Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Funnel Hacking Live 2019 Recap - Day 2

Episode Date: March 11, 2019

Funnels - Behind the scenes of what happened at day #2 at Funnel Hacking Live. All the cool presentations, and Russell in an ice bath... On today's episode Russell recaps day two of Funnel Hacking 2019. Here are some of the amazing things you will hear in this episode:: Find out which presentation Russell didn't feel great about and how Stu McLaren was able to save it. Hear about who the speakers were on day two, and what they spoke about. And find out why Russell took an ice bath at the end of the day, and was able to stay in the water for over 5 minutes. So listen here to find out what you missed on day two of Funnel Hacking Live. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Metrolinx and Crosslinx are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals. Be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. What's up, everybody? This is Russell. Welcome to day number two of our Funnel Hacking Live recap. I hope you guys are all doing amazing today. And hopefully you guys liked the first
Starting point is 00:00:34 recap of what happened on the first day of Funnel Hacking Live. Now we're going to jump into number two after we kick off the theme song. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome
Starting point is 00:01:05 to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody, welcome back. So as you saw, day number one was insane. Most people told me like we could go home right now and we got our money's worth and a whole bunch more. I said, I know, and it's only the first half a day. Wait till you see what we got in store for all of you guys. So day number two was Thursday. And it's funny because I was so tired. I stayed up so late the night before. Someone just worked an effort to go into everything. So my very first presentation, I wanted to do the first presentation to get as many people
Starting point is 00:01:36 in the door as possible. That seems to help a lot. And so I did one. It was supposed to be on Traffic Secrets, which is the new book I'm writing right now. And I did a whole event on Traffic Secrets, as you guys know. And I was really excited for it. The only problem is, as I started, I think because I prepared so much for the event in my head, I'm like, oh, this will be really easy to start teaching it. So I got on stage.
Starting point is 00:01:53 And the very first thing we did is we made Vince Palco and Ray Kay built a really cool comic book that kind of joked about how Mark Zuckerberg, Zenos, and how he's going to snap his fingers and half the entrepreneurs traffic will disappear in the world kind of modeling, you know, the Avengers. And we watched that. It was a comic book.
Starting point is 00:02:13 We gave everyone a seat. And then we also watched, watched the, the actual video we made from it. It was so much fun. And so that was the first part of the day. And then I did my presentation on traffic secrets. And I got to tell you,
Starting point is 00:02:23 like, ah, for those who were there, I'm so sorry. I was up for probably 30 minutes teaching this concept. And I just got flustered. My notes were out of order. And it wasn't as clear in my head because I hadn't thought about it. I thought, oh, I've already taught this. It'll be really easy to teach.
Starting point is 00:02:36 And I was off my game. That was the one 30-minute window of the whole event where I was angry because I felt like I had dropped the ball. And I was like, dang it. And then what was cool is we were working on this really cool, um, software program to go with, um, to go with traffic secrets. And so Stu McLaren, who's my partner in crime on this project, uh, he came back out and like literally saved me from this presentation. So he came in and started talking. Energy was high. He just nailed it.
Starting point is 00:03:00 He was so much fun and went through and we showed this new software, which basically helps you to find your dream 100 and collect their data and watch their ads. And I just really get to understand and master, um, the dream 100. Right. And, uh, and it was cool as, uh, we were going to give it to everybody. We were going to sell it. Well, we kind of played like we're gonna sell it. So we made an offer.
Starting point is 00:03:16 I was like, first you're gonna get this and this and this and this. And then I was like, it's going to cost you guys just $6,000. Yay. And then Stu's like, and I wrote $6,000 on the whiteboard. Stu's like, no, no, no, no. Let's do it for cheaper he crosses out right it's like 1997 i was like dude you make me look bad at my events like when i cross off like how about 997 and she was like wait a minute i got the microphone what if we do this for free and they start doing like an oprah moment you know she does like a car you get a car you get a car gives them free cars he does this
Starting point is 00:03:41 oprah moment he's like you get a free uniform he runs in the audience and like people are laughing and crying and it was so fun So we actually gave everyone the software, the beta version of the software for free. Um, which if you're listening to this and you want to get it, um, it may still be open. If you go to fill your, you can go and create it. It's a really cool Chrome plugin lets you go and start doing, um, build not your dream 100, which is really fun. So that was the first part of the day, uh, which went really well. And then, excuse me, I got off on stage and then we had Natasha Hazlett and Christy Nickel get up and Natasha kind of pioneered this concept of a challenge funnel, which you guys have seen the
Starting point is 00:04:15 one funnel way challenge, which is our big main focus right now. I learned that initially from Natasha. And so I wanted her to come speak and she was pregnant with twins. Now what's crazy is she was about to have the baby. She, so many funny stories here, but she actually lived in Boise. That's how I got to know them over the last few years. And then I asked her to speak Funnel Hockey Live on Challenge Funnels. She got excited and said yes. And then she's like, oh, by the way, Russell, I'm pregnant with twins. I'm like, what? And I was like, she's like, I'm pretty much due the same day I'm supposed to be speaking but she's like i'm gonna go she's like i know that god's hands in this because like i'm literally like we're moving and we're moving to nashville which is what the
Starting point is 00:04:51 event happens to be so she's like i'm gonna be in nashville with my family i can come and do it so she gets on stage with twins like almost ready to have babies i kept teasing she was gonna have babies on stage and it's funny last year um rachel peterson was pregnant on stage like i and like almost gave birth on stage like i i don't last year, um, Rachel Peterson was pregnant on stage. Like I, and like almost gave birth on stage. Like, I, I don't know what's happening. I keep like, um, you know, asking these amazing women to speak who I don't know at the time we're pregnant. So I find out later anyway, but what's crazy is that Natasha actually had the babies like, um, like three days later. So like it was, it was like literally she's about to have babies, but she, um, she
Starting point is 00:05:21 killed it, did an amazing job. And job and then uh one of her clients that she's worked with is christy nickel uh christy her nickname is code red christy code red nickel and code red nickel got up there and then she showed how she did a challenge funnel and she didn't know anything about funnels or anything and she went from living on food stamps to getting two comic award by using one of natasha's challenge funnels and then and then um i think christy got on stage and she is insanely motivational she's got a big old blue mohawk and um she's just so motivational she got on stage and just like told it how it was said things to everybody that i wish i could say to him but i can't and it was it was amazing oh
Starting point is 00:05:56 and those two just oh they killed it and i think it got people so excited about challenge funnels and then also just got them pumped and rising their excuses don't matter and um that that duo was it turned out i was nervous having it's always hard having two people on stage i was nervous about it but man they choreographed it and just did such a good job it was amazing then after that then we had uh bailey richard who bailey's one who did our 30-day summit and she's doing a philip mccant summit right now she did a whole presentation on virtual summits and i'm not gonna like i i think bailey's an amazing person but I'd never seen her speak on stage and she was probably the biggest unknown for me. Like everyone else I'd kind of seen present in some format except for her.
Starting point is 00:06:31 So I was nervous and, um, and she stepped on stage and she just owned it and it was, ah, she did such a good job. And it's cool because she's showing virtual summits, but not only did she talk about what virtual summits were, she showed the numbers in great detail. So all of my analytical people in the audience were like freaking out. Cause she was like, here's the numbers, here's how much, here's what they offer should be in the price point. And the conversion rate, like just all the stuff of virtual summits, how they work. And it was amazing. So, uh, anyway, so grateful to have her come in and her share all behind the scenes of how she runs virtual summits. Like I said, we've done the, we did the 30
Starting point is 00:07:02 virtual summit. We're doing affiliate bootcamp, um, right now. And so this, this, um, it's funny cause I actually built my business initially doing virtual summit. So it's kind of a, it's kind of a full, a full, a full circle now. Um, you know, having her come and teach these things now and bringing a new generation, teaching how to do summits, which is still one of the best ways to build a list quickly. So Bailey did awesome. Then after that, um, Dean Graciosi came on and Dean, if he doesn't know Dean. So when I was back, back in my junk mail days, I was collecting junk mail. I used to also watch a lot of infomercials and Dean was on infomercials way back like 20 years ago. And he's been on TV every day for 20 years until a couple of years
Starting point is 00:07:36 ago. I think he stopped, but he was on TV every single day for, for decades. Um, selling first is his first info product. Uh, they sold an infomercial is called motor millions, how to like buy cars and flip them. And he started doing real estate after that. Um, and, um, anyway, I, some, I studied him. I used to watch his infomercials, like people watch movies and I take notes on them. I just loved it. And then I had a chance to meet him a few years ago and I joined his a hundred K group just to get to know him better. And, um, just been a super cool person, great friend, and just someone I had a ton of respect for. And so he came. And again, it's amazing. All these speakers come for free.
Starting point is 00:08:08 They all donate their own time and energy. But he came. And it's funny because he's got his book, Millionaire Success Habits. And he was selling them not through infomercials. He was selling them through online. And he never had social following at all. So he started this thing from scratch. But Dean's just like a pusher.
Starting point is 00:08:23 He's like, I got to figure this I gotta figure this out, I gotta crack the code. And so he sold, eventually sold 100,000 books through Instagram and Facebook. And he thought like he'd burned the market out and it was kind of tired. And he's like, no, we gotta sell more, we gotta sell more. He kept pushing it, kept reinventing himself,
Starting point is 00:08:35 creating more videos, more creative. And they got to the point where it was like, he sold 200,000, 250,000, then 300,000. Right now they just passed 500,000 copies of their books sold through social media, which I think made everyone just like, Oh my gosh, like if we just push harder and become, you know, get better marketing stamina, which is something Dean said, like you have more marketing stamina. Um, you'll be able to push through these plateaus and actually, and actually sell your stuff. I think most people get tired of their marketing message way before the market does.
Starting point is 00:09:01 Dean's proved 500,000 buyers. Like if you just keep pushing, um, yeah, you can do it. So he kind of showed his model and how he does it. And I remember we, um, Dean and I swapped consulting days a little while ago. And the biggest takeaway I got from him when we were there is that he just puts out way more creative ads than we do. Like more ads than we do. Like we were doing like two new ads a week. He was like, Oh no, I do two a day. Like, he's like, I have my phone with me and I'm making ads everywhere I go. Just like the more creative you need to be able to sell more ads. And so that was kind of cool. Then after he got off, I came on stage with him to tell a story about a new project he's working on. He's working on a software product, him and Tony Robbins called mind mint. And he explained to me, I'm like, that's really cool. I was like, you create
Starting point is 00:09:40 masterminds with it. He's like, yeah. And I was like, we should buy He's like, well, he's like, he's like, it's, it's not for sale. So I went to and whoever owned it was a two column club winner. And I was like, oh my gosh, like Dean, like you have to have this. And so we, we talked to him initially and they wanted a million bucks for it. I told Dean, he's like, I'm not going to pay a million bucks for domain name. He's like, my mint is fine. I'm like, ah, I'm like, but you need this. Like this should be your thing. And so, um, and so, uh, Dave Woodward, all my team, he went over and negotiated with the guys and got it down to, I'm still a lot like $600,000. So he, I think it's way in there before somewhere in that, in that window. And
Starting point is 00:10:16 then, um, and then I went to Tony and Dean and said, Hey, here's a gift. And I gave them as a gift, which was insane. And then Dean was like, this is too cool. And then him and Tony talked and they ended up giving me and giving us, giving ClickFunnels equity in, which is launching in like a month from now. So it's kind of exciting. So is, we announced that kind of from stage and told people it's happening and told the story behind it. And it's kind of fun. And how cool is that?
Starting point is 00:10:39 You can be partners with Dean and Tony on a business. I love it. So that was fun. There's a secret dream 100 strategy for you guys. Buy domains for your dream 100 and give it to them. And depending how big dream 100 is, it depends how much you're going to spend for that domain. Anyway. All right. So that happened. Then everyone went to lunch. Then, um, Ray Higdon, guy he went with spake and spoke and Ray, um, Ray serves the network marketing industry. He, I've known him for probably seven or eight years now when I spoke him at the very first network marketing industry. I've known him for probably seven or eight years now. When I spoke to him at the very first network marketing event I ever spoke at, I met Ray and just fell in love with him.
Starting point is 00:11:09 And every time I've ever heard him speak, there's something about him. You hear him speak, you just love him. You just want to like, oh, he's just an amazing human. And I invited him to come to this mastermind I did last year called the Pirate's Cove Mastermind. I think I invited six or seven people to it., Ray was one of the people I invited to it. And it's cool. He came to it and on the flight over, he's like, I probably should read Russell's book because I have never read it. So he read expert secrets on the flight over and then we started talking and then he had this idea for this, this new community, a paid community called
Starting point is 00:11:38 rank makers. And, um, he kind of, you know, pitched that, that concept of the mastermind. Then he went home and he executed on it. And it's like a $20 a month continuity program. And he talked about how he's – because Kalen Poland spoke last year about how to build a culture, like how to build tribe and community. And he wanted to come and speak on how to build a paid tribe, a paid culture, a paid community. And he showed what he's done with RankMakers. And it's so fascinating. He's doing a network marketing space. But the model of what he's doing could work in any industry. And he shared how he rank makers. And it's so fascinating. He's doing network marketing space, but the model of what he's doing could work in any industry.
Starting point is 00:12:07 And he shared how he did it and how it worked and the numbers behind it. It was just so cool to see that. So Ray just crushed it again. Then after that, then I had Jamie Cross come up because it's funny, everyone always tells me like, Russell, Expert Secrets is just for people doing selling physical products,
Starting point is 00:12:22 or excuse me, selling info products. And I'm like, no, it works for all businesses. You're, you're missing the point. And Jamie was at Funnel Hacking Live two years ago, heard me talk about the perfect webinar. She sells soaps and oils and things like that. And instead of doing what most people did and like, oh, this doesn't work for my business. She said, how could this work for my business? So she took the perfect webinar, tried to do it, did like a 90 minute one and it didn't
Starting point is 00:12:40 work. Then she did like a 60 minute one, didn't work. She kept tweaking it until eventually she, she created a version. It was a five minute perfect webinar. She launched it and boom went from, from where she was out to two comic club in less than six months. Um, and so I wanted her to come and talk about e-commerce funnels and the perfect webinar. And she did, and she killed it. She crushed it. She shared this five minute perfect webinar that her and Jim Edwards built everybody. And, um, it was so fun to see her on stage and prove once and for all
Starting point is 00:13:03 that, um, you know, that this stuff works for all types of businesses. It's not just info products. Like you take these principles and these concepts and tweak them for your business. And Jamie was willing to do that, put in the effort to tweak it. And her business blew up because of that. And then having her come back and share it with everybody was just one of the coolest parts of the event for me. It was so cool. And after that, then my man and a partner here at ClickFunnels, John Parks, came up and talked about traffic.
Starting point is 00:13:24 And he likened traffic to like the Greek gods and all this kind of thing. And after that, then my man and a partner here at ClickFunnels, John Parks, came up and talked about traffic. And he likened traffic to like the Greek gods and all this kind of thing. It was really cool. And he made it – at first I was watching him like, how did I confuse you sharing cats and dogs and all these things? And I was like, oh. And then he like used all the foundation he did with all these stories to build out like this really cool thing like, oh, that's how retargeting ads can work in a really simple and really easy way and um it was it was fun seeing him on stage as always uh which was awesome then um then ryan todd and me came on stage we talked about click funnels uh talked about um click from state of the union
Starting point is 00:13:55 we actually called the presentation becoming a diehard funnel hacker and we talked about all the new things are working on all the updates um talked about the team and just kind of showed everybody behind the scenes what's happening at click funnels and then uh we tried to get everyone to upgrade to action smd which half the audience already was that so they just had to run back and they get a free t-shirt and the other half we could convince most of them to upgrade to action smd as well which then they got a really cool shirt that said diehard funnel hacker on it had a bleeding heart on it and the back it said hashtag i bleed funnels which is really cool and so we got a bunch of people to upgrade to action smd which is one of the you know one of the missions of funnel hacking live
Starting point is 00:14:24 every year is to get people to understand what we're doing and then also hopefully get them to upgrade to Action SMD, which is really cool. Now, after that, then we had a roundtable. So all the Two Comma Club X members – not all of them, but a whole bunch of people who won Two Comma Club got a table. I think we had 20 or 30 people out there. And then everyone had a chance to go and eat free food, hang out at the roundtables, and ask all the Two Comm comic club winners any question they wanted, which was really cool. And people loved it. Um, which was awesome. And then during that time, I actually went up to my hotel room and I took an ice bath, which was crazy. So Brendan Bouchard, who, um, Brendan spoke it twice. I'll talk about his presentations here, um, on the next episode, but he told me that he's friends with Usher and he
Starting point is 00:15:02 said, Usher taught him this trick. That's like, he's like, um, and Brendan is these big, huge, long, like three and four day events where he's on stage all day, every day for four days. And he's like, I started doing ice baths at night. I have the hotel deliver how much ice to me. And then he said, what happens is, um, he said by day four, he's like, my throat is thrashed. My body feels the same as it does on day one. And so I, he told me that a couple of years ago. So I keep joking with Melanie, my assistant. I'm like, Hey, we should get ice in the room. We should ice in the room. And then every year I wuss out and I don't do it. But this time I told her that, that she booked ice. I totally forgot about it. So like we had done with the, with the ClickFunnels to the union address and Melanie's like, Hey, they're delivering ice to your room right now. I'm like, Oh no. Like,
Starting point is 00:15:38 I don't know if I actually really want to do this. Like, that sounds horrible. And so, um, it's funny, Anthony DeClemente, who's, uh, my biohacking buddy, uh, was in the horrible. And so it's funny. Anthony DiComeni, who's my biohacking buddy, was in the audience. And so I text Anthony. I'm like, dude, they just delivered ice to my room. I need an ice bath. You want to come help me? Like coach me through because I'm kind of scared. And he's like, yes, I'm on.
Starting point is 00:15:55 So we go to my room and they fill my tub with the coldest water possible. They dump in all this ton of ice. They said, I don't know what the temperature was. It says less than 30 degrees or something crazy. And they coached me through. They said, okay, you have have to get in but time doesn't start till your head goes under so i had to get in put my head under and then they start timing and then i was like dude i'm dying and then anthony's so funny like he just he like rips his shirt off he jumps into to coach me through it so we're both in the tub freezing and then we did it we stayed for like over five minutes and then i had to put my head back under again before the clock stops or
Starting point is 00:16:25 something. So I'm like sitting there freezing. That's finally like, I put my head under and they jump out and he's like, when you jump out, you have to scream like, ah, as loud as you can. So I jump out screaming as loud as I can. And I think it was close to six minutes in the ice, which is crazy. He said most people, the first time I only do about two minutes. So I did good there. Um, but it was painful and it was horrible, but I actually did feel really good the next day. So, uh, I did ice baths that night and then we passed out. And, uh, that was, that was the end of, of Thursday. So, um, anyway, again, another amazing, amazing, I remember then I was like, we've been in here a day and a half in the event and look what everybody's gotten so far. Like it is, it is literally insane. Anyway,
Starting point is 00:17:03 if you don't have your tickets yet for next year, like every year's funny people always tell me like every year i'm like there's no way you're also gonna make it better than last year and then every year like how did you do that so i got a big uh a big plate to fill a lot of big plans but the plan is to make this even better next year than last year um so if you don't have your ticket check go to funnel hiking um because as good as this year was next year hopefully if i can if i can do it if i can deliver if i can over deliver uh we'll be even better so thanks guys so much. And I'll see you guys on tomorrow's episode where I talk about day number three. Want more marketing secrets? If so, then go get your copies of my two bestselling books. Book number one is called expert secrets and you can get a free copy
Starting point is 00:17:37 at expert and book number two is secrets and you can get your free copy inside these two books books you'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest growing non-vc back sass startup company in the world

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