Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - DID YOU MISS IT?!?!
Episode Date: September 30, 2019The insider lessons that ONLY my hardcore funnel hackers saw. On this episode Russell talks about some people's reaction to the birthday launch campaign, and why they should be recognizing it for wha...t it's worth. Here are some of the amazing things you will hear in this episode: Find out why some people think that the launch was annoying, and why Russell thinks they should be looking at it all differently. Why Russell believes this campaign is going to bring about hundreds of millions of dollars of valuation to Clickfunnels. And why this entire campaign is history in the making, and why you should take advantage of your front row seat. So listen here to find out why you shouldn't be annoyed when Russell markets to you, and should instead learn from what he's doing to have the fastest growing software company probably ever. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson and welcome to the Marketing Seekers Podcast.
So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture
capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets
us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world
and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the
answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
All right, my friends, I'm in the Jeep today. You can probably hear the rumble,
the rumble. So you can always tell loud days, Jeep quiet days tesla anyway so um we did the birthday launch this
week i think i did a couple podcasts talking about it it's kind of hard to remember holding
this big blur but um i wanted to like point out the irony of just some of of the situation and
people and it cracks me up so why do people listen to me why do you listen to me okay why do you listen to marketing secrets podcast probably because you want to learn
marketing right why it's never click funnels probably because you want to sell stuff through
funnels um why would you follow me on facebook join our facebook groups probably because you
you're like man this russell guy knows a thing or two so i'm gonna go and learn from said person
about the thing that he happens to know about. Right. And so what makes me laugh is
that in the middle of this, you know, this launch, which, which by the way, doing amazing and will
increase the value of our company by literally hundreds of millions of dollars in the next three
or four months. I just put in perspective, like, you know, a lot of people brag, I got a product
launch and I made $3 million. Like that's awesome awesome and amazing but the rollout of funnel flicks and these changes
like literally will increase the value of click funnels by hundreds of millions so it's like
it's like the strategic movements and i hope again i hope you guys are watching these things
um uh are are big and they're important and they're valuable and i'm hoping you're you're
paying attention you're watching it.
But throughout this process, this is funny because obviously all of the naysayers and the people who, you know, who for whatever reason want to vent come out.
And they're always out on Facebook and they've got the loudest opinions.
And it cracks me up.
And I wish I listed out a whole bunch of them because, um, because it would have been fun
to read them and to like show them to you guys as specific examples, but I'll give you
the gist.
So, um, one of them I saw was like, um, like, uh, I hope, I hope I was something about,
about the lifetime value of Russell's customers.
Like them sending out the emails about this thing are going to destroy their lifetime
And it's like, no, like it's literally doing the opposite.
It's increasing lifetime value.
You know, um, uh, someone saying, you know, send too many, too many emails.
Like they're spamming us.
Like I've, I've never, I've never been part of another software company to send out emails
like this, promoting, promoting stuff.
And like all these things about like, they didn't like the promotion, right?
For whatever reason.
So I get that.
Maybe it's not a cup of tea, but it's like, you came to learn marketing from me.
You came to understand, you know, these kinds of things.
It's like, this campaign will increase the value of our company by hundreds of millions
of dollars.
And, and instead of being like, huh, what can I learn from this process?
Like, well, that was really cool.
How they, how they generated the buzz and the hype and how they did the announcement,
how he, how they transitioned from this announcement to getting everybody to upgrade.
And there are so many small messages.
And I know that for most of you guys, you're watching and you're paying attention.
But it just blows my mind the people that are upset.
And the ones I've left are like, I've never seen any other software company send out emails like this.
And I was like, yeah, but have you seen any other software companies send out emails like this. And I was like, yeah, but you see any other software company growing as fast as this? Like,
instead of being annoyed by it, be like, man, maybe they know something these other software
companies don't know. Maybe they're blending of direct response and, and all these things
with software growth is the reason they're having so much success. Maybe instead of being angry,
upset about it, I should look at them like, huh, what are they doing? Why are they do that? Like,
what can I learn from this? And so I know I'm speaking to the choir here. Cause I know you
guys are my, my hardcore funnel hackers. You are the ones who, who care the most about marketing
and growth and all these kinds of things. Um, but it just blows my mind as I see people who are,
who are angry about me marketing to them. And it's like, you literally came to me to learn
marketing and you may buy, pay a thousand or $10,000 for a course
or $300 a month for our software. Like these, these things you're paying for. But then like
when I'm actually doing marketing, you get upset and it's like, well, what, why would you do that?
Like I'm literally, you have a front seat show to the marketing you're trying to learn from,
right? It's like, you'll pay me a thousand bucks for a course to learn how to create campaigns and
create buzz and, and to, you know, to, to build your following and things like that and to increase your, your valuation and make more money. But then when I actually do it,
um, you get upset and it's like, no, like stop being upset and step back and be like,
oh my gosh, I literally have a front row seat to some of the greatest marketing campaigns ever
executed in the history of the market. And, and that's the way you guys should be looking at.
I know that you guys do, but it just always blows my mind. I want to tap those people on
the shoulder and be like, you missed it. You missed
the whole point. Like you got annoyed when I marketed to you and you came to me to learn
marketing. Like step back for a second, put your feelings on the shelf and be like, oh my gosh,
what is happening here? Like, for example, um, I was watching some people who were very intelligent
and probably I'm sure that you are listening to this because if you're intelligent, you love
marketing, you're already listening to this podcast. So, um, you know, but,
but some people who are breaking down, like, did you guys notice how Russell didn't just say,
Hey everyone, upgrade to two 97 and you'll get this new thing. Um, that would have been an
improvement offer. Here's Russell improving. So instead of Russell did in the presentations,
they created a new opportunity, a new thing called ClickFunnels Platinum. And then Platinum
was this amazing, um, new thing, new opportunity, not, you know, not
an improvement offers, a new opportunity.
And, um, we had this thing, you know, and it's a $697 thing, but then they discounted
$297 and they gave it to everybody who had the old offer for free.
And like, it was, it was showing like the lesson that I taught in, in expert secrets
about new opportunity.
Um, they show, they, they, um, they saw it and then, and then saw how, it and then saw how I executed on it.
It's like, man, I hope that you guys saw that because if any of you guys have a program
and you're trying to get more people into it, it's like, I can go and make an improvement
off like, hey, we made this product better.
You should all upgrade.
Or you create a new opportunity, a new thing, and then you give it to all the people who
are already there, right?
Like it's a little nuance that this difference between,
you know, tens of thousands of dollars
and tens of millions of dollars, right?
And so it's like, I hope you guys saw that nuance
because it was little, it was subtle.
Most people missed it,
but those who were listening with the right ears,
they saw it and they're like, oh my gosh,
look at how Russell presented this offer.
It was a new opportunity, not an improvement offer.
And because of that, it's different. It's what causes the buzz and creates the virality of it and a new opportunity, not an improvement offer. And because of that, um, it's, it's different.
It's, it's what causes the buzz and creates the virality of it gets people excited.
And then I didn't just upsell every other people already had.
I gave to him for free.
So also it's like, oh my gosh, our most faithful members get rewarded for already being there,
which causes more, more community, more stick and more excitement and more passion for us
and the brand and everything.
So we're not penalizing existing members.
We're rewarding them, right?
So that was a huge shift.
Anyway, there's so many cool lessons.
I just sat down with some names to diagram
all the stuff that I was doing
that hopefully you guys saw.
But if not, go back through the campaign,
go back to the emails,
go watch the stuff that happened
and look at it as like,
this is a marketing campaign.
I just sat on the front row of this thing happening in real time.
Like, like, let me, let me experience it through that lens.
Um, uh, anyway, I hope that that, I hope that that makes sense for you guys.
Um, go back and watch the presentation, watching the slides, watching the hype, watching the
buildup, watching those things.
Um, but look at it, look at it as if you just paid me 10 grand for a consulting day about
how to, how to launch your next campaign and look at that lens and be like oh my gosh what am i learning what
am i seeing here you know i always used to say when i was getting started in this business like
i would buy everybody's products but rarely did i actually go through the people's products
i mostly bought it because i wanted to see the process of like of everything not just the funnel
like i was talking about funnel hacking and people like oh yeah i buy the products i saw page one's
this page two this page three is this it's like that's part of it that's the funnel. But like, what about everything else? Like what created the
excitement and the buzz to get me into the funnel? Right. What are the ads say? What are the emails
say? What was the messaging, the tone, the, like all those things, the positioning. And then when
I went through the funnel, like not just hear the pages of the funnel, but what was messaging in the
funnel and what did they say and why they say it and then what were the hooks and the stories and
like, and, and how are things positioned? Like Like, those are all the things that it's hard to teach, right?
It's hard for me to write a book and be like, okay, you should be doing this to create bots.
Like, it's hard to teach those things.
But instead, like, watch it and you'll be like, oh my gosh, like, I'm getting the greatest
teaching lesson of all time by seeing the process, by understanding it, by learning
Don't be annoyed because we're the only software company doing this.
Be amazed that we're the only software company doing this.
And we happen to be the fastest growing software company probably of all time, at least non-venture
You know, and so anyway, I just, I know you guys are paying attention.
I know you're watching, but I just wanted to put that out there because it was on my
mind today.
And I want to congratulate those of you guys who are looking for those things.
And those who got annoyed by any piece of it, you need to stop.
Be like, look, I came to Russell to learn marketing and I'm learning the frameworks from the
books and from the courses, but I'm seeing the practical application every single day in his
marketing and like, watch that. Um, that's something I can't sell in a book because it's,
it's the art that fits inside the framework, right? So I'm giving you a framework. Here's the art.
Um, pay attention to it. Watch it.
Enjoy it.
Be grateful for it because it is, it's the intangibles I can't sell you that you're getting
for free and you have a front row seat to it every single day.
It's funny.
Back in the day when I was a kid, I don't know if you guys remember Bill Phillips and
Body for Life and Muscle Media.
It was this amazing product and movement and supplement line and company info products. And I remember I was
like a 15, 16 year old kid as this company grew up and I was watching it and I had this front
row seat to it and it was just amazing. And then now, you know, the company's, you know,
he had Bill Phillips sold it 15 years ago. It's kind of died and collapsed and crushed.
And, but man, I always remember sitting back and like, I, Josh Bozzone was in Fiji with us.
And Josh was one of Bill Phillips' employees at the time during this whole thing when it
was growing and happening.
And I was like, man, I look back when I was 15 years old, I remember how I felt.
I remember what happened.
I remember when the ads came out and the magazine and the letters and the supplements.
I remember the supplement guys and reading supplement guys and going to GNC and seeing
90% of the store at GNC was EAS supplements and how I felt and how I like, I would only buy his. And like, I try to remember
those feelings, but it's like, it was 15 years ago. Like, and so it's me trying to remember like
some of the greatest marketing campaigns, I believe in, in, in modern history, trying to
remember that from 15 years ago and, and being so grateful for the marketing lessons I learned,
you know, as a 15 year old kid or whatever. And for you guys, it's like, um, and you're, you're at the, the, the front edge of history. You know, there'll be a day
in the, in the near future, not near future, a couple of years now where I'm going to write the
book That's the next book I'm going to write. And I'm going to write that book. I'm
going to tell you guys these stories and you're going to read those and be like fascinated by
them. And it's like, right now you guys are living it. Like you're living the bootstrap story. You're
seeing it. You had a front row seat to this stuff. And so I just want to make sure you're
paying attention and you're enjoying it and having a good time with it because someday there'll be
stories I'll tell you. And, and you know, the, the marketing grandbabies will come and they'll be
like, Oh, I heard these, these stories about ClickFunnels, how it grew and what it did.
And it's like, you can be like, man, I was there for it. And I enjoyed it. I saw it and I learned
from it and I applied it over here to my business. And this is what I did and how I did it because I saw the marketing that happened here.
And so anyway, you guys have a front OC to it.
It's unfolding and it's going to be a cool history lesson in marketing someday.
But for right now, you guys are there and I hope you're enjoying the process.
So that's it.
I got to jump in.
I got a marketing meeting starting in like two minutes.
Appreciate you all for listening.
Thank you for participating in the campaign and having fun with it. If you haven't yet and you're like, what are you even talking about? Um, you know, go to,
go to Facebook and click on, um, you know, my fan page or my personal page, either one,
and you'll see a link to, um, to the actual birthday launch video and the replay. You can
go watch that. Um, if you go to upgrade, you can see the offer. Um, or if you go to funnel, you can see exactly what Funnelflix is,
which is part of the new opportunity we offered everybody this week.
So, all right.
With that said, appreciate you all.
Thanks for listening and we'll talk to you soon.
Bye, everybody.
Want more marketing secrets?
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Book number one is called Expert Secrets and you can get a free copy at
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Inside these two books, you'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest growing non-VC backed SaaS startup company in the world.