Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - The Simplest Funnel Business Model

Episode Date: November 11, 2019

What I would do if I was to start over today. On this episode Russell breaks down what kind of business he would run if was starting all over again from scratch. Here are some of the awesome things y...ou'll here in today's episode: Find out why Russell's business model would be a lot simpler if he started all over. Find out who's business model Russell would choose to follow due to its simplicity. And see why a simple business model might be great for someone who is completely overwhelmed by what it takes to run a giant company. So listen here to see what a simpler business model consists of and if it might be right for your business. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson, and I'm excited that you're here today on the Marketing Secret Show. So thanks for hanging out. Today I'm going to talk about probably the most simple funnel business model of all time. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody. So I hope you guys are all doing great. There's so much chaos happening in my world right now.
Starting point is 00:00:50 Between the rewrite and the expert secrets book and the dot-com secrets book and the launch of the traffic secrets book. What's fun? Hiking live tickets. Plus today we launched the marketing secrets show. Plus my kids are in wrestling and a bunch of other – it's chaos and it's fun and it's exciting. And someday I know I'm going to look back on this time of life and be like, it's just, it's chaos, and it's fun, and it's exciting, and, like, um, someday, I know I'm gonna look back on, like, this time of life, and be like, remember that, when all that was happening? Um, sometimes, though, it feels like a lot, but it's, it's cool, and, um, last night was kind of fun, I was at my kid's wrestling tournament, and, um, I was talking
Starting point is 00:01:18 to, uh, Toby Brockner, who's one of the, one of the, uh, he's a ClickFunnels funnel hacker dude, who's awesome, he, um, he's also a wrestling dad, and he comes in and films my kids, which is really cool. We were talking about just business and business models and things like that. And as I was sitting there talking to him, I can't remember what we were talking about exactly, but I remember thinking about this and then telling him, I was like, man, if I was to start over today, right now, what would my business model be like? What would it look like? And as much as I've loved this journey of building ClickFunnels, it's been so much fun and it's so fulfilling and so many, you know, so much amazingness has come from it.
Starting point is 00:01:56 Like if, or when I was to start over again, like I would, I would make things so much more simple. And, and so I want to, you know, people always ask me all the time, like if you were to start over from scratch, what would you do right now? And maybe it's just because I'm in a season in my life that's so hectic, so busy. I'm just like, I want simplicity. But, um, if I could step back and be like, what, what would be the business model I would do today if I was starting today, it would be, it would be really simple. Um, in fact, the person who I would probably model the most is Ben Settle. Some of you guys have heard me talk about Ben Settle before, talk about Ben Settle before.
Starting point is 00:02:25 I talked about him a little bit in the Dotcom Seekers book and things like that. But his business model is so simple. He has a squeeze page where he drives traffic to. And just basically it's like, hey, give me your email address. I'm going to email you every day and share with you stuff. And that's what he does. I don't think he drives that much traffic. I think he does a few things here and there.
Starting point is 00:02:45 I think a lot of his leads come from me because I talk about him a lot. And, you know, but he's not like a hardcore buying a bunch of ads, all sorts of stuff. He does podcast interviews and he's doing things, but he's definitely not like me who's out there like obsessing over traffic and sales, all this kind of, you know, he's just, he's doing his thing and he builds a list and then he emails his list every single day. And he always tells a story. This is where the whole concept of Seinfeld emails came from in the dot com secrets book. He writes an email each day about what's happening in his life and somehow ties it back to his product. And he's got one product for sale.
Starting point is 00:03:16 His one product is a $97 a month newsletter and that's it. And so once a month he writes a newsletter, a print newsletter, then he prints and he ships out to his customers. He sells it for $97 a month. Then 30 days a month, one day every month, he writes an email and sends it to his list. That's his business model. He gets, what, 15 minutes a day to write an email? Then maybe a couple hours each month to write a newsletter, and that's it. The rest of the time, he sits there and he writes zombie novels and stuff like that. That's what he does because it sounds like fun to him, apparently. He writes zombie books and stuff like that. Like that's his, that's what he does. Cause it sounds like fun to him. Apparently he writes zombie books and stuff like that, but like that's,
Starting point is 00:03:48 that's the business model. And, um, I've been watching do it consistently now for probably seven or eight years. And he just sends an email every day. He never misses a day. Very consistent, very consistent, writes an email, sends it out. And the emails aren't super complicated. They're telling cool stories or different, you know, it's what we call them Seinfeld emails. If you watch the show Seinfeld, they're about like the random thing at the time and, and that's happening in his life and how it ties back to the, to his email newsletter. And in fact, if you go to, let me do it right now to make sure it's still there, but he's got a blog where he then posts his emails as blog posts. So you can literally go back and look at the last, um, I
Starting point is 00:04:23 don't know, eight years, five, I don't know how many years, 10 years of him doing this. You can go read every email. So you can get an idea, like what do the emails look like the last, um, I don't know, eight years, five, I don't know how many years, 10 years of him doing this. You can go read every email. So you can get an idea like what the emails look like. Like, well, there they are. Um, yeah. If you go to, and click on no thanks, it then takes you to his blog and yeah, every blog post is in here. So, um, there, there you go. Like they're all, they're is in here. So there you go. They're all in here. They each tell a story and then tie back to his $97 newsletter. Tells a story, back to the newsletter.
Starting point is 00:04:52 That's it. And the blog, again, if you go to the blog, there's literally however many years, a decade worth of these. Consistently, he rarely, if ever, misses a day and just writes an email, sends it out, promotes his one thing. And I think sometimes, especially for me, promotes is one thing. And I think sometimes, especially for me, like I'm so passionate about the art of this, you know, the funnels, the funnel structure and all that kind of thing. So because I create a lot of
Starting point is 00:05:11 funnels and stuff like that. And it's like, man, but if I was to step back and say, look, I really want to design my business around me and around my lifestyle. Like I would look at Ben's model super close, have squeeze page, which I lead to get people opt in an email list every single day. And I'd sell my one product. I would just consistently make that product awesome. It would be a print newsletter or something. Maybe it's membership site or whatever, but it's just always pushing people to the same thing. You think about it like the math on that, let's say it's a hundred bucks, right? You get a hundred people in there. That's 10 grand, right? 10 grand a month. You get 500 people in there. It's that right? 50 grand a month,
Starting point is 00:05:46 5,000. Yeah. 50 grand a month. You get thousand people in there at a hundred bucks a piece, a hundred grand a month. Like if you just consistently did that consistently focus on that, it's not going to happen overnight within a year from now, five years from now, 10 years from now, you could, you could have that. And you look at your business at the time. It's like, man, I make a hundred grand a month and I send out an email a day. It's 15 minutes a day, my time. And then once a month I write a newsletter. So I'm just putting it out there for you guys to think about different business models. And you know, you don't always have to try to build a huge company. And for some of you guys, that's the goal. I get that. I support that. We teach that we train on
Starting point is 00:06:15 that. But for some of you guys, it's like, I'm looking for something that can be consistent. It's like, Hey, what, what can you be the best in the world at create a print newsletter or a membership site or something around that thing that's monthly, have a squeeze page, have an email a day, always pushing people back and focus continually on your message, the same message over and over and over and over and over again. So hope helps. I think for somebody out there who is getting overwhelmed by like, oh, there's all these funnels, all these things, like I need a simpler business model. There's a simpler business model. I want to share with you guys today. So that's it. Thank you guys so much for everything. And next week we start.
Starting point is 00:06:45 I recorded the Marketing Secrets live show on Facebook this week, and we're going to start sharing some of the podcast episodes that come from that show. So you guys can get some live stuff happening tomorrow, which will be a lot of fun. So with that said, thanks so much for everything, you guys. Appreciate you for listening, and we'll talk to you soon. Bye, everybody. On the next episode of the Marketing Secrets show, we're going to be answering questions in community somebody asked russell how in the world do you remain humble after growing a company this
Starting point is 00:07:10 big um and so i'm going to talk about how to make sure that your head doesn't get too big and if it does how to shrink it back down you can hear that and a whole bunch more on the next episode of the marketing secret show

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