Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - The Insane Aftermath Of The Birthday Launch

Episode Date: September 25, 2019

The software crashed, Facebook crashed, everything crashed... yet somehow, the show still went on. On today's episode Russell talks about how the big birthday announcement went. Here are some of the ...things he talks about that happened during the launch: What crashed just 30 minutes before the launch, and why they went live anyway. Find out how many people watched the announcements live. And find out what FunnelFlix is and how you can gain access to this amazing new thing. So listen here to find out some of the excruciating details of the birthday launch, and what actually changed with Clickfunnels itself. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson, and this is a post-birthday launch report here on the Marketing Secrets Podcast. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets,
Starting point is 00:00:18 how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world, and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey everybody, I hope you guys are all doing awesome. I am actually sitting in the Jeep right now. I'm about to start it, but I'm really tired. So I thought I would jump on here real quick and just give you guys an update on what's been happening. It's been crazy. I kind of told you on the last episode about just some of the stuff, building the buzz for the birthday launch and all the things we
Starting point is 00:01:01 were doing. And I'll kind of give you an update of what happened there and then what happened today. And I'm not gonna lie, it's a little crazy. So hope you guys are up for a fun story. So, um, as you know, when I was in Fiji, when I was in Fiji, I made the video kind of talking about the rumors and what's happening. We posted it and it went insane, insanely viral, more than anything I think I've ever personally done before in the past. And, um, I had people, I had everybody messaging me, my friends, people I heard from in 10 years, my dad, like, like I can't even tell you how people are messaging me about what's happening. Like, are you selling? Are you, you know, just like, you know, we're trying to start rumors and it, man, it worked like I've never seen before. So that, that was really fun. And, uh, and, uh,
Starting point is 00:01:42 we had people registering for, uh, for Facebook, um, for Facebook live. And I don't think, I don't know if you can see how many people register or not, but tons of people registering. And, um, anyway, we, that, you know, step number one was, it was completed. Like the buzz and the hype was happening. Uh, last night was Sunday and I don't know, I knew the birthday launch was coming up, but we had a lot of the other things happening. Like Thursday and Friday, I took off to read the, the traffic seekers book live so i could find the edits i needed to
Starting point is 00:02:07 make so i was locked down you know i got home from fiji on tuesday wednesday i was trying to get the book edits done and then thursday friday i read the book live so like this week's just been crazy and then saturday i went with the kids and kind of um detached and just kind of played the kids all weekend long and then sunday night about nine i I was like, I have to do slides for tomorrow. Like, I don't even, I know what I'm going to say, but I don't know how I'm going to say it. And so I started working slides at nine. I got done like a one 30 last night.
Starting point is 00:02:32 And then I had to go to bed cause I had to lift it six. My alarm went off at like five 30. So went to bed, got, was that four hours or five hours of sleep? That's four hours. Oh dang. No wonder I'm hurting so bad right now. Got four hours of sleep woke up worked out raced to the office and we're like okay it's go time went through everything we had to do
Starting point is 00:02:50 left and then i jumped in and started working on slides again leon who's um amazing designer he he's in miami he's in google slides with me so he's editing design slides and making it all crazy jake and nick are working on the software the new funnel flicks which i'll tell you what that is here in a little bit and it's you's going through that and going through the pages and just the whole marketing team, there's just a million things happening. And there's a big party happening in Georgia and a big ClickFunnels birthday party there
Starting point is 00:03:15 and birthday cake. And everyone's celebrating and working hard and trying things done. And everyone on this side here in Boise is trying to get everything done, make sure it's working. And it's 30 minutes before. I'm working on slides as fast can't also see a comment in the
Starting point is 00:03:27 in our slack channel from one of the developers working on funnel flicks he said something and it's kind of confusing like something's not working or whatever so i was kind of joking like hey well should we postpone the launch and he wrote back yeah you probably should because it's not working right now and i was like no what like excuse me like i'm going live in fifth or excuse me in less than 30 minutes like i'm like this has to go we can't we can't stop this like this has to happen and um i run out i'm asking where else like what's happening what's happening they're all trying to figure it out and um you have next 30 minutes we're trying to get things figured out and i'm running in trying to make sure the cameras are set up and the the
Starting point is 00:04:02 lights and the you know the coordination for how we're going to do this, this Facebook live and all the craziness and running back and forth and back and forth. And finally it's four minutes for us to go live. And I go in there and they're like, it's not going to work. So they're like, just do your announcement. Tell them to, you know, come check tomorrow. And I'm like, there's no way that I am going to, to, uh, tell people to not buy when I'm on this Facebook live. Like we're here, like we're going to buy and, and to not buy when i'm on this facebook live like we're here like we're
Starting point is 00:04:25 gonna buy and and like just keep working on it and i'm gonna figure out some way to spin it and we'll go and that's the last thing i said i ran in and i'm like two minutes past time and i'm like stressing out i told everyone we have a whole audience a whole like a bunch of my teams in there i'm like just you guys know the reason i look really super stressed is literally funnel flicks just crashed it's not working and and i have no idea what to do and we're going live all right ready go and so we start this thing and i'm sure i look so nervous and freaked out because i was and like all the stress is happening and um and then what's so let me tell you some of the good stuff that happened so what's crazy is is 5,000 people were live on Facebook. Not like, you know, like, oh, during, you know, at the end of your Facebook live, it was like, oh, during the last time.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Some people have like seen this. But it was like, no, 5,000 were on live, like the number like 5,000, 5K was like live. YouTube had 2,000 live. Instagram live had 400, 4, 5, 6, 7. We were on Twitter, Periscope again, a couple other ones. Anyway, between all platforms, I think we're close to 8,000 people's live, which is crazy. We had more when we did the Tony Robbins thing, but that wasn't my, my deal. Uh, they wanted to come see Tony. This was like for our deal, like it's almost 8,000 people live and, uh, and which
Starting point is 00:05:41 is insane. So it was, it was crazy and doing the thing. We had some troubles at first. Cause like normally when I speak, if I'm doing a webinar, like it's all slides. If I'm on stage, it's me talking and there's slides happening in the background. But here's like this thing where it's like, I was talking to the camera and there's slides and kind of going back and forth and trying to time with the video guys who were doing the slides. It was kind of like, we got thrown off a little bit. It was just, ah, I wish I could tell you how much stress was happening.
Starting point is 00:06:02 It was kind of crazy. And then I was on top of that, and this extra layer of stress of like my announcements, when I'm supposed to be announcing and like, we're changing ClickFunnels, we're getting rid of some features people love, we're adding some things that people are going to love, but you know, and I got to sell it
Starting point is 00:06:15 because they got to upgrade to get access to it. And like, I can't even tell you the amount of stress and pressure and all the things I was feeling and fear. And I was just like, seriously, like we launched stuff all the time. Like how was it every time we do launch? Like it feels like the internet falls apart like seconds before. So anyway, and then I guess halfway through the Facebook live, something happened in the Facebook live crashed.
Starting point is 00:06:37 And so we lost 5,000 people. We had to create a new one and then we got a bunch of people back, but we lost some and oh, it's chaos. So much chaos. Anyway, but I go up there and I start doing my thing. I go through my slides with my presentation. I'm doing my best. I have no idea if it's going well or if it's going horrible because I can't see anybody's
Starting point is 00:06:53 feedback. And I'm like, I hope this is not, this is going well. And anyway, I do the whole thing and I end and it closes down and people are going crazy. And, um, I can't tell. I'm not sure what to tell you next. I'll kind of go through what I talked about Facebook live here in a minute, but I did a price marinate and it gets in the middle of the people flipping out. They're all upset.
Starting point is 00:07:13 And then I came back and I dropped the price and they're all like cheering on the comments and it was all sorts of craziness. Um, so besides, oh, and then sorry, right before I got the point, I'm pitching funnel flicks. I'm going through the funnel flicks thing. All of a sudden Dave bursts through the back doors, like waving his hands. I'm like, what?
Starting point is 00:07:28 He's like, it's live. I'm like, oh, it's live. Like, ah. Like, they've been, you know, for the last hour while I'm talking, they're back there trying to get things working and fixed, and they finally got it to work, which was like a miracle in and of itself. And anyway, it was chaos. It was crazy.
Starting point is 00:07:44 And now it's done. And in a little bit now, they're editing the the video they're going to post the replays everywhere so there should be a replay coming out here um and a little bit for everybody to go and watch as well um but it turned out it turned out pretty great um despite the chaos and the stress and the pressure and the fear and the there's just all the things so i'm in the car now about to head home but um i'll kind of give you a recap on the updates in case you haven't had a chance to see it but i highly recommend going and seeing it go watch me in my nervousness and my anxiety and go see what it all looks like but basically it's kind of a twofold thing number one is we are doubling down our focus on being the
Starting point is 00:08:16 category king of sales funnels which means we're cutting some features we're getting rid of some stuff um and so that was kind of the first half of the presentation i talked about why and, and I tried to make it a teaching moment as well. So people can understand the concept of category Kings and hopefully get the wills and people's own minds spinning about their own, their own businesses. So that was the first half. And second half is we were launching this new thing. Cause the only reason why people don't have success with click funnels is like, they don't understand the strategy. Like that's it. So I was like, I want to, I want to make, I want to make this more accessible to people. Like how do we make this easier? So people don't have the strategy. Like that's it. So I was like, I want to, I want to make, I want to make this more accessible to people. Like how do we make this easier as people don't have to go buy access to like 20 different courses to learn all this stuff. Like how do we put it all
Starting point is 00:08:50 underneath one roof? And so we launched this new thing called FunnelFlix and FunnelFlix, um, basically gives you, it's, we, we licensed or we brought in like all of my, my courses in the past were licensing courses, people like Tony Robbins and Garrett White and putting them all into this thing. It looks like Netflix, but for funnels and funnel-related content, media and things like that. And so it's literally like, I don't know, $50,000 or $60,000 worth of courses all inside one member's area. It looks like Netflix.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Oh, it's so cool. And so you can go in now and geek out. And so what we did is basically we launched this new level of ClickFunnels called ClickFunnels Platinum and eventually it'll be $697 a month. But right now, for those who are getting started right now, it's $297 a month, uh, to upgrade to, to it. And so you get the platinum level, which gives you access to all the platinum features of ClickFunnels. Plus it gives you, um, access to FunnelFlix. Um, and you get all the courses in there for free, which is pretty exciting. So, uh, actually almost
Starting point is 00:09:39 all of them. We have another announcement happening on Funnel Hacking Live and one happening on my 40th birthday. We'll, we'll launch the next things and talk about the next pieces of it. But that was kind of phase number one. Phase number one is all about focusing on the core ClickFunnels software, cutting out all the extra stuff. And then I said it way more eloquently in the presentation. So you should definitely go watch it. And then step two was all about FunnelFlix.
Starting point is 00:10:10 And so anyway, it turned out really good. So if you want to go see it, if you go to Facebook or YouTube and search ClickFunnels five-year birthday launch, I'm sure it'll pull up. If you just want to go check it out, go to and you can see what the new FunnelFlix is. It's amazing. You can see trailers for all the different courses that are in there right now. And or you can go to is where's amazing you see trailers for all different courses that are in there right now um and or you can go to upgrade now dot com is where
Starting point is 00:10:27 if you're ready to upgrade just go upgrade now dot com and upgrade and get access to all the stuff so that's kind of what it was and it's been crazy and hectic and you know i'm sure there's still a lot of bugs and stuff we'll be fixing tonight and tomorrow and over next week and two weeks um but it is out we gave birth to it it's out there in the world people know about it people are signing up people are watching stuff i've saw as people message me like, I'm watching Garrett White's course and I'm watching Tony Robbins. And everyone's like learning and studying. And I think it's gonna be really cool for families. They can log in and watch stuff as entrepreneurs and like learn from each other. And anyway, hopefully we're doing the right moves. We're
Starting point is 00:10:57 trying to make things better and better for our funnel hackers, for our ClickFunnels members. And so I figure by doubling down, focus on the ClickFunnels software and opening up all the training and make it more simple, it'll hopefully do that for everybody. So I'm excited. We're really passionate about this and just excited to hopefully help
Starting point is 00:11:15 change your guys' lives even more. Also, if you're looking for a way to make some extra money on the side by answering ClickFunnels tickets, I talked about that in the webinar as well. In a way, we're paying people a little over three bucks to answer a ticket. And you guys can make money while you're building funnels, help pay for your ClickFunnels accounts
Starting point is 00:11:30 and other stuff by actually going in there and serving other funnel hackers, helping them out. So anyway, it was fun. I recommend going and listening to it because you'll learn some stuff and you'll get to see me awkwardly, nervously fumbling through things. Usually I'm confident in my presentations. I definitely was nervous and anxious. And in fact, the software wasn't working while I'm standing up there pitching it and, and, uh, all the other things it was, it was a lot, but it's done and it's, it's out there.
Starting point is 00:11:53 So hopefully it gives any of you guys faith, um, for, you know, when you're doing stuff and you're nervous and you're anxious and things aren't working and things are breaking around you and the world seems to be falling apart that you can, um, you can still go and just do it and just, you know, run with the punches, have fun with it. And, and, you know, today could have totally flopped. Um, luckily it didn't though people are upgrading and, um, having success and it's, it was, it was fun. So hopefully it gives you some inspiration to know that even over here that I'm stressed out and fumbling behind the scenes and things break and things fall apart. But you know, and all said and done it, it, it, as long as you just keep moving forward,
Starting point is 00:12:31 I mean, there's so many different points where you could have quit and canceled, you know, like I could have canceled last night. Like my slides aren't done. It's canceled. It's like, Nope, I got to get them done. And then it could have been like, Oh, it's canceled. Cause the software broke, right? Nope. We're just going to keep pushing forward. Like, Oh, we should cancel because you know, the Facebook live dropped in the middle of like, Nope, just keep moving forward. Like just keep, just keep running forward as fast as you can and just you know all the obstacles and trials and things will hit and let's just keep moving forward because now it's launched now it's like okay we take the video replays and restream it and now we can go and fix the software now we can go and like add the descriptions to all the course lessons like
Starting point is 00:13:00 there's so many things we we still need to do but unless you launch you can't do any of it so it's just like just get it out best you can and go back and iterate on it so so things we still need to do, but unless you launch, you can't do any of it. So just get it out the best you can and go back and iterate on it. So that's what we do with ClickFunnels, what we do with FunnelFlix, and what we'll probably do in the future as well. But we're trying our best and trying to serve you guys the best that we can.
Starting point is 00:13:15 So there you go. I appreciate you all. Go check out And if you're ready to upgrade right now and go get access to all the courses, go to And they're all free. You just got to upgrade your account from go get access to all the courses, go to upgrade and, uh, they're all free. You just got to upgrade your account from the ClickFunnels normal level to ClickFunnels
Starting point is 00:13:28 platinum. So it's moving from $97 a month to $97 a month. You get access to all the training and all this stuff. So hope you guys love it. Appreciate you all. Thanks for listening. Thanks for being a subscriber. And, um, I'll talk to you soon.
Starting point is 00:13:39 Bye everybody. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind-the-scenes reality TV show at

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