Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - A New Secret Inside of the Value Ladder...

Episode Date: June 1, 2020

The big "ah-ha" that I've been trying to execute over the last 60 days. On this episode Russell explains the difference between a value ladder and a value maze, and what he's done to simplify his own ...value ladder over the last few years. Here are some of the informative tidbits to look for in today's episode: Find out how a value maze is different from a value ladder. See Russell's own value ladder and how each step works. See what kind of systems Russell has put in place to assure that each tier in the value ladder continues to work, even without Russell being personally involved. So listen here for all you need to know about the value ladder and how you can make it more simple in your business. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I'm going to get into some of the deep doctrines of marketing with you. I hope you don't mind. It's going to be a lot of fun. We're going to go play inside of the value ladder. So the big question is this.
Starting point is 00:00:15 How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, so I know you guys have heard me talk a lot about value ladder over the years and over the decades.
Starting point is 00:00:47 If you read the Dotcom Seekers book, I talk about it. I talk about it in, I think I've already talked about it in all the books somewhere, but it's like the core foundation of how all these things work. So I'll give you the quick 30 second synopsis. Value Ladder is, if you have a business and you sell a product, then you're just a product not an actual business. A business is tied to a result you're getting for somebody right so like um my my overarching goal is to help um entrepreneurs and small businesses to grow
Starting point is 00:01:12 their companies with funnels right and so how do i do that well there's a lot of ways like yes with clickfunnels is a software tool that helps them do that that's one tier of the value ladder we also have books all right which is another tier we also have um coaching programs and masterminds and there's a whole bunch of stuff that happens. And so a business is not just like a product. A business is, here's this result I get for this certain type of person and then all the products inside of that, that's your actual business. And then if you think about it, ideally in a perfect world, if I really wanted to reach
Starting point is 00:01:41 my goal of helping a business owner to have success with funnels the best thing I could possibly do for them is to go and just build their funnel form right build it launch it and just give it to them like here it's done money's coming in the problem is like for me to do that it'd be super crazy expensive like you know I think every funnel we launched in the last I don't know a few years always hit two comic clubs it's like 100% guarantee of two comic club success it's like how much do I charge you if I guarantee your funnel is gonna make a million bucks? Like, well, if I did it myself, I would just keep the million bucks. So that's why I don't, by the way, why I don't do it for other people anymore. Cause it's like, I can just do it and
Starting point is 00:02:15 keep all the money. But you know, what would I have to charge you? $250,000, $100,000, $500,000 plus royalty. Cause, um, yeah, like it would be insane. Right. So if I walked up to you and said, look, i can serve you the highest level but it's going to cost half a million dollars plus 50 of your business um like most people look at me like you're insane russell no now some of you guys who are listening would be like yes i'm in here's where do i wire the money right because you're in because you know because you i've already provided value up to this point where you know that i know what i'm talking about you know i can actually help and so you'd be willing to do that but for the average
Starting point is 00:02:44 joe off the street if i pitched that, they'd think I was insane, like clinically insane. Like you look like you're 11. There's no way I'm giving you any amount of money, especially not half a million bucks to build a funnel for me. And you still keep and you get half of it? No. And so that's why the value ladder comes in point. The value ladder, typically at the bottom of the value ladder is you give them something that's small, that gives somebody value, but doesn't cost them a lot. It's like for me, I have my free books. You go read the dot-com secrets book or expert or traffic secrets. You get the book. It's free plus shipping. You're like, ah, worst case, I lose 10 bucks. Best case, I learned something cool. You buy the book,
Starting point is 00:03:15 you read it, and all of a sudden you're like, I got value from this thing. This is amazing. I want more. And then you naturally want more. So you send it to the next tier of the value ladder. What else do I have? Oh, there's a thousand dollar course. Oh, boom, there's a software. Oh, there's an event. Oh, and you start moving up the value ladder. And as humans, as long as we continue to get value, we'll keep ascending up until somebody either stops selling to you or they offend you. So that's kind of a quick synopsis of what a value ladder is, right? So I want to dive deeper into the thoughts because I think as I've coached multiple hundreds of entrepreneurs, especially people in my inner circle who I had a chance to work the closest with, most of them didn't have a value
Starting point is 00:03:49 ladder. They thought they did until I asked them this question. I said, do you have a value ladder or do you have a value maze? Everyone's like, yep, I got a value maze. There's like a million offers and they go all over the place and most of our customers are confused. They don't know where they're supposed to go, where they're sent to because there's this and that. I've had that problem for years all the time. And I've been trying multiple times over the last year to get better and better at defining my value ladder, simplifying it, making it like right now our value ladder is really simple. We sell books, right?
Starting point is 00:04:14 So we get the book. From there, we try to send them up to the one funnel way challenge, which is like 100 bucks. That's the next tier of the value ladder. From there, we try to get people into click funnels. So we have, there's different levels, a thousand bucks or, you know, 97 bucks a month or whatever. But getting someone into the ClickFunnels uses the software.
Starting point is 00:04:29 Inside there there's the different tiers. So there's like the $97 a month level and there's $297 a month level and there's the $1,500 a month level, which is soon jumping up to a lot higher than that. But there's those tiers inside of it, right? And so in the past I would have those, but then like we'd push a bunch of traffic and sales and something would happen. We'd make a bunch of sales at that tier and then it would just kind of dwindle. We'd go to the next tier and the next tier and we're bouncing from thing to thing to thing. You probably noticed that for me.
Starting point is 00:04:50 I've got some ADD because I'm trying to do these different things. It's like, okay, we need to build the coaching programs. We run to that tier and we do promotion. We drive traffic and do stuff and we fill that up. They're like, okay, this thing's hurting over here, so we run back over here and we start buying ads and doing things and building up here. It's going back and forth and back and forth, you know? And so,
Starting point is 00:05:07 um, that's been kind of the, the, uh, the hamster wheel I've been on. It's like juggling all the tiers of the value ladder and how do you keep them up? Um,
Starting point is 00:05:16 anyway, not planned, but we did something a couple of years ago where, um, basically, uh, one of, um,
Starting point is 00:05:24 as you guys know, the One Funnel Away Challenge. We launched that, has it been two years now? Two years ago? We did it. Again, same thing. We did the big launch. It went amazing. We had like 5,000 or 6,000 people register the first time.
Starting point is 00:05:33 It was like, this is so cool. We did it. And then it was like, oh, and shift to the next thing. Went back, you know, and it kind of just started dwindling on the thing. Went to the next thing. And then like, man, that One Funnel Away thing we did, that made us a lot of money.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It was really good. People loved it. We should go and do that again, right? It's like, oh crap, so it's like, but how do we do it? So we started going back to do it again, and it's like, ah, this is too hard. So we took one person on our team and said, okay, you're in charge of this, and this is the key.
Starting point is 00:05:57 We left someone behind, his name's Shane Larson. I'm like, hey Shane, you're in charge of one funnel away, I want this happening every other week, I want this thing consistent, and all these kind of things, you know? And so he took over it and he built a little team. There's a team of people
Starting point is 00:06:08 and like we left them behind just to keep focusing on One Funnel Away. And now him and his team take it and they work on it. Every single week it gets better and gets better and gets better and like fine-tuned and fine-tuned. And for the next year,
Starting point is 00:06:19 like OFA just kept getting better throughout time. And now we're at a spot where we get, it happens every other week it's every two weeks launches and we get about two thousand so about a thousand people a week to sign for ofa which is crazy that's at a hundred bucks a hundred grand a week we're making off of ofa um but it does so much more than that it's the tier of the value latch people go through that and they want more and they send up and so it not only does it make the money up front it also it it keeps people moving it keeps them in momentum, right?
Starting point is 00:06:45 As long as we give them a good experience, they're naturally gonna want more value. And so, but the key lesson that I forgot is that we left something behind. And so I've been looking at ClickFunnels now. We've got these different tiers, right? We've got the bottom tier, which is like the books, which that's like me.
Starting point is 00:07:00 Like I just wanna be selling books all day because like I spend so much time writing these stupid books. Not stupid, these great books. That's kind of me. I'm there and I should be focusing on creating ads, doing stuff and focusing there. That's kind of where I want to be left behind. Right now, I keep getting pulled from thing to thing as well.
Starting point is 00:07:14 I want to be focusing there. Then we've got Shane who's focusing on OFA. Then we've got this ClickFunnels $100 level. We need someone there. We need a team there in charge of growing and making it better and things like that. And we never had. And so, um, you guys probably saw about a month ago, we relaunched funnel Fridays and the goal funnel Fridays was to create a team that's going to be specifically focusing on getting people who are $97 to stick people who have canceled the re-engage and to get people who, um, I just get all those
Starting point is 00:07:41 people there. If people have pause plans, can re-engage like everything we can to get people that level excited so funnel fries has been happening so each week we pick a funnel type we give away funnel templates like it's been so much fun and um and as i've been watching the numbers over the last month we've been doing this um our new trials has dramatically spiked up um people who who are canceling our churn rate has dropped down so it's like it's doing two things it's getting people who are who are not clickfunnels members either they used to be they're not whatever it's getting them to doing two things. It's getting people who are, who are not ClickFunnels members, either they used to be, they're not, whatever. It's getting them to reactivate or to create a ClickFunnels account. And then people who were left in the past aren't leaving now because they're
Starting point is 00:08:11 getting funnels and templates and training and this consistent stuff. So now we left them behind that thing's working. Right. And so now it's just happening like every Friday, there's funnel Fridays and it just happens on autopilot and I don't have to do too much. It's just, there's a team there and it's just going to keep getting better and better and better, which is exciting, right? So the next tier of the value ladder.
Starting point is 00:08:28 So the next tier of the value ladder is FunnelFlix, right? So ClickFunnels Platinum and you get FunnelFlix. And the same thing, like how do we, we need to leave someone there. And so we built a little team, the FunnelFlix team. And some of you guys probably saw, we did a seven day live launch for list building secrets. And the plan is that about once once a month we're gonna do something like this okay but it won't be every month but it'll be anyway about two months out
Starting point is 00:08:49 of the quarter we're gonna do the seven day live launch i'd list building secrets you guys probably saw it the list building secrets was live six times over three days and at the end of it we gave away that course and a 21 day challenge if they were part of clickfunnels platinum or funnel flicks and from there we had over 650 or so people that that upgraded up to that level um and enter this challenge and now over the last 21 days i've been doing 21 delay list building challenge we have so many success stories people using funnels to build lists it's like it is insane how successful this little thing has been but it got 650 plus people to ascend up from 97 to 297 and that's just people that ascended by the way
Starting point is 00:09:23 that's not kind of people who just create an account out of the blue. We haven't figured out how to track that number. There's so many stats, so many things to track. But 650 people who were at 97 who upgraded to 97. And now there's a team there. So once a month-ish, again, next month's not happening, the month after will. But once a month, there's a seven-day live launch on a specific topic. We launch it. At the end of it, there's a challenge that goes with it. To be part of the challenge, you need to be part of FunnelFlix. It gets people to send up to that thing. Now that's in place. It's happening. It'll be happening every month, whether I'm there or I'm not. It's in place. Now there's someone who we left behind at that tier of the value ladder. Right now, I'm working
Starting point is 00:09:58 on the last tier of the value ladder, which is our hiring coaching program and stuff like that. We've never had someone left behind there. Once a year, FunnelLineConLive, I sell it. People come in and then it attributes over the year. FunnelLineConLive like that. We've never had someone left behind there. Once a year, Funnel Hacking Live, I sell it, and then people come in, and then it attributes over the year, and Funnel Hacking Live happens again. We sell it, it builds back up, and it's just kind of been that way. And so I was like, no, we need to build a team that's there to make sure it keeps growing, getting better and better and better and better. And so that's what we're in the middle of right now, and it's been a lot of work, a lot of work.
Starting point is 00:10:21 You'll see the execution of it happening at the end of June with our, well, I'm not going to tell you the name of it, but you'll see there'll be a live event and a bunch of other cool stuff. And it's the execution of how to fill and how to keep that growing and improving throughout time. So when that's done though, I'm done. There's someone left behind every tier of the value ladder there to focus on making it better and better and better and better. And it takes the pressure off me of like, great, next thing, launch the next thing. Like, oh, I got to shift here and here and back and forth, back and forth. And it takes the pressure off me where I can just sit there and just talk about the books. Like my perfect world, all I would do is I'd be writing ads for the books. I'd be driving,
Starting point is 00:10:56 sending emails for the books. I'd be like, like, that's all I want to be doing. And then from there, everyone gets moved upstream from, from there. So that's what I'm working towards. Hopefully it'll give me a little bit of a break. I've been working way too hard. But in the last month and a half, we have built out systems and teams and processes around two tiers of the value ladder and are about to launch the third tier. So it's been a lot of heavy lifting to get it in place,
Starting point is 00:11:18 but two thirds of it's in place and the last third will be in place within a month from now. And then it's done. I can like take a sigh. So anyway, I'm sharing the video guys, number one, because it's therapeutic for me to talk about it out loud. And number two, and hopefully for some of you guys who are thinking about like, man, I have a value maze and I'm jumping from thing to thing and my customer's confused, everything's confused. It's like, come back and simplify it. Okay. It's simple. Make it
Starting point is 00:11:40 simple as possible. You got funnels that bring people in. After then, where are they going? And then as you look at that, who do you leave behind? What are the teams? What are the people? What are the processes? So that that tier doesn't atrophy fast. We want every tier growing. I don't want things atrophying.
Starting point is 00:11:52 If they're atrophying, it means they're dying. If they're dying, it means we shouldn't have it. That we need to kill it or we need to put something in place, a team, a person, a process in place so that it grows. If things aren't growing, they're dying. If they're dying, you should cut them and just start over. So anyway, I hope that helps. That's what I'm doing over here.
Starting point is 00:12:07 That's where my brain power has been at. And it's exciting. It's interesting. It's hard work to get in place. But when it's done, like I said, OFA, I haven't thought about OFA in over a year. It just works, right? Funnel Fridays and Funnel Flicks are now kind of moving in that same direction. Soon our coaching program or collective,
Starting point is 00:12:28 we keep having name changes with it, but that thing will be in place too. So it's exciting. Anyway, I hope that helps somebody out there. I appreciate you guys. If you enjoyed this episode or any episodes of the Marketing Secrets Podcast, please take a little screenshot on your phone, share it on social media, tag me and tell me your biggest takeaway you got and tell people to go subscribe to the Marketing Secrets Show. I appreciate you guys. Thanks so much for everything and I'll talk to you soon. Bye everybody. Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick, I wanted to invite you to join arguably the best thing that we've ever put out inside the ClickFunnels community and it is a challenge we call the One Funnel Away Challenge. You know, everyone in their business,
Starting point is 00:13:04 in their life, they're one funnel away from something. Some of you guys are one funnel away from quitting your job. Some of you guys are one funnel away from getting more impact. Some of you guys are a funnel away from growing your company to the next level. And so we created this challenge to help you to create and launch your first or your next funnel. No matter where you are in your business, this challenge is going to help you. It's going to help you understand the strategy, help you understand the tactics, help you understand all the things you need to be successful with your funnel. So what I recommend you do right now is stop everything, pause this audio, go online, and go to
Starting point is 00:13:35 That's and join the next challenge. There's a challenge starting in the next few days, so go get started right now.

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