Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - (MS) Secrets of Success - Part 3: The 6 Keys to Building Faith

Episode Date: April 28, 2023

This is it! Part 3 of my private mastermind on my frameworks for Secrets of Success! While there are a lot of "frameworks" out there, this is the culmination where we bring other strategies in to supp...ort your goals and give you the confidence to keep moving forward! If you do enjoy this episode, please follow the full journey by following my new Instagram profile for Secrets of Success at Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing Secrets of Success Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Metrolinx and Crosslinx are reminding everyone to be careful as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress. Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks. Remember to follow all traffic signals, be careful along our tracks, and only make left turns where it's safe to do so. Be alert, be aware, and stay safe. You're listening to Marketing Secrets with your host, Russell Brunson.
Starting point is 00:00:35 What's up, everyone? This is Russell again. Welcome back to part number three of my Secrets of Success VIP training. I hope you've had a chance to listen to episode one and two. If not, I'd pause this and listen to those. That way you've had a chance to listen to episode one and two. If not, I'd pause this and listen to those. That way you have the full context of where I'm going, what I'm talking about. If you just listen to one randomly, it might be kind of confusing. So if you haven't yet, go back two episodes, listen to episode one, then episode number two. That way you know what's happening.
Starting point is 00:00:57 And then in this episode, I'm going to be talking about the six keys to building your faith, which is key because as you are in your own hero's journey, there are tons of little mini trials that are going to test your courage and your faith, and this is how you can stay strong to your calling. So that said, I hope you enjoy this third and final episode of the Secrets of Success VIP training. And so the framework I want to teach you guys is something that I learned from Tony Robbins. It's probably of all the things I learned from Tony, the thing that's had the biggest impact on my life. And it's so simple, but we understand it is so powerful. And I'm sure some of you guys have heard him. If you follow him at all, I'll hear him teach
Starting point is 00:01:32 about this, but I'm going to talk about it and maybe it'll be in a little different way and maybe it'll give you different insight. So the, the concept that Tony teaches is called the six human needs. Okay. And if you look at this, there are four needs of the body where he calls it the personality, right? And then there's two needs over here of the spirit. Okay. Um, so I'm gonna talk about the two needs of the spirit first. So the two needs of the spirit, the first one is growth. And second one is contribution. Okay. Now these are important for a couple of reasons. So growth and contribution. Let me, let me sit back. So I'll talk about these needs here the body needs first but these needs get met by everybody right everyone will get these needs met in one way or another
Starting point is 00:02:29 either positive or negative usually most people it's a negative hypnotic rhythm but it can be positive as well but everyone's getting these new needs met most people don't get their needs over here the needs of the spirit met right because you have to have these needs met before you can move over to these ones so growth and contribution um are the needs of the spirit. Now it's interesting if you go back and you guys look at your, your hall of fame goal and your super bowl goal. My guess, I bet with 99.9% accuracy is whatever you set at your goal. These are goals of either growth for you or of contribution for you, right? I wanted to win two comic club award. That is first off as a whole bunch of growth. You're gonna have to learn to get there, but then by the nature of the business, you're helping other people. It's also contribution. Okay. Um, it hall of fame goal. If you want to be able to like at your funeral, people reading your eulogy and have all these
Starting point is 00:03:15 different things, like start looking at those things. All the things you want people talking about you are either based on growth or contribution, right? Like, man, he did this for his family. He did this. He was like, like growth and contribution are the things that we're driving towards. But most people actually never get there because they get stuck here in the needs of the body. Um, this is the habits. This is the, this is the hypnotic rhythm that we get caught into. So I'm gonna explain how this works because if you can get these things figured out in a spot where they're working, then you can transition to growth and contribution. Okay. A lot of you guys who have set goals in the past where you wanted to grow, you wanted to contribute, but you weren't able to hit those goals
Starting point is 00:03:45 is because you didn't know how to control your body and your personality. This kept you in a rut. It kept you from actually achieving your goals. So we've got to figure this piece out first and get this under control. After that's in control, then we can transition over here.
Starting point is 00:03:58 It's similar to, you guys remember in high school learning about Maslow's hierarchy of needs? I don't know how it works perfectly, but conceptually, here's Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Down here, it's like the lowest need is like, oh, you need to have water and food and sleep, right? And then the next here is like after you figure out how to have water, food, and sleep, then you move up to the next here. But the next thing is now you need, I don't know what it is, like warmth and shelter, right? And after you've warmed the shelter, then it moves up like, oh, now I actually need love and I need to talk to someone. And then there's the next thing is now you need, I don't know what it is, like warmth and shelter, right? And after you've warmed the shelter, then it moves up like, oh, now I actually need, I need love and I need to talk to someone.
Starting point is 00:04:28 And then there's the next thing. And so these different tiers, right? And what's interesting is that until like it moves this direction. So until you have water, food, and like ability to sleep, you can't move to the next tier of Maslow's Hierarchy, right? And then after you have all these needs are met, then it's like, oh, now you're able to move to the next tier. When these are met, you're able to move next year. But what's interesting
Starting point is 00:04:46 is like up here, let's say you're on this tier where you're, you're focusing on getting love and connection, all these kinds of amazing things. But all of a sudden, like the water supply dries up and you're sitting, there's nothing to drink. You instantly drop back down. Cause all like you have to have this need met or else you can't even think about anything above it. Right. That's how Maslow's hierarchy needs me. It's really fascinating because throughout your life, like you get these needs met and then you move up and you move up and eventually hopefully you get to the top, the top of the ladder. But if one of these things down lower disappears, like you shoot back down and you like you're stuck in this rut until that thing gets fixed before you can move back up. Okay. The same thing is true here with
Starting point is 00:05:18 the six human needs, right? We have to get these things met first before we can transition over here. So just can you set a goal of like, I want to hit your combo cup on workings, but this is in, is all messed up and not working right. You'll never be able to get to that goal because your time, your energy, your attention all gets bumped back to these needs. These needs have to be met first before you can transition to the goals of the spirit. That's why it's so important to master these. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:41 And these are all tied back to this right here. The, the, the habits that you're in, right? This hypnotic, but Napoleon Hill calls hypnotic rhythm. Like this is, this is the key, right? It's how we get you out of the bad ruts into the good ruts. Okay. All right. So what are these? The six human needs? How many guys are Tony students? You already know these are ahead of time. How many guys are like, I have no idea what else I was talking about. Let's see about 50, 50. Cool. Okay. So the six human needs, and these are fascinating. So the first human need, um, is the need that we all have for certainty. Okay. So we need to be certain about things. Like I know that I wake up in the morning, I'm going to have a bed. There's going to be something there. Like, uh, I know that when I,
Starting point is 00:06:22 you know, when I get in my car, that's going to start. I know that I have a job. I know that like we have certainty, right? We need certainty in our life. Okay. The second human need is called variety or sorry, my handwriting so bad variety or uncertainty. Okay. And so this is like, we need excitement. We need like new things happening. We want to like, we want to feel passion and excitement. Like that's the, that's the other one, right? And what's fascinating about these two needs, certainty and uncertainty, they are opposites. Okay. They fight against each other. Like we want to be absolutely certain all the time, but if you're absolutely certain
Starting point is 00:06:54 about every single thing that's going to happen, you know exactly what you're going to eat, when you're going to eat, how it's going to work. What happens to us? We get bored out of our mind. So while we need certainty, it drives us nuts. So we need variety. We need excitement. We need uncertainty.
Starting point is 00:07:03 So we need both these things and then they fight back and forth. But both those needs have to happen or else we go crazy. Okay. So that's the first thing. Certainty and uncertainty. The next one is we want to feel significant. You know what significance feels like? If you stand here like right now, I feel significant.
Starting point is 00:07:18 There's 500 of you guys here listening. Like I'm not going to lie. I feel significant. I feel really good right now. Okay. There's people who paid to be here listening to me. We got 20,000 people registered for this event. Like I feel tons of significance, right? Significance is about like, I feel good. I feel really good right now. Okay. There's people who paid to be here. Listening to me, we had 20,000 people registered for this event. Like I feel tons of significance, right? So it's about like, I feel good about myself. Like, Oh, this is awesome.
Starting point is 00:07:31 Okay. And then the last human need is love and connection. I'll draw a heart. That's what it is. Right? So love and connection. Um, funny enough is actually the opposite of significance. Okay. Significance is look how great I am. Love and connection is look how great you are. I love you. Right. But we need both of those things. Okay. So we need significance and we need the love and connection. Okay. This is what gets fascinating. Anytime something in our life happens that meets at least three of these four needs, it creates an addiction, like a physical addiction. It puts us into hypnotic rhythm
Starting point is 00:08:07 where we're in these tracks. And this can be very positive or it can be very negative. Okay, so think about this. For the very first time, like the very first time you met your significant other, right, you found her. Like for me, it was my wife, Colette. I'm like, oh my gosh, she's beautiful, right?
Starting point is 00:08:19 I'm nervous and awkward. I go and I ask her on a date and guess what? She says yes. What just happened? Boom, significance. Like she said yes to me. She thinks I'm awesome. I'm like, okay, we're her on a date and guess what? She says, yes. What's happened? Boom. Significance. Like she said yes to me. She thinks I'm awesome. Like, okay, we're going on a date, right? So go on a date. Uh, take her out to eat somewhere. We go, uh, our first day was ice games, but ice skating, right? So we're ice skating. So we're getting like variety and
Starting point is 00:08:37 uncertainty. We're ice skating. Like we're going out and having fun. We dinner, I'm asking new questions and like, she's asking me questions about myself and like, you know, I feel very significant. We're having uncertainty because this new relationship is so much fun. And then guess what? That night I give her a hug or a kiss and I get love and connection and boom, boom, boom, boom. Three of my four needs are met. And what does it do? It creates a physical addiction inside of our body, right? Oh, more of that. That was amazing. Right? And so we go on a second date and a third date and a fourth date. And what happens? One of the things that can happen. Okay. After dating a little while, either she's going to stop feeling like,
Starting point is 00:09:08 you know, if the relationship breaks up, it's because these needs are long getting met, right? Like she doesn't like that much. I don't feel significant. We're not hugging and kissing. We're getting bored. Like whatever the thing happens. And if the needs go from three needs down to two needs down to one need, that's when we start, but that's when we break up. Right. Cause my needs are no longer, no longer being met by her. Right. So now we've got to find and get those needs met by somebody else or some other way. Okay. Or the needs continue to get met over time. Right. And, and, uh, the longer I plan, I kept dating. We love each other more and more. And these days we get men. It's like amazing. I was like, man, imagine if we got married, then we have absolute certainty. I wake up every morning. You're going to be there. It's going to be so cool. I'm gonna have my wife. It's
Starting point is 00:09:37 going to be awesome. And so in a pursuit for me to get all my needs met by my amazing, uh, my amazing wife, we get married and for a while, all of our needs are met. But then guess what happens to almost every single marriage. Okay. Now you got absolute certainty. You got significance, you got love and connection, but then you're like, Oh, we stopped going on dates, right? People stop going on dates. Now all of a sudden they lose the variety. Right. And then after a while, you're sitting together, heard all of your stories. They've heard all your things. Then they stopped thinking you're as cool as you were because like, yeah, I've heard that story 12 times. Don't tell it to me again. Right. And maybe you lose significance
Starting point is 00:10:03 or maybe you lose the love and connection. And all of a sudden you're in this marriage. Now you only got one of your needs met or maybe two. Right. And all of a sudden you lose this thing and it falls apart. Right. And then what happens to some people, right? They get, they meet somebody new, right? And that person gives them variety, gives them significance, the long connection. That's when divorce happened, marriage is break up and things like that. Okay. So it's something that happens in all of our lives, right? Is that we are trying to figure out how to get these needs met. And these needs in our life have to be met.
Starting point is 00:10:29 If we don't get met in one way or the other, then we look for them in other ways, right? So in your marriage, if you're not getting the needs met, then guess what happens? You start looking for getting these met in other ways. Sometimes people get needs met by going to work and becoming workaholics. Sometimes they do it by watching sports. Sometimes they do it by other ways. Sometimes they do it by eating. But everyone's going to get these needs met. And met and until your needs met you can't move over
Starting point is 00:10:46 here okay now we get our needs met in either positive or negative ways okay um and just as a side note it's interesting like if you want an amazing marriage if you just focus on like like tony robbins said this is like there's never been a marriage in the history of time where um a partner all four of the partner's needs are being met and then they left. It doesn't happen. So if your needs are being met inside the marriage, you're going to stay forever. So if you know this, like when I became conscious of this, like I told people before that Tony Robbins saved my marriage seven years in, we were struggling with all sorts of stuff. And all of a sudden I get aware of this. I'm like, Oh my gosh,
Starting point is 00:11:19 like, am I making my wife feel significant? Probably not. Right. Am I giving her a variety? Probably not. Like, man, maybe this is why we're struggling and I'd be conscious. I'm okay. I need to figure out how to make my wife feel significant. How do I give her more love and connection? How do I create more variety? Like we had certainty, but man, everything else was falling apart. I started focusing on those things. Boom, marriage got stronger. Now we are here almost 20 years. Uh, I think this year's our 20 year anniversary, which is crazy, right? Because we're able to become aware of these things and start doing it. Okay. Now this happens on this happens on a very positive or negative, right? If you look at hypnotic rhythm, right?
Starting point is 00:11:51 A happy marriage can be something very positive that you move forward in faith. If you're positive, this is a good thing, right? But what about drugs? Do drugs get people's needs met? Yeah, for sure. Right? I'm not into drugs, but man, I assume that drugs, you take whatever the drug is, and you get the certainty of the feeling every single time, right? Plus you get the variety of what's going to be new, how you're going to experience. Right? I'm not into drugs, but man, I assume that drugs, you take whatever the drug is, and you get the certainty of the feeling every single time.
Starting point is 00:12:07 It puts you in a variety of what's going to be new, how you're going to experience. Right? You feel significant. You get love and connection with the people you're with. Right? People who overeat a lot of times. Overeat is because they are getting the needs met. Right?
Starting point is 00:12:16 The absolute certainty. They eat the food. They get the feeling of, oh, I feel so good. Right? They also get the variety of new food, new things they get to try. Okay? If they eat with their friends, they get significance of, like, or they get love and connection being with their friends going out to eat all the time. Right? And they also maybe get significance because it's like, man, I get to talk of new food, new things they get to try. Okay. If they eat with their friends, they get significance of like, or they love and connection being with their friends going out to
Starting point is 00:12:26 eat all the time. Right. And they also maybe get significance because it's like, man, I can talk about the food. I am a foodie. I understand these things. And so food becomes this addiction, which can be positive or negative. For a lot of people, it becomes very negative. They get in this, this routine, this habit, right. And it gets deeper and deeper and deeper because all their needs are being met through food or through drugs or through sports or through religion or whatever it is for you. We all have something that we're doing that with, right? So the thing is becoming aware of that and start looking like, like, how am I getting my needs met right now? Okay. If you've got kids at home, right? If your kids are getting their needs met at home, they're not gonna be
Starting point is 00:12:55 looking for things other places, but if their needs aren't being met, that's going to start looking for drugs or for sports or for other different places to get their needs met. We have to get our needs met. Human beings will give up everything, including their values, their beliefs, their everything to get their needs met. Okay. You have to understand that. So if your needs are not being met here, you're going to not be able to move over here because you're gonna be looking for this over here, this over here, and you're going to be trying to get these needs met in a million different ways. Your mind's gonna be distracted and you never will be able to focus on this. Just like Maslow hierarchy of needs. If you have no water, you're not gonna be focusing focusing on loving, right? Because you need water to survive.
Starting point is 00:13:25 Same here. You need these needs met or you can't survive. So the question comes to you is like, okay, how are my needs being met right now? In my, in my, in my personal life, in my business, like my needs being met. If they're not, man, you got to start figuring those things out, right? Or they're being met, but they're being met in a very negative way. Something I'm not happy with. Something that's not making me the person I want.
Starting point is 00:13:41 Something that's not moving me towards my hall of fame goal, right? My needs are getting met. But if I look at here's what I'm trying to get to, my needs are taking me this direction. You're never going to get that direction. You got to come back and like become very conscious of this and like, okay, what are the, like, what are the things driving? What is this giving me certainty? And what's giving me variety? What's giving me significance? Can we love a connection? Okay. If you guys notice when we started designing the click funnels movement and funnel hacker movement, all these kinds of things, I said, look, if I'm going to get people to move
Starting point is 00:14:06 with us, I'm going to change life. I got to create an addiction within our community, right? So we need to give people certainty, right? You create a business, you get traffic coming, you get certainty, like money's coming in. We need to give you variety. So we do events like it's fun things like this. We do trips with our mastermind groups. We do all sorts and give variety connections, funnel hacking live. Like we do all these things, create variety and uncertainty and excitement, okay? Significance, people come on stage, they get two comic book awards,
Starting point is 00:14:27 they get significance. Our top affiliates get significance. Then there's a community, there's Funnel Hackers, you get love and connection. Like I've tried strategically to build something that creates a positive addiction
Starting point is 00:14:35 for you guys. So when you are in our community, when you're in our masterminds, in our coaching groups, like you have this positive addictions that are on the right side of faith that are keeping you going deeper and deeper and deeper, okay?
Starting point is 00:14:47 And that's why a lot of you guys have been drawn to this. A lot of you guys have stuck with us for so long, right? I'm, we're almost eight years into click funnels right now. And a lot of you guys have been here since year number one, because you came in and we created an addiction. Okay. And we try to create a positive addiction. So I really start looking at your life. Like what are the things right now that are keeping you from actually getting the goals you want, right? If you want to grow, you want to contribute. Like these are the goals that you're shooting for these super bowl goals. But man, if If you want to grow, you want to contribute. Like these are the goals that you're shooting for, these Super Bowl goals. But man, if this isn't in order,
Starting point is 00:15:08 you will never get to that because you're always looking for, man, I'm not feeling love and connection. I got to find somewhere else. You're searching for it. You're searching for it. You're trying to figure that out. You can't think about growth
Starting point is 00:15:15 when you have no love and connection. So where do I plug into love and connection? Okay, maybe it's a spouse. Maybe it's not. Maybe it's work. Maybe it's your family. Maybe it's church. But you need to get that need met.
Starting point is 00:15:23 And you got to do it in a way it's positive, right? Cause I can get my need met for love and connection through, through a marriage. I can get it met at church. I can get it met on the streets. I can get met in really bad places. How are you getting that need met? Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:34 We need to get these needs met so we can focus and then we can like, okay, now I'm good. I'm getting these needs met in a very positive way. That's leading me towards my goal, not away. Now I can focus on the needs of the spirit, growth and contribution. And you'll start moving towards goals. And then what will happen? I see this all the time inside of our community. People are like, they got the goal.
Starting point is 00:15:50 They're moving forward. They're having success. Like everything's on track. And then something in their life happens where the certainty disappears, right? Spouses is the job. Somebody gets sick. Somebody like certainty disappears and gets interrupted, right? And all of a sudden you have to stop progress on this right here to figure out how to get
Starting point is 00:16:04 your certainty back. So you can focus over here, right? And it sucks. It's life though. It happens, but you gotta be aware of it. And when you're like, Oh my gosh, like this horrible things happen. I lost certainty. I got to figure out, get certainty back. I can't continue to progress towards my goal. What was it? How did it work? What do I need to change my life? But as soon as now that we're aware of it, it's not like we're just in the spiral. Like, I don't know what's happening. Also, I can't get motivated. I get depressed all the time. I can't move forward. Like, of course you can't, your needs aren't get motivated. I get depressed all the time. I can't move forward. Of course you can't.
Starting point is 00:16:25 Your needs aren't being met. That's why you're struggling. Get these needs met so we can get back to work. Which one's lost? I'm not feeling significance. If you're not, how do we get that? We've got to figure that out. How do we craft that?
Starting point is 00:16:34 How do we create it? What's the thing we need to do to make you feel significant so you can get back to work? What's the thing we need to do to get love and connection so you can get back to work? In a positive way, not a negative way. Because you can get love and connection doing a whole bunch of really bad things. You can get significance in a whole bunch of really bad things. Okay. You can get variety. You can get uncertainty doing bad things that are not serving you. Okay. What are the things you can do to get those things back? And so it's becoming aware of these things and understanding how it works because until the needs of your body and your personality
Starting point is 00:16:58 are met, you cannot move on to the needs of your spirit. And all of your goals are tied to the needs of the spirit. You're doing it because of growth or contribution. Okay. So many of you guys, you're going growth, gas foot on the pedal. You're going fast as you can, but then your knees don't be met. I'm on the break and you're spinning out. You're like, I don't know why this doesn't work. Everyone else works for, they're all coming on stage. They have the same tools, the same books, the same train. Like, why am I not moving forward? Your foot's on the brake and the gas. Get this here. Take your foot off the gas or take your foot off the brake and now we can start moving forward. Okay. What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. I've got something really cool for you today from my friend Taylor Wells.
Starting point is 00:17:35 Taylor spoke at our last funnel hacking live because I wanted him to share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method. And today he decided to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy that you are going to love. It's something we've been implementing into our high-end coaching program as well, and it is amazing. But to kind of give you some context about this offer he's making for you guys, as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JP Morgan Chase did a study, and guess what they found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating expenses in reserve. That's right, less than a month of cash on hands.
Starting point is 00:18:05 Now, if you're like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop. Am I right? Especially with how the economy's been lately. It's not the time to be gambling with your finances. So, Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method, and it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:18:19 It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine. We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now, here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my Marketing Secrets listeners. And if you go over to slash secrets, you can grab the revolving price method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this, you are going to love it.
Starting point is 00:18:44 So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability, this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue. Again, that's slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson. And I want to jump in really quick to share with you a new assessment I found out that is
Starting point is 00:19:04 insanely cool. You guys know I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because not only does it help you understand yourself, but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the bus so they can get more stuff done. I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the Working Genius is awesome. Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited for the new assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done. Yet, even though it takes only 10
Starting point is 00:19:35 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately. I took it for myself. I had my team take it. And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are. And that's important because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out, make sure that you have first off the right people, but make sure the right people are sitting in the right seats on the bus. And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Now, normally this assessment, you can go to and there's two G's in the middle,, but I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all, but you get a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all.
Starting point is 00:20:05 But you get a 20% discount off when you put in the keyword secrets at checkout. So go to Again, two Gs, working genius, two Gs in the middle, And then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S at checkout. You get 25% off. But then go take the test. Again, it takes you 10 minutes. But even in a 10-minute session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help you understand yourself,
Starting point is 00:20:28 to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to give you the most joy, number one. But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are with your teams getting them in the right seats as well. So anyway, I love this assessment. Go check it out at and enter the promo code SECRETS for 20% discount. Take this test for yourself and for your team, and I promise you it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody and help your company to grow most of this game just so you guys are fully aware is not the tactics and techniques they're not difficult okay getting a funnel is not that hard okay finding a product's not the hard outside we're walking us through all the tactics and techniques um over the next day and a half like they're not that difficult to figure out. Okay. Most of the entrepreneur mindset game is all up here. We don't want to believe that,
Starting point is 00:21:08 right? Cause I always thought in my head, like I'm, I'm mentally strong. I'm really awesome. No, no, no, it is. Most of us because of these things right here, these are things that are keeping you back. Okay. And that's the thing I is really understanding because if you can do that, takes your foot off the brake, you can move forward on the gas and we can get things done faster. Okay. Because at the end of our lives, when we die and our funerals happening, I'm hoping, I'm hoping that God gives us the gift to let us sit there at our funeral and see the people's lives we impacted. And hopefully if someone's reading our eulogy and you get, you're going to have this experience,
Starting point is 00:21:36 they tell you, right? The things that we're talking about is, is the growth that you had as a human being and the contribution you made. Like these are the things. Okay. But if I can ever get past this part of it, I never have a chance to really change people's lives. I never had a chance to hit the goals to get the dreams to accomplish the stuff I wanted to. Right. We're all born with all these like visions and dreams, what we want to do, who we want to become. But some of us get so caught up in this part of it. We never have a chance to get to the part where it gets good, where life gets exciting, where we can actually do. And yeah, like do we want to do change people's lives? We want to serve people at a level that we've only dreamt of. Okay. So it's mastery
Starting point is 00:22:09 of these things, getting out of the negative hypnotic rhythm that you may be stuck in becoming very aware of it. And like, how do we now get the planks out of this rut, get you out of it and start creating addictions that are positive, move you towards your goal as opposed to away from your goal. So that way we can shift and transition to growth and a contribution. All right, guys, that's it. How did you like the series? Hope you enjoyed all three parts of the Secrets of Success framework. Again, I know it's a lot and I was talking really fast because I do that when I'm excited.
Starting point is 00:22:41 And again, as you know, I'm working on this book right now and there's so many cool things I want to share. It's the hardest things. How do you take an encyclopedia and boil it down to a book? But these are some of the key principles that had the biggest impact on my life and I want to share those. There's a bunch of other really cool things I'm going to be sharing in the book as well. But if you want to follow me on this journey, again, if you go to Instagram and go to slash secrets of success, or if you just go to Instagram and search secrets of success, one word, you should pop up. You should see my face on there and me with a whole bunch of old books. or if you just go to Instagram and search Secrets of Success, one word,
Starting point is 00:23:06 you should pop up. You should see my face on there and me with a whole bunch of old books. Go and follow that account. I'm sharing books that I'm collecting from the Secrets, old, rare, first edition books on personal development and success and things like that, which are cool. Also, if you want to get on the new email newsletter, which is coming soon, all you got to do is go to Again, if anything resonated with you here that we talked about in these three episodes and you enjoy it, please take a screenshot on your phone, post on your socials, tell people to go
Starting point is 00:23:34 listen to these episodes, share with your friends, your family members, anyone else you think could benefit from it. And then in the comments, tag me so I see it. And then let me know what the number one secret to your success is. I'd love to hear it. And maybe your case study will pop up in my book. Thanks again for everything. And we'll talk to y'all soon.

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