Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - RANT: If You Want Me To Wipe Your Butt, Go To Daycare

Episode Date: October 27, 2017

Russell's rant about what's keeping people from success. On this episode Russell rants about the difference between daycare, college and coaching and why to be successful you need coaching. But to be... a champion you have to put in the extra work because coaches can only take you so far. Here are some interesting things in this episode: Why you need to listen to your coaches to be successful, otherwise you might as well go to daycare or college. And why putting in extra work after the coaching is what will make you a champion. Listen here to find out why you need to move on from daycare, and college and jump into coaching and then put in even more effort to become a champion. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 At Wealthsimple, we're built for whatever you're building. Built for Jane, who wants to break into the housing market. We're built for Ted, who's obsessed with what's happening in the global markets. And built for Celine, who just wants to retire and explore the world's flea markets. So take a moment and think about what you're building for. We've got the financial tools to help make it happen. Wealthsimple, built for possibilities. Visit slash possibilities. What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson,
Starting point is 00:00:32 and this is an emergency impromptu podcast with angry Steven behind me. So I have to do this right now. I have the software sequence webinar starting in less than an hour, and I should be doing slides, but something just made me angry, and so I wanted to jump on and you're kind of angry too actually kind of pisses me off it's a recurring thing all right so this is a coaching call for everybody and oh we're in the marketing secrets intro and then we'll come back to what we got to do so the big question is this how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital we're spending money from our own pockets how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in
Starting point is 00:01:09 out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, welcome back. So now that we're still angry, hopefully the intro got you pumped. getting sick days. Go. All right, welcome back. So now that we're still angry,
Starting point is 00:01:28 hopefully the intro got you pumped. I want to talk to you guys about the difference between coaching, college, and a daycare. Okay, this is very important to understand because some of you guys, for some reason, think that we're in a daycare here, and we don't. So right here, actually, if you're watching the video version, if you look out the window here,
Starting point is 00:01:43 this is our office. Click Funnels right there. It's the daycare. So it's right next door. There's a little playground right there. You guys can see it. That's the daycare. And right here, actually, if you're watching the video version, if you look out the window here, this is our office. ClickFunnels right there is the daycare. So it's right next door. There's a little playground right there. You guys can see it. That's the daycare. And they cry and they scream and they're whining.
Starting point is 00:01:50 So the daycare, it's really cool. The way it works is you show up there and then someone takes care of you the entire day. Like when you're hungry, they give you food. When you're thirsty, they give you water. When you poop yourself, they wipe your butt. It's really, really nice. And it's like, what, 50 bucks a month, 100 bucks?
Starting point is 00:02:03 I don't know how much it is, but that's the daycare. That's how daycares work, okay? So that's one option how you can get better at life you can go to a daycare option number two you go to school now think about school it's cost a bunch of money they don't care about you all you show up and then you do your assignments you don't know what to care and they give you an a b c or d or an f right or if you're in england i found out they also have a e we don't have e's in america but apparently england is e's but a b c d or an f and then uh and as long as you get a. We don't have E's in America, but apparently in England there's E's. But A, B, C, D, or an F. And as long as you get a C, they don't really –
Starting point is 00:02:28 C is good enough to get a degree. In fact, my motto in college was C's get degrees. That's how I passed school. As long as I could get a C, I could wrestle. So I literally had a 2.1 GPA. I had complete C's all the way through except for I got a B in – I think it was A, something. It was like semester one of year one, so it was a long time. I don't remember what. But I got C's. I got a degree, and yay, I got a degree in, like, I think it was A, something. It was like semester one of year one, so it was a long time.
Starting point is 00:02:46 I don't remember what. But I got Cs. I got a degree. And yay, I got a degree. Woo! And I leave with a piece of paper that's completely useless. Okay? Now, so we've got daycare.
Starting point is 00:02:53 We've got school. And then third option now is coaching. So how does coaching work? So I'm a wrestler. And every single day I show up to wrestling practice. My coach was there. My coach was really good. He knew what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And I show up and all the other wrestlers would show up. And we'd sit there. And I'd watch the coach. And he'd teach us moves. And we're like, oh, cool. That's was really good. He knew what he was doing. And I show up and all the other wrestlers would show up and we'd sit there and I'd watch the coach. And he'd teach us moves. We're like, oh, cool. That's a good move. And guess what? Some of the kids, they watched the coach and they tried the move and they didn't do it right.
Starting point is 00:03:13 And then they just sat there on their butts and did nothing. And then guess what? They sucked at wrestling. And coach didn't give them a B or a C or A. It didn't matter because they were going to put them out on the mat and they were going to get the crap kicked out in front of everybody. Like that was the reality. Like you don't get A, B, or C. It's like, hey, you're about to go fight someone. This is your preparation.
Starting point is 00:03:27 If you want to just crap it away, congratulations, you did that. And you're going to get beat up in front of everybody, okay? Then there are people like me who's like, I listen to the coach. I watch him. I train to ask him questions. I keep doing it. I train and practice. When he would leave, my dad would come over.
Starting point is 00:03:39 My dad afterwards, when he would leave, then we'd go out to the house. We'd dinner. Then my friends would come to my house. We'd wrestle him out on my back porch. We'd wrestle on the back porch and guess what i became a state champ i became an all-american i got a college scholarship like because i did more my dad used to always tell me so that a coach can take somebody to this level okay and coach has got a whole bunch of people he's coaching the entire wrestling room's all there and everyone's
Starting point is 00:03:58 getting there and coaching get all everybody to this level right here so what made the difference between someone who's going to be coached and someone's going to to be a champion is after coach gets you here, it's that extra effort. That's what makes you a champion. Okay. So what's cool about marketing and sales, like first off, um, we're not a daycare. I'm not going to wipe your butt. I don't freaking care if you succeed or not. That's not on top of me. Okay. Number two, this is not college. I'm not going to be like, Oh yeah, congratulations. Here's a C you can go get a degree because guess what? You've got to go out there on your webinar or with your prior or whatever, and you got to step out in front of everybody and you're going to get the crap kicked out of you. And if you get a C, you can go get a degree. Because guess what? You've got to go out there on your webinar or with your pride or whatever, and you've got to step out in front of everybody, and you're going to get the crap kicked out of you. And if you get a C, you're going to get destroyed. I'm not giving
Starting point is 00:04:31 out Cs. It's not a college. It's not a university. I actually care about your success. So what we're going to do is we're going to run a coaching program. But we run the coaching program just like wrestling. We're coaching a whole bunch of people the best we know how. We know what works, but guess what? Everyone sitting in the room is hearing the exact same thing. The difference between a champion and somebody who's average is who's going to take that extra effort. Who's going to ask the coach other questions? Who's going to follow up? Who's going to practice?
Starting point is 00:04:50 Who's going to get better? Who's going to do stuff on their own? Who's going to go home at night after they eat dinner for their third practice of the day because they want to be a winner? Those are the people who win, and those are the people we coach. So right now you're in a coaching program. So any of you guys who are in our coaching program, this is specifically towards one person who I'm yelling at, but this is an important lesson for everyone. First off, we're not a daycare.
Starting point is 00:05:09 If you want someone to wipe your butt, it's like $100 across the street from ClickFunnels. It's not even the street. It's like over the fence right there. They will wipe your butt, and you'll feel really good because, like, I got a clean butt. Number two, you can go to college. Boise State's like another, I don't know, four or five miles down the road. They'll give you a season. You'll feel really good.
Starting point is 00:05:23 You can put it on your wall and be like, I got a degree and you're so awesome. But you're going to get out in the real world and get the crap kicked out of you. Or number three, you can become a champion, show up every single day, work your butt off, work hard, and then go and do the extra effort you need to do to be successful. The last two nights in a row, guess how late I was here at the freaking office working on my slides? Two o'clock, both nights in a row. But Russell, you're super successful. Why are you still working hard? Okay. Because champions go the extra effort. Okay.
Starting point is 00:05:48 I could have gone home. I could have not done this. I could have just slept on it. You know, and we got people who are like, oh, Russell, I worked really hard. I was up till like eight last night. Like, dude, you guys aren't even there yet. You shouldn't be going to bed till at least two or three or four in the morning until you freaking get this thing figured out. Like, if you want to be a champion, the coaches can get you to this level.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Okay. My coaching, Stephen's coaching, what we were doing, we will get you to this level. That's the level everyone's at. And guess what? If you're at that level, everyone's out. You're you want to be a champion, the coaches can get you to this level. Okay. My coaching, Steven's coaching, what we were doing, we will get you to this level. That's the level everyone's at. And guess what? If you're at that level, everyone's out, you're not going to be successful. Champions go the extra effort. Champions do a practice afterwards. Champions go home and they do another practice. Champions are thinking about dreaming about working on trying to perfect the art so they can become a champion. If you want to be successful in business, you got to do that because this is not something we're going to give you a scene. Now you're going to make money. It doesn't work that way.
Starting point is 00:06:25 You're gonna go out there into the real world, to the marketplace. The marketplace is gonna kick the crap out of you if you haven't been prepared. Okay? If you show up and you're like, hey, marketplace, I did my first webinar and nobody showed up. It's because your stuff's boring because you just did the baseline and you quit. I did the webinar, five people showed up, nobody bought. Okay? First off, it's because you did the baseline.
Starting point is 00:06:42 Like, if you wanna be a champion, you have to put in the extra effort from here to here that is the extra effort you have to be a champ okay so to recap today number one if you want your butt wiped go sign up for the daycare it's really cheap okay and they wipe your butt it feels so good number two if you want to feel good about yourself feel happy and like kumbaya and all that crap go to school they'll give you degrees these good degrees but they will not make you any money. And number three, if you want to be coached, be coachable. Come to the coaching program. Listen to what they say and then do it. Don't complain.
Starting point is 00:07:10 I can't figure it out. Like, dude, there's a thing called Google. You can find the answer to everything. You have to go that extra effort. You have to freaking do it. Okay? And you have to do it and you have to do it and you have to do it and you have to do it and you're going to get beat up a lot during this practice period of time.
Starting point is 00:07:23 But guess what? If you do that and you get beat up, that's how, when you step out on the real mat against really good people, that's how you win. And we're creating winners here and that's what we want. So if you're wondering like, man, this stuff doesn't work for me. It's like, actually, for those who are watching the video, I'm going to show you this stuff works really good. Okay. I want to show you, come on, come down the hall. No, this is how well it works. Okay. For those of the champions, those who take the actual effort there from here to here,
Starting point is 00:07:45 we have them immortalized on our wall. There's a lot of them. And all these guys here, two-comma-level work. All these people, these are the champions. They didn't just go through the coaching program and stop like, oh, Steven wasn't as clear on how to do whatever. They freaking Googled it and they asked other questions. They asked the community and they worked hard and they tried and they tested and they figured things out.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And they rewarded with a gold platinum record here with two commas. Okay? And there's tons of them. Boom. I was showing Instagram last night if you guys haven't seen this yet. This month alone,
Starting point is 00:08:14 this month the first guy came in or we filled this wall. Here, we filled this wall completely up. And right now, if you look at this, there's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten,
Starting point is 00:08:22 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen new ones that came in. It's like four or five a week. Yeah, it's 15 that came in this month so far. But it checks out. I came in last night. And look at this. We have a whole other stack of another 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11.
Starting point is 00:08:37 11 more. So 11 plus 15 is 26. We've had 26 people at Tacoma Club in the last 30 days. So what does that mean for you guys? That's one millionaire a day is being made. So if you aren't hitting it, you're just stopping right here. You're not doing that last little bit
Starting point is 00:08:49 from there to there that is important to do. So there you go. Yeah, you gotta understand that like, Russell and I don't hold the key to your success. That's not at all how this works. It's cool, it's funny to watch like people who come in and do different coaching and such. It's always easy to see like that extra little bit,
Starting point is 00:09:04 that extra little, I mean, that's what keeps going. If you're looking for external things to motivate you, it's the wrong question already. No one needs to motivate you to do your thing. No one cares about your thing as much as you do. And so you gotta be the one who's all fiery and out there doing the thing, being a pioneer to some extent for your own success with it.
Starting point is 00:09:20 Because honestly, you're the only one who's gonna care enough to do it. So like, Russell shows the framework, we'll show how to do it, we'll help you, you know, kind of do things along the way as you get stuck or whatever it is but it's it's totally up to you your whole success everything is it's going to be riding on your back 100 yeah if you really want success you just want to wipe your butt go to daycare if you really want success you just want to feel good and get a degree on the wall go to freaking college but if you want to make money change your life be successful get a coach you already got you know, if it's not me, get somebody else.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Get a coach. Freaking do everything they say and then stop and then do more. Like that's it. Champions. My daddy used to tell me all the time. So the coach can take someone to this level. Champions are made right there. So, all right.
Starting point is 00:09:58 Ran over. I get back to slides. Okay. All right, guys. Appreciate you all. Thanks so much. I know I'm preaching the choir for a lot of you guys, but for those other ones, if that stung a little bit, I'm talking to you. So thanks, guys. Appreciate you all. Thanks so much. I know I'm preaching the choir for a lot of you guys, but for those other ones, if that stung a little bit, I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 00:10:06 So thanks, guys. Talk soon. Bye. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind-the-scenes reality TV show at

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