, my name is Cassidy, and my high note is that I'm starting my master's in English program this week. I grew up in a conservative Mormon family, which is kind of a redundant statement, but I left and went to BYU for my undergrad, and, you know, I'm just really excited to finally be in a program where I can be myself and not be worried about getting kicked out of school and losing my housing or my job over drinking coffee or tea or wine. And I'm really emotional about it because I graduated from BYU and I'm a queer woman. And, you know, that place has killed a lot of us.
Starting point is 01:30:56 And so I'm really happy to have the freedom to finally be myself at 23. So if anybody else is going through something similar, just hang in there and you will get through it too. Thanks. Hi, Love It. My name is Danielle and my partner and I are huge fans of your show. He actually introduced me to it a few years ago and we've been listening ever since. I wanted to leave this high note because as your next episode airs,
Starting point is 01:31:23 we should be driving in the car as we often do listening in. But this time we're going to be driving to get married. So I wanted to say that my high note is marrying my fiance, Ross. Ross, thank you so much for being my person in this crazy world. I'm looking forward to all our life adventures together. Love it. We'll see you at your show in D.C. after we're back from our honeymoon, and we can't wait. Thank you so much for making us laugh and keeping us sane.
Starting point is 01:31:51 Bye. Thanks to everybody who called in with a high note tonight. If you want to leave us a message about something that gave you hope, call us at 323-538-2377. That is our show. Thank you so much to Marcella Arguello, London Hughes, Ro Khanna, Bobby Burke. There are 422 days until the 2024 elections. Have a great weekend. Yeah! of production. It is written and produced by me, John Lovett, and Lee Eisenberg. Kendra James is our executive producer. Brian Semel is our
Starting point is 01:32:25 producer, and Malcolm Whitfield is our associate producer. Howie Keeper is our head writer. Sarah Lazarus, Jocelyn Kaufman, Povey Gunalan, Peter Miller, Rebecca Kaplan, Alan Pierre, and Chandler Dean are our writers. Evan Sutton is our editor, and Kyle Seglin provides audio support. Our theme song is written and performed by Shersher. Thanks to our designer, Jesse McClain,
Starting point is 01:32:41 for creating and running all of our visuals, which you can't see because this is a podcast. And to our digital producers, Zuri Ervin, David Tolles, Mia Kelman, and Matt DeGroote for filming and editing video each week so you can. You can find those glorious videos at slash at Love It or Leave It podcast. That's the best we can do, I guess. Subscribe to Love It or Leave It on YouTube for access to video versions of your favorite segments and other exclusive content. Don't forget to follow us at crooked media on IG and Twitter. And if you're as opinionated as we are,
Starting point is 01:33:10 consider dropping us a review. It's Love It or Leave It Love It or Leave It It's Love It or Leave It

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