Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Cheesy Videos? Or Insanely Effective Hooks...
Episode Date: March 3, 2021How and why we’re creating so many hooks, to bring more people into our world. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- ...What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast. Today, we're going to talk about cheesy videos, thrown out hooks, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff. All right, all right, everybody. I hope you guys are doing great today. Oh, man. I want to tell you about the fun things I've been doing in my life. Well, let me step back. Okay, so those who have followed the ClickFunnels journey for a long time, you know that we're always trying to figure out different ways to get people to join ClickFunnels and to buy my products and all the things. And it's funny, because I get people all the time who ask me, "Why are you still making so many ads and creating products and writing books, and all these kinds of things?" And, for me, it's a couple of reasons. One is I love what I do. So there's the most important thing. Number two is I feel like the things we're doing help us grab different segments of the market and bring new people into our world, which is exciting. Number three, if you've read the book, Crossing The Chasm, we're at the spot now where we have I think penetrated the early adopters and the innovators in our world, and now we are moving across the chasm to try to get the rest of the world to become funnel hackers and to join this movement that we're so excited and so proud of. And so those are some of the things that are happening. And so number four, I think number four, who knows what number I'm on, number four is I feel like I'm trying to create examples for you guys to model. And so there's a lot of the reasons why I do it, and that's one of them. So one of the things we did a few years ago was we hired the Harmon Brothers. You guys know they did Squatty Potty and Fiber Fix, and some of the most amazing viral videos of all times. So they've done I think four or five. Anyway, They did a bunch of videos for us that have gone viral that have been really good, that were really, really fun. And last year, I actually was watching Kaelin Poulin. Those who know Kaelin, AKA the LadyBoss, she grew up in our world doing a lot of our stuff. And it was interesting because about a year ago or so, she started doing these videos and they were like viral videos, but instead of typically the Harmon Brothers style video, they hire actors and actresses and everything, instead Kaelin was the actress in each of the videos. And they were scripted out and they were funny, and I watched these videos that she was rolling out and they were so cool and I was so excited by it. And I messaged her a couple months later just to see how they were going, and I can't remember the numbers, the number I remember my head which could be completely wrong was 6X. She was like, "This has grown our company 6X, these new videos." And I got excited. I was like, "I want to do that, make funny videos." But I'm the person in it as opposed to hiring actors and stuff, but I didn't have the time or the bandwidth. My team, we have a million things happening. And so it's cool though, there's another company that's competitors to Harmon Brothers, but their business model's a little different. Instead of doing one highly produced video that costs $1 million, they do a whole bunch of smaller videos. And so the guy that owns it, his name is Travis Chambers. He lives here in Boise, and so messaged him, because I was like, "If I could do these videos and not have to leave Boise, that'd be amazing." And so we ended up working out a deal, and basically we're doing 12 videos with them where each month we launch a new video and they're fun. So they do all the scripting. I told him, I'm like, "I don't want to think. I just want to show up, film stuff, go home, and then a month later the videos launch and I'm not involved in the process of it." And so it's been fun because their team goes and they do the writing, they do all the things, and I show up and I them. And so some of you guys have probably seen some of the videos. The first one was me with a Coke and a Mentos bottle and a kitchen in an Airbnb we had rented showing if you put a Mentos in a Coke and it explodes and trying to catch all the Coke in a bottle. And the first time, it didn't work. Second time, we put a funnel and it works and you catch way more. And so it's this video, and it's me acting. I know. If some of you are watching it, you've seen me like, "This is cringe-worthy, Russell. You should not be acting." I'm like, "I know, I'm not an actor." But that was the first one we did. Next one we did, it was this lemonade stand scene, which was really funny. We blew things up, and it's hard for me to go back and watch these, I'm like, "Oh, it's so painful for me to watch myself act. It's so embarrassing." Then we did a Mission Impossible theme where they strapped me to a harness and I was drop from the ceiling. Then we did a first person shooter one, which is really fun. And yesterday we filmed the one that was an angel and the devil where I was the angel and I was the devil on a dude's shoulder trying to convince him to use ClickFunnels. And then today we're filming one for the Five Day Lead Challenge with lead magnets and a bunch of other stuff. And anyway, it's just fun. So every other month, we go and spend two days, we knock out two videos, and then we're doing 12 of them. Basically, we're launching one a month. So we're putting these things out there. And it's funny because I guarantee some people, especially I'm sure my competitors, are like, "Russell, you're such a dork. Why are you doing this? It's so embarrassing? Why are you putting yourself out there?" And I'm doing it for a couple reasons, and most of them were the same reasons I talked about earlier. I'm legitimately proud of what we do, and my job, if you've read the Traffic Secrets book, is to create hooks, to grab people's attention so I can tell them my story so then we can make them an offer. And so all these things are just different hooks. Me dropping from the ceiling to get people to OFA challenge is the hook. Me being an angel and a devil and acting horribly, because I'm not a good actor, is a hook to get somebody to stop the scroll so I can tell them my story, so I can bring them into our world. And all these things are that way. So I'm telling you guys this because I know some of you guys aren't making ads because you're embarrassed. "Oh, I look stupid. I'm not funny. I'm not blah, blah, blah," whatever the insert excuse here. Some of you guys are doing it because you don't know how to act or you don't feel comfortable on camera. Do you think I feel comfortable on camera doing these things.? No, I don't not, even a little bit. It's so awkward for me. They were making me do these voices that were so embarrassing. I watched the video afterwards, it's all super cringe-y. But then it launches and, oh my gosh, it grabs people's attention. It stops the scroll and it's bringing new blood into my world. And so that's why I do it, because it's the way I reach more people, it's new hooks to throw out there. It's new creative putting out there all the time. The more creative you put out, the more people you can grab, the more attention you can get. And so that's one of the big reasons. Number two is I'm trying to model for you guys what's working. You look at Kaelin's videos, and if you haven't, go follow their fan page and watch her videos. They are killing it with it. And she's a better actress than me by far. Her videos, I mean, come on now, she's just great at what she does. I'm the dorky version trying to be cool like her, and I'm not as cool as her, but they still work. And so it's modeling, "Why is Russell doing this? This is goofy." Instead of being, "Why is he making these goofy videos?" it's like, "Huh, maybe there's something behind these. Maybe I should try to make something like that. How can I have some fun with it?" I remember when we first started thinking about how do we throw more hooks out there? Dean Grasiozi was the one I was following at the time, and he was putting out so many videos. He was doing magic trick videos. He was doing him and his daughter's soccer game videos. He was doing thing after thing after thing, and I was like, "I need to put out more hooks. I don't even know what to do." And it was hard for me. And so by hiring somebody and putting it in a process, it's something where it's forcing me to put out these hooks way more often. And so, anyways, hopefully, again, I know a lot of you guys, you go and you buy the book, you buy the course, and you hear me talk about throwing out all these hooks. Yes. That's a big part of it, but that's not the full point of it. The full point isn't for me just to tell you about getting hooks. It's for me to actually do it so you can see me and be like, "Oh, that's what Russell's talking about. He actually practices what he preaches. Unlike most of the gurus who just talk about something, Russell's actually doing this. Let's model what he's actually doing anyway." Anyway, so I'm sure if you've seen the videos, that's what they are. If you haven't seen him yet, I'm sure you will see them and they will keep popping up and you'll be like, "Man, that Russell Brunson, he's the hardest working man in this industry. He cares more about this craft than anybody because he's willing to embarrass himself and put out all these hooks." And it's true, because I love what I do. I love my message. I love the people that we're serving. And so I'm willing to be uncomfortable and be goofy to get their attention. It's interesting. I remember hearing, I can't remember who it was, but this is probably a decade ago or something, I was studying, I wasn't studying acting, but I was studying actors who were successful, and I remember reading a quote from somebody saying, "If you realized how to be a good actor, you do things that make you feel so uncomfortable then on camera seem normal." And I remember hearing that and I was like, "Oh, weird." And I remember the very first time I was trying to get PR, oh excuse me, I tried to do an infomercial. That was the first time. I tried to do infomercial and I remember my host came on and he was interviewing me on the infomercial and after the first take or so he stopped. He's like, "All right, this is the deal." He's like, "If you talk normal, you sound like you're dead on TV." He's like, "You have to be up like this and super excited and then you sound normal on TV." And so he said, "That's the energy you have to have, it's way up here, to be able to sound normal." And so he kept training me and forcing me to do these things that stretch, that made me feel uncomfortable. He's like, "Take it to the level 10, level 12, level 15," wherever it is. And then he's like, "Now you seem normal." And sure enough, when we watched the infomercial back, I was like, "Oh, it actually doesn't sound goofy. It sounds normal. Whereas if I sounded normal, it sounds like I'm dead." And that was just a big a-ha. Same thing when I did media training before I tried to do my PR the very first time. You've got to grab someone's attention. If you talk like you normally do, nobody's going to pay attention, you're not going to get people's attention. And that was 18 years ago, 15 years ago, whenever it was. Nowadays, it's way harder. How many ads do you swipe through on Facebook or Instagram every single day? How many times has somebody heard about Dotcom Secrets or Expert Secrets or ClickFunnels or One Funnel Away Challenge, and they even ignored it until they saw me dropping from the ceiling like Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible, or until he saw Shoulder Angel Russell fighting with Shoulder Devil Russell. And then all of sudden, they're like, "Wait. What?" And they watch it and they're like, "Okay, I've got to try this thing out." What's the hook that's going to finally get the person's attention? You don't know until you go out there and do it, and do it, and do it. So anyway, that's why. That's the purpose. I hope that it helps. With that said, I'm going to get cleaned up, because in one hour they're picking me up for my next video. This one's going to be goofy too. Not as goofy as yesterday's. Yesterday's, I'm actually really excited for the shoulder angel and shoulder devil one. But today's is one for our Five Day Lead Challenge. Like I said, every single month, we're picking a new video to do and trying new hooks. Some hooks will work, some won't, but you don't know until you throw them out there. So that said, you guys, get back to work. Go make some more hooks. Make some more videos. Throw it out there. Get your audience's attention and try to change the world in your own little way. Thanks again, and I will talk to you guys all again soon. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up, everybody?
This is Russell Brunson.
Welcome back to Marketing Secrets Podcast.
Today, we're gonna talk about cheesy videos,
thrown out hooks, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff.
So, the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us,
who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
who are spending money from our own pockets,
how do we market in a way that lets us get our products
and our services and the things that we believe in
out to the world, and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the
answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
All right, all right, everybody. I hope you guys are doing great today. So, oh man. Um, I want to tell you about the fun things I've been doing in my life.
So every, um, well, let me step back.
So those who followed the ClickFunnels journey for a long time, you know, that we're always
trying to figure out different ways to get people to join ClickFunnels and to buy my
products and all the things.
Um, and it's funny cause I get people all the time who ask me, why are you still making
so many ads and creating products and writing books and all these kind of things?
And for me, it's a couple of reasons.
One is like, I love what I do.
So there's the most important thing, right?
Number two is I feel like the things we're doing help us grab different segments of the market
and bring new people into our world, which is exciting.
Number three, if you've read the book Crossing the Chasm, we're at the spot now where we have,
we have, I think, penetrated the early adopters and the innovators in our world. And now we're
moving across the chasm to try to get the rest of the world to become funnel hackers and to join
this movement that we're so excited and so proud of. And so those are some of the things that are,
that are happening. And so number four, I think I'm number four. I got a lot of, who knows what number I'm on. Number four is, um, is I feel like I'm trying
to create examples for you guys to model. Right. And so there's a lot of the reasons why I do it.
That's one of them. So, um, when one of the things we did a few years ago was we tried, um,
we hired the Harmon brothers. You guys know they did squatty Potty and Fiber Fix, some of the most amazing viral
videos of all time.
So they've done, I think, four or five.
And they did a bunch of videos for us that have gone viral, that have been really good,
that were really, really fun.
And last year, I actually was watching Kaylin Poland, those who know Kaylin, aka the Lady
She kind of grew up in our world doing a lot of our stuff.
And it was interesting because, um, about a year ago or so she started doing these videos
and they're kind of like viral videos, but instead of like, you know, typically like the
Harmon brothers style video, they hire actors and actresses and everything. Instead, Kaylin was the
actress in each of the videos and they were scripted out. They were funny. And like, and I
watched these videos that she was rolling out and they were so cool. And I was like, so excited by it.
And, uh, I messaged him a couple months later just to see how they were going. And I can't
remember the numbers. The number I remember in my head, which could be completely wrong was like
six X. She's like, it's grown our company six X, these new videos. Um, and I got excited. I was
like, I want to do that. Like make funny videos, but I'm, I'm the person in it as opposed to hiring actors and stuff, you know? And so,
oh, but I didn't have the time or the bandwidth, you know, my team, we have a million things
happening. And so, um, it's kind of cool that there's another company that's, um, competitors
to Harmer Brothers, but, um, their, their business model is a little different. Instead of doing
one highly produced video that costs a million dollars, they do a whole bunch of smaller videos. And so the guy that owns it,
his name's Travis Chambers. He lives here in Boise. And so I messaged him because I was like,
if I could do these videos and not have to leave Boise, that'd be amazing. And so we ended up
working out a deal. And basically we were doing 12 videos with them where each month we launched a new video and
they're kind of fun. So they do all the scripting. I told him, I'm like, I don't want to think,
I don't want to, I just want to show up, film stuff, go home. And then a month later,
the videos launch. I'm not involved in the process of it. Right. And so it's been kind of fun because
their team goes and they do the writing and they do, they do all the things and I show up and I
film. And so some of you guys have probably seen some of the videos.
The first one was me with a Coke and a Mentos bottle in a kitchen, an Airbnb we had rented.
Show you, you put, you know, you put Mentos and Coke and it explodes and trying to catch
that, you know, kind of catch all the Coke in a, in a bottle.
And the first time it didn't work.
Second time I put a funnel and it works and catch way more.
Right. And so it's like this video and it's me acting and it's,
I know if some of you guys are watching and I've seen him like, this is cringeworthy,
Russell, you should not be acting. I'm like, I know I'm not an actor, but that was the first one we did. Next one we did was like this lemonade stand scene, which was really funny. We blew
things up. Um, you know, and it's, it's hard for me to go back and I watch these. I'm like,
oh, it's so painful for me to watch myself act.
It's like so embarrassing.
Then we did like a mission of a possible theme where they strapped me to a harness.
I was like dropped from the ceiling.
Then we did a, like a first person shooter one, which was really fun.
And then yesterday we filmed one that was like an angel and the devil where I was the
angel and I was the devil like on a dude's shoulder trying to convince him to use click
And then, uh, today we're filming one, uh, for five day lead challenge with lead magnets and a bunch of other stuff. convince him to use click funnels. And then today we're filming
one for five day lead challenge with lead magnets and a bunch of other stuff. And anyway, it's just
fun. So every month, actually every other month we go and spend two days, we knock out two videos
and then we're doing 12 of them. So one a month for, or, you know, basically we're launching one
a month. So we're putting these things out there. And it's funny cause I guarantee some, some people, especially I'm sure my competitors like Russell, you're such a dork.
Why are you doing this? So embarrassing. Like, why are you putting yourself out there? And it's
there. I'm doing it for a couple of reasons. Okay. And most of them are the same reasons I talked
about earlier. Right? Like I'm, I'm, I'm legitimately proud of what we do. Right. And, and my job,
if you've read the traffic seekers book is to create hooks, to grab people's attention so I can tell them my story so then we can make them an offer. Right.
And so all of these things are just different hooks. Like me dropping from the ceiling to get
people to OFA challenge is a hook, right? Me being an angel and a devil and acting horribly
because I'm not a good actor is a hook to get somebody to stop the scroll so I can tell them
my story so I can bring them into our world. Right. Um, and so all these things are that way.
And so I'm telling you this because I know some of you guys aren't making ads because
you're embarrassed.
Like, oh, I look stupid.
I'm not funny.
I'm not blah, blah, blah.
You know, whatever the insert excuse here.
Some of you guys are doing it because you don't know how to act or you don't know, you
don't feel comfortable on camera.
Do you think I feel comfortable on camera doing these things?
No, I don't.
Not even a little bit.
It's so awkward for me.
They're making me do these voices that were so embarrassing. And like, I watched the video afterwards, it's all super
cringey, but then it's like, it goes, it launches and oh my gosh, it grabs people's attention.
It stops the scroll and, and it's bringing new blood into my world. And so that's why I do it
because it's, it's the way I reach more people, right? It's new hooks to throw out there. It's
new creative opening out there all the time. The more creative you put out, the more people you can grab,
more attention you can get. And so, um, that's one of the big reasons, right? Number two is like,
I'm trying to model for you guys, like what's working, right? You look at Kaylin's videos.
If you haven't like go, go follow her, their fan page and watch her videos. Like they're killing
it with it. Right. And she's a better actress than me by far. Uh, her videos, she's, I mean,
come on now. She's just great at what she does. I'm like the dorky version, try to be cool like
her and I'm not as cool as her, but they still work. Right. And so it's like modeling, like,
why is Russell doing this? Like, this is goofy. Like instead of being like, why is he making these,
these goofy videos? It's like, huh, maybe there's something behind these. Maybe I should try to,
to make something like that. How can I have some fun with it? Right. I remember when we first started thinking about how do we throw more hooks out
there? Dean Graciosi was when I was falling at time and he was putting out so many videos. He
was doing magic trick videos. He was doing him and his daughter's soccer game videos. He was doing
thing after thing after thing. And I was like, I need to put out more hooks. I don't even know
what to do. And, and it was hard for me. Right. And so this is like by hiring somebody and putting
it in a process, it's something where it's forcing me to put out these hooks way more often. Right. And so this is like by hiring somebody and putting it in a process, it's something where it's forcing me to put out these hooks way more often. Right. And so, um, anyway, hopefully,
again, I know a lot of you guys, you know, you go and you buy the book, you buy the course and
hear me talk about throwing out all these hooks, right? Like, yes, that's a big part of it. Okay.
But that's, that's not the full point of it. Right. The full point isn't for me to just tell
you about getting hooked.
It's for me to actually do it so you can see me and be like,
oh, that's what Russell's talking about.
He actually practices what he preaches.
Unlike most of the gurus who just talk about something,
Russell's actually doing this.
Let's model what he's actually doing.
Anyway, so I'm sure if you've seen the videos, that's what they are.
If you haven't seen them yet, I'm sure you will see them,
and they will keep popping up, and you're like, man, that Russell Brunson.
He's the hardest working man in this industry. He cares more about this
craft than anybody because he's willing to embarrass himself and put out all these hooks.
And it's true because I love what I do. I love my message. I love the people who are serving.
And so I'm willing to be uncomfortable and be goofy to get their attention. Um, it's interesting.
I remember hearing, I can't remember who it was, but this is probably a decade ago or something.
I was studying, um, I wasn't studying acting, but I was like studying actors
who were successful. And I remember reading a quote from somebody saying, like, if you realized
how to be a good actor, it's like, you have to go over the top and feel like you do things,
make you feel so uncomfortable. Then on camera seemed normal. And I remember hearing that. I was
like, Oh, weird. And I remember when I, the very first time I was trying to get PR, um, oh, excuse me. It was actually, I tried to do
infomercial. That was the first time I tried to do infomercial. I remember my host came on, you
know, and he was interviewing me on the infomercial. And after like the first take or so he stopped,
he's like, all right, this is the deal. He's like, if you talk normal, he's like, you sound like
you're dead on TV. He's like, you have to be up like this and super excited. And then you sound normal on TV. And so he said, that's like the, like, tv he's like you have to be up like this and super excited and then you sound normal on tv and so he said that's like the like that's the energy to have
his way up here to be able to sound normal and so like he kept training me and forcing me to do
these things that stretch that made me feel uncomfortable to like take it to the level you
know level 10 level 12 or 15 whatever it is and then it's like now you seem normal and sure enough
like when we watched the infomercial back it it was like, oh, I actually doesn't sound goofy. It sounds normal. Whereas if I sound normal,
it sounds like I'm dead. And that was just kind of a big aha. Same thing when I,
when I did media training before I tried to do my PR the very first time, it was like,
like you got to grab someone's attention. If you talk like you normally do,
nobody's going to pay attention. You're not going to get people's attention. Right.
And that was, that was 18 years ago, 15 years ago, whenever it was. Nowadays, it gets way
harder, right? How many ads do you swipe through on Facebook or Instagram every single day, right?
How many times has somebody heard about dot-com secrets or expert secrets or ClickFunnels or
One Funnel Away Challenge and they ignored it until they saw me dropping from the ceiling like
Ethan Hunt in Mission Impossible, right? Or until they saw a shoulder angel Russell fighting a
shoulder devil Russell and all of a sudden like, wait, what? And they watch it and they're
like, okay, I got to try this thing out. Like what's the hook that's going to finally get the
person's attention? You don't know until you go out there and do it and do it and do it.
So anyway, that's why, that's the purpose. I hope that it helps. Um, without said,
I'm going to get cleaned up because in one hour they're picking me up for my next video. This one's going to be goofy too. Not as goofy as yesterday's.
Yesterday's I've actually, I'm actually really excited for the shoulder angel, shoulder devil
one. But, um, today's is, uh, is one for a five daily challenge. Like I said, every single month
we're picking a new video to do and, um, trying new hooks. Some hooks will work, some won't,
but you don't know until you throw them out there. So that said, you guys get back to work, go make some more hooks, make some more videos,
throw it out there, get your audience's attention and try to change the world in your own little
way. Thanks again. And I will talk to you guys all again soon. Hey everybody, this is Russell again.
And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your
questions. And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text message to
people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your
phone out and actually text me a message. Okay. Now the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797.
Once again, it's 208-231-3797. When you text me, just say hello, and then what's going to happen is they'll add you
to my phone, and then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone,
and then we can start having conversations.
On top of that, through this texting community, so I'm going to be giving out free swag, giving
away free copies of my book, let you know about book signings, about times I'm coming
to your local area, and a whole bunch more.
So I want to make sure you are on this list.
On top of that, every single day,
I'm sending out my favorite quotes,
my favorite frameworks and things you can get for free
only through my texting platform.
So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone
and text me at area code 208-231-3797.
One more time, that's 208-231-3797.
I can't wait to hear from you right now.