Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - The Little Known Secret Ingredient To Increase Conversions And Create Your Ads...
Episode Date: October 29, 2018I don't want to spoil the surprise, but at the end of this I drop a bomb that'll change how you run ads forever. On this episode Russell talks about his experiences with Flip Hacking Live, his startu...p interview at the Dry Bar Comedy Club and why it's important to get b-roll footage. Here are some of the awesome things he talks about in this episode: What kind of mistakes he made at Justin and Tara Williams event, and what he would do differently. Why if Russell could start over, he would be a specialist rather than a generalist. And why it's so important to have tons of b-roll footage when you are ready to launch your product. So listen here to find out how Russell gets tons of b-roll footage, and why, in some ways, it's better to be a specialist. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hey everybody, this is Russell Brunson.
I want to welcome you to the Marketing Seekers Podcast.
It is a late night drive and I'm excited to be hanging out with you.
So the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
who are spending money from our own pockets,
how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services
and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers.
My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Hey everyone, I hope you guys are doing amazing today or tonight. Remember, you're listening to
this. It is 11 o'clock at night and I am driving back to my house. And I just want to recap the last couple of days of my
life because they've been a little bit nuts. So, but exciting. And hopefully there's some
cool lessons will come for you guys from this. So number one is last week I had a chance
to go speak at Justin Williams flip hacking live, which is very similar
to funnel hacking live. He may have funnel hacked me and then just changed it from funnel
to flip, but I will allow him to do that cause he's awesome. So, uh, they did that and I
had a chance to go speak to a whole bunch of real estate investors, which is a different
audience. Obviously all entrepreneurs I believe can use click funnels. This is a group of
people who had never done funnels at all.
Anyway, it's interesting because I took my normal presentation.
I tweaked it and modified it a lot to be better for them.
But I still made some errors in what I did.
Anyway, it was an interesting learning experience.
We still sold well.
But I definitely made some mistakes and learned
some, some cool things, um, that I would go back. And I think the biggest takeaway from that
presentation and for speaking that event, I think would be good for you guys is, is looking at like
how you, how you position your, like your teaching, like, are you a generalist or are you a specialist? Um, you know, it's, it's, uh, for me with click
funnels and my role in this whole game, um, I have to be a generalist, right? Like I'm teaching
marketing and funnels for all types of businesses. Like I, there's a lot of my friends who teach like
one funnel type, right? They teach just tripwire funnels or just high ticket funnels. And they,
they go deep on that and they love it. And I envy them cause I'm like, Oh, if I could just do that.
Or that I just teaching funnels for dental dentists or just teaching funnels for chiropractors
like very specific where they're specialists.
And I'm jealous of that cause like, Oh, first off it's way, like I think it's easier cause
you can like, it's not like theoretical.
Like you can say, this is the actual funnel that works amazingly well.
This is the one you should do.
This is the ad you should run.
This is like, you know, to be a specialist
and you can charge more because of that.
Whereas all my teaching has to be like general.
It's like, here's this concept
and here's how you use it here
and here's how you can use it here
and here and here and here.
And it's like, it's way harder.
In fact, I remember when I was starting my career,
I remember listening to Dan Kennedy
and somebody asked him one time,
like if he was to start his career over from scratching
and what would he do different?
He said, you know, I'm a generalist.
I'm teaching marketing, magnetic marketing, which is his, his thing to like every type
of business.
He's like, if I was to start over, I would specialize in, in just a certain type of business
and focus there.
And I was like, whatever, that's dumb.
Like I would, I want to teach everybody cause it's the greatest thing in the world.
And I should have heeded that advice.
I'm glad I didn't cause it's probably hopefully serving some of you guys, but man, it's the greatest thing in the world. And I should have heeded that advice. I'm glad I didn't because it's probably hopefully serving some of you guys.
But man, it's a lot harder to weave in 10 different markets into every presentation I do.
And then each market has like 50 sub-market.
Anyway, it's intense.
But that was my cardinal sin I made at Justin Terror's event
is I did niche it down to be more specific for them, but not enough.
And I didn't just want to do a call with me ahead of time.
And I was like, no, I got to do it.
I'm going to, and I should have done a call because I would have understood
just kind of a better starting point.
So the lesson for you, if you're going to sell something to anybody,
make sure you get on the phone with the promoter, the person whose event it is,
and pick their brain and really, really, really understand the customer
and how to serve them.
I've done that in the past.
For some reason, I got cocky and arrogant, and I didn't do it this time, and I regret it.
I think I ended up closing between we did a first session and kind of a repitch about 20% of the room.
I think I should have gotten closer to 30% or 40% had I have customized that presentation better
and made it very, very specific.
Like, okay, you guys as real estate investors,
this is the exact funnel I would use
as opposed to what I did was like kind of more general.
Like you could do this or you could do this or you could do this
and trying to weave together things.
And anyway, so there's a rule.
If you are a generalist and you're speaking to a certain market,
shift your message into becoming a specialist
and you will do way better.
If you're picking a market right now, um, specialize.
That's number one.
So then when that event was done, then we jumped in a plane and we flew to, um, to Salt
Lake and then we drove down to Provo because we were putting on our own little show.
Um, and, um, so I'm going to tell you what happened and I'm gonna tell you why we did
Because I think, in fact, it was funny.
At our last Inner Circle meeting, I was talking about how we're doing this big event. And I was like, you know, one of my main roles is I want to get a whole bunch of B-roll of the cool location, cool interview.
I want to get sound bites and sound clips, all sorts of stuff.
I'm going to look for more B-roll.
And Brian Burt, who's a super cool guy at Inner Circle, he was like,
Russell, you have the most epic B-roll on planet Earth. The last thing you need in your world is more B-roll. And Brian Burt, who's a super cool guy in the inner circle, he was like, Russell, you
have the most epic B-roll on planet Earth.
The last thing you need in your world is more B-roll.
I'm like, yeah, we spent like 100 grand, I don't know how much we spent on this event,
with the sole purpose of getting more B-roll.
And so that should be a lesson for all of you guys.
So what we did is we rented out this place called the Dry Bar Comedy Club in Provo.
And it's a bar, but it's a dry bar, so there's no alcohol.
But it looks
really like the location is amazing right it's like there's different sets you can do there's
a stage and the light and the ambience like just looks insanely cool so like I saw it um uh in fact
the backstory the Harmon Brothers some of the other Harmon Brothers own a company called Vid
Angel if you know that is this an app um on on roku that'll edit videos for you right so it makes
radar movies like pg and stuff and it's awesome um but then they got in a big fight with disney
and all these people and big legal battles so during the legal battles instead of like editing
movies they um they started streaming their own content at the dry bar comedy club which was
comedians who had to do clean comedy it was awesome and so we were watching all this comedy
and what was cool is we started seeing these sets and I was like, Oh, it's such a cool location. I want to do
an event somewhere like that. Okay. So there's thought number one in my head.
Then I was listening to Andrew Warner. Who's the, he's the, um, uh, he runs the Mixergy podcast and
he's like the most fascinating interview you ever meet. Like if you don't listen to Mixergy
podcast, go and listen to it. The sole purpose of listening to how Andrew interviews people. It's so cool. I'm listening to his interviews
and he normally does it at a studio or set. One time he was interviewing some entrepreneur
at a camp around a campfire and did this whole interview around a campfire. I was like,
oh, I want to be interviewed around a campfire. Tell them the ClickFunnels startup story.
That'd be so cool. I was like, wait a minute. What if we did it at the drive our comedy club and then it became a thing i
messaged andrew and next thing we know six weeks later we're the drive our comedy club and then
i'm like how do we get people there we gotta make it fun and so then i was like well what if we had
jp sears come and do comedy at it and so i messaged jp and i'm like what would it take for you just
like make fun of me for um 30 minutes before um this interview So that kind of loosens up the crowd because it's like, I don't know.
I thought it'd be, I thought it'd be good.
Like sometimes interviews are tough if someone's having success.
Cause like, Oh, screw that person.
I don't have, you know, like they're having a ton of success.
So I was like, it'd be more fun if they, if people make fun of me for a while, then it's
like, I don't know.
Like when, when people, it's the whole reason why we share like our backstory and share like the vulnerable moments. Right. Cause if you're vulnerable people
and you share it to the times that you struggled and you've had like the big losses, then when you
have the wins, people celebrate with you as opposed to like, um, being annoyed with you.
Right. And so I was like, let's, let's, um, uh, let's make fun of me. And so that way people will
be more likely to, to have a vested interest in my journey
and be interested in this whole ClickFunnels startup story, right?
So luckily JP said yes.
So when all was said and done, we had JP come on,
make fun of me for like 30 minutes,
and he did some of his stand-up comedy
for the next 15, 20 minutes, which was awesome.
And then we came up on stage,
and Andrew interviewed me for two hours
about the ClickFunnels startup story,
and it was amazing.
I'm sure someday we'll release the footage of it.
But we had tons of B-roll and there's so many sound bites and clips.
And it was just super, super awesome.
So I wanted to kind of share with you guys because all the ordeal we went through to be able to get the B-roll, right?
And so think about that.
If you guys are creating content, you sending podcasting is good.
But getting the B-roll is even more important.
And I'm going to share more of that here in a few minutes because it kind of goes to the next level, right?
So that's the Dry Bar Comedy Club.
We had a great time.
It was a really special evening.
I loved it.
And I think it was helpful for people.
Anyway, for me, it meant a lot.
And Andrew did an amazing job.
JP did an amazing job.
My whole team did an amazing job putting together and it was it was awesome so then we flew home and like sunday
i got home and then uh what's crazy is tomorrow is um wednesday and i'm flying to arizona to go
and speak for two days on the traffic secrets book which is the book i haven't written yet
ah but i had all day monday all day Tuesday, sit down in front of, with my brain
and a huge white pad of paper
and start doodling out all the sketches,
teach all the core concepts I wanted,
that I've been thinking about for the last year
to put inside the extra secrets.
And like doodling them and putting them in order
and organizing and reorganizing them.
And then, you know, I was up all day Monday doing it.
And then I got on in like at nine o'clock at night
and I was still stressing out, still working on it.
And then Steven Larson messaged me.
I'm like, what would it take for you to come into the office?
So he came into the office, and we were there.
And then I was Instagramming me and Steven in there, like mapping out things, having fun.
And Dave was about to go to bed at night.
And then he went, and he checked Insta stories and saw me and Steven there.
So he jumped in his car and jumped out of bed, got his clothes on, drove over to the office.
And we're all sitting there brainstorming up until 2 till like, and being there till two o'clock in
the morning, which was lame because I had to lift weights at five 30.
So I had three hours of sleep last night, which reminds me why I'm so tired right now.
Anyway, I digress.
So I'm telling you this because I spent two days, got all the doodles done and tomorrow
I'm flying out to go present these at a live event.
Um, um, partially cause I'm looking
for B roll footage at the live event to be able to use in the promotional video of the book someday.
Um, and then, um, uh, one of the guys that works with us doing video stuff, his name is Blake.
He was in town and he saw the Insta stories. He's like, Oh, I wish I would have known. I would have
came last night and filmed all the B roll of you guys mapping this stuff out. And I was like,
what if we did it tonight?
He's like,
So the,
where I'm coming from from right now is we were back at the office and we
spent two hours just filming B roll of everything we did yesterday.
Like literally me redrawing out the drawings.
I did me relaying out the drawings,
walking around doing stuff.
Blake taking videos from inside the office,
outside the office,
walking into the office,
me like as many different spots in different places.
And we spent two full hours just capturing B-roll to be able to use in a promotional video that we're doing two years from now when we start selling the book.
And so why am I sharing this with you guys?
Because most of most, most of us aren't looking at this as the art that it is right like i can video me saying
hey my new book traffic seekers came out you should read it it's awesome or i could like
capture the process of creating this thing and showing what happened behind the scenes and how
it worked and what we had to go through and the pain and the and like me you know up all night
doodling and sketching these things out laying out over the whole floor all these like huge pads of
paper and then going to event and on stage teaching and explaining people and like trying to help them understand it and then sitting down
and actually writing it and you get footage of you actually creating this thing, right?
Like documenting yourself, documenting the, the, the journey.
Then someday when you have the sales video to sell a thing, like you have all this, this
magic you can go back and you can use.
And so I just want to put out there for you guys to start thinking about that.
Like as you're doing cool stuff, like don't just capture you making the content, like capture you
capturing the content, right? Like get the B-roll, get somebody to like, as you're writing your book,
like, Hey, can you get a video camera? Just like get some shots of me, like writing this book,
get some shots of me working on my perfect webinar, get some shots of me like at the gym,
losing weight. Cause I'm going to teach people to lose weight. Like all those things, um, they matter and they matter a lot. If you notice
most of the videos we're on nowadays, it's like 98% B-roll, right? And there's like a, a voiceover
storyline talking about something, but the B-rolls was, was sucking you in the video and hooking you
and like pulling you from step one, step two, step three, step four, like pulling you through
the whole process. And so, um, anyway, those are the fun things. Um, we spent probably
more time, three or four times more on the B roll than we do on the video or the initial thing
we're shooting. You know what I mean? And so think about that. Um, yeah, so that's all I got.
I know this was kind of a random episode. We talked about, um, flip hacking live,
Justin tears event, the difference between being a, um,
a specialist and a generalist.
Um, and if you are a generalist, when you're speaking to special to a, to a market to like
flip into specialist mode and like change your message because you'll sell more and
you'll serve more.
Um, and if you're choosing creamy and a generalist, a specialist, become a specialist.
Don't become the next Russell Brunson funnel builder.
Next Dan Kennedy marketing guy become, become the funnel builder for whatever market you know what i mean like become a specialist
um and then we shifted over into the dry bar comedy club uh jp sears andrew warner and then
all the stuff we did tonight and the emphasis on capturing the bureau capturing the story we
talk about documenting the journey and you're doing that through podcasts and things like that.
But, man, if you can get your camera out and, like, film different pieces.
Even just getting your phone out and, like, film you doing different pieces.
That stuff will be valuable someday.
I promise you that.
I look back now that my kids are, God, my twins are turning 13 years old now.
And we didn't film, we didn't capture much stuff of them, right?
Like, because we didn't have cameras back then, it wasn't as easy.
And I look at it now and, like, I have tons of footage of Nora and Aiden and stuff like that.
But the earlier kids, we have hardly any footage.
It's like, oh, sick to my stomach.
And I'm so grateful now that we're catching all this B-roll of everything we're doing
because, like, we can go back in the archives, you know, in eight months now when the book launches
and be like, oh, here's all the footage of when Russell's actually writing the book.
Like, how cool is it to have that?
And how many ways can we use that in promotional videos and ads and other things, you know?
If you're launching your funnel and the last phase is you, like, creating your sales video
and then you're like, oh, what should we do for ads?
Like, oh, let's think about an ad.
Then you're missing the point, right?
You're missing the magic.
The magic is while you're creating this thing, you should be documenting every single piece
of that because that becomes your ad. That becomes the B-roll for the sales video. That becomes the storyline for all the things you're creating this thing, you should be documenting every single piece of that because that becomes your ad.
That becomes the B-roll for the sales.
That becomes the storyline for all the things you're doing.
So I hope that helps.
Anyway, I'm going to go to get some sleep because I am not slept enough, which you can probably tell.
Some days my podcast is probably kind of all over the place.
Some days I haven't slept, which sounds like it might be today.
So I apologize for that.
Hopefully you got some value from this. Appreciate. So I apologize for that. Hopefully you got some
value from this. Appreciate you guys. Thanks for listening. If you do get value, please take a
snapshot on your phone right now, go over to Facebook or Instagram, tag me so I can see it.
And, um, also, um, hashtag marketing secrets, which would be really cool. I appreciate that.
And, um, and, uh, with that said, thanks so much. And I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.
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