Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - My Advice For Your Focus Over The Next 10 Years
Episode Date: March 11, 2020On this episode I answer a really cool question from Rachel Pedersen about what I would do over the next 10 years if I were to start over. On this episode Russell talks about now that he's 40, what h...e would do differently if he was still 30. Here are some of the awesome things to listen for in this episode: Find out why Russell compares the journey of a funnel to the journey of parenthood. See what Russell's favorite thing to do in his business is, and why he says he wishes it worked more like a "one night stand" for him. And find out what other marketer's journey he is jealous of, and wishes he would have done things more like them. So listen here to find out what advice would give himself, if he were still 30. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up, everybody?
This is Russell Brunson.
Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
This is the last we hung out.
I've had a birthday.
I'm now 40.
I'm an old, old, old, I'm not that old,
but I'm an older man than I was last time we hung out.
I'm excited to be here.
And one of my super favorite people on this earth
asked me a question.
And so today's episode is gonna be me
answering that question.
So with that said, this cute theme song,
and we'll come back here in a few seconds.
So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture
capital for spending money from our own pockets? How do we market in a way that lets us get our
products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still
remain profitable? That is the question. and this podcast will give you the answer.
My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Alright, so, some of you guys know one of my favorite people in this whole funnel hacking community is Rachel Peterson.
And she voxed me this morning and asked me a question that I thought was really good.
And so, I'm going to respond to her to her through podcast because that's how I work. You can respond to
one person or you can respond through podcast and respond to a whole bunch of people. So hopefully
this helps everybody. Rachel, you're amazing. Thanks for the question. And here we go.
So now that you're 40, if you could go back to 30 year old you, what would you tell yourself? I'm 30 and I'm kind of
excited because I have a decade, a decade. Can I surpass what you've done in 10 years? No,
probably not. But at the same time, I'd love to give it a try. What would you tell me at 30 versus
what would you tell you at 30 if you could go back in time? All right. So to answer your question, Rachel, and everybody who's listening
in, um, it's interesting because, um, we used to go through different, different phases, right?
And so the, the way I answer this may be just because the phase I'm in right now, um,
in fact, it was interesting when my dad turned, um, 60, I remember we, uh, we celebrated up at,
um, at these, uh, these trailers up at these trailers that my parents have. And
my mom sat down and she had $10 for each decade he was alive. So I gave him $60 and each $10 she'd
give him, he would talk about that decade of his life, like, you know, from zero to 10 and 10 to
20, 20 to 30. And like just each of the different phases. And I still remember the thing that was
most profound to me is he said that the favorite decade he had so far was the one where he was like 40 to 50, which is when he was coaching me and my brothers at wrestling.
So that was of all the decades his favorite.
I was like, interesting, because I thought my favorite decade would be the one where I'm in the arena, like when I was actually wrestling, you know, or doing my thing.
And so that was kind of interesting to hear that.
And then it's also interesting. Last week week going to Tony Robbins had his 60th
birthday party.
And so we had a chance to go there and see it kind of reflection on his life and what
he did.
And I don't know if I told you guys or not, but he raised, uh, $18 million for OUR at
his birthday party, which was so cool.
So, um, anyway, so it's just been kind of a fun time to reflect.
And, um, looking back now, it's like, okay, I I'm 40.
I've got the next decade till I'm 50 and then one till six.
So I got two more decades, um, to be where Tony's at.
And it's just like, I don't like, what do I want to do the same?
What do I want to do different?
Like, what are all the things?
And it's interesting because I would say the last 10 years, specifically the last five
for me has been this grind to create
and to, to make, to build click funnels and to write three books and to do all the things we're
doing. And, um, and I think that there's a season for all entrepreneurs where, where that's what
you do, right? Where you're in the, in the thick of it. And for me, that's been the season I've
been in for the last, you know, more than a decade now is in, is in the grind and the hustle and the, you know, all those kinds of things.
And as I'm transitioning now to forties and this next, you know, decade or whatever, the,
the reflective period, um, you know, it's, it's interesting because I'm trying to think
more strategically and, um, and start thinking about like, what are the things that I actually
enjoy the most?
It was interesting.
Um, I've had a chance this year, quite a few times to hang out with Jenna Kuchar and, and Jenna was really good at like, um, or is really good at like saying, this is
what I want my life to look like. And then building all the things around that. Um, and,
and I think I was always kind of afraid of that. Cause I was like, no, I got, if I do that,
then I'm not gonna be able to have the impact and service many people as I want and all these
things. Right. Like instead I need to, you know, I gotta be the guy, I gotta build the things and
I gotta, I gotta, you know, build the empire, the dynasty or whatever. But it was interesting.
Two weeks ago I was hanging out with Jenna and we're sitting there and she was there with her
and her team of, you know, her small team of people. And, and, um, and you know, they just
won the, the KBB launch,
like outsold everybody by two to one or more, like just killed it.
She has this podcast that's killing it.
And she spends tons of time at home with her kids,
or with her kid, with her husband, traveling.
And it's interesting because as I look through the lens,
I'm like, I envy what she has now because she's been able to do it at a huge level without sacrificing all the other things around her. And I asked her about
that a little bit. I'm like, how have you done that? And, uh, what was interesting is she told
me, um, you know, she's like, for me, she's like, I value the most is freedom. So she's like, I
could have gotten an office and I could have got staffed. Then it would feel like I had to go into
the office and I had to, I had to do all these things. And it was just interesting because she was able to do, you know,
similar to what I've been trying to do.
But I thought to be able to do it, I had to have all these things,
the office and the staff and the people.
And looking back now, I'm like, what are the things I actually enjoy the most?
And I think this has been a theme for me for the last probably six months or so,
maybe a year, just looking at what are the things I enjoy the most, right? And I think this has been a theme for me for the last probably six months or so, maybe a year, just looking like, what are the things I enjoy the
most? Because now that I'm in this role in the business, I do a lot of things I don't enjoy as
much. I'm trying to transition out and shift things around. And, and, um, I keep thinking
like, let's say this ClickFunnels journey for me was done. Like what would, what would I do next?
And I really think what I would do next, I would look at like, what is my superpower in a business, right?
Like the thing that I get excited by
and I geek out on the thing that I love the most
and it's the funnel piece, right?
Like I love brainstorming the funnel,
designing it, creating it, optimizing it,
like all the things,
but I don't like,
I'm not good at like after the funnel is live,
like I'm not good at long-term customer support
and maintenance and driving traffic
and like all those things are not really my strong suit. I get excited by the art of it,
but then not long-term maintenance of it. And, um, uh, and so it's like, for me, like, that's,
like, that's my favorite part. And so it's like, could I, could I have the same impact I'm having
now, maybe even a bigger level where I just do that piece of it. And, um, we were joking,
this is probably inappropriate. So, um, cover the ears of your children if they're listening to the podcast
right now. Um, but we were joking how, how like, it's the same thing with, uh,
oh man, I don't know if I should be going down this road, but here we are. So, um,
like being a parent, right? Like there, there's one piece of, uh, of your parenting
journey that is pure, like amazingness, right? It doesn't last long. It's, you know, depending on
who you are, it's, it's a few minutes to maybe an hour, um, of like a hundred percent enjoyment
in the parenting. Right. And then that, that moment's over. And then it's like, you transition
to, to the, um, like the rest of it. Right. Well, now it's like you transition to the rest of it, right?
Where now it's like, now we have to go through nine months of pregnancy.
Then we have to give birth.
And then we have to feed the baby and help it.
And then teach it how to walk and then how to talk and then how to go to school.
And then they become teenagers.
They start hating you for the most ridiculous reasons.
Like the fact that you feed them every day and you help them.
And your only goal is to make them survive this life and not be bad people. And they hate you for the most ridiculous reasons. Like the fact that you feed them every day and you help them and you, and your only goal is to make them survive this life and not be bad people. And they hate
you for it. And then, yes, as you can tell, I have a teenager now, so I'm starting to feel that phase
of it. You know what I mean? And so it's, it's, um, it's, it's all the different, it's all the
things, right? It's like, yeah, this one piece of like pure enjoyment followed by 18 years of,
of, of effort and struggle and trial and hardships.
That's not true.
There, there are definitely peaks of happiness in between, but it's like, it's like, it's,
it's hard.
Like there's that one piece of, of, of, uh, of having a kid that's like the best.
And then I was talking about in business, same thing for me, like that is building the
It's like, Oh, we had built a funnel.
This is amazing experience.
And then it's like, then it's over. It's like, oh, now we've got to care for the baby. We've
got to do customer support and we've got to maintain it. We've got to drive traffic and
we've got to make sure it's legally compliant. And we've got to, you know, and like in the
longer you run, the more updates you got to make and then you get more, you get to create
more ads. And it's like, all these things are just like, ah, like I don't, I don't necessarily
love that part of it. Um, but some people do, right? Like John Parks, my team, like
he, like that's the best part for him. Like he, like for him, the most exciting thing is not building the funnel.
It's like some hands in the funnel.
It converts.
It's like, Oh, I gotta go drive traffic.
It's like, Oh, that's where he gets his, his, uh, the best part for him.
That's, um, I'm trying to do this whole episode without, without saying words would offend
little kids.
I have too many young listeners now.
Anyway, you guys, you know
what I'm talking about, right? First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes baby and the baby
carriage. So it's like, um, it's, it's, uh, it's that piece of it. Right. And so, uh, but everyone,
that piece is different, right? They all, everyone enjoys different parts of it. Um, I guess that
also the metaphor relates anyway, I won't keep grinding on that metaphor, but you get what I'm
saying. And so for me, it's like looking at this next chapter of my life, I'm like, is there,
is there a way that I can come in and just do the part that I love the most and not have to do all
the other things. And it's hard. Like when I'm the business owner, like I'm responsible for so
many things where it's like, I think for so long in my life, I want, I needed the ego of like,
I want to be the business owner. I need to be the CEO. I need to be the boss. And it's like,
I don't know if that's necessarily what I, what I, what the next decade I want
to do.
Like, I would rather come into companies and be like, Hey, let me do my magic trick.
Um, I'm going to have my, my one night stand that I'm out and, and then I'm gonna hand
it back to you guys.
And you're in charge now of raising the baby and making sure it turns into a good human
Um, but I'm, should we call this episode like the one night stand marketing?
Oh, that's horrible. Um, but that's kind of what it is. Like, like figuring out like,
what is, what is the one piece in a very ethical, moral, good way that you love and then going to
companies and just applying your art there. Right. Um, and then, and then not having to worry about
the other things that take away the excitement and the happiness and the thrill for you.
So I would say from my advice looking back now
is there's definitely a season
where all of us have to grind and hustle
and like learn the skillset, right?
I spent the last decade mastering my art
and now I know it, I'm good at it.
And I think the next decade is gonna be less of me
trying to build huge companies and more of me, um, using my, my skillset to come in and to do my,
do my, my piece of it and then, and then leave. And so how is that going to look? I don't know
yet. Um, uh, I have ideas and those things will, will hopefully, you know, start being seen over
the next couple of years. But, um, I think for
all you guys, I would say the same kind of thing. It's like, don't, don't stress so much about,
um, making your, your weaknesses become strengths instead, like double down on your strengths,
become really good at them and then go for your work. Where can you apply your strengths for the
most leverage? Like coming to somebody and saying, Hey, I'm really good at traffic. Let me do the
traffic for you. I want to be, I want to be partnered in this thing, or I wouldn't really get the, at the funnel.
I'm really good at copywriting. I had this copywriter who at the time was like one of the
best copywriters ever. And this is our company was kind of struggling. And I offered him, I said,
I'll give you 20% of my company. If you'll write copy for me for, for, uh, for free, um, not for
free. I said, I'd pay you per project, but it's not going to be like your, your high end thing,
but like just basically costly. You can survive and 20% of the company.
And he told me, no, he told me, no, I messaged him the other day.
I was like, just so you know, had you said yes to that deal, your monthly paycheck would
be, and I told him and he was like throwing up in his mouth, but, um, he had the opportunity,
To take his skillset, the superpower he had and apply it to something where he could have
just written and then went back to bed and I would have done the rest of the stuff, right? I would have built the funnels, I would have done
the stuff and he would have got paid insane amounts the rest of his life, right? There's
some people who are the best in the world to support, some people are the best in the world,
whatever. I think for me, it's like spend the next whatever, three to five, 10 years becoming
the best in the world at your thing. Like wherever you're standing at, like strengthen there, become the best there. And then after that's done, then, um, then go and like take that superpower and go apply it to other
places. I think, you know, right now for most of you guys, you're in your testing ground where
you're learning this stuff and you're doing it for the very first time. So it's like become the
best in the world that become the best podcast editor, become the best support person, become
the best traffic, best Facebook, best designer, best whatever it is, the piece that
you love the most and just spend the next year, two years like geeking out and becoming
the best in the world at it and then take that skill set and go plug into opportunities
where you can come in, do your magic power and step back out and you're not tied down
to the long term, all the other pieces of it.
You can tie in and get equity, tie in and get royalties,
whatever that thing might be,
but it gives you the ability to stay 100% focused on what you love
and not have to get tied down in the parts that you don't love.
And, man, I wish I would have done that earlier
because I'm not going to lie, the last 10 years have been a lot.
I am worn out and I'm tired.
But it was also my training ground
to be able to become the best in the world
what I do now, right?
And now I can go and I can ask for it,
I can get those kind of deals as often as I want.
So anyway, that's all I got.
I hope that helps.
Maybe it,
it's funny, we were watching Billy Madison
the other day, my wife and I,
it was on TV somewhere.
So maybe it's like Billy Madison, he gives the answer at the end. It's like nowhere
in any of your incoherent babbling. Did you come even close to a rational thought? The audience
is all now dumber for having heard this. So maybe that's how you guys feel right now. So I apologize.
But if not, um, hopefully, hopefully got some value. I think the biggest thing again is like,
wherever you're at now, like don't dabble, like become
the best in the world at it.
Um, spend this next season doing that.
And then, and then, um, from there you've got the superpower, you can plug in and you
can amplify other people's superpowers.
And that's, you have a chance to go in and get out, do your one night stand, do the thing
you love the most and then, uh, and then profit from it for, for the longterm.
So, all right, that's all I got to say.
I'm about to go film the Docum Secrets new sales video.
And then we're doing, in like five hours,
we're doing the expert secret sales video.
Then like in nine hours,
we're doing the traffic secret sales videos.
All three book funnels being redone.
It's exciting, it's fun, and that's where we're at.
So appreciate you all.
Thanks for everything.
And I will talk to you soon.
Bye, everybody.
Hey, everybody, this is Russell again.
And really quick, I wanted to invite you to join, um, arguably the best thing that we've ever put
out inside the ClickFunnels community. And it is a challenge we call the one funnel way challenge.
You know, everyone in their business, in their life, they're one funnel away from something.
Some of you guys are one funnel away from quitting your job. Some of you guys are one funnel away
from getting more impact. Some of you guys are one funnel away from getting more impact. Some of you guys are a funnel away from growing your company to the next level. And so we created this challenge
to help you to create and launch your first or your next funnel. No matter where you are in your
business, this challenge is going to help you to help you understand the strategy, help you
understand the tactics, help you understand all the things you need to be successful with your
funnel. So I recommend you do right now is stop everything, pause this audio,
go online and go to one funnel That's one funnel and join the next challenge.
There's a challenge starting in the next few days. So go get started right now. One funnel