Maintenance Phase - The French Paradox

Episode Date: September 27, 2022

How an early-'90s newsmagazine show convinced a generation of Americans to start drinking red wine. For the antioxidants! Special thanks to Susanne Stolpe and Alexander H. Sandtorv for helping us... fact-check this episode! Support us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stickers and moreLinks!Diet and alcohol in heart disease risk: the French ParadoxAbsorption of three wine-related polyphenols in three different matrices by healthy subjectsFrom red wine to polyphenols and back: A journey through the history of the French ParadoxWine as a Biological Fluid: History, Production, and Role in Disease PreventionCardiovascular Risk Factors and Confounders Among Nondrinking and Moderate-Drinking U.S. AdultsAlcohol, Drinking Pattern, and Chronic DiseaseThe French paradox: lessons for other countriesMyocardial Infarction and Coronary Deaths in the World Health Organization MONICA ProjectCoronary heart disease in France and in Europe: Where are the facts?Wine And Juice Management And Marketing Decisions: The Case Of The French ParadoxDecline of coronary heart disease mortality is strongly effected by changing patterns of underlying causes of deathThe Medical Autopsy: Past, Present, and Dubious FutureNew dimensions in cause of death statisticsShould socioeconomic factors be considered as traditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease, as confounders, or as risk modifiers?Wine, alcohol, platelets, and the French paradox for coronary heart diseaseAlcohol, Ischemic Heart Disease, and the French Paradox Death certificates are not reliable: revivification of the autopsy Thanks to Doctor Dreamchip for our lovely theme song!Support the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everybody and welcome to Maintenance Phase, the podcast that's going for its second semester abroad, and it's going to come back twice as in sufferable. That's good. Dude, I did study abroad when I was 19 and I realized years later that like I was that person. I was like absolutely the fuck you were worst. I was in Sydney. Why would you eat Oreos when there are Tim Tam's? That one's accurate though. I am like a Hobbs. I am Aubrey Gordon. If you would like to support the show, you can do that at slash maintenance phase or you can buy T-shirts, mugs, tote bags,
Starting point is 00:00:49 whatever you like at T-Pub力. Both of those are links for you in the show notes. And today, Michael. Aubrey, what are we discussing? We are talking about the French paradox. This came up when I was doing the research for our French women don't get fat episode. And we were gonna talk about it when we were recording for that, but then I realized
Starting point is 00:01:11 that adding it in would be me adding a bunch of filler to an episode about a book that's full of filler. I was like, maybe I'll just do a different episode. And so I spent the last couple of weeks researching this. So can you summarize really quickly, like what is the French paradox? Because you said this to me. Wait, no, no, no, no, no. What is your job? You're the most important.
Starting point is 00:01:35 My job, you have to tell me. Have you done the show before? I just wanted to tell you what you know. Okay, so what I know about when you said this to me, I was like, oh, I can't look at the video, but you know. Okay, so what I know about when you said this to me, I was like, oh, I can feel something getting dusted off in like the back corners of the like attic of my brain. Like I remember hearing a lot about this like maybe 20 years ago. Yes.
Starting point is 00:02:00 And my recollection is that the French paradox is the thing that like everyone's mom and aunt bemoaned for years, which is just like, how do French people get to eat so much butter and cream and still be thin, right? Yes, exactly. Is that the the sort of kernel of it? Well, what's interesting is the French paradox kind of appeared at a time before the obesity epidemic. Oh. And the whole kind of attendant moral panic. So it was actually about health, which is rare. Wow.
Starting point is 00:02:30 When it comes to this field. Were they talking about like heart health stuff? Yeah, so the first appearance of this was in Ansel Keys seven countries study in the 40s and 50s, which we've talked about before in our snack was episode. Battle chestnut. Throughout the second half of the 20th century, the conventional wisdom was that saturated fat,
Starting point is 00:02:50 like red meat, butter, cheese, et cetera, was what caused heart attacks. And then, Ansel Keys starts going around and collecting unbelievably garbage data, but data. And he finds out that in France, they eat a lot of saturated fat, and they drink a lot of wine, and yet they have no heart attacks.
Starting point is 00:03:09 Like the lowest rate of heart attacks in Europe, basically. Are we gonna get into the back and forth of wine is good for you, wine is bad for you? This is the whole episode, Aubrey. What? Yeah! Yeah, dude. Oh, I'm very excited. We're gonna talk about antioxidants. We're gonna talk about red excited. We're gonna talk about antioxidants.
Starting point is 00:03:25 We're gonna talk about red wine. We're gonna talk about two glasses a day versus no glasses ever. I am livid that I had to learn what an antioxidant is. This is like when I had to learn who P. Davidson was. When I made you listen to me yell about Karl Lagerfeld for three hours.
Starting point is 00:03:42 Exactly. You're welcome. So this is one that had been bouncing around academia for a couple decades. It got a name in the 1980s, but it was still relatively obscure. But the creation of this narrative is almost entirely due to a single episode of 60 minutes in 1991, which was at the time the most watched news show in America. Whoa! 60 minutes was? There's a lot of boomers.
Starting point is 00:04:12 Boomers have TVs. Yeah. And we are going to watch segments of this segment. Let's go, man. All you have to do is look at the numbers. If you're a middle-aged American man, your chances of dying of a heart attack are three times greater than a Frenchman of the same age. So it's obvious that the French are doing something right. Something Americans are not doing. The answer to the paradox might be found here in Lyon.
Starting point is 00:04:42 The city prides itself as the gastronomic capital of France. Food and its preparation are almost an obsession. Chefs have the stature of quarterbacks. But their preparations would send the American Heart Association into cardiac arrest. Butter, goose fat, lard, double cream are the staples of a decent day's cooking. Chefs like quarterbacks.
Starting point is 00:05:09 I know, now I've heard everything. I just wanted to watch this clip with you to revel in the fact that they're presenting like restaurants using butter and cream as like a uniquely French thing. So can you believe it? Anyway, back to my plume and onion. When will Americans start eating fat from restaurants? Come on, guys.
Starting point is 00:05:30 We know our way around some animal fats. Come on. How terrible. Okay, so I literally just want to watch that with you to make one of that. It's very fun. But then, then, okay. This is like the main, this is like the meat of the episode.
Starting point is 00:05:46 The casule. Yes, the episode. Yeah. And yet the rate is still lower there. And why are the rates in Lille lower than in Boston? Well, my explanation is, of course, the consumption of alcohol. There has been for years the belief by doctors in many countries that alcohol, in particular
Starting point is 00:06:06 red wine, reduces the risk of heart disease. Now it's been all but confirmed. The wine apparently affects the platelets, the smallest of the blood cells. It is platelets that cause blood to clot. They prevent bleeding. But they also cling to rough fatty deposits on the artery walls, clogging and finally blocking the artery and causing a heart attack. The wine has a flushing effect. It removes platelets from the artery wall.
Starting point is 00:06:33 So the answer to the riddle, the explanation of the paradox may lie in this inviting glass. If you make that study or if a study is made that proves more or less conclusively that wine with meals is a magic bullet or a protection against heart disease, you think that the American medical establishment and the American government, the National Institute of Health, for example, are going to buy that. I'm not setting policy, and I'm a researcher, I'm not a policy maker. But I think we should have the information if it is part of the explanation, I think we should know it.
Starting point is 00:07:15 So I will get the answers and I'll let you talk with the policy makers to see how they deal with it. Boy, I so appreciate a researcher being like, that's not my job, don't make me do a thing, that's not my job. Yeah, yeah. I really like that. It's also very funny to me that Morley Safer
Starting point is 00:07:33 is asking him about like, oh, the medical establishment. You won't admit this. When it's like, you're talking to someone who works at the Boston University School of Public Health. You're talking to the medical establishment. I Boston University School of Public Health. You're talking to the medical establishment? I wanted to talk about this because I think this is such a prevalent part of media nowadays, and especially when it comes to health stuff. There is a huge incentive on the part of journalists not just to deliver you information,
Starting point is 00:08:00 but to also make you feel better than other people for knowing it. We're a society that celebrates independent thinking, looking at the research and coming to your own conclusions, rebellion against establishment. Everything now has to be cast as like, you're the only one who knows this and the powers that be, don't want you to know it. Right. Despite the fact that, again, as you've noted, this is the most popular news program in the country at this time. Yes, right. It's actually not. You're talking about shit from like jamma
Starting point is 00:08:32 and the New England Journal of Medicine and putting it on 60 minutes and being like, what a secret. Yeah, you're like, no one else knows. Yeah, Michael, I'm really into this little show that no one else is heard of. It's called American Idol. Like, okay, like, that's been on the air for like 20 years.
Starting point is 00:08:50 What do you want from me? But what did you, what did you think overall? This just feels like a really good encapsulation of all of the sort of goofiness around this stuff. This is, I will say, particularly for the boomers that I know, like the greatest ongoing debate. Yes. It feels like the conversation has basically been
Starting point is 00:09:10 one big game of pong. Yeah. Is it on this side or is it on this side? Is wine good for you or is it bad for you? Right. But that there's not necessarily a ton more depth to our understanding. Well, lucky for you, this episode is going to provide no clarity whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:09:26 It only gets weirder. Goddamnit, Michael. I have seen different numbers, but this segment was watched by somewhere between 25 million and 50 million people. Also, within weeks, wine sales increased as much as 40%. What? I've seen different numbers, and I was like, that sounds way too fucking high. And then I found this in like a bunch of different sources. And like, it's actually these are numbers from the wine industry. Obviously, we're not going to trace it back to a single episode of 60 minutes,
Starting point is 00:09:57 but like the amount of wine that Americans were drinking did increase significantly after this. No bigger impact on the wine industry than this and the release of sideways. Yeah, exactly. I know. The two biggest things to ever happen to the wine industry in America. Morely safer and Paul Giamani. The Murlow industry was never the same. So you know those things that like they they tie a string around the neck of the wine bottle,
Starting point is 00:10:26 and there's like a little tiny like brochure, like a piece of paper there, like extra advertising? Oh, sure, sure, sure, go, pull like a little tag. Yes, those are called neck hangers. That's unsettling. It's not ideal. In 1992, the wine industry started doing neck hanger ads that said that red wine decreases the stickiness of your platelets.
Starting point is 00:10:46 So these health claims start showing up in the wine industry almost immediately. There's also my favorite like cynical marketing event with this is that the French government took out a full page ad in New York Times that says, oh wait, let me send it to you. Okay, so according to a recent report on CBS's 60 Minutes entitled The French Paradox, the intake of fat in the French diet seems to be counteracted by their drinking of French red wine. Yes, French red wine.
Starting point is 00:11:20 The intake of wine per capita in France is higher than anywhere else in the world. In comparison, the United States per capita intake is among the lowest. I love the fucking cynicism of this, that they've taken this science about red wine and about alcohol consumption and they've made it French red wine. So, like, particularly French red wine. Like, there's something special about the grapes. It's very scenery chewy.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Like, alright's something special about the grapes. It's very scenery chewy. Like, all right, all right. But then, what is very interesting to me, looking back on all of this media from the time, is that like an interesting shift happened that I don't think anybody really noticed. So for the first couple decades of the French paradox, it was like, these people eat a lot of fat and they have low heart attacks, right?
Starting point is 00:12:03 And then after the 60 minutes report, it's like, oh, these people drink a lot of fat and they have low heart attacks, right? And then after the 60 minutes report, it's like, oh, these people drink a lot of red wine and they have low heart attacks. There wasn't any specific data showing that it was the red wine that was preventing the heart attacks. This was a hypothesis. Yeah, I mean, basically the only real finding here is French people seem to have fewer heart attacks than American people, yes?
Starting point is 00:12:27 Yeah, and French people drink more red wine. Yeah, but that doesn't necessarily mean that, like, that's the reason for it. Right. Those could be two separate observations. Exactly. So basically, without anyone really noticing or doing it deliberately, the entire focus of the media and academia goes from explaining high-fat, low-hard attacks in France to explaining this J-shaped mortality curve for drinking. So this is something we've talked about on the show before. It's not really J-shaped, it's more like a checkmark, but it's basically the idea that
Starting point is 00:13:03 if alcohol was just like straight forwardly bad for you, right, you would have like people who don't drink would have the lowest mortality and then people who drink a little would have a bit higher people who drink a lot would have a bit higher. You'd have this like straight line, right? But what we actually see in like study after study and this is like an extremely consistent effect is that the people with the lowest mortality are people who drink one or two drinks a day. And it turns out that non-drinkers,
Starting point is 00:13:30 people who don't drink at all, are actually more likely to die of strokes, heart attacks. It's actually like a very broad spectrum, but the French paradox focuses on heart disease. Yeah. This idea, which is like the heart of the French paradox and the heart of like the interestingness of the media reports is like,
Starting point is 00:13:48 oh, what if this thing that seems like it's bad for you is actually good for you in smaller doses? You remember this, right? Absolutely, and it feels like this is a conversation that really raged on throughout the 90s and 2000s in particular. Dude, my mom started drinking. Drinking? Really?
Starting point is 00:14:08 She was a non-drinker? Yeah, my folks are Christians. Like, they don't drink at all. Like, I've seen them drink in my life maybe five or 10 times. I've never seen them like drink more than half a drink. Or so, like, I've never seen them buzz. I've never seen them drunk anything. And I was talking to my mom about like the research
Starting point is 00:14:23 that I'm doing. And she's like, oh yeah, after these news reports started coming out, I started drinking a glass of red wine every day. And then eventually she went to her doctor and mentioned, oh yeah, I started drinking red wine for my health and her doctor was like, are you kidding me? Why would you do this?
Starting point is 00:14:38 You don't like wine. Like wine is not this magical substance. Like you don't need to do this and then she found it. Yeah, that seems like a pretty solid driving force. It's like, I don't like it. But this ends up in the US dietary guidelines. This was the conventional wisdom for a very long time. The idea that if you're pregnant, don't drink,
Starting point is 00:14:58 heavy drinking is bad for you, but if you want to prevent various forms of chronic illness, like a little bit of drinking is actually protective. Gotcha. So meanwhile, while the media is presenting this as like make sure you have one or two drinks every day, behind the scenes academia is researching like what's actually going on here.
Starting point is 00:15:18 There's essentially two explanations for what explains this check mark shaped curve. The first is the one that they talked about in the 60-minute report, which is basically that it's like its alcohol, ethanol, the actual substance of alcohol that has this kind of flushing effect on your platelets. Boy, oh, boy. The number one place that I hear ethanol now
Starting point is 00:15:38 is as like a gas replacement. I know, right? So I'm like, just head on down to Chevron. Yeah, get a nice bordeaux with a hint of Tecron. So the other explanation is that it's something specific about red wine. There are antioxidants in red wine. So the antioxidant in question here is Res Vera Troll.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Oh my God. I know, do you remember, Michael? We first encountered this in our Dr. Oz episode, just like a bad sign. Well, I'll tell you what, I first encountered it at a mall kiosk from an extremely suspect skincare brand. Where they'll be like, hey, do you wanna try our Resvera Troll skincare, whatever?
Starting point is 00:16:23 And I'd be like, sure, let me try it out. Oh, that's a nice moisturizer, how much is it? And they'll be like $500. And they'll be like, no, yeah. Like it was like astonished. It was like, I wasn't 500. It was maybe like $300. And then I started to walk away
Starting point is 00:16:35 and they thought I was just playing hardball and bartering. So they were like, 150. This is so weird. Like I'm down to barter, but an American shopping mall is not a place where I expect to do that. That's bizarre. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:53 But the thing is, what's annoying about Resvera Troll is it's actually really fucking cool. Oh, is it? Yeah, so in wine grapes, Resvera Troll is like this little tiny trace thing that basically keeps grapes from going bad and getting burnt in the sun. So the reason why it's a skincare thing
Starting point is 00:17:09 is because it's in grape skins, and it helps block UV rays and prevent infections. That's cool of shit. Are you aware of what antioxidants are? I had to learn this, and now you have to learn it, too. Would you talk me through it? I feel like I've had TV yelling about antioxidants because of me for my entire adult life.
Starting point is 00:17:27 And I don't really have a sense of what they are or how they work. I'm not sure if I do either, to be honest. But the best I can explain this system without getting into electrons and shit is there's these things called free radicals that your cells produce as a waste product. So when you're breathing in pollution or you're exposed to UV rays,
Starting point is 00:17:50 your cells produce little free radicals, that's like their little cell poops, and the free radicals bounce around in your system, and they basically cause a kind of wear and tear on various organs, on your tissues, on your veins, on kind of everything. And it's bad to have them bouncing around. And then antioxidants neutralize the free radicals. So when you eat things that have antioxidants, or you take vitamins that have antioxidants in them,
Starting point is 00:18:15 they get rid of the free radicals, and they prevent this wear and tear and fix your crow's feet or whatever. Sure. That's the basic idea that you have this balance between like bad free radicals and like good antioxidants in your system. Does that make sense? Yeah, totally. I'm trying to think of like, would there be any kind of mechanism for measuring
Starting point is 00:18:34 how big a problem this specific thing is at like a population level? But it seems like the things you would be able to measure are the effects of that. Yeah. That you'd be able to measure how many heart attacks are there, how many X, Y, and Z, right? And those can be caused by a number of other things. This is, I think, the difference between the science around these issues and the marketing around these issues. There's a million different processes going on inside of your body at all times. And so what marketing does is marketing makes one or more of these processes more salient.
Starting point is 00:19:06 Right? So it's like, oh, you need to watch your electrolytes, right? You need to watch your antioxidants. But the family of antioxidants or substances that have an antioxidant effect that resveratoral belongs to, they've identified more than 8,000. You can't really manipulate all these delicate balances inside of your body to like this extent. Yeah, and even if you could manipulate them more dramatically, it sounds like there's not really a way to measure whether or not you're sort of in a target range or whatever,
Starting point is 00:19:37 it's just like, have your blueberries with your yogurt in the morning and just kind of for the best. Well, this is also partly why I like don't want to get into the science of this more, honestly, because I feel like as a lay person, you don't actually need to know this stuff in any great detail. Sure. It's not even clear that free radicals are bad for you,
Starting point is 00:19:58 and it's not even clear that antioxidants are good for you. So what? Free radicals in certain concentrations at certain levels are actually good for you. Like, your body radicals in certain concentrations at certain levels are actually good for you. Like your body also produces free radicals when you exercise. And then a lot of antioxidants in certain doses can actually be really bad for you.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Beta carotene is an antioxidant. They've tried giving supplements like beta carotene supplements for people. And if you take too much, that's linked to lung cancer. Oh shit. This just isn't something that you like, you need to worry about on, like, this micro of a scale. It sounds a little bit like cholesterol in that.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Very low cholesterol is, like, has the same risks, essentially, as very, very high cholesterol. Right. The tenor of the conversation around these things make it seem like the more antioxidants you can eat the better, the lower your cholesterol can be the better, and like that's not actually born out in the research. Is that a fair assessment of what's happening here? Oh, totally. I mean this is interesting for researchers, and I'm really glad that people are looking into it, and maybe they will discover something about this system that becomes useful to consumers in 20 or 30 years or whatever.
Starting point is 00:21:07 But right now, all we can really say is that, yeah, try to eat a wide variety of food, try to eat fruits and vegetables, if you're super worried about your free radicals antioxidant balance. Like, maybe you're neglecting your blood pressure balance, or maybe you're neglecting your cholesterol balance. It's like, and there's probably 50 other of these balances inside of your system that like we don't know about, like, haven't become marketing yet. This taps into two things that are particular
Starting point is 00:21:31 bees in my bonnet. One is this idea that every new scientific or nutritional finding has to immediately translate into individual practices. Yeah, yeah. And the other thing that feels challenging about this is we have gotten so dead set on a conversation that focuses on weight as the end-all,
Starting point is 00:21:52 be-all of health indicators. And I'm like, there's like so many systems in your body. There's so much that's happening. Right. The idea that you could focus on any one single number, whether that's your weight or your cholesterol or your blood pressure or your mood evaluations or whatever, the idea that that could be the sole reflector of an entire picture of your health and the function of your body is bananas. It's like, oh, I have 75 health points today. You're not a sim, you know?
Starting point is 00:22:26 So basically, in the 1990s, this, this becomes the conventional wisdom, that there is something about alcohol that is protective of the cardiovascular system, and the most likely explanation is that it's resveratrol, some other antioxidant inside of Red Wine specifically. So you know I love a try hard structure for an episode. You know, you're like having little chapters. Are we going to be joined by a little skeleton? It's going to be a little skeleton. I wanted to sort of go through the assumptions
Starting point is 00:23:03 that were going into this conventional wisdom. If you were interested in actually investigating what's going on here, what are the things that you have to actually establish first before you can give anybody individual health advice? One, a direct connection between red wine and a heart attack. Well, it goes even further back. I'll be right back. Tell me. The first thing you have to establish is,
Starting point is 00:23:31 does France actually have a low rate of heart attack? Yeah. Yay! Let's do this. This is the part of the research for the episode. I was like, I don't know if there's an episode here. And then I found this and I was like, okay, there's four episodes here. I was like, I don't know if there's like an episode here. And then I found this and I was like, okay, there's like four episodes here.
Starting point is 00:23:45 I think this is like such a perfect metaphor for like so many things that we talk about on the show. So obviously there's death statistics for every country. Like if you wanna know how many car accidents there were in Romania last year, you can look it up. And it's something that has like the weight of statistics, right? You're like, well, these are just numbers
Starting point is 00:24:02 and this is just science. And obviously there's just statistics, and you can't really complain about them or whatever, right? Uh-huh. The main thing to know about death statistics is that they all go back to an individual death certificate. When somebody dies at a hospital,
Starting point is 00:24:17 a doctor feels out of death certificate, and then that's like entered into a database, and then that eventually flows upward into national death statistics, right? Hmm. I think I've mentioned on the show before that when I was doing grad school in London, database and then that eventually flows upward into national death statistics, right? I think I mentioned on the show before that when I was doing grad school in London, my boyfriend was an ER doctor and they call it arts and entertainment. Yeah. So I, this was like me doing journalism for this episode. I like opened a Facebook Messenger window. I was like, excuse me. Tell me about your relationship with death certificates. And so he sent me the guidance that the UK gives
Starting point is 00:24:49 to doctors of like how to fill out death certificates. And like this is all based, there's standardized kind of formats for death certificates that are based on WHO. There's codes for like what people die of. So like all of this, they're trying to standardize this as much as possible so that you can look at different causes of death between countries.
Starting point is 00:25:10 So the way the death certificates work is there's like the direct cause of death and then there's all of the underlying causes of death. So the example that they use in the UK guidance is the immediate cause of death is ruptured liver and then the underlying cause of death is ruptured liver, and then the underlying cause of death is pedestrian knocked over by car. So it's like you'll have something like
Starting point is 00:25:29 cranial fracture car accident. Gotcha. There's also, you know, you think about long-term diseases, right, you think about like something like HIV, HIV doesn't kill you, right? It just makes your immune system so weak that oftentimes you get pneumonia, you get some sort of opportunistic infection.
Starting point is 00:25:43 So you'd say like this person died of pneumonia, but get some sort of opportunistic infection. So you'd say, like this person died of pneumonia, but the underlying cause of death was HIV. This is also one of the things they say in the guides is this is actually how we get, you know the term died of old age. Yeah, in the guidance they just say, like if you don't know and somebody's over 80, just put died of old age.
Starting point is 00:25:59 As soon as you put your cause. Whoa. So it's just like, old age. Yeah, this feels like in mental health world, there's like often a classification that's like such and such, not otherwise specified, right? So for a lifetime, I was eating disorder not otherwise specified.
Starting point is 00:26:16 It's just like, hey man, your relationship to food is real weird, but it's not one of the big ones that we already figured out. You got a special thing going on. This is all like a completely normal system, right? You want to have these different layers of causes so that you can do statistics at the end of the year. You want to be able to say there were this many car accidents this year,
Starting point is 00:26:34 not how many fractured craniums were there this year. You have to have a couple of different types of information. Where the system gets tricky is when you have older people who have more than one underlying condition. So this is from a study of death certificates. It says the WHO disseminates standard death certificates, coding rules for determining underlying cause of death, and standardized tables for comparison.
Starting point is 00:27:00 However, it cannot control what is written on individual death certificates or whether the diagnosis is evidence-based or merely an expression of one person's opinion. So what researchers have found when they look at these kind of overall death statistics and then they go back and they look at individual cases, so they double check the national statistics against actual individuals, is that it's kind of a judgment call what gets written on the death certificate as an underlying cause of death. Because only around 10% of people get medical autopsies.
Starting point is 00:27:35 Most of the time it's like, okay, this person's 85 years old and they went to sleep and they just kind of never woke up. We're not gonna do like a whole big investigation. Sure, and also, despite what we've all seen on law and order, it's also unusual to have cops show up when you die. And so when researchers go back and check things, what they find is that a huge number of people who had, you know, heart attack or diabetes or whatever listed on the certificate didn't actually have that. There's no actual evidence of that. Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:28:06 You're telling me that people had diabetes or heart attack or whatever listed on their death certificate as a cause of death. But they don't really know if that person had diabetes or had a heart attack. Yes. So I found this really interesting study called death certificates are not reliable, or they go to a single hospital and they go back and they find 223 autopsy reports. So they find 25 cases where an autopsy later finds a heart attack, but the doctor didn't write it on the death certificate.
Starting point is 00:28:35 And they also find 9 cases where the doctor wrote heart attack on the death certificate, but the person died of something else. So around half of the errors are not finding a heart attack that's there, and 25% of the errors are finding a heart attack that wasn't there. The study says death certificates were frequently inaccurate, and in 21.5% of cases were of no value because of an inadequate diagnosis. I'm sure that this is not part of the data, but what do you wanna fucking bet that a bunch of that 25% was fat people? Well, this is what's so fascinating to me.
Starting point is 00:29:11 There was an interesting study in Italy that looked at diabetes deaths, and found that basically people with the same symptoms, women and people who were found in their home, as opposed to dying in the hospital, were much more likely to have diabetes written as an underlying cause of their death. It's basically a judgment call,
Starting point is 00:29:32 based on the medical examiner or whatever doctor is looking at you, to determine like, what are the factors that contributed to this person's death? Gotcha. And that judgment call is gonna draw upon pre-existing beliefs. And it also follows like very cultural and national lines. Like a lot of the studies, studies on these actual death certificate,
Starting point is 00:29:51 methodological issues, were like, it's not clear that we can make any comparisons in deaths of these kinds of underlying conditions across countries. You know my greatest fear with the show is that we're gonna turn people into like QAnon, Antivax, fucking weirdos, who are just like, you're nothing matters.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Like it's all fake. This is the thing you and I talk about a lot. I don't wanna say that all desidistics are fake and anyone who tells you anything about deaths in any country is fucking lying and you can just throw it all out. I think for things like gunshot wounds and car accidents and the sheer number of deaths and kind of overall trends, I think you really can say something definitive.
Starting point is 00:30:29 I think that it's just really hard to know which underlying cause contributed to something like a heart attack, especially. I don't hear you saying it's all fucking fake. What I hear you saying is there are a lot of vicissitudes. There's a lot of variables and nuance that goes into this sort of set of decisions to be made. And some of those are driven by medical training and research and observation. And some of those are driven by bias or by a lack of information on a particular topic or about a particular person. What I hear you saying is like,
Starting point is 00:31:08 don't passively accept these numbers at face value. Like, remember that there are judgment calls that go into these and they may not be hard and fast, solid, reliable, objective truths. Exactly. And this finally brings us back to the French paradox. So what you find when you start looking into this is that as early as 1958, methodological nerds were writing papers about why French doctors are really,
Starting point is 00:31:41 weirdly reluctant to write heart attack on death certificates. Oh! So when you have a heart attack, it leaves a signature on, you know, you're like EKG thing, you're like bloop, bloop thing that's next to you in the hospital bed in movies. When you have a heart attack, there's like a signature.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Like you can look at somebody's EKG and be like, that's a heart attack. And when you have a heart attack, it also leaves some enzymes in your blood. You can actually test people's blood and be like, oh,, that's a heart attack. And when you have a heart attack, it also leaves some enzymes in your blood. You can actually test people's blood and be like, oh, this person had a heart attack. So in France, for whatever reason, they're reluctant to say that somebody had a heart attack
Starting point is 00:32:14 unless they can prove it. You know, maybe they weren't in the hospital when they had their heart attack. So we don't have the EKG reading or like we don't have access to their blood. They'll just say like cardiac event. A lot of the death certificates apparently just say sudden death.
Starting point is 00:32:27 Whoa. Whereas in most other countries, you can kind of eyeball it. You're like, okay, he was in the hospital with some like heart fluttering stuff. We don't know, but like I'm 80% sure I'm just gonna write a heart attack on the death certificate.
Starting point is 00:32:40 So when people go back and look at the death statistics that were informing all this French paradox stuff, they find that France has a really low rate of heart attacks, but a very high level of unclassified cardiac events. What? Come on. So it's fucking driving me nuts. When one of these, like, they do the city by city,
Starting point is 00:33:05 I think they're comparing, like, Leal to Glasgow, and Glasgow has three unclassified cardiac events, and Leal has 23. So it's like, these are massive differences. Right. You don't have bulimia, you have an unidentified barfing event. Yeah, exactly. Great, okay, sure.
Starting point is 00:33:22 One of the best papers I read on this was in 2008, a French doctor does this like overall analysis where he's like, okay, let's just like look at the French paradox. Like what are we actually looking at here? And he goes over all the death data and like the data they were using to formulate the French paradox.
Starting point is 00:33:40 And he says, strictly defined, coronary death rates in French national statistics, both in the past and nowadays, should be considered as negatively biased estimates at the population level and cannot be used validly in ecological correlation studies. The 60 minutes episode says, over and over again, that if you're an American, you are three times more likely to have a heart attack than if you're a French person. And when they go back and they kind of rerun the numbers and they classify everything you are three times more likely to have a heart attack than if you're a French person. And when they go back and they kind of rerun the numbers
Starting point is 00:34:07 and they classify everything correctly, if you're an American, you're about 30% more likely to have a heart attack than if you're French. So is that nothing like, no, that's actually a pretty big difference, but 30% more likely and 200% more likely are like very different sociological phenomena and imply very different like public policy responses basically. Yes, totally. If you're trying to solve a problem, step one is you got to be able to wrap your arms around the magnitude of the problem and who it's exactly. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:34:37 And it sounds like we're not currently able to do that just based on like the baseline data that's available. And also, it's not really the French paradox because France has roughly the same heart attack rates as like Italy and Spain. Oh my God, how long until we get reporting on a Spanish paradox and everyone starts eating like sardines? Yeah, yeah. Eat at 10 p.m. Yeah, that's right. Okay, so that was try hard structure. That was like Galaxy Brain level one is like our heart attacks low in France, right?
Starting point is 00:35:11 Galaxy Brain level two is does drinking prevent heart attacks? Like is this thing of like moderate drinking good for you? This is a part of sort of health and wellness science world where I have spent almost no time is the booze end of things. Moose. And also, like, I'm just not a big drinker. It's not my thing totally.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Wait, so you're a moderate drinker. I'm a social drinker, pretty much exclusively. Like, I have like a bottle of whiskey at home for like, if something big happens, but that's like once every year or two that I like a drink for myself by myself at home. Everything else is when I'm out with people and I haven't been out with people
Starting point is 00:35:54 for the most part because of COVID. So I just don't really drink much at all. I mean, this is like an interesting sort of self-reported data thing because on the surveys, you would show up as a moderate drinker, even though, in reality you're a non-drinker basically, right? I just don't love it. The feeling of a hangover is such a fucking bummer.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Also like once you're in your 30s. It's a whole other fucking ball game. I thought people in their 30s were like over-blowing stuff when I was in my 20s. And now I'm here and I'm like, no, I understand back pain and hangovers. I got it. Oh my God. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:25 I just realized the other day that everything that used to bother me about my parents. I am now doing I'm like, oh, why do you have to wear earplugs to sleep? And now I'm googling like most powerful earplugs for night noise. Yeah, that's right. But then okay, here we get methodology, queeniness. I'm a non-drinker, many of my friends are like moderate drinkers, because I'm fairly similar to them. I always kind of assumed that when you do these studies that compare non-drinkers to moderate drinkers,
Starting point is 00:36:55 you're basically comparing like roughly the same group. It turns out that non-drinkers, or at least people who say that they do not drink on surveys, are like a really distinct group. The main thing that differentiates non-drinkers from moderate drinkers is that non-drinkers includes people who have been told not to drink by their doctor because they have pre-existing health stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:21 Oh, a huge number of people with diabetes do not drink. A huge number of people who have high cholesterol are at risk of things like heart attacks have been told not to drink. Those people have stopped drinking, but they still have all of the health risks, right? So if you're like someone who's been a really severe alcoholic your entire life, at age 60,
Starting point is 00:37:43 you finally quit alcohol, you're now a non-drinker. Well, you still have all of the liver damage and all of the other health effects that the drinking caused for your entire life, but you show up on the surveys as a non-drinker. Because they're essentially taking a snapshot of what is your relationship to alcohol now, not what has it ever been in your life? Exactly. Yeah. And so these people in the studies are called sick quitters. Ugh. Which just seems like a kickball team or something. God, that's like the biggest loser.
Starting point is 00:38:13 Like what a weird mean thing to name that was like, dude. But then even people who drink are called healthy users. Ugh. So it doesn't sound that cool. I know it's all bad. But then another thing about non-drinkers that I didn't know is that non-drinkers are like distinct from moderate drinkers
Starting point is 00:38:30 in a million other ways too. So black people are twice as likely to be non-drinkers as white people. People without health insurance are 1.5 times more likely to be non-drinkers. Unemployed people, 25% more likely to be non-drinkers. Unemployed people, 25% more likely to be non-drinkers. People who earn less than $25,000 a year are three times more likely to be non-drinkers.
Starting point is 00:38:54 I think because alcohol is expensive. Yeah, totally. Alcohol is expensive. And also, this is like a fascinating moment of like, what an interesting thing that so many people who are sort of on the downside of power and privilege are doing this thing that broadly is understood to be a health promoting behavior and we are not talking about it one fucking bit.
Starting point is 00:39:13 Yeah, the things that we are talking about as health promoting behaviors are the things that are expensive and the things that rich people do. The end is right. And it's also really hard to make comparisons between these two groups because when you zoom out, non-drinkers and moderate drinkers aren't just groups that differ in this one behavior. Non-drinkers, it turns out, includes a disproportionate number
Starting point is 00:39:36 of people with fairly serious pre-existing conditions and a lot of poor people, ethnic minorities, unemployed people, and also older people. All of those groups have higher mortality rates, but they don't have anything to do with drinking. Sure. I'm thinking particularly of the uninsured people. Like, that feels like a pretty straight line. They've tried to solve this problem
Starting point is 00:40:01 by only comparing moderate drinkers to people who have never drunk in their lives, but then that's not a remotely representative sample either, right? That's mostly religious people, so you can't really get around it that way either. There's also the fact that, I mean, we talk about this all the time, so I don't want to belabor it, but like, there's also the fact that all of these surveys of drinking behavior are based on self-reported data. Moderate drinkers. In compasses, people who have one drink a year, and people who have two drinks a night.
Starting point is 00:40:32 What? Write a lot of people who drink very rarely, still call themselves moderate drinkers, right? Or like seldom drinkers. The idea of like me as someone who's had, I don't know, two drinks in the last year, as a moderate drinker seems boggurs to me. Well, one of the things I think is so weird that it doesn't really come up in the literature
Starting point is 00:40:52 about the French paradox, too, is that there's something about the self-reporting of red wine consumption that also seems off to me, because red wine is typically associated with, like, I'm a sophisticated person. It's like asking people how much they go to the opera. Do people who go to the opera have lower rates of heart attacks? Probably, but it's not because of the opera. That scene is kind of virtuous behavior for a certain kind of person who probably has a low death rate
Starting point is 00:41:22 anyway. I just don't know how much you can actually really say about this stuff just because it's so difficult to get clear answers from people on these like really culturally loaded activities. Yeah, I mean, this is a thing I have had a number of conversations with pals from the UK who will talk about like, oh my God,
Starting point is 00:41:41 we had our like weekly drinks out with the staff on Friday night, like our whole office went out for drinks and I got totally plastered and I'm like, boy, that would be a fireable offense in the US, right? If you went to a staff function and you got completely shit faced. Dude, when I worked in London, people used to call in hungover. Maybe I can get, I can't make it in today. I just got hammered last night. I as an American was like, what the fuck?
Starting point is 00:42:10 Tell me about it. Totally. And it's just this fascinating moment of like contradictory sort of cultural expectations and judgments of social experiences. Yeah. Yeah, it's all fake. Okay, so the next sort of debunkery
Starting point is 00:42:24 is the antioxidants stuff. You can't really synthesize these things. There's been various attempts to like create antioxidants in a lab and turn them into vitamin supplements. There's no evidence that they do anything. Right, this is the Americans have the most expensive pee in the world. Stuff, right? Speaking of expensive pee.
Starting point is 00:42:46 Ooh, basically, all of the studies on Resvera Troll, like since the 1990s have found, like, you don't really absorb it. You get a spike of it for roughly 30 minutes, and then it just like goes out in your pee, or it kind of goes through your system and is turned into some sort of like, other chemical thing, like through organic chemistry through your body. It basically becomes this other compound.
Starting point is 00:43:10 So you're not able to get the amount of resveratrol that will give you any kind of benefit. Take that mall kiosk. Yeah, exactly. Your skin's gonna look amazing for an hour and this will look like garbage. And also like, as with most things, the only real evidence that Resveratrol could be isolated and could have these health effects is on studies of yeast, fruit flies, and mice. So like not a great start.
Starting point is 00:43:38 And then the one that they gave mice, the dose was so high that to get that amount of risvera troll, you'd have to drink 100 liters of wine. So like not recommended. Also, this is the shit that I was like about to throw my fucking laptop out the window. This is from a 1992 New York Times article, so like pretty early in the French paradox,
Starting point is 00:44:01 this was being reported. While the amount of risverTrol in wine varies widely, depending on the type of wine, purple grape juice has an amazing constant amount, no matter where in the country it comes from, reported Dr. Leroy Creasy, a specialist in fruit cultivation at Cornell University. He found that grape juice had more of the heart-protecting chemical than 60% of the wines he analyzed. What?! Get out the juice, juice! more of the heart protecting chemical than 60% of the wines he analyzed. What?
Starting point is 00:44:25 Get out the juice, juice. It's such a tell to me. If you believed all this like risvera-trol has this magical effect on the body thing, there's like, there's no reason you have to get it from wine. There's other sources of risvera, you can also just eat fucking grapes. Yeah, totally.
Starting point is 00:44:44 So it really feels like this whole thing was just a permission structure to drink red wine, which is fine. I think drinking red wine is totally legitimate. But it's like, it feels like nobody actually gave a shit about what they were saying for like a decade and a half. Yeah. It feels a little bit like the don't worry darling discourse, which is just like, oh, we're just gonna get all real fixated on this one question.
Starting point is 00:45:07 Did this guy spit on this other guy? Yeah, yeah. Let's dig in on this thing that seems fun and interesting. Right. And I think there is something a little bit, not quite salacious, but sort of enticing about the French paradox. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:45:20 It is the ultimate claim of any diet, which is you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. And I do think it plays into a bunch of weird cultural expectations that Americans have about French people and this sort of Europe envy that happens amongst like white Americans in particular, right? Like it just plays into a bunch of things
Starting point is 00:45:43 that were already sort of primed to think. Right. Right. So, can we say anything definitively about the effects of drinking or of red wine? I read a really interesting meta-analysis of sort of what we know about mortality and alcohol and J-shaped and all this kind of stuff. And they basically say that like, there is very good evidence that not drinking
Starting point is 00:46:08 is the healthiest way to live. And there is very good evidence that moderate drinking is the healthiest way to live. Basically, if you're someone who doesn't drink and not drinking works for you, you don't have to start drinking, you're fine. And also, if you're someone who drinks moderately and it's not a problem, you're not, you don't have to start drinking, you're fine. And also, if you're someone who drinks moderately and it's not a problem, you're not blacking out,
Starting point is 00:46:29 binge drinking, whatever, you're also probably fine. We don't need to do a thing where we try to identify the exact optimal amount to drink. It just depends on the study, it depends on the methodology, etc. Different studies find different things, but as far as individual advice goes, do what works for you? Yes, this feels very like the sleep episode in that way, right? Which is like, turns out you can kind of relax around this thing.
Starting point is 00:46:57 You don't need to force yourself to drink red wine if you don't like red wine. Yeah, it feels like a very reasonable way to go about things. The original sin of all of this to me was taking these two extremely broad pieces of information. French people have low heart attack rates. They also happen to drink slightly more red wine
Starting point is 00:47:19 than Americans, they eat more fat and cheese, whatever. And then drill down to these tiny trace elements in fucking red wine. Like I don't think anyone really realized that that's what the paradigm was. Like, French people are more likely to walk and bike to work. It could have been that. French people are more likely to speak French.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Yeah, they're more likely to live in older buildings. They're more likely to be like, there's like a ton of different things. They eat more cheese, sure, I don't know. Well, this is what drives me fucking nuts, is that like heart disease is the number one killer in America, it's the number one killer in France, it's the number one killer in most developed countries, right?
Starting point is 00:47:56 And yet, it only comes up when we're talking about fat people, right? It only comes up when we're in the frame of obesity and like dietary changes. I really went down to rabbit hole on this too. How much can we even say that diet contributes to heart attack risk? It would be very weird and like climate denial
Starting point is 00:48:19 and divoxy to say that like it doesn't contribute because like obviously it contributes, right? But it would also be kind of one dimensional to say that it's the only, because obviously it contributes, right? But it would also be kind of one-dimensional to say that it's the only thing. Yes. Get contributes. So much of our conversation around heart disease is like, manager individual risks,
Starting point is 00:48:34 eat these things, move in this way, with this frequency. Yeah. And I don't know that I have a great sense of sort of like, what is the nuance around? Is that also a thing where like unemployed and under-employed people are more likely to have heart attacks? I bet. Well, Aubrey, allow me to tell you this is-
Starting point is 00:48:51 My guy knew you'd pick it. This is also like such a fun methodology, Queenie section. I'm sorry. Like going down, I went down like four fucking rabbit holes for this episode of So Sorry. This is the purest generation of Michael Hobbs where you're like, I spent 72 hours on the internet.
Starting point is 00:49:07 I feel bad. I hope this isn't too boring. This is Galaxy Brain Part Three. Bing, bang, boom. What can we really say? If if Country X has a low heart attack rate, with how much certainty can we say that it is due to their diet? I don't like the effort to put
Starting point is 00:49:26 numbers to these things, but there is an EU report that compares heart disease risk across the EU and concludes that diet contributes 40% to individual heart attack risk. There's a JAMA report from 2017 that says it's 45%. So is that nothing? No, that's like a pretty significant contributor. But that still leaves the majority of heart attack risk somewhere else. Is there any research that shows where else that heart attack risk might come from? I found a really interesting study that looked at sleep and mental illness.
Starting point is 00:50:04 As we discussed in our sleep episode, it's like it's really important to get a good night's sleep, even though the definition of good night's sleep differs between people. People who have sleep disorders have like a 30% higher risk of heart disease, and people who have depression also have a 30% higher risk of heart disease. But people who have sleep disorders and depression have a three% higher risk of heart disease. But people who have sleep disorders and depression have a three times higher risk. Whoa. You know, I don't love the the methodologies of these studies and I don't want to like say that like that's what's really doing it or whatever.
Starting point is 00:50:35 But I think as a paradigm, the idea that you would have these things that are contributing extra risk to your system and the combination of them is having this kind of like exponential effect. I think that is like a paradigm is really youthful. So people who have mental illness have higher risk of heart disease, people who've been divorced have higher risk of heart disease. I found a super interesting study in Japan that showed that heart attacks went up after an earthquake, which indicates that stress might have something to do with it. Air pollution contributes to heart attacks
Starting point is 00:51:11 in ways that we don't fully understand. And then the biggest thing that drives me so fucking nuts about this entire conversation is like, why weren't we talking about the French healthcare system? Yeah, if people are dying of heart attacks, a lot of that has to do with access to medicines and like surgical procedures and how fast does an ambulance come when you call
Starting point is 00:51:35 and like really direct obvious stuff about who dies and why, not necessarily who's eating cheese. I found a really interesting study that compared different heart attack rates in different parts of France. The best predictor for heart attack deaths in France was how close are you to a large regional hospital?
Starting point is 00:51:56 Like, I don't want to swap one one dimensional explanation for another. I'm not gonna be like, oh, it's not the red wine, it's the large hospitals. I think you're right. I don't think either of those entirely accounts for every understanding of the risk of heart disease or hypertension or any of that. But to say it's the red wine, it's definitely not everyone can go to the hospital and if you're closer to a hospital, you're more likely to survive.
Starting point is 00:52:22 Yeah. That feels like a very facile and sort of self-serving set of assumptions to make, right? Because it tells Americans what we want to hear, which is like, you can drink a bunch if you want to drink a bunch. And it doesn't tell us what we don't want to hear, which is we should probably be paying into a universalized health care system. I think I actually think that this is like
Starting point is 00:52:39 behind the whole thing. I was reading obituary of Morley Safer and one of them mentioned that he's like a lifelong red wine enthusiast. And like a big red wine drinker. And I was like really? Turns in red wine is good for you. It's like, yeah, you just want to think that your habit is healthy. And again, the race and class factors here are like non-zero, right? Like no one's making the argument that like, hey, you know what's super good for you? A can of natty light, right? Like, yeah, that's just not happening.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I went back and I read the original paper, like the paper that inspired the 60 minutes episode. France does not have the lowest rate of heart attacks. China and Japan both had far lower rates of heart attacks than France did. Death certificates, like, you know, country comparisons, I'm not going to pretend that like that data is somehow like perfect. But also, according to the information with which they sold the French paradox to us,
Starting point is 00:53:36 they should have been telling us to live like Japanese people, most of whom do not drink terribly much red wine. So it's like, why were we all trying to emulate the fucking third best country on heart attacks and ignoring the first and second? Like, was that clearly explained to people? I don't think that it was. It's as much a measure of like, what do people want to hear
Starting point is 00:53:59 and what are the narratives we're willing to latch onto? Exactly. As anything else, yeah. The whole thing was basically just like, Americans going, oh, ho, ho. But not really looking into like the specifics of what was going on in front of us. Mike, I don't think we've talked about this.
Starting point is 00:54:14 But one of my very favorite karaoke songs is Les Poinsons from The Little Mermaid. Oh, really? Do you not know that one? Uh-uh, I said, by Blake Lively. It's a fine, yeah. It's like a full two-minute song that is just a version of home. So if you're ever in France, join me at the local karaoke bar
Starting point is 00:54:35 and we'll sing that fucking song from The Little Mermaid. Yeah, and afterwards we'll kick back with some grape juice. Ha-ha-ha. Yeah. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Thank you.

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