Lovett or Leave It - What a Weekday: Tim Scott Bends the Knee Twice

Episode Date: January 23, 2024

We pull up a chair to Nikki Haley's last stand and Meatball Ron’s last supper. Tim Scott proposes marriage, though he’s saving that first dance for Donald Trump, and insults fly from birdbrain to ...birdbrain ahead of tonight’s no-doubt-thrilling New Hampshire primary.Subscribe now for our exclusive pre-sale code: crooked.supercast.comFor a closed-captioned version of this episode, click here. For a transcript of this episode, please email and include the name of the podcast.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I think Greta's bigger son than Margot. I agree. I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that. I don't agree with that because like I think Barbie. Look, I think Barbie is an incredibly directed movie. But like what what made what makes Barbie. Like I think everything had to go right for Barbie to exist and be good.
Starting point is 00:00:21 Like amazing performances, screenplay and directing. But like what is the thing that makes it like really like the screenplay to me is the achievement like that is an incredible. I feel like the big achievement came from Margot as a producer, like not as Barbie. Like I think like Margot brought it over the finish line and like her collaboration with Greta. Like to me, the accomplishment of Barbie is like the world building of it all. And I think that like that is a production and a directorial. For me, it's less about the performances,
Starting point is 00:00:48 frankly, and more about the below the line stuff. Obviously, the directing is incredibly important, but costume design, hair, makeup, production design, choreography, all of that had to work. And then I think, again, I loved Margot's performance, but you probably could have slotted someone else in there. Oh, I don't know about that. And had a visually, still like had a visually delicious movie. Barbie had more and better dancing than Mean Girls. Yeah, there we go. Lazarus, any thoughts?
Starting point is 00:01:14 I have not seen Barbie. Okay, she hates women. Wow. And we're back! I'm here. I'm here with Brian. What is the... What is the...
Starting point is 00:01:38 A triumvirate is three. Quartet? Well, obviously quartet, but that's also trio. What's a triumvirate like a governmental body a parliament well that's just a bunch of people this is boring
Starting point is 00:01:55 I don't think it is actually now listen just for people wondering tetrarchy ooh the tetrarchy wondering. Tetrarchy. Ooh. Ooh, the tetrarchy. Or quadruplet. This may have been cut from the live show that we recorded Thursday night, but Brian had taken a bit of a tumble, doing some exercises.
Starting point is 00:02:18 You'd fallen on your... A little pushy. And you hurt yourself. Yeah, actually big time. And we asked how you were doing this morning and you said... Works. Because...
Starting point is 00:02:30 I fell again because I was walking Calvin yesterday in the rain and I was slacking... What do we call this? The quadrumberate? Yeah. The tetrarchy.
Starting point is 00:02:39 I was slacking the tetrarchy because it was wet in Los Angeles. I slipped on a pile of leaves and I landed in a puddle on my butt and I was slacking the dead turkey. And because it was wet in Los Angeles, I slipped on a pile of leaves and I landed in a puddle on my butt. And I was wet again. And I was in pain. We can't be slacking while we're while we're sending while we're rocking dogs. I'm just committed to my job. That's how I dislocated my shoulder.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Yep. All right. Well, that's our little check in with Brian. Let us know if you just lose feeling below the waist. Sarah, your bone's okay. Yeah, my ass feels fine everybody's ass everybody's ass is okay did I already say I'm back you didn't introduce oh I'm here I'm here I'm here with uh pain in the ass as well as Hallie Kendra and Sarah
Starting point is 00:03:21 for another edition of what a weekday so So let's get into it. What a weekday. On Sunday, guy who sues you for cutting a branch off his tree even though it was on your property, Ron DeSantis dropped out of the 2024 presidential race ahead of this week's New Hampshire primary. It's the end of the road for Ron, but it's still impressive he made it here considering he never really found the beginning of the road. The decision likely stemmed from the sheer volume of money his campaign would need to survive, with reports suggesting DeSantis spent at least $53 million to win 23,420 votes in Iowa. In other words, the campaign spent roughly $2,200 per vote. That's more than it caused to buy every prospective voter a new MacBook Pro, which is shocking.
Starting point is 00:04:03 It's hard to believe a man who paid to get married at Disney World could ever be bad with money. The Florida governor announced his resignation with a video posted to X, which he took a moment to leave some mongering behind. This is America's time for choosing. We can choose to allow a border invasion, or we can choose to stop it. We can choose reckless borrowing and spending, or we can choose to limit government and lower inflation. We can choose political indoctrination, or we can choose classical education. We can choose reckless spending, says a man who spent $150 million to become a walking joke on stilts. DeSantis also took the opportunity to endorse
Starting point is 00:04:43 Donald Trump. Trump is superior to the current incumbent, Joe Biden. That is clear. I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee and I will honor that pledge. He has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear. That old Republican guard, the one that hardly ever berated me publicly, humiliated me in front of our peers, or called me names like Ronnie Wet Wipes, a name that is somehow both incredibly stupid and the cruelest cut I've ever received. We cannot turn back the clock, America. And did we here at Love It or Leave It make up Ronnie Wet Wipes? Yes. But you believed it. For a second, you really thought that Ron DeSantis had been called Ronnie Wetnie wear wipes by donald trump right did you because of the pudding fingers i just imagine there's a lot of wipes yeah there's something about yeah it's like you just he he does seem someone who'd be a bit sticky yeah he's not he's not bathing
Starting point is 00:05:34 but he is wiping yeah it's the package says you could flush him but you can't but yeah you can't flush them don't you can't flush them it's a huge problem can't flush them. It's a huge problem. Right in the Everglades. Fat burgs they make. What did you say? Fat burgs when you get like lumps of fat and undissolvable stuff. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I learned about it on the show Younger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:57 Huh. Younger, watch it now on Hulu. And for some reason, DeSantis also swerved to take a pot shot at Nikki Haley. He has my endorsement because we can't go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear, a repackage formed of warmed over corporatism that Nikki Haley represents. What you don't understand is, Ron, at this point, warmed over corporatism
Starting point is 00:06:20 probably feels like a warm hug to most people. Warmed over corporatism is what we had with like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan. And we were like, ugh. Yeah, but now it sounds kind of cozy. Yeah. Yeah, we didn't know how bad it could get. Yeah, I miss the warmed over corporatism. And that's exactly why you're voting for Nikki Haley.
Starting point is 00:06:37 That's the thing. Yeah, yeah, that's right. DeSantis ended the video with a quote attributed to Winston Churchill. Success is not final. Failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts. Disturbingly, this is also DeSantis' pre-sex mantra.
Starting point is 00:06:52 According to the New York Times, there is no record of Winston Churchill ever saying this. But to be fair, there's no record of Ron DeSantis even existing. Ron DeSantis was a collective hallucination, a trauma response. Ron DeSantis is the embodiment of what it feels like when you wake up from a nap at 6 p.m. It's times like these I'm reminded of that famous Winston Churchill quote, so long, Ron DeSantis, you idiot loser. According to The Atlantic, the quote isn't from Winston Churchill. It's actually from a 1930s ad in Life magazine for Ron DeSantis' arch nemesis, Budweiser. Such a rough day for Meatball Ron.
Starting point is 00:07:30 He couldn't wait to come home, kick off his giant clown shoes, and forget all about his presidential ambitions with the help of his guilty pleasure, fingering room temperature pudding into his big puppet mouth. Yuck. In the wake of DeSantis' resignation,
Starting point is 00:07:42 Donald Trump told press he would no longer use the nickname Ron DeSanctimonious, announcing that the name is officially retired. It's like how Bill Russell had his number retired across all sports. And for the same reason, they're both dead. May he rest in peace. So devastating. You know, we've seen Trump defeat Republican after Republican like Jeb and Rubio and Christie and Cruz and now DeSantis. And he's afforded this almost mythical status as this sort of ferocious opponent, like the nicknames are so devastating. But this video was a reminder to me that Trump, like Trump didn't make DeSantis small, like DeSantis made DeSantis small. And you've just spent, I talked about this a little yesterday with John on PSA, like you just spent a year of your life campaigning across the country. You went to 99 counties in
Starting point is 00:08:36 Iowa. You like devoted your life to this. A bunch of young people who we'd probably dislike spending time with, but who nonetheless exists, like devoted their time to this, like your family is sacrificing for this. And you come away with it with nothing but like a set of banal talking points and a little throwaway endorsement of the rival who decimated you, plus a shot at Nikki Haley for no reason, like no lessons, no larger point, no sense of purpose. Like he was never going to be like this guy was never going to be president. But like, man, like I just can't imagine. I just it's just amazing to me that this guy could spend all this time doing this and have no like grandness no grace no like story to tell nothing nothing well you're assuming he was going to like learn something from his failures like the
Starting point is 00:09:33 rest of us do but like i i do agree that like this should have been like a profound experience like probably a spiritual one like i feel like you'd have to like actively avoid having a grand's takeaway or yeah but he doesn't have any beliefs yeah but but but but i like this is such a like singular so few people do this like he actually did endeavor to do something like really really impossible and like challenging and high profile like like you you have to like avoid i'm saying like a lot and people in the comments have told me not like you you have to like avoid i'm saying like a lot and people in the comments have told me not to um you have to avoid having a takeaway from that or or a lesson not a lesson but but he avoided having he avoided having policies and beliefs and a real
Starting point is 00:10:18 direction the entire campaign so why would he then have something at the end but i think it's like this is unfortunate like it's's like our confusion is also why he is running for president. It's like, oh, right. If he was able to reflect, he'd be like, wait, why did I pass all those laws to terrorize LGBTQ people in my state?
Starting point is 00:10:34 Why did I do all that? And because he can't do that, he would never ask himself, why did I fail? He will blame everyone around him. He will take it on anyone he can and then he will run again in four years that's what i'm worried about it's like we're gonna see this motherfucker again i hope
Starting point is 00:10:48 he does run again i hope he does i hope he never stops i hope he never learns a fucking thing i'm even beyond like some of like he actively throughout this campaign like also destroyed his relationship with like the state's biggest business disney that's also something that he's just done and got nothing out of it well he'll be term limited so he doesn't have to maintain that relationship anyway but yeah but it's like oh well you watch someone really get out there and try and just they failed and it's like he left all out on the field and what he left on the field was just dog shit he's like thanks for stopping by ron he's like an animatronic that bursts into flames but then still keeps doing its little movements the uh and i also did want to say too it's like again like trump has afforded this like mythic
Starting point is 00:11:30 status because he defeated these fucking losers uh but and like we spent a lot of time talking about biden's weaknesses because and we should because those weaknesses are serious and terrifying but trump has thrown a bunch of different nicknames at Joe Biden. Trump ran as hard a campaign against Joe Biden as he ran against any one of these fucking Republicans. And do some of those attacks stick? Yes. But at the end of those campaigns, Joe Biden did not look small. Joe Biden did not look pathetic. And I do think that speaks to something both about Trump and about Biden, that like Donald Trump is stillado and the refusal to admit failure that somehow that makes him immune to normal politics and in some ways yeah i think that of course like we hold trump to such a low standard and obviously uh the fact that we're even in this position is because he did
Starting point is 00:12:38 show that a lot of the rules didn't apply to him but he's not a magical figure he's not he's not a you know he's not a devil he's just an asshole who's good at nicknames well it's also like we talk about him being bad at retail politics and going to all 99 counties and being charmless and having an obviously horrible time but like the reason at that first debate he had to make up a story about a woman whose mom tried to abort her like 10 times and then she like survived is because he he went to 99 counties and talked to thousands of people and he didn't listen to a single thing anyone fucking said yeah like he didn't have any conversations he didn't hear anyone he didn't retain anything and so it's not that he sucks it's that he didn't try he like walked away without a if you said what did you do oh no he
Starting point is 00:13:22 also sucks but but like if you if you were like recount any single day of the past presidential campaign he'll be like i can't i don't remember i wasn't present i wasn't there yeah yeah yeah like um like he's like he's his his feet are in those binds like in like in like uh the lotus blossom position just sort of like he's sort of like walking around on that would be like an interesting thing about him. Like, if that was true, I'd be like,
Starting point is 00:13:48 all right, I'm listening. Yeah, like he's not actually doing it to be taller. He's doing it because he wants to make his feet as tiny as possible. So they resemble flowers. And now he wants his feet to be tiny, beautiful Japanese flowers.
Starting point is 00:14:01 That's what he's going for. And I think that that's cool. And I think that we shouldn't like dig him for that. Yeah, right. Do you think Trump has ever said, may he rest in peace about an actual dead person? Like without irony? Yeah. No, he can only say cruelly. Yeah, I don't think he can say it for real. I don't think he can say it for real. When Trump is in normal mode, just to continue on your analogies, Sarah, when he's like trying to be like a compassionate person, it's a bit like if you took like the fully skinless Terminator from Terminator, but made made him do Rosie's job from the Jetsons, you know, like, it's like this monster is like,
Starting point is 00:14:39 is like vacuuming. That's what it's like when Trump is nice, but he tried to be nice because it like I guess Melania's believe mother had passed away. And so he tries to express like normal emotions, but he can't do it. He's just so unpracticed. It's like when you have a joke coming up that, you know, you're not gonna make your way through and three jokes before that you start gearing up to like, say, never got that monkey joke, right? Hey, don't go anywhere. There's more of Love It or Leave It coming up. Meanwhile, Trump is trying to sew this thing up and Republicans are racing to endorse for the New Hampshire primary, including Republicans from Nikki Haley's home state of South Carolina. This included Congresswoman Nancy Mace, who said after January 6th that Trump's legacy was wiped
Starting point is 00:15:24 out and we had to, quote, start over. She also faced a Trump-backed primary opponent in her reelection because her rift with Trump was so big. But in June, she said of Trump, I'm willing to bury the hatchet to save the country. And I know President Trump is, too. Of course, Trump applied. I put it in Ivana's coffin with my dad's Nazi plates and Jeffrey Epstein's holiday cards. Oh, a metaphorical hatchet? Oh, no, I won't bury that. Fuck you, bitch. On Friday, South Carolina Senator and former presidential hopeful Tim Scott also offered his endorsement to Donald Trump and immediately faced the most predictable question in the world,
Starting point is 00:15:57 whether he disagrees with Trump's racist attacks on Nikki Haley, for which Scott was wholly unprepared. I'm watching rhetoric on all sides of the issues facing becoming president. What I mean by that is the rhetoric from Joe Biden is terrible, but it is salacious. Nikki Haley questions whether 70-year-olds should be allowed to run for president. I think there is so much negativity and toxicity in this aim to becoming president again or for the first time that we should be very clear and look at both sides of the comments made. Is that scripture? It's beautiful. It's a beautiful sentiment. Again, Trump didn't make these people losers. They are born losers. He doesn't carve
Starting point is 00:16:46 the marble into loser shapes. He's like Michelangelo revealing the exquisite statues of losers that were inside the marble the whole time. Like, it is unbelievable to me that we are in 2024. We have been dealing with Trump for almost a fucking decade as a serious presidential candidate. And these people are still lining up behind him and then have to fumpher and stumble over themselves when asked the most basic questions about what it means to endorse someone so terrible. They have fucking nothing like that. I don't know what he's supposed to say. I guess there's nothing he can say. He can't just say the truth, which is, I've thought about that. And despite all the years of protestations around Jesus and loving thy neighbor and being Christian,
Starting point is 00:17:34 I actually don't care about that at all when I'm faced with a single test in my life about it. It was all bullshit. I don't believe a word of it. My conduct does not match the nonsense I've been spewing for years about this. Drives me crazy. Like, it's so unnecessary. It's so like you are from South Carolina. Nikki Haley is from your home state. And I'm sure they have like politicians, statewide politicians who competed against each other, who are from the same state. Like they are often frenemies for sure.
Starting point is 00:18:06 But all you have to say is I will support the Republican nominee. But, you know, we've got someone from my home state running. We've got Donald Trump running. We've got great choices. And I can't wait to see who wins because whoever wins is going to go on Joe Biden. Again, a despicable thing to say, but still better than this. He called Biden salacious. It's ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:18:23 It's crazy. It's ridiculous. It's cool that he made it to like a thousand years old before being called salacious. But it's just like Tim Scott. It's also the idea that Tim Scott doesn't prefer Nikki Haley as president. The idea that Marco Rubio doesn't prefer Nikki Haley as president is ridiculous. It's just so false on its face. I think it's cool to complain about this process being toxic while endorsing Donald Trump. Right. It's a cool little trick. Right.
Starting point is 00:18:46 What are we doing here? How do you how do you say that? How do you say that and then not like walk into the woods and never return? Did he get engaged hoping that would be the story? Well, let's get to it. Because he was conveniently already on his knees for Donald Trump on Friday, he just got stayed down there to propose to his girl who is more than his friend, Mandy Nose, on Saturday.
Starting point is 00:19:07 Let's see the beautiful photos. Yeah. Why is it blurry though? They're both a Yeti. It's like a Yeti proposing to a different Yeti. They called the pops, but they didn't show up.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Oh, wait, wait. We're not sure if it was originally blurry because this is like two Yetis. Oh, it's been blurred out for decency? Yeah. Yeah, this photo's too hot.
Starting point is 00:19:26 Too hot for television. And now I'm going to bend down on one knee and you should smile. We have my saddest press aide who had to work with me who had to come to this event standing by this freezing cold South Carolina beach to take this photo.
Starting point is 00:19:41 You know it's cold out there. I bet they get married on a plantation. I don't believe they're going to get married. I'm hoping they don't. It's funny, I was just talking, Tim Scott clearly thinks he has to be
Starting point is 00:19:57 engaged or married to be a plausible vice president or candidate, which I think would be true in most years. But it's especially true when the person choosing is Donald Trump, who I think like is like has that old fashioned madman thing where he like doesn't trust a man who isn't married. Yeah. What are you, a friend of Dorothy?
Starting point is 00:20:18 Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah. What are you? Well, the flip of that is like he's got a man who has no home to go to. What? I want to. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I was not thinking that far. No, just for the rhetoric. Just to be like, I'm picking a hard worker who has no wife or kids to care about. Yeah. Only the country. Yeah. I don't have kids holding me back like John and Tommy. I'm here all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:36 It's just also insane where it's like, for who does Tim Scott move the needle? Like, I understand he's religious, like he's evangelicals, but even they, are they like, they are they like let's do this well oh fucking tim scott's on board with trump let's fuck it well i think it does move the needle for the black voters we're already losing yeah i do worry about that i do i think that like it adds a level of like okay well at least you can be around a black person young black men don't like trump more than Tim Scott already, though? I think we don't know. But I do think that, like, there is clearly a softness among like there are plenty of young men, white, black, Hispanic, who are receptive to the. Like anti woke. Media to right wing pipeline because they don't want to feel like victims. anti-woke media
Starting point is 00:21:25 to right-wing pipeline. Because they don't want to feel like victims. And Tim Scott... No one wants to feel like a victim. I'm just saying... Well, he does shockingly well based on recent polls, and
Starting point is 00:21:42 if Tim Scott helps even a tiny little bit this election will be discerned in my mind though tim scott is the evangelical vote like he is the religious part of this like that to me it's like if anyone if trump would be losing anyone at this point in my mind it would be like someone who is religious and perhaps has some sort of compunction about what's been happening well i guess maybe that's not really that's a fantasy that was not really brought brian in 2016 the reason ted cruz was ultimately able to win Iowa, win in some of the smaller and more right wing states is because we forget this because it's like from it feels like another time. But the more conservative Republicans were not sure about Trump. And he actually that's why he did better in New Hampshire, because he was locking up the kind of independence, like the kind of anti-establishment types.
Starting point is 00:22:26 And it was the right wingers. It was the anti-abortion voters that ended up lining up behind Ted Cruz. And even now, people who said that abortion was their most important issue still went to Trump. But on the whole, he's like lined up the evangelicals. So it's like, you know, I don't know. I think Jim Scott is. But for the fact that his personal life is a strange thing. What?
Starting point is 00:22:46 On the whole, that's the worst place for it. Sorry. I'll head out. In an interview the day after his proposal, Scott told a journalist, As a guy who is mostly an introvert and on the quiet side, having to have a conversation about the engagement is a little, you know, uncomfortable in a way. But it's the most exciting thing I'll do with my life besides making Jesus my Lord. Oh yeah. I hate it when, when I, an introvert have to talk to the reporter I called about the engagement I chose to publicize
Starting point is 00:23:14 because I think it'll make me a more plausible pick for vice president, a job that I, an introvert desperately want. Also, man, the, the throwing in the Jesus part, like, I'm so excited to be engaged. The only time I was more excited was about Jesus. And it's like, hey, man, like, Christianity isn't milk. Like, you don't have to use it or lose it. It's not going to go bad in the fridge. It's wild. Like, the professing of it at all times.
Starting point is 00:23:44 It's like that game where you have to work a certain word in do you know what i'm talking about uh you get you get a word and you have to play that i remember do you remember in the movie where steve martin played a uh a traveling preacher and charlatan and so steve martin played a traveling preacher who uh built towns of money right like kind of like um you know he'd like lay hands and they were all was all magic was all fake uh but then he lays hands and someone is actually healed causing a crisis of conscience but in that movie he has to work they as a joke they have to work in various phrases into his preaching, including aluminum siding. And he did work that in in that film by Steve Martin.
Starting point is 00:24:29 Leap of faith. Leap of faith. Leap of faith. Leap of faith. Speaking of leaps of faith, Scott continues, I've been very patient and prayerful, and I'm really excited and somewhat nervous. And I couldn't be more thankful for having found a soulmate and someone who shares a lot of the same interests, passions, and goals that I do, said Scott's fiancée, and I too am excited to marry my genuine boyfriend, Tim Scotch. She's going to be a great first lady, said Scott,
Starting point is 00:24:54 the first lady I'll ever have sex with. Even as Scott endorsed Trump, Trump mocked Tim Scott at a campaign event Monday. Today was a big story, the biggest story out there. He's engaged to be married. We never thought this was going to happen. What's going on? Incredible. Incredible. Publicly humiliating Tim Scott on the day of his engagement. Looks like somebody got to his wedding registry early because that's his thing. You know? Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah clearly of course the republican front
Starting point is 00:25:25 runner for whom these craven little weasels are lining up in droves has not only been held liable for sexual assault and charged with multiple felonies he's also getting a little confused on the stump by the way they never report the crowd on january 6th you know nicky haley nicky haley nicky haley you know they did know, they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything deleted and destroyed all of it, all of it because of lots of things like Nikki Haley is in charge of security. We offered her 10,000 people, soldiers, National Guard, whatever they want. They turned it down.
Starting point is 00:26:00 They don't want to talk about that. Hey, come on, Louisiana. Trump suffers from a very specific disability where he's unable to tell women he considers unfuckable apart. He lives in a terrifying world populated by hundreds of millions of Hillary Clinton. In response, Haley said this at a campaign event Saturday. I'm not saying anything derogatory. derogatory. But when you're dealing with the pressures of a presidency, we can't have someone else that we question whether they're mentally fit to do this. We can't. I'm not going to say anything derogatory, but that old fuck is losing his marbles. Am I right?
Starting point is 00:26:37 Also, why aren't you going to say anything derogatory? You are campaigning against him. She doesn't seem like she wants to be president. She's barely doing events. She won't be derogatory. What are we doing here? Really, what she should be doing is dogging him relentlessly. The problem is that she is a woman, so it's not going to work either way. But I'd say at this point, have fun.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You're not going to be that nominee. You should just go hard against him. So in eight years, who knows what will happen? You know what I mean? Like, now is kind of your moment, in my mind. I think all became fair once he really started digging into like the racism of it absolutely fucked him you know like she can't because she wants some of those people that still like him it's really embarrassing yeah it is a cute sweater it's giving when kate middleton has to do like an outdoor sporty event i was gonna say like uh
Starting point is 00:27:24 what's that preppy brand? Tommy Hilfiger? Yeah, she looks like one of those little teddy bears that Tommy Hilfiger. Rafflerin? Yeah. It's a great look. Yeah. She looks cool.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Ultimately, also worth remembering that for the same reason she can't win the nomination because the Republican Party is just sort of just pickled, just fully, just fully pickled in a jar. Like, I think people like she'd she'd clean up we'd be in real trouble yeah she was the nominee we're in real fucking trouble i think she's gonna win tonight okay that's my little throw it out there it was actually really interesting because i can't so i we had the lowly editorial meeting yesterday and then i went to an editorial meeting for another show the lowly meeting like actually felt like very positive about her chances tonight
Starting point is 00:28:04 and then the next show was just like no general election on thursday to be clear to be clear you know wilder things have happened but like we are more positive maybe than thinking she's definitely gonna lose like light a candle but like i'm not going in super hopeful yeah it was just like an air of maybe continuous spirit. I think this is a show that lives for content. And that's the best content. We asked what if. You know.
Starting point is 00:28:31 We asked what if. Which of us do you think would win New Hampshire? Of the four of you? Yeah. And Iowa. And Iowa? They give our strengths
Starting point is 00:28:37 and our weaknesses. Yeah. And say them out loud. Picture us in that sweater, each of us. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:43 So, that's interesting. That's interesting interesting is this democratic or republican primary oh republican primary i'll stand next to any butter sculpture i think it's i think it's kendra in iowa went to boarding school and i think it's Kendra in Iowa. Went to boarding school. And I think it is, oof, it's close. It's close. Sometimes people don't know I'm Jewish. I know, I know. You definitely have. I can pass.
Starting point is 00:29:15 You can pass. You have. And I will reveal it on the campaign trail. Italian. I mean. You know how Jews and Italians, sometimes it's like a thin line. For sure. For sure.
Starting point is 00:29:26 I mean, I think like, I think Lazarus can also evoke a kind of like Boston Brahmin. Yeah, thank you. Because of horses? Because of the horses. I also rode. That's why you're going to do well in Iowa. Yeah. Yeah, horses are.
Starting point is 00:29:45 It's really hard to say, but I have to say I'm going to give it in Iowa. Yeah. They have horses there. It's really hard to say, but I have to say I'm going to give it to Hallie. Oh my God. She has a kind of, you have an independence streak. And I think you'd do well. Can you shoot a gun? I have shot a gun.
Starting point is 00:29:57 She's got that Ohio energy. She's got that kind of, that's where my head's at. I'm sorry, Brian. I'm sorry, Brian. Yeah. Well, you won't, so don't worry. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Love it. You're welcome. Meanwhile, the wheels of justice for Trump continue to turn as Trump's announcement, hobba was unmasked and in court. She and Trump both confirmed they received negative COVID tests, but the lawyer had been with her parents three days earlier and they had since come down with COVID. Juror number three had also come down
Starting point is 00:30:39 with COVID symptoms, said Judge Lewis Kaplan. The juror in seat number three reported early this morning that he was on his way to the city, but feeling hot and nauseous. So I sent him home for the day with instructions to get a covid test and report back, said Trump. I like my jurors how I like my women hot and nauseous. When the judge laughed so hard at this joke, he took a shit. Trump went on to say, I also like my juries like I like my vice presidents Hung. And that's our show. I want to thank this incredible tetrarchy, Sarah, Kendra, Hallie, and Brian. And before we go, one note, Love It or Leave It is coming back to DC
Starting point is 00:31:13 on April 25th for a show at the Lincoln Theater. Friends of the pod get early access to tickets and the best seats available. Subscribe now at slash friends to get the exclusive presale code for our big show at the Lincoln the week of
Starting point is 00:31:26 the correspondence dinner come through and with that see you sluts on Saturday bye sluts love it or leave it it's love it or leave it straight to time love it or leave it it's love it or leave it If you're already doom scrolling,
Starting point is 00:32:04 don't forget to follow us at Crooked Media on Instagram and Twitter. You can also find Love It or Leave It on YouTube for access to your favorite segments and other exclusive content. And if you're as opinionated as we are, consider dropping us a review. Finally, you can join our Friends of the Pod subscription community for ad-free episodes, exclusive content, and a great discussion on Discord. Plus, it's a great way to get involved with Vote Save America. So sign up today at slash friends. Love It or Leave It is a Crooked Media production. It is written and produced by me, John Lovett, and Lee Eisenberg. Kendra James is our executive producer. Brian Semel is our producer, and Malcolm Whitfield is our associate producer. Hallie Keeper is our
Starting point is 00:32:37 head writer. Sarah Lazarus, Jocelyn Kaufman, Peter Miller, Alan Pierre, Will Miles, and Mahana Dalsheki are our writers. Evan Sutton is our editor. Kyle Seglin and Charlotte Landis provide audio support. On the Road, Vendelin Von Schroeder is our tour manager. Stephen Colon is our Thank you. and to our digital producers, Zuri Ervin, David Toles, Mia Kelman, and Matt DeGroote for filming and editing video each week so you can. It's not it or leave it. You know, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, Nikki Haley, you know, they, did you know they destroyed all of the information, all of the evidence, everything? And meanwhile, even as the endorsements rolls in, and meanwhile, as the endorsements rolled in,
Starting point is 00:33:22 and meanwhile, as the endorsements came in, even as Trump was locking up endorsements from, even as Trump was locking up these endorsements, he was continuing. Meanwhile, the wheels of justice continue to turn as Trump's testimony is. Meanwhile, the wheels of justice for Trump continue to turn as Trump's testimony in his second defamation trial was postponed on Monday.

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