Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - The One Big Domino For The Next 10 Years
Episode Date: January 1, 2020How to shortcut 10 years of growth into one year. On this episode Russell discusses how he has been strategically planning the big domino move to propel Clickfunnels forward 10 years. Here are some o...f the awesome things you'll hear in today's episode: Find out who Russell learned the big domino technique from and how it differs from his own technique. Why Russell had to look at the question from a new perspective to be able to find the answer he was looking for. And see why you too should look at your business from a different lens in order to be able to find the answers you're seeking. So listen here to find out how strategically planning for a big domino effect, Russell plans to propel his business forward in growth. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hey, what's up everybody? This is Russell Brunson, and this is the last podcast of this decade.
It's New Year's night, New Year's Eve, and in a few hours it's going to be next year and next decade.
So with that said, I want to give you one thought to think about as you're building a company over the next 12 months.
So the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture
capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets
us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world
and yet still remain profitable?
That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers.
My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Hey everyone. So we are packing up right now, taking the kids downtown for New Year's.
Here in Boise, they have a potato drop. Literally, they have this huge potato and they have a big
tractor come out and they hook the tractor up to this potato. And then the potato drops just like you,
New York city,
you get the ball drop,
we get a potato drop.
So we've never seen it.
We're going downtown Boise to experience the potato drop.
We're pretty pumped about that in a really weird way.
that's gonna be really fun.
And then we'll see if the kids make it to midnight or not.
So that's kind of what's happening tonight.
it's interesting as I was like thinking about to,
to share kind of for the last podcast. And, uh, it's interesting as I was like thinking about to share kind of for
the last podcast, um, you know, I thought it'd be fun to do like, uh, the top 10 things I learned
this decade or this last year or whatever. And I may still do something like that, but, um,
so we're kind of packing the house down and I'm getting ready to leave. One thing keeps going
through my mind is just, it's actually simpler. It's not, it's not a whole bunch of things. It's
like one thing for you guys to think about. So I want to share that. Hopefully it'll,
it'll help somebody right now in, in whatever you're, you're looking at. So, um, it kind of stems back to probably seven or eight years ago,
I was in New York at Joe Polish's Genius Network event. And, um, and Tim Ferriss was there and I
never seen Tim Ferriss speak before. I was kind of excited and he was on stage talking and, um,
he did some Q and A and stuff. and stuff and um i remember at the end somebody
asked him some question like like what's the question we should ask you tim that you know we
haven't asked you yet or something like that and he kind of thought for a second he said you know
what's interesting is he said that i get reporters all the time who want to follow me around all day
and uh and like get a day in the life of tim ferris and he's like i always tell him no because
like if people actually saw my life was like they'd be really bored he's like i a day in the life of Tim Ferriss. And he's like, I always tell him no, because like, if people actually saw my life was like, they'd be really bored. He's like, I wake up in the morning
and you know, I drink some coffee or some tea and then I sit and I read a book and then I think and
I, and I, you know, all these things. And he's like, he's like, I'll sit there sometimes for
days or weeks or sometimes even months, just trying to identify what are all of the dominoes
out there. And then what's the one big domino that if I knock down that domino, it'll knock down all the other dominoes or make them obsolete. And he's like, because of that,
he's like, I don't do a lot of stuff. When I do something, I execute on it perfectly. And it's
this huge thing. So anyway, after, uh, after he said that, I thought a lot about that. And I think
for the most part, I'm not, I'm not really that way. Like I'm more like,
I'm moving forward all the time. You see, like I'm moving forward. I'm doing idea after idea
after idea. And I'm, and I've been, you know, executing on this funnel and this funnel,
this idea and this book and this thing. And like, and we're moving fast. And I think that's,
that's good. Especially when you're getting started. I think it's good to be trying and
testing a lot of things until you kind of identify what your thing is and, and, and really figure it
out. Um, but something that has been interesting over the last couple of months as I've been
writing these books and doing these things, um, the one thought that keeps coming back up is like, you know, I'm doing a lot of things that incrementally are helping to grow the company.
But I was like, is there a thing? Is there like a big thing? If we were to do it or execute on it or knock this domino down, that would shortcut us five years or 10 years or more and get us there faster. And it's funny because when I
thought like, you know, I was thinking about that, like there was not like a funnel I could launch.
Like this is the funnel that'll 10 X click funnels. This is the funnel that'll speed up the time. This
is the book I need to write. You know, it wasn't ever anything like that. And so at first I was
like, I guess there's not, there's nothing I can do that will shave off 10 years of, of our success,
you know, and get us 10 years, um, you know, further down the line faster. And, and, uh, and so for a while
we, we thought that wasn't possible because we were looking through the lens that we normally
look through. And so, um, because that we weren't able to see, you know, see an answer to that.
But then we started looking at other lenses and different people's perspectives and people that
are smarter than me, people that have done things in different industries and looking at that.
And as we started looking, all of a sudden it became apparent
that there are a couple of paths
that would literally take off a decade of growth
for ClickFunnels.
We could get, you know,
where it would take us 10 years
going the direction in the pathway right now,
we could get there within a year from now.
And at first we were like,
that can't be possible.
That doesn't make any sense.
But because we started asking that question,
looking through different lenses outside of
just our own perspective, it started opening up all these opportunities, ideas, and this
whole new world of things that are possible.
So I'm not able yet to tell you what the answer was for me.
And that shouldn't matter because the answer for you is probably going to be different.
But you will see it play out over the next 12 months of my life and the life of ClickFunnels.
And you'll be like, oh my gosh, that was the move Russell chose.
That's interesting.
That is how he's short-cutting a decade and getting it done in a year.
And so you'll see the strategic moves that we're making.
And they're exciting and they're fun and they're awesome.
And I'm sure I will talk about it as the pieces come out and I'm able to share more.
But more so, I wanted you guys to start thinking about that.
My guess is when you start thinking like,
what can I do right now that's going to propel my business forward a decade
in the next year, you're probably not going to see it right away.
And it's going to be hard for you to, you know,
because given the tools you already have, the answer's not there.
Just like for me, given the tools of like, what's the next funnel?
What's the next book? What's the next, you know, the thing?
The answer wasn't there.
It was me keeping, continuing to ask that question and opening my eyes and getting to know other people
who have a different frame of reference and different lens that opened up these possibilities
to me and to us as a team at ClickFunnels. Anyway, I want to encourage you guys to start
asking that question and then start looking for the answer because it's there somewhere.
It's not within your immediate ability to execute on it, but it's there somewhere. She's got to start looking for it.
And if you search for it, my guess is you're going to find it. So anyway, that's the thing.
What's the big domino? What's the big domino for you guys this year that's going to propel you
forward a decade? Think about that. And then watch as we start executing on ours. I'm excited. I'm so grateful
for all you guys. And, um, the fact that you listened to this podcast, the fact that you use
our software, the fact that you're my books, the fact that you care means the world to me.
And I'm just grateful for you guys during this new year season and, um, appreciate you. And I
can't wait for the upcoming year for you guys to see what we're doing and why we're doing it. And,
um, it's going to be fun. So thanks for being along for the ride.
Appreciate you all have an amazing new year and I will talk to you as all next decade. Bye everybody.
Hey, this is Russell again. And really quick, I want to thank you so much for listening to the marketing secrets podcast. I hope you enjoyed this episode. And if you did, can you imagine
what it would be like to experience this for four days with 5,000 other insane funnel hackers,
people who are just like
you, who think like you, who believe like you, who have vision like you. If you would like to do that,
then you need to be at this year's Funnel Hacking Live. It's coming up very, very soon. If you don't
have your tickets yet, you can go to and it gives you the ability to
leave your home, leave where you're trying to create and dream and come to a place with a whole
bunch of people who think like you, who believe like you, who see visions like you of what they can create and what they can
become. Funnel Hacking Live is not just a marketing event. It's not just a personal development event.
It's both of those things wrapped into one and it is an experience that will change your life
forever. So I want to make sure you get your tickets. If you don't have them yet, go to, get your tickets. We have sold out five years in a row. We will sell it
this year as well. And after you get tickets, you will be there with 5,000 other insane, crazy, fun funnel hackers
talking about how to grow their business, sharing all the best marketing secrets,
things that are working today. You got to go get your tickets now at
Thanks so much, and I'll see you in Nashville.