Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - I FOUND THE SECRET TO HAPPINESS!!!

Episode Date: December 11, 2019

I can't believe it, I actually found the secret to happiness; and it's not what I thought it was going to be. In this episode Russell talks about discovering the secret to happiness in the memories b...rought about in his family photos. Here are some of the insightful messages you will hear in this episode: Find out why categorizing all his photos made Russell find his happy place. See why Russell believes that happiness is found in the memories brought about by photos rather than in the event taking place in the photos. And see what software Russell is using in order to organize all his photos. So listen here to find out what Russell believes is the secret to happiness, so you can get happy too. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everybody, this is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast, formerly known as Marketing Your Car. And because today I'm in my Tesla, we could call it Marketing Your Tesla. But we can't because now we changed it to Marketing Secrets like two or three years ago. So welcome back to Marketing Secrets Show.
Starting point is 00:00:16 Today I'm gonna teach you guys how to be happy. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer.
Starting point is 00:00:41 My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody. So I've had a whirlwind at the last couple months. I am not going to lie. It's been fun. It's been hard. And all the things end. And now, just starting this week, things are starting to get a little bit lighter. Uh, for example, I had, um, the last two months, my kids have had wrestling. And so
Starting point is 00:01:09 I can't miss wrestling practice. So every single day I wake up or I go to work and then I jump off at three, three till six, I'm with the kids at wrestling practice. And then, um, and then I come home and I try to get done the stuff I was supposed to get on from three till six. So it's like, I'm adding, you know, three or four hours a day to my day, which has been exhausting. Plus we're, you know, we're in the middle of a remodel and a bunch of other things, but the remodel's done now. And then wrestling ended on Saturday. And then my, the book final,
Starting point is 00:01:34 I have to get the final draft of the last rewrite next week. So then that'll be done. And then for Locking Lives, our last big thing, then that's done. And then it's like, I got nothing to do. So I'm really looking forward to that. But this season has been by far the most insane busy season of my life. I wish somebody could film it because I don't think anybody would actually believe.
Starting point is 00:01:55 But it's been fun. Now, what's interesting is Saturday, so my boys had their district wrestling tournament, which is the thing they work towards all year long. It was so awesome. First off, the team took first. I think we won nine of the last ten years. We dumped them this year. I think we set a new record for the most points.
Starting point is 00:02:17 We were like 500 team points. The number two team had like 300. The team did awesome, which is great. Then, Dallin won his weight class, which was awesome. He had the returning district champ in the finals. And Dallin wrestled him earlier this year and beat him by one point in a really close match. But obviously, as super nerd dad, I went and watched that match a million times and then worked Dallin on all the things. And this time, Dallin wrestled him, and Dallin thumped him.
Starting point is 00:02:40 Major decision to beat him 12 to 4, beat him him by 8 points which is insane um so that was awesome much fun bowen came in and uh bowen did great for himself as well very first match he's beating this guy 10 to 1 and then he got thrown and pinned which was heartbreaking but then he won his next three matches and um he he would have gone for fifth and sixth place but this tournament only placed the top four so um anyway so he definitely made at least top six in the district and potentially fifth. But he did great. I'm proud of him.
Starting point is 00:03:08 And it was just fun. And Sunday, the next day, it was kind of a, you know, the day where we're all beat up. The kids are beat up. I'm beat up because I'm on my feet for like, you know, 15 hours walking around a gym, you know, the stress of everything. So it was just a day where I was kind of like just beat.
Starting point is 00:03:24 And Bowen told me and bowen who's like typically my little buddy who doesn't like working as hard uh told me afterwards he was like he said yeah yesterday was really really hard he's like but i want to do what he says something like i want to do yesterday again i'm like what do you mean i thought it was hard he's like it was it was so fun and i had to my day looking back two years ago and bowen hated wrestling and he got pinned every single time. And now he was like, yesterday was like the best day he wanted to do the whole day again. Cause, um, cause wrestling and hanging out and just, uh, anyway, it was,
Starting point is 00:03:53 it was a special. So, um, I tell you this because we're talking about happiness and one interesting thing people say money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy a lot of cool stuff. That's actually really, really true, but it, money doesn't buy happiness, but it does buy a lot of cool stuff. That's actually really, really true. But it definitely doesn't buy happiness. I've made more money in my life than ever, and there's a lot of times now where I'm not happy. And it's funny because you think there's going to be a correlation between those two, and there's not. But in the middle of this chaos, I found my happy spot. And it's not something I would have assumed.
Starting point is 00:04:24 Now, I want to preface this by saying I'm not a scrapbooker. My mom was a hardcore scrapbooker, but I'm not. Um, I'm the most disorganized person I've probably ever met. Um, my mom told me, uh, as a kid, I was the messiest kid she's ever had and ever seen. Um, I don't do get cleaning things up. If you look at the profile, I have a high D high I high S like off the charts and all three of those things and zero C, like no organizational skills whatsoever. So this is like, this is the frame of who I am. Right. And for years I've been taking pictures on phones and cameras and, and just everything everywhere. Right. And they're all over the place. And I always have this. And, um, one time I tried to upload them all to this service. I can't remember
Starting point is 00:05:01 the name of the service. Um, and I, I uploaded like our entire lives to the service and the service crashed and we lost every picture. Oh, for the most part, like devastating. And so for years I've had just boxes of old phones and flip cameras and negatives and pictures and just all sorts of all over the place and, and never to do with it. And recently I found out about this little app on your phone and on your computer called Google photos. And, um, I needed it because my phone got, I hate iCloud. I don't know why I just, I think iCloud's the devil. So, um, my phone was completely maxed out. I was like, I gotta figure out something. And I don't know how I came up with it or found it or someone told me, I don't even remember, but I downloaded Google photos, Google photos, took all the pictures and videos off my
Starting point is 00:05:40 phone and threw them online and delete it, you know, clear them off my phone, my phone and all the space. And then the Google photos app, they're all in there. And what's crazy about it is, um, you can go on, you can go on, you know, and say your Google, whatever online and you can see all the pictures you see on your phone. You can make albums. So I've been geeking out making albums. Um, the search is insane. Like, like you go into like, it'll show faces and it's like, do you want to find this person?
Starting point is 00:06:04 And you can name them. So in the future they know, Oh, this is Colette and this is Aiden and this is Bowen and down, you know, whatever. Uh, you click on it and it goes and finds every picture in your database that that person's hooked to every picture, every video. And it's insane. Like the person could be in a picture in the background of a picture and it still scans the face finds and brings that picture back up. Like the searching is insane. Or I type in wrestling and it'll show up every single picture in a wrestling room. Or wrestling, there's singles. I don't know how it does it, but it is the best searching thing ever.
Starting point is 00:06:31 And so as soon as I did it on my one phone, I was like, oh my gosh, this is amazing. And so what I did next, I went and found all my old phones. I went and installed the Google Photos app on all of them. And I had, because I've been saving these phones for years. Some of them are like the original iPhones, right? There's like three pictures on here and I want to lose someday. So I, on all the ones I was able to, I installed Google photos and sucked all the pictures off all those phones into my thing. And what's crazy, it sucks them in there. And then it categorizes them based on, based on date when they were taken.
Starting point is 00:06:55 And, and so I did it on Google phones. I went my old flip cameras and I had my brother rip all those and put them in a thing. And then I went, um, and I found all my old pictures from my mission and from high school and from, uh, college and from when I first got married, I found all the wedding pictures. Um, I started going to photographers in the past that took our pictures. I started paying them off to buy the negatives and buy the original digital pictures. And like, um, every scrap of everything in my house, I'm getting digitalized and thrown into Google photos. I found every one of my high school wrestling matches, my college wrestling matches, both at BYU and at Boise State, I found every single time my kids wrestled growing up, like, everything I've ever gotten out is on my Google Photo apps, and then Google Photos, like, it sorts
Starting point is 00:07:34 them, it synchronizes them, it figures them out, and then I can make albums, so, like, what I do now is I go through and I create an album for wrestling 2000, what year are we, 2019, and through every picture, every video, everything in this thing and now that I have this album, I'm consciously with my kids and they're warming up. I grab my phone, I get pictures of them warming up and when we're at matches,
Starting point is 00:07:51 I take pictures and I get pictures of them hanging out with their friends and I make that creepy stalker dad who's taking pictures of all these things but as soon as I do, I have them all synced to that album
Starting point is 00:07:58 so every single picture I take at any wrestling is all synced to the Wrestling 2017 album and then I found wrestling from 2016, 15, 14,
Starting point is 00:08:04 so I have these albums for all my wrestling, and I have albums for my wife, and I have albums for my kid, like albums for all our family trips, albums for, we went to the Sand Dunes, and I'm making these albums and organizing stuff. And it's been so amazing. And now, like, if you go to the, there's like
Starting point is 00:08:19 a feed that shows you all your pictures, you can scroll through and everything's categorized by year, so you can scroll all the way back, like 15 years now now of pictures that are all categorized, um, have been scanned, have, have, you know, Google's done their algorithms. They can find anything you want and it's, it's all there. And, um, and I'm having so much fun every free second going and getting pictures. And I share this with you because, um, I heard someone say this the other day and I don't know if it's true. I don't know what the percentage is all. I'm sure I'm going to mess up the stats, but when they said it, it rung true to me. They said
Starting point is 00:08:46 that, um, typically the happiness in life does not come from the experience. Happiness comes from the memory of the experience, right? So a good example of this is after Fun Hockey Live two years ago, we flew the kids out and went to Disney World cause it was in, we were in Orlando, right? Took them to Disney World. And if I remember right, it was the middle of spring break. It was a nightmare. There were a billion people there. The kids were sick. We had kids puking in Disneyland. It was horrible. But now looking back now, I have an album that says this is Disneyland 2017, my kids. I look at the pictures and all I remember is getting off the Hogwarts ride and drinking butterbeer and, and, um, and getting soaked with the kids and, and the pictures in the hotel and the pictures on like, all I see is these pictures of the memories and like, man, that was
Starting point is 00:09:35 an amazing trip. But if I, if I remember the actual trip, like it's, I don't know if it was that good. Right. Same thing. Like we found the, the, the Disney cruise pictures from two years ago and the pictures are so stinking cute. And'm looking at with colette and uh we looked this one picture and it's nora and she's in her bath towel she's a little pigtail she's the biggest smile on her face i'm like this is the cutest picture ever like you remember that was so much fun and she's like do you not remember when we took that picture i'm like no when she's like it was three o'clock in the morning it was the third time that night she had puked in our bed and we'd called the the stewardesses or whatever They're called to come and clean our entire room up
Starting point is 00:10:06 And that was after they cleaned up and we had nor wrapped on the bed and she started giggling and we took a picture Of her giggling. I was like, oh my gosh, I forgot that was a horrible night, but the picture brought so much happiness to me and I think that um You know so many times we we we're on this journey. We're having fun on the journey We're getting to the destination with destination. That's not what we actually think it is. Right. Um, or so as good as we want. And then, and then years later, we remember back like, Oh,
Starting point is 00:10:32 the good old days back when I was in high school, back when I was, I remember the memories is like, what brings us happiness. And for me now, like to have every picture that's ever been taken of my kids. Like I literally been going to my friends. Like if you ever take a picture of my kids, give it to me. I need it right now. Sync it to my phone, airdrop it, let's go. I'm kind of, yes, I'm that dad. But now that I'm on my phone with my kids, it's funny because Aiden will be down,
Starting point is 00:10:55 so I'll put my phone out and I'll be like, he checks out, buddy, and I'll go and I'll click on a picture of his face. And it goes and it pulls every picture, every video, everything of his face. And even when he was an infant, I don't know how it syncs it. Here's pictures of him right out of, right out of the
Starting point is 00:11:07 womb and today. And they can, they can tell by facial structure that it's still Aiden. So we'll sit there and watch videos of him from, from 10 years ago. And like, it makes us both happy. And like with down and bones, anything's like, I have these things where I can sit down on my phone and I can pull up the memory and like instantly, like it's just, it's just instant happiness happens. And so my big secret for being happy is, is realizing that like a lot of times in the moment, the thing you're doing sucks, but the memory of that moment is, is where the actual happiness is, which is fascinating to me. And so for me, that's made me now, especially now that I have Google photos and sync to my phone, like makes me very, very conscious now. Like every single situation is taking pictures
Starting point is 00:11:44 of it, even if it sucks, because I want, I want the memory in a year from now, I want this memory. Cause that memory is gonna make me happy. I might not be happy in the moment because this pain sucks right now, but in a year from now, um, the memory of this, of this moment is going to be, it's going to bring me happiness. And so I'm taking pictures of all these things. And then every night I go into my Google photos, I see the stream and then I go categories and throw things into albums or whatever. And it's brought me so much joy and happiness. And so I want to share with you guys because I think a lot of times,
Starting point is 00:12:11 we're running and we're running and we're in these moments and we're tired and we're miserable and all these things, but it's understanding that the happiness doesn't come in the moment. Happiness comes in the memory of the moment. So make sure you're capturing memories. Pull your phone out.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I think the greatest, as much as the negative things about phones and iPhones, I think the greatest gift we have is the fact that we can capture so many memories. You know, back in the day I used to buy a roll of 24 film and I got 24 pictures and I'd make those puppies last because after it's done, I gotta go take them and go pay for it to get, you know, developed all these things. And I would like, ah, is this picture really that really that important? You take it and you don't even know for three months until you develop the picture. It's not good. It's like all these things.
Starting point is 00:12:48 Now it's like I can take as many pictures as I want, as many videos as I want. I have all these things. Then I have the ability to store those now in Google Photos and categorize them and find them again. Anyway, it's my new happy place. For someone who's not a scrapbooker, who's not organized,
Starting point is 00:13:03 who has no skill set or organization of anything, organizing all my pictures into Google Photos has made me happier than almost anything I can think of. It's bringing all the memories back to the top. And it's been my happy place as I get stressed out. I'm like, well, I'm going to go to Google Photos. I'm going to go search my old hard drives and try to find some pictures I can add to the hard drive. I literally have, right now I'm waiting. I'm sure I'm driving Melanie, my assistant, crazy because I have all my high school and mission and first year marriage photo albums I gave to her.
Starting point is 00:13:36 She's got some local companies she found. She's scanning them all. I found Colette's bridal pictures. When we got married, she got bridal pictures done, but she could only afford at the time to get one printed so it's printed and it's on her mom's wall but i never seen i've never seen it before than the one that's on her mom's wall and i don't have a copy of it and uh we went back to the photographer and he went and found the negatives and sold them to me for a couple hundred bucks so i'm getting all of her bridal and i've never seen most of the pictures they took 100 pictures right i've only printed one so we're getting all these 100
Starting point is 00:14:02 pictures of my wife in her bridal dress like turned into real pictures i'm gonna have my phone now like how insane is that ah like ah i'm sure it was a nightmare when she had pictures done but the memory of that now is something that i'm anxiously looking for so my poor assistant's waiting i every day i'm like so the pictures back yeah they're back yet like what's going on and she's like do you need to be writing a book i'm like yes but that's but that's not my happy spot. My happy spot is these pictures. I want to see them. I want to need them on my phone, categorizing Google photos in an album so I can be happy. Um, so there you go. I hope that, that for some of you guys, this, this brings you to happiness. I would recommend during Christmas break, vacation or
Starting point is 00:14:39 break, spend some time, set up your Google photos account, start syncing all the pictures from your phone and go back to your old phone and start doing it. And man, um, you'll be amazed what you find. We made it how you feel and you'll be amazed at the happiness that, um, that hides inside of these pictures that are sitting around doing nothing. So, all right, guys, I'll have thanks for today. Thanks for everything. Appreciate you all. And, uh, we'll talk to you soon.
Starting point is 00:14:57 Bye everybody. Hey, this is Russell again. And, uh, really quick, I want to thank you so much for listening to the marketing secrets podcast. I hope you enjoyed this episode. Hey, this is Russell again. And really quick, I want to thank you so much for listening to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I hope you enjoyed this episode. And if you did, can you imagine what it would be like to experience this for four days with 5,000 other insane funnel hackers? People who are just like you, who think like you, who believe like you, who have vision like you. If you would like to do that, then you need to be at this year's Funnel Hacking Live.
Starting point is 00:15:20 It's coming up very, very soon. If you don't have your tickets yet, you can go to and it gives you the ability to leave your home, leave where you're, you're trying to create and dream and come to a place with a whole bunch of people who think like you, who believe like you, who see visions like you of what they can create and what they can become. Funnel Hacking Live is not just a marketing event. It's not just a personal development event. It's both of those things wrapped into one and it is an experience that will change your life forever. So I want to make sure you get your tickets. If you don't have them yet, go to Get your tickets. We have sold out five years in a row. We will sell it this year as well. And after you get tickets,
Starting point is 00:15:54 you will be there with 5,000 other insane, crazy, fun funnel hackers talking about how to grow their business, sharing all the best marketing secrets, things that are working today. You got to go get your tickets now at Thanks so much. And I'll see you in Nashville.

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