Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Behind The Scenes Of Day 2 At 10X Growth Con

Episode Date: February 13, 2019

Find out what really happened this year, behind the scenes of the 10x growth con. On today's episode Russell gives a summary of all the things that occurred day two of the 10x Growth Con Event. Here ...are some of the crazy things that happened: Hear what Garrett White had to say about Russell's calling, that had everyone listening in tears. Find out how Russell was still able to give an amazing presentation despite an alarm blaring, and people doing the wave. And find out what prevented people from actually being able to buy Russell's product at the end of the event. So listen here to see all that went wrong and right at the second day of 10x Growth Con. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Yesterday I gave you guys behind the scenes of day number one of the 10X GrowthCon convention, event, what happened, how I did on sales, and hopefully you enjoyed kind of hearing a little behind the scenes of it. Now I'm taking you guys to day number two
Starting point is 00:00:15 because I had a chance to speak two days at this event. So I'm gonna walk you guys behind the scenes of what happened there, let you know how my second presentation did, and share a bunch of other cool stuff with you as well. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets,
Starting point is 00:00:32 how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, so I woke up day number two and once again, I was nervous. So I woke up and I got on my slides and started working on my slides and getting fixed for this new presentation I'd never done before. And I'm stressing out thinking, how in the world am I going to do this presentation? There's echo. Nobody can hear me. And, um, but I did the best. I got everything
Starting point is 00:01:10 ready. And then I headed over to the venue. We got to the venue. I saw Dave Woodward and Dave had been helping a ton. Dave is just an amazing, amazing human. I'm one of the hardest workers you'll ever meet. And just, um, someone who's amazing at getting stuff done. And grant his team was pulling on dave like what should you do how do we fix this and so they went and got pipe and drape and wrapped the whole upper concourse in the event hoping to block sound they opened up the um the top of the the dome because after grant parachuted in they closed it and it was super humid and hot inside like fact i was on stage just pouring sweat off my face was so humid where they captured all humidity so So they broke it back open just like, I don't know, 10% open so that the echo could get out. They changed the microphones and they did,
Starting point is 00:01:53 you know, they removed some microphones, a bunch of things to try to clean up the sound. And it was better. Still was not amazing, but it was better. And so I got there and one thing they said is said, Russell, you can't speak as fast as you do. If you do, when you speak this fast, everything bounces off the walls. So if you can do this presentation, you have to speak in soundbites. You say something, it hits the wall, comes back to the next thing, it hits something, comes back and everything's going to be spoken in soundbites. I was like, Oh crap. Like I have a big, like a 200 slide presentation. I can't do that in 90 minutes with, with that. So I went in and deleted like probably 50 slides to, Oh, in fact, just some of my favorite parts. Sometimes I do this presentation. Um, and I want you guys to see it because like, I literally do the presentation
Starting point is 00:02:34 and in the presentation, I show you what I did to you in the presentation. It's so cool, but I had to delete all that cause it just wasn't going to, I couldn't get it all fitted in there. So I deleted a whole bunch of stuff. And then one of the big ideas I had for this presentation was I was going to bring some other speakers on stage, people who've gone through our training and, and let them come on stage and tell their stories, which I was really excited for. So my second presentation was called 10X Secrets Mastery. And then it was how, um, um, like how they could learn how to speak from stage. And I was really excited for this
Starting point is 00:03:07 because at the last 10X, I had 3.2 million. This one, we just done 2 million in the day four. I was going to show them, like, look, how to learn how to make a million dollars or two million, how to sell to the masses. Most of the people in the room were salesmen. I'm like, selling one-on-one is one thing, but selling one-on-many is a completely different skill set
Starting point is 00:03:21 you have to learn and master. And I want to show you guys how to do this. And so we did, and we created this presentation. So, um, so what happened, this is really cool. So I think all of us were kind of feeling a little bummed out and, and, you know, sad from the day before we hadn't hit our goals. And so we kind of licked our wounds and, um, and all the people who were going to bring on stage, I had them meet me in the green room to kind of go over the presentation. So I can show them what was going to happen and we could talk about it. So I brought him in and I showed him my presentation. Now a couple of the highlights of the presentation, I found footage
Starting point is 00:03:50 of the very first time I ever spoke on stage and it was so bad. And so I showed him that, those clips and I started walking through my presentation. And in the presentation, I take two big jabs at Gary Vaynerchuk, which is really fun because Gary called me out on a podcast recently. And so I thought, you know, as long as I have the mic, I'm standing in front of 35,000 people. I should definitely make fun of Gary Vaynerchuk. And so I did. It was amazing. It was cool because I talked about there's two ways to become a speaker.
Starting point is 00:04:18 Number one is to become famous and get paid to speak. And I show how people like Tony Robbins, Schwarzenegger, Oprah, Bill Clinton, Ellen, Richard Branson, Cuban, how much they charge for Keto, which is like 200,000-ish or something. And I was like, yeah, it all goes up. It's 1.4 million if you get all those guys to be your public speakers.
Starting point is 00:04:34 But I was like, at 10X last year, I sold 3.2 million. My take home was 1.6 million. So I was like, you could either become famous and make 200 grand or learn how to sell from stage and make way more. And then I show this picture of me and Gary Vaynerchuk sitting there. I said, look, there's two paths.
Starting point is 00:04:48 And Gary chose a different one than me. Gary wants to become famous. Gary charges $75,000 for speech. And then I show this slide where I was like, you know, I made $3.2 million in 90 minutes. I went home to be with my kids, my family. I said, do you know how many keynotes Gary would have to give to be able to make what I did in 90 minutes? I said, he had to give 22. I said, that's one a week. That's 22 weeks. I said, you know, and I have a picture of him looking super tired. I said, look, if you can go and you can hustle and be
Starting point is 00:05:12 tired if you want to become famous, or you can just learn how to sell and make the same out in one, you know, one presentation. And that was jab number one. I made another jab later on, but it was fun. So for those who love Gary, sorry, but he talked trash about me. So I got my, I got the last word, which was amazing. And people were laughing super hard, which was great. Anyway, then I went down and I showed them where they're going to come in. So some of the people that were coming in to do parts of the presentation, the first one was Garrett J. White. He came in, he was going to talk about his results, taking this framework. Then we had Brad brad gibb
Starting point is 00:05:45 and his partner ryan lee who they've done they basically used to sell financial services across the kitchen table and then they took this methodology of selling to the masses and i have a webinar picture and they had 1200 people on a webinar um last week now and they actually just passed to comic club actually they over 10 million dollars to have one of their funnels which is amazing. Then I had Jamie Cross, who's using the same presentation to sell soap and, uh, and her oils and things like that.
Starting point is 00:06:10 And I had Stacy and Paul Martino. Stacy came up and talked about how they're using this to save marriages. Um, and then I had, let's see who the other people scrolling through here. Make sure if we get buddy, then we had, um,
Starting point is 00:06:23 Natalie Hudson came up and she talked about how about she went to fat event in her experience and she went to fat event and former slater made over a million dollars selling her her uh 37 ebook which was amazing and then i had um annie grace talking about how she um uses to help people to quit drinking and then she used this to make a bunch of money at her event and then i had myron golden who's gonna come up and do his magic because he is man one of the most amazing humans i have ever had a chance to meet in this world and myron uh we're gonna bring him up and have him tell some of his stories and do what myron does best which is get the audience to buy and so we're all excited and you know i was still kind of nervous because because how bad it's been the day before and and it was funny because
Starting point is 00:07:02 um i kind of walked them all through the presentation trying to work. They were just excited. And they started asking, well, what's the goal? How am I going to sell? And I was like, if we get a hundred, I'll be happy. And Byron's like a hundred, we can do a thousand. And everyone's kind of, you know, all over the place. And, and, um, and, uh, it was pretty cool. And then, um, as we recorded this, it was funny cause, um, Dan Usher um runs um the click funnel studio up in toronto and he's amazing videographer he was um he wanted to capture this thing and having garrett to kind of come and pretend like he was the coach it's supposed to be this like this joke thing and so garrett they miked him up and then he came over starting this jokey thing for probably a minute
Starting point is 00:07:41 and then he's just like he's like screw it i know he said screw it you know garrett he swears instead of that but and then he just like switched over into this like man i feel like he was like a coach in a locker room like coaching all of us through the the callings we had and how this was a platform we had to share his callings and it was like i don't know five or six minutes long and man by the time it was done I looked around all the speakers and they were all crying I feel bad because Annie was back there and her makeup was all smeared and and I looked at Garrett as he's telling this to me directly to me he's got tears streaming out of his face and I'm sitting I start crying and like all of us are sitting here in this room just bawling our eyes out crying as Garrett's talking about our missions and how they all tie
Starting point is 00:08:22 together and um anyway what's cool is because we had put on the mic for this thing that we were trying to capture, we captured this whole amazing speech that was not planned and brought me and so many people in my team to tears. And so I actually want to share it with you. I got the recording of it. I want to plug it in right here so you can hear what Garrett said, because I think it meant a lot to me and a lot to those who are here. And hopefully it gives you guys kind of a glimpse of your business and my role in your businesses, right? Like, you know,
Starting point is 00:08:55 when I was, you know, over the last couple of years, I've had times where I'm like, what am I doing this for? Like, what's the purpose? Like, I'm helping people grow businesses. Why does that matter? And the whole grand scheme of things. And, um, it's interesting because one of my, one of my mentors and friends, her name's Tara Williams. Uh, Tara told me, uh, she said, you know, if you look at your, your mission, she said, I really think it's, it's a couple fold. One is like, there's, there's people that have so much financial strain that they can't do anything else to figure out how to get a financial strain. And you come in and you give people the tools they need
Starting point is 00:09:28 to free themselves from the captivity of debt or money. And when they free themselves of that, then they can look outward and start serving and helping other people. And when she said that, I was like, oh my gosh, maybe that is my thing. Because who cares if you guys make a million bucks or 10 million bucks? It doesn't matter, right? What matters is that if I can get the stress stress the pressure of you have to make money off your back then you can start looking outward and start serving other people right and that's why
Starting point is 00:09:53 you know our community like all these people all the people that were on stage they're all people who were who who had a vision they had a message they couldn't get it out and so they came somehow they bumped into to us and what we doing. And we were able to help facilitate to get them into a spot where they could take the pressures of money off their backs. They could focus on serving other people. And everyone who was speaking there have now served thousands and tens of thousands of people. You know, Stacey and Paul Martino have saved over 10,000 marriages. Excuse me, Annie Grace has helped thousands of people beat the chains of alcohol addiction
Starting point is 00:10:25 on and on and on. And so I think that's why I was so emotional for it. So I'm going to actually plug in that clip right here so you can hear the speech that Garrett gave in the locker room. Do you know why I'm here? I'm here because I believe in you. Truly. I was already gone for six days. This is the longest I've been gone for my family in five years. I'm here because of you. You're called to do what you do. I was not called to do what you do. Without you, I can't do what I was called to do. Like, I'm not here for promotion. That's great. It'll be great for me. I'm here because I'm in your military force. I'm on your team. I'm in your unit. That's great. It'll be great for me. I'm here because I'm in your military force.
Starting point is 00:11:06 I'm on your team. I'm in your unit. You're the general. I run a unit. My men listen to what I say in the way I'm called. I follow you because you're called. Like, we sit here and I listen to your story. Like, every single one of us have the same thing.
Starting point is 00:11:22 I know the back story. I know what the story is. Yeah, the example is so-so, but at the end of the day, you're sending a message to women. Like this is serious for me. When I shared with you earlier the peace they're not getting today and they haven't gotten so far. They haven't gotten the reason why I follow you. It's this thing now. This thing that's bigger than you and it's bigger than me. Like, dude, I love you. I respect the head of you. Today I'll
Starting point is 00:11:52 go to war with you. But for something that you have seen long before I could see it, it's not flowery speech for me to talk about how ClickFunnels did something for me. Hey, what can I get from this? Without ClickFunnels, there is no movement of warrior. Without the frames, there is no conversion to men to learn to live and marriages and families die in my world. People follow you because of who you are and what comes through you. The software is the weapon. The frame is the game. But you're the reason.
Starting point is 00:12:30 And I love the reluctant hero. I do. I love it. But there's a piece in you too that's ready to click. This is the piece that you got an army just waiting for that little click of fire and it's game over.
Starting point is 00:12:45 There's no one that will stand on this stage that can harness the power, including me, that you have access to right now because you built an army and you weaponized them and you believe in God and I believe in God
Starting point is 00:13:03 and I know that all of us here are doing something bigger than we actually understand. And so out there was a circus yesterday. And it happened on purpose. And it set up what's about to happen. And from the beginning when you walk on to the beginning when Marlon and you finish it up. Every single one of us have an important role to play, which is get into the state that's required that when you start speaking, the thing that comes through him comes through you. So that this is seen not as a Russell
Starting point is 00:13:37 show or a Gara show or any of us. It is not even a click funnel show. It is a movement of people been called to lead movements all centralized on one thing, it is not even a click funnel show. It is a movement of people been called to lead movements all centralized on one thing, which is waking people up. I see you, man. I've seen you for a long time. And I know you see me because in that we see the same thing. And when I get to spend time with you guys that I haven't got to spend time with, I see the same thing in you guys. So all the frames to the side, the frames, everybody knows them.
Starting point is 00:14:12 35,000 people, it doesn't matter. That means that on the other side of a game we cannot see, there are numbers we cannot contemplate that are currently standing, waiting for you simply to get out of the way and speak, and they're sitting in get out of the way and speak. And they're sitting in the ears of everyone in their seats, whispering, this is the time.
Starting point is 00:14:33 So I'm here because I follow you. My wife's life was changed because of you. It sounds funny that she was reading your book, but you were the only one that could have got into it. So I'm honored to be here. Honored to support you and your calling. And I'm honored to meet all of you and be here with you. And some of you I know better than others. And this was supposed to be a locker room speech of a different kind.
Starting point is 00:14:58 It'd be funny. And the truth is I don't really know how to do that on cue. So anything funny I ever say, it's not on purpose. It just happens. But this right here, this is why I'm here. And I needed what you had to be able to take this that I feel
Starting point is 00:15:11 and take it to literally hundreds of thousands and soon millions. Thank you. All right. And I don't know about you, but again, in the room, it had all of us crying. And I'm just
Starting point is 00:15:25 so grateful for Garrett because it gave us, it kind of regrouped us and gave us motivation. Like, okay, let's get out there. We're going to change. We're going to change all these people's lives. And so we got done and then I had had slides off to Jake on my team and Jake ran it to their audio video guy. And I was like, okay, I can't touch the slides again. Here we go. And so that's what happened. All right. So now fast forward three or four hours later, um, I was supposed to be the last speaker before the end of the day. And the very, very end of the day, they have, they had a, some DJ or some Dougie fresh, I don't know, something like that. I was supposed to be doing some rap thing after me, but everything ran late. So everything's like an hour and a half beyond where it's supposed to be.
Starting point is 00:15:59 But they're like, you know what? The last thing is like this rapper. So just do your thing. And this is how we're making the big money. If you about this like again from a choreographing of the event um you know this could have and should have been where this event made its money like it it should have been the big the big payday and everything should have been coordinated to that um you know but unfortunately um things happened and so i got back prepared to do my, my thing. And a couple of things happened. Number one is right for on stage. This makes no logical sense. And it's like the, it's like the, the backwards choreography, but Grant was on stage and he told everyone said, Hey everyone, we're doing two for one t-shirts right now, but you gotta get them in
Starting point is 00:16:41 the next hour. Otherwise they're gone. They're gone. And literally like 30% of the entire audience stands up and runs out right before, like right when he's announcing me and runs out to go and like, um, go buy t-shirts, make a $10 offer. So it's like, you're blocking a $25,000 offer with a $10 offer. So everyone's running out of the stadium to go buy t-shirts. Number two is I, every speaker's been announced from behind the stage where the thing lifts up and you walk out and it's this big thing right and um so i'm back behind stage about to be announced that way and then grant messages his guy and says i don't want russell to be brought out from underneath the the screen again have him come out from the side of the curtain i was like dude you're supposed to be positioning me to be doing the big sale and then you my, my positioning by having me come out from the side instead
Starting point is 00:17:28 of under the, like, it's just insane that he would do that and, and take anyway, whatever. So I lost the positioning, which hurts when you do 25,000 offer. And then every, you know, a fourth or third of the audience was running out of the stadium to go buy $10 t-shirts. And then I was announced and I came out. Um, so that was anyway, interesting choreography. I get out there and I start speaking and then, um, an alarm goes off. Literally there's an alarm. Someone like set the alarm. And for the first probably 10 minutes of my speech, there's an alarm blaring through the hallways of this whole thing, which is crazy. And then one section of the stadium, they decided to
Starting point is 00:18:04 start doing the waves. So everyone's up there doing the wave. And I hear him yelling and shouting. And I hear the alarm going off. And I'm up there. I'm like, what in the world is happening? This is like chaos. I don't know what to do. It's crazy. But I step on stage. I start my presentation. And I start slow. And I say a line. Boom, deliver a line. Wait for it to bounce back. Go next line. Deliver it. Wait for it to bounce back. Deliver it. And it. Wait for it to bounce back, deliver it. And like, I could feel it like, like there was something about this presentation that was different.
Starting point is 00:18:30 It was magical. It was like, I just, it was so good. As we're delivering this, the thing, and then I bring my guests on stage. I have Garrett White come and do his thing. And then I have each person come and share their part. And it was just beautifully orchestrated. Everyone's success stories and testimonials like weaved in perfectly and it was like like the perfect thing
Starting point is 00:18:49 myron comes on stage he does his clothes he's doing his thing and it's just it was it was magical in fact myron leaned over to me at one point he said uh well one of the um i think i think it was natalie or maybe it was um um or annie was giving their testimonial and he's just like, he's like, look at the audience. I looked and like everyone was so engaged. He's like, he's like the worst case scenario, you get a thousand people. And I was like, oh my gosh, that's $25 million, right? I'm freaking out.
Starting point is 00:19:14 And so we go through the thing and we finished the thing and we're going through the stack and the closing. We had one more close left and Grant's team, I guess, was like, the DJ has to be up right now. And he goes to Dave, like you have to get Russell off stage.'s be up right now and he goes today like you have your Russell off stage today comes right over and gives me this look like you have to end this now I'm like like with one more like the most important clothes the entire thing we had left was Myron's like the best one and I go to Myron I'm like they're cutting us off we have to stop
Starting point is 00:19:38 and so we didn't get to do the last close which is the most important close of the entire freaking thing so we missed that one I do the last final call to action and I I drive everyone. I said, okay, everyone on the floor, the people that paid like $10,000 to be here. I said, okay, there's a sales table right here on the floor. Go over here. It's $25,000. There's a sales table over here. And we got a table. People start jumping up and running and upstairs. I told everyone to start running. And like, it was so perfectly executed. It ends, we pull off stage and I'm like feeling on top of the world. I'm like, oh my gosh, that the presentation was perfect. The delivery was perfect. People were running to the sides. Like everything was amazing. Um, I go back to the green room. I'm kind of hanging out and relaxing. Oh. And then all the
Starting point is 00:20:13 people came on stage. They were over at the sales tables, like to go close sales. And I told him, I said, look, all the people he met up stage, they are over the tables. Come over and talk to them. They're going to tell you their stories. Um, if you have any questions, how this will work for you. And so anyway, that's what happens. People go to things. I go back to the green room, I'm kind of relaxing, like waiting for the numbers, waiting for the numbers. And probably 10 minutes later, Garrett White comes in. He's like, dude, you got screwed. I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, they blocked off the sales tables. He's like, I was by the sales table and all these people trying to get to me and they completely blocked
Starting point is 00:20:42 off and they wouldn't let us come back. He's like, trying to close those i couldn't even talk to a single person i'm like what and they almost came in like yeah we got kicked out and then dave comes in later and dave's like yeah the fire marshal closed off one of the sales tables because there's too many people supposedly on the floor so fire marshal closed off one nobody all the people right at the table fire marshal blocked them and then the dj who was who was preparing for the thing, his team blocked off the other sales table. So both sales tables on the floor with all the 3,000 people who paid 10 grand a piece to sit down there, the best buyers in the room, the two sales tables where people were supposed to get money, completely blocked the two sales tables.
Starting point is 00:21:18 There's no way for people to give the money. It was insane. So I'm like, what in the world? And then finally, when everything kind of ends up, we're about to leave, Dave comes to me like, I'm like, how do we do? How do we do? Like, I'm seeing, I'm thinking like, if we bombed, we would have done a hundred, right? If, if based on the presentation and the feeling of the audience and people running and like everything, I was like, worst case scenario, we did a hundred, which is 2.5 million, which is, you know, we'll be at whatever, almost five. I'm like, that's, we're halfway to where our goal was. Dave comes up to me and he's just pissed,
Starting point is 00:21:47 like so mad. He's like, I don't want to tell you, but I'll tell you. And I'm like, what? He's like 14, like 14. He's like, yep. They blocked both sales tables. We only have 14 people who randomly found us in other spots. I'm like, are you kidding me? Like there's no way. What's up everybody. This is Russell Br brunson i've got something really cool for you today from my friend taylor wells and taylor spoke at our last funnel hacking live because i wanted him to share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method and today he decided to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy that you are going to love it's something we've been implementing into our high-end coaching
Starting point is 00:22:22 program as well and it is amazing but to kind of give you some context about this offer he's making for you guys, as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JPMorgan Chase did a study, and guess what they found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating expenses in reserve. That's right, less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop, am I right? Especially with how the economy's been lately. It's not the time to be gambling with your finances. So Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method, and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine.
Starting point is 00:22:55 We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my marketing secrets listeners. And if you go over to slash secrets, you can grab the revolving price method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this, you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability, this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue.
Starting point is 00:23:29 Again, that's slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson, and I want to jump in really quick to share with you a new assessment I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because not only does it help you understand yourself, but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the bus so they can get more stuff done. I just had a chance to interview
Starting point is 00:23:54 Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the Working Genius is awesome. Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited for the new assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done. Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately. I took it for myself. I had my team take it. And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are. And that's important because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out, make sure that you have, first off, the right people.
Starting point is 00:24:22 But make sure the right people are sitting in the right seats on the bus. And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Now, normally this assessment, you can go to and there's two G's in the middle,, but I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all, but you get a 20% discount off when you put in the keyword secrets at checkout. So go to Again, two Gs, working genius, two Gs in the middle, And then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S at checkout. Get 25% off.
Starting point is 00:24:55 But then go take the test. Again, it takes you 10 minutes. But even in a 10 minute session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help you understand yourself, to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to be the most joy, number one. But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are with your teams getting them in the right seats as well. So anyway, I love this assessment. Go check it out at and enter the promo code secrets for 20% discount. Take this test for yourself and for your team. And I promise you, it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody
Starting point is 00:25:21 and help your company to grow. He's like, yep. And now they're kicking us out because there's a D you know, there's a rapper is going to rap who will make them $0 this event. And it's just like, Oh my gosh. And so that's kind of how that would end it, which was just like, ah, it's just so frustrating. I feel like we executed our site, everything perfectly. So that night we took our team, all 40 of them who were killing themselves. We rented a yacht and we went on a three hour yacht thing at night, had dinner with them, and let them all dance and have fun. It was a good time. Then the next morning, we woke up, and all of our team went back, and they started closing deals. Our team closed another.
Starting point is 00:25:56 They got 13 more people who they found in the hallways to sign up. We ended up with, what's that, 27 or so. I think we had $675,000 in sales from the 10X. So it all said and done from the, from then I think it was 2.7 million. We ended, um, which again is not bad. It's great, but it's just tough when you're expecting 10 to make, you know, about three. Um, anyway, so that was kind of how it all went. And then that next, that day, um, we, uh, just kind of wrap out the rest of the vacation cause it was crazy. Um, um, all of our affiliates from the 10 X launch, as well
Starting point is 00:26:31 as the people who spoke on stage, we put them on, we ran these two yachts and we sent them to the Bahamas. So they, they went out that morning and, and on this, this mastermind yachts that are masterminding while they were on the yacht. And then, um, my wife and I had to go shopping for fun hiking live clothes. So we shopped till we dropped. And then my wife and I had to go shopping for Funnel Hacking Live clothes. So we shopped till we dropped. And then we jumped in a private, in a seaplane. A private plane is a seaplane though. So it's like sitting in the water
Starting point is 00:26:53 and it takes off from the water and flies you over to the Bahamas. And then we landed in the Bahamas and then we hung out all night that night masterminding with all those people, which was really cool. It's just amazing. So mastermind with everybody, which is awesome.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Next morning I woke up and then jumped back on the yachts and went back to Miami. And that's a whole other story in and of itself. They smuggled somebody onto our yacht who we got close, jumped off and swam off. They wouldn't let us, a couple of them missed their flights because they wouldn't let us off because of passport issues. It was, it was just nuts. But somehow eventually at the airport, my wife and I flew home and, um, and the whole trip ended. And so that was the 10X experience. Um, it's kind of funny as we were talking about everything that could have gone wrong, literally went wrong on this trip. But at the same time, like we had such an amazing experience. Like Grant and his i love those guys they work so hard you know so many things are outside their control um the echoing the different things how to get 35 000 people into
Starting point is 00:27:52 a stadium like so many things like that and they did an amazing job with the event i mean i think it was a smashing success for everybody and while i was frustrated with some of the choreography of the event you know that's not their strong suit. And it's something that, you know, maybe next time we'll work them a little closer on, but, um, you know, anyone that can put 35,000 people in the room is, is amazing. Like, I don't even know how it's possible, but somehow they did it. Um, and, uh, it was amazing. The B roll, the pictures, like, um, I'm sure you will see for next year and every ad of mine, you'll see pictures and videos and all the, the amazingness. Cause we got captured some cool stuff so worst case scenario we got the the b-roll and um it was it was really a great experience so um thankful for for grant and for jared for allowing us to
Starting point is 00:28:35 come and partake in that and be part of it and thank you for everyone who was there and even though a lot of you guys couldn't hear me i hope that you heard my message and the love that we have for all of you guys we honestly want nothing more in this life than to change your lives. That's why we're here and why we're doing this whole craziness. Because I tell you what, I could have made $2.7 million sitting at home not doing anything. But we wanted to come and have a chance to share our message, ClickFunnels, with you and with everybody who was there. And also because it's been interesting, this whole internet marketing thing that all of us are doing is not mainstream yet, right?
Starting point is 00:29:13 It's funny because I feel like when I got started doing this 15 years ago, it was like this weird thing and people thought we were weird. And one of the things I've been trying to do over the last four or five years is really make this a mainstream thing, make funnels, a mainstream thing. I want it someday where people don't talk about websites anymore. They talk about funnels and I'm doing my best. I think this is such a huge platform for us to be able to share that with so many people. And, and, um, you know, I feel like
Starting point is 00:29:42 for all of you guys, whatever businesses you're in, you know, I'm trying to lead the way by making what I do mainstream and hopefully you guys are doing the same thing with your businesses as well. So with that said, I'm gonna wrap this up. My voice is almost gone. Let me get home and play with my kids. Thanks so much for listening, everybody. And Funnel Hacking Live is now a week and a half away.
Starting point is 00:29:59 I cannot wait to see a bunch of you guys there. I have five or six presentations I'm doing now to get ready for Funnel Hacking Live. It's going to be amazing. And I feel like Funnel Hacking Live is our family. I'm so excited to go to that event and just feel at home with my people
Starting point is 00:30:12 and people who get me and get us and excited to share that with all of you. And with that said, I appreciate you all and I'll talk to you all again soon. Bye, everybody. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day
Starting point is 00:30:24 to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind-the-scenes Bye, everybody.

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