Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Create Attraction, Connection & Overcome Insecurity - Part 3 of 3

Episode Date: January 16, 2019

On today's episode you will hear the 3rd and final part of Sean Stephenson's presentation from Funnel Hacking Live 2016. Here are some of the inspiring things you will here in this episode: Find out... what you need to do to get more people to "swim toward you" so you can help them. Find out the reason Sean became an entrepreneur in the first place, instead of giving up. And hear why Sean considers an accident involving a semi as the best thing that's ever happened to him. So listen here to hear the conclusion of Sean's amazing and inspiring presentation from Funnel Hacking Live. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. This is episode three of three of the Sean Stevenson presentation from Funnel Hacking Live. If you don't have your tickets yet, go to Thanks everybody. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets
Starting point is 00:00:20 us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. So here's how you be a world law leader. You get excited about every single person that's swimming toward you. You get jazzed about that. Because
Starting point is 00:00:49 then that jazzed energy becomes infectious. And guess what happens? All those people that were flailing around in the water, they're like, well, they're swimming toward, well, maybe I need to swim toward. And they'll start swimming toward you
Starting point is 00:01:05 the moment they see that you're not going to chase after people that don't want help the moment you show the human race that you are done helping victim behaviored individuals is the moment people come to you for support I'm going to say something that's going to sound very negative is the moment people come to you for support.
Starting point is 00:01:29 I'm going to say something that's going to sound very negative. Hang in there with me. Some people in this lifetime are not going to get it. Some people are going to need to die to figure out what happened to their life. And I wish it didn't have to be that way. And I fought that truth. And I fought it. And I fought it. No, I can save everybody. I'm Shawn
Starting point is 00:01:53 Stevenson. And then finally I went, you know what? Some people just aren't going to get it in this lifetime and then the people started showing up in droves and I know more is coming and I'm ready for them thank you
Starting point is 00:02:19 because I know that I'm not alone I became an entrepreneur Because I know that I'm not alone. I became an entrepreneur because I had no choice. When I went to apply for jobs, they blatantly discriminated against me. And I'm not saying that because, like, oh, I'm bitter. No, they said the words, sorry, we don't think we could hire a person in a wheelchair because two years ago we hired somebody in a wheelchair and it just didn't work out. And then I was like, oh, what?
Starting point is 00:02:56 And then I went to the next application and somebody said, well, you know, Sean, we know this job you're totally qualified for, but we might need you to run out to Starbucks and get coffee, and we're just thinking that you might not be able to handle that. And time and time and time and time after time, I heard stupid statements like that. And then you might say, the lawyer in your brain might go, well, you can sue
Starting point is 00:03:25 them. That's discrimination. Yeah, but do I want to screw a company and then go work for that company? Like, first day, hey guys, I got a class action lawsuit against you. How can I help you? I don't want that. I didn't want that. That's why I said, hmm. Maybe. Maybe God, universe, call it what you want, makes you feel comfortable inside. The magical, invisible, chocolatey rainbow. I don't care.
Starting point is 00:04:00 But whatever it is, it's not human. Maybe that energy said, uh-uh, nope. You're not supposed to have that. Because if you have that, you won't do what you need to be doing on this planet. And I believe that humans are funny. I believe that humans are like children, like babies sometimes. We find this shiny object, and we're holding this shiny object, and we're like, yay, this shiny object! And then something bigger than us comes along and rips it out of our hands.
Starting point is 00:04:39 We're like, aha! I liked it! Why didn't you take it? I want it! And that big shiny object was a knife. And you were pointing it right at your eye. And the parent said, No. No. I want it. I want it.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I want it. I wanted to be with that crazy person who hurts people. I wanted it. I wanted to be with that crazy bitch that hurts people. I wanted it. I wanted it. I wanted to be in business with that bitch. I wanted it. I wanted to have all those friends that used me until my money ran out. I want them back. Something bigger than you comes along and goes,
Starting point is 00:05:35 nope. And you think how mean that energy is. How dare you take my son? How dare you take my spouse? How dare you take my spouse? How dare you take my business? How dare you take this from me? You don't have the master plan now, do you? None of us do. We're still living in a mortal body.
Starting point is 00:05:59 And so therefore we don't have all the pieces. We don't know what we need to become. Do you realize everything that's ever been taken from you wasn't taken from you. It was exchanged. You look at me, it's so funny how you treat me. You think if you don't know a thing about Shawn Stevenson, oh, it's so sad, he's in a wheelchair, that must be so difficult.
Starting point is 00:06:22 Do you realize what I can do that none of you can? This. What I'm doing right now is what I can do. And walking through the walls, and walking through the blocks, and walking through the pains, and facing death over and over and over to tell the human race, wake up. That's what I can do. Yeah!
Starting point is 00:06:44 Yeah! I don't know what you can do. You don't know what you can do. Or maybe you do. But the way I look at this is, like, funnel hacking is awesome. But why don't we humanity hack? Why don't we play such a big game together that it's not about individuals in a room
Starting point is 00:07:34 learning how to expand their businesses and their conversion rates. I mean, I tease you because if that's what you're concerned with, you're missing the big picture of why you were born. There's something that only you can do for the human race that I and no one else can do in the way that you do it. And I hear this a lot with entrepreneurs. They'll be like, but so many other people do what I'm doing. Well, then you're doing it wrong. You're doing it wrong because if you do what only you can do, you have no competition outside of you.
Starting point is 00:08:04 You only have one thing that you're competing with, and that is, write this down, my only competition is my doubt. That's the only competition you got. When you doubt yourself, you're getting lapped. Your dreams,
Starting point is 00:08:24 your aspirations, your purposes, you are getting lapped by doubt. Or, some days you're going to wake up, you're going to do the self-care. You're going to work on your mind, your body, your spirit. You're going to nourish yourself. You're going to keep your self-commitments. You're going to look in the mirror and you're going to say, I love you. And if you don't feel it, you say, I love you. If you don't feel it, you say, I love you. And you just keep coming like a tsunami to yourself. It doesn't matter what's jiggling on your body. You just keep coming because your dreams, only you can make happen.
Starting point is 00:09:08 No one's coming to save you. Not in this lifetime. Russell can help you. Other mentors can help you. Other teachers, friends, JVs, whatever, they can help you, but they ain't going to save you. No one's going to save your marriage but you.
Starting point is 00:09:27 Nobody's going to save your body, save your children. None of this is going to be saved. You are going to look yourself in the mirror, and you're going to love yourself with relentlessness. And then and only then do you get a shot. And I want to help you get the best shot you can in this lifetime. Because I realize this isn't about me anymore. I don't even care if you clap.
Starting point is 00:09:49 I don't care if you laugh. I don't care if you want my picture with you. I don't care if you want my eye. I don't want any of that. Okay, I'll do it. But you know what I really want? I really want just to get this out. I got to get it out.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Because it's crawling inside of me. It's waking me up in the morning. It's keeping me awake. It's pounding inside me. Sean, share it, share it, share it. And when you find that in you, when there's something in you that wakes you up
Starting point is 00:10:21 and you get up at 5 a.m. and bam, you start working on your self-care. You start taking your healthy vitamin smoothie and then you're working out and you're taking your shower and you're listening to Les Brown, Tony Robbins, Russell Brunson. I don't care. You're going to town listening to all that stuff and then you go into your day
Starting point is 00:10:38 taking great care of yourself and somebody says, you can't do that and you look at that person and you say, well, thank you for sharing. And you don't get angry. And you don't shove them back. You don't get militant. Being militant toward people that are your haters and doubters,
Starting point is 00:10:58 that's a stage of your evolution. It's better than taking it. But it's not the end all. Because it will drain your resources. Time, money, and energy will be drained if you try to prove anything to anybody. I don't want you exhausted. I don't want you
Starting point is 00:11:15 going broke. I don't want you going emotionally brain dead. And that's going to mean you can't keep living your life to prove anything to anyone you only need to live your life to improve yourself that's it you improve yourself and others will take notice
Starting point is 00:11:36 get in great shape work on your marriage work on your own psychology work on loving the human race. Work on forgiving yourself. Work on forgiving others. Work on connecting to whatever energetic you think is out there. Work on you.
Starting point is 00:11:54 And you will start to create incredible results. And then people, you won't have to tell them, oh, join my program or come buy my book. They will come flocking to you. Because they will go, something's inside that human being. Something I want. Something inside this human being that I want. And it's invisible and it's magical.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And it's a flame. And it's burning hot. And I can feel it in the back row. And when they feel that heat from you, you won't have to ask them for anything. They will come begging you for it. And you know what? You won't even care anymore. On January 29th,
Starting point is 00:12:52 I had taken my five students on a road trip because one of our other students was getting open heart surgery and I've been in a lot of hospitals I've had more pain than I wouldn't ever want you to experience and so I knew when you're sick when you're in pain, when you're worried you're going to die you don't remember or give a shit about the cards that were sent.
Starting point is 00:13:27 You don't care about the flowers. You don't care about the meals that were left on your doorstep. You care about the people that show up in the hospital room and hold your hand. That's who you care about. But do you know how few people are willing to get on airplanes or in cars and come to you? It's small. And on January 29th, I had to make a choice.
Starting point is 00:14:05 I had these students and I said, look, I know you all flew here to learn from me today, but we need to pack into a car and we need to drive to Long Beach, California and we need to hug our comrade and then we need to get back in the car and we need to drive home. Because all you have flights and lives back at home and we need to spend this day together
Starting point is 00:14:25 to show our friend that we are there for him. And we headed out, and I was woken up with that idea at four in the morning, and it didn't make sense because intuition doesn't use the facts. Not like fear does. And we drove all the way from Scottsdale, Arizona to Long Beach, California, and we gave him that hug.
Starting point is 00:14:52 You should have seen his face. He didn't believe us. He didn't believe that somebody would take, you know, like a 12 to 14-hour round trip just to give a human being a hug. And he said, who does that? And I said, Shawn Stevenson does. Because I've been scared. I've smelled the cologne of the Green Ripper.
Starting point is 00:15:15 I know when it comes down to the end of it, you only worry about the love you left on the table. And on our drive home, I did something that I'm not advocating any of you do. It didn't make sense. I took off my seatbelt, and I turned around to talk to the people behind me. And I was sitting on someone's lap because we didn't have enough seats. But just something inside of me said, just take off your seatbelt, turn around, you'll be okay. Now all the while I felt irresponsible
Starting point is 00:15:57 because we were on the highway going 75 miles an hour. And as I turned around to talk to one of my students, I noticed they all went pure white. And I can't see anything behind me. And then I hear it. I heard what I thought was just a trash can hitting our hood. And then I watched full-grown adults get thrown around in a car like beanie babies. And last thing I knew, I was into my friend that was holding me's body, face forward, crushing my nose into her sternum.
Starting point is 00:16:52 And I realized we were in a car accident going 75 miles an hour. What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. I've got something really cool for you today from my friend Taylor Wells. Taylor spoke at our last Funnel Hacking Live because I wanted him to share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method. And today he decided to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy that you are going to love. It's something we've been implementing into our high-end coaching program as well, and it is amazing. But to kind of give you some context about this offer he's making for
Starting point is 00:17:19 you guys, as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JPMorgan Chase did a study, and guess what they found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating expenses in reserve. That's right, less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop, am I right? Especially with how the economy's been lately. It's not the time to be gambling with your finances. So, Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method, and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine. We're not talking about one-time paydays.
Starting point is 00:17:49 We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my Marketing Secrets listeners. And if you go over to slash secrets, you can grab The Revolving Price Method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this, you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability, this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to wealthy slash secrets, grab your
Starting point is 00:18:18 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue. Again, that's wealthy slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson, and I wanna jump in really quick to share with you a new assessment I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because not only does it help you understand yourself,
Starting point is 00:18:37 but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the bus so they can get more stuff done. I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the Working Genius is awesome. Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited for the new assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done. Yet, even though it takes only 10
Starting point is 00:19:00 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately. I took it for myself. I had my team take it. And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are. And that's important because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out, make sure that you have first off the right people, but make sure the right people are sitting in the right seats on the bus. And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Now, normally this assessment, you can go to and there's two G's in the middle,, but I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all. But you get a 20% discount off when you put in the keyword secrets
Starting point is 00:19:34 at checkout. So go to Again, two G's, workinggenius, two G's in the middle, And then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S at checkout, get 25% off. But then go take the test. Again, it takes you 10 minutes. But even in a 10 minute session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help you understand yourself, to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to be the most joy, number one. But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are with your teams, getting them in the right seats as well. So anyway, I love this assessment. Go check it out at and enter the promo code secrets for 20% discount.
Starting point is 00:20:08 Take this test for yourself and for your team. And I promise you it will change the working dynamics amongst everybody and help your company to grow. And you know what ran through my head? What ran through my head was this was my idea. I'm killing all my students because I listened to something that didn't make any sense. And I got angry. Have you ever followed that intuition, that feeling, and it didn't make sense? And in the beginning you were like, no good deed goes unpunished. This is stupid. And you get angry that you made that decision. That raced through me and then I dropped that quick and I went into discussion mode
Starting point is 00:20:48 with the magic chocolatey rainbow called God and I said, God, this was my idea. Keep them safe. Take me. I've lived a very good life. I've lived a lot longer than people thought. But do not take them. And like that, it was over, and everybody was a mess, and I turned around, and I saw that we had smashed into the back of an 18-wheeler. And our car was destroyed.
Starting point is 00:21:27 And the momentum from that crash carried us into the shoulder while all the other trucks whipped by. And the truck we ran into never stopped. And it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Because in that moment, I realized, I'm not done. I'm just getting started. I don't want you to have to hit a semi-truck to realize that.
Starting point is 00:21:58 Although, when we finally got to the side of the road, I knew I needed to make the audience in my car laugh, so I said, Hey guys, we need to release this trauma. Are you needed to make the audience in my car laugh. So I said, hey guys, we need to release this trauma. Are you ready to laugh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I said,
Starting point is 00:22:10 all your speaker fees just doubled. And then I said, hey guys, I put the semi in seminar. Wait for it, the last one's the best. And I said, some people get their audience to walk on coals. I smash them into trucks. Write down on this piece of paper that you got in front of you,
Starting point is 00:22:58 why were you born? And then the next question is, what are you going to do with the time you got left? Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time. I love you. Have a wonderful conference. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company?
Starting point is 00:23:24 If so, then go subscribe to our free behind-the-scenes reality TV show at

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