Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Hall of Fame, Super Bowl, Growth and Contribution

Episode Date: January 26, 2022

This episode Russell dives deeper into goal setting, which goals to pick, why to pick them, and a whole bunch of other cool stuff. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsle...tter at Magnetic Marketing ---Transcript--- Russell's podcast episode is packed with valuable insights on setting and achieving goals. He breaks it down into two main concepts: the Hall of Fame goal and the Super Bowl goal. The Hall of Fame goal is like a long-term vision, reflecting who you want to become and be remembered as. Russell emphasizes the importance of identifying role models or mentors whose characteristics you admire and aspire to embody. By setting this overarching goal, you establish a direction for your personal growth and contribution to others. On the other hand, the Super Bowl goal is more tangible and time-bound. It's about achieving specific milestones or accomplishments that contribute to your overall vision. Russell suggests applying the concept of definiteness of purpose to these goals, meaning having a clear and specific plan to achieve them. Throughout the episode, Russell emphasizes the importance of having a definite purpose, whether it's in personal growth, business, or contribution to others. He also touches on the significance of understanding and meeting your basic needs, as outlined by Tony Robbins' six human needs framework, before focusing on growth and contribution. Overall, Russell encourages listeners to think deeply about their goals, both in terms of who they want to become and what they want to achieve, and to approach goal-setting with clarity, purpose, and a strategic plan. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This is Russell. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I'm actually in a hotel room up in Northern Idaho. Bowen, one of my twins, is wrestling a tournament up here. So we flew up last night and I'm hanging out with a whole bunch of teenagers for the next two days. And I'm in a hotel room and I'm reading, I'm studying, I'm working on my next book and a bunch of other things and just wanted to share some thoughts specifically around your Hall of Fame and your Super Bowl goals. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still
Starting point is 00:00:41 remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, so like I said, I'm in a hotel room right now. I feel bad. I'm sure my neighbor's next to me can hear me talking. It's not a nice hotel. It's definitely, you know, paper thin walls, but here we go. They're getting a free podcast episode. Anyway, so on the flight up here, and then I have an eight hour bus ride with the teenagers coming back home. I'm just kind of geeking out working on my next book project, which if you listen to the episode I did with Josh Forty on about New Year's time,
Starting point is 00:01:25 we first started kind of talking about goal setting and how I get my goals and talking about a Hall of Fame goal and the Super Bowl goal and all these things. It was fascinating because after I started talking about that, I got tons of feedback from friends and people I hadn't heard from in a long time and like how it affected them and how it like made things so clear. And so I wanted to just talk a little more because I'm fleshing my ideas out now as I'm working on this book and trying to think through the process and the structure
Starting point is 00:01:52 and how to do all the things. And I know that podcast episode, we talked about a lot of the stuff from identity shifting to beliefs, rules, values, all that kind of stuff. But I just wanted to more so come back and just focus on a couple of things. So the first one was, I talked about, it's like when you're setting a goal. And this is true. I
Starting point is 00:02:11 learned this initially from Alex Sharfman. He talked about it from when you have a business, like what is your business goal? And he talked about most businesses, it's like, we want to make money. And it's like, I know you have to structure. He's like, look at it like you would a football team, right? And he said, you know, every football player comes in and they want to be in the hall of fame. That's the end thing. Right. So if your business, like what's the hall of fame goal, like what's the thing you want to do someday, right? Like we don't remember for, um, that's like the first thing to figure out. And then you reverse engineer setbacks. Okay. Now, and I know that that is like, now this year I want to win the Superbowl. So what's your Superbowl goals
Starting point is 00:02:44 of business, right? A lot of you guys, I'm assuming your now this year I want to win the Super Bowl. So what's your Super Bowl goal as a business, right? For a lot of you guys, I'm assuming your Super Bowl goal is to win a two-common club award, right? Or maybe you've already won one, so your Super Bowl goal for this year is to win two-common club X, right? But that's like your Super Bowl goal. And then you come down from there and you're like, okay, now what are the quarterly things we've got to accomplish to be able to do that? What are the weekly games we've got to accomplish to be able to do that? What are the weekly games we've got to play? And then what are the daily things and habits? And so you kind of reverse engineer it from that, right?
Starting point is 00:03:15 And the daily level is actually the best way to build on your habits and your routines and all the things you need to be able to get into Hall of Fame eventually, right? Because think about it. We all want to be in the Hall of Fame, but from a day-by-day standpoint, it comes down to the routines and those kind of things we put in place, right? If you're a football player, it's you getting up in the morning, it's lifting weights, it's nutrition, it's working out, it's doing the things the coach says, it's watching film. It's like, these are all the habits and routines you do consistently for long periods of time to make it so you can win the game each week which means you can win the the um the you know your division which means you can uh go to the playoffs which
Starting point is 00:03:50 means you can uh win the super bowl which means eventually you can get in the hall of fame so it's kind of interesting because we always look at i think a lot of us are good looking at the super bowl but not like the hall of fame and so one of my friends who um who was in that podcast he came back and he's like oh my gosh this the hall of fame concept was a one of my friends who, um, who was in that podcast, he came back and he was like, Oh my gosh, this, the hall of fame concept was a goal, a game changer for me. He's like, cause I had these other goals, but a lot of times they were, they weren't leading towards like this hall of fame. Right. Um, or maybe even like going opposite directions or they're, they're fighting. And it was interesting for him. He came back and he told me, he's like, he's like, I kind of break this into two, two sides, like my, my, um, my personal goals,
Starting point is 00:04:29 but then also like my business, my mission goals. And it's fascinating because in the book, I'm actually working on that specifically because there's, there's so many goals we could have, right? And he gets overwhelming. Like we have goals about our fitness and goals about our this and that. And like, you know, there's a million goals, which I think that can get overwhelming. But I do think that if you break it down to, to two things, which are growth and contribution, your own personal growth, and then your contribution to other people, like those are the two, the two types of goals that, that really drive everything towards, towards the whole thing. Um, I think again, this may shift by the time I get the book out. This is still raw thoughts in Russell's head. Um, but I just want you to think
Starting point is 00:05:11 about that. Like, um, and it's, it's interesting because if you look at Tony Robbins, six human needs, uh, which I'll be talking about in the book as well, like there are the four needs of the body, um, which, you know, I'm not going to go, I've done episodes on this. I'm not going to go deep on it right now, but you know, there's certainty and then there's variety. There's love and connection. And then there's, um, uh, significance, right? Those are the four needs of the body.
Starting point is 00:05:31 And there's two needs of the spirit. Uh, one needs of spirit is surprise, surprise growth. And the other one is surprise, surprise contribution. So what's interesting is that first off, we have to learn how to master the needs of our body. Otherwise we never get to, we never get to the needs of the spirit. I wish I could sit down with all you guys and do a three-day event. Actually, I am doing a three-day event in Mexico,
Starting point is 00:05:53 teaching this stuff to those who are my Tucumbo Club X and my Inner Circle coaching programs in March. That's exciting. Conceptually, the quick version, you can go dive deeper. If you look at how Tony Robbins six human needs works, um, like anytime something in your life, um, meets three of your four needs, it creates a, like a physical addiction in your body. Right. Um, and if you, and if your needs aren't being met through one thing, you'll find a way to get it met somewhere else, right? Like you will figure out a way to get your needs met, like the needs of your body list
Starting point is 00:06:28 for, um, and people will give up their values. They'll give up their everything to make sure the needs are met. So if, if you, you know, aren't getting love and connection at home, you're going to seek for another way. You're going to find it through, it's different for everyone. Some people get through work, some people get through drugs, some people get through, um, pornography. Some people get it through, you know, joining a bowling team. Like it, it's like, are we, we will get our needs met. Um, and the problem is most
Starting point is 00:06:53 people, they spend their whole life trying to get their needs met in ways that aren't satisfying. They don't drive them. And so they're stuck in this rut hole. Right. And so again, that's a podcast. That's a seminar for the day. But after we figure out how to get our, the four needs of the body met, the needs of the personality met, then we're able to shift to the needs of the spirit, which are the two growth and contribution, which Holy cow, we're talking about growth and contribution. So the reason why most people never actually hit their goals is because guess what? They never figure out the core base needs of solving those problems first. But after you solve those problems, then you can shift over to these other things, which are growth and contribution. And so for me, like there, there
Starting point is 00:07:28 are the hall of fame goal is, is the blend of growth and contribution, right? Like it's the end. It's like, who do I want to be? And I've struggled kind of explaining this, but my friend who, who, um, who listened to the episode, he came back and he had doodled all out on his pad of paper. And he's like, okay, he's like, he's like, what is my hall of fame? And he started explaining. He was like, it's like, he was using words, like, like things he wanted to feel, you know, like, um, and I haven't sat down and done this for myself yet. So, um, I don't, I don't have top of my head to kind of like, these are, this is my hall
Starting point is 00:07:59 of fame goals, but it's definitely like a feeling, right? It's like, like, I want to be like this person. In fact, um, one thing that is fascinating, it could be fascinating to look at, like, you know, I think most of the times when we're thinking about like our whole thing, whole thing goal and who we want to become, we're looking at like, okay, there's, there's who we want to become, but, but we're liking something we already know, right? Like it's a person, it's a, it's a something. So like, who's like, who is the person or who are the, um, the composite of multiple people that like, that's want to be, you know, like, like I want to be, um, in fact, I wonder if I'm going
Starting point is 00:08:35 to pause this really quick. Um, and I'm gonna read something to you from Napoleon Hill. Give me one second to find it. Okay. I'm back. So I found, um, so I'm reading, um, Napoleon Hill's a whole bunch of stuff, but one of the things I was found, so I'm reading Napoleon Hill's, a whole bunch of stuff. But one of the things I was reading on the flight over is Napoleon Hill's Laws of Success. It's not the Laws of Success that most people have. I actually found a first edition from 1925 that was published three years before the one that is in people's hands. And anyway, so I'm reading from those manuscripts. But anyway, sorry, I digress. It was really fascinating because, um, he talked about how like he puts on, uh, he has a council of people like that he, in his imagination, like,
Starting point is 00:09:13 like works out ideas and things through, right? So in his, um, so this is Napoleon Hill, the list of people he had, uh, his like his table of, you know, his, his, his mastermind, like, um, the people who had passed on and the people he had were Napoleon, which I think it's Napoleon blown apart, uh, Washington, Emerson, Albert Hubbard. So these are the people he had on his list. Uh, Lincoln anyway. And then he went through and he said, um, he talked about each person individually. So he said, Mr. Lincoln, I desire to build my own character, those qualities of patience
Starting point is 00:09:42 and fairness towards all mankind and have a keen sense of humor, which were your outstanding characteristics. I need these qualities and I should not be content until I've developed them. And he says, Mr. Washington, I desire to build in my own character, those personalities of patriotism, self-sacrifice and leadership, which were your outstanding characteristics. And he goes on and talks about Emerson, Napoleon, Hubbard, like all these people he looks up to and like the characteristics. And so I almost feel like that's like the best way to do the all famous, like who are the people you want to be like? Like who are your idols, your heroes, the people who like, if you could look at like,
Starting point is 00:10:11 that's what I would like. I want to, you know, like for me, there's definitely people who have passed on that I look up to, right? Like, like I look up to Joseph Smith as someone who's my, like a mentor and a friend of someone who, you know, he was the first Mormon prophet. I look up to him, Napoleon Hills, and I look up to Charles Hanel, all these old personal development authors, like old marketers, like all these people who, who like, I've seen them, I've read their books, I've seen their stuff. Like I look up to those people and like, that's what I want to become. Like for me, like, I don't know how to explain my hall of fame goal yet, but I do know what it feels like. It feels like in 200 years from now, there's going to be a kid like Russell on eBay searching for stuff and he finds my work and he finds my books and he finds my, these things I've
Starting point is 00:10:50 done. And he's just like, oh my gosh. And he takes those things and, and he like, that's the feeling I want. Right. The same thing that I'm having for these, for these thought leaders who are, who are molding and changing my life. Um, and so, yeah, like, like what are the, who are the people that, that, and, and specifically why, like each person, like, you know, you know, uh, Napoleon Hill said,
Starting point is 00:11:12 I, I, I want Lincoln because of these characters. I wanted, um, Washington because these characters, like who are the people you look up to that you want to be like, and what are the characteristics that you want to emulate? Like, those are the things I feel like are part of the hall of fame goals. Like who do you want to become? Right. It's less, it's less, um, a tangible, like thing. It's more of like, if you become by the time you're done. Right. And so then we step back and now we come down to, so that's the hall of fame right now. We've got our super bowl goals, right? So the super bowl goals, these are very tangible. Like this is not like I want to make money. This is like, I want to make two comic club by June 16th. I'm going to win the Super Bowl on February 2nd or whatever.
Starting point is 00:11:51 They're very tangible. They're very realistic. You know there's a beginning. You know there's an end. You either achieve it or you don't. There's a finality. That's the goal. And so you pick these goals with what Pauline Hill calls definiteness of purpose.
Starting point is 00:12:03 I know exactly what I'm going to do, how I'm going to do it. This is what I want. What I thought was interesting, my friend reached out to me. He was saying, I feel like there's two sides. I have my personal goals, but also my mission goal or my work goals. I said, yes, exactly. It's growth and contribution. What is your growth goal? What do you want to achieve? What do you want to personally achieve? The second side is how do you want to achieve? Like what do you want to personally achieve? Right. And second size is how do you want to contribute? And I feel like if you set a whole, like a super bowl goal for both of those different sides, um, and they work hand in hand, um, that's what you're moving towards, right? Like I need to, I'm like, I'm trying to become this, like, this is my goal personally. This is
Starting point is 00:12:42 my goal as a mission. And you're looking at those things and they work hand in hand, right? The more growth you have, the more likely you'll be able to contribute and the more you'll be able to contribute. So I haven't figured out exactly how to explain this yet, but conceptually, that makes sense. So I'm picking goals both about growth
Starting point is 00:12:57 and about contribution. And I'm picking them with definiteness and purpose. I know exactly what it is, where I'm going. In all of Napoleon Hill's books, like literally I've got pretty much every manuscript he's ever published that I can find. He talks about definiteness of purpose. And he was talking about like,
Starting point is 00:13:13 the people who are successful in life, they have a definite purpose. I know this is exactly what I want and they have a definite plan to achieve it. This is the steps I'm gonna do to go and achieve that thing, right? And one of the quotes I marked last night from a lot of success, it was interesting. He said, until a man selects a definite purpose in his life, uh, he dissipates his energies and
Starting point is 00:13:35 spreads his thoughts over so many subjects in so many different directions that they are led not to power, but to indecision and weakness. Boom. So if we don't have this definite purpose, like this is what I'm doing, what I'm moving forward. This is my plan. This is like, if you don't have those things, then you're dabbling, you're all over the place. Um, which is like the majority of the world, right? Everyone's dabbling. They're doing little things here and there, and they're all over the place, but no one's actually moving forward. Definite in this purpose. Um, it says that they're, they're led in so many directions, um, that they lead not to power, but to indecision and weakness, which is the majority of the world, right?
Starting point is 00:14:07 There's no power. There's no decisions. There's no movement. It's just randomness. And so for us, it's pick a Hall of Fame goal. Who do we want to become? And it's looking back one step. Say, okay, that's where, you know, if I achieve all my goals each year, I keep winning the
Starting point is 00:14:21 Super Bowls, eventually I'll get there. But now what are my Super Bowl goals? What is my, what is my one about personal growth that I want to achieve? And then what is my one on contribution I want to achieve? Okay. And then picking those and making them definite, you know, again, not just like, I want to make more money. I want to lose weight. Like I want to weigh 127 pounds and I want to be 6% body fat by June 16th. Boom. Now I know there's the goal, definitive purpose, and I can reverse engineer. Okay. If I'm going to win that Superbowl, like what do I got to do? Okay. Well, I need to
Starting point is 00:14:49 know, I got to figure that out, right? I know how many calories I need each day. I know how much exercise I need to do. And I know, and you reverse engineer it all the way down to like, okay, now I know my daily routines, my, my morning routines, my afternoon routines. Like these are things I need to do to be able to eventually win the Superbowl. So then eventually I can be the hall of fame. Um, and it's true with any goal, right? So setting the personal goal, setting the personal growth goal, setting the contribution goal, and then now you've got a definite purpose, now create a definite plan. And then like I said, there's so much more I can geek out with you. And it's like figuring out the needs of your body so those things are met so you can actually focus
Starting point is 00:15:23 on your goals so you don't keep getting sucked down to this thing that's not going to help you to have a success you need and you want but that'll be a podcast episode from the other day anyway hope this helps again i know that i'm giving breadcrumbs because i don't have all the answers yet but hopefully a couple things hopefully this helps you number one number two if you are in the process of creating your frameworks and your thoughts, notice how I'm doing this, right? I'm talking about it. I'm sharing it. I'm sharing unfinished thoughts, unfinished ideas because it helps me think it out loud. It helps me to get the, you know, gets me in momentum, gets things happening. And as I keep doing this, it'll get closer and closer. In March, I'm doing an event about it.
Starting point is 00:16:01 And then I think September's my due date on the manuscripts. Hopefully by then I'll have the book manuscript submitted. So anyway, hope to help you guys. Thank you so much for listening to this and all episodes. Grateful for you guys. If you haven't joined the No BS and the Behind the Scenes newsletter yet, make sure you do that. This is the print physical newsletter that goes out twice a month. The first month is called Magnetic Marketing. It's coming from me and Dan Kennedy. And the second one, every fourth day is a new newsletter. It's called the Behind the Scenes. I'm showing behind the scenes of the funnels we have that are working the best in all the
Starting point is 00:16:35 businesses I run or I mentor. And it's amazing. And just, you know, like I'm spending two or three days every single month writing these things. Like this is not someone I outsourced. It's not me recording audio and transcribing. I'm like, it's me sitting on my computer spending two or three days every single month writing these things. This is not someone I outsourced. It's not me recording audio and transcribing. It's me sitting on my computer spending two or three days writing these things out because I'm really passionate about it. I love newsletters. It's how I learned initially growing up. I finished the February behind the scenes newsletter yesterday before I flew out. It's good. It shows you guys literally,
Starting point is 00:17:03 here's the funnel, here's the steps, here's the pages, here's the scripting, here's the, like we break it down step by step by step. So if you're not a member yet, um, if you go to no BS, you can go get the, the most incredible free gift ever. Um, it's like 20 bucks and then you'll get a 30 day trial for the newsletter. You'll get two newsletters in the mail. Um, but I make sure you do that. Cause I said, I'm putting a lot of effort into this and they're really powerful. Basically, it's like every two weeks you're getting a mini book written by me
Starting point is 00:17:30 and Dan Kennedy sent to your house. And you grab it, read it, pull out one or two ideas. You do that every single, every two weeks from now until this time next year and implement things piecemeal, I guess, one thing at a time.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Your business in 12 months now will not be the same. I promise you that. So anyway, Thanks again for listening. I appreciate y'all and I'll talk to you soon. Thank you for listening to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. If you've loved this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Facebook, Instagram, or wherever you post stuff and be sure to tag me and let me know why you like this episode and what you'd like to hear in the future. That'll help me to know what to create for you.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Also, Dan, Kenny, and I would love to give you the most incredible free gift ever designed to help you make maximum money in minimum time. This free gift comes with almost $20,000 worth of pure money-making information for free just for saying maybe. You can get this gift from Dan and from me right now at Not only are you going to get the $20,000 gift, you're also going to get a subscription
Starting point is 00:18:30 to two marketing newsletters that will be hand-delivered by the mailman to your mailbox each and every month. One from Dan Kennedy and one from me. To get this gift and your subscription, go to right now.

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