Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Clubhouse Q&A - Round 3!

Episode Date: July 12, 2021

Enjoy another round of questions and answers during a recent Marketing Secrets Live episode. Register for the next Marketing Secrets Live episode at Hit me up on IG! @russel...lbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- Russell Brunson: What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to The Marketing Secrets Show. During this episode, you're going to have a chance to listen to some of the live Q and A. And this one got really fun. We had some really cool directions and angles that we went on. I think there's something for everybody through this Q and A, so hopefully you enjoy it. On top of that, don't forget: If you want to get your question answered live, make sure you subscribe at It's Go there. Subscribe to the room. And that way, you'll be notified the next time I decide to go live, and you can jump on and get your questions answered. These questions this week were really fun. A lot of different directions. I think you guys will get a lot of value from it. So that said, we'll cue the theme song. When we get back, we'll jump directly into the questions and answers. Yhennifer: Awesome. So our first guest here is Tracy. Tracy is guiding you with tax reduction strategies! All right, Tracy. Thank you so much for being here. What question do you have for Russell? Tracy: Hi, Russell! This is Tracy Lo, and I am so inspired by your stories all the time. I've learned so much from both you from afar, and also Myron. So my question is: How do you keep all your parts moving? Do you have a strategy for keeping your mental state as well as your philanthropy and your business together? What is your strategy? Russell: Oh, that's a great question! I would say I've been lucky, because when I first started this business, it was me trying to figure things out. And I was more chaotic than I am now. Anyone on my team is laughing, because they know that it's still kind of chaos. I think from the outside, things look organized, and things like that. But it's really surrounding myself with a good team of people. People who have a similar mission, who are trying to do the same things that we're doing together. It's having a good team of people. And then a lot of it is just figuring out how to build the things into your routines that'll get you the success you're looking for. Right? So for me, I know that for the first... ah, man... seven to eight years of my entrepreneur journey, I wasn't into health. And so I gained a ton of weight. And I had a... You know? I was more lethargic. I didn't even know I was unhealthy until I decided to start getting in shape and getting back in. And all of a sudden, by getting back in shape, it increased my energy. I felt better. And I was like, "Oh, my gosh! I need to weave this, now, into my routine to make sure I don't lose it again." So it became part of my routine where these things are all tied into it. Right? And so now it's easy, because it's just part of what I do. Mentally: "Okay. How do I stay sharp?" Well, if I'm going to be successful, I get paid to think for a lot of people. So if I'm going to be successful, my mind has got to be sharp. So I got to go listen to podcasts, and read books. And putting myself in situations where I can keep sharp and keep figuring out, "What's working today? What are the things that are working the best?" And so I figure out what all those things are, and then I put them into my schedule. I say, "Okay. I need to build this into my routine where I have time to listen to podcasts, or read books, or go to things that are going to help stimulate my mind so I can stay high there." And then charities. Right? When we decided... It's funny, because I get hit. I'm sure all of you guys here, you're hit by a million people wanting to... "I want to start donating money, maybe, to charities!" And for me, it's like, "I don't want to be the person that just gives money and then forgets about it." I want to make sure the things that I'm passionate about, so... Like Village Impact, we're very passionate about that. So it was like, "Okay. How do we make this part of what we do?" And so it wasn't just like... Give them a check, and then a year later, figure it out. It was like, "Okay. If we're going to do this with them, let's be very strategic about that." So I said, "Okay. Let's..." Todd and I, when we started ClickFunnels, we said, "Okay. Let's set up where every time somebody creates a funnel inside of ClickFunnels and it gets at least 100 visitors..." So it's a live funnel. "We'll donate a dollar to Village Impact." And so we started that seven years ago. And the first year, I think our check we gave them was... I don't know, $15 grand. And then the next year, it was $30 grand. And then $60 grand. And then $100 grand. So it gets bigger and bigger, but it's now part of the mission. So I don't have to think about it, because it's built into what we're doing. And now every year at Funnel Hacking Live, I'm like, "Stu and Amy, come on stage!" And we have a big old check. You know? Now, it's six-figure checks. And they get bigger. And it's eventually going to be seven-figure checks. But it's built into what we're doing, and so I don't have to think about it again. You know? O.U.R. is the same thing. We did the big launch where we launched with the documentary, and it did well, but then it wasn't consistent. So we're building a whole platform now that'll be a consistency thing, where it's now that... This mission is always being worked on, because there's a platform, and there's someone in charge of it. There's a team member who... that becomes their sole focus. And now it's weaved into it. So it's figuring out the things that are important to you that help you achieve the goals you want, and then figuring out... How do you weave those things into your routine, or your business model, or your whatever, so that it just happens and you don't have to think about it? Because it's too hard. We have so many things we're all doing. If you have to have the mental power to think about it every time, then nothing ever happens. So that's kind of how I do it. And I hope that helps. And it's also surrounding yourself by amazing humans who help fulfill those missions as well. Tracy: Thanks so much, Russell. This is Tracy Lo, CPA, passing the mic. Thank you. Russell: Awesome! Thank you, Tracy. Appreciate it. Yhennifer: All right. Thank you for being here, Tracy. Now we're going to go on to Jermaine. Jermaine is in the real estate industry. Jermaine, what question do you have for Russell? Jermaine: Hey, Russell! Hey, everyone! I just had a quick question. I was wondering... Well, I got two questions. The first one: I didn't quite catch that book that you recommended? Russell: Was it Atlas Shrugged? Jermaine: What was that again? Russell: Atlas Shrugged. Jermaine: Yep. That's it. Russell: It's a really big book, so it takes commitment. It's insanely big. But as an entrepreneur and producer, you will love it. Especially in the real estate market. Jermaine: Okay. And I also wanted to know... while I have you... I wanted to know: Throughout all your time that you've changed the world and inspired people, what was your biggest business challenge that you had to overcome? And how did you overcome it? Russell: Oh, that's a great question! You know what's interesting, is that at every level, there's a new challenge. And so it changes. And every time when you're going through it, it seems like the biggest thing in the world. And when you look back, it's like, "Oh, that was actually really simple." But in the heat of the moment, it's hard. For the beginning part, it was just me believing that I was worth it. Right? I was the kid who struggled in school. I was never that smart. The only thing I was ever good at was wrestling. And I'm trying to start a business, and then I had a million doubts of, "I'm not worthy. I don't know how to do this. I'm not smart enough. I don't..." At the time, I didn't like to read! You know? First, it's that mental battle. I think for most entrepreneurs when they start their journey, it's the mental battle of just believing that you're worth it, that you can actually do it. And so for me, that one took a while. And then when I finally was like, "Oh, my gosh. I'm not..." I always thought I was a dumb kid growing up, because I struggled in school. So I remember having the realization after I started having success. I was like, "Oh, my gosh. I'm not dumb! I can learn things! If I'm interested in the book, I can actually read it and enjoy it!" So that was the first big hurdle for me. Right? The next one was... As I got to a point in my business that was like... It was just me, and I was juggling a million things. I was like, "Okay. How do I... I can't keep doing this. I'm going to drown eventually." So I was bringing on employees to the team. And man, I can't tell you how bad I was at that! I hired all my friends. All my friends, I just hired initially, because I was like, "Oh. They're cool. I'll hang out with them!" So I hired all my friends. It turns out my friends are morons... No, I'm just kidding! Well, kind of. Some of them were... But no, I love them all. But it was like I hired all my friends, and they didn't know what to do. And I didn't know how to teach them. So I was like... Dude, I was working while they were all goofing off in the other room. And they wanted help, but I couldn't teach them, because I was too busy trying to make money to pay them. And so it took me years to figure out, "How do you get a team and get the right people in place?" And that was the next big challenge. Right? Then it was like, "How do you actually create something that's not just an offer?" Right? That could be a long-standing business. We tried for years to figure that out. And eventually, ClickFunnels was the business that became more than just an offer for me where it was like, "Oh, my gosh. This is a platform, something that can grow bigger." And then inside of that, there has been so many challenges. How do you scale a company like that? You know? How do you scale the support? How do you go from five employees to 500 employees? There's just different challenges to every step. And so I think that there's been a lot of them. But the biggest thing I would say is that the key that I find at every tier, the thing... It took me a while to figure this out initially. And now, I've gotten better at realizing, "Oh, the pattern to solve these is always the same." It is... You can call it "funnel hacking," call it, "modeling," whatever it is... is I try to always connect to the people that are a tier above me or two tiers above me. Right? So right now, we're trying to... I literally am paying somebody who's gone here, done this. And we do a one-hour call every other week with him. He's built multiple companies, software companies, to the billion-dollar mark. And so he's been down the path. And so we get on a call. I'm like, "Okay. Here's where we're stuck. What am I going to do? What would you do?" And I'm asking questions and modeling, like, "Hey. Show me three businesses that have done what you're talking about." And he'll show me. We'll find it. And we look at it, and we reverse-engineer it. We come back and apply it. And so the key is just really figuring out... It's modeling. It's figuring out who's already done the thing you're doing. Find that person. Pay them money. Get to know them. Join their coaching. But whatever it is, get around the people who have already done the thing you're trying to do. Because for them, it's simple. Right? For us, as we're going through it, it's really, really difficult. But the person who's already done it, looking back, it's simple. For me, now, the mindset and belief of, "I can do this," is simple now. I get it. I can help somebody with that really, really easily. Whereas in the moment, it was impossible. It felt impossible. Right? Launching a software company felt like an impossible moment, and now it's super easy. So it's finding people who... The thing you're struggling with now is super easy, because they've already done it multiple times. Getting around them. Hiring them. Paying them. And learning how to think like them. Right? It's always a shift in thinking and belief. And so it's coming back and saying, "Okay. I've got to think like them. I've got to believe like them." I think a lot of times, many of us... and I see this a lot with people who hire me... they hire me, or they hire a coach, and then they try to get the coach to believe or think like they do. And I'm the opposite: I'm not coming to you to try to influence your beliefs. I'm coming to you to change my beliefs. And that's a hard thing to do. Right? Our ego gets in the way a lot of times. So it's coming and saying, "Okay. I'm a blank slate. I'm going to do whatever you say." In fact, it's funny, because inside our community, we have the... Kaelin Poulin started it with the whole hashtag, #dowhatrussellsays. And at first, I was really embarrassed by it. But now, it's so cool! Because it's like, "Yeah. If you're hiring me to be your coach, just do what I say!" If I hire a coach, I just do what they say. I literally just... In fact, I'm working on my fourth book right now. And I have a quote. One of my friends wrote this in a blog post. He was talking about his morning routine, and why he does this really weird thing. And he says in the thing, he said, "People ask me why I do this." He said, "Because Tony Robbins told me so, and I obey all giants who fly helicopters and have stage presence." And so for me, it's always been this joke: Now, when I hire a coach, whatever they say, I say, "I obey all giants who fly helicopters and have stage presence." Right? If I hire someone, I just believe them inherently, because I did the work ahead of time to see if I'm going to believe them. If I believe them, I give them my money. And I do whatever they say, and I don't deviate from that. Right? So people in my world say hashtag, "#dowhatrussellsays." For me, it's hashtag, "#dowhatstevencollinssays." That's the guy who I hired right now who is mentoring me. Whatever he says, I just do it. I don't fight. I don't question. He's been there a million times. And so I just do what all giant... You know? I obey all giants with helicopters and stage presence. I obey whoever I pay to teach me something, because they know what I don't know. And so for me, that's kind of the process: Find the hurdle. Find out who's already done it. Get that person. And then obey them, and just follow what they say to a T. So I hope that helps. Jermaine: That made perfect sense. So you basically trust yourself, and then you do what your coaches say? Russell: 100 percent. Yep! I do the work ahead of time. Before I hire the coach, I got to make sure I believe this coach is right. But if I believe they're right, then yes, I just do whatever they say. And so I see people, sometimes, blindly will sign up for coaching, or they'll hire a mentor, or whatever. And then they just kind of blindly follow the person. The person might not be right for them. But I do the homework ahead of time. And then when I know, "Okay. I'm committed. This is the person." Then I go all in, and I just put on blinders and follow them. Jermaine: Got you. I appreciate that. What was that book again? I'm going to have to write that down. Russell: Atlas Shrugged. So the way to remember it is Atlas is the god that's holding the weight of the world on his shoulders. And the premise of the book is: The producers, the entrepreneurs, people like us who are trying to... We're literally holding the weight of the world on our shoulders. Right? We're creating companies. We're creating jobs, and doing all these things. What would happen if Atlas just shrugged and walked away from his responsibilities? So the book is about that. What happens when the producers get so much pressure from government and society where it's no longer worth it to them, so they shrug, and they walk away from their responsibilities? And so that's the premise of the book, which is so fascinating. I'm actually listening to it again right now, which is fun. But it's a 1500-page book. It's intense. If you listen to the audiobook, it's eight audiobooks. That's how big it is. But man, it's worth it! Jermaine: I'm going to grab both of them right now. I've got all of your books. I've been following you for a while. My favorite one is the DotCom Secrets. Russell: Oh, very cool! Thanks, man! I appreciate that. Yhennifer: Awesome! Thank you. Jermaine: You're welcome. Yhennifer: ... Jermaine. Thank you for being here today. I'm going to reset the room really quickly. We are, right now, listening to the Marketing Secrets Live podcast. This room is actually being recorded. Make sure you follow the house at the top so that you can get a notification when Russell goes live again here. Now, we are going to give the mic to Jeff. Welcome, Jeff! He is a product launch expert, has made over $8 million from 22 launches in three years. What question do you have for Russell, Jeff? Russell: What's up, Jeff? Jeff: Hey, Russell! What's going on, buddy? Russell: Good to hear from you. Jeff: So hey, being in your inner circle for the last five years, I've had the awesome pleasure of watching all the big house marketing initiatives that you've incorporated into the funnels that you and the rest of the ClickFunnels community launched, and also at your annual Funnel Hacking Live event with Village Impact and O.U.R., as you mentioned. So what's been cool to see is the more funnels and events you launch, the more you're able to give back, which is awesome. So how are you thinking about incorporating that live launch strategy that you've been doing with, perhaps, more of an evergreen launch strategy now? With things like OFA, your quarterly Two Comma Club Live virtual event, and now the DotCom Secrets Summit that you just launched, with some of these... trying to also bring in these new live launches. I know you have Funnel Hacking Live coming up in a few months. Can you just talk about... Each month, what are you looking at in terms of evergreen versus live? Russell: Yeah. That's a good question. That's something we could talk about for a long time. You know? I think it's interesting. I watch somebody like Tony Robbins, who... He does UPW four times a year. He does Date with Destiny twice a year. And he does these things. And he's been doing it live for decades now. Three or four decades, he's been doing these events. If you go to them, they're very similar every single time. And for me, it's tough, because if I go back and I teach the same thing twice, I want to pull my hair out! You know? And I'm like, "I don't know how Tony has been so consistent for so long." And so for me, it's like there's this blend. Right? There's things that... The DotCom Secrets book came from me from a decade of me teaching these principles. I was doing events, and speaking at other people's events, and teaching these principles. And finally, I was like, "If I have to tell this story about the value ladder one more time, I'm going to kill myself." Right? So that's when I finally was like, "I'm going to write a book." So I wrote a book. And it was like, "Here it is. It's now evergreen. I can give it to people. And I don't want to talk about this thing again." Right? A similar thing happened with Expert Secrets. And you were in the inner circle, and I was... We spent three years geeking out on webinars, and conversions, and psychology, and all this kind of stuff. And I was like, "I don't ever want to talk about this again." So I turned it into a book. And I was like, "Hey, there's the blueprint!" And so I look at the online stuff through a very similar way. Right? We did the Two Comma Club Live event that first time, and then my energy was there. I was excited. It was fun. We created it. We launched it. It was amazing! But then, I was like... For me, it's like art. I didn't want to just be like, "Hey, it's done!" And walk away from it. But I didn't want to teach it again. So it's like, "Okay. How do I turn this experience into something that's now evergreen?" That we can keep the message going on. Right? So that when I'm dead and gone, my kids can keep running the ads, and keep running the event, and it'll keep producing. Because for me, all the stuff we do is art. And so I want to sustain it. So I'm always looking: Is there something I can do that I can create it, but then it'll last? It'll live beyond myself. Right? If you've read Ryan Holiday's book, The Perennial Seller... In fact, he spoke last year at Funnel Hacking Live about that book. I was like, "I want you to talk about Perennial Seller!" He was like, "I've written eight books since then!" I was like, "I know, but that's my favorite one! You've got to talk about that." But in Perennial Seller, he talks about the difference between art that lasts forever versus stuff that happens and is gone. Right? A good example is in movies. Right? Avatar, for a long time, was the greatest selling movie of all time. But if you ask someone to quote an Avatar line, there's not a person on this Earth who can remember anything from that movie. Right? It was a great seller, but then it died. Right? And so many people in our industry do a big sell, and then it dies. And it disappears. Versus you create a movie like Star Wars, where it lives beyond itself... It has legacy. It's a perennial seller. It'll continue to do well for a million years from now. Or you have TV shows. Right? You look at Seinfeld versus Friends: Friends was very much successful in the moment, but then it hasn't lived on as well as something like Seinfeld, which has lived on in perpetuity for so long. Much more of a perennial seller. And so I was always trying to create things that could be perennial sellers. And so when I do do something like that where I think it can last beyond itself, where things are strategic enough that they're not tactical, and they're going to change. Where they're strategic and we can do it, I want those things to live forever. So again, that's the Summits. That's the Two Comma Club Live, and things like that. But then we have our big hits. Right? Funnel Hacking Live, it's a big show. It's what's working now. You know? We put all this energy and this effort into it, but we know it's a one-time show. Right? And it happens. It's done. It's over. And then next year, we're going to plan a new one. And we can't evergreen Funnel Hacking Live. Right? It's a little bit different. And so it's just looking at those kind of things. You know? Sometimes, you're going to have an Avatar hit. And you should totally go and take the 100 billion dollars it makes and cash it, because that's awesome. But other things you create, you want the longevity. And so for me, that's how I'm looking at things. It's just like, "Okay. What things have longevity? What things do I want to be a perennial seller? What things do I think can last just beyond a product launch or beyond a thing?" And as soon as it's done, then it's like, "Okay. How do we morph that into something now that can last beyond the moment?" So that's kind of how I look at things in my head, how I figure things out. And then on top of that, it's just... You know? We're still kind of figuring it out. So some things, we're finding that we launch and we make the perennial version, they don't last long. They're still there. So people can find them, but they're not... The longevity is not there. We can't continue to buy ads to it. Whereas One Funnel Way, it's crazy! To this day, One Funnel Way has been running almost three years now. We fill up 1500 every two weeks to a 100 dollar, paid challenge. And it continues to convert. It continues to work. It continues to... That one is, of all the things we've done, the most perennial, and just continues to work. And I wouldn't have guessed that going into it until we tried to make the evergreen version. And it kept working. And it's like, "Oh, my gosh! This is amazing!" So yeah. I don't know if that answers the question. But kind of... That's how I think through things, and how I'm looking at stuff. Myron: Can I ask you a question about that, Russell? Russell: Yeah, Myron! I'd love to. Myron: What advertising methodologies are you using to put 1500 people in a challenge every two weeks? Because that sounds phenomenal! Russell: Yeah! A couple things: Number one is we pay 100 percent affiliate commission. So the only people who go through it refer people, and it's 100 bucks, and they get 100 percent of that 100 bucks. Number two is that I can spend 100... I can lose money. So I can spend 150, 200 dollars to sell a challenge. So I can spend a lot of money to do it, because again, 100 percent of the money goes directly back into advertising. We're not trying to make money on the challenge. As you know, all the money is in the back. And amateurs focus on the front end. So we liquidate it. 100 percent of our money goes into the ad spin. And number three, I think, is just... The message is right. For some reason, that message, it lives long. Right? The people, if it's their very first time... You look at the headline. It's like, "If you want to launch your first or your next funnel." So if it's their first one, it's like, "Oh, this is going to help me." Number two, it's like if you've launched a funnel but, "I need to go back and do this again," it gives you a chance to review it and go back through it. And I'd say the last thing is we weave that theme into all of our offers now. If you look at everything, every offer leads back to OFA. You buy all my books? OFA is in that sales flow. You do one of our challenges, it leads back to OFA. So it's weaved into everything now. So it's plugged into the back end of everything we're doing. And so no matter what somebody buys, all roads lead to the One Funnel Way challenge eventually, which is pretty cool. Myron: Wow! Russell: Yeah. And we're working on, now- Myron: Great stuff. Russell: We're working on a One Funnel Away e-commerce version of the OFA challenge next, which I'm really excited for as well. So anyway- Dan: And you do that live every two weeks? Russell: So I don't. I recorded it live once. And we have a team, now, though. So we have a team of... One person runs it, and three or four coaches. And so every week, they reset a new Facebook group. And then they're in there full-time answering questions. And then they stream. The trades that were live at one time, they stream them into the Facebook group. And all the interaction happens there. So it feels very alive. People know it's not alive, but it feels very live. It's executed live. It's not like logging the members in and watch... Day-one videos. We try to replicate the experience as close as possible. And again, it's not just like, "Go watch this video and hope for the best." Literally, they watch the video, and then there's coaches in there who are answering questions, who are getting them to do the homework, who are... Full-time, their job is in there, now. Because it's been so profitable for us, man, we left... I always tell people: One of the biggest problems that us entrepreneurs have is we create something and then we move on to the next thing. And OFA was the first thing that our group created it, and were like, "There's something magic here." And we left somebody behind. So Shane on our team, we left him behind and said, "Your job is to continue to make this better and to run it." And then he hired three or four coaches, and now there's a team of people who, full-time, all they do is make sure OFA is happening, and it's consistent, and it works. And because we left somebody behind, that's why the fulfillment continues to improve week after week, although I'm not creating new content week after week. Dan: And it converts similar with the streaming replay as it did with you doing it live? Russell: Yeah. Yeah. Dan: That's- Russell: It was easier to sell people in initially: "Yeah, go sign up for it! Go to and watch the process!" But yes- Dan: That's what I'm going to do right now. Russell: 100 percent. 100 percent. And like I said, three years, we've been running that thing. We launched initially, and then we did it live again four or five months ago just to kind of refresh the whole thing. But other than that, it's the same thing. And it runs on autopilot. Dan: And the affiliate aspect is really important, because everybody that comes in, you then say, "Hey. Do you want to make money? Did you love this challenge? Bring somebody in." And they get a commission. Can I just ask one question about that? Russell: Yeah. Let me give one clarity, and then ask the question. So the clarity is- Dan: Yeah. Russell: also right when they first come in. It's like, "You paid 100 bucks for this. Do you want this to be free? Invite a friend." It's right when they sign up. It's like, "Bring by a friend," and now it's free for them, because they just get one person to sign up, and now it's free. Dan: Okay. That... Okay. So that's my question, is: You guys have really, truly went just deep in the affiliate game. And I almost feel like, sometimes, going all-in on the affiliate game is like... I'd rather pay my customers and my clients than pay Zuckerberg. Do you know what I mean? Honestly! And so my question to you, on that, is: How do you train somebody who is a normal customer, who is not an affiliate or a traditional super affiliate, to actually refer people to you? Obviously, you have to tell them, "Hey, here's how you refer people." What's your best tip for that? Russell: Yeah. The best tip is you have to think about it differently. A lot of people are thinking about, "I'm going to make him an affiliate, and teach him about affiliate marketing!" And the average customer, they're not going to be an affiliate. Right? You look at... The people in e-com space do this really well, a lot of times, and other places, where it's... The position is not how to make a bunch of money as an affiliate. The position is, "How do you get this product for free?" Right? It's like, "Hey. You get three people to sign up for this, or..." You know? Whatever. For me, it's like, "You get one person to sign up, and now it's free." That's how you position it. And they're like, "Oh, my gosh! I can tell my brother!" And then, "I'm doing this challenge, too! I'm going to invite my friend, and I actually get paid for it?" And so you get them passing it around. They're not looking at it as a business opportunity as much as, "How do you get the thing you just bought for free? How do you get your money back very, very, quickly?" That's the shift. Right? Because they're not going to go sign up 100 people, but they are going to get one or two. Right? And if every person brings in one or two, it becomes this self-fulfilling machine that just keeps growing, and things like that. And so it's just looking at it differently, and just showing... That's the positioning. Right? It's not how to be affiliates. It's, "Get this thing for free by telling three people to-" Dan: So you're not giving them any sort of extensive training? You're just pretty much hoping that one customer will refer, maybe, a couple... few... people. But it's a consistent thing, rather than, "Hey. Here's this training on how to refer more people." And you... But- Russell: Yeah. Because they're not going to buy ads. They're not going to... They don't have an email list. But they're going through this. They believe in it now, and they don't want to feel dumb. And it's like, "If I can get my friends in this and do it together, now it's a fun thing. And we can study together." And that's the- Dan: Oh, the accountability! Oh, my gosh! That's so good! Okay. All right. That was awesome. That was gold. Russell: Awesome. Yhennifer: Light bulbs are going off here! I love it! I hope everyone is taking notes. I want to add one more thing to the OFA stuff, Russell, if it's okay with you? Russell: Yeah. Yhennifer: Because I see what goes on in the Facebook community, and I just wanted to add that people sometimes buy the OFA more than once just because they want the accountability of the coaches. They come back. They see that it has so much value that they're like, "100 dollars? I'm in!" So we also see that as well. Russell: Yeah. The OFA lifers, it's almost a continuity program. They re-sign up every single month, because they don't want to lose the connection with the team! Yhennifer: Yes! Yes. It's amazing. So if you have not done the One Funnel Way, go to It's an awesome, awesome offer. Yhennifer: Okay. We have one more guest here, Michael Hoffman. He's a digital marketer and an owner of a digital media agency. So Michael, what question do you have for Russell? Michael: Hi, everyone! Thanks so much for having me up here. Russell, thanks so much for providing all the value. You mentioned something before, that there was this hashtag, "#dowhatrussellsays." And earlier this year, I read Traffic Secrets, started my podcast. The other day, I finished your new Expert Secrets. I'm going to work on my weekly webinar now. So doing what Russell says actually works! So my question is a little different, and more mindset-related. You have an extensive past in... almost professional sports. You were a wrestler for many, many years. And you made that transition into entrepreneurship. And I have a past as a professional basketball player, and also transitioned into... first, to a full-time job, and then entrepreneurship. And for me, it was a very difficult time to shift my identity. And I just wanted to get your... yeah, basically... experiences on how you experienced that phase, to transition from full-time sports to entrepreneurship, and what helped you to complete this identity shift? Russell: Oh, very cool! It's interesting. I think... Not always, but I feel like athletes often do really good in entrepreneurship. And I think the reason why... I've thought about this a lot... It's because for me, with wrestling... I'm sure it's the same for you with basketball... Every day, for me, I'd step out on the mat. And there was the guy I'm going against. And we'd wrestle. And a lot of times, I lost. A lot of times, I won. But I got used to failure, and it didn't destroy my identity when I failed. Right? I feel like a lot of people get into entrepreneurship, and they're so scared that if they try something and it fails, that it means that they're a failure. Versus in wrestling, I'd fail, and I'm like, "Cool! Now I know how to beat this guy!" Watch the film, figure it out next time I go back, and I try to beat him again. Right? And it's a different mindset where failure meant I could learn something, versus failure meant I was a failure. And I see that so many times in entrepreneurs, where they'll sit in club house rooms, or podcasts, or read books for years, and years, and years, and never do anything, because they're so scared of that failure. Whereas athletes have experienced it. You know? I lost tons of matches! You know? So I'm used to that failure, and I'm okay with it, and I don't label myself as a "failure." So I think that's why athletes do well, just because they have had that experience. But on the other question, that identity shift: So it was interesting. So my wrestling career, that was my life, as you know. It was probably similar to you. I was a wrestler. If you asked me, "Russell, what are you?" I'd go, "I'm a wrestler." And so I was. And I wrestled all the way through college. And I remember at the end of college is when I started learning some of the internet business and figured things out. And my senior year, I ended up losing the Pac-10 Tournament. I thought I was going to go to Nationals and place. And I had... My entire life, I was focused on this goal. And I ended up losing the Pac-10s and not qualifying for the National Tournament my senior year, which was horrible for me. Right? My entire everything just stopped. I remember sitting there on the side of the mat crying, and just... "It's done. I can't even achieve my goal if I wanted to. It's gone! There's no..." It was weird not being able to achieve a goal. And I remember, luckily for me, I had this entrepreneurship thing happening at the time that I was learning about. Because if I didn't have something, I think I would have gone into this downward spiral of depression just knowing that the thing I'd been dreaming about for 20 years, I know longer... It's physically impossible for me to do, now. It's out of... It's impossible. And so for me, luckily, I had this business. And I started focusing my time and energy there. And it gave me something to do, to focus on a new goal. And that was the big goal, the big thing. And so, because I was able to transition pretty easily... Because I had just... I was trying to avoid the pain of my old identity dying, and so I had to shift over here. And so I think, for people who are making that transition, it's... I mean, you used the word "identity shift," which was the right word. Right? It's like you have to shift that identity. And I don't know how to... I mean, in fact, we have Anthony Trucks, who is going to be speaking at Funnel Hacking Live specifically on identity shifting yourself, which I'm excited for. He's geeked out on this at a level that I don't think anyone else really has, and so it's going to be fun to have him go into it on the process. Because I don't know exactly what the process was, other than that I knew that I shifted. And then I started looking at it like a sport. I said, "Okay. What's the goal? What am I going to win?" You know? "Who are my teammates? Who do I got to get to know? Who are the competitors? Who do I have to beat?" And I just used the same mindset. And I think that a lot of people come into business, and they look at it different than a sport, which is interesting when you look at it. It's like, "Oh, I'm here to..." You know? I don't know. I did a podcast three or four years ago. I still remember where I was at when I recorded it, because when we came out with ClickFunnels, for me, it was... It's a combat sport. I'm looking: "Okay, who are the competitors? Who are the people out there?" And at first, it was like, "Leepages! That's who I have to beat!" Because in wrestling, that's what I did: "All right. Who is the guy that I got to beat?" I looked at him. We studied film. We figured it out, and we got to the point where I could beat that person. And we found the next person in the next tier up. We found the person, identified the target, reverse-engineered their style, and learned how to beat them. And so for me, it was the same thing. Leepages was the first person on our hit list. Right? So we came out. And those who were around when we launched ClickFunnels, it was very aggressive. It was not... You know? I was like, "This is our competitors. We're going after them." And we went after them. Then we got to the point where we beat Leepages, and we passed them. After we passed them, it was like, "Hey, who is the next competitor?" For us, it was Infusionsoft. And I was like, "There's no way we can beat Infusionsoft. They're huge!" But I'm like, "That's the goal!" And so we figured out who they were. We reverse-engineered it. You know? Went after them, and ended up far surpassing them. And it was interesting, because I remember the CEO and me... He's a really nice guy. But he messaged me one time, and he asked me... He was like, "Why do you hate Infusionsoft so much?" And I'm like, "I don't hate you! I'm grateful for you! You're the person..." I needed somebody to get me motivated. Otherwise, as a competitor, if I'm just... I'm not here just to make money. That was what inspired. It inspired me. It was the victory, trying to figure out the next person who we're going after. Right? And I told... It's kind of like that scene in Batman, The Dark Knight, where Joker asks Batman, "Why do you hate me?" And he's like, "I don't hate you! You fulfill me! I need you! Without you, there's no me!" Right? And so for me, that was the transition. It was like... I didn't take the competitiveness out of me. I kept it. Everything I did that drove me in wrestling, I kept that. But I focused it over here in business. And so the identity shift wasn't huge. It was just a different game. Right? Same athlete. Same competitive nature. Same everything. But the game was different, and so I had to figure out the game, figure out the rules, figure out the players, figure out the competition, and then make it fun for me. And so for me, that's kind of, I think, how I was able to make that transition. Yeah. I don't know if that answers the question. But that's kind of the mindset behind, for me, how I was going to make that transition. And at Funnel Hacking Live, Anthony Trucks will show us the actual process to shift identity, which I'm so excited for! Michael: Awesome! Thank you so much! That was really helpful, just listening to your experience and hearing it from someone else. And I like the competitive aspect, and the perseverance that we have as athletes to transition that into entrepreneurship. Russell: Yeah. Well, very cool, man. Thanks for jumping on the show. I appreciate it! Yhennifer: Awesome! Thank you, Michael, for being here. And Russell, I think that wraps up our Marketing Secrets podcast today! Russell: How fun! Well, thanks, you guys, all for jumping on and hanging out. We're going to continue to do these. I'm having fun with it so far. So hopefully, you guys are as well. For those who are listening to the recording: If you want to make sure you get on the next live one and maybe get your question answered live, go to That'll redirect you to our clubhouse page. Go follow the room, and we'll do this again soon. Thank you for all of our guest speakers who jumped on: Keenya, Dan, and Myron. I appreciate you guys jumping on and sharing your thoughts, as well. Hopefully, some of the conversations we had were stimulating and helped you think about yourself, think about your charity, think about your funnels, all this stuff. Hopefully, you guys enjoyed it. If you did, let us know! And if you want to hear the recording of this, make sure you subscribe to the Marketing Secrets podcast on any of the platforms. We're there. Probably in the next week or so, it'll go up live there, and you can go and re-listen to all the stuff we talked about. So thank you Yhennifer for all the time and effort you put into it, and everybody else here on the clubhouse team. I'm grateful for everybody. And with that said, I guess we'll see you guys all on the next episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to The Marketing Secret Show. During this episode, you're gonna have a chance to listen to some of the live Q&A, and this one got really fun. We had some really cool directions and angles that we went on.
Starting point is 00:00:11 I think there's something for everybody through this Q&A, so hopefully you enjoy it. On top of that, don't forget, if you wanna get your question answered live, make sure you subscribe at That's Go there, subscribe to the room, and that way you'll be notified
Starting point is 00:00:23 the next time I decide to go live and you can jump on and get your questions answered. These questions this week were really fun. A lot of different directions. I think you guys will get a lot of value from it. So that said, we'll keep the theme song. When we get back, we'll jump directly into the questions and answers. So the big question is this.
Starting point is 00:00:39 How are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Awesome. So our first guest here is Tracy. Tracy is guiding you with tax reduction strategies. All right, Tracy, thank you so much for being here. What questions do you have for Russell? Hi, Russell. This is Tracy, though, and I am so inspired by your stories all the time.
Starting point is 00:01:26 I've learned so much from both you from afar and also Myron. So my question is, how do you keep all your parts moving? Do you have a strategy for keeping your mental state as well as your philanthropy and your business together? What is your strategy? Well, that's a great question. I would say I've been lucky because when I first started this business, it was me trying to figure things out. And I was more chaotic than I am now. Any of my teams laughing because they know that it's still kind of chaos. I think from the outside, things look organized and things like that. But it's really surrounding myself with a good team of people,
Starting point is 00:02:07 people who have similar mission, who are trying to do the same things we're doing together. It's having a good team of people. And then a lot of it is just figuring out how to like build the things into your routines that'll get you the success you're looking for. Right. So like for me, I know that for the first, man, seven, eight years of my entrepreneur journey, like I wasn't into health. And so I gained a ton of weight and I had, you know that for the first, man, seven, eight years of my entrepreneur journey, like I wasn't into health. And so I gained a ton of weight and I had, you know, like I was more lethargic. I didn't know, like, I didn't even know I was, I was unhealthy until like I decided to start getting in shape and getting back.
Starting point is 00:02:34 And all of a sudden, like, like, excuse me, getting back in shape, it increased my energy. I felt better. And I was like, oh my gosh, I need to weave this now into my routine to make sure I don't lose it again. So it became part of like my routine where these things are all tied into it. Right. And so now it's easy because it's just part of what I, what I do, uh, mentally, like, okay, how do I stay sharp? Well, I, if I'm going to be successful, you know, I get paid to think for a lot of people. So like, if I'm going to be successful, I got to
Starting point is 00:02:54 keep my mind's got to be sharp. So I got to, I got to be listening to podcasts and reading books and like, and like putting myself in situations where I can keep sharp and keep figuring out like what's working today. Like what's the, you know, what are the things that are working the best? And so I, I figured out the those things are and then I put them into my schedule say okay I need to build this in my routine where I have time to listen to podcasts or read books or or go to things that are going to help stimulate my mind so I can I can stay you know high there then charities like right when we decided you know it's funny because I hit I'm sure all of you guys get hit by like a million people wanting to I want to donate money be charities
Starting point is 00:03:23 and for me it's like I don't want to be the person that just like gives money and forgets about it. Like I want to make sure the things I'm passionate about. So like village impact, we're very passionate about that. So it's like, okay, how do we make this part of what we do? And so it wasn't just like, give them a check. And then a year later figured out, it's like, okay, if we're going to do this with them, let's be very strategic about that. So I said, okay, let's, uh, Todd and I, when we started ClickFunnels, we said, okay, let's, let's set up where every time somebody creates a funnel inside of click funnels and it gets at least 100 visitors so it's a live funnel we'll donate a dollar to village impact and so we started that seven years
Starting point is 00:03:51 ago and the first year i think our check we gave was like i don't know 15 grand and then it was the next year was like 30 grand and 60 grand and so it gets bigger and bigger but it's now part of like the mission so i don't have to think about it because it's built into what we're doing and now every year funnel hacking live i'm like stew and amy come on stage we have a big old check and you know not six figure checks and they get bigger and eventually be seven figure checks but it's built into what we're doing and starting to think about it again you know oh you are the same thing like um we did the big launch where we we launched with the with the documentary and did well but then it wasn't consistent so we're building a whole platform now that'll be a
Starting point is 00:04:22 consistency thing where it's now now that this mission is always being worked on because there's a platform. There's someone in charge of it. There's a team member who's like that becomes their sole focus. And now it's we've been to it. So it's figuring out like the things that are important to you that help you achieve the goals you want and figuring out how do you weave those things into your routine or your business model or your whatever so that it just happens and you don't have to think about it. Because it's too hard. We have so many things we're all doing. Like if you have to have the mental power
Starting point is 00:04:47 to think about it every time, then nothing ever happens. So that's kind of how I do it. And I hope that helps. And it's also surrounding yourself by amazing humans who help fulfill those missions as well. Thanks so much, Russell. This is Tracy Lowe, CPA, passing the mic. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Awesome. Thank you, Tracy. Appreciate it. All right. Thank you for being here, Tracy. Now we're going to go on to Jermaine. Jermaine is in the real estate industry. Jermaine, what question do you have for Russell? Hey, Russell. Hey, everyone. I just had a quick question. I was wondering, well, I got two questions. The first one, I didn't quite catch that book that you recommended.
Starting point is 00:05:23 Was it Atlas Sh shrugged what was that again atlas shrugged yep that's it it's a really big book so it takes commitment it's like insanely big but um it'll as an entrepreneur producer you will love it especially in the real estate market okay and i also wanted to know while i have you i wanted to know throughout all your time that you've like changed the world and expired people and what was your biggest like business challenge that you had to overcome and how did you overcome it oh it's a great question you know what's interesting is that um at every level there's like a new challenge and so um it changes and
Starting point is 00:06:04 every time like when you're going through it seems like the biggest thing in the world and then you look back it's like oh that was actually really simple but in the in the heat of the moment it's hard like for the beginning part was just me believing that i was worth it right like um you know i was a kid who struggled in school i was never smart like only i was ever good i was wrestling i'm like trying to start a business and like i had a million doubts of like i'm not worthy i don't know how to do this i'm not smart enough i don't i don't at the time i didn't like to I had a million doubts of like, I'm not worthy. I don't know how to do this. I'm not smart enough. I don't, I don't, I don't, at the time I didn't like to read like, you know, it's like, first is that mental battle. I think most entrepreneurs,
Starting point is 00:06:30 when they start the journey, it's the mental battle, just believing that you're worth it and that you can actually do it. And so for me, that was like, that one took a while. And then I finally was like, oh my gosh, I'm not like, I always thought I was a dumb kid growing up because I struggled in school. So I was like, I remember having the realization after I started having success. I was like, oh my gosh, I'm not dumb. I can learn things like I can, I can, if I'm interested in the book, I can actually read it and enjoy it. Like, so that was the first big hurdle for me. Right. The next one was like, as I, as I was got the point where my business was like, it was just me and I was juggling a million things. It was like, okay, how do I, I can't keep
Starting point is 00:07:00 doing this. I'm going to drown eventually. So it was like bringing on employees in a team. And man, I can't tell you how bad I was at that. Like I hired all my, like all my friends I just hired initially. Cause I was like, Oh, like they're cool. Hang out with them. So I hired all my friends. It turns out my friends were morons and I'm just kidding. Well, kind of, some of them were, but, uh, no, I love them all, but it was like, I heard all my friends and they know what to do. And so, and I didn't know how to teach them. And so I was like, dude, I was working while they were all goofing off in the other room and like, they wanted help, but I couldn't teach him. Cause I was too busy, like trying to make money to pay them.
Starting point is 00:07:25 And like, so like, it took me years to figure out how do you get a team and get the right people in place? And like, that was the next big challenge, right? Then it was like, how do you actually, how do you actually, you know, create something that's not just an offer, right? Like it could be like a longstanding business. And, you know, we tried for years to figure that out.
Starting point is 00:07:40 And eventually, you know, ClickFunnels was the business that became more than just an offer for me. Where it was like, oh my gosh, this is, this is a platform, something that can grow bigger. And then inside of that, there's been so many challenges. Like how do you scale a company like that? You know, how do you scale support? How do you go from, you know, five employees to 500 employees? Like there's just, there's different challenges every step. And so I think, um, you know, there's been a lot of them. The biggest thing I would say is that the, the, the key that I find at every, every tier, like the thing – it took me a while to figure this out initially.
Starting point is 00:08:07 Now, like I've gotten better at like realizing, oh, the pattern to solve these is always the same. Is, you know, we can call it funnel hacking, calling it modeling, whatever it is, is I try to always connect to the people that are a tier above me or two tiers above me, right? So right now we're trying to – I'm literally, I literally paying somebody, um, who's done gone here, done this. And we do one hour call every other week with him. He's built multiple companies, uh, software companies, the billion dollar mark. And so like he, he's been down the path. And so like, we're going to call him.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Okay, here's, we're stuck. What am I going to do? What would you do? And I'm asking questions and we're modeling like, Hey, show me three businesses that done what you're talking about and show me, we'll find it. We look at it and we reverse engineer, we come come back and apply it and so the key is just really figuring out you know it's modeling it's figuring out who's who's already done the thing you're doing find that person pay them money get to know them join their coaching but whatever it is like
Starting point is 00:08:54 they get around the people that have already done the thing you're trying to do because for them it's simple right for us as we're going through it's really really difficult but the person who's already done looking back it's simple right for me now like the mindset belief i can do this is simple. Now, like I get it, like I can help somebody that really, really easily. Whereas in the moment it was impossible. Like it felt, it felt impossible, right? Like launching a software company felt impossible moment. Now it's super easy. So it's finding people who the thing you're struggling with right now is super easy because they've already done it multiple times, getting around them, hiring them, paying them and learning how to think like them, right? It's always a shift in thinking and belief. And so it's coming back and say, okay, I got to think like them. I got to
Starting point is 00:09:28 believe like them. I think a lot of times, many of us, and I see this a lot with people who hire me, like they hire me or they hire a coach, and then they try to get the coach to believe or think like they do. And I'm the opposite. I'm not coming to you to try to influence your, your beliefs. Like I'm coming to you to change my beliefs. And that's a, it's a hard thing to do, right? Our ego gets in the way a lot of times. So it's coming and saying, okay, I'm a blank slate. I'm going to do whatever you say. In fact, it's funny. Cause you know, inside our community, we have the, you know, Kalen Poland started with the whole hashtag do what Russell says. And first I was really embarrassed by it, but now it's like, it's so cool because it's like,
Starting point is 00:10:01 yes, like if you're hiring me to be your coach, like just do what I say. Like if I hire a coach, I just do what they say. Like I literally just, in fact, I'm working on my fourth book right now. And I have a quote, one of my friends wrote this in a blog post. He was talking about his morning routine and why he does this really weird thing. And he says in the thing, he said, people ask me why I do this. He said, because Tony Robbins told me so. And I obey all giants who fly helicopters and have stage presence. And so for me, it's me why I do this. He said, because Tony Robbins told me so. And I obey all giants with, uh, with who fly helicopters and have stage presence. And so for me, it's always been this joke.
Starting point is 00:10:28 Now, like when I hire a coach, like, like whatever they say, I said, I obey all giants who fly helicopters and have stage presence, right? Like if I hire someone, I just believe them inherently because I, I've, I've did the work ahead of time to see if I'm going to believe them. If I believe them, I give them my money and I do whatever they say. And I don't deviate from that. Right? So people, my world, it's like, hashtag do what Russell says. For me, it's like, hashtag do what Stephen Collins says. Like that's
Starting point is 00:10:49 the guy who I hired right now. Who's mentoring me. Like whatever he says, I just do it. I don't fight. I don't question. Like he's been there a million times. And so I just, I do it all giant, you know, I obey all giants with helicopters and stage presence. I obey whoever I pay to teach me something because they know what I, what I don't know. And so for me, that's kind of the process. Find the hurdle, find who's already done it, get that person, and then obey them and just follow what they say to the team. So I hope that helps. That makes perfect sense.
Starting point is 00:11:15 So you basically, you trust yourself, and then you do what your coaches say. 100%, yep. I do the work ahead of time. Before I hire the coach, I got to make sure I believe this coach is right. But if I believe they're right, then yes, I just do whatever they say. And so, you know, I see people sometimes blindly like sign up for coaching or hire a mentor or whatever. And then they just kind of blindly follow the person.
Starting point is 00:11:33 The person might not be right for him, but I do the homework ahead of time. And then when I know like, okay, I'm committed, this is the person that I go all in. And I just put on blinders and follow them. Gotcha. Appreciate that. What was that book again? I'm gonna have to write that down. Atlas shrug. So the, the way to remember it is Atlas is the, the,
Starting point is 00:11:49 the God that's holding the weight of the world on his shoulders. And the book is the premise of the book is like the producers, the entrepreneurs, people like us who are trying to like, we're literally holding the weight of the world on our shoulders, right? We're creating companies, we're hiring, creating jobs, doing all these things. What would happen if Atlas just shrugged and walked away from his responsibility? So the book's about that. What happens when the producers get so much pressure from government
Starting point is 00:12:09 and society where it's no longer worth it to them? So they shrug and they walk away from their responsibilities. And that's the premise of the book, which is so fascinating. I'm actually listening to it again right now, which is fun. But it's like a 1500 page book. It's intense. If you listen to the audio book, it's eight audio books. It's how big it is. But man, it's worth it. I'm going to grab both of them right now. I got all of your books. I've been following you for a while. My favorite one is the Dotcom Secrets. Oh, very cool. Thanks, man. I appreciate that. Awesome. Thank you, Jermaine. Thank you for being here today. I'm going to reset the room really quickly. We are right now listening to the Marketing Secrets Live podcast. This room is actually being recorded. Make sure you follow the house at the top so that you can get a notification when Russell goes live again here. Now we are going to give the mic to Jeff.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Welcome, Jeff. He is a product launch expert, has made over 8 million from 22 launches in three years. What question do you have for Russell, Jeff? What's up, Jeff? Hey, Russell, what's going on, buddy? Good to hear from you. So, hey, being in your inner circle for the last five years, I've had the awesome pleasure of watching all the big cause marketing initiatives that you've incorporated into the funnels that you and the rest of the ClickFunnels community launch
Starting point is 00:13:22 and also at your annual Funnel Hacking Live event with Village Impact and OUR, as you mentioned. So what's been cool to see is like the more funnels and events you launch, the more you're able to give back, which is awesome. So how are you thinking about incorporating that live launch strategy that you've been doing with perhaps more of an evergreen launch strategy now with things like OFA, your quarterly
Starting point is 00:13:44 two Common Club live virtual event, and now secret summit that you just launched with, you know, some of these trying to also bring in these new live launches. I know you have Funnel Hacking Live coming up in a few months. Can you just talk about kind of like each month, what are you looking at in terms of evergreen versus live? Yeah. That's a good question.
Starting point is 00:14:05 That's something we could talk about for a long time. You know, I think it's interesting. I watch, I watch them like Tony Robbins who he does UPW like four times a year. He does David destiny twice a year and do these things. And he's been doing it live for decades now, like four,
Starting point is 00:14:18 three or four decades. He's been doing these, these events. If you go to them, they're very similar every single time. And for me, it's tough because if I, if I go back and I teach the same, excuse me, if i teach the same thing twice like i i want to pull
Starting point is 00:14:28 my hair out you know and i'm like i don't know how tony's been so consistent for so long and so for me it's like there's this blend right like there's things like like the dot-com secrets book came for me from a decade of me teaching these principles like i was doing events and speaking other people's events teaching these principles and finally i was like if i had to tell the story about the value ladder one more time i'm gonna kill myself right so i was like that's why i finally was like i'm gonna write a book so i wrote a book and it was like, if I had to tell the story about the value ladder one more time, I'm going to kill myself. Right? So I was like, that's why I finally was like, I'm going to write a book. So I wrote a book and it was like, here it is. It's now evergreen. I can give it to people and I'm going to talk about this thing again. Right? So I mean, similar thing happened with expert secrets. So you were in a circle when I was, we spent three years geeking
Starting point is 00:14:55 out on webinars and conversions and psychology and all this kind of stuff. And I was like, I don't want to ever talk about this again. So I turned into a book and I was like, Hey, there's the blueprint. And so I look at the online stuff the very similar way, right? Like we did it to comic live event the very first time. And my energy was there. I was excited. It was fun. We created it.
Starting point is 00:15:10 We launched it. It was amazing. But then I was like, for me, it's like art. Like I didn't want to like, just like, Hey, it's done and walk away from it. But I didn't want to teach it again. So it's like, okay, how do I, how do I turn this experience in something that's now evergreen that we can, we can keep the message going on. Right.
Starting point is 00:15:22 So that when I'm dead and gone, my kids can keep running this, the ads and keep running the event. It'll keep producing. Because for me, like all the stuff we do is art. And so I want to, I want to sustain it. So I'm always looking like it's something I can do that I can create it, but then it'll last live beyond myself. Right. If you, if you've read Ryan holiday's book, the perennial seller, in fact, he spoke last year at Funnel Hiking Live about, about that book. I was like, I want you to talk about perennial seller. He's like, I've written like eight books since then. I'm like, I know, but that's my favorite one. Like you got to talk about that. But perennial seller, he spoke last year at Funnel Hiking Live about that book. I was like, I want you to talk about Perennial Seller. He's like, I've written like eight books since. I'm like, I know, but that's my favorite one. Like, you got to talk about that.
Starting point is 00:15:48 But Perennial Seller, he talks about like the difference between art that like lasts forever versus stuff that happens and is gone, right? Like a good example is in movies, right? Like Avatar for a long time was the greatest selling movie of all time. But if you ask them to quote an Avatar line, like there's not a person on this earth who can remember anything from that movie, right? Like it was a great seller, but then it died. Right. And so many people in our industry do a big sale and then it dies and it disappears versus a, you create a movie like star Wars where it lives beyond itself. I has legacy. Like it's a perennial seller. It'll continue to do well for a million years from now or your TV shows, right? Like you get Seinf seinfeld versus friends friends was very much uh successful
Starting point is 00:16:25 in the moment but then it hasn't lived on as well as like something like seinfeld which has lived on you know in perpetuity for so long like much more of a perennial seller and so i'm always trying to create things that can be perennial sellers um and so when i do do something like that where i think it can last beyond itself where things are strategic enough that they're not tactical they're going to change with strategic we can do it i want those things to live forever so again that's the summits that's the uhits. That's the, uh, two comic club live, things like that. But then we have like our big hits, right? Funnel Hacking Live. It's, it's a biggest show. It's like, what's working now. It's like, you
Starting point is 00:16:54 know, we put all this energy and effort into it, but we know it's a one-time show, right? And it's, it happens, it's done, it's over. And then next year we're going to plan a new one and we can't ever green Funnel Hacking Live, right? Like it's, it's a little bit different. And so it's just looking at those kinds of things. Like, you know, sometimes you're going to plan a new one and we can't evergreen fun hockey live right like it's it's a little bit different and so it's just looking at those kind of things like you know sometimes you're going to have an avatar hit and you should totally go and take the you know 100 billion dollars it makes and cash it because that's awesome but other things you create you want the longevity and so for me that's how i'm looking at things it's just like okay what things have longevity what things do i want to be a perennial seller what things i think can last beyond just beyond a product launch or beyond a thing and And as soon as it's done, it's like, hey, now do we, how do we morph that into something
Starting point is 00:17:27 now that can, can last beyond, beyond the moment? That's kind of how I look at things in my head, how I, how I figure those things out. And then on top of that, it's just, you know, we're still kind of figuring out. So some things, some things we're finding that we launched and, and we make the perennial version. They don't last long. They're still there. So people can find them, but they, you know, they're not, the longevity is not there. We can't continue to buy ads to it.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Whereas One Funnel Away, it's crazy to stay. One Funnel Away has been running almost three years now. We fill up 1500 people every two weeks to a paid $100 paid challenge. And it continues to convert, continues to work, continues to like that one's, you know, of all the things we've done, then the most perennial and just continues to, to, to work. And so, And I wouldn't have guessed that going into it until we tried to make the evergreen version and it kept working. And it's like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. So yeah, I don't know if that answers the question, but kind of that's how I think through things, how I'm looking at stuff.
Starting point is 00:18:17 What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. I've got something really cool for you today from my friend Taylor Wells. And Taylor spoke at our last Funnel Hacking Live because I wanted him to share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method. And today he decided to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy
Starting point is 00:18:32 that you are going to love. It's something we've been implementing into our high-end coaching program as well, and it is amazing. But to kind of give you some context about this offer he's making for you guys, as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JPMorgan Chase did a study,
Starting point is 00:18:44 and guess what they found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating expenses in reserve. That's right, less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop. Am I right? Especially with how the economy's been lately. It's not the time to be gambling with your finances. So Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method, and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine. We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my marketing secrets listeners. And if you go over
Starting point is 00:19:20 to slash secrets, you can grab the revolving price method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this, you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability, this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue. Again, that's slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson. And I want to jump in really quick to share with you a new assessment. I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know, I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because not only does it help you to understand yourself, but more importantly, especially for us who are
Starting point is 00:19:59 entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the bus. So you can get more stuff done. I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the Working Genius is awesome. Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited for the new assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done. Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately. I took it for myself. I had my team take it. And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are. And that's important
Starting point is 00:20:31 because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out, make sure that you have first off the right people, but make sure the right people are sitting in the right seats on the bus. And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Um, normally this assessment, you can go to working and there's two G's in the middle,, but I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all, but you get a 20% discount off when you put in the keyword secrets at checkout. So go to Again, two G's, workinggenius, two G's in the middle,, and then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S at checkout, get 25% off. But then we'll take the test again, it takes you 10 minutes. But even in a 10 minute
Starting point is 00:21:11 session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help you understand yourself, to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to be the most joy, number one. But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are with your teams getting them in the right seats as well. So anyway, I love this assessment. Go check it out at and enter the promo code secrets for 20% discount. Take this test for yourself and for your team. And I promise you, it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody and help your company to grow. Can I ask you a question about that, Russell? Yeah, I'd love to. What advertising methodologies are you using to put 1,500 people in a challenge every two weeks?
Starting point is 00:21:45 Because that sounds phenomenal. Yeah. A couple of things. Number one is we pay 100% affiliate commission. So we have people who go through and refer people and it's $100 and they get 100% of that $100. Number two is I can spend – I can lose money. So I can spend $150 spend 150 200 to sell a challenge so i can spend a lot of money to do it because i get 100 of the money goes directly back into
Starting point is 00:22:12 advertising we're not trying to make money on the challenge as you know you know all the money's in the back and amateurs focus on the front end so we we liquidate like 100 of our money goes into the ad spend and number three i think it's just the the message was right for some reason that message um it lives it lives long right it the It, the people, if their very first time, like you look at the headline, it's like, if you want to launch your first or your next funnel. So if it's like their first one's like, Oh, this is going to help me. Number two, it's like, um, if you've launched funnel, but like, I need to go back to new. So again, it gives you a chance to kind of re review it and go back through it. Uh, and I say the last thing is, um, we weave that thing into
Starting point is 00:22:43 all of our offers. Now, if you'll get everything, like every offer leads back to OFA, you buy one of my books, OFA is in the upsell flow. You buy, you know, do one of our challenges that leads back to OFA. So like it's weaved into everything now. So it's plugged into the backend of everything we're doing. And so no matter what somebody buys, all roads lead to the one funnel way challenge eventually, which is pretty cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:04 And we're working on, we're working on a one funnel way e-commerce version of the OFA challenge next, which I'm really excited for as well. So anyway, and you do that live every two weeks. So I don't, I recorded it live once and we have a team now though. So we've got a team of a one person runs it and three, uh, three or four coaches. And so every week they reset a new Facebook group. Um, and then they're in there full-time answering questions. And then they stream my, the trainings that were live at one time, they stream them into the Facebook group and all the interaction happens
Starting point is 00:23:31 there. So it feels very live. People know it's not live, but it feels very live. It's, it's execute live. It's not like logging the members there and watch day one videos. It's like, it's, we try to, to replicate the experience as close as possible. But again, it's not just like, go watch this video and hope for the best. Like they literally, they watch the video and then there's coaches in there who are answering questions, who are getting them to do the homework, who are full time. Like their job is,
Starting point is 00:23:49 is in there now because it's been so profitable for us, man. We left, I always tell people, one of the biggest problems us entrepreneurs have is we create something and then we move on to the next thing. And OFA was the first thing that created it. And we're like, there's something magic here. And we left somebody behind. So Shane and our team, like we left him behind. So your job is to continue to make this better and to run it. And then he hired three or four coaches. Now there's like a team of people who full-time, all they do is make sure OFA is happening. And it's consistent and it works.
Starting point is 00:24:14 And because we left somebody behind, that's why the fulfillment continues to improve week after week. Although I'm not creating new content week after week. And it converts similar with the streaming replay as it did with you doing it live. Yeah. Yeah. It was easier to sell people in initially. Yeah. Go sign up for,
Starting point is 00:24:30 go to one funnel and watch the process. That's what I'm going to do. A hundred percent. They said three years we've been running that thing. We, we launched initially and then I re we did it live again, four or five months ago. And I'm just going to kind of refresh the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:24:44 But other than that, it's, it's the same thing. And it runs on a ago. And just to kind of refresh the whole thing. But other than that, it's the same thing. And it runs on a pilot. And the affiliate aspect is really important because everybody that comes in, you then say, hey, do you want to make money? Did you love this challenge? Bring somebody in and they get a commission.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Can I just ask one question about that? Yeah. Let me give you one clarity and then ask questions. So clarity is also right when they first come in. So you paid a $100 for this. Do you want this to be free? Invite a friend. And so right when they sign up, it's like they invite a friend and now it's free for them because they just – they get one person to sign up and now it's free.
Starting point is 00:25:14 Okay. So that's my question is you guys have really,, just deep in the affiliate game. And I almost feel like sometimes going all in on the affiliate game is like, I'd rather pay my customers and my clients than pay Zuckerberg. You know what I mean? Like, honestly. And so my question to you on that is how do you train somebody who is a normal customer who is not an affiliate or a traditional super affiliate to actually refer people to you? Like obviously you have to tell them, hey, here's how you refer people. Like what's your best tip for that? Yeah, the best tip is you have to think about it differently.
Starting point is 00:25:59 A lot of people are thinking about like I'm going to make them an affiliate and teach them affiliate marketing. And like the average customer, they're not going to make an affiliate and teach them affiliate marketing and like the average customer they're not gonna be an affiliate right and you look at like the the people at ecom space do this really well a lot of times other places where it's it's um the position is not how to make a bunch of money as an affiliate the position is like how to get this product for free right so like hey you get three people to sign up for this or you know whatever you for me it's like you one person sign up now it's free like that's how you position like oh my gosh like i can tell my brother and like i'm doing this challenge too like i'm gonna invite my friend and i actually paid for it and so you get them passing around they're not looking to like as a business opportunity as much as like
Starting point is 00:26:30 how to get the thing you just bought for free like how to get your money back like very very quickly like that's the the shift right because they're not going to go sign up 100 people but they are going to get one or two right and if every person brings in one or two like it becomes this this self-fulfilling you know machine machine that just keeps growing and things like that. And so it's just looking at it differently and just showing that's the position. It's not how to beat affiliates. It's get this thing for free by telling three people. So you're not giving them any sort of extensive training.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You're just pretty much hoping that one customer will refer maybe a couple few people and but it's a consistent thing rather than you know hey here's this training on how to refer more people yeah because they're not gonna buy ads they're not gonna they don't have an email list but they've got you know they're going through this they believe it now and they don't want to feel dumb it's like if i can get my friends and do it together now it's like a fun thing and we can we can study together and um like that's the all again accountability oh my gosh that's so good okay all right that was awesome that was that was that was gold awesome light bulbs are going off here i love it i hope everyone is taking notes i want to add one more thing to the or
Starting point is 00:27:37 face stuff russell if it's okay with you um because i see what goes on in the facebook community and um i just wanted to add that people sometimes buy the OFA more than once just because they want the accountability of the coaches. They come back, they see that it has so much value that they're like a hundred dollars I'm in. So we also see that as well. It's like the OFA lifers. Like it's almost like a continuity program. They sign up every single month. They don't want to lose the connection with the team. Yes. Yes. It's amazing. So if you have not done the One Funnel Away, go to It's an awesome, awesome offer.
Starting point is 00:28:10 Okay. We have one more guest here, Michael Hoffman. He's a digital marketer and an owner of a digital media agency. So, Michael, what questions do you have for Russell? Hi, everyone. Thanks so much for having me up here. Russell, thanks so much for providing all the value. You mentioned something before that there's this hashtag, do what Russell says.
Starting point is 00:28:32 And earlier this year, I read Traffic Secrets, started my podcast. The other day, I finished a new Expert Secret. I'm going to work on my weekly webinar now. So doing what Russell says actually works. So my question is a little different and more like mindset related. You have an extensive past in like, you know, almost professional sports. You were a wrestler for many, many years and you made that transition into entrepreneurship. And I have a past as a professional basketball player and also transitioned into first a full-time job and then entrepreneurship.
Starting point is 00:29:06 And for me, it was a very difficult time to kind of shift my identity. And I just wanted to get your, yeah, basically experiences on how you experienced that phase to transition from full-time sports to entrepreneurship and what helped you to complete this identity shift. Oh, very cool. It's interesting. I think, not always, but I feel like athletes often do really good entrepreneurship. And I think the reason why I thought about this a lot, it's because for me with wrestling, I'm sure same to you with basketball, every day for me, I'd step on the mat and there's the guy I'm going against
Starting point is 00:29:48 and we'd wrestle. And a lot of times I lost a lot of times I won, but like I got used to failure and it wasn't like, it didn't destroy my identity when I failed. Right. I feel like a lot of people get an entrepreneurship and they're so scared that if they try something and it fails that it, it means that they're a failure versus like in like in wrestling, like I fell, like cool. Now I know how to beat this guy, watch the film, figure it out, next time I go back and I try to beat him again, right? And it's like, it's a different mindset
Starting point is 00:30:10 where failure meant I could learn something versus failure meant I was a failure. And I see it so many times with entrepreneurs where they'll sit in clubhouse rooms or podcasts or read books for years and years and years and never do anything because they're so scared of that failure. Whereas athletes like have experienced it. You're like, I lost tons of matches. Like,
Starting point is 00:30:28 you know, so I'm used to that failure and I'm okay with it. And I don't, I don't label myself as a failure. So I think that's why athletes do well just because they've had that experience. Um, but, um, on the other, the other question, identity shifts. So it was interesting. So my, um, you know, my wrestling career, that was my life as, you know, probably similar to you. Like I was a wrestler. Like if you asked me like, like like wrestle you are a wrestler that's all it wasn't and uh and i wrestled all the way through through college and i remember um at the end of college is when i started like learning some of the internet business to figure things out and my senior year i ended up losing uh the pac-10 tournament i thought i was going to go to nationals in place
Starting point is 00:31:00 and i had you know my entire life was focused on this goal and end up losing uh the pac-10s not qualifying for the national tournament my senior year which was horrible for me right like my my entire everything just stopped like i remember sitting there inside the mat crying and just like it's done like i can't even achieve my goal if i wanted to like it's gone like there's no it was weird not being able to achieve a goal and i remember um luckily for me i had this entrepreneurship thing happening at the time i was learning about because if i't have something, I think I would have gone into this downward spiral depression because just knowing that like, you know, the thing I've been dreaming about for 20 years, I no longer, it's physically impossible for me to do now. Like it's out of, it's impossible.
Starting point is 00:31:35 And so for me, luckily I had this business and I started focusing my time and energy there and it gave me something to do to focus on new goal. And that was the big goal, the big thing. And so because I was able to transition pretty easily, because I just, I was trying to avoid the pain of, of my, you know, my old identity dying. And so I had to shift over here. And so I think for, for people who are making that transition, um, it's, I mean, you use the word identity shift, which was like the right word, right? It's like, you have to, you have to shift that identity. Um, and, and I don't know how to, I mean, in fact, we have, uh, Anthony trucks is going to be speaking for like live specifically on identity shifting yourself, which is I'm excited for. He's, he's geeked out at this level that I don't think anyone else really has. And so it's gonna be fun
Starting point is 00:32:16 to have him kind of go into it on the process. Cause I don't know exactly what the process was other than I knew that I shifted. And then I started looking at it like a sport. I started looking, okay, what's the, what's the goal? What am I going to win? Like, you know, who are my teammates? Who do I got to get to know? Like, who are the competitors? Like, who do I have to be? And like, I just use the same mindset. And I think that, you know, a lot of people come to business, they look at it different than a sport, which is interesting. They look at it as like, oh, I'm here to, you know, I don't know, like I did a podcast three or four years ago. I still remember like where I was at when I recorded it because you know when it came out click funnels for me it was it was you know it's
Starting point is 00:32:48 a combat sport like i'm looking okay who are the competitors who are the people out there and i first it was like lead pages that's what i have to beat because in wrestling like that's what i'd like all right who's the guy that i gotta be i looked at him we studied film we figured out and we you know got the point where i could beat that person we found the next person the next tier up and we we found the person identified the target reverse engineered their style and learned how to beat them and so for me it was the same thing like lead pages was the first like hit person on our hit list right so we came out and if those who were around when we launched click funnels like it was very aggressive like it was not you know i was like this is our this is our competitors are going after and went after
Starting point is 00:33:17 and then we got the point we beat lead pages when we passed after we passed them like hey who's the next competitor for us it was infusionsoft and i was like there's no way you can be infusionsoft they're huge but i'm, that's the goal. And so we figured out who they were, reverse engineered it, you know, went after them and ended up, you know, far surpassing them. And it was interesting because I remember the CEO and me, he's a really nice guy, but he messaged me one time and he asked me, he's like, why do you hate Infusionsoft so much? I'm like, I don't hate you.
Starting point is 00:33:41 Like, I'm grateful for you. Like, you're the person, like, I needed't hate you. Like, I'm grateful for you. Like you're, you're the person, like I needed somebody to get me motivated. Like, otherwise as a competitor, if I'm just, I'm not here just to like, to make money. Like, like that doesn't inspire me. Inspiring me is like the victory, like trying to figure out the next person who we're going after. Right. And, and, and I told, it's kind of like that scene in Batman, uh, the dark night where
Starting point is 00:33:59 Joker asked Batman, like, why do you hate me? He's like, I don't hate you. Like you fulfill me. Like I need you without you. There's no me. Right. And so for me, like that, that was the transition is like, I didn't take the competitors out of me. Like I kept it like everything I did that drove me in wrestling. I kept that, but I focused it over here in business. And so the identity wasn't
Starting point is 00:34:15 huge. It was just a different game, right? Same athlete, same competitive nature, same everything, but the game was different. And so I had to figure out the game, figure out the rules, figure out the players, figure out the competition and then, and then make it fun for me. And so for me, that's kind of, I think how I was able to make that transition. And yeah, I don't know if that answers the question, but that's kind of the mindset behind for me, like how, how does it make that transition and fun hockey live Anthony trucks will show
Starting point is 00:34:36 us the actual process to shift identity, which is I'm so excited for. Awesome. Thank you so much. That was really helpful. Like just, just listening to your experience and hearing it from, from someone else. And I like the, the competitive aspect and the perseverance that we have as athletes to, to kind of transition that into entrepreneurship. Yeah. Well, very cool, man. Thanks for, thanks for jumping on the show. I appreciate it. Awesome. Thank you, Michael, for being here. And Russell, I think that wraps up our marketing secret podcast today. How fun. Well, thanks think that wraps up our Marketing Secret Podcast today. How fun.
Starting point is 00:35:06 Well, thanks, you guys, all for jumping on and hanging out. We're going to continue these. I'm having fun with it so far. So hopefully you guys are as well. For those who are listening to the recording, if you want to make sure you get on the next live one, maybe you get your question answered live, go to That will redirect you to our Clubhouse page. Go follow the room. And we'll do this again soon.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Thank you for all of our guest speakers who jumped on um kenya dan and myron appreciate you guys jumping on and sharing your thoughts as well hopefully some of the conversation we had were stimulating help you think about yourself think about your charity think about um your funnels like all this stuff hopefully you guys enjoyed it if you did uh let us know and uh if you want to get hear the recording of this make sure you subscribe the marketing seekers podcast on any of the you know platforms we're there. Probably next week or so, it'll go up live there and you can go and re-listen to all the stuff we talked about.
Starting point is 00:35:50 So thank you, Yennefer, for all the time and effort you put into it and everybody else here on the Clubhouse team. Grateful for everybody. And with that said, I guess we'll see you guys all on the next episode. Hey, everybody. This is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your questions.
Starting point is 00:36:08 And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text message to people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text me a message, okay? And the phone number you need to text is 208-231-37 7. Once again, it's 2 0 8 2 3 1 3 7 9 7. When you text me, just say hello. And then what's going to happen is I'll add you to my phone and then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone. And then we can start having conversations on top of that through this texting communities where I'm going to be giving
Starting point is 00:36:40 out free swag, giving away a free copies of my book. I'll let you know about book signings, about times I'm coming to your local area, and a whole bunch more. I just want to make sure you are on this list. On top of that, every single day I'm sending out my favorite quotes, my favorite frameworks, and things you can get for free only through my texting platform. So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me at area code 208-231-3797. One more time, that's 208-231-3797. I can't wait to hear from you right now.

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