Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - RECORD EVERYTHING...
Episode Date: April 4, 2022A lesson that I learned from John Childers almost 20 years ago that is changing my life today. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing Russell Brunson makes a compelling case for why you should record everything you say. He shares his experiences of going through archives, finding gems, and repurposing them for various purposes. From purchasing Dan Kennedy's company to diving into the public domain, Russell emphasizes the value of recording conversations, presentations, and even personal experiences. He reminisces about his early days in internet marketing and recalls advice from John Childers about recording everything. Russell's journey of recording conversations with mentors, creating courses, and conducting interviews highlights the wealth of content that can be accumulated over time. Russell explains his process of creating "one-pagers" from his archived content, which he can use as bonuses, lead magnets, or incentives for various offers. He stresses the importance of documenting experiences, conversations, and ideas, as they can be repurposed in the future for different purposes. Through anecdotes and examples, Russell encourages listeners to start recording everything they do, whether it's audio, video, or written content. He believes that these recordings can become valuable assets that can be used creatively to enhance offers, products, or promotions. In closing, Russell announces Funnel Hacking Live and invites listeners to join the event. He expresses his excitement for the upcoming event and encourages people to check out the website for tickets and updates. Overall, Russell Brunson's message underscores the power of recording and repurposing content to maximize its value over time. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
On today's episode, I want to talk about the reason why you need to record everything you
say for the rest of your life, at least most of the time. So the big question is this,
how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending
money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our
services and the things that we believe in out way that lets us get our products and our services and
the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the
question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome
to Marketing Secrets. What's up everybody? Okay, so as you know, I am neck deep in this process
where I am going deep into the archives of a whole bunch of things.
Like we bought Dan Kennedy's company,
and I have this hard drive with everything that Dan Kennedy's ever said,
every video, every audio, every thing he's written.
Like it's insane.
99% of no one's ever seen before,
and I'm finding these gems and these things.
I'm pulling them out, and then we're repub're republishing. We're using them as lead magnets,
using them as podcast episodes, using them as just all sorts of stuff, right? I'm having the
time of my life. If you've been listening to my episodes lately, I'm also in this thing where I'm
going and I'm buying, um, all these old personal development books and old business books and,
you know, things that are, that are in the public domain, which I'll probably do an episode more on what public domain is. But basically, they're things that the copyrights
expired. So I can take these things and I can republish them. So like Napoleon Hill, for example,
I'm trying to piece together everything that he's ever said. Like every article he wrote,
I'm finding all the old magazines, the newsletters and all the things. I'm finding his old magazines.
I'm finding old books and courses and times he's spoken. Just everything I can find,
I'm gathering all this stuff because I'm able to take all of these things that are in the public domain, the copyrights
expired, and I can use them again for lead magnets and for things like that. And it's been interesting
as I've been going deep into these different things, all of Dan Kennedy's stuff and also
Napoleon Hills and a bunch of other people I'm researching and finding. I'm finding all this
stuff and it reminded me of an experience that happened to me about 20 years ago. I was at my
very first internet marketing seminar ever. It was Armand Morin's big seminar. And at the seminar,
he had a speaker named John Childers. And John was actually one of the guys I first learned public
speaking from. And I don't remember everything John said that day, but I do remember one thing. He said, every time you talk,
make sure you record it. He said, because you can use those things for bonuses and for, uh,
you know, for lead magnets, for upsells, for, for all sorts of stuff. And at first I was like,
why would I record myself? Like no one, who cares what I'm saying? Right. But I am very coachable.
And so I said, okay, well, he told me to record myself. So I But I am very coachable. And so I said, okay, well,
he told me to record myself, so I'm going to start doing it. And so I started recording all the things I do. I have conversations with cool people. I record them. Like, in fact,
back in the day, it was hard. I remember going to Radio Shack and I bought this old cassette player.
And then in the cassette player, you had to hook it to your phone that was hardwired into the thing
and all these kind of things.
And then you could call someone and you click record on the thing
and it would record the actual phone call.
In fact, I wonder if I could find it.
I remember Mark Joyner, who's my very first mentor ever,
I had a call with him and I remember recording it.
And he said something about like,
that's a $10 million a year idea.
And I was like, what?
And I remember on the tape, I wrote $10 million idea.
It was on this cassette tape.
And it was this call I had with Mark way back in the day. And now I'm wondering where in the world I
could be. I want to find that. Anyway, I digress. So, um, I started recording everything. So I had
this, this thing hooked to my tape player and I would click record every time I would call somebody,
every time I do an interview, every time I do everything, I was recording all these things.
Um, and I have tons of them and it's, it's interesting. Um, anyway, I'll go, I'll come
back to that. But then I started doing my first courses and I's interesting. Anyway, I'll come back to that.
But then I started doing my first courses and I recorded those.
In fact, my very first course ever was called Public Domain How To,
which is when I was first learning about public domain stuff way back 20 years ago,
which is fascinating now that, anyway, you guys will see over the next 12, 18 months of my life
how much I'm doing inside the public domain.
It's exciting.
But I started that journey 20 years ago when I first learned about it and I was doing all sorts of things. And my first course I ever did was
teaching people the process of finding public domain works, how to create derivative works,
like a whole bunch of really cool stuff back in the day, right? And so that course I recorded
on my tape player from Radio Shack.
And it was like, anyway, it was so crazy.
And then I started interviewing people.
I interviewed Vince James, who was the guy who made $100 million selling supplements
through direct mail.
And he recorded that on my little Radio Shack recorder.
And then later, Teleseminar Alliance came out.
I started recording teleseminars.
And then she was webinars.
And then I speak at events.
And I would just record all these different things, right?
And it's interesting, as I've been going down this path with Dan's stuff and with
Napoleon Hill, and I'm trying to find these pieces, I started realizing I have tons of stuff,
tons of stuff in my archives that someday, hopefully when I die, there'll be some dude
like me in the 200 years from now who's going to be like, I want to find all Russell's stuff
and republish it and sell it.
So I was like, I'm going to make it easy for that person. So I started going through all my old archives and my
brother, who's been filming me, man, for probably almost 15 years now, maybe even longer. I'm like,
Scott, where's this? And where's this? And he's like finding all these old videos. And he's like
the very first event I ever did ever. And then, um, just, you know, different places I spoke at
and we're trying to find all of the archives of this stuff.
And then we're putting together.
And when I'm doing this,
because I'm like, you know, some stuff's not relevant anymore.
Some things are timeless.
And, you know, there's just all these amazing things.
And so what I'm doing now is I'm creating one pagers.
And some of you guys remember one pager.
One pager is one of my favorite tools.
If you go to, it's this tool.
You can create one pagers.
Think of a one pager like a lead magnet or a course or something that's, it's all built in the software.
It creates it on one page. So I'm doing it now. So I'm creating a one pager off of each of these
old things I have back in the day. It's like my public domain how-to course. I had these audio
files off my RadioShack tape player. So we got them digitalized. And I also have a workbook that
I found in the archives from that, from that course. And I also have a workbook that I found in the archives
from that course.
And I'm making a one-pager.
It's the public domain how-to.
And it's a one-pager with my four or five audio tracks,
my PDF.
And it's like, it's all there.
Now it's a one-pager that I have.
And I'm doing that with my affiliate bootcamp.
I'm doing it with my underachiever secrets.
I'm doing it with microcontinuity.
I'm doing it with like everything
I've ever created in the past forever.
I'm trying to put it into these little one-pagers.
And I'm deleting the stuff that's not relevant, like things that were very focused on,
you know, the search engine algorithms at the time or whatever, but I'm trying to find all
the times I talked or teach or whatever, and I'm putting it into these one pagers.
And you may be thinking, Russell, why would you do that? That's a whole ton of stuff that like,
you're going to sell that. And the answer is probably not, but I can use these things for
bonuses. I can use them for affiliate contests. I can use them for bribes. I can use them for lead magnets. I can use them
for all sorts of stuff. Like how many of you guys right now, after I launched my, uh, after we do
our big, my first, um, public domain launch, I'll be doing later this year, um, around a whole bunch
of cool Napoleon Hill stuff. I found, I launched that and you can see the process. I think pretty
conservatively we'll make at least a million dollars on the initial rollout to our list.
Um, after I do that, if I came back and said, do you guys know that 20 years ago is the first time I learned about public domain? And now 20 years later, I did a launch with some
old stuff I found on eBay. We made a million dollars in a day or a week or whatever it ends
up being, right? How many of you guys would like to hear the original time I taught this 20 years
ago? I was awkward. I was shy, but I had the actual audio files from my tape player that I got from Radio Shack. And I have the original PDF and there's a couple of
parts that are outdated, but who here would want that initial, that course? Like, it's amazing.
Okay. I'll give you that course. If you register for my webinar, I'm going to teach you guys about
public domain or, or if you sign up for the Napoleon Hill thing as a bonus, I'm going to
give you this course. It's going to show you how I found these public domain things and how I turned
them into derivative works. Right. But now it's a bonus I can use.
Right. And now I have, I think we created like 25 or 31 pages of things in the past
that I have that literally, um, uh, now that I have these things, I can, um, I can republish
them. I can give them as bonus. I can do like anything I want. Like, uh, let's say Dean and
Tony wanted me to promote something. I can look at my one pages like can do anything I want. Let's say Dean and Tony wanted me to promote something.
I can look at my one-pagers and be like, oh, here's three cool one-pagers from old events I did that no one's seen in 20 years that is amazing.
I can bundle this together.
I can add this together.
The next time I'm creating an offer for one of my books, I can be like, oh, here's my new book coming out.
Oh, here's three one-pagers I created from an event 10 years ago that would actually be really cool as bonuses.
And all of a sudden, I can start stacking and creating things very, very quickly, very, very rapidly. Right. And, um, anyway, so I wanted
to share it with you guys because there's times like even now, like for example, last summer,
um, my kids were at scout camp, my, my, uh, my twins. And, uh, they asked me, um, the church
asked me if I'd go up and I'd speak to the kids about goal setting. And so I went up there and I
spent 90 minutes talking to these kids about goal setting. And it was, I don't want to pat myself on the back, but I'm really proud
of it. Like it was a fire presentation. Like it was, it was good. The kids were like motivated,
they're going crazy. And I was like, I was in my element, sometimes show up to my kids and all
these kinds of things. And when it was done, I was like, Oh, I wish I would have recorded that.
Like how cool of a bonus of that had been if I was like, Hey, um, you know, when I launched my
new public domain book and be like, Hey, or not my new public domain, my new, um, my personal development book
that's coming out someday, if I ever have a chance to write it and that book comes out and like, Hey,
you get this book. Plus, um, one time I did a summer camp for my kids and this was my one shot
to sit in front of my kids and teach them like how to have goals and how to have success, all
kinds of stuff. And the presentation was amazing and blah, blah, blah. And I recorded whoever wants the audio recording of that
session. It is my kids. Right. And, and their friends at scout camp, like that would be an
amazing bonus. I could have included, um, you know, and there's so many other times where I
got teams meetings, my team or other things. I was like, ah, I wish I would record more things
like this. And so I'm sharing this with you guys because I want you to get in the mindset of like,
you need to be recording everything you're doing, right? Every phone call, every consult,
every time you're talking to somebody, every time somebody comes in, like every time you're
in a unique situation where we're at an event and we're in a hotel room talking about this thing,
and I pulled my phone out and recorded it because it was amazing. And now it's become this like
underground bonus that nobody else can get anywhere in the world. Right. And, um, anyway, it's just, it's just powerful. So this is like re reminding me to like be more intelligent about capturing
myself and capture my conversations. Um, as you guys know, I record most of my stuff here on my
iPhone. Um, and I just talk right. And people always ask me what might do you use? Like I
literally just talking to my phone. There's no mic, but if you do want, there's, there's a little
iPhone lab mic on Amazon fight 20 bucks or something. And it plugs into my phone. There's no mic. But if you do want, there's a little iPhone lav mic on Amazon for like 20 bucks or something.
And it plugs into your phone and then it has a little thing and you can clip on a thing
and it makes the audio even better.
But you could do that.
Have a little thing.
Keep it in your pocket.
In fact, I have one in my backpack.
Keep it in your pocket, your backpack or whatever.
And then when you're at a dinner and you're having a cool conversation about whatever
your topic is, be like, wait, real quick, let's record this.
Plug it in.
Now say that again and then capture this whole thing. conversation about whatever your topic is. Real quick, let's record this, plug it in. Okay. Now
say that again and then get, you know, capture this whole thing. And also now you have this
secret, um, unedited audio file from the dinner where your friend explained to you that blah,
blah, blah. Like the thing that was the, you know, the thing that changed everything for you or
whatever it is. Um, it literally could be, uh, in fact, one of my friends, uh, Matt Baysack,
I remember back the day he did, um, he had this free plus shipping CD. It was called Pillow Talk. And it was him and his wife
sitting in bed talking about their business. And he just recorded it. And it's like, oh,
and it was this amazing thing where it was just him and his wife talking about business. And it
became a free plus shipping offer that crushed it, right? Like how many different things like
that? You could be in the airplane and, you know, reading or listening to podcasts, have an idea,
and you sneak into the bathroom, then plug in your phone, like, Hey, I'm on the airplane bathroom right now. I just learned
this cool thing. I'm so excited. I had to hide here to explain it to you because I wanted to
make sure I had it top of mind before I forgot it. And then it's like the lost airplane bathroom
interview, you know, uh, uh, lost bathroom secrets, something, you know, 30,000 feet in the air. The
biggest thing that was so
powerful. I record this for my kids. I didn't want to lose it. Right. And there's just, it's just
easy to make these hooks. Um, anyway, so think about that because as you're recording yourself,
even if you're not going to use it right now, like you can start using these things for so many
different, different ways. Right. People always tell me like I created my product, Russell,
like what should I include as a bonus? And then they're like trying to go create a bonus and
trying to figure out things. And it's like,
man, if you would have been documenting these things while you were doing it, like there's
a million bonuses, right? I said, I think we have 25 or 31 pagers that we've been building over the
last week and a half, two weeks of just old stuff that I have. And there's way more. I have way more
things that we're going to be putting together and pulling more things together. But now I have
all these things in a spot where, man, I can create an offer in a heartbeat.
It takes me five seconds. I open a one pager, look at my list of here's all of Russell's one pagers. Like, oh, cool. I'm gonna do a bonus. I'm gonna give you this and this and this and this.
If you come to my live event, I'm gonna do this, this, this. If you buy my course, I'm gonna,
you see how fast I can do that now? Because I have the recordings of these amazing things.
And then the story behind the recording, why it's so awesome. I wish Napoleon Hill would have done
more of that. I wish Dan Kenny would have done more of that. So I wouldn't have to go and search for these
things. But for you and for me, we can do that today, right now. So there you go. There's the
feedback. Start recording everything you do. It can be audio. It could be video. It could be
written. It could be text. I don't care. Do those things. I mean, right now, like think about stuff
you've already published. Like We went and found Dan Kennedy.
He published a blog post for years.
And then their site went down and it was no longer available.
So we literally went back to the Wayback Machine, which shows snapshots of the old website.
We had someone go through all of Dan Kennedy's old blog posts that he literally wrote himself.
We copied and pasted them all.
And now if you go to and click on blog, those are literally blog posts from Dan back in the day
that we found in the archives and posting there for you guys, because it's like, Oh, here's the
gift. Like it's, Oh, there's just so much cool stuff you can do like by, um, from all the things
you're creating. Right. So just remember that as you're talking, you are creating and you can
record it and you, you know, you can not record it and it's gone forever, or you can record it and it can live on and be used
to benefit you over and over and over and over again. So there you go. Record everything, get a
mic or just use your phone or whatever, but just start capturing stuff. You never know how or when
you're going to use it, but maybe you could use it. I would never known 20 years ago when I recorded
my public domain course that it's now going to be the sexiest thing. I guarantee all you guys want to buy that from me now, right now, don't you? Admit
it. You want to buy it? You want a free copy? You'll register for webinar. You'll buy a product
if I give that to you, won't you? Admit it. You will let me know. That way I can put it together,
make some offer. Anyway. Okay. That's all I got. I'm going to bounce. I am so tired. I only slept
30 minutes last night. So if I sound tired or maybe I'm talking too fast
or if I'm confusing at all, that's probably why.
But the day's over.
I'm gonna go home and get some rest.
So I appreciate you guys.
Thanks for listening.
And we will talk to you soon.
Oh, P.S.
Before you hang up,
do you guys know that Funnel Hacking Live
is like six months away?
I've been calling speakers today all day
and it's getting exciting.
So depending on when you're listening to this,
if you go to, you can get tickets there getting exciting so depending when you're listening this if you go to funnel hacking live comm you get tickets there
and if depending when you listen the sales page might be up with all the
speakers but this year's event is going to be insane it's gonna be different
than any other event in the past in a really cool way I think you guys would
love it so that's like I appreciate you all and we'll talk soon bye everybody
thank you for listening to the marketing secrets podcast if you've loved this That's all I got. I appreciate you all. And we'll talk to you soon. Bye, everybody.
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Also, Dan Kenney and I would love to give you the most incredible free gift ever designed
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This free gift comes with almost $20,000 worth of pure money-making information for free,
just for saying maybe.
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