Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - How To Develop Passion

Episode Date: February 4, 2019

A simple 5-step process to finally find your passion. On today's episode Russell talks about an Instagram post he saw by Tom Bilyeu about how to develop your passion. Here are the awesome steps you take to figure out what you're passionate about. Go experiment with a ton of stuff. Identify things that spark your interest. Engage deeply with those things. As you engage, if it goes from interest to true fascination, go down the path of gaining mastery. Fascination + Mastery = Passion. So listen here to here Russell explain each of these steps so you can begin your journey into finding out what you are truly passionate about. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, hey, everybody, this is Russell Brunson. I want to welcome you back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today's episode is one I'm really excited for. It's a question I've gotten a lot over the last 10 years. Ever since I first started talking about business and started telling people they need to create products and sell them online and how much fun it is and how, and they always ask me, like, what should I do?
Starting point is 00:00:17 Should I find a, you know, how do I find a market? I said, you know, find something you're passionate about and talk about that. And what always was strange to me, so many people ask me, like, well, Russell, how do I find my passion? I'm like, what? For me, that concept never made any sense.
Starting point is 00:00:32 And so that's why I want to dive into that a little bit more in this episode because I think I may have found an answer. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers.
Starting point is 00:01:01 My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody. I got a little excited intro and started just jumping into it. I thought, I got to stop. We need the theme song or what's the point of a podcast, right? So I'm back and I want to talk about how to develop your passion. This is something that so many people ask about some people that don't like, they want to get into business and then they naturally want to know like what business they should be in i say do what you're passionate about like what fires you up what gets you excited um like when i first started learning this business i was wrestling at time i wanted to build a wrestling company teaching wrestling and showing wrestling stuff and selling wrestling shoes and singlets because that's what i was
Starting point is 00:01:40 passionate about right as i started getting into marketing and business i became passionate about this i started like geeking out all i could think about was the marketing of things and the selling of things. And so that became my business. And I think for most of you guys, if you really want to have a business that's worthwhile, that you're going to love, not just in the short term, but in the long term is the one that you are going to be the most passionate about. So the question I get though is like, well, I'm not passionate about anything.
Starting point is 00:02:02 We're all similar. Like, how do I find what I'm passionate about? Like what, what's the process? And for me, I just, I think I was born with just like this weird thing where I'm excited about everything all the time. And so it's like a blessing and a curse. It's a blessing because I already know like if ClickFunnels wasn't here, what would be next business?
Starting point is 00:02:19 I know exactly what I do next and exactly what I do next. I have like an order of the things I'm excited about. It's like, I know for myself, like very easily exactly what I would do and know what I do it. And so because of that, that question is always hard for me. I'm like, I don't understand. It doesn't compute in my brain. And then a couple of days ago, I saw an Instagram post by Tom Bilibu, who is the founder of Quest Bar, Quest Nutrition, which was recently valued over a billion dollars. He sold a whole bunch of it. Anyway, super cool dude. I had a chance to hang out with him earlier this year and just a ton of respect for him. I've been following him and he's got a podcast called
Starting point is 00:02:54 Impact Theory, which is amazing. He's probably the most quotable guy in the world. Our friend, Natalie Hodson, if you guys have been following Natalie at all, um, her whole house is like covered in Tom Bilibu quotes. Uh, she read small out like he's, everything he says is like just amazing. So, um, anyway, with that said, he posted something on Instagram and I was like, Oh yes, this is it. I took a snapshot of it. And right now I'm looking at the snapshot because, um, it was like an actual blueprint for how to find a passion. I think, um, is, is what so many people are missing. So if you were in that spot where you're just like, I just am not passionate, or I don't know why I'm passionate,
Starting point is 00:03:27 or like, what do I do? This Instagram post from Tom is amazing. So I'm gonna read it and we're gonna talk about it. And so I appreciate Tom helping us out with the content for today. So his post said, how to develop passion. It goes through five things. Number one, go experiment with a ton of stuff, okay?
Starting point is 00:03:43 Now, if you don't know what you're passionate about, like that's probably because you're not trying enough things. Like go do a ton of stuff. Okay. Now, if you don't know what you're passionate about, like that's probably because you're not trying enough things. Like go do a bunch of things. Like just go randomly try tons of stuff, right? Try bowling, try basketball, try running, try playing games, try reading books, try reading more books, try to listen to podcasts, try like just experiment with a ton of stuff
Starting point is 00:03:58 so you find stuff that like starts piquing your interest. That's number one. Go experiment with a ton of stuff. Number two, identify things that spark your interest. Okay. So as you're going through this thing where you're just trying a whole bunch of stuff. Number two, identify things that spark your interest. Okay, so as you're going through this thing where you're just trying a whole bunch of stuff, what are the things that pique your interest? What is it you're like, oh, that was cool.
Starting point is 00:04:11 I want to learn more about that. What do you get deeper into? Like, what are the things like when you're scrolling the Instagram stop you and you're like, oh, I want to learn more about that. And you start searching and start geeking out on it, right? So number one, go experiment with a ton of stuff. Number two, identify the things that spark your interest.
Starting point is 00:04:24 And number three is engage deeply with those things, identify the things that spark your interest. And number three is engage deeply with those things. So the things that spark your interest, now it's time not just to get surface level, but go deep into it, okay? So when you go deep into something, it's when you start going and like, okay, what are the other books, the other podcasts, the other things, the other places I can go
Starting point is 00:04:38 and study and learn this more? Who are the mentors? Who are the people? Like the more you go, the deeper you go, typically what's gonna happen, one or two things, you start going deep, either you lose interest or you go deep and it starts getting more and more exciting. I know with me in college, when I decided I wanted to sell software online, I thought I'm going to do that. It sparked an interest in me. I shifted my major to computer information systems and I started studying it. I started going to class and the first day I like,
Starting point is 00:05:08 I was like, this is amazing. And I started getting deeper into it, deeper into it. And like four days in, I was like, I don't know what they're talking about anymore. Okay. So I started going deep and it just, it didn't keep resonating. It's like, I can't build software. Like it's not, it didn't engage me, but I didn't know that until I started trying to go deep. Right. So some people just never go deep. So you have to start going deep and start engaging with those things to find out which ones really stick and which ones are going to have a huge impact with you, right? So start geeking out, okay? Now, in our world today, it's so easy.
Starting point is 00:05:33 Literally, go and buy all the books, listen to all the podcasts, as much as you can on those topics. I remember when I first learned about NLP, Neuro Lungistics Programming, when I first heard that concept, I was like, oh, this is cool. I started dabbling. I started geeking out. And then I literally went on a binge. I went on Amazon, bought every book that had the word NLP in the title or description. I went to iTunes and I Googled every, not Google, iTunes. I searched for every podcast about NLP. I started YouTubing it. And within like a week and a half, I had everything ever created on NLP in my office or on my desk or my computer. I was listening to it, studying it, mastering it. And within a very short period of
Starting point is 00:06:10 time, it became something that like I would actually love to go and create courses on NLP and how they relate back to sales and sales funnels. Maybe I will someday, but I got deeply passionate and I went deep. Okay. So number three is engage deeply with those things. Number four, as you engage, if it goes from interest to true fascination, go down the path of gaining mastery. That's what I'm talking about right now. As you're engaging, as you're going deeper, you're looking for what things are gonna shift
Starting point is 00:06:34 into a true fascination. And then after you have that, then it moves to step number five, which you wrote fascination plus mastery equals passion. Ooh, fascination plus mastery equals passion. Ooh, fascination plus mastery equals passion. So you're fascinated by something and then you start geeking out and going deep on it until you become a master of it. And that is your passion. Okay. So if any of us think passion is just going to bubble to the top and just like, Oh, I'm passionate about this thing. It doesn't
Starting point is 00:06:58 typically work that way. Okay. Think about your kids. When your kids are young, they do a whole bunch of things, right? My kids are trying a whole bunch of different sports and activities and schooling and new friends. And they're just like experimenting with tons of stuff, right? Then number two, they identify the things that spark their interest, right? Number three, they deeply engage with those things. They go deeper. They start figuring it out. Number four, as they engage, if it goes from interest to true fascination, then they go down the path of gaining mastery.
Starting point is 00:07:22 Number five, fascination plus mastery equals passion. Ah, so good. Tom, you are the man. Thank you for sharing that with us today. I hope that helps any of you guys who are trying to figure it out. Now you've got a path and a framework and it's not difficult.
Starting point is 00:07:32 It's pretty simple, right? So I'm gonna read this one more time just so you guys have it for those who are taking notes or those who are in the car who just need repetition, okay? Because those things that if you're struggling with it, like I don't want you to miss it, okay?
Starting point is 00:07:43 So number one, go experiment with a ton of stuff. Number two, identify a thing that sparks your interest. Number three, engage deeply with those things. Number four, as you engage, if it goes from interest to true fascination, go down the path of gaining mastery. And number five, fascination plus mastery equals passion. That is where you're going to find your passion. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:02 I got one more cool quote I want to share with you guys. Also from Tom's Instagram today. And this one is actually today that I'm recording this. It's Martin Luther King Day, so I know it'll be a week or two past that by the time you guys have a chance to listen to it. But this is a quote from Martin Luther King, which is so good. He said, whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better. Oh, that is good. Oh, that's good.
Starting point is 00:08:28 Okay. So that comes back to this whole fascination plus mastery. Like, master your craft. Become so good at it. Like what Martin Luther King said, whatever your life's work is, do it well. A man should do his job so well that the living, the dead, and the unborn could do it no better. And so for me, I think that's what it is with funnels. What is it for
Starting point is 00:08:45 you? All right, guys, appreciate you listening. Hopefully this will help you on your path to figure out your passion because I promise you if your business is built upon things you're passionate about, you'll have way more excitement, way more joy, way more fulfillment as you are changing the lives of the people you're serving. If it's something you're not passionate about, you're not going to care as much about that, about the people, about anything. So become passionate, become obsessed. I remember I was watching the Dry Bar Comedy Club interview that Andrew Warner from Mixergy did with me about two months ago. I was watching the replays of just kind of getting into it. And it was funny because he was talking about business. He's like, you can build anything. And then he's like, but
Starting point is 00:09:21 you picked funnels and you're so passionate about funnels. And you know, all these people excited, like, like why funnels? Like that's like the most boring thing in the world. And I was like, I know, but for me, it was fascinating. Right. Um, and it's funny because for the first decade of me doing this, like I would learn about these things. I go to these business conferences and like half people in the audience, they're sound asleep.
Starting point is 00:09:43 And like, no one's like that excited. I'm like, God, like, are you guys not getting this? Like, this is the most amazing thing in the world. I'd be freaking out. And you know, as I've kind of built my platform, I was like, you know, I want to make this cool. I want to make funnels and direct response marketing, these things that are geeky, nerdy subjects that typically, you know, aren't exciting. I'll make this exciting because it is exciting. And so for me, it's like, um, if I look at this path, you know, it was like, um, I engaged in, I got true fascination and then I mastered it myself. And then my passion is like sharing this with other people, right? That's why we built ClickFunnels.
Starting point is 00:10:16 We have these books and the courses and the podcasts and everything, because we're so passionate about it. And the passion creates excitement and desire in other people. And if I can do that right, then other people come to us and come to me and come into our world because they see the passion. They see mastery. They see those things. And we can make them fascinated as well. And so when you are extremely passionate about something, it's way more likely that others around you will be as well. So, all right.
Starting point is 00:10:40 I'm going to bounce. I got to get back to work on my slides. The 10X event is like a week and a half away. A lot of work to do. Appreciate you guys listening in. If you enjoy this podcast, please take a picture of it and share it on Instagram and Facebook. Tag me and also use the hashtag marketingsecrets. And I would love to see that.
Starting point is 00:10:56 See your comments. Thanks, everybody. Appreciate you all. And we'll talk to you soon. Bye, everybody. Want more marketing secrets? If so, then go get your copies of my two bestselling books. Book number one is called Expert Secrets, and you can get a free copy at
Starting point is 00:11:09 And book number two is called Dot Com Secrets, and you can get your free copy at Inside these two books, you'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest growing non-VC backed SaaS startup company in the world.

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