Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Going From A Millionaire To A Billionaire

Episode Date: October 21, 2019

Why in the world did Russell shut down 5 million dollars of free money? On today's episode Russell plays a clip from Facebook Live of Peng Joon talking about the Inner Circle being paused, and what biggest takeaway is. Here are some of the awesome things in this episode: What a mastermind group is, and why it's basically free money for Russell. And what Peng means when he says in order to scale from a millionaire to a billionaire is about saying no. So listen here to Peng Joon give his perspective about why Russell would pause his $5 million a year Inner Circle. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to Marketing Secrets Podcast. We've got so many amazing questions and comments and things from you guys from the last few episodes where I talked about me pausing my inner circle. And it's funny, we finished the last set of meetings last week, and after I went home, I played with my kids, I went out and had a good time, and then that night
Starting point is 00:00:18 I jumped online just to kind of see what's happening. And what I didn't know was in the inner circle room, Peng Joon, and a lot of you guys know Peng Joon, he spoke at Funnel Hacking Live two years ago. And he did a Facebook Live in the inner circle room talking about his perspective of me closing down the inner circle. And I watched it twice now. And I was like, man, it's really interesting. I don't know if I consciously, um, looked at through this lens initially, but like looking back and I'm like, oh my gosh, he's right. And so it's all
Starting point is 00:00:49 about the transition going from a millionaire to a billionaire. And I wanted to share with you guys, um, that message from paying June right now. So we're gonna cut to, um, to, uh, to the intro and we come back. Um, you have a chance to hear from paying June. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome
Starting point is 00:01:25 to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody, welcome back. Okay, with that said, I'm going to queue up this clip from the Facebook Live from Payne June. And one thing to note is that he's in the inner circle and there's a whole bunch of people talking in the background. There's music playing and so the quality is not going to be the best at all. But the message is super, super important. It's understanding for you to go from zero to a million, what is the thing you should be looking at? And then to go from a million to a billion, what are the things you should be shifting? And I think it was really powerful, so I want to share this with you right now. So with that said, Payton June, take it away.
Starting point is 00:01:57 It's on Facebook. I wanted to show you behind the scenes what a 50K per year mastermind looks like. So this is at the end of Russell Brunson's Inner Circle, that I've been very, very blessed and grateful to be part of this group for the last five years. So I wanted to share with you guys what it looks like, what my biggest takeaways are, but basically this is a super high-end mastermind.
Starting point is 00:02:28 It is 50k a year, and one of the things that I feel so, like I feel I have to share it with you right now, is what my biggest takeaways were, and the answer will probably surprise you. Okay, so for those of you that have been following my journey, you will know that I'm big on learning, right, I'm big on growth, but the problem is that I hate reading books because I'm a poor reader. Here's my biggest takeaway, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:04 Let's just say there are a ton of changes that's happening in this community. A lot of things that I can't say yet because it's not public, but I'll reveal what I can say to share with you what the biggest takeaways were, okay? So usually how a mastermind works, if you're unfamiliar with the structure,
Starting point is 00:03:26 is that there will be the entire group of like-minded entrepreneurs just like them. They're all minimum running a million dollar business, and they're all crushing it in their respective industries, and we just come together and talk about and share different strategies that's currently working for us. And like for me, my source of growth today is no longer just, I can't get it from books anymore.
Starting point is 00:04:00 It's not from YouTube videos. It is not from attending the seminars and workshops. I've probably been to like all of them back in the day in my pursuit of growth. So my next level of learning is from other entrepreneurs and practitioners and people that's actually doing it. And so what was my biggest takeaway? Okay, now a lot of things that they talked about
Starting point is 00:04:28 ranges from tactics, ranges to, they talk about the different strategies, but ultimately, what was huge for me is just seeing how some of them think and how they're constantly playing a bigger game and to kind of share with you something that is public, well, it is going to be public, is that this inner circle is going to be placed on pause for a while. Indefinitely, there's no current plan to, we don't know when it's gonna be back next, but the, and there are many different reasons
Starting point is 00:05:14 why Russell's doing that. But here's my first big takeaway, okay? And you're gonna see how this can be applied for you as well, it's this. So, like I said, Inner Circle is $50,000 a year, and there are 100 entrepreneurs that's crushing it in this group. All of them, all of them here, they're all crushing it,
Starting point is 00:05:33 we're just about to leave for dinner. But if you do the math, okay, now to be part of this mastermind, and as part of this mastermind, you do the math behind it, 50K a person times 100, that is a $5 million per year revenue stream that Russell is saying no to and denying. And do you know what is required to fulfill this?
Starting point is 00:06:01 It's basically two meetups a year. That is two days each. Can you imagine the level you gotta be at to say no to five million dollars per year of free money? It's four days where we are pretty much doing the work for you. How a mastermind works is we take turns, we go on this stage, we present.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Russell speaks for like one hour, but in order to operate at that level, that blew my mind. It's like, so here's the first big takeaway. It's this, okay? I believe that in order to go from zero to a million dollars, maybe six figures, it is about saying yes.
Starting point is 00:06:50 It is about saying yes to life, to opportunities, to chances, to take the leap of faith, to take risks, because you don't know what you don't know just yet. However, and that's the starting part. However, to scale from seven to eight, and now eight to nine for Russell,
Starting point is 00:07:15 well nine to 10, Russell's ClickFunnels, they did over $100 million in sales last year. Going from a millionaire to a billionaire, then it's all about saying no. And it's just so apparent when I am seeing this entire thing here that that's the focus. For Russell to say no to $5 million per year
Starting point is 00:07:43 of free money, like literally, it's free money. We have a great time. He doesn't have to prepare. The people in the mastermind is doing the work for him. And for him to say no to that just goes to show focus. It goes to show that from being a millionaire to a billionaire then is about saying no to 99% of opportunities.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So how do you relate this back to what it is you're doing? Just think about right now your journey because the start of the journey is all about saying yes. It's about taking the chances, taking the risks, saying yes to opportunities, doing the things that's scary for you even if you don't know how to do it just yet. Saying yes to meeting a new person, saying yes to taking on and going on that podcast,
Starting point is 00:08:36 saying yes to doing that Facebook video, that YouTube, and just taking on potential opportunities because you just don't know what you don't know. But after that, in order to scale, when you have something going, then it's about focusing. And then it is about saying no to pretty much 99% of things.
Starting point is 00:09:01 All right, everybody, I hope you loved that episode. If you did, please take a snapshot of it. Post it on Instagram, Facebook. Take a snapshot of the podcast app right now and tag me, but also tag Payne June. I want to make sure you guys give him credit for his observations and his thoughts. He's an amazing marketer
Starting point is 00:09:16 and someone who I have a ton of respect for and it should be really cool for him to see this as well. Thank you guys again for listening. I appreciate you all and we'll talk to you all again soon. Bye, everybody. Want more marketing secrets? If so, then go get your copies of my two bestselling books. Book number one is called expert secrets and you can get a free copy at expert
Starting point is 00:09:33 and book number two is secrets and you can get your free copy inside these two books. You'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest growing non VC back SAS startup company in the world.

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