Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - An Instagram Hack...

Episode Date: October 23, 2019

One way to make sure you are posting stuff that people will actually engage with. On today's episode Russell shares an Instagram hack from the upcoming Traffic Secrets book. Here are a few fun things... from this episode: Find out how Instagram rewards those who do what they want them to do. Listen to an example of Russell using Instagram in a way that gets rewarded. And as a bonus, find out how Russell blocks out his calendar from most important to least important priorities. So listen here to get an inside look at Traffic Secrets with this awesome Instagram hack. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I've got a glimpse for you, and then I've got an idea for you, and that's kind of game plan, so it should be kind of fun. So, the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
Starting point is 00:00:20 who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody. So I hope everyone's having a great time out there. I am madly doing the rewrite right now of the Dotcom Seekers book, which is taking way longer than I thought.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I thought it was going to be me just kind of tweaking some stuff, maybe adding some things here and there. But in the first two chapters, I added 9,000 words so far. So it's basically going to be a brand new book. So for any of you guys who, when you buy the box set, you'll find a lot of surprises in there. I hope you like the new updates because I'm putting in insane amounts of time on them. So maybe that's a dumb idea, but I'm really excited for it. So it's coming soon to a box set book trilogy near you, which will be awesome. So I've got basically seven days to finish the dot-com secrets book and then move over to the expert secrets book. I think I have two weeks for
Starting point is 00:01:28 that and then I'm done writing books forever until next book. But yeah, anyway, so what I'm gonna do now is in the traffic seekers book, one of the things I talk about is figuring out who dream 100 is and then going onto the platform you want to have success with. And then you look to see what the dream 100 are currently doing. Like what are they doing that has put them in front of the algorithm, right? Because Facebook or Instagram or YouTube or whatever, they're always, they're always testing things and trying things out. And then they reward people who do things the way that they want them to. And so if you look at like, who's winning, who's showing up in Facebook or Instagram, what, what posts are getting the most engagement and feedback, which ones are being shared, you start looking for those things,
Starting point is 00:02:03 you're looking for the pattern, you start seeing, Oh, that's what Facebook right now is rewarding people for. That's the, that's the behavior they want us to do. So that's how the algorithms work. They figure out what the behavior you want, they want you to do. And then they reward those who, who kind of sync up with that. And that's how you beat the algorithms. Right. And so recently, it's been fun. I don't even know who the first time I saw, but I saw one or two people who started posting on Instagram, these really cool, um, short form been fun. Uh, I don't even know who the first time I saw, but I saw one or two people who started posting on Instagram. These really cool, um, short form Q and a, where somebody would ask a question and then the guru on the page would answer the question.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And like, if you look at the thing on the thumbnail, it looks like a side by side. You see the two faces, both of them are just holding with a phone. And so, um, and so someone asks a question, you know, and you see, it's like, for example, I've done a bunch of them now and they're really fun. Somebody texts me a question and it's got the video there. And so you see my face like frozen. Then when their, their video ends and I start talking and I answer the question and anyway, they're pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Like, and they're getting insanely high engagement. So there'll be more and more of them. And so I'm sure that you guys are just as a hint, go to my Instagram. If you haven't yet go to slash Russell Brunson and look for those. You'll see probably, I don't know, I've put in five or six of them so far. But then look and notice how many comments they get, how many likes they get, and then start looking for other people who are doing that. This game is all about looking at what's working and then modeling it. And so that style, for whatever reason right now, is working really, really good. So I'm doing it and you guys should be doing it as well. And so there's the first idea I wanted
Starting point is 00:03:23 to share with you guys was that one. The second one is I just got a question today and I responded back to it. So the question was basically about like, hey, if you want to be successful in life, we know you have to have like daily structures and routines. So how do you do that? So I'm going to play the audio of my response because I want you guys to hear it because I thought it turned out pretty good. I think, I don't know. Hopefully you like it.
Starting point is 00:03:44 But it kind of shows you guys how I block out I thought it turned out pretty good, I think. I don't know. Hopefully you like it. But it kind of shows you guys how I block out my day and my time to get things done. And then when we come back, I'm going to have a challenge for you. So I'm going to cue up the audio for my video right now and I'll be right back. Hey, what's up, Alan? Great to hear from you. So I'm doing this video from here because I want you to see right here my five amazing children. And I'm showing those guys because a lot of what you're talking about
Starting point is 00:04:06 with the daily structure and things like that is all based around them. You know, it's funny. Most of us get into business because we want freedom. And then we start having success and we get the significance from it. It's so much fun. We then obsess our entire life, becomes a business.
Starting point is 00:04:19 And especially, you know, for me at this level, it gets harder and harder to like, you know, there's so many demands that are coming on you. So for me, I started with like, what's the most important thing to me, which are these five humans right here. And I said, okay, I need to block out time for them that's like sacred time that nobody else can interfere with.
Starting point is 00:04:35 So every single morning from seven till nine is like kid time. That's when I wake up in the morning, I'm tickling them, I'm getting them out of bed, I'm getting them ready for school, I'm driving them to school, I'm dropping them off, I'm going back and forth and it's crazy, right? So that time's sacred.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Now, right now, my two oldest, so the twins, Bowen and Dallin right there, they are in wrestling. So from three till 5.30 every day, I block out time that I go to wrestling practice. I wanna be there, present, while they're wrestling. Yesterday, Aiden started his first wrestling practice, which was from six till 7.30, so that's blocked out.
Starting point is 00:05:04 So the first thing is I block out of my calendar all the sacred time for things that are the most important. Then I block out till 9 o'clock, because 9 o'clock is the time to help the kids get into bed and all that kind of stuff. Then from 9 to 11, my wife and I have sacred time. Those are the unnegotiables. That time is blocked out, reserved for the most important people. Then I start sitting down and say, okay, what are my goals?
Starting point is 00:05:22 One of my goals right now is I want to hit 10% body fat by the end of the year. So I was like, okay, if I'm going to do that, I'm going to block out the time to do it. So I'm back to my calendar. I was like, okay, when am I going to work out? Is it in the morning? Is it night? Is it before seven o'clock starts?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Is it, you know, after the kids go to bed and blocked out that time? Then it's like, what are my business goals? Okay, to do that. I know I'm rewriting right now the dot-com secrets and the expert secrets book. Like I've got to block out three or four hours a day to be able to do that. So I just take my calendar and I look at the priorities and I block
Starting point is 00:05:49 out for the most important priority first and then it becomes sacred time. Then I'm like, what's my next priority? I block it out and I keep doing that until the calendar's filled. And then literally, I just come in and I work off my calendar. I have a sister and I'm like, Melanie, what's the plan today? She's like, here's on your calendar. You got this, this, this, this, and this. And I go and I do those things. And so for me, that's kind of what it is. And it's something that's always changing because like wrestling season soon for the boys will be done, right?
Starting point is 00:06:10 Ellie just finished soccer season. When her soccer season comes back in, then I make that time to move things around. And so it's a fluid thing where every month or two, I'm sent back down and re-figure out my priorities and my biggest goals. I rededicate out the sacred time for the kids, the family, for things like that.
Starting point is 00:06:23 And then I move other things around, figure out what goals are now and block them in. And for me, you know, having a goal is great, but if you don't have like the structure of like, here's the hours of the day you're going to go to accomplish that goal, it never actually happens. So I'm very big at figuring out what it is you want and then blocking out the time inside the calendar so you can make sure you get it done as well as everything else you're trying to get done. So that's how I do it. Hope hope that helps. And for everybody who's listening, don't forget my favorite quote, no success can compensate for failure in the home. So no matter how successful you are, make sure the first thing you do is block out time
Starting point is 00:06:54 with your wife, your spouse, your kids, your significant others, whatever it is for you, because that time you can never get back and it's the most important. And all the other success things we do are just fun to keep our minds busy while we're waiting for them to get out of school. So that's all I got. Hope you're doing good and we'll talk soon. All right, welcome back. So there's how I answer my questions. So I've got a test for you guys. I want you guys to actually, this isn't just a listening exercise like most of my podcasts. I'm making it to make you guys go do something. So I actually want you to go to Instagram. I'm going to do it with you right now. You can go to slash Russell Brunson. So slash Russell Brunson. It's all one word. R-U-S-S-E-L-L-B-R-U-N-S-O-N or open up your Instagram app, which is even smarter. And then just open Instagram. And I
Starting point is 00:07:37 want you to go to my, my thing. Make sure you're following me. If you're not yet, go click on the follow button. So you're following me. As of right now, there are 577,000 people who follow me. I want to be over a million because all the cool kids have a million. So if you can go subscribe, that'd be super cool. Anyway, I want you to scroll down and there's a bunch of them that I've done that way. As I'm scrolling there, I see one right here
Starting point is 00:07:55 where the title top says being focused is overrated. If I scroll down a little bit more, I see one that says, what do you do when you're feeling alone? Scroll down a little bit more, I'll see one that you do when you're feeling alone scroll down a little more i'll see what says why you should surround yourself with the right people um but if you're looking at these scroll down and look for them i want you guys to see the model and then as you're scrolling through my instagram feed notice all the different things ken um we are we're always testing all sorts of different things on instagram just like you guys should as well and i don't care if it's Instagram or whatever platform you're on.
Starting point is 00:08:26 We're testing different things. So notice all the tests I'm doing. I'm doing tests of like these little quote cards that look like somebody tweeted something. I'm doing pictures of my family, pictures when I'm in Kenya. I'm doing just cartoons. And if you notice, like hover over those things and look and say, how many people are liking, how many people are commenting, what's happening? And right now, Instagram is funny because engagement is literally dying.
Starting point is 00:08:48 Back a month ago, I was getting 10,000 hearts on every single picture I post. Now it's between 1,000 and 3,000. But what's cool about it is if you scroll over these or you look at them, you'll see which ones are getting the most likes, the hearts, and the most comments. And that's our judge. And we're literally just throwing out hooks, testing different things and seeing what happens, seeing which ones get the most likes and hearts. And then the ones that have the most success, we do more of that. So the same thing is true for you. You can do it yourself, start posting stuff, or just go look at
Starting point is 00:09:14 mine, look at people you've, you model and you follow and look at the style of what they're doing and see which ones are the ones who are getting the highest engagement. And then you're like, Oh my gosh, this one's got the highest engagement. That's the kind of thing I should be modeling when I'm doing my posts and my things like that. Okay. So there's some funnel hacking from the traffic secrets book to kind of share with you guys. And that's just me doing it here on, on, uh, on Instagram. But the same thing is true on any of the platforms. And so go play with it, go test it and, uh, and have some fun. So hope that helps. And I hope this gives you some ideas for some cool content. You can post an Instagram or
Starting point is 00:09:43 other channels of your own as well. And with that said, um, I got to get back to writing secret books. Thanks again for listening. And I'll talk to you guys all again soon. Bye everybody. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes, reality TV show at

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