Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - ROR - Q&A Session (3 of 3)
Episode Date: December 6, 2021In this final segment, you get to hear Russell answer some questions from the attendees of the ROR Symposium. If you have enjoyed these episodes about the importance of relationships, please check out... to learn more! Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- Russell Brunson: Hey everybody. This is Russell. Welcome back to Marketing Secrets podcast. All right. What did you guys think? Did you like the keynote presentation so far? I hope you did. Hopefully it gave you some ideas about how we grow a business using relationships and joint ventures and the Dream 100, and give you guys some realistic expectations on how the game is played. Hope you guys enjoyed it so far. Now at the end of the symposium, they opened up to Q&A, which was really fun. And so I had a chance to do some Q&A, answer some questions, and we kind of jumped all over the board. So this episode will be fun. You'll get a couple different perspectives on some questions. My guess is that one of the questions you're going to hear is a question that you're probably wondering or something maybe you should have asked and didn't even think about it. So I hope this gives you a some value and you get some benefit from it. Once again, I want to thank Christopher Voss for allowed me to use my presentation from his ROR symposium for the podcast episode. If you want to follow Christopher and learn more about what he's doing and how to build better relationships in your business, get more traffic, build more referrals and things like that, make sure you go to and get on his list. All right, that said, I'm going to open up the third and final episode from our ROR symposium. We had a chance to do some Q&A with me, and I hope you guys enjoy it. Thanks so much. Don: One of my capacities today, just in this hour, is to be bouncer. So y'all get on the velvet rope, I've got my clipboard. I will let you go first, McCall, because I can see you on my screen. McCall, we've got 10 or 15 minutes, so just do me a favor, people: ask Russell your question with a certain amount of concise nature, and then he can answer it, because we have one last thing we need to do before Russell goes, and then we can wrap up the symposium. So McCall, go ahead. Unmute yourself and ask your question. McCall: Hi! Okay. I want to know who's on your list next. Don: Ooh. McCall: You got to have a list of people who you are always trying to connect with. I know you've gone to Tony Robbins. I mean, I know there are, but who are the people who you are actively trying to connect with now? Are you going to share it with us? Is it a secret? Is it supposed to be a secret? Am I missing something here? Russell: That's a good question. Maybe I'll put out the word, and guys can go find these people for me. McCall: Yes! Russell: It's interesting, and partially it's kind of where my life, like number one... Okay. So partially it's because I started getting obsessed with UFC during COVID, so I enjoyed watching more UFC fights... So this will make sense in a second. Also, I'm working on my success and personal development books right now, so it kind of opens up the reason why also. But the two people that I really am looking forward to eventually is Dana White and Joe Rogan. Those two guys are super fascinating to me. I don't agree with- McCall: Joe Rogan and, who was the first one? Russell: Dana White, who's the owner of UFC. Both of them, I don't agree with our belief system, like half, but they fascinate me on the other half and I have the ability to... Hopefully, all of us can learn is you can disagree with somebody on a lot of things and still have respect from them and still learn from them, so. But those are the two I'm really fascinated by and I have so many things... I'm not a very good interviewer, but man, if I sit down for an hour or two them, I would have so many things I want to ask them and like, ah, those guys fascinate me, so. McCall: Do you just do it in a Kevin Bacon way? Where you're like, okay, the six degrees of Kevin Bacon away from Joe Rogan and Dana White, and you just like start to eliminate? Russell: Definitely. There's that, but there's also like, is there a way I can incorporate Joe? How can I serve Joe Rogan? Right? He's the biggest podcast, my podcast doesn't help him, but I'll put him on stage potentially. Or there's something we could do, or... What's the next thing? If he's going to be doing his comedy shows, maybe I could find out like, "Hey, I can help fill a show in a city. We can do a funnel." Something like that where I can use my unique abilities to help magnify something they're doing. Or Dana White, I don't know how I'd serve him yet, but that would be kind of the thing. And then yes, it's looking at degrees of separation. I do know that Grand Cardone had Dana White on stage, I know there's that; I know Alex Sharpton is moving next door to Joe Rogan. So there's all kind of things. But I'm not like, "Hey Sharpton, can you call Joe Rogan for me? What's his address?" I'm not doing that, because I don't want to be the creepy guy. But I'm like, okay, I do know there's connection points, and who and how and all this kind of things. And then I'm also trying to pay attention to him. So like when I do have a chance to meet them the very first time, I can have an intelligent conversation. I can tell when people are prepared to meet me, because they... Like today, I had a guy that I'm potentially interviewing for a big position. And it was in the conversation, I could just... like, little things. He asked something about wrestling. I was like, "Oh, how do you like wrestling?" And he's like, "Your kid's wrestle?" I was like, I literally Instagramed a picture of Aiden on a wrestling mat last night. He did his homework, so we had this thing, and that's when I was like, "Oh, he is cool because he's paying attention." And all of a sudden I was like, "Ah, he got me. I trust this guy now because he had that commonality." And so, I'm trying to pay enough attention to them, what they're doing, where I could have a... Not that I have to agree with him, but I can like have a conversation. Like, "Hey, I don't agree with this. What do you think?" Sometimes agreeing with people don't create the connection points. The disagreement, you can have a discussion. That gets more fascinating and you get closer to someone through that than you ever could like, "Oh, you're so cool." People don't want to feel like they're being worshiped, they want to feel like an equal. So it's like, you get a mentally stimulating conversation with somebody that you disagree with, sometimes that's the best connection. I don't have the same opinion of that person, but that was the fascinating view to look at it through. And so, just gotta do my homework there. And yeah, stuff like that. McCall: That's cool. Thanks man! Russell: No worries. Don: Awesome. Okay, next... That's how rumors get started. Did you guys know that Russell's getting into UFC? He's going to be the ultimate fighter champion. Russell: I’m ready for it, let's go. Don: Let's go! All right, Daniel, you're next. Go ahead. Russell: I think if I was to have just retired from wrestling right now in my life, I 100% would be going towards UFC. Now that I'm an old man, I can't. And I didn't understand fighting back when I did get done competing, but if I was graduating from competition right now, I had 100% be in the UFC, or trying to be in the UFC, for sure. Don: And I had no idea that you were such a pop culture reference person. I've seen you do it stage a few time, but you did it in this small group, and I'm like, "Thank God. Russell and I have this in common." Because my immediate thought when you talked about it was, you can be like the guy from friends when John Favreau tries to be the ultimate fighting champion. He's passed his prime there and he has to give up the dream. But anyway. Daniel, go ahead with your question. Daniel: All right. First up, thank you so much, Russell. It's such an honor to be here in the same room as you. It's because of you, my mindset has switched from the mindset of just wanting to earn more money to serving people. I'm a big fan of you and your podcast, and especially Marketing In Your Car. That totally rocks. And my question… Russell: By the way, did you notice that? Now I know, first off, he's paid attention, but it wasn't just like, "Oh, I bought your book." He's like, Marketing In Your Car, which is my old podcast, he paid attention to. Yeah, so checked out connection point, now I'm like this guy's a real fan. I actually trust him even more. So, very good for you. That was awesome. Daniel: I love for you, Russell. I love you so much. So your latest podcast where you mentioned about the reasons for entry versus the reasons to stay, from Dan Kennedy. So I believe that we can also use that same framework for our Dream 100 too. If yes, could you expound a little bit more on that for me, please? Russell: Yeah. For sure. Those who don't know the reference yet, I did a podcast about this fax right here. Hold on. Oh, it’s not this one, dang it. Anyway, Dan only sends things through fax. So, there's fax that we got, which was like the fax he sent to the guy who bought it before me about how the other company destroyed his brand and his name, and there's a whole bunch of these little nuggets. So I shared one nugget, which was the difference between why people come into your business and why they stay in your business. They're different, right? For example, in our Mastermind, people come, it's like, "I want to be in my Russell's Mastermind!" And they get there and they're like, "Russell's not that cool, but all the people here are amazing!" And they stick because of the community of people, right? So it's like, I'm the hook to get him in, but this is what you're actually paying for is this amazing community. Right? And Dan was talking about, because for them, it's like, people come in because they want the money making secret of whatever, but they stay for the community and the newsletter, and Dan and his thoughts. It's understanding that they come and they stick for different reasons. And so Dream 100's very similar. I think a good practical example is like when we launched ClickFunnels, I was trying to find people that we could build funnels for free. Right? So I called a bunch of like bigger name people. Tony was one, Dave Asprey, a bunch of people who I woke up to. And I was like, "Hey, can I build you a funnel for your new book launch or for your thing?" It's like, they came because I wanted to serve them, do a thing like that. But then, that's how I got to know him. Right? I had a chance to go to Bulletproof Cafe and film Dave Asprey and get to know him, and become personal with him and like build a relationship. And so the hook was what got him to say yes to the meeting and to me spending half a day with him. Right? But then after that, the relationship stuck because of the other things. Does that make sense? So it's kind of the same thing. How do I surge enough hook to get them in so you have time to build relationships. That's the hardest thing. Right now it's hard because my time's so busy. How am I going to have time to… I can’t please everybody? So it's like, what's the hook? Like, what's something I can bring this value to you. It's like, "Okay, I got 30 minutes. Let's figure this out." And then during that window, if you build a relationship now, they stick for that. And I think that's a lot of times the way you open the door is through how can I serve you? For me, it's like, I don't have many talents, but funnels is one of them. So I built funnels for a lot of people. And nowadays, those other people aren't get ahold. Well, I don't necessarily build a funnel, but I'm like, "Hey, we want to migrate you over. I got a few amazing people to help you do your thing and build it out." And that way, again, we're serving them, getting it like, "Hey, now your things on ClickFunnel's platform." And then now, relationship is built. So I think that's probably how I look at it from an affiliate standpoint. Daniel: So yeah, just like going all out to serve them and just having that house service, and from there on, you build a reciprocity, and that's how you continue on the relationship. Thank you so much, Russell. Really appreciate you. Russell: No worries. Here’s an example, when Dave was out with somebody, we were at this thing and we'd asked this guy... We knew who it was. He's a friend but not best buddies. And we had ClickFunnels. It was when ClickFunnels first came out. We asked him three or four times, like, "Hey, you want to help us..." And he was just like, "No, no." And then Dave found out that he lives in Australia, he was flying back to Australia, and he wanted this surfboard. So Dave went and bought the surfboard, and then tried to give it to him that will miss the thing. So David had to jump in a car and drive three hours to the airport to get it to him and all this stuff. And then he flew back to Australia, he called me, he's like, "Man, Dave literally bought the thing I was looking for, drove it to me, got it for me in time. Now I have it here." He's like, "I have to roll ClickFunnels now." So Dave was the hook, and I was like, "Oh, you guys serve a level that nobody else does." Like, yes. Okay. Now I'll do the thing. And back, one of our early promoters, way back in the day. So anyway, just, it's always looking for that, like how do you help the people out first? Daniel: Amazing. Amazing. Thank you so much, Russell. Appreciate it. Russell: No worries. Thank you. Daniel: God bless. Don: Great question, Daniel. Thanks for being a real life example of what we're supposed to be doing, man. Russell was able to point out three things you did right, right there. That was amazing. All right, Jim, you're next buddy. Mr. Show, go ahead and unmute yourself and ask Russell your question. And try not to get in trouble. Jim: Don't get trouble. That's harsh. Russell: I'm like, "Cut the mic, cut the mic." Jim: Yeah. Russell: "Get him off, get him off." Don: I'm just kidding. Jim and I have had a really great relationship. He's been helping out, and he's going to help me out with something a little bit. Russell: Very good. Jim: Yes. So I focus on live streaming because I'm addicted to it. I think that Twitch is the future and I'm just trying to bring it here a little faster. And to entrepreneurs in particular, and I love the relationships that come from it. I had a game show called Exes Knows game show that formed amazing relationships. But it was very tight-knit, small family kind of a thing. So like, I want to give that to the audience too, and I wanted to know with like you have the Marketing Secrets show, and when you did that YouTube video, like I got giddy. You were like, "You need a show." I was like, "Yeah." But I just want to know if you had any recommendations for how to make it, that personal feel of being on the show, how can I give that to the audience? Russell: Mm. So I know what Twitch is because my kids watch video games on it and stuff. So can you explain so I understand like, are you in Twitch shows like more like, business type stuff? Or how are you… Jim: Yeah. If you go under Just Chatting for Twitch, they have actual shows. And shows like talk shows, interviews, game shows like what I ended up doing. They have round tables and all sorts of things that are not game centric, and the audiences are just loving it. They're adoring it. And they have things like Patreon to where you can take that step closer. They had exclusive content and things. So I was thinking of doing something more like that, but I'm not a big fan of Patreon. I just want to give that to them anyway. Russell: Yeah. It's funny. Again, this is mostly because I don't understand how the whole platform works. We talked about like, "We should do a Twitch show where people are just building funnels all day long, and my kids watch video games, and like..." We talked about it a couple times, so it's interesting. Again, I haven't done it on the platform, so I don't know exactly how it worked, but I think conceptually, the way you build communities is a couple things, right? Number one is like, people have to feel like they're a part of something. So it's not just like a bunch of randos coming to an event. It's like for Funnel Hacking Live, it’s a bunch of funnel hackers come to an event. Like, they're coming, and it's not like they're showing up just randomly. It's like, this is my people. I'm part of this. It's a tribe, it's a community. They're part of it, right? Just like family reunion, you go back and it's like, all my family comes together because we're family. And you can talk forever because it's a family mixed with family. And so we always try to create that, but it comes with people identifying with the thing you're doing, right? Expert Seekers talks a lot about this, but it's like those kind things. How do you get people to self-identify so they feel like they're part of the thing as opposed, I'm going to watch a show. Like I'm part of this, right? When we do ClickFunnel specifically, I was like, if people think it's Russell's company, they're not going to... It might be successful, but it'll stop. I was like, I want people to feel like ClickFunnels is our software. This is our company together. Right? And so you look at my languaging that I talk through things. I'm never like, "My company ClickFunnels." I'm like, "Yeah, it's a community." I'm like, "This is ClickFunnels, we have this community." And I'm trying to make it our company, not my company. Because no one cares if my company succeeds or not, but they care if our company, if our movement, if our culture, if our thing is different. Right? And so it's like, how do we make it we instead of just you? And I think that's one reason we've had so much success inside of our industries, I look at everybody else and everybody else doesn't do that. Everyone else is like, them and about them and about the thing. And it's like, we try to be us and try to make people feel tighter. And then you don't have to necessarily monetize on Patreon or whatever. It could be just swag. Like for example, we had Derral Eves came and spoke at our last Inner Circle meeting and he... Jim: I love Derral Eves. Russell: I don't know if you guys know the Chosen, but they've done $29 million in t-shirt sales on the back of the Chosen. So the content's completely free. Everything's free out there. But because the community and people want it, just in t-shirt sales. Right? And they've done a lot more in other stuff. But if you think about that, it's like, all the content's completely free, but it's the community. And so it's looking at that like how it's going to monetize it. Maybe it's not a paid thing or Patreon or whatever, but what do you have? Is it swag? For me, it's software. My whole goal is to get people into software eventually. Dan Kennedy was all about newsletters, physical newsletters is their thing that they monetize. And so it's just looking at like what monetization vehicle is exciting for you, and then making that the thing that, that you plug people into. It could be anything. It could be, again, software supplements. It could be all of us drink the same drink, supplement drink. Whatever the thing is. But there's this commonality thing that ties everybody together where they have this unique experience. In fact, prove it's a network marketing company I've done a lot of work with in the past. But everyone's drinking Ketones. Literally, the drink that they're drinking is what ties this community together, and they all have Ketone shirts and all these things, but that's the glue that ties all the people together, where they're all doing the same things. For me, it's software; other people, it's supplements; some people, it's new... whatever the thing is that glues the tribe together. Jim: Awesome. Thank you so much. I really appreciate the time. Russell: Sunday, if I remember on Twitch, doing the funnel hacker, funnel building show. I'll have to consult with you. Jim: Check out Just Chatting, man. It's really, really fun. Russell: Yeah. Very cool. Don: Awesome. Thank you so much, Jim. That's a great question. Russell, we have three more hands raised, and I've kind of cut it off and said that we're not going to have any more time. So if we could just take the last few questions, and then we'll wrap things up. Tammy, you're next. Could you please unmute and ask your question? Tammy: Hey Russell. I am so excited to have the opportunity. Thank you very much. And you mentioned something that was kind of a segue as to what I wanted to ask you, had I ever got the opportunity to ask you. And here it is! Tell me a little bit about the Funnel Hacker t-shirt. And the reason I asked is because this is what I do. I help clients make connections with their clients and customers, and love on them and kind of work their way through building these amazing relationships. And I use the Funnel Hacker t-shirt as an example all of the time. It's crazy. I don't even know if you know. Do you know you can't even go on eBay and buy a Funnel Hackers t-shirt. Like, occasionally you could find one, but most generally- Russell: A nasty one somebody had… Tammy: ... you just can't, man. I mean, you just can't find it. And so, it is a coveted item that defines your community. It gives them a jumping off point, not because it has your logo on it. I don't even think that's the brilliant part of this. The reason is because you have, either intentionally or not intentionally, you have connected with the end product of what you're delivering, and people self-identify with that to the point of, they want to be what it is that you offer. And I think people miss that so much in the branding. I see that in my business and things that I do; people want to slap their logo on it. Their first thing's like, let's put a logo on it and it's not about you. Can you speak to that just a little bit? Because got to love it. Russell: 100%. So I remember going to T&C before we launched Funnel Hacking Live. And I remember they gave swag items, and it was weird things. Like, one was a tuxedo and the things... And everybody got home and had them, and I just kind of threw them away and I didn't do anything with it. I remember we were building swag, I definitely didn't do this intentionally, but then after it happened, I realized it, and then we doubled down on that. And so what we realized is that, 100% of what you said. So yes, everything you said has my mark of approval. They have to identify. If they can't say I am a blank, they're not going to connect with it. Right? So I am a funnel hacker. I am a biohacker. I am a lady boss. I am a funnel builder. You can say, "I am a..." And then the word. That's how it is. Because I put it on like, I'm a funnel hacker. This is funnel hacker. But they have to be able to say that, "I am a..." Whatever. Expert Seekers would be a horrible t-shirt. I'm an Expert Seekers. No, I am a ClickFunnels. No, this is not going to work. It's not going to create a movement. Right here, Dan. Right? "I am diehard. I'm a diehard funnel hacker." That's the amplification of it. Right? But you wear that because that's who you are. I am a... Boom. And so that's what self identifies. And wearing a tuxedo thing was weird. I can't remember the one they had. I remember specifically, because Funnel Hacking Live was like a year later or something. And I remember thinking like I want swag that people would wear. And what's crazy now is I get texts probably two or three times a week from friends who are like, "I'm in Malaysia on those little carts." And as I'm driving down the street, there's this dude. They are taking pictures. "This dude in the middle of nowhere is wearing your shirt." And like, I get texts. It's like the craziest thing. Someone the day was like, "I'm in an airport in Singapore," "I'm in Australia," "I'm in New Zea-". All these things, and they're sending these random shirts, yeah I see a bunch of you guys wearing them. And it's just the coolest thing. And it's been spread through. If you notice nowadays, not all of them, sometimes they have different reasons, but almost all of our core shirts that we give away or do things with, always the test for me is like, "Can I say I am a blank?" If we can, sweet. If not... maybe it's something that's like a cool whatever, but it's not like a movement making something that someone wears. And so yes, 100% agree. And that's why we do it. And again, I don't think I did it up front. In fact, I think it was actually Kaelin Poulin. Because we had Funnel Hacker, and she had launched her swag stuff and a bunch of them didn't work. And then the one that just said LadyBoss on it, she came back, and I remember in our Inner Circle meeting, that's what she said. She's like I realize if they can't say I am a whatever, they don't self-identify, she's like, "We may sell it, but for us to sell a lot, it's like the self-identification gives people to actually buy, wear it, all that kind of stuff." So, very cool. Tammy: Thank you. Daniel: Awesome. Great question. Okay, Larry. And then we've got the last two. So Larry, go ahead and unmute and ask your question. Larry: Thank you. Thank you, Russell. For this wonderful speech. I'm really excited, because I started my journey three years ago with your Secrets books, and I have read them dozens of times, and audiobooks also. So I very well know your concepts of Dream 100 and making movements. I just want to, to ask you, I'm starting to make movement. It's a really, really small, really small group of fearless live go-getters. We are fighting the fear of going lives and starting those lives in the business. So what's your recommendation for me? I have finally a month and a half ago started to get some traction. I joined One Comma Club. So how to make that movement. Russell: So your people are going live like on Facebook. Is that what we're talking about? Larry: Yes. Yes. Since inside of the group, we are practicing, and later they are starting using that in their business. Russell: Okay. And then what type of people are you trading? Larry: Entrepreneurs and marketers. Russell: Do they fall in a certain subcategory underneath that? Larry: Yeah. Well, yes, they are people who actually haven't done those lives at all, but can realize very fast the power of it and have to overcome that fear. I'm also introverted, just like you, and I have done 160 lives in a row just to persuade myself. And during that period, I have persuaded so many people, so eventually the moment catch up. Russell: Oh, that's awesome. Well, I'd be looking at it like, if I was you, it'd be like, what do these people identify as, right? You know, McCall did Charisma Hackers. I did Funnel Hackers. What do you people consider themselves? Are they creators? The whole creator economy is a big thing. I'm a creator, I'm a go live creator. Are they doing physical projects? Are they experts? I look at how they would identify themselves. In fact, I don't even ask them. Hey, there's a lot of different people in this group. How would you self-identify yourself? And do a little quiz or survey, and see what the words that they're using. Because I didn't come up with funnel hacker, by the way. It's interesting. I had a webinar called the Funnel Hacks webinar, and we sold a course called Funnel Hacking Secrets or something like that, or Funnel Hacks. Anyway, whatever it was. And it was someone in our forum who posted, "Good morning, funnel hackers! Blah, blah, blah, blah." And I was like, "Oh, that's so cool! They called themselves funnel hackers." And they're like, "Oh!" And then like, "We need to..." And that started the whole thing. It wasn't something I came up with. It was like, they said it, someone said it. I wish I knew who said it, because I'd like give them an award or something. But someone said it in our little Facebook group of maybe 2000 or 3000 people at the time. And I was just like, "That's the coolest..." I remember like literally calling Dylan and Todd. And I was like, "It is the coolest thing. Someone just calls themselves a funnel hacker." Like, ah! So I would maybe ask your people and like, how would you identify yourself? Like, what are you? What would you call yourself? You can tell them, "We're building a tribe here. What should we call ourselves? We need a cool name." And see what the people in the group, kind of what they come up with as well. Larry: We are fearless live goal getters, but they like that name, but maybe I should reiterate it. Russell: Yeah. So there are fierce side go-getters so like with people who build funnels, so are we go-getters? Are we livers? Are we... Something. Something. Larry: Yeah. Yeah. Thank you. Russell: So very cool. Congrats, man. That's awesome. The Two Comma Club's the hardest. By the way, for who does is that after you get past the Two Comma Club, at least for me, there's a mental block for three years to break. Then after I got it, the rest of business got really. That's like the hardest one, is that first two Comma Clubs. One Comma Club is huge. Anyway, you get it. That's awesome. Larry: Thank you. Thank you. You're fantastic. Don: Love it. Awesome. Okay. So we have Michael Vale. Michael, you're not on camera, but I'm sure you're there. Yep. Michael: Yeah, I'm here. I'm actually hiding at work, so I can't put the camera on. Don: Understand. Michael: Yeah. That's a little different question for you, Russell. I love the way that you include your family, and I got to meet your two kids and your wife at Funnel Hacking Live. You'll have. And I know you're trying to get your boy cut up to be a little bit, but how does this play into the relationship world? Kind of an odd question, but... Russell: Say it again. So how does having my- Michael: Well, I'm just one of your hacker hire, but to see that and to see you share your faith, bring, for me, validity. It makes you aesthetic as a person. And how does that build relationships out in the community? , Russell: So, I think Myron Golden said, he said, "You don't attract who you want, you attract who you are." And so initially, I would try to get whoever into my world and I would kind of hide who I was more so, and I got people who I actually didn't like very much. If you've read the intro to Dotcom Secrets, I talk about how one day I woke up and I hated all my customers because I wasn't being like... And I hate the cliche. Like, "You need to be more authentic!" I was like, all right, well, I'm going to start sharing everything in my life. And I remember I started talking about my wrestling, I started talking about my kids back then. We just had our twins. I told that story, and I started with my wife. And it was crazy because I talked about these things, people who liked me started coming into my world. And I was like, "Oh my gosh, I actually like these people that I'm serving now," because we attract who we like. And there's people who… you know, it was years before I was willing to talk about God and my beliefs there, because I was like scared, like, "Ah!" And I started doing it and it was crazy, because one of two things happening. They didn't believe in God and they're like, "I don't care. Russell's cool for this." Or that you like, "Oh, I'm offended because you talked about that," and left. And I was like, "Sweet. That's great that they're gone." You know what I mean? And it's just interesting because the more I've done it, the more the people who we attract, I like them more and it's are exciting. And so I think it's just... I don't know. And I get a question a lot like, well, "Are you scared showing your kids on Instagram? Are you scared?" And yes, it's scary. At the same time, this is the world we live in today. You know what I mean? There comes a point where you've got to trade your kids, you got to do stuff, you got to pray that things are going to be safe and then hope for the best. And you know what I mean? And so, I don't know. It's being willing to share those things that are scary. And I'm not vulnerable at the point where I'm sharing everything about my life, but I definitely introduce people so they know who I am and where I stand and my values. Because at the end of day, I want more of those people around me. And there's people who come into our world who don't have my values, but a lot of times we transition, right? They come in because I make money, make money. And then they keep coming, then we talk about this and eventually like, "Huh." You start thinking about things differently. And so it's just being willing and open to share those kind of things. And if you do it, then it'll attract the right people. So yeah, I think for everybody just be being okay with that. Don's a great example of this, right? Don, I've seen a transformation in him over the last year and I love him. I love him however he wants to be. I don't care. And I respect him. He's a great friend, so it doesn't matter to me. And it's the same thing. Right? And some people, I'm sure you've lost friends, I'm sure you've gained friends. And it's like, who cares? Are long as the people I want are going to be around me and that's amazing. And the people who are not okay with that, they're gone and that's amazing too. It makes life so much better. I think it's like, all us should be who we want to be, and I think it's awesome. Michael: Thank you, Russell. Thank you. Russell: Hey, can we actually... I see Luke over here. Can we do one more question? Because I'm curious… Don: Don't worry. Don't worry. He's here. I just very quickly, I just want to say thank you, Russell, for that, by the way. It's my turn to cry. I made it through three days without crying, which is not easy for me. Losing people in my life like you was my biggest fear. Not because of who you are, because of the stories I told myself. So thank you for letting me love unapologetically and love myself unconditionally. I appreciate it. Russell: No worries, man. Don: Hey, Luke. So what you don't know about Luke yet, maybe, Russell, is Luke is 12, just turned 13, spoke on this symposium as one of the 35 amazing speakers, and did it on his birthday. And he courageously has raised his hand to ask the Russell Brunson a question. Luke, let's go, buddy. Luke: Hey Russell, I'm a super big fan. I have Dotcom Secrets. It's completely stained and everything because I've carried it everywhere around with me. And my brother he created- Russell: My kids don't think I'm cool, so if you could let him know, that'd be awesome. Luke: My brother, he's a huge fan. He created his own landing page, promoting your book at the age of seven. And so he loves you too. My question for you is how do you get credibility at a young age in an adult world? Russell: Ooh, that's that's a great question. So, I would say first off you're doing it. Like the bigger thing is in people's minds, and I'm the same way. We ought to set our our minds, like, "I can't be successful because of blah." Right. "Because I'm too young, I'm too old, I've got..." Everyone's got an excuse of why they can't do it, but what's crazy is like, when I got started, as I started doing stuff, people were like, "Oh my gosh, you're so young. This is cool." Right? And then you seem a little bit older. I think more of it's a mental thing. The fact you are here, there's a whole bunch of speakers on here, and I kept seeing your face. And I was like, "I want to talk to that guy. I want to talk to that guy the most. Like everyone else, oh, they're all boring adults. They're like, blah. Who cares?" I want to talk to you, that's why I called you at the end. So I think it's actually like a superpower. Like, usually the things that we are afraid of or we think are going to be are limiting things, end up becoming our superpowers. Right? And I think it's just leaning into it and being okay with it. Because most of that is just in our head, thinking like, I can't do it because of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I can't do it. Everyone's got excuse. I'm still to this day have tons of excuses. Like, I can't do it because I talk too fast or I'm not as cool as somebody else, or blah, blah, blah. We all have these same things. I think it's just understanding that that's actually a superpower. The fact that you're young and you're having success and you're doing these things is going to attract more people to you. More people are going to want to have you speaking at their events. And no lens. I don't know if you know Noah yet, but he was, I think, I think he was 11 or 12 when he somehow figured out my Voxer ID, hacked into my Voxer ID, and started messaging me. Anyway, I was just like, there's this young kid messaging me and... and I don't know. I wasn't scared. So if I started, do I respond back or not? Because it's a weird conversation and then I just showed you the message. It was so funny because he's like, "Hey Russell, I found an error on your funnel. Here's the fix, send it to your tech guy," and sent it to me. I was like, "What?" An 11 year old kid like found an error on my thing and then sent it to me. Right? And then the next day he's like, "Hey Russell, you talked about this thing. So I built an entire funnel that you could use to give your audience just as a gift. Here's the share funnel link if you want to use it. If not, that's totally cool as well." And then something else, he's like, "Hey, I took your sales page. I think I got a better hook so I rebuilt it. Feel free to A-B split test." And he kept sending me these things and eventually like, "Who are you?" And we started talking, and he's a young kid, same kind of thing. And then his story was so cool. I introduced a bunch of people and he introduced himself, and he spoke at one of our events and just all these doors got open because he was young. Right? If would've been a 35 year old dude, I just would have blocked everything because he was young, I was curious and it opened up all these things. And so I would just lean into it and realize that what you have as youth is a superpower. It's not a negative thing at all, and people are going to see you and just be blown away by what you're doing, and just keep doing it. And anyway, so hope that helps. Luke: Yeah, I really appreciate it. Thank you so much, Russell. Russell: No worries. Thank you. Don: So Luke, I don't know if you know, but Russell has this really awesome event. I know personally that he said a number of times that behind Funnel Hacking Live. It's his favorite, if not a dead heat for his favorite, it's called unlock the secrets. And it's a family driven event and we were able to go to the one that happened in I think Denver in 2019, but is there a rumor that you're going to do another one, Russell? Russell: We do have one coming up. So Luke, if you want a message my team we'll invite you and your family. You guys can come to it. It's awesome. It's going to be in Arizona. Where are you from? Luke: I'm in Canada. Russell: In Canada. Okay. Well, if you can break out of Canada, it's in Arizona, I think in June of this year. So message Chris or someone. He can connect you with that with my assistant, and we'll give you your family tickets if you guys want to come to it. Yeah. It's a family event. Luke: I would love that. Russell: Last time we did it, I think we had 300 or 400 like teenagers there and it was like the coolest experience ever. This year's going to be even cooler, so. Don: Russell, do you have time for me to tell one quick anecdote before we do something for Chris? Russell: Yeah. Don: The anecdote is about Unlock the Secrets, and number one, I'm a huge for family person, so I love the fact that during that event, you light up in a different way. And taking pictures of you, you make different faces, you act a little differently just because you're nurturing what you love about life in children, and it's so fun to watch. Two things. I watched a person, a young man, sitting at the corner of one of the edge of the roads, and he was furiously typing and doing stuff. And I kind of looked at his mom and she goes, yeah, and she kind of did this thing. And I was like, what? And she goes, "He's building another funnel." And I'm like, "Oh, another funnel?" And I was like... And I have a picture. He turned it around and he had his ClickFunnels page open and he scrolled it for me. He had dozens and dozens and dozens of that. This like 11 year old had designed himself. And then Noah, my interaction with him was when I was photographing him on stage, you allowed people to ask some questions at the panel. And they said, "Hey, I'm just curious. What do you charge to build a funnel?" You remember this? Russell: This is the best ever! Don: You want to tell everybody? Russell: Yeah. He's like, "Actually, I don't charge people for funnels anymore. I only trade for equity." Don: Uh-huh (affirmative). He's like, "I don't charge hourly. I only do it for equity." And I was literally like, "This kid is my idol now." He's not even in high school, and he doesn't do it for hourly wage. He only does it for equity. So, Luke, if I have the honor and pleasure of seeing you at Unlock the Secrets, I can't wait to see your funnel, and you can tell me that you want equity in my company to help me with something. Luke: I'm super excited. Don: Appreciate you, Luke. Russell: I love my… My kids actually told me this morning, I was driving to school. And Ellie's like, "Dad, you're the least mature adult that we know." Or something like that. And I'm like, "Thank you. That's amazing." Don: It's the Peter Pan quote, right? We have to get older, but we never have to grow up. That's all there is to it. Russell: Yes, exactly. Don: Hey Christopher, as we wrap up, I'm sure you're going to have words for Russell. I'm going to have a few myself, but I need to find you in my list. There you are. Russell: He passed out, he’s tired. Let's give him a break. Don: He is. He's probably sleeping. Hey buddy, how you doing? Christopher: Doing good. Don: Blown away. Blown away. Christopher, do me a favor. I'm sure Russell has very busy and important things to do. He's graced us with 90 minutes of his time. Now that we were able to surprise you with this, thank Russell for his time and thank you. What do you have to say to Russell before he goes and we wrap things up? Christopher: Thank you. Thanks for being here, and this is a dream come true. This is not the last symposium for Return on Relationship. I call this a movement, not just an event. And it just means the world to me, Russell, to have your support, and to have everyone's support. Everyone that came out to speak, and all of you that came out to attend. I want people to think differently about how they build relationships. I think this is something that's a need and I can't wait for all of you to go away from here and take everything that you've learned and apply it and change your lives. And Russell, you mentioned it when you told the story about Dave, what great news that we got about Dave. He's an incredible individual. I look up to him about as much as I look up to you, and I already thank you publicly, but yeah, relationships saved my life. I'm here putting on this symposium because I met you, and I never would've met Wallace Nelson if it wasn't for meeting you, and relationships to the foundation, for everything in your life; and just thank you, Russell, for being here and supporting me in my first symposium. It means the world to me. Thank you. And all of you, thank you. Russell: No worries, man. I'm proud of you for doing it. It takes a lot to put something like this together and to have the vision and everything. So, proud of you man, for doing it. And it's just the beginning, not the end. This is the beginning of, I think, your business, your movement and everything. So, proud of you and love you, man. Christopher: Love you too. Thank you. Don: Everybody wave at Russell. Thank Russell. Russell, thank you, man, for being here. We appreciate you so much. We'll see you again soon. Russell: Thanks everyone! Christopher: Thanks Russell! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Discussion (0)
Hey, everybody, this is Russell.
Welcome back to Marketing Seekers Podcast.
All right, we just think you like the keynote presentation so far.
I hope you did.
Hopefully, it gave you some ideas about how we grow a business using relationships and
joint ventures and the Dream 100 and give you guys some realistic expectations on how
the game is played.
I hope you guys enjoy it so far.
Now, at the end of the symposium, they opened up to Q&A, which was really fun. And
so I had a chance to do some Q&A, answer some questions, and we kind of jumped all over the
board. So this episode will be fun. You'll get a couple of different perspectives on some questions.
My guess is that one of the questions you're going to hear is a question that you're probably
wondering or something maybe you should have asked and didn't even think about it. So I hope this
gives you some value and you get some benefit from it. Once again, I want to thank Christopher
Voss for allowing me to use my presentation
from his ROR Symposium for the podcast episode.
If you want to follow Christopher
and learn more about what he's doing
and how to build better relationships in your business
to get more traffic, build more referrals
and things like that,
make sure you go to
and get on his list.
All right, with that said,
I'm going to open up the third and final episode
from our ROR Symposium.
We have a chance to do some Q&A with me,
and I hope you guys enjoy it.
Thanks so much.
So the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us,
who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
who are spending money from our own pockets,
how do we market in a way that lets us get our products
and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question
and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
One of my capacities today just in hour, is to be bouncer.
So y'all get on the velvet rope.
I've got my clipboard.
I will let you go first, McCall, because I can see you on my screen.
McCall, we got 10 or 15 minutes, so just do me a favor, people.
Ask Russell your question with a certain amount of concise nature,
and then he can answer it,
because we have one last thing we need to do before Russell goes,
and then we can wrap up the symposium.
So, McCall, go ahead, unmute yourself yourself and ask your question hi okay i want to
know who's who's on your list next you gotta have like a list of people who you are always trying to
connect with i mean i know you know you've gone to tony robbins are there people that you're active
i mean i know there are but who are the people who you are actively trying to connect with now?
Are you going to share it with us? Is it a secret?
Is it supposed to be a secret?
Put out in the world and then you guys can go find these people for me.
It's a, it's interesting.
And partially it's kind of where my life like number one. Okay.
So partially it's because I started getting obsessed with UFC during COVID.
So I watch more UFC fights. So this will make sense in a second also i'm working on my my success and
personal development books right now so that it kind of opens up the reason why also but um the
two people i really am looking forward to uh eventually is dana white and joe rogan like
those two guys are super fascinating to me um i don't know who is the first one dana white who's
the c the owner of ufc both of them i don't
agree with like like if you look at like our belief system like half of them like but they
fascinate me on the other half and i have the ability to like hopefully all of us can learn
is you can disagree with somebody on a lot of things and still have respect for them still
learn from them so but those are the two i'm really fascinated by and like i have so many things
i'm not a very good interview but man if i could stay on for an to them, I have so many things I want to ask them and like,
ah, those guys fascinate me. So do you just do it in like a Kevin Bacon way where you're like,
okay, the six degrees of Kevin Bacon away from Joe Rogan and Dana White, and you just like start
to eliminate. Definitely. Or it's like, you know, uh, there's that, but it's also like,
like, is there a way I can incorporate Joe? Like, how can I serve Joe Rogan? Right? Like
he's got the biggest podcast. Like my podcast isn't gonna help him but like i'll put him on
stage potentially or there's something we could do or what's the next like if he's gonna be doing
like his comedy shows like maybe i could find out like hey i can help fill a show in a city
we can do a funnel and like i don't know something like that where i can use my unique abilities to
help magnify something they're doing right or dana white like and i don't know how i'd serve him yet
um but that that that would be kind
of the, the thing. And then, yes, it's looking at degrees of separation. Like I do know that
Grant Cardone had Dana White on stage. I know there's that. I know Alex Sharfman has moved
next door to Joe Rogan. So there's all kinds of things, but I'm not like, Hey, Sharfman,
can you call Joe Rogan for me? What's his address? You know, I'm not doing that because I don't want
to be the creepy guy, but I'm like, okay, I do know like there's connection points and who and
how and all those kinds of things. And, and then i'm also trying to pay attention to him so like when
when i do have a chance to meet them the very first time i can have an intelligent conversation
i um i can tell when people are prepared to meet me because they like today i had a guy that i'm
potentially interviewing for a big position and um and uh it was in the conversation i could do
like little things like you asked something about wrestling i was like oh how do you know what wrestling is like is your kids wrestle
i was like i literally just got a picture of aiden on a wrestling mat last night like he did his
homework so we had this thing i was like oh he's cool because he understands like he's paying
attention and all of a sudden i was like ah he got me like i trust this guy now because he had
that commonality and so i'm trying to like pay enough attention to them what they're doing where
i can have a not that i have to agree with them, but I can like have a conversation like, Hey,
I don't get this. What do you think? And like, now we have a fact, like
always sometimes agreeing with people don't create the connection points, like the disagreement where
you can, you can have a discussion like that gets more fascinating and you can get closer
to somebody through that than you ever could. And like, Oh, you're so cool. You know, like
people don't want to feel like they're being worshiped. They want to feel like an equal.
So it's like, if you get a mentally stimulating conversation with somebody that you disagree with, sometimes that's the best connections. Like I really enjoyed, I don't, I don't want to feel like they're being worshiped. They want to feel like an equal. So it's like, if you get a mentally stimulating conversation with somebody that you disagree with,
that's the best connections.
Like I really enjoyed,
I don't,
I don't have the same opinion.
That person,
that was a fascinating view to look at it through,
you know?
And so just kind of do my homework there.
And you know,
So by that,
that's cool.
you know,
that's how rumors get started.
Did you guys know that Russell's getting into UFC? He's going to gonna be he's gonna be the ultimate champion let's go let's go
uh all right daniel i think if i was to have just retired from wrestling right now in my life
um i 100% be like going towards ufc now i'm an old man i can't and i didn't understand fighting
back when i didn't get done competing but if i was was like, if I was graduating from competition right now,
I'd a hundred percent be in UFC or trying for the UFC for sure.
And I had no idea that you were such a pop culture reference person.
I've seen you do it on stage a few times, but you did it in this small group.
And I'm like, thank God,
Russell and I have this in common because my immediate thought when you
talked about it was you can be like the guy from friends when Jon Favre
tries to be the ultimate fighting champion. He's just,
he's he's past his prime there and he has to, he has give up the dream but uh anyway daniel go ahead with your question all right
first up thank you so much russell you you have been such a it's such an honor to be here in the
same room as you it's because of you you know my mindset has switched from the mindset of just
wanting to earn more money to serving people i'm a super big fan of you and your podcast and especially marketing in your car that totally rocks and and my my by the way so what's that now
i know first off he's paid attention but wasn't just like oh i bought your book he's like marking
your car which is my old podcast he paid attention to you know so check that out connection point now
i'm like this guy's a real fan i actually trust him even more so very good for you that was awesome
i love you russet i love you so much so your latest podcast
where you mentioned you know about the reasons for entry versus the reasons to stay uh from dan
kennedy so i believe that we can also use that same framework for our dream 100 to if yes could
you expound a little bit more on that for me please yeah for sure those who uh don't know
the reference yet i did a podcast about uh this fact right here i'll start this one anyway dan only sends things with
facts so there's facts that we got which is like the facts he sent to the guy who bought it before
me about like how the other company destroyed his brand in his name and there's a whole bunch of
these little nuggets so like i shared one nugget which was um uh the difference between like why
people come into your business and why they stay in your business like they're different right it Right. And so like, for example, like in our mastermind, people come,
it's like, I want to be in Russell's mastermind. And they get there and they're like, Russell's
not that cool, but all the people here are amazing. And they stick because of the community
of people. Right. So it's like, I'm the hook to get them in. But it's like, this is what you're
actually paying for is this, this amazing community. Right. And Dan was talking about,
because for them, it's like people come in because they, they want like the money-making
secret of whatever, but they stay for the community
and the newsletter and like Dan and his thoughts.
And like, you know, it's understanding that they, they come and they stick for different
And so Dream 100 is very similar.
You know, I think, um, a good practical example is like when we, when we launched ClickFunnels,
I was trying to find people that we could build funnels for free.
So I called a bunch of like bigger name people. Like Tony was one, Dave Asprey, a bunch of people who I was trying to find people that we could build funnels for free. Right. So I called a bunch
of like bigger name people. I, Tony was one Dave Asprey, a bunch of people who I look up to. And
I was like, Hey, um, can I build you a funnel for your new book launch or for your thing? Or,
you know, it's like the Kings, I wanted to like serve them, like do a thing like that.
But then that's how I got to know him. Right. I had a chance to go to Bulletproof cafe and film
Dave Asprey and get to know him and become personal with him and like build a relationship.
And so the hook was what got him, got him to say yes to the meeting and to me spending a half a
day with him right but then after that um the relationship stuck because of the other things
that make sense so it's kind of the same things like how do I search them that's the hook to get
them in um so you have time to build relationships that's the hardest thing like you know right now
it's hard because like my time is so busy it's like how am I gonna have you know how am I gonna
have time to I can't meet everybody right so it's like, how am I going to have, you know, how am I going to have time to meet everybody?
So it's like, what's the hook?
Like, what's something like, you're also, I can bring this to value to you.
It's like, okay, I got 30 minutes.
Let's figure this out.
And then if you're in that window, if you build a relationship now, they stick for that.
And so, and I think that's a lot of ways, times the way you open the doors through,
like, how can I serve you?
For me, it's like, I don't have every talents, but funnels is one of them.
So I built funnels for a lot of people.
And nowadays there's other people want to get ahold of, I don't necessarily build a funnel but funnels is one of them. So I built funnels for a lot of people. And nowadays there's other people I want to get ahold of.
I don't necessarily build a funnel,
but I'm like, hey, we want to migrate you over.
I got a team of amazing people to help you do your thing
and build it out.
And that way, again, we're serving them,
getting it like, hey, now your thing's on ClickFunnels platform
and then now really ship is built.
So I think that's probably how I look at it
from an affiliate standpoint.
So you're just like going all out to serve them
and just having that heart of service.
And from there on,
you build a reciprocity and that's how you continue on the relationship.
Thank you so much, Russell.
Really appreciate you.
One more example.
Dave did that with somebody.
We were at this thing and we'd asked this guy,
we knew who it was.
He's like a friend,
but not like our best buddies,
you know?
And we had clicked photos.
It was from click.
When it first came out,
we asked him three or four times like,
you want to help us?
And he was just like,
no. And then Dave found out that he he
lives in australia he was flying back to australia and he wanted this surfboard so they went and
bought the surfboard and then tried to give it to him then we missed the thing so david jumped in
the car and drive like three hours to the airport to get it to him and all this stuff and then he
flew back to australia he called me he's like he's like man dave dave literally like bought the thing
i was looking for drove it to me got him before in time like now i have it here he's like man dave dave literally like bought the thing i was looking for drove it to me got it
me before in time like now i have it here he's like i have to throw click funnels now so dave
was the hook and i was like oh like you guys serve at a level that nobody else does like yes okay
but now i'll do the thing and you know back one of our early promoters way back in the day so anyway
just it's always looking good like how do you help the people out first amazing amazing thank you so
much appreciate it thank. God bless you.
Great question,
And thanks for being like a real life example of what we're supposed to be doing,
Russell was able to point out like three things you did.
right there.
It was amazing.
All right,
your next buddy,
go ahead and unmute yourself and ask Russell your question and try not to
get in trouble.
That's harsh.
Cut them off.
Cut them off. I've just given, we, uh, Jim and I have had a
really great relationship. He's been helping out. Um, and he's gonna, he's gonna help me out with
something a little bit. Yes. So I focus on live streaming cause I'm addicted to it. I think that
Twitch is like the future and I'm just trying to bring it here a little faster and to entrepreneurs
in particular. And I love the
relationships that come from it. I had a game show called X's Nose Game Show that formed amazing
relationships, but it was, it was very tight knit, small family kind of a thing. So like,
I want to give that to the audience too. And I wanted to know if you with like, you have the
marketing secret show. And when you did that YouTube video, like I got giddy if you with like you have the marketing secret show and when you did that
YouTube video like I got giddy you were like you need a show I was like yeah but um I just want to
know if you had any recommendations for how to make it that personal feel of being on the show
how can I give that to the audience so I know what Twitch is uh because my kids watch video
games on and stuff um so can you explain so
i understand like are you in twitch shows but like more like business type stuff or how are you yeah
if you go under just chatting for twitch they have actual shows and shows like talk shows
interviews game shows you know like what i ended up doing uh they have uh round tables and all
sorts of things that are not game centric and the audiences are just loving it they're adoring it
um you know and they have things like patreon to where you can take that step closer they have
exclusive content and things so i was thinking of doing something more like that but i'm not a big fan of like patreon i just want to
give that to them anyway yeah it's funny we talked again this one thing i don't understand how the
whole platform works we talked about like we should do a twitch show where people are just
building funnels all day long with my kids watch video games and like we talked about a couple
times so it's interesting um you know i don't again i haven't done it on the platform so i
know exactly how it would work i think conceptually the way you build communities a couple things right uh number one
is like people have to feel like they're part of of something so it's not just like a bunch of
randos coming to an event it's like for my guys but your funnel hackers come to event like they're
coming and it's not like they're showing up just randomly it's like they're like this is my people
i'm part of this like it's a tribe it's a community it's like like they're part of it right just like family reunion you go back and it's like all my is my people. I'm part of this. It's a tribe. It's a community. It's like, they're part of it, right?
Just like family reunion, you go back and it's like, all my family comes together because
we're family.
And you can talk forever.
We've become a family because we're family.
And so we always try to create that.
But it comes with people identifying with the thing you're doing, right?
Expert Secrets talks a lot about this.
But it's like those kind of things.
How do you get people to self-identify so they feel like they're part of the thing as
opposed to, I'm going to watch a show like i'm part of this right um
when we built click funnel specifically i was like if people think it's russell's company they're not
going to um like it'll be a it might be successful but it's not gonna it'll stop i was like i want
people to feel like click funnels is our software this is our company together right and so you look
at my language and i talk through things i'm never like my company click funnels my gap is a
community like this is this is ClickFunnels.
We have this community.
And like, like I'm trying to make it our company, not my company.
Cause no one cares if my company succeeds or not.
They care if our company, if our movement, if our culture, if our thing is different.
And so it's like, how do we, how do we make it?
We, instead of just, just you, you know?
And I think that's one reason why I've had so much success inside of our industry is
I look at everybody else and everybody else doesn't do that.
Everyone else is like them
and about them and about the thing.
And it's like, we try to be us
and try to make people feel tighter.
And then, you know,
you don't have to necessarily monetize
on Patreon or whatever.
It could be just like swag.
Like for example, we had Daryl Eves
came and spoke at our last Inner Circle meeting.
And he, I don't know if you guys know the Chosen,
but they've done $29 million in t-shirt sales on the back of the chosen.
Um, so the content's completely free. Everything's free out there, but because the community and
people want it, like, like just in t-shirt sales. Right. And they've done a lot more than other
stuff. But like, you think about that, it's like the entire, every, all the content is completely
free, but it's the community. And like, and so, um, it's looking at that, like how it's going to
monetize it. Maybe it's not a paid thing or Patreon or it's looking at like how it's going to monetize it
maybe it's not a paid thing or patreon or whatever but like what do you have swag is it for me it's
software right like my whole goal like is to get people into software eventually you know dan
kennedy was all about newsletters like physical newsletters is their thing that they monetize and
so it's just looking at like what monetization vehicle like is exciting for you um and then
making that the the thing that you plug people into.
It could be anything.
It could be, again, software supplements.
It could be, you know, all of us drink the same drink,
supplement drink, you know,
whatever the thing is,
but there's this commonality thing
that ties everybody together
where they have this unique experience.
In fact, like Pruvit's a network marketing company
I've done a lot of work with in the past.
But you know, everyone's drinking ketones.
And like the key,
like literally the drink that they're drinking
is what ties this community together.
And they all have ketone shirts
and like all these things,
but that's the glue that ties all the people together where they're all
doing the same thing.
So for me,
it's software,
other people's supplements,
some people it's new,
like whatever the thing is that glues the,
glues the tribe together.
Thank you so much.
I really appreciate the time.
If I remember on Twitch doing the funnel hacker funnel building show,
I'll have to consult with you.
Check out just chatting, man.
It's really, really fun.
Yeah, very cool.
Thank you so much, Jim.
That's a great question.
Russell, we have three more hands raised,
and I've kind of cut it off and said that we're not going to have any more time.
So if we could just take the last few questions,
and then we'll wrap things up.
Tammy, you're next.
Could you please unmute and ask your question?
What's up, everybody?
This is Russell Brunson.
I've got something really cool for you today
from my friend, Taylor Wells.
Taylor spoke at our last Funnel Hacking Live
because I wanted him to share a really cool concept
about what he calls the revolving pricing method.
And today he decided to sponsor the podcast
to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy
that you are going to love.
It's something we've been implementing
into our high-end coaching program as well,
and it is amazing.
But to kind of give you some context
about this offer he's making for you guys,
as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JPMorgan Chase did a study, and guess what they
found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating expenses in
reserve. That's right, less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're like me, the idea of
your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop,
am I right? Especially with how the economy's been lately. It's not the time to be gambling with your finances. So Taylor put together this book
called The Revolving Pricing Method, and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you
close into a long-term profit machine. We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking
about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now here's where it
gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my Marketing
Secrets listeners.
And if you go over to slash secrets, you can grab the Revolving Price Method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all.
It's at 70% off.
And I promise you guys, as a customer of this, you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability, this is the model you need to add into your funnels.
So go over to slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue. Again,
that's slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson,
and I want to jump in really quick to share with you a new assessment I found out that is
insanely cool. You guys know I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments,
but this one is different because not only does it help you understand yourself,
but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our
employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the bus so they can get more
stuff done. I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about
this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the Working Genius is awesome. Like
this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited for the new
assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done.
Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately.
I took it for myself.
I had my team take it.
And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's working
geniuses are.
And that's important because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out,
make sure that you have, first off, the right people, but make sure the right people are
sitting in the right seats on the bus.
And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Now, normally this assessment,
you can go to and there's two G's in the middle,,
but I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an
expensive test at all, but you get a 20% discount off when you put in the keyword secrets at
checkout. So go to Again, two G's, workinggenius,
two G's in the middle,, and then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S at checkout.
You get 25% off. But then we'll take the test. Again, it takes you 10 minutes. But even in a
10-minute session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help you understand
yourself, to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to give you the most joy, number one.
But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are,
with your teams,
getting them in the right seats as well.
So anyway, I love this assessment.
Go check it out at
and enter the promo code SECRETS for 20% discount.
Take this test for yourself and for your team.
And I promise you,
it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody
and help your company to grow.
Russell, I am so excited to have the opportunity.
Thank you very much. And
you had, you mentioned something that was kind of a segue as to what I wanted to ask you. Had I ever
got the opportunity to ask you and here it is. Tell me a little bit about the funnel hacker t-shirt.
And the reason I ask is because this is what I do. I help clients make connections with their clients and customers and love on them
and kind of work their way through building these amazing relationships. And I use the funnel hacker
t-shirt as an example all of the time. Like it's crazy. I don't, and I don't even know if you know,
do you know, you can't even go on eBay and buy a funnel hackers t-shirt. Like occasionally you can find one, but most generally you just can't, man.
I mean, you just can't find it.
And so it is a coveted item that defines your community.
It gives them a jumping off point, not because it has your logo on it.
I don't even think that's the brilliant part of this.
The reason is because you have either intentionally or not intentionally,
you have connected with the end product of what you're delivering. And people self-identify with
that to the point of they want to be what it is that you offer. And I think people miss that so
much in the branding. I see that in my business
things that I do. People want to slap their logo on it. They're the first things like,
let's put a logo on it. And it's not about you. Can you speak to that just a little bit?
So I remember going to TNC before we launched Fonaki Live. And I remember like they gave swag
out. It was like, it was weird things like, like one was a tuxedo and the things,
I remember I got home and I had them and I just kind of threw them away and I,
I didn't do anything with it. I remember when we were building swag, I didn't, I didn't,
I definitely didn't do this intentionally, but then after it happened, I realized it.
And then we doubled down on that. And so what we realized is that, um, a hundred percent of you said, so yes, everything you said has my mark of approval. They have to identify. So like if they can't say, I am a blank, they're not going to connect with it.
So I am a funnel hacker.
I am a biohacker.
I am a lady boss.
Like I am a funnel builder.
Like I am a, they can say I am a, and then the word, that's how it is.
Cause I put it on, like, I'm a funnel hacker.
This is funnel hacker, but like they have to be able to say that I am a whatever.
That's why I like, um, expert secrets would be a horrible t-shirt i'm an expert secrets no i am a click funnels no like
it's not going to work like it's not going to create a movement it's not like i'm like they're
uh right here dan you're right i am die hard i'm a die hard funnel hacker like that's the
amplification of it right but like you wear that because that's who you are i am a boom and so
that's what self identifies.
Like me wearing a tuxedo thing was weird. Um, uh,
I can't remember the other one they had.
I just remember like I remember specifically cause I started knocking on
the door and I was like, right after like a year later or something.
I remember thinking like, I want swag that people would, would wear.
And what's crazy now is, um,
I get texts probably two or three times a week from friends. Right.
I'm in Malaysia on a, malaysia on a those little
uh those little things little carts as i'm driving down the street there's this dude and they send
pictures and they're taking pictures like this dude in like in the middle of nowhere is wearing
your shirt and like i get texts oh it's like the craziest thing like someone the other day was like
i'm in an airport in singapore i'm in australia i'm in new zealand all these things and they're
sending these random shirts yeah i see a bunch of guys wearing them and it's just like the coolest
thing um and it's been spread through so like if you notice nowadays like
not all of them sometimes they have different reasons but almost all of our core shirts that
we give away or do things with always like the the the test for me is like can i say i am a
blank if we can sweet if not it's not gonna like maybe it's something that's like a cool whatever
but it's not like a it's not like a a movement making um something that someone who wears and so yes 100 agree and that's why we do it again i don't think i did it up front in fact
i think it was actually uh kaylin poland because we had lady or we had we had lady boss we had
funnel hacker and she had launched her swag stuff and like a bunch of them didn't work and then
the one that just said uh lady boss on it she came back and remember in our inner circle meeting
that's what she said she's like she's like i realized that they can't say i am a whatever they don't self-identify it's like we may sell
it but first to sell a lot it's like the self-identification gets people to actually buy
wear it you know all that kind of stuff so very cool thank you awesome great question okay larry
and then we've got the last two so larry go ahead and unmute and ask your question. Thank you. Thank you, Russell, for this wonderful speech.
I'm really excited because I started my journey three years ago with your
secrets books, and I have read them dozens of times, and audio books also.
So I very well know your concepts of Dream 100 and making movements.
I just want to ask you, I'm starting to make movement.
It's a really, really small group of fearless live goal getters.
We are fighting the fear of going lives and starting using those lives in the business.
So what's your recommendation for me?
I have finally a month and a half ago
started to get some traction.
I joined One Comma Club.
So how to make that movement?
So your people are going live like on Facebook?
Is that what you're talking about?
Yes, yes.
Inside of the group, we are practicing.
Later, they are starting using that in their business.
And then what type of people are you training?
Entrepreneurs and marketeers.
Do they fall in a certain subcategory underneath that?
Well, yes.
There are people who actually uh haven't done uh
those uh lives at all but uh can realize very fast uh the power of it and have to overcome that fear
i'm also introverted just just like you and i have done 160 uh lives in a row just to just to
persuade myself and during that period i have persuaded so many people
so uh eventually the movement catch up oh that's awesome well i'd be looking at like you know if i
was you it'd be like what what do these people identify as right um you know mccall did charisma
hackers i did funnel hackers um you know but like what do your people consider themselves like are
they creators like you know whole creator economy is a big thing. I'm a creator.
I'm a go-live creator.
I'm a creator.
Are they doing physical projects?
Are they experts?
I look at how they would identify themselves.
In fact, I don't even ask them.
Hey, there's a lot of different people in this group.
How would you self-identify yourself?
Do a little quiz or survey and see what the words that they're using.
Because I didn't come up with Funnel Hacker, by the way.
It's interesting.
I had a webinar called the Fun that they're using. Um, because like, I didn't come up with funnel hacker, by the way, it's interesting. Um,
I had a webinar called the funnel hacks webinar and we sold a course called funnel hacking secrets or something like that,
or funnel hacks,
whatever it was.
and it was someone in our forum who posted like,
good morning,
funnel hackers,
And I was like,
that's so cool.
They call themselves funnel hackers.
And they're like,
and then like we need it.
And that started the whole thing.
It wasn't something I came up with. It like they self-advanced they said it
someone said it i wish i knew who said it because i'd give them an award or something but someone
said it in our in our little facebook group of maybe two or three thousand people at the time
and i was just like that's the coolest thing i remember like literally calling dylan and todd
and i was like it is the coolest thing someone just calls themselves a funnel hacker like oh
so i would like maybe ask your people like how would you identify yourself like what are you what would you call yourself like even tell them like we're building
a tribe here like what should be what should we call ourselves we need a cool name and like see
what the you know people in the group kind of what they come up with as well so yeah we are we are
fearless live go-getters but uh they like that name but maybe maybe i i should reiterate a bit
yeah first like so they're fierce like go
getters so like we're people who build funnels like what would be like so are we go getters are
we are we livers are we something something yeah yeah so very cool congrats man that's awesome
and one comic club that's the one comic club is the hardest uh two comic clubs the hardest
by the way for me does is after you get like past the two comic club the net like it gets there's at least for me there's
a mental block for three years to break that after i got it like the next the rest of business got
really easy like that's like the hardest one of that first two comic clubs one comic club is huge
anyway you'll get it it's awesome thank you thank you you're fantastic love it awesome okay so um
we have mich Vail.
Michael, you're not on camera, but I'm sure you're there.
Yeah, I'm here.
Go ahead.
Hey, buddy.
Go ahead and ask your question.
I'm actually hiding at work so I can't put the camera on.
I understand.
This is a little different question for you, Russell.
I love the way that you include your family.
And I actually got to meet your two kids and your wife at fellow hacking alive and uh how and i know you're trying to get your boy cut up just
just be a little bit but how does this play into the relationship world it's kind of an odd question
but uh you know how does it say it again so how does it having my well i mean
it's that i mean it i mean i'm just one of your hackers out here but to see that and to see you
also share your faith bring for me validity you know when you're it makes you aesthetic as a
person and how does that build relationships out in the community so i think myron golden said he's like
you don't attract who you want you attract who you are and so initially i used to try to you know
get anyway i'm trying to get whoever into my world and i would kind of hide who i was more so and and
um i got people who i actually didn't like very much if you've read the intro the dot
com secrets book i talked about how like one day i woke up and i hated all my customers because i
wasn't being like and i hate the i hate the cliche like you need to be more authentic but
it was literally i was like all right well i'm gonna start sharing everything my life and i
remember um i started talking about my wrestling i started talking about my kids you know back then
we just had our twins i told that story and i started my wife and i just it was crazy i talked
about these things um people who like started, started coming to my world.
And I was like, Oh my gosh, I actually like these people that I'm serving now. Um, because we
attract who we like. And there's people who, and you know, and it was, it was years before I was
willing to talk about God and my beliefs there. And like, cause I was like scared, like, Oh,
and I started doing it. And it was crazy. Cause once things happen, they didn't believe in God.
And they're like, I don't care. Russell's cool for this. Or they were like, Oh, I'm offended
because he talked about that and left and was like sweet
that's great that they're gone like you know what i mean and um and uh it's just interesting because
uh the more the more i've done it the more like the people who we attract i like them more and
it's more exciting it's just and so i think it's it's just i don't know and i get a question a lot
it's like well like are you scared showing your kids Instagram, be scared. And like, yes,
it's scary. And at the same time, it's like,
this is the world we live in today. Like, it's not, you know what I mean?
It's like, there, there comes a point where you gotta train your kids.
You gotta do stuff. You gotta pray that,
that things are gonna be safe and then hope for the best. And you know what I
mean? And so I don't know. It's just, it's,
it's being willing to share those things that are, that are scary.
And I'm not
vulnerable to the point where I'm sharing everything about my life, but definitely like
introduce people. So they know who I am and where I stand and my values, because at the end of the
day, like I want more of those people around me and I can, there's people who come into our world
who don't have my values, but a lot of times like we transition, right. They come in and say,
I want to make money, make money. And then they keep hearing me talk about this. And eventually
like, huh, you start thinking about things differently. It's like, um, and so it's just being willing and open to, to share those kinds of things. And if you do it,
then, um, you know, it'll, it'll attract the right people. So yeah, I think, I think for
everybody's just be being okay with that. Like, um, you know, like, and I'm going to, Don's a
great example of this, right? Don is, I've seen a transformation in him over the last year and I
love him. I love him however he wants to be.
I don't care.
And I respect him.
He's a great friend.
So it doesn't matter to me.
And it's the same thing, right?
And some people, I'm sure you've lost friends.
I'm sure you've gained friends.
And it's like, who cares?
Like, this way, the people I want are going to be around me.
And that's amazing.
And the people who are not okay with that, they're gone.
And that's amazing, too.
Like, it makes life so much better.
I think it's like all of us just be who we want to be.
Thank you, Russell. Thank you. It's awesome it's awesome hey can we do can we actually um i see luke luke over here can we do one more question i'm curious dude you don't worry
don't worry he's here um i just very quickly i just want to say thank you russell for that by
the way um it's my turn to cry i made it through three days without crying uh which is not easy
for me losing Losing people
in my life like you was my biggest fear, not because of who you are, because of the stories
I told myself. So thank you for letting me live unapologetically and love myself unconditionally.
I appreciate it. No worries, man. Hey, Luke. So what you don't know about Luke yet, maybe Russell, is Luke is 12, just turned 13, spoke on this symposium as one of the 35 amazing speakers and did it on his birthday.
And he courageously has raised his hand to ask the Russell Brunson a question. Luke, let's go, buddy.
Hey, Russell. I'm a super big fan. I have dot com secrets.
It's like completely stained everything because I've carried it everywhere around with me and uh my brother my kids don't
think i'm cool so if you could let them know that'd be awesome my brother he he's a huge fan
he created his own landing page promoting your book at the age of seven and so he loves he loves
you too my question for you is how do you get
credibility at a young age in an adult world? Ooh, that's, that's a great question. Um,
so I would say first off you're doing it. Like the bigger thing is like in people's minds,
I'm the same way. Like we always have our minds like, I can't be successful because of blah,
right? Because I'm too young. I'm too old. I've got like, everyone's got an excuse
of why they can't do it.
But what's crazy is like, when I got started,
like I, as I started doing stuff,
people were like, oh my gosh, you're so young.
This is cool, right?
And then you see people that are older,
they got like, I think more, it's a mental thing.
Like the fact that you were here,
like there's a whole bunch of speakers on here.
And like, I kept seeing your face and I was like,
I'm gonna talk to that guy.
I wanna talk to that guy the most.
Like everyone else is like, oh, they're all boring adults. Like they're like, blah, who cares? Like. I want to talk to that guy. I want to talk to that guy the most, like everyone else, like, Oh, they're all boring adults. Like
they're like, blah, who cares? Like, I want to talk to you. Like I was, I called you at the end.
So I think it's actually like a superpower. Like usually the things that we are afraid of,
or do we think are going to be the, are limiting things end up becoming our superpowers. Right.
And I think it's just leaning into it and being okay with it. Um, because most of that is just
in our head, like thinking like, I can't do it because of blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I can't
do it. And everyone's got an excuse that I've got.
I still, to this day have tons of excuses.
Like I can't do it because I talk too fast or, you know, I'm not as cool as somebody
else or blah, blah, blah.
You know, we all have these same things.
I think it's just like the understanding that like, that's actually a superpower.
The fact that you're young and you're having success and you're doing these things is
going to attract more people to you.
More people are going to want to have you speaking at their events.
More people are going to, you know, no lens.
I don't know if you know Noah yet, but he was i think i think he was like 11 or 12
when he somehow figured out my voxer id hacked into my voxer id started messaging me um and at
first you know like anyway i was just like there's this young kid messaging me and i didn't i didn't
i know i was getting scared like do i start to respond back or not because it might open some weird conversation and then like he started i should't, I know I was, I was getting scared. Like, do I start, do I respond back or not? Cause it might open some weird conversation. And then like, he started,
I just show you the messages. It's so funny. Cause he's like, Hey Russell, I found an error
on your funnel. Uh, here's the fix. Send it to your tech guy and send to me. I was like,
what? What 11 year old kid like found an error on my thing and then sent to me. Right. And then
the next day he's like, Hey Russell, you talked about this thing. So I built an entire funnel,
um, that you could use to give your audience just as a, as's the share funnel link if you want to use it if not that's
totally cool as well and then something else he's like hey I took your sales page I think I got a
better hook so I rebuilt it feel free to AB split test and he kept sending me these things and
eventually I'm like who are you and we started talking and he's a young kid same kind of thing
and then like his story was so cool and he introduced I introduced so much people he
introduced himself and like he spoke one of our events and just all these doors got open because he was young.
If he was, if he would have been a 35 year old dude, I wouldn't, I just would have blocked
everything, you know, because he was young.
I was curious that it opened up all these things.
And so I would just lean into it and realize that what you have as youth is a superpower.
It's not a negative thing at all.
And people are going to see you and just be like blown away by what you're doing and just
keep doing it.
And anyway, so hope that helps. I really appreciate it. Thank
you so much, Russell. No worries. Thank you. So Luke, I don't know if you know, but Russell has
this really awesome event. I know personally that he said a number of times that behind Funnel
Hacking Live, it's his favorite, if not a dead heat for his favorite, it's called Unlock the
Secrets. And it's a family driven event. And if we were able to go to the one that happened in,
I think Denver in 2019,
but is there a rumor that you're going to do another one, Russell?
Is that how we do have one coming up? So Luke,
if you want to message my team, we'll invite you and your family.
You guys can come to it. It's awesome. It's going to be in Arizona.
Where are you from? I'm in Canada, Canada. Okay.
Well, if you can break out of Canada, it's in Arizona,
I think in Canada. Russell, do you have time for me to tell one quick anecdote before we do something for Chris? Yeah. The anecdote is about Unlock the Secrets.
And number one, I'm a huge family person.
And so I love the fact that during that event, you light up in a different way.
And taking pictures of you, you make different faces.
You act a little differently just because you're nurturing what you love about life and children.
And it's so fun to watch.
Two things.
I watched a person,
a young man sitting at the corner of one of the edge of the rows, and he was furiously typing and
doing stuff. And I kind of looked at his mom and she goes, yeah. And she kind of did this thing.
And I was like, what? And she goes, he's building another funnel. And I'm like, oh, another funnel.
And I was like, and I have a picture. He turned it around and he had his ClickFunnels page open
and he scrolled itFunnels page open and he
scrolled it for me. He had dozens and dozens and dozens of funnel that this like 11 year old had,
had designed himself. And then Noah, my interaction with him was when I was photographing him on
stage, you allowed people to ask some questions of the panel and they said, Hey, I'm just curious,
what do you charge to build a funnel? You remember this? This is the best. You want to tell everybody?
He's like, actually, I don't charge people for funnels anymore.
I only trade for equity.
He's like, I don't charge hourly.
I only do it for equity.
And I was literally like, this kid is my idol now.
He's not even in high school and he doesn't do it for hourly wage.
He only does it for equity.
So Luke, if I have the honor and pleasure of seeing you at unlock the secrets,
I can't wait to see your funnel.
And you can tell me that you're,
you want equity in my company to help me with something.
I'm super excited.
I love it.
My kids actually told me this this morning, I was driving to school.
And Ellie's like, dad, you were, let me say, you're the,
you're the least mature adult that we know or something like that.
I'm like, thank you. That's amazing. It's the Peter Pan quote, right? We have to get older,
but we never have to grow up. That's all there is to it. Hey, uh, Christopher, uh, as we wrap up,
I'm sure you're going to have words for Russell. I'm going to have a few myself, but I need to
find you in my list. There you are. He passed out. He's tired. Let's give him a break. He's
probably sleeping. Hey buddy, how you doing? Doing good.
Blown away. Christopher, do me a favor.
I'm sure Russell has very busy and important things to do.
He's graced us with 90 minutes of his time.
Now that we were able to surprise you with this,
thank Russell for his time and thank you.
What do you have to say to Russell before he goes and we wrap things up?
Thank you. Thanks for being here.
And this is a dream come true. This is not the last
symposium for return on relationship. Uh, this is, um, I call this a movement, not just an event.
And, um, it just means the world to me, uh, Russell, to have your support, um, and to have
everyone's support, everyone that came out to speak and all of you that came out to attend.
Um, I want people to think differently about how they build relationships.
I think, um, this is something that's a need and, and I can't wait for all of you to go away from here and take everything that you've learned and apply it and change your lives. And Russell, you mentioned it. Um, when you told the story about Dave, um, what a great, um, what great news that we got about Dave. Um, he's an
incredible individual. I look up to him about as much as I look up to you. And, um, I already thank
you publicly, but yeah, relationship saved my life. I'm here putting on this symposium, uh,
because I met you and I never would have met Wallace
Nelson if it wasn't for meeting you and relationships, the foundation for everything
in your life. And just thank you, Russell, for being here and supporting me in my first symposium.
It means the world to me. Thank you. And all of you. Thank you.
I'm proud of you for doing it. It takes a lot to put some of this together and to
have the vision and everything. So proud of you, man, for doing it. It takes a lot to put some of this together and to have the vision and everything.
So proud of you, man, for doing it.
And it's just the beginning, not the end.
This is the beginning of, I think, your business, your movement and everything.
So proud of you and love you, man.
Love you, too.
Everybody, wave at Russell.
Thank Russell.
Russell, thank you, man, for being here.
We appreciate you so much.
We'll see you again soon.
Thanks, everyone.
Thanks, Russell.
Hey, everybody. this is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your questions.
And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering
questions through text message to people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop
everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text me a message, okay? Now the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797.
Once again, it's 208-231-3797.
When you text me, just say hello.
And then what's going to happen is I'll add you to my phone
and then they'll send you back a message
where you can add me to your phone.
And then we can start having conversations.
On top of that, through this texting community
is where I'm going to be giving out free swag,
giving away free copies of my book, let you know about book signings, about times I'm coming to your local area, and a whole bunch more. I just want to
make sure you are on this list. On top of that, every single day I'm sending out my favorite
quotes, my favorite frameworks, and things you can get for free only through my texting platform.
So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me at area code 208-231-3797.
One more time, that's 208-231-3797.
I can't wait to hear from you right now.