Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - The 3 Closes
Episode Date: June 8, 2020How to quickly double sales by weaving the 3 invisible closes into every step of your funnel... On this episode that is from a presentation at 2019’s Funnel Hacking Live, Russell talks about the 3 C...loses. Here are the 3 closes he explains in today's episode: The Emotional Close The Logical Close And the Urgency and Scarcity Close Find out what each of this closes is, and why Russell uses them in every single funnel. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hey everybody, this is Russell Brunson.
Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
I am pumped that you are here.
I cannot wait to share some cool stuff with you guys today.
And it's funny, I'm actually working through a big project right now.
So I've been logging into all the archives of Funnel Hacking Live from the past five or six years,
or however many years we've done it. And I found this little presentation that I forgot I did archives of Funnel Hacking Live from the past five or six years, or however many years we've done it.
And I found this little presentation that I forgot I did this last Funnel Hacking Live.
It was only 15 minutes long, but it's called The Three Closes,
How to Quickly Double Sales by Weaving the Three Invisible Closes into Every Step of Your Funnel.
I kind of just rewatched it real quick.
I'm like, this is really good.
People should hear this.
So I'm going to give you guys a gift today.
I'm going to let you guys listen in on this presentation.
But if you're going to get to listen to it, I need your help.
The help that I need you when you're done listening to it,
because I'm giving you this stuff for free.
Everyone else had to pay to get this.
So if I'm going to hook you up and give you this for free,
the thing I want in return is for you guys to take a snapshot on your phone
as you're listening to this and post it on social media
and tell everyone to go listen to this episode.
Dude, this episode is sweet.
Go listen to it.
The three closes.
And just get people to come listen.
So that's my only request.
You don't have to do it, but if you'd like to,
that'd be really, really cool.
It'd mean a lot to me.
So when you do that, make sure you tag me
and do hashtag marketing secrets.
That way it'll show up and I can see it.
And I'd love to hear your comments
on why you liked this episode.
And I appreciate you guys sharing it in advance.
Okay, with that said, I'm gonna cue up the theme song.
When we come back, you're gonna have a chance to listen
to one of my presentations from Funnel Hacking Live called
The Three Closes, How to Quickly Double Sales by Weaving the Three Invisible Closes into Every Step
of Your Funnel. Here we go. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't
cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a
way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still
remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer.
My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
This is a framework that I've been using for myself for a long time,
and I assumed that everybody knew it or did it.
And one time we had a marketing meeting.
This was probably about a year ago.
We flew most of our marketing team into Boise,
and we were sitting there, and I remember mapping this out.
I was explaining the layout of a landing page.
I said, hey, just so you know, this is the three closes
and how we use them on a landing page.
And everyone on my team was like, what? They started freaking out. I was like,
didn't everybody know this? Like, I don't think anybody knows this. You've never talked about it
before. No one's ever shared it. I was like, oh my gosh, that's amazing. So I've never really talked
about this publicly anywhere before besides right now and right here. So I want to kind of go
through this. So I call this the three closes, how to quickly double cells by weaving these three
invisible closes into every step of your funnel. Okay. And this is what the framework looks like.
And it's emotion, logic, and fear. All right. So step into kind of the pre-frame so you can
understand how this framework works. So the first thing you have to understand, I learned this
originally from Perry Belcher. I think Perry learned it from Dan Kennedy, but I'm not sure.
But he said something really interesting. He said, he said, if you look at anything in life,
the reason why people either move towards you or they don't move at all
is because of this weird thing that we have as humans called status.
We like to fill status, right?
And so that's kind of how this, like all of selling is based on this
when you start understanding it, okay?
It's all based on status.
And so when somebody's looking at any opportunity you offer them, right? Here's the new thing. Here's my product. Here's my service. Here's
my whatever. What they're thinking about subconsciously in their mind is, if I do this
thing, if I buy this product, if I move forward in this way, is this thing that I'm considering
doing, is it going to increase my status or is it going to decrease my status? That's the
psychological turmoil they have in their head every single time they make an offer. It really
boils down to that simple.
Is this going to make me feel better about myself or is it going to make me feel worse about myself?
Am I going to increase my status or decrease my status?
Okay? Some of you guys are thinking, oh, that's not me.
I don't make my decisions that way.
I'm not so self-centered that I'm worried about my status all the time.
But it's interesting because status works both ways.
Some people buy really amazing things like, let's say, a really expensive watch or a nice car
because it will increase their status. Like, oh, let's say, a really expensive watch or a nice car because it'll increase their status.
Like, oh, I'm going to feel really good, right?
And so that's one side of it.
But some people, they don't buy a car that's really expensive
because they feel like that will decrease their status, right?
First time I ever shared this concept, I remember I was talking about a Ferrari.
And I'm going to share a Ferrari story here in a second.
So I was talking about a Ferrari, and I remember I was talking about, you know, you go to buy a Ferrari, you do it because you
want to increase the status. And I remember a lady in the audience, she's like, I would never
buy a Ferrari. That would not increase my status. That would actually decrease my status. I'm like,
exactly. Your fear is the other side. Like, if I buy this thing, it's going to decrease my status.
I was like, what do you drive? And she's like, a minivan. I'm like, why do you drive a minivan?
And she says, well, it's because it makes me feel intelligent, because I know it gives gas mileage,
and it's safe for my family, all those kind of things. I said, so you bought a minivan. I'm like, why do you drive a minivan? And she says, well, it's because it makes me feel intelligent because I know it gives good gas mileage and it's safe for my family, all those
kind of things. I said, so you bought a minivan because it increased your status. She's like, oh
my gosh, I never thought about it that way. I thought that everybody, you know, status was like
this thing that was a negative connotation, but all of us do it, okay? And so that's what you need
to kind of understand. So as we move into this framework, I want you to look at it through that
frame of understanding status, okay? All right, so the first close when we're selling anything is our emotional close.
Now, emotion is the most powerful tool we have for selling anything, okay?
And so that's why we spent a whole session last night for like two hours talking about
the epiphany bridge and story, okay?
Story is an emotional close.
I'm telling you a story.
I'm getting you engaged.
All your feelings are happening, right?
And so you're getting the emotion.
Now, emotion, like I said, is the most powerful thing.
And for years, this is the only way that I knew how to close stuff.
I would tell stories that were emotional.
People would feel it, right?
And then they would go and they would buy things.
And so emotion, people feel this emotion that gives them a status increase.
Like, oh my gosh, this is so amazing.
If I get this thing, if I buy this product or this service, right, I'm going to have a better style.
I'm going to have more happiness, more wealth, my physical appearance.
I'm going to feel better about myself. I'm going to lose weight. I'm going to make money. I'm going
to, you know, whatever the thing might be. Okay. So it's an emotional decision. Right now, if you,
if you look at the metrics, about 50% of your sales will come from the emotional close.
Okay. Some of you guys, that's all you do is just the emotional close. And that's okay. That's what
I did for probably the first decade before I understood the second two closes. But 50% of your sales will come from the emotional clothes. Okay. Now this is a
picture of Todd. He has like that red car. So this is Todd's red car. And I remember he saw it and he
was like freaking out. He's like, I want to buy this car. And he went and he jumped in the car.
He sat in it. He drove around and he felt amazing. And he was like, this is amazing.
Can you imagine driving this car every single day?
How awesome it would be, right?
And he's sitting there visualizing the increase in status.
Like, I'm going to feel really good.
People are going to see this car.
It's going to be awesome, right?
So the very first thing is he's emotionally sold.
He's like, this is good.
I need this thing, right?
And so most sales happen emotionally initially, right?
Imagine, you guys, the last car that you bought.
When you got it the first time, you sat down. You're like, oh my gosh, this is amazing, right? It's the emotion
you feel of it. This is true to anything in life, by the way. Think about the last five things you
bought. You sat there, and you're emotionally like, oh, this would be really cool to have. I want that thing,
okay? But then what happens is after the motion kind of runs its way, and you're like, I need this
thing. I have to buy it. Then we have people we love around us. Like for example, Todd, this is his beautiful wife, Ashley. And he's got to drive home in this car and tell Ashley about the emotional experience
he just had. She didn't have the same emotional experience that Todd had when he first stepped
in this car, I'm pretty sure. And so from there, now we transition to the second close, which is
the logical close. So after Todd bought the car, he signed on the line, he voxed me, and he started talking to me about the gas mileage, about how
the resale value is so great on this car, and he's going on and on and on. I started laughing, like,
Todd, I'm the most emotional person you have ever met. You do not have to logically convince me of
anything. He's like, I know, but I'm driving home, and in a few minutes, I have to logically convince
Ashley that this was a good purchase. And so the second close is logic. Okay. And logic is all about avoiding a status decrease.
Okay. So all of us, we buy things emotionally and then we justify them logically.
Okay. So if you don't have logic in your pitch, in your presentations, in the way you're selling,
a big percent, 50% or more of your audience will not buy, even if they're emotionally moved to buy.
Because like, this is amazing, but like, oh, what if the decrease in status, right? They feel the emotion of the increase
in status. They're excited by it, but then they fear the decrease of status. Like, what's my wife
going to think? My family, my friends, if I drive this car to school, what are the other parents
going to think? Like, all the different things that they start freaking out about, right? They
have this fear of the decrease of status. And so because of that, you have to also speak to the
logical mind, okay? And so the second close in any sales presentation is the logical close.
So you start with emotion.
50% of buyers come from emotion.
And then about 30% of the buyers will come from the logical close.
So where you logically explain things.
Mostly so that they have the ammunition they need to logically explain to other people
so they don't feel a decrease in status.
There's no logic in buying a Ferrari.
I had one for a while.
It was the worst car ever.
If you don't plug it in every night, it dies. Okay. You can't jump in. You have to plug
it in. It takes a week to recharge. It's the worst car ever. It broke down every time I drove it.
Like it was insane. Like there's no logical reason to have a Ferrari. It's, it's horrible. In fact,
I was talking to Todd the other day. He's like, yeah, I left it unplugged and sat in the driveway
for a week because we didn't, we couldn't get it back. I'm like, it's the worst car ever, right? Emotionally though, man, it looks good. Like I've never been a hot girl ever,
but when I drove my Ferrari the two times it worked
before it broke down every time,
I would drive to the gas station
and all of a sudden men from everywhere
would start popping up from the gas station
and come around me.
I was just like, and they're like,
how many horses are in there?
I'm like, I don't know.
I'm not a car guy. And they're like, can I get a picture with it? I'm like, I guess. Like,
I feel so violated. This is the weirdest thing in the world. The other weird thing is you drive
down the street and you see the other cars coming. And it was funny because the women driver never
noticed any of it, but the men would be like, every single man. And I say, people like flip
around and speed past me with their cameras, getting selfies. like, oh, look at the, I'm like,
this is the weirdest thing ever. Emotionally, it was amazing. I felt like a rock star,
okay? But logically, it's the worst car I've ever driven ever. It gets horrible, okay?
All right, you understand, emotional is about increasing status. Logic is about,
is protecting yourself from the decrease in status, okay? And 30% of your sales come from logic.
And then the third close is what we call fear or FOMO, fear of missing out.
This is the urgency and scarcity.
Okay, there's some people, no matter how much status increase they think they're going to get
or how much logically they convince themselves and others around them that they can buy something,
they won't buy, they won't take action unless you're going to take it away.
The fear of missing out is the thing that gets the last 20% of people to buy, okay?
And so this pattern is happening everywhere.
You guys will see it at this event alone.
I'm going to be using this process a bunch of times on you.
Hopefully you guys will respect that and appreciate it and see it.
But I want you guys to start seeing where these things are weaved into a lot of things.
Here's some examples.
Okay, so emotion, logic, fear.
So just feeling this event alone.
How many of you guys were at last year's Funnel Hacking Live?
And at the very end, I was like,
hey, you should buy tickets next year.
You're like, whoa, and you ran the back and you bought tickets.
Where are my emotional buyers?
I love you guys.
Thank you for doing that.
So these are the emotional buyers.
They had an amazing emotional experience last Funnel Hacking Live.
They're like, this is insane.
Next year, I'm going to be on stage.
I'm going to get my reward.
This is the most amazing thing on earth.
I'm going to commit to myself right now.
I'm going to do it.
Those are my emotional buyers.
You guys all signed up before the event even left.
So grateful for you guys.
I hope by next year, you are all emotional buyers.
That would make my job of selling tickets so much easier.
That's step number one.
So we get the emotional buyers.
And then it's like, everyone's like,
well, I don't know if next year,
if I'm going to win an award yet.
I don't know if this.
Well, what if the speakers aren't good?
What if this?
And like all the logic, right?
Like, oh, what if I go and like, I don't learn anything new because I already know everything Russell's ever said. I've read all his books. I don't know if this, what if the speakers aren't good? What if this, what, and like all the logic, right? Like, oh, what if I go and like, I don't learn anything new because I already know
everything Russell's ever said. I've read all his books. I know everything. Like what, and all of a
sudden the logic starts coming in, right? And so the, and so like the next set of closes for us,
we start introducing speakers. And each speaker, I'm like, here's the speaker. This is why you need
to hear from them. Logically, this is the part you're stuck on. This person's gonna give you
that piece. Here's the next speaker. Here's the next speaker. Here's the next speaker, right? I
spend the next two months of my life doing interviews with all the speakers,
and everyone's like, logically, okay, all right. So if Jermaine's going to come, then I'm going
to come because, you know, logically it makes sense. I need that piece. Oh, and logically,
I need design hacking. If Catherine's going to be there, I'm going to come, right? And logically,
for two months, I start closing the next set of sales through logic, right? So the next 30% of
our sales came through the campaign like this, right? And then guess how the last 20% of the tickets were sold?
Literally the last day when I'm like, hey, tickets sell out tomorrow, and then they're
gone forever.
And all the rest of you guys are like, oh, oh my gosh, Russell's been talking about this
every day for 12 months of his life.
I think I'm going to finally get it, right?
Then they closed down ticket sales.
The next day, people are like, I didn't know it was closing down.
Like, I need tickets.
I'm like, are you serious?
Every day for a year, I've been telling you about this. It's painful, okay? But this is the process, okay?
So I'm showing this because this is a typical campaign. We lead with emotions. We lead with
webinars or product launch videos, things like that. Videos, like, we're getting emotional
clothes, right? Then we transition to the logical clothes, and then we end with urgency and scarcity right emotion logic fear okay if you look at the perfect webinar
script it is strategically designed to do this exact same thing the very first
section of the perfect webinar is all about emotion we're breaking false
beliefs am i right then we transition to the stack and the clothes was a very
logical argument right about why you need this thing in this thing in this
thing in the value I'm logically convincing you why it's actually worth the thing you did. Okay, so if I go back a
step here, you're feeling the emotion of like, yes, this is going to increase my status if I get the
thing. And I transition to closure like, oh, but what's my wife going to say if I have to talk to
her about this? Is it a really good offer? Is it a really good deal? Like, what are my friends going
to think? What if I buy and it doesn't work? And all of a sudden, the logical mind starts freaking
out. So I come and I do the stack. And through the stack, I walk you through that. I'm like,
this is the offer. This is the value. And you're like, oh my gosh, this is a really good
deal. Okay. And you grab your wife or your spouse, your husband, be like, look, this is a really good
deal. Check out the offer. And they're like, are you sure this is a good deal? And you're convinced
them logically, right? And at the end, call the action. We have urgency and scarcity. This is why
you got to buy now. Okay. So that happens inside of the actual webinar script. Okay. Same thing
happens in the webinar funnel. Okay. If at a, at a macro
level, you step out in the webinar funnel, the first part of the webinar campaign is all about
emotion, right? They register, they get the indoctrination videos, they watch the webinar,
like it's a very emotional sale. From there, we transition to the replays, which are very heavily
pushing like the offer, right? We talk about go watch the replay and here's the offer,
here's the offer. And then the end of the campaign, we do our urgency and our scarcity,
and our last 20% of sales come the last day when everybody's like,
oh, this offer's disappearing now, I must finally go.
Emotion, logic, and fear.
We also see in our landing pages.
If I know that the best opportunity I have to sell is emotion,
the top one-third of my page is all speaking towards emotion.
If you look at any of my landing pages,
you'll notice that the emotional pitch is everything above the fold. Above the fold means without having to scroll. Everything you see on the page is all speaking towards emotion. If you look at any of my landing pages, you'll notice that the emotional pitch is everything above the fold. Above the fold means without having to
scroll. Everything you see on the page, it's all emotion, right? And it's crazy if you guys use
analytics, like the tracking software, see how people scroll down. It's like most people never
scroll past the initial thing, right? What happens is the emotional buyer's like, this is amazing,
boom, they buy. And then the logical buyer's like, this is amazing, but like, and then they start
scrolling for more information. So they scroll down, It's like, oh, here's all the emotional
arguments about why you should buy this thing. We speak to emotion, or excuse me, speak to logic here.
So my logical people who are typically more readers will start reading through the longer
form of the thing, right? They get the justification they need. And the bottom is like my urgency and
scarcity. This is why you got to act now. So if you start noticing this in all my landing pages,
you'll notice top one-thirds motion,
next big sections logic,
last 20% is urgency and scarcity and fear.
Same thing happens in my email campaigns.
Somebody comes into my list, they join my list.
My first few emails are all going to be speaking towards the emotion.
Okay, you notice I'm telling stories,
I'm getting you excited.
And then I'll transition to like,
okay, let me talk logically why this is the thing you need.
And then we end with urgency and scarcity
and we close down the campaign.
Okay, this happens inside my email campaigns.
If you look at my value ladder,
how we send people up through it,
at each step in the value ladder, boom,
this follow-up sequence that takes somebody
through that step of the value ladder
and then moves to the next,
goes through emotion, logic, and fear.
Then you move to the next one and then boom,
that next one, it goes through emotion, logic, and fear.
So that pattern is weaved throughout every single campaign.
It's removing people through our value ladder and sending them up.
And it's also happening not just there, but in all of our campaigns.
So this is kind of how I map out my campaigns.
So again, motion, logic, fear is up at the top here.
Left-hand side is like, here's where somebody comes to this page.
They click on the ad, and we have our retargeting campaigns.
Even our retargeting campaigns follow this process, right?
The first set of ads they see after they hit a landing page to click on an ad
are all very emotional-based ads.
And if they haven't bought off the emotional,
then we transition to logical-based ads.
If they haven't bought off the logical-based ads,
then we transition to the urgency and scarcity ads.
So it happens there in retargeting campaigns.
It happens in our email campaigns.
It happens in every single aspect.
The pattern happens over and over and over and over again.
So that, you guys, is the urgency and scarcity,
excuse me, the three closes framework.
Do you guys like that?
Hey, everybody, this is Russell again.
And really quick, I wanted to invite you to join
arguably the best thing that we've ever put out
inside the ClickFunnels community.
And it is a challenge we call the One Funnel Away Challenge.
You know, everyone in their business, in their life, they're one funnel away from something.
Some of you guys are one funnel away from quitting your job.
Some of you guys are one funnel away from getting more impact.
Some of you guys are a funnel away from growing your company to the next level.
And so we created this challenge to help you to create and launch your first or your next
No matter where you are in your business, this challenge is going to help you to create and launch your first or your next funnel. No matter where
you are in your business, this challenge is going to help you to help you understand the strategy,
help you understand the tactics, help you understand all the things you need to be
successful with your funnel. So I recommend you do right now is stop everything, pause this audio,
go online and go to one funnel That's one funnel and join the next challenge.
There's a challenge starting in the next few days. So go get started right now. One funnel