Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - The Hipster, The Hacker, And The Hustler

Episode Date: September 14, 2018

The three essential personality types to launch any new startup. On this episode Russell talks about the three personality types you have to have for a startup company, and who each of them were with... Clickfunnels. Here's some fun stuff from today's episode: What it means to have a hipster, a hacker, and a hustler in a company and what jobs they do. Why not having each of those things will result in it being harder to start your business. And find out why the founders in a startup are usually their own target audience. So listen here to find out if you're a hipster, hacker, or hustler, and which piece you're missing while trying to get your business off the ground. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I'm still laying in bed, but I got one more thought for you that I just got to share. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Starting point is 00:00:37 All right, so I just finished the last episode and I was about to go to bed and then Todd and I were talking about this concept and then I started Googling it and I found an image and a diagram. And it's just so exciting. I've got to share it with you. Okay. So what we're talking about is back in the early days of ClickFunnels, right? Like when the whole thing started and we didn't have any money to afford the 40 developers who are in the office today and the 200 support people who are at home working for you all the other you know the entire team that is that is amazing that is here to support click funnels and which we're talking about like just the good old days and what happened and how we
Starting point is 00:01:13 would like police hackathons and like it was funny because we decided to go to bed at you know 11 30 tonight and we're it's funny because we're like remember back before when we were like broke and poor and hustling and we had to like you know we were pulling all-nighters five, six, seven, eight nights in a row just to get ClickFunnels live? And some of you guys probably, if you've been binge listening to this podcast, then you've heard those episodes. I'm driving home at four in the morning. I'm doing these episodes. I won't fall asleep and I won't die. They happen more than once, right?
Starting point is 00:01:41 And if you haven't listened to this, go to slash binge and download the binge guide to go binge listen to all the episodes because I've been going on this journey with you guys. Anyway, so we're just reminiscing about that and how we're like, we've got more money now, but we should, you know, so we should just go to bed. But we're like, oh, but we miss the good old days. And like, how fun it'd be if we just like went on a vacation, lock ourselves in a closet and just built a team again. Anyway, when we were talking about that, Todd said that he read an article or saw a post or something about how there's like three core personalities that you have to have in a startup. And it was fascinating because if you look at the original founders of ClickFunnels, there were three of us. Shortly thereafter, we brought in a few partners and then the team members and then it grew from there. But initially, there were – and it's funny because as he said this, I was like, oh my gosh, that was true with us, right? partner a few partners and then the team members and then they grew from there but initially there were there were and it's funny as he said this i was like oh my gosh that was true with us right
Starting point is 00:02:29 so if you look at the three co-founders of click funnels um originally number one well i'll get todd number one todd number one right and um if you look at the the archetype of of his role i'll pull this image he is the the hacker or the engineer right so the hacker um number two then uh was our second co-founder he's no longer a part of the company but he's one of the original co-founders name was dylan and dylan is the hipster or the designer and number three is you have to have a hustler um who's like the entrepreneur who's out there drumming up business and selling stuff right so the three the three um architects the three fan the three types you need is is a hacker a hipster
Starting point is 00:03:13 and a hustler so the hacker the hipster the hustler and we're dying laughing so like oh my gosh that is true like todd was the hacker and hacked together software and like we didn't have a big development team so todd had to do everything from database administration to coding to front end to back end to like all that stuff right so it was it was just him and then designer like Dylan was doing the UI design and the graphic design and the logo design and the sales letter design and all this stuff right and the hustler like I was writing copy I was doing webinars I was making phone calls I was doing JVs like um and initially it's just it's just that's what it is the hipster the hacker and the hustler so i thought that was awesome um
Starting point is 00:03:52 and then the other thing as i was googling this time looking at it there was um one kind of caveat center here said that this phase of the business the startup phase where there's a hipster the hacker the hacker the hustler says that the founder is or was the target user of what they were creating that's like oh my gosh that's so so true like when you start a new startup what is it you're creating right when you create a new info product or a new software company or a supplement company whatever like you the founder you are the target market are you the target user that's why you don't have to get focus groups and have people go out there and like researching and talking to customers all that stuff because you are the customer right like that's why click funnels work so well because i
Starting point is 00:04:32 i am you right i am an i'm the i am our dream customer in fact as i was working with the dev team today and we were talking it was like it was kind of funny because i was like i am the biggest hyper user of click funnels like i feel the pains as much if not more than every other member on our platform like anything you guys are frustrated by i promise you i'm 100 times more frustrated by which is why we you know we care about what you guys are doing because we care about ourselves like we are the target user and so in the startup phase the founder is or was the target user right so for you you're the target user for your product that should be your focus groups and then the second piece is like looking at your team and like, who are the, who are the pieces you need? And I love this definition of the hipster. Who's the designer, the hacker, who's the engineer
Starting point is 00:05:15 and the hustler. Who's the sales and marketing dude who's out there selling like crazy. Um, so anyway, I thought that'd be fun to share with you guys this year a lot of you guys are in startup mode and you're thinking through things or maybe you're trying to grow and you're stuck and you're like god maybe it's like oh well we're missing that's it we're missing the hipster we're missing the hacker we're missing the hustler like finding those those people um it's interesting as i see people in startup phase one of the biggest mistakes people make is that they're not going into it with all of the different essential personality types you need to run a business i did an episode a while ago about just the disc test alone like you look at disc test and it's
Starting point is 00:05:57 like if you don't have someone on your team that's a high d that's driving this thing it's gonna be really hard to get off the ground and if you're starting you're a founder founder and you take the disc test and you don't have a high d and no one does it's like my guess is that you guys have been procrastinating for a long time you're six months a year two years three years into this you're not successful yet it's like because you don't have a driver you need you need that personality archetype to be able to to push this thing and get it off the ground right and so this is just another one of those lenses of just like okay and it's funny it makes me laugh because it's like exactly who we had initially when we were doing this the the hipster the the hacker and the the hustler so um again look at that as you're building at your team as you're looking at like why are we struggling at it's
Starting point is 00:06:39 like which one of those pieces may you uh potentially are you missing and then from there it grows out, right? And it's interesting, we're talking about this as well. It's like if you look at that, you know, from his side, from the hacker, right? From the hacker now, he was the one personally doing all those things initially, right? And then it's like, I just started hiring a team. It's like, okay, and then we need someone who just specializes in this one piece and specializes in this piece and this piece and this piece and it's like it takes you know a dozen
Starting point is 00:07:09 people or a couple you know to be able to do all the individual pieces um that's how you get to the next phase of growth right think about with me initially i was literally writing copy designing the funnels designing the graphics doing the emails like i was doing all different pieces and um i was doing them good but then it's like now we find people who are great but they specialize in each other right so we got one person who's better copy than me one person's better graphics i mean one person's better at funnels i mean one person that's better that you know um that's kind of the second phase of it is i believe so anyway i thought it was kind of cool and exciting as i was thinking through it
Starting point is 00:07:44 so there you go guys if you're wondering it's hipster, the hacker and the hustler. Hope you enjoy that. I'm gonna get to bed for real this time. Appreciate you all. And I'll talk to you soon. Bye. Want more marketing secrets? If so, then go get your copies of my two bestselling books. Book number one is called expert secrets and you can get a free copy at and book number two is secrets and you can get your free copy at And book number two is called Dot Com Secrets, and you can get your free copy at Inside these two books, you'll find my top 35 secrets that we've used to become the fastest growing non-VC-backed SaaS startup company in the world.

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