Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - THE TRAFFIC SECRETS BOOK IS DONE!!!

Episode Date: October 2, 2019

Last night I had a chance to write the forward of the book, and this one is dedicated to... On today's episode Russell talks about finally submitting the manuscript of Traffic Secrets so that he can ...never touch it or change it again. Here are some of the things you will hear about in this episode: Find out why Russell rewrote the entire 2nd section before submitting the final manuscript. Hear the story about why Russell is so passionate about being proud of his work. And find out why Russell is hoping the Traffic Secrets book can help change millions of lives. So listen here to find out how the process of submitting the final manuscript of Traffic Secrets went. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up everybody, this is Russell Brunson, and we just submitted the Traffic Secret Manuscript. I'm gonna tell you that story and a whole bunch more on today's episode of the Marketing Secrets Podcast. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own pockets,
Starting point is 00:00:18 how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world, and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. All right, everybody, it's 521 and 21 minutes ago, submitted the final final final final um manuscript for the traffic secrets book the work is finished i'm not allowed to touch it ever again and for anyone who's like cool i know you're working on i think you submitted a final manuscript a while ago i have a problem and the problem is not perfectionism but i want to do things right
Starting point is 00:01:03 and i think um I've told this story before, but I think it stems back to a conversation I had with my dad when I was like six years old. Um, and, uh, basically my job was to clean the car and he said, go clean the car. So I went and cleaned the car. I came back to the dad, it's done. He's like, it's done. I'm like, yeah. He's like, uh, like, do you want to come see it? He's like, well, let me like, are you proud of it? Like, what do you mean? He's like, well, are you proud of it? I'm like, um, I don't know. He's like, well, if you're proud of it, it's done. And I was like, oh crap. I knew that I kind of like cut some corners and wasn't super happy. So I went back in the car, cleaned it way better, came back and said, dad, I'm done. He said, are you proud of it?
Starting point is 00:01:37 I said, yeah. He said, okay, then you're done. You're fine. You can go. That was a lesson that always stuck with me. And so I think I have that tendency. It's not perfectionism. It's just, I want to make sure that, um, that what I'm creating, what I'm putting my name on, that it matters, that it's important, that it's good. And so that's kind of why, yeah, that frame is like my mindset. And so basically before I went to Fiji, I submitted the final manuscript and I was gone for a week. And then the editor or the publishers get it and they have an editor who goes through everything. So the new editor went through everything. I got back in Fiji. She says, here's a manuscript. I'll go through and you can see my edits. You can accept, reject everything. So we kind of did that. And then as we're going through it, so that was,
Starting point is 00:02:15 that was, um, I got home Tuesday night. So Wednesday I came and got the manuscript and I was like, this is good. I'm like, ah, I want to read it out loud just to make sure that it sounds get out loud as well. So we put through together a makeshift thing, set up a stage at the office. And then all day Thursday, all day Friday, I read the book to a group of about 10 people. And then we streamed it to everyone who had tickets to Fun Hacking Live. And the first section I was really proud of. I was like, boom, proud of it. Let's go.
Starting point is 00:02:40 And the second section, I was not proud of it. The content was good, but it was clunky. It was hard to get through. It was boring. I didn't skip sections. I'm like, I don't want to read the same one. I'm bored. If I'm bored, this is not good.
Starting point is 00:02:52 You know what I mean? And then third section, I love. Third section, super proud of it. But second section, I wasn't. I had a sick feeling last weekend because I'm like, I know what it's going to take to go and rework this whole thing. And I was like, I can't do this weekend because this weekend I got to prepare for Monday. We have the ClickFunnels birthday announcement.
Starting point is 00:03:09 So I didn't touch this that whole weekend. Sunday night, I got to start working on my presentation. Monday, all day, did the presentation. I talked about that. We launched the birthday launch, smashing success. And I came Tuesday. I was like, okay, I got to rewrite section two of the book, which is not a small section. It's only three sections in the book. It's like 100, I think it's been 121 pages. And so I took it and I started writing and I spent all day. What was that? Tuesday. Did that deep into the night.
Starting point is 00:03:40 And Wednesday I went and I stayed late. In fact, I didn't even come home Wednesday. Came home Wednesday at like midnight. And then Thursday, which was last night, I went in, worked on it. And I left the office last night at 3.30 in the morning. And I almost had it done for a couple of sections. This morning I came in, finished the last sections. Joy Anderson on my team, she's going crazy doing editing and cleaning things up and getting the images and just all the stuff, uh, with me. And, um, so I did my stuff today, handed the last manuscript to her. She spent all day cleaning it up and at five o'clock it got submitted.
Starting point is 00:04:13 And it's fun cause she was live on Facebook live. I was watching her videos. She was talking about just like, who does that? Mostly like I've written the book. It's been edited, you know, three times over. But, but, um, but you know, I wanted, I can't, I didn't want, I don't want this to be a good book. I want this to be a great book. I don't want this to be like, Oh yeah, people, I read the traffic secrets book. I want them to be like, Oh my gosh, I read
Starting point is 00:04:32 it and I referenced it and I look at it over and over and over again. And like, I want something that sticks. I wanted something that'll last beyond me. And so that's why I put so much time and effort and energy into it. But, um, as of right now it's done, I'm on about three hours of sleep, taking my kids out. We're going to go play, have some good time, and then I'm going to crash and sleep for as long as my body will allow me to. Who am I kidding? As long as my kids will allow me to. And I'll be back at it for round two tomorrow morning. But anyway, I just want to celebrate with you. It's exciting. It's been a hard work. It's been a long journey. And I'm just grateful for people like you who listen and who care. It makes this work worthwhile and fun to do. It's interesting as I was writing the dedication
Starting point is 00:05:13 last night, I was looking at the dedications for other books and the dedication for the Dotcom Secrets book. I talked about my mom, my dad, and my wife. The Expert Secrets book, I talked about Dagan Smith, talked about all the experts who have positively changed my life. And then I talked about my kids. So this book, I'm like, who's this book dedicated to? And I don't have the dedication in front of me. You'll have to wait until the book comes out to read it. But it was dedicated to you. It was dedicated to the entrepreneurs I've been Serve. It's my funnel hackers. And you can read what I wrote there. But the basic gist is that, you know, because of you, this thing that I'm so passionate about has a purpose. Because you just take the stuff and you learn and you implement it, it has meaning.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And, you know, I think so many people struggle in this world because they don't have meaning, they don't have purpose. And I'm just grateful because of you guys, I have a purpose and I have a reason behind all this stuff. And I'm just grateful. So the third book is dedicated to you, my funnel hackers. And I hope that you love it. I hope that it helps you. You know, it's called Traffic Secrets, all about how to get people into your funnels and get the eyeballs to see what you have, what you're publishing. But the real power is like, it's putting your message for your God-given talents out in front of people. Right? And if I can help expose more people to what you have to offer, like then all of the pain and the stress and the agony over the last, you know, 18 months since we started this project will have been worth it.
Starting point is 00:06:38 You know, and I said that. I said that this book helps you get one new customer to come to you whose life you can change through the products and services you've been given, then it'll have been worth it. And my goal, well, I'll tell you my goals later. Well, I'll tell you my goal. We're going to be doing a big launch for this when it goes live. My goal is to sell, well, to put in context, dot-com seekers book during launch sold 20,000. Expert seekers book was like 70 or 75,000. This one, I want to sell a quarter million copies during the launch month and then a million the first year. And so if I can get a million people this book, each of you guys, each person gets a book, they will get just one new customer. And it's a million people's lives who have been changed because of it. Some of you guys can use it to affect thousands or tens of thousands or
Starting point is 00:07:19 millions of people's lives. So anyway, that's why. If anyone wonders why I keep doing it, why I stipulate, why I put in the time and effort and energy, why I didn't just take the last week and have them focus on the next project. Instead, did three all-nighters in a row, back to back to back. It's because I care. And I care about my message. I care about you. I care about the people you're serving. And so I'm trying to give it my all. And I hope that all of you guys take that same kind of passion with the work, the art, the things you're creating, things you're serving. And so I'm trying to give it my all and hope that all of you guys take that same kind of passion with, um, the work, the art, the things you're creating, things you're putting out there. Uh, cause if you do that, then they will last, um, beyond you. And that's why we do this. Right. Um, anyway. All right. With that said, I'm going to go get packed up. We're heading
Starting point is 00:08:00 out to the, going down to town, go play with the kids and then i'm gonna pass out so i'm gonna go thank you guys again for listening for paying attention for following along and once again grateful for the opportunity to serve you and i hope this book will will help take your business your life and your platform to the next level all right good night i'll talk to you soon bye everybody would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind-the-scenes reality TV show at

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