Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - The JK5, Instagram And Norah

Episode Date: May 25, 2020

Revisiting one of my favorite principles from the Traffic Secrets book. On this episode Russell talks about posting on Instagram with a method he learned from Jenna Kutcher called the JK5. Here are s...ome of the things you will hear in today's episode: Find out what the JK5 method is. Hear what Russell's "5" are. And find out where you can dive deeper into this concept. So listen here to find out how you can use the JK5 method when posting on social media as well. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, it's Russell Brunson. I'm here today with Nora. Can we say hi? Hi. And we are recording a new episode of the Marketing Secrets Podcast. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us,
Starting point is 00:00:13 who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Hey everybody.
Starting point is 00:00:39 All right, so today I want to share with you guys a quick nugget from the Traffic Secrets book. If you haven't read the Traffic Secrets book yet, what are you waiting for? They finally started shipping this week. People are getting them, which is really exciting. But one of my favorite concepts in that book is actually something I learned from Jenna Kuchar, who is amazing if you guys don't know her. And it's a principle called the JK5.
Starting point is 00:01:00 And so because I got Nora here with me, and those who are listening, you don't know this, but she's wearing a beautiful, sparkly, who is this in your dress? Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash dress, and it is awesome. And the reason why I thought this would be a fun episode to have while Nora's sitting here on my lap is because it goes into how we publish things online. So a lot of times, I think when most of us publish, we think, okay, Russell, I am a business person, therefore I will post about my business.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Or I'm a workout person, so will post about my business or I'm a workout person so I'm gonna post about my workout or I am interested in diets or exercise or whatever your thing is right fill in the blank and what's interesting is that when uh when most people when they start publishing they just publish their thing right so you can tell us when you go to someone's Instagram profile and every picture that is the picture of them flexing in the mirror. Can you flex, Nora? There's Nora flexing. Yeah, they're all flexing in the mirror. Or they, ooh, that was a good flex. Or they are all sitting there being all scholarly or they are all climbing a mountain or whatever their thing is, right?
Starting point is 00:01:58 They just, every single picture is that. The problem is it makes you a very one-dimensional person, right? And so the people who are super geeked out about your topic will come and they'll follow you, but the rest of the world doesn't. And one of the things I learned, Nora's still flexing, I can see her. I can feel her flexing, huh? One of the things that I learned from Jenna that we talked about in Trapped Seekers book is the JK5.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It says for Jenna Kutcher 5. What she suggests you do is you pick five topics that you're passionate about. They could be anything from family family fitness to whatever so if mine aren't mine top I don't forget him it's like families right so Nora's in my family right who are you who you my daughter how many kids are in our family do you know there's five kids so we got family is one of my JK five and I got faith because I'm very into my faith and beliefs and then I got funnels. Do you like funnels Nora? She's not sure what a funnel is huh? Funnels we got entrepreneurship and personal
Starting point is 00:02:50 development. So those are my five categories and so when I try to create content I don't just post everything funnel related because if I did the funnel nerds would be like funnels yeah Russell let's go and everybody else would be like that's weird but instead I rotate my posts and I do this on my Facebook, on my Instagram, on YouTube youtube just everywhere i'm posting stuff i'm rotating through different things and the reason why we're doing that is because people come to you from different ways right like for example um i was at my daughter my other daughter not nor's but ellie's soccer game and i meet all these soccer parents like hey i'm russell i'm ellie's dad and we get to know each other and guess what they all do because this is what people do they stalk you so after you leave they jump on the the gram or facebook wherever they do their thing and
Starting point is 00:03:28 they try to find you and they follow you and they start watching you right and if all of a sudden i always saw his pictures me flexing the mirror like all this guy ross talks cares about his fitness he's really boring and they may lose interest and stop following me or stop paying attention right um or the summit church right and i meet people church and there we get along and then they go home and they stalk you they they follow you on Facebook or Instagram or whatever, right? Or they see your ad on Facebook or they read a book or they see you on TV or whatever, right? We're putting ourselves out there all the time
Starting point is 00:03:53 and people come and they find you and they start stalking you. And if you're talking about one topic, you're going to like, you know, 90% of the audience will not pay attention to you. Now Nora's hiding from you guys. Anyway, so instead what you do is you try to make yourself a more well-rounded character and person and human, right? And so you post about different things.
Starting point is 00:04:09 If you look at my feed, you notice it rotates through different things, right? From family to faith to finalist to entrepreneurship, personal development and back, and we kind of rotate through these things. And so that's kind of the power how it is. And what's cool, what's interesting about it is then somebody comes to your, they come to your, let's say I'm at church, I meet somebody, I come to Instagram, and they're like,
Starting point is 00:04:28 who's that Russell guy? He seems like he's kind of cool, and they follow me, and they see me talking about my family. Oh, I see his family. Oh, I see his faith. I'm like, oh, what's his business thing he's doing? Oh, what's his personal development? What's his entrepreneurship? And then it comes back, and they say, oh, another family, and they connect with me through the thing that they know me for, but then because they see the other things I'm talking about, interested, they're more likely to engage with me. And so because of posting this way and sharing things kind of this little different way, it's been really cool because people in business have then come to me having conversations about faith because they see me post about faith every five or six posts, right?
Starting point is 00:05:00 People who come to me who are tied to my faith will come to me about business or about my family and things like that. And so it gives you the ability to kind of cast a wider net and get to know people and help them through all the things you care about and all the things you're excited by. So I wanted to share that today because I think it's important.
Starting point is 00:05:15 I keep seeing too many people that just post about their one thing. It's like, if you do that, you're missing out on so many other things. What are you doing, Norris? She's making funny faces at the camera. Anyway, so that is one of the chapters. It's the Instagram chapter, the JK5,
Starting point is 00:05:30 or excuse me, the JK5 is inside the Instagram chapter. I go deeper in it and show examples. I show Jen's JK5. I show mine. I show other people's. I'm not making funny faces. You're not making funny faces? She's just smiling.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Anyway, so if you haven't got the book, you can go to If you have, hopefully you guys have implemented that. I want to see if you guys have. a book you go if you have hopefully you guys have implemented that and we'll see if you guys have um i've talked about a lot of different podcasts and episodes because one of my favorite little things is so simple for people to do i was at a network marketing event and they were asking me how do you get leads on the internet i was like this is probably the easiest way for you guys okay as i told my city on your phone make different albums of pictures right and then take a picture of you with your family pictures do you
Starting point is 00:06:04 know whatever your jk5 is for you take pictures and put them in those different albums of pictures, right? And then take a picture of you with your family pictures. Do whatever your JK5 is for you. Take pictures and put them in those different albums. And each stage you're gonna post on Instagram or Facebook, whatever, pull up the album and be like, what post can I pick for my family today? What post can I pick for my funnels today? For my entrepreneur, you know, whatever your JK5 are. Each time's a new thing and it gets really fun.
Starting point is 00:06:19 And that way, for network marketers, they can pull people in. For business owners, they can pull people in. People, like, whatever it is you're passionate about, don't hide it, share it, talk about it. Anyways, hope that helps. Anyway, and if you guys liked this episode, Nora would really appreciate it if you'd go to iTunes and leave a review, and also make sure you subscribe
Starting point is 00:06:38 so you don't miss any other episodes in the future. And it'd be fun, so, you wanna say bye to everybody? Bye everybody. We'll talk to you guys all soon. Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick, I wanted to invite you to join, um, arguably the best thing that we've ever put out inside the ClickFunnels community. And it is a challenge we call the one funnel way challenge. You know, everyone in their business, in their life, they're one funnel away from something. Some of you guys are one funnel away from quitting your job. Some of you guys are one funnel away from getting more impact. Some of you guys are funnel away from growing your company to the next level. Um, and so we created this challenge to help you
Starting point is 00:07:15 to create and launch your first or your next funnel, no matter where you are in your business. Um, this challenge is going to help you to help you understand the strategy, help you understand the tactics, help you understand all the things you need to be successful with your funnel. So I recommend you do right now. Stop everything. Pause this audio. Go online and go to That's and join the next challenge. There's a challenge starting in the next few days, so go get started right now.

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