Maintenance Phase - Zombie Statistics Spectacular!

Episode Date: April 19, 2022

Debunking some of the most widely repeated myths about fat and health. Here's Mike's new video! Support us:Hear bonus episodes on PatreonDonate on PayPalGet Maintenance Phase T-shirts, stic...kers and moreThanks to Doctor Dreamchip for our lovely theme song!Support the show

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What do you got? What's your tagline? Oh man, I'm realizing right now that I have given zero thought to it. Do you even know what this episode is about? It's about statistics, yeah? Yes. The phrase that you keep using is zombie statistics. Yes. Hi everybody and welcome to Maintenance Phase, the podcast that brains.
Starting point is 00:00:32 What do you think? That was good. You went the direct route. I like that. I went very direct. There were other options. They were two. I am Michael Hobs.
Starting point is 00:00:43 I am Aubrey Gordon. If you would like to support the podcast, you can do that at slash maintenance phase. You can also get t-shirts, masks, tote bags, mugs, all kinds of stuff at T public. Both of those things are linked for you in the show notes. And speaking of show notes, I have a new YouTube video. I'm doing a series where I break down like moral panic
Starting point is 00:01:04 articles and I just made a series where I break down like moral panic articles, and I just made a video about a New York Times editorial about the free speech crisis, which isn't a thing, and we'll leave a link in the description, or you can just google MichaelHopse YouTube and it'll come up. And today, Michael, we're talking about brains. So, okay, this is a penance episode. If you follow us on Patreon, you know that we didn't get our bonus episode out last month, and we had to delay last week's episode. And the reason for all of this is that while I was reading Michael Paulin's
Starting point is 00:01:40 book in the first chapter, he has a like five paragraph section where he talks about like the ravages of obesity. It's just zombie statistic after zombie statistic. It is the kind of thing that you and I have read five million times. I've read this and I was like don't look it up, Mike. Don't do it. Like you have to research this one episode, you don't have time. And then I was like, I'm just gonna look up one. He lists five statistics, I'm like, I'm just gonna look into the first one.
Starting point is 00:02:11 And then a day went by. Good. And then I just went down a huge debunky rabbit hole on this extremely small section of Michael Paul's book. And eventually I pulled my head up and I was like, oh, I have an actual show to make. And then we ended up doing all this other stuff. But then I wanted to do a specific episode about this couple paragraphs in his book, not to like do any further roasting of Michael Paulin, but because these statistics show up everywhere.
Starting point is 00:02:43 These are the episodes that when you tell me about them, I'm like, is it not gonna be the most dry thing ever? And then behind these statistics are truly the wildest goddamn stories? What you're telling me is that you're ready to be bored. But also ready to be pleasantly surprised. Awesome, let's do it. So I'm about to send you the roughly three inches of text that we're going to spend
Starting point is 00:03:08 roughly three hours talking about. Okay, here they are. Quote, the alcoholic republic has long since given way to the Republic of FAT. According to the Surgeon General, obesity today is officially an epidemic. It is arguably the most pressing public health problem we face, costing the health care system an estimated $90 billion a year. Three of every five Americans are overweight. One in every five is obese. The disease formerly known as adult onset diabetes has had to be renamed to type two diabetes since it now occurs
Starting point is 00:03:43 so frequently in children. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in 2000 has a 1 in 3 chance of developing diabetes, and African-American child's chances are 2 in 5. Because of diabetes and all the other health problems that accompany obesity, today's children may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents. Initial thoughts.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I hate it. Twist. Everything about this is just like the greatest hits of anti-fat people trying to insist that anti-fatness is like right and natural and for the greater good. Exactly. It is a really fucking gnarly way to talk about fat people. So indeed gnarly department, maybe it will not truck you, but I have read all of these a million times and none of them check out.
Starting point is 00:04:40 I am most curious about this cost to the healthcare system number. I feel like there are different numbers that get thrown around and they are always in the billions. Yeah, I have no earthly clue where those numbers come from. I have no earthly clue why they're different every time. So can you read the sentence one more time just to remind everybody what we're talking about? Okay. According to the Surgeon General, obesity today is officially an epidemic.
Starting point is 00:05:05 It is arguably the most pressing public health problem we face, costing the health care system and estimated $90 billion a year. My beef with these numbers. Tell me. They appear on the surface as if they fulfill an informational function. It's like, oh, a piece of information, right? I learned how much America spends on obesity every year, right? But what they're actually doing is serving a rhetorical function. Because that number is utterly meaningless, 90 billion dollars a year. Okay, how much do we spend on healthcare total? How much do we spend on cancer every year? That number could be 45 billion, and that number could be 500 billion, and you'd probably have exactly the same reaction. You'd be like, wow, that's a lot.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Right, as an individual person who's in charge of managing my individual finances, 90 billion dollars sounds like an unthinkable amount of money. And I think part of how these statistics are deployed, count on that. Right, count on, this just sounds like an astronomical amount. There's like so many judgment calls that go into this
Starting point is 00:06:08 and the assumption here and the way that it's deployed is that's costing, fat people are costing you $90 billion. Think about what you personally could do with $90 billion. Yeah, exactly. It is not explicit, but the implicit message is really clear which is like, it's fat people's fault. Yeah, I'd causing me that. Yeah, man. Yeah, exactly. You can turn into the penguin from that. Exactly. So the primary way that you can tell that
Starting point is 00:06:37 nobody cares about these numbers or where they come from is that Michael Pollan uses the wrong number. This appears to come from a 2004 paper called the escalating pandemics of obesity and sedentary lifestyle. Great. This actual study finds that the costs are $70 billion. But then it cites a 1995 study that found $99 billion. So somehow 99 billion dollars became 70 billion dollars became 90 billion dollars in Michael Pollan's book. What? And this again to me is just like
Starting point is 00:07:15 no one fucking cares they needed a big number. Yeah. But what really jumped out to me is from this 1999 article that says the cost of obesity or 70 billion, it says that it's 7% of total US health care spending, which to me, sounds like a bargain. Actually, this is from the 1999 article. It says in the absence of obesity, Medicare and Medicaid spending would be 9% and 12% lower respectively. Which also, A, sounds like a bargain. Secondly, you can find records from the 1960s that show that 12% of the US was quote-unquote obese according to current BMI statistics.
Starting point is 00:07:55 And in the 1960s, 35% of the country was quote-unquote overweight as well. So it's like in the absence of obesity, when the fuck are we talking about? Are we like the 13,000? Brandrids? Well, here's the thing. So listen, obesity is a like deeply fucking stigmatizing term, right? Yes, obligatory linguistic, general heads up. We're gonna be using the language
Starting point is 00:08:19 because it's gonna be all over the research that we're talking about. Yes. It literally in Latin translates to eating oneself fat. Oh, really? Yes, that is the Latin translation is like, you ate so much, you got so fucking fat. Someone's researching her new book.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Readin' a Latin. So it's just worth knowing that that is like, the stigma is built into that term. Yeah. Fat people who are most of us are being made to listen to all of these sort of like public health declarations about like, if only we could get to a world where fat people didn't exist. Where most of you weren't here.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And that is a wildly heartless thing to say. But Aubrey, what if I'm making that argument to say that it would be cheaper? God, I'm not that argument to say that it would be cheaper? God, it would be terrible. Not even like better qualitatively. Okay, but what about the cost savings? What about the cost savings of this group not existing? What about the cost savings? What if I was using this for like the most offensive kind of cost benefit economic analysis
Starting point is 00:09:22 in Imagine Paul? Jesus, what about that, Aubrey? But then, okay, so this is, I mean, this is just like conceptually gross and shouldn't exist. But of course, as part of my like rabbit hole tumbling, I started looking at the other numbers, right? Because as we noticed with this number itself, in Michael Poland's book, there's no consistency, right?
Starting point is 00:09:42 These numbers bounce all over the place. So I started looking at the sort of canonical, quote unquote, cost of obesity throughout time. So the earliest I could find was 1990, a study estimated the cost of obesity at 46 billion. There's a 1994 paper that says 70 billion. There's a 1998 paper that says 78 billion. There's this 1999 paper that Paulin references that says 78 billion. There's this 1999 paper that Pauline references
Starting point is 00:10:05 that says 99 billion. So from 1990 to 1999, the costs of obesity have somehow doubled. They've gone from 45 billion to 99 billion. Can I take a swing at one of the factors? Oh, do it. The definition of obesity changed. Oh, yeah, I know.
Starting point is 00:10:23 You lowered the floor for who you consider fat, and then you're like fat people cost us so much money, and didn't mention we have like millions more people who are now medically defined as fat, because we changed the definition. So we're now at 99 billion in 1999, right? There's then a 2008 paper that says 147 billion, a 2016 paper that says 261 billion, and another 2016 paper that says 261 billion,
Starting point is 00:10:45 and another 2016 paper that says 481 billion. What is happening? So like, these are wildly disparate numbers. This doesn't actually indicate a growing cost or a growing problem. This indicates different methodologies. So I'm curious about, I'm assuming you got way the fuck into where did all these numbers come from.
Starting point is 00:11:04 Oh, you know, you know I did. I know you did. You know I looked at it. Yeah, what did you find? So I found a 2016 meta analysis that looked at 23 different estimates of the costs of obesity over time, right? And it's actually a fascinating article
Starting point is 00:11:19 because it has this deep air of confusion where they look at all of the different methodologies that people use, and everyone basically does the same thing. They basically look at various health conditions, and they'll say, okay, obesity accounts for 40% of this one, and 60% of this one, and 90% of this one, and then they count up the costs, right? There's like this Medicare survey thing of like, how much America spends on like, pancreas cancer every year, and how much America spends on pancreas cancer every year, and how much America spends on elbow pain. It's this whole list of costs, right?
Starting point is 00:11:50 And then you just do the math. So they're all using essentially the same structure to come up with these estimates. But what this meta analysis finds from 23 studies, some of them include 30 cancers, and some of them include one cancer. This is from the review. It says, Musculoskeletal disorders were considered in nine studies, respiratory disorders in six, and digestive diseases in five studies.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Four studies included mental disorders, such as depression. But, so we're now in an area where it's like, oh, the costs of like depression therapy are now obesity-related costs? Oh, my God. There's no way to make the claim that it's caused by obesity. Again, it's just this cluster of correlations, right?
Starting point is 00:12:36 We've talked about this a million times. People with less education are more likely to get various cancers and heart disease. People who have never been married are more likely to have high mortality rates. People who live in Massachusetts live like 10 years longer than people who live in Mississippi. Like all of us are these bundles of correlations
Starting point is 00:12:51 based on various demographic characteristics. And what they're doing is they're putting obesity basically at the top of that list. Like obesity is the most important thing. There's a think tank report in 2016. This is the one with the highest estimate of the cost of obesity. This is 481 billion a year, right?
Starting point is 00:13:05 I actually appreciate them doing this. They list 23 conditions and like the various risk rates for fat people and for non-fat people. So one of the ones they list is Alzheimer's. That apparently fat people are slightly more likely to get Alzheimer's. They then say that fat people are responsible for 29% of the healthcare spending on all simers every year. I hate that, Mike. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:13:29 It's like so. I mean, it's just a fucking gross exercise, but it's also just like completely wrong. One of the ones I was going to throw my laptop out the window. One of the ones that's on there, 31 million Americans have chronic back pain. And apparently because fat people are more likely to have back pain, they then say that 18 million of those cases are obesity caused back pain. What?
Starting point is 00:13:51 So they're like fully just going, well, if thin people have back pain, that's because they have back pain. And if fat people have back pain, it's because they're fat and it's an obesity-related cost. And just look at those jerks taking all your money. Not completely, they do reduce them.
Starting point is 00:14:06 Okay. It's like if obese people have 10 million cases of chronic back pain, they'll say like, well, seven million of them are attributable to obesity. Okay. So it's not 100%, but they are attributing a huge percentage of healthcare conditions to obesity, without actually looking into any of the actual complexities of these. So the one that I really got stuck on, one of the ones in this analysis is gallbladder cancer. That fat people are more likely to get gallbladder cancer than thin people find. There's 8,000 cases of gallbladder cancer every year and they're attributing 4,000 of them to obesity. So 4,000 cases of gallbladder cancer are like obesity-related gallbladder cancer,
Starting point is 00:14:46 right? But then you start looking into gallbladder cancer. First of all, as we've discussed before, one of the risks of gallbladder disease, which is a precursor to gallbladder cancer, is dieting. Because when you rapidly switch to a low calorie or low fat diet, your internal systems go haywire and you're like producing all this bile, and that puts more stress on your gallbladder system. Yep. Women are three times more likely than men to get gallbladder cancer, which I'm not gonna say dieting is 100% of the reason for that, but it's like women are also more likely to diet than men. And fat people are under the greatest pressure to lose weight.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Well, also one thing that you find throughout these lists in this study and in other studies is that what they call the cost of obesity is actually the cost of discrimination against fat people. Yeah. One of the interesting things about gallbladder cancer is it almost exclusively happens in people between 85 and 89 years old. Really? Yeah, it's a very rare cancer and it's like almost always fatal because people don't really get tested for it and it's oftentimes diagnosed really late. First of all, we know that at higher ages above 70, fat people actually have lower mortality rates than then people.
Starting point is 00:15:50 We're not entirely sure why, but it's actually protective to be fat in old age. We also know that fat people are less likely to seek medical care, and they're less likely to get scans that they need, right? Oftentimes they go in with some sort of symptom, and their doctor says, ah, come back when you've lost 50 pounds, right?
Starting point is 00:16:06 So some, I'm not gonna say all, but some of the higher cancer rates for fat people are actually because they're not getting high quality medical care and they're not getting like tumors taken out of them when they need to. Well, and many of the health conditions that are popularly believed to be the result of fatness are also actually linked to this phenomenon
Starting point is 00:16:28 that researchers and sociologists call minority stress, which is the stress of living with racism and classism and massive systems of oppressions sort of bearing down on you. There's a little bit of research that's like on the hypertension stuff that's like, oh, it turns out that that might be the result of stigma. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:48 They did one study, it was a teeny tiny study, so green assault of adolescents when they experienced stigma on the basis of their size or appearance and they measure their blood pressure while all of that was happening. And fucking surprise, surprise when people are a dick to you, your blood pressure goes up, right? Like, there's also stuff like that that we're not accounting for, and we're just ascribing all of this to your body has more adipose tissue than a thinner body. You must have done that to yourself,
Starting point is 00:17:20 and therefore you are to blame for whatever befalls you. Right. Well, also one thing that I got really frustrated by looking into gallbladder disease specifically was how few studies look at anything other than obesity. So I found a relatively small study in Iran that looked at 300 women with gallbladder disease and actually asked them like a much wider range of questions about their lives. This is from the study. It says, having three or more births
Starting point is 00:17:47 increase the risk of gallstones by more than five times, followed by having rapid weight loss, being single, having familial history of gallstones and consuming high total energy. So it's like, okay, there's like some eating behavior stuff in there, but it's like the fifth best predictor. And then the best predictor turns out to be like having three or more kids. So part of the problem here is, first of all, it's just really easy to do obesity studies because the data is available.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Then you can ask people like, how tall are you? How much do you weigh? Okay, boom, data point. And then you can link that to like whatever health outcomes they have. But it's much harder to get a broad picture of the predictors of a disease in a more qualitative way. This is a small study, it's only in Iran, I'm not going to say that like, oh, it's actually births that are predicting this better than anything else. Because I think that would be just a shallow as saying it's like a cost of obesity. But also, I don't think the data supports the conclusion that if there were no fat people, we would save half of our healthcare spending on gallbladder cancer every year.
Starting point is 00:18:49 And I didn't look into the other 22 conditions and costs on this list. But to me, this whole exercise feels as superficial as saying, well, if everybody who lives in Mississippi moved to Massachusetts, they would all live 10 years longer. Right? Because hey, there's a correlation, right? We, we know about the life expectancies. So obviously we know how to fix it. And like, that's not how correlations work.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And that's not how health conditions work. And that's not how people work. I think most people who see and experience these statistics sort of take them passively as just like, that's just concrete information. And don't think of it as a question of like, who's the person you wanna be? Do you wanna be the person who's telling people
Starting point is 00:19:29 who have cancer, you did it to yourself, and now I have to pay for it. Like, is that the guy you wanna be in the world? I'm paying for your stuff. Like, okay, and also like, not really. But then, Aubrey, that was like the sound evidence-footing part of this section. Oh, no! That was like the direct cost.
Starting point is 00:19:51 Galstones, back pain, whatever. Like, at least there's an actual cost there, right? The other component of these estimates is indirect costs. Oh. So, this is where we get into this shit about, like, lost productivity. What? Some of these studies include lower wages. What?
Starting point is 00:20:10 We pay you less, and now that's a cost we shoulder? That's fucking ghoulish, dude. To be like, you earn less money, therefore I'm paying extra for you? That's astonishing garbage. One of these studies I found. Also, because you know there's's absenteeism, right? That people lose X number of days a year of work due to their health condition, that's part of the cost.
Starting point is 00:20:32 But then the problem is, the problem with fat people is that there's no evidence that fat people miss more work than thin people. So one of the studies I found, the disappointment is palpable. They're like, oh, you know, we can't actually count up like last days of work, dude, obesity. So they count fucking prison-teasam. Wait, what? They count when you're there as a cost? You're just like hanging out at work. And I guess I don't know what fucking survey this was, but I guess fat people are like
Starting point is 00:21:00 some percentage more likely to admit to being present heist at work. And like that's considered a cost of obesity. Try to devise something that I am less interested in. Honestly. Corporations are spending money on people who go to work and don't work. That sounds like a company problem. That's not my problem.
Starting point is 00:21:23 It's like a member of society. Like, I don't care. How do they even determine this because to my ears, what that sounds like is of the findings of our study are fat people are lazy, which I'm like, what's fucking, that's not a finding, that's a stereotype. Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:21:40 Like, I'm not here for passively accepting that data. Also, think about like, I could sit down and I could make, like, a cost of thinness. How many tens of millions of dollars do we spend on weight loss? How much loss productivity is there when somebody's in the throes of an eating disorder? Like, you could easily do some sort of try hard index about, like, the cost of thinness to America,
Starting point is 00:22:01 but it's, like, that doesn't really mean anything. Yeah. None of us actually think in this way. Some of these studies include fucking transportation costs that like jets have to use more fuel because they have more fat passengers now. Are you fucking kidding me? And it's like, fuck off.
Starting point is 00:22:19 I don't care if like United Airlines now has like 3% higher fuel costs than it did in like 1970. Fucking first class seats are bigger. Like what's the cost of rich people on airplanes? It's like I don't care about this stuff. What are we talking about here? I will say my dad was a pilot for United. It's very funny to me that you mentioned United in particular. He was a pilot and a union steward for United. Just as you said that, I just heard his voice ringing in my ears, which was like, oh, so now they're treating their customers, like they treat their employees.
Starting point is 00:22:50 Whoa, that's it. He's just like so fucking mad, so mad. But like, yeah, I mean, I feel like what he would say is generally speaking, airlines are doing fine. It's also even in this sort of direct healthcare spending, when you look into it, there's actually basically no difference between fat people and thin people in things like the time they spend as doctors,
Starting point is 00:23:13 the number of surgeries they have, almost all of the actual difference in costs between fat people and thin people is prescription drugs. Fat people are more likely to be taking statins, they're more likely to be taking metformin for diabetes. The obvious solution to that would be to make the prescription drugs cheaper.
Starting point is 00:23:30 Right, but like that's not what anyone is actually talking about, right? Like these paragraphs of like obesity, const the US healthcare system, man, a billion a year, that never leads to like, therefore, everybody should get medical coverage and we should make prescription drugs free. It leads to everybody should lose weight., and we should make prescription drugs free.
Starting point is 00:23:45 It leads to everybody should lose weight. All roads lead back to, we actually need universal healthcare. And that is a thorny, hairy, challenging problem that nobody fucking wants to take on. And it's quite a fuck easier to just be like fat people cost so much money. Yeah. Let's be mad at them about it, rather than being like, okay, let's get together another strategy on this like issue that never dies. Yes, fewer salty paragraphs about that people,
Starting point is 00:24:11 more salty paragraphs about health insurance companies. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay, do you want to read the next paragraph of the big old brick of text that I sent you? Quote, three of every five Americans are overweight. One of every five is obese.
Starting point is 00:24:28 The disease formerly known as adult onset diabetes has had to be renamed type two diabetes since it now occurs so frequently in children. Have you heard this claim before about renaming type two diabetes? No. I have come across this everywhere. I almost didn't look this up. Really?
Starting point is 00:24:46 You know, when you hear something like 10 times, it's in your brain and you're like, well, obviously that's true. Like, I wouldn't have read that in like all these independent places if it wasn't true. The last thing we talked about, the 90 billion cost of obesity, whatever, it's like that's arguable. You could, you could say that it's like true in some sense, even though it's not really very meaningful. This one is just a fucking lie. They did not rename adult onset diabetes as type two, because there's so many fat kids. But they did, they did rename it, yeah?
Starting point is 00:25:12 Yeah, they did rename it, yes. What was that, what prompted the renaming? So, okay, how familiar are you with the difference between type one and type two diabetes? My understanding is that type one diabetes is just like, your pancreas never worked. And your body can't produce its own insulin so you need to inject insulin.
Starting point is 00:25:32 And type two is your pancreas worked at some point and then it kind of burned out and stopped working. And we don't totally know why. So now you need medication assistance or you need to eat different foods or pay different kinds of attention to the foods that you eat. And in some cases, you may also need to insure.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Yes. Just to be really fucking clear, like this is a thing that people love to say, like type one diabetes is like real diabetes and type two diabetes should just be called, like you did it to yourself. Oh yeah. A couple of things for people to know.
Starting point is 00:26:02 One, eating sugar does not give you diabetes. We don't know what causes diabetes, type one or type two. Thing two is there is not really evidence that it's something that people quote unquote, do to themselves. And there's a little bit of evidence that shows that actually weight gain might be the result of getting diabetes
Starting point is 00:26:20 not the other way around. Right. It's just this weird moment where everybody's walking around, like all of these people who do not have this incredibly complex misunderstood, chronic health condition are walking around like they own the place and like they know everything about how not to get this chronic health condition.
Starting point is 00:26:39 They know everything about how to treat it and prevent it. And honestly, most of the advice that people give and get around this is garbage. And it doesn't fucking work. And it bears no resemblance to any existing science. Exactly. And all of this stigmatizing language and like one-dimensional rhetoric around diabetes evaporates
Starting point is 00:27:00 the second you understand anything about the condition and its history. Right. So basically when you eat food, your body breaks it down into a form of sugar and the sugar goes into your blood. And then your pancreas pumps out insulin to tell your cells to absorb the sugar.
Starting point is 00:27:16 That's like how they get their little foods. And so type one diabetes is an autoimmune condition that basically shuts down your pancreas so you can't produce insulin. And type two diabetes is either you're not producing insulin or your cells aren't getting the message from the insulin. So this is why they call it insulin resistance,
Starting point is 00:27:35 that your body's producing insulin, but the cells aren't like opening up and taking in the sugar. These are very different things, right? Because one of them happens mostly in children. It happens when you're extremely young if you have type 1 diabetes. And type 2 diabetes mostly occurs in people over 40 years old.
Starting point is 00:27:49 Okay. So the first identification of the difference between these two forms of diabetes was in 500 BC in India. The test for diabetes was they would have you pee on the ground and if the ants crawled toward your pee because pee is sugary, oh, you had diabetes. And if is sugary, then you had diabetes,
Starting point is 00:28:06 and if they didn't, then you didn't have diabetes. Right, you're like spilling sugar into your urine. Yeah, very literally. Yes. So we've known the difference between type one and type two diabetes, since we've known about diabetes, basically, but essentially, we didn't really have a clear understanding, like we didn't know what insulin was
Starting point is 00:28:24 until very recently, right? We didn't understand the actual mechanisms., like we didn't know what insulin was until like very recently, right? We didn't understand the actual mechanisms. People called them a million different things. One of the terms was quick and thin diabetes versus fat and slow diabetes. This is what they said in the 1800s. Jesus! Not great. They also used to talk about hereditary diabetes versus sedentary diabetes.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Insulin dependent versus non-insulin dependent. There's like a million different terms kind of floating around for these two forms of diabetes. And as medical science matures, it becomes clear that this is just like, this is not a good way to talk about these two forms. Partly because people are talking at this time about juvenile onset and mature onset diabetes,
Starting point is 00:29:04 but people can also get type 1 diabetes later in their life. So this autoimmune condition that causes your pancreas not to produce insulin, people just get that in their 30s and 40s sometimes. So it's basically just a total jungle around what are we calling these two forms? And as early as the 1950s, people just started calling them type 1 and type 2. Because it's like, we don't know what the fuck we're doing. None of this is working. Let's just say type one and type two because they don't contain any actual information
Starting point is 00:29:30 about who is getting it and when. So these terms started coming into use and you can actually look on Google Scholar, which is how I found this, for old papers, they're mostly an international development. People like going to Africa and identifying type one and type two diabetes cases there. So this kind of bounces around in the 1950s, and then there's this period where like all of the terms are around. So type one and type two exists, but also like juvenile onset,
Starting point is 00:29:53 and then like the super stigmatizing bad terms. All of this stuff exists, but like it's just like different fields, use different terms, different people use different terms. And then in 1976, a researcher named Andrew Cudworth identifies the actual genetic marker of type one diabetes. He's the one that proves that like this has a hereditary component. So Andrew Cudworth writes a paper basically resurrecting this type one type two distinction,
Starting point is 00:30:17 where he's like, it really just doesn't make sense to talk about this as like juvenile onset and adult onset when like one of them's an autoimmune condition, and the other one isn't, and we don't really know what causes it. None of these terms are just very accurate. Yeah. I think a lot of people have a lot of ideas about who gets type 2 diabetes, and you just think of it as after you get to a certain level of fatness, that you just become diabetic, and it's sort of a fea-acomplete, like it's just happening. That's just categorically not true. And again, there are thin people who are type two diabetics.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Tom Hanks has type two diabetes, right? We love to think about this sort of set of health conditions, diabetes hypertension, all of that sort of stuff that we associate with fatness as some fucking morality play. There's also the thing of, I mean, this is something I learned from interviewing so many fat people over the years, it's like, what if 100% of cases of type 2 diabetes are fat people who like eat too much and are too lazy? Okay, do those people deserve employment?
Starting point is 00:31:19 Do those people deserve medical care? The minute you start actually thinking about it, it's like, well, if everything you're saying is true, we're still not in a good place with this issue. Absolutely. But then another thing that drives me nuts about the story, this is decades before we have any panic about childhood obesity. Right, obesity rates don't start rising really in earnest until the 1980s, and the panic over childhood obesity is like a mid-2000s thing. This is taking place in the mid-1970s. I've read, attempted to read, some of the papers that Andrew Cudworth wrote about this, and they're extremely technical, right?
Starting point is 00:31:53 It's like this receptor on the HB2 tendril or whatever, these are scientists having debates about the nomenclature of something within their field. Like at no point in any of these papers, just like there's too many fat kids, so we have to rename diabetes comes up. So basically, in 1979, the American Diabetes Association officially recognizes this type one type two thing,
Starting point is 00:32:18 and is like, yeah, this is the way forward, and then the WHO recognizes it in 1980. That's how all that happened. So this whole thing of like, oh, they had to rename it. Not only is it not true, this isn't the Wikipedia entry that is to be a diabetes. So like, this is not some like secret hidden figures
Starting point is 00:32:37 untold history of diabetes. It's like, this is extremely mainstream stuff and yet this claim shows up everywhere. It's the same thing with the 90 billion number. It's just like, I just need a sentence in this man. I just, we all know obesity is really bad, and all like the kids are dying. So like, I just need to throw in something,
Starting point is 00:32:56 and you don't even do the most basic fact checking of any of the claims that end up in your article. And that's how these zombies statistics run around. Yeah. Anyway, annoyed. A annoyed as fuck. Next paragraph. Okay, hang on.
Starting point is 00:33:10 A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in 2000 has a one in three chance of developing diabetes. And African American child's chances are two in five. This was actually the one that got me interested in doing the research, because I was like, that doesn was actually the one that got me interested in doing the research because I was like, that doesn't pass the smell test for me. Yeah. First of all, that's kind of a weird roundabout way of just saying like how many people in America have diabetes. It's weird.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Yeah. The prevalence rate of diabetes in the US, I've seen various estimates. It's somewhere between 7% and 12% of Americans have diabetes. Okay. People born now have a one in three chance of getting a disease that only at most 12% of people have. This comes from a 2003 article called the Lifetime Risk for Diabetes in the United States. And it's one of these studies that we've talked about a lot like it's a big old cohort study. They have like hundreds of thousands of people and they ask them the same questions like the same battery of questions every year And then at the end they tell me out like these are the correlations to do so there's a survey question in this cohort study that says Have you ever been told by a doctor other than during pregnancy that you have diabetes or sugar diabetes?
Starting point is 00:34:24 I don't know what the second one is. I don't know what that you have diabetes or sugar diabetes. I don't know what the second one is. I don't know what that is either. That's weird. So they have 356,000 respondents and they get 14,000 yes answers. So 4% of their respondents said yes, I have been diagnosed with diabetes at some point. 4%. And then from this, they do a bunch of statistical
Starting point is 00:34:45 mumbo jumbo, and they come up with a 33% chance for men and 39% chance for women of being diagnosed with diabetes at some point in their life. It's a projection of the future, right? It's being written in 2003, and it's about kids born in 2000. But read the sentence again. A recent study in the Journal of the American Medical Association predicts that a child born in
Starting point is 00:35:07 2000 has a one-in-three chance of developing diabetes. Boy, I missed that predicts! Exactly. I missed the we're looking into a scientific crystal ball part. Also, when it says a child born in 2000 has a chance of developing diabetes, don't you kind of think childhood diabetes? Yeah. This study is of lifetime risk. And one of the findings that stuck out to me in this study is that the mean age of diagnosis of diabetes is 57 years.
Starting point is 00:35:39 So in the study it says, in the cohort of individuals born in 2000, we estimate that 0.88% of males and 1.1% of females will develop diabetes by age 20. So your chances of getting diabetes by age 20 are around 1%. Significantly less than the estimated prevalence of eating disorders at those ages. Exactly. By age 40, your chances are somewhere between 4% and 7% and by age 60, your chances are somewhere between 18% and 20%. So almost all of the risk is coming from people older than 60.
Starting point is 00:36:15 Well, and again, like these are sort of framed in a way that's like pretty misleading and again relies on weight stigma and sort of panic about fat kids in order to carry the message forward, and the message is a deeply stigmatizing one here, right? Well, that's the thing. If what we're talking about is childhood diabetes, why wouldn't you just list the prevalence of childhood diabetes? The only reason you would use this weird prediction is because you want like a big scary number for people.
Starting point is 00:36:45 Yeah, exactly. You know, and also, there's also the thing that like if what we're really talking about is people over 60 being diagnosed with diabetes, if you're born in 2000 by definition, by the time you're 60 it's 2060, and there's also presumably some like new treatments and technologies available. So it's also this weird fear mongering about people being diagnosed in 60 years with diabetes. Well, I mean, if you look at the advances in the last 60 years of the treatment
Starting point is 00:37:12 and diagnosis of diabetes, it's like things are totally different now than they were in 1960. And that's like good, that's good. You're much less likely to die with diabetes now than you were in the 50s. Yeah. A lot of the stuff is just like, we're all gonna die and it just isn't true.
Starting point is 00:37:27 Well, we are all gonna die. I mean, it's good point. That is a ghoulish fucking thing to do is to say you're gonna die and it's gonna be your fault. Right. But then also, I mean, what's so striking to me about this research is that, you know, with all of the scare stories, we've read about, like like childhood diabetes and stuff, how much coverage have we actually gotten that engages with those actual kids
Starting point is 00:37:51 and their parents and their needs? Right. Childhood diabetes is like, it's a really complex phenomenon. So there's like this huge paradigm shift happening. One of the things I read was talking about how most adults who get type to diabetes, there's like a 10-year period where you have elevated A1C levels, but it hasn't become full-bone diabetes yet and it takes a really long time for that to get to where you cross a threshold for diabetes. But then in
Starting point is 00:38:19 children, that process takes roughly two years. Oh wow, so it happens fast. The fact that it has doubled in the last 15 years, I think is the genuinely, like it's a thing, but it has increased almost exclusively with non-white kids, 75% of the kids who are diagnosed with type two diabetes have a close family member who has it. This is an excerpt from a really interesting article
Starting point is 00:38:45 about the paradigm shift around childhood diabetes. Ooh, it says, support for the role of epigenetic factors comes from studies in children born to mothers who had undergone bariatric surgery. Children who were born before their mothers had weight loss surgery, had a higher rate of obesity and insulin resistance
Starting point is 00:39:03 than their siblings born to the same mothers after they had lost weight. Similarly, offspring of mothers with gestational diabetes have a higher risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes compared to offspring of the same mothers born after an earlier pregnancy, not yet complicated by gestational diabetes. The other side of the coin represented by studies
Starting point is 00:39:23 in offspring of mothers exposed to famine also clearly shows the increased incidence of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes later in life. Yeah, so it's like there's something more complicated going on. Well, this is also like we talked about this a little bit in our eating disorders episode with Aaron Harap that there is this sort of like burgeoning field of epigenetic research into sort of like what's the relationship between family or community traumas and food security and your body weight or your disorder eating or whatever, right? And this is like this huge field that is sort of like opening up and there is more and more research coming out that actually things that happen to previous generations
Starting point is 00:40:10 of your ancestors can directly impact your own health outcomes. So like again, this is one of those places where it just feels like people are like walking around with this completely unearned certainty that we just reach for it and we go, great, you did it yourself, you're gonna die. That's all I need. All I need to know is that you're doing the wrong thing and I'm doing the right thing. Reading the actual literature on this, which to my great discredit was the first
Starting point is 00:40:34 time I had actually engaged with it, was just like, oh, this is so much more complex than it seems and it's, it has never been presented to me in any of these magazine articles or whatever, as like an actual complex problem that needs complex solutions. Like you can see the way that it's just used as this cudgel. It's like if kids don't do this,
Starting point is 00:40:54 they're gonna be diabetic or like America spends this much on diabetic people. It's not fair to just treat this as like one dashed off sentence in your article about obesity. And then we like, oh, those kids need to be smaller or whatever. It's like, no, they probably just need us to help them in like much more tangible ways. Well, there's also just like way more going on here, right?
Starting point is 00:41:14 I think there are these times when, you know, our sort of public discourse, people who are not disabled, people who are not fat, we'll talk about being, I'm just concerned, I just wanna solve this problem, right? But then their actions sort of tell on them because their actions are not geared towards solving a problem, their actions are geared toward freaking people the fuck out.
Starting point is 00:41:35 If you are concerned about something, if you want to solve a problem, we all kind of know what that looks like, right? You approach it with a great deal of tenderness, you approach it with a great deal of curiosityerness. You approach it with a great deal of curiosity. You try and figure out what are the, you know, like you test your own assumptions, the ways that we talk about fat peoples perceive
Starting point is 00:41:54 health risks, the ways that we talk about diabetes and hypertension and heart disease are not those ways. Right. These kids are all gonna get diabetes and it's gonna cost us $90 billion. That's not solutions oriented. That's not loving, it's not caring. Fat people deserve better than that.
Starting point is 00:42:13 Diabetic people deserve better than that. It is such shitty lip service that does the opposite of what it says it's doing. Those people deserve a farmer's market. For all it's me. That's it, we're prepared to offer, offer, according to the rest of this book. I don't know how many times I can fire you, but once again, Michael, you are a f***.
Starting point is 00:42:34 Okay, I wanted to do the last one. Last sentence of this weird, terrible paragraph. Quote, "'Because of diabetes and all the other health problems that accompany obesity, today's children may turn out to be the first generation of Americans whose life expectancy will actually be shorter than that of their parents.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I hate this phrase. I have heard it so many times." This is King of the Zombies. This is the zombie lord. This is one of the Zombies. This is the zombie lord. This is one of those things where there is so much fucking stigma placed on parents of fat kids. We have this like really intense cultural lens that is like, if a kid is fat, that is the result of a failing of a parent.
Starting point is 00:43:18 Right. And this feels like the gnarliest and most ghoulish way to address a parent is like you're killing your kid. Yeah, it's absurd. So do you know Dr. William Klisch is? No. He's kind of like considered one of the fathers of bariatric surgery. Okay. He was the head or something on the American board of pediatrics. He was the past president of the North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, which I had to look up on with a pediat.
Starting point is 00:43:51 And most importantly for us, he was the doctor in super size me that counseled Morgan Spurlock. Okay, you noticed me, and you know his work. Oh, I do. So in 2002, he gave an interview to the Houston Chronicle. He's like my childhood obesity. He says, if we don't get this epidemic in check
Starting point is 00:44:13 for the first time in a century, children will be looking forward to a shorter life expectancy than their parents. This is our patient zero, this is the first use. This is it, yes. And then it gets picked up by the surgeon general in 2004, and starts ending up in these reports. And then it ends up in like a speech by Bill Clinton, and then like it's often running. The only group, this bugs the shit out of me, the only group that
Starting point is 00:44:38 has ever actually contacted William Klisch to find out where he got this claim, is the Center for Consumer Freedom, which we have talked about before, and is like a clear front group for Coca-Cola and McDonald's and Monsanto and all of these other horrible food corporations. So I feel super weird and gross about citing their work, but like in all of the times that this claim has been repeated in popular media, nobody it appears other than these corporate lobbying ghouls have ever reached out to this guy
Starting point is 00:45:13 to be like, where did you get this? And according to the Center for Consumer Freedom, he says he based it on intuition. Are you fucking kidding me, Michael? Literally, the dude made it up. And then as this is bouncing around everywhere, people try to like substantiate it. Because people fucking want it to be true.
Starting point is 00:45:35 God damn it. Exactly. So in 2005, we get a paper in JAMA, called a potential decline in life expectancy in the United States in the 21st century. That goes through this whole history where it's like, you know, American life expectancy has increased significantly steadily for the last 100 years, right? Inferno mortality has fallen. After World War II, we get antibiotics. It used to be roughly a third of Americans were dying of infectious diseases.
Starting point is 00:46:05 You know, they get like the flu or pneumonia these things. This is one of the great successes of humanity of the 20th century, right? Huge deal, steadily increasing life expectancy. But then all this panic about obesity and how obesity is going to be the first generation of kids to die, with their parents, whatever. All of this comes from the fact that the rates of growth in life expectancy have started to slow. Oh my God. That's all they have. We're living longer, but at a less dramatic longer rate. Progress is slowing down. This is happening in the late 1990s. And so they do all of this. The whole thing again is just like empties statistical mumbo jumbo. The whole thing is like what would happen if everyone in the country who had an overweight or obese BMI instantly magically attained a BMI of 24? Like that's
Starting point is 00:46:56 what they're that's what they're basing this whole thing on. Oh my god. So we're now just fully in fantasy land. Yes. Yeah. we've never we these conditions where every single American is under a BMI of 24 have literally never existed in the country. Right as it turns out fat people are around have been around will continue to be around Fat people have existed and also exist This is a side note, but it also does this thing where it just like mentions that that the BMI doesn't work for black people. It's doing all this mortality rates, BMI, and then it's like, oh yeah, anyway, BMI isn't connected to mortality rates for black people.
Starting point is 00:47:33 Any black person above 60, like, it just doesn't really work for them. Anyway, they just keep going. Just toss it off. Good thing we're not using the BMI as a marker of health in like every single doctor's office in the country then. We'd really be in trouble if that was true.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Anyway. Me and cool. Yeah. So this leads to the conclusion. Assuming the current rates of death associated with obesity remain constant in this century. The overall effect of obesity in the United States is a reduction in life expectancy of one third to three fourths of a year. Good. Good. That's a tiny effect. And also, they're not saying that life expectancy will shorten by that much.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Right. In 2005, the life expectancy is around 77. They're basically saying if it wasn't for all the fat people, American life expectancy would be like 77.5. That's what we're talking about. Damn it. In a hypothetical scenario that has never existed in the United States, our life expectancy would be around half a year longer. It's just so irritating.
Starting point is 00:48:36 This isn't even the original claim that was made. The original claim that was made was that this generation of children, people born now, are going to have shorter life-expectancies than their parents. That's not what this is showing. It's showing that rates are going to continue to increase, but they would have increased more if it wasn't for obesity. My God. The first part of that sentence is also important, where it says assuming that current rates of death associated with obesity remain constant in this century, it's gonna affect life expectancy.
Starting point is 00:49:07 Yep. But why would we assume that current rates of death associated with obesity would remain constant? Yeah. Deaths associated with obesity have fallen precipitously. You are significantly less likely to die of a heart attack now than you were in 1950. Even cancer, I found a really interesting analysis of this
Starting point is 00:49:26 of like changing mortality statistics in America. Since 2011, since very recently, cancer death rates are down 20%, heart disease death rates are down 10%. Yeah, and also, again, like, these are all presumed to be causes of death that are related to being fat, and that also
Starting point is 00:49:45 hasn't been fucking established. Right, it has never been established, right? So we're like going so far down the road without the most basic thing confirmed. It's just like a house built on a foundation of sand. Right, right. So it drives me nuts. It's the same researcher who wrote this paper being like, oh, we're all gonna die,
Starting point is 00:50:07 life expectancy getting shorter. Right, another paper in 2009 that is like completely unrelated to this, right? It's like social security, administration, projections, like a million institutions project U.S. life expectancy for various things, where he predicts that the social security administration and the CDC's life expectancy for various things, where he predicts that the social security administration and the CDC's life expectancy predictions
Starting point is 00:50:28 are not optimistic enough. Oh, he says life expectancy for Americans is going to keep increasing and it's probably gonna be like 87 years by 2050. Whoa. So it's like, oh, so when you're not writing about obesity, you're gonna be like, oh well actually this is what the data indicates.
Starting point is 00:50:44 But you know, I also, I had to write an article that was kind of scaring people about obesity. You're gonna be like, oh well actually, this is what the data indicates. But you know, I also, I had to write an article that was kind of scaring people about obesity, so I like did some weird statistical show with that. You find this all over the place. You find this with some of the economic analyses too, that it's like when they're writing for like an obesity audience or for a public health journal, they're like, oh, obesity is the biggest killer,
Starting point is 00:51:02 and then you'll find the same author with a paper that is like something to do with something completely else, and they're like, oh yeah, obesityC.D. he's the biggest killer, and then you'll find the same author with a paper that is like something to do with something completely else. And they're like, oh yeah, B.C.D. is really not that big of a deal. It's a social imperative, not a fucking scientific or medical one. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:51:13 They want to raise the alarm about obesity, right? It's like, oh, it's a public health problem. We have to do something about it. But it's like, you're not really being transparent but the fact that that's what you're doing. The same author he admits in this paper, he's like, oh yeah, I wrote another paper a couple years ago saying that like obesity might shorten lifespan, but that was only if we do nothing. My actual projections for life expectancy in 2050, like I'm just assuming that like the
Starting point is 00:51:37 reductions in the death rates are going to continue. I didn't do that in that previous paper. Good God. It's like this totally counterfeit statistics that like even the people putting out like don't really believe in it. I'm so frustrated by all of us, Michael. It's also, I mean, also there's this thing
Starting point is 00:51:55 of like American life expectancy is actually decreasing now, but the decreases are almost all in like middle aged white people and it's almost all because of drug overdoses. It's like 70,000 overdoses a year, opioids. Jesus Christmas. There's also like a lot of like liver, cirrhosis, and stuff, and even in these papers about like white people are dying younger,
Starting point is 00:52:16 they're like, yeah, we looked into obesity and like, yeah, we just don't see it. It's just wild how often you sort of read stuff and just on the face of it as a lay person, it just doesn't hold water, you know? This is what really bugs me about this is that like you sort of expect the Michael Collins of the world journalists to do this kind of thing like whatever. I'm trying to raise awareness. I need this paragraph in my story being like,
Starting point is 00:52:37 here's a bunch of scarce statistics about obesity. Whatever, we kind of expect that from journalists, right? But what we see here is like, there's a pipeline of academic institutions that are producing numbers for exactly this purpose. They are producing numbers so that it can show up in the Surgeon General's report, it can show up in media reports, it can go on the CDC website, whatever, to raise awareness of this, what they perceive to be a public health problem. And I think on some level, I get it, right? If you're a smoking tobacco researcher, if you're a climate change researcher, I get that you want to get science out there in a way that is going to inspire people to take action.
Starting point is 00:53:13 But the problem is I think that this has gotten away from people. They've kind of forgotten how many assumptions they're making. They've forgotten how thin this correlation stuff is. And they've forgotten that the purpose of all of this, right, if all of this raising awareness, all of this is supposed to be for public health. It's supposed to make people healthier, right? And what we see again and again in these studies and the way that these studies are covered in the media is that it's like we're giving up on public health so we can warn people about obesity. We're giving up on public health so that we can call people fat, right?
Starting point is 00:53:47 And be like, it's your own fault. Your gross. I think your gross and it's your own fault. And you're going to die and that's also your own fault. Right. We are giving all of this up for what is essentially like emotional satisfaction. Yeah. It is a project that is designed to make thin people feel better about their health by using fat people as a morality tale. Right, right. I also think it allows public health institutions to find like one of the few things for which there is a
Starting point is 00:54:16 Case for personal responsibility or something that they see as an individual change something that they can do something about I what what I found in a lot of the research that I read for this was public health having like kind of an existential crisis over the last 40 years. A lot of our public health institutions are set up for communicable diseases, right? They're set up for things like, okay, there's like a legionaire's disease outbreak at some hotel in Michigan and we got to fly a bunch of people out there. We got to isolate. We got to do contact tracing. We got to figure this out. Tamp it down, right? Like something acute. Whereas public health institutions, when it comes to non-communicable diseases, a lot of these institutions are really flailing because there isn't a lot that they have in their power to do.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Like a lot of this stuff comes down to like weird esoteric shit, like urban policy and housing policy and welfare, tax policy, and all kinds of other stuff, because a lot of these diseases are actually diseases of inequality. As you said last episode, this gets very political very fast. Yeah. And I don't think that institutions of public health and institutions of science and medicine, they're not set up to do these more holistic analyses of problems. And so I think that they have seized on obesity because it's one of the few things that they feel like they can control, even though they can't because none of these interventions work.
Starting point is 00:55:41 But it's one of these things where they feel like, oh, okay, so we, like, we as a hospital can do a weight loss program or we as an institution can give people like weight loss tips or we can give out nutritional guidelines, dietary tips for Americans. It allows them not to deal with these like much thornier and much more difficult issues. Yeah, I mean, it's so frustrating because we get so attached to having these cultural conversations about health in a vacuum as if they are somehow uninfluenced by social or political or institutional dynamics. And actually, what the research shows and what the lived experience of marginalized people shows is that our sort of understandings of health are a direct result
Starting point is 00:56:26 of those institutional and cultural and political factors, right? That it is like a pretty straight line between what our institutions decide to do and the health outcomes of any given population, right? And it's so frustrating to have so many sort of conversations about this kind of stuff that are like, no, no, no, no, I just want to talk about the science. And it's like, buddy, you can't talk about the science without talking about the bias that is baked into the science. Sorry. Also, what quote unquote, the science is showing you
Starting point is 00:56:56 is that social issues play like a really significant role in who has access to what kind of care and when. Right? It's such a stubborn approach that we take. Another way to put it is that institutions of public health need to disinvest from weight stigma and reinvest in brains. Goddammit, Michael! We're going for landmark two firings in one episode.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I haven't saved it for like 45 minutes. Of course you will. Thanks for watching!

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