Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - TWO Types Of People Online - Traffic Secrets Revisited!
Episode Date: September 15, 2021Welcome to the first episode in this special 8 part series. With Russell being incredibly busy preparing for Funnel Hacking Live, he decided to share some of the traffic tips that he released last yea...r during the "Traffic Secrets" book launch. On this episode, Russell reveals the CRITICAL difference between the "Searcher" vs. the "Scroller". You'll learn: How to craft your funnel for BOTH types. Why interruption marketing is so powerful (and how to correctly use it). Why you must HOOK your audience before you tell your story or make your offer. Listen in to learn more! Also, go get your FREE copy of Traffic Secrets here! Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. All right, I've got a special treat for you guys over the next 30 days. One of the biggest requests I get people wanting to know more about traffic, which is one of the reasons why I wrote a whole book called Traffic Secrets, which if you don't have go to and get it, what are you waiting for? Do you hate money that bad? Anyway, so what I wanted to do over the next couple of weeks because I've been slammed recently with obviously Funnel Hacking live is happening in less than a week from the time I'm recording this. We've also got inner circles relaunching we've got a whole bunch of other crazy things, like a bunch of there's lots happening. And so I thought it would be fun I think for you guys to get more traffic stuff and also take a little weight off my shoulders for the next couple of weeks is to give you guys access to eight episodes of me talking about traffic. Now, this is something that I actually recorded during the pandemic when I was in the book launch. So I had a chance to go deep on a whole bunch of topics from the Traffic Secrets book. And so I want to share those with you guys over the next couple of weeks. So that's kind of the game plan. If you want, I would highly recommend getting the Traffic Secrets book and reading along as we go through the next eight episodes or so because I'm going to be going deep into each of the sections and the chapters and talking about all the principles, all the things you guys got to do to get more traffic into your funnels. So I hope you enjoy the next few weeks, hope you enjoy the Traffic Secrets episodes. If you guys want more info about traffic, of course go get the book. On top of that we also have a Traffic Secrets podcast. These episodes are from that podcast. So hopefully you get addicted and make you want to go subscribe to that podcast as well. Thanks again you guys. I appreciate you for listening and I hope you enjoy the next eight episodes. What's up everybody this is Russell. Welcome back to we're at day number three. Day number three of the Traffic Secret series. I'm going live every single day for the next, I don't know, we're in quarantine. Well as long as we want, as long as you're having fun, we'll keep doing this. So if you are having fun, please let me know down in the comments, be like, this is fun, Russell. We should do this more often. Or if you're like, I have better things to do with my day than sit in quarantine and listen to Russell talk about traffic. Well let me know in the comments down below if you're having fun because so far I'm enjoying this and I'm not going to lie, it gives me a little bit of break from all the other distresses of all the stuff we do. So I'm enjoying it. And hopefully you guys are having some fun as well. As you guys know, oh, let me pull this over here so you can see inside the screen. We are on day number two, actually it has been in 26 minutes it'll have been 24 hours that the book Funnel has been live. And why do you guys, since you're all my marketing nerds who like to hang out and talk marketing with me, The Funnel is doing insanely well. We are just shy of 10,000 copies. So I was trying to get 10,000 copies in the first 24 hours. It'll probably be 25 maybe 26 hours before we hit it. But that's still pretty dang good. To put that in perspective, the average New York Times bestselling book only sells 10,000 copies the first week. So we are 10,000 copies in less than 24 hours which means this must be a book you guys are interested in. It must be a topic you are interested in. It's probably the most timely thing ever. It's interesting when I started this project two years ago, not knowing when this was going to go live, not knowing the circumstances. And now with, depending on if you're watching this live or later, we are in day two or three of quarantine here. The coronavirus is just crazy and businesses are freaking out and people are struggling. And a lot of companies are shutting their doors. And right now the thing I think that people need more than anything is traffic, it's people. How do you get your dream customers, the right people to come to your door so you can help them and you can serve them. And so that's what this whole book's about. So my goal is hopefully you guys all get a copy. Again, these don't ship until May 5th but the audio books are there now. In fact 36% of you guys are buying the audio books. So thank you for that but it gives you a chance to go and start listening to it immediately. But then I'm going live free here and I'm just going to basically share stuff in the book. So if you want to see some of the old episodes on Facebook, they are there. Other places, YouTube we got them there as well. But basically I'm going through the book and talking about it. So today I'm going to dive back in. You guys want some more insights from the book that will hopefully help you out in whatever part of the journey you're in right now? Hopefully you do. And as you're reading this, you're like, all right, fine Russell, you pushed me over the edge. I'm finally ready to get the book you've been talking about for two years, just go to, you'll see The Funnel. And I would recommend going through the funnel slow. This is the highest converting funnel I've ever done. And I've been doing this game for 15 years now. So this was 15 years of like me testing and trying a bunch of things. And this is the, I talked about funnel hacking. I said, you can go through, get all the arrows in the back, try to figure your way out or see where people where they're at today in their model. So right now this is where my funnel is at and it's killing it. Excuse me. We're averaging 80, almost $80 for every free book we give away inside the funnel. So it's working, it's good. Anyway, so that's the game plan. You guys ready to jump into this so we have some fun? I love it. All right, okay. I'm going to go. So here we go. I'm going to open up the box set. Some of you guys yesterday on the live everyone's was like, where did I get the box set? And I'm like the only way you can see the box set is an upsell. So you've got to buy the book and then the upsell is like, hey, do you want all the books? All new hardbound copies and the workbook and everything. So that's the only way to get it is after you go to and get your free copy of the book. I think it's $10 shipping handling US for the hard bound. And then it's like 19.85 I think international. And these will be shipping May 5th. This is a pre-launch, May 5th these will start shipping but the audio books that I recorded myself in a studio for three days are available beginning today. And yeah, so there you go. Plus all the other bonuses, there's five insane bonuses you guys get with the book as well. Usually they sell each of those for 97 bucks as a standalone product. You get them for free when you buy the book for free. So if you like free then you should get a copy of the book. All right, with that said, I'm going to go in here. So the first day I talked about, I just read some stuff from the intro which was all about basically a storm coming, which is interesting now that we're in like the middle of the storm. But there's a storm coming, traffic shifting everything's different and you got prepared. I was lucky enough and blessed enough when I started learning traffic it wasn't when Facebook Ads were here. And I was trying to figure out how to run Facebook Ads. I was learning this stuff before Facebook, before Myspace, before Friendster, I was learning how to drive traffic from some of the original OGs of direct response marketing. I was learning direct mail, radio, postcards, things like that. And as you apply these principles to the internet, it's really, really powerful. So if Facebook shuts down, or your ads account is banned or Google changes, this book is like, here's how to have a stable foundation to get traffic even in those times. I've been lucky to now have been doing this for 15 years. And I've been through a couple of market grows, a couple market crashes and I've seen networks come and go, Google Slaps, Facebook Snaps, a whole bunch of stuff. What is interesting is that we've not only survived in the times, we've thrived is because of the foundational principles you're going to learn here inside of Traffic Secrets. So talking about a storm coming. That struggle in chapter one, your dream customer. Shared some cool stories from this yesterday. I'm not going to go back into it but the whole key is becoming obsessed with your dream customer and the better you understand them, you understand what are they doing to move towards pleasure away from pain. It makes it so much easier to find them. So today we're what we're going to talk about are two things called the searcher and the scroller. When you have your book, if you go to page 25, as I start talking about these concepts of the searcher and the scroller, I think I got some doodles in here. Yeah, I got some doodles in here. So for those who are like me, like the doodles, there is the searcher and there's the scroller. Now it's important to understands a lot of people think that traffic is just traffic. Oh, I just need to figure how to get more traffic. And so that's kind of all they're looking for. But you got to understand that people's habits are different. And so there's a searcher and there's the scroller. And what's interesting if you look at how business started back in the early 1800s, when did people buy something? They had a need for it. So like, oh, I need a hammer. They would jump in the car, drive to the grocery store and they would go buy a hammer. They're searching for something. Now, when you're searching, you know what you're looking for. I need this thing to solve this problem, this thing. And so you're searching for it and you go look for it and you buy it and you come back. And for a long time, that's how business happened. Back in the early 1800s, early 1900s was a hundred percent of commerce happened through searching. Someone needed something and they went in search for it. The yellow pages came, they searched through yellow pages, find the business that had the thing they needed. Oh I need a plumber, find the person, they'd search for him and they can go and get him. So what was nice for consumers is I could go search, I could find things I wanted. But as a business owner it was tough because I couldn't go and get people's attention. And so if you look at, and I share some of the timelines, like the first time the interruption, excuse me. So yeah, I'll go in that second, but searching is the first thing. And then, but again, searching is good because you can go find and find exactly what you want, that's the pros of it. And I think I've listed the pros and cons. Yeah, the pros for search is that when people come to you, they're hot. That's the thing, like I'm looking for a plumber, they call you, I need a plumber. Sweet, I'm a plumber I'm coming right over. Or I need a hammer. It's like they're hot, they're looking for it. That's the pros of search. The cons is you can't stimulate that. You can't stimulate search and make you all of a sudden come search for me. And so that was kind of the cons of it. And so it was hard to really grow and scale company because you sit there waiting for people to search for you, waiting for somebody to get a desire. Then fast forward to 1927. So 1927 is when TVs were invented. And 15 years later on July 1st, 1942, it was during the Brooklyn Dodgers Philadelphia Phillies game at Ebbets Field it was the first ever TV commercial aired. So what happened? Think like this, people were sitting there, they're watching TV, in their homes, they're being entertained, they're enjoying, they're interested in baseball or watching baseball. And then in the middle of that boom, they're interrupted with an ad. And then the ad was for Bulova Watches and Bulova. And think about before this, if Bulova wanted to sell a watch, what did they have to do? They'd wait for someone who's like, I need a watch and they'd go search for a watch. They're waiting, I hope business comes because they had to wait. That was the first TV commercial in the early 1900s. People were sort of watching TV, they're not planning. And all of a sudden in the middle of that ad they're interrupted. They're interrupted and after the interrupted then comes in the ad was, it says the ad was nine seconds long. In fact if you go to YouTube right now and search it, you can actually find it. I found it there. It is nine seconds long, it costs them $9 to run. And the ad said, America runs on Bulova time. Now obviously that was not the greatest ad in the world but it was the ad. It was the first time somebody did interruption marketing. So people watching baseball so they were interrupted and Bulova had this little window of time where they could grab someone's attention. They could build up the perceived value, what is there to sell and then they can make them an offer. And that was the very first time this interruption concept happened. And interruption marketing is powerful because it gives you, because in research marketing, people have to be looking for you. They're interested, they have a desire, they're looking for you. With interruption, you have a chance to capture their attention and then make a presentation to increase the perceived value of the thing that you're trying to sell and then you make them an offer. And in the book you hear me talk a little more about hook story offer in a day or two. I don't know when can we get there, but that's the next framework is when you interrupt somebody you got this little window of time. So I'm going to sit down here because this is my studio I'm sitting on the floor because that's what we got here when we're in quarantine. But what we understand that like this is some of the interesting stuff. And I have a friend, his name is Trevor Chapman and he's the one that kind of first made this concept light up in my head. He talks about searching versus interruption. So search marketing. Let's say for example you wanted a new home security system. So what would you do? You'd go on Amazon and type in home security system. You'd search for it. And if you found it, you're like, oh, I need a home security. So I'm looking for it. And right now you can get a pretty good home security system on Amazon for like 200 bucks. You pay 200 bucks, it comes to you, you install it and boom, you now have a home security system for 200 bucks because you were searching for it. And people that search typically they're bargain shoppers, looking not just in one place, they're searching five different things, they're price comparison and all these kinds of things. But when they come to you, they're hot. They're ready to buy right now. Now put that in contrast with what Trevor talks about when he talked about what he did. He ran a sales team, a door to door sales, people selling home security systems. And he said, we didn't rely on search at all. We relied on uninterrupted marketing. He said so what we do is we would go and we would go door to door and we knocked on the door and we'd interrupt someone during dinner or whatever it is, we interrupt them. And we interrupt and they opened the door and we had this little window time. The first step is to hook them, to get their attention we hook them. Right? When you pass that initial hook, then we have this window of time we can tell them a story. And the goal of the story is what? Is to increase the perceived value of the thing I'm going to sell, and at the end have a chance to make an offer. Now two minutes earlier that person was not looking for home security system but because I interrupted them, I hooked them with something that get their attention. I told them a story to increase the perceived value that I could sell the thing that I'm selling for what it's actually worth. Typically the search-based marketing you're in a comparison game. It's a race to the bottom you're selling commodities and people are searching for all of their variations to find the cheapest one or the best with the highest ratings. Whereas interruption based marketing, they're not searching everywhere else in the world, you're coming to them. You're interrupting them. You make a presentation about the perceived value, what it is you're selling. And then you can sell for whatever you want. And he talked about how when he was selling security systems, someone could go on Amazon and find them for 200 bucks. But what we do, we knock on the door and interrupt them, tell our story, increase the perceived value, make them an offer and walk out the door with a $5,000 contract for a home security system. That's the power of interruption marketing, gives you the ability to find people who aren't in the moment needing it, but you created a desire in them to be able to go and sell the thing. And so what's interesting as you start looking at the online, the same trend happened throughout history. When the internet first came out, there was what type of marketing? There was search. You would go to Google and you would search for something. And it was amazing because you could rank for the keywords, you can make a bunch of money, you can buy pay-per-click ads, but you only made money on people that were actually searching for you. Everywhere else you just missed out on the opportunity. And so you lost that money but it was a really good opportunity. And then a little while later, then also in the social networks started coming out. And the social networks happened and then somewhere down the line and I have the dates in here, but somewhere down the line is when Mark Zuckerberg introduced the Facebook Ads platform, which was the very first real big play of interruption marketing. Someone would come on Facebook and they're hanging out with their friends, they're talking, they're being entertained. And then an ad would come in to interrupt them for a second. So you're strolling through the ads, awesome boom, your ad comes. And if you do it right, this is like the knock on the door for the door to door sales person. You knock on the door, it interrupts them for a second. Just long enough, you got their attention. You hook them and then it opens up this little window for you where you can now tell them your story. And the goal of your story is to increase the perceived value of what you're going to sell them. And then you make them an offer, hook, story offer. And that's the power of interruption marketing is it gives you that little window of time where instead of like waiting for you to be like hey, I hope someone searched for cat food today because I'm selling cat food. Instead of waiting and waiting, we have to say, okay, who's interested in cats. Let me go find those people. Let me try to interrupt them. And we go knock on their door. Let me go through all these hooks and try to grab their attention just for long enough so I can explain to them why my cat food is so much better. My cat medicine or my cat whatever cat thing you sell. Tell them your story, increase the perceived value which is selling themselves what it’s actually worth. Then you're not going out there and they're fighting and they're comparing your cat food versus 500 other people. You have the ability now to increase the perceived value, sell your thing for what it's worth. So that's search versus interruption. And if you start looking at all the different advertising networks out there and you start classifying them. So Google is a search platform, people are coming to search on it. Yahoo is a search platform. I don't even know what other ones are out there. I just use Google. But those are the search platforms. Then you got a Facebook and Instagram, these are interruption platforms. They're getting people's attention. They're categorizing people based on what they're interested in. And you really come in to interrupt those people saying, I want to end up all people interested in cats. All people interested in fitness, all people interested in business. I interrupt them and then it opens a little window for you to come in there and set a hook to get their attention, tell them a story, increase the perceived value that we have and then make an offer. And that's the magic. So then again, the first phase we talked about in this book here was you're taking your dream customers, you're identifying, you're breaking them based on people that are trying to move away from pleasure and people who are trying and move towards plain. We have different messages for both those people. They are not the same, they're different. So maybe we have different funnels, different landing pages, different ads are speaking differently to each person. The next thing is understanding, where am I going fishing? Where am I trying to find these people? If it's search based, that's okay but I'm going to speak those people differently. Those people would probably do more comparison shopping. Those people are probably looking for a deal. They're researching, they're searching for you, they find you. So if my landing pages aren't based on understanding hey, this is the mindset someone's coming to they are they're researching, you're going to struggle. Now if someone's in Instagram or Facebook, they're doing something else, I'm interrupting them. So I have something exciting, I have something cool, I have a cool background. I need something like this where they're scrolling through their feed and it's like, what is this thing? Why is Russell waving a book? Like yesterday I had my Thanos. I had these gloves on yesterday because when the videos are on Facebook and Google I want someone scrolling through to be like why does Russell got this weird glove? And they're going to stop. I hooked them just long enough to have a chance now to tell them my story, to increase the perceived value, what I'm doing and then make them an offer. Okay. By the way, BTW, those who are watching this video on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, wherever you are, what did I just do? I hooked you right. I've been telling you a story to increase the perceived value of the offer I have for you. Some you guys are like, dang, that's in the book. That's secret number one in the book. That's awesome, I need that. So I told you the story to increase the perceived value of this thing that I'm going to offer you here in a second. Wait, Rusty you practice what you preach. Yes, I do every day. So that's what I'm doing. Now if I'm putting this out to a search audience this is going to be different. My message is not going to be me with a Thanos glove trying to interrupt him because they're already looking. They're looking for like how to get more traffic. I'm going to come to that. Hey, here's the review page. Here's five ways to get traffic, boom, boom, boom. And by the way, number one book to get traffic is this book right here which you will get it for free at I'm speaking to them differently. So you're categorizing people based on search versus interruption. And understanding that your ad campaigns are structured. All the things you're doing are different depending on which way people are coming into your worlds. Does that make sense? I think so many times people group traffic or advertising like just one thing. It's like, no, you guys are not understanding the intricacies of what you're doing. And so I need you to understand that if I'm speaking to somebody who is searching for someone who I'm interrupting because it's different, my ad's different. My ad on my Google ad is not me running around going crazy or lighting my book on fire. But my ad on Instagram is, my ad on Facebook is. I've got to grab your attention just long enough to open a window so you will listen to my story so I can increase the perceived value of what I have to sell and I can make you an offer. And start thinking, I guess if you're thinking in your mind like oh my gosh, I've seen this over and over again. When I go to Google, I search for stuff. What are the landing pages look like? People are successful. What do those ads look like? What are they saying? How are they speaking to me? I'm speaking them differently than I'm speaking to somebody who I'm interrupting. If I'm interrupting, I'm doing crazy videos, trying to capture your attention and to get you to like focus. And just long enough so I can grab you, grab your attention and tell you a story. So that's the key that we understand there. It's a little different, a little slight intricacies, little slight differences but it's the key to this whole game. Oh yeah. So Google is a search platform. YouTube is interesting because YouTube is a search, but it's also a social. So YouTube is one of my favorites and there's a whole chapter here going deep into YouTube because it's a search and it's an interruption platform. And so there's different strategies when you're inside of that which are kind of fun. Facebook, Instagram, are interruption platforms. Other search based platforms like Quora, where you're going to you're searching questions, you're answering questions. That's a search based platform. So if you start looking at where to get traffic and you start thinking through it in your mind, realize there's search based, interruption based, there's two different things. And it's important because that's some of the foundational stuff you've got to understand as you're going after dream customers. So that again, yesterday's video and today's is all just secret number one, we haven't gotten to secret number two yet. So let me come back real quick. So secret number one, I did introduction date number one yesterday or today and yesterday was who's your dream customer. And then today I talked about searcher versus scroller. You can see that in the video there. Tomorrow's video I'm going to go into secret number two, where are they hiding? So depending on if this is live with this tomorrow, if this is on YouTube or on a playlist, like there's probably a place here where you can watch the next one. But after we can go into next is where are they hiding the dream 100. Now really quick, now that I've grabbed your attention, I've told you a value increase the perceived value of this book. Hopefully now I'm hoping you want a copy of this so badly. So if you want one, guess what? Right now during pre-launch, they are free. You just got to cover the shipping handling. This is the hardbound book. I've already paid for the printing of this thing, they're not cheap to print. So I paid for the printing. They are going to be shipping out on May 5th. Right now we are in pre-launch. We've almost sold 10,000 copies the first 24 hours, which is crazy, really proud of that. Proof of these traffic things we're talking about actually work. But you can get a copy right now. during the pre-launch. Again, we ship these May 5th, but when you're buying this, one of the order form bumps as you go through the funnel is for the audio book. The audio book is done. I spent three days in a warehouse, not a warehouse, in a studio reading this entire book. You can get the audio book immediately. And inside the audio book is actually links to a supplemental PDF that has all the doodles and stuff. So as you're listening, you can look at the doodles and make sure you understand the concepts. That's available today. You can start listening to the audio book right now. You just got to go to, get a copy of the book. This ships May 5th and then the order form bump is the audio book so you can listen to it, which is awesome. Right now like 36% of you guys are taking the audio book. So that means that one third of you guys are ready to listen today. The rest of you is like, I'll worry about traffic in the future. But honestly, right now we're in scary times. I'm in quarantine right now, I'm sure most of you guys are in quarantine or at your house hanging out. I'm recording this on phone, on my iPad because my film crews are in quarantine everywhere. Like it's chaos right now but you got to understand the most important thing in business for all of you guys in good times and in bad is traffic. It's the people, it's you having the ability to get your message in front of people. If you're not able to do that, it makes business really hard. If you are able to do that, makes business easy. So how do you get traffic? Not just how to get any traffic, how do you get the stuff that the buyer says, the underground playbook for filling your websites and funnels with your dream customers, not just any customers, your dream customers, the ones that have money, the ones that can afford your products, can afford your services. The ones you actually want to serve. And so that's the game plan you guys, that's Traffic Secrets. Now it’s time to get yours at Someone said they ordered the book but never got a confirmation email. I'd look in your junk folder, email is like the least reliable thing on this planet. I hate email, I wish somebody would make something better than that. So all right. Oh, someone is asking, how much is the book? So the box of the first upsell is the box set. If you want the entire box, I won't spoil it for you, but when you go through the funnel, when you buy the Traffic Secrets book, the upsell is to get the whole box set. The box has Dotcom Secrets book, the Expert Secrets book, the Traffic Secrets, all hard bound. And these have all been updated. I added over 30,000 words to each of these books before the new hard bound versions came out. So these are all the three newest versions. And also this is the Unlock Secrets Workbook. It's a 600 page workbook that comes with it. If you want this huge box set, it is the upsell at but you got to get the book to be able to see the offer for the whole thing. So I'd recommend getting it because it's awesome. So anyway, I appreciate you guys. Thanks so much for hanging out today while you were at home or doing your thing. And just remembered that this is not a time to hide and do nothing. This the time to serve your audience to higher level. Go live, tell your story, tell your message. Give people a message of faith and hope. Don't stop selling things, don't stop promoting. If the economy, the best thing for the economy is for us entrepreneurs to keep doing what we're doing. If we stop all commerce from happening, this is horrible for the economy. The scariest thing for me personally is not this virus, it's the economic repercussions of it. Our job as entrepreneurs is to keep doing what we're doing. If we stop, the economy will stop. And that's when it gets really, really, really scary. So yeah, keep producing you guys, keep publishing. I've been talking about this for years, and as you get deeper in Traffic Secrets book, one of the things I'm going to challenge everyone is publish every day for a year. Whether it's Facebook, Instagram platform, YouTube, I don't care. Pick a platform and continually publish every single day for a year. If you do that, you'll have no more financial troubles in a year from now but you got to be consistent and start publishing. So I'm going to publish every day. Every day I'm going to be reading parts of the books for you. Hope you guys enjoyed today. Got some ideas out of it and I'll be back tomorrow with the next chapter, secret number two we're going into you guys. So between now and then, go get your copy of the book And I'll see you guys all again very, very soon. Thanks everybody, appreciate you all. And will talk to you soon. Bye. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Metrolinx and CrossLinx are reminding everyone to be careful
as Eglinton Crosstown LRT train testing is in progress.
Please be alert, as trains can pass at any time on the tracks.
Remember to follow all traffic signals.
Be careful along our tracks,
and only make left turns where it's safe to do so.
Be alert, be aware, and stay safe.
What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
All right, I've got a special treat for you guys over the next 30 days.
One of the biggest requests I get, people wanting to know more about traffic,
which is one of the reasons why I wrote a whole book called Traffic Secrets, which if you don't
have, go to and get it. What are you waiting for? Do you hate money that bad?
Anyway, so what I wanted to do over the next couple weeks, because I've been slammed recently with obviously Fun Locking Live.
It's happening in less than a week from the time I'm recording this.
We've also got Inner Circles relaunching.
We've got a whole bunch of other crazy things.
There's a lot of stuff happening, and so I thought it would be fun, I think, for you
guys to get more traffic stuff and also take a little bit of weight off my shoulders for the next couple of weeks is to give you
guys access to eight episodes of me talking about traffic.
Now, this is something that I actually recorded during the pandemic when I was in the book
And so I had a chance to go deep on a whole bunch of topics from the Traffic Seekers book.
And so I want to share those with you guys over the next couple of weeks.
So that's kind of the game plan.
If you want, I would highly recommend getting the Traffic Seekers book and reading along
as we go through the next eight episodes or so because I'm going to be going deep into
each of the sections and the chapters and talking about all the principles, all the
things you guys got to do to get more traffic into your funnel.
So I hope you enjoy the next few weeks.
Hope you enjoy the Traffic Seekers episodes.
If you guys want more info about traffic, of course, go get the book.
On top of that, we also have a Traffic Seekers podcast.
These episodes are from that podcast. So hopefully you get addicted and make you want to go subscribe
to that podcast as well.
Thanks again, you guys.
I appreciate you for listening, and I hope you enjoy the next eight episodes.
So the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, who are
spending money from our own pockets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world
and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the
answers. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Go! So if you are having fun, please let me know down in the comments. Be like, this is fun, Russell. We should do this more often. Or if you're like, I have better things to do with my day than sit in quarantine and listen to Russell talk about traffic.
Anyway, let me know in the comments down below if you're having fun.
Because so far I'm enjoying this.
And I'm not going to lie, it gives me a little bit of a break from all the other distresses of all the stuff we do.
So I'm enjoying it.
And hopefully you guys are having some fun as well.
As you guys know, let me pull this over here so you can see it inside the screen.
We are on day number two. Actually, it's been in
26 minutes, it'll have been 24 hours that the book funnel has been live.
A lot of you guys, since you're all my marketing nerds who like
to hang out and talk marketing with me, the funnel is doing insanely well. We are just
shy of 10,000 copies sold. I was trying to get 10,000 copies in the first 24 hours.
It's probably going to be 25, maybe 26 hours before you hit it, but that's still pretty dang good. Um, to put that
perspective, the average New York times bestselling book only sells 10,000 copies the first week.
So we are 10,000 copies in less than 24 hours, which means, uh, this must be a book he isn't
interested in. It must be a topic you're interested in. Uh, it's probably the most timely thing ever.
It's interesting. I started this project two years ago, not knowing when this was going to go live,
not knowing the circumstances.
And now with, you know, we're in the middle,
for those who, depending if you're watching this live or later,
we're in day two or three of quarantine here
for the coronavirus, which is crazy.
And businesses are freaking out and people are struggling
and a lot of companies are shutting their doors.
And right now the thing I think that people need more
than anything is traffic.
It's people.
How do you get your dream customers,
the right people to come to your door so you can help them as you can serve them?
And so that's what this whole book's about.
So my goal is hopefully you guys all get a copy.
Again, these don't ship until May 5th, but the audiobooks are there right now.
In fact, like 36% of you guys are buying the audiobooks, so thank you for that.
But it gives you a chance to go and start listening to it immediately.
But then I'm going live free here, I'm just gonna basically share stuff in the
book so if you want to see some of the old episodes on Facebook they're there
other places YouTube we got in there as well the basic I'm going through the
book and talking about so today I'm gonna dive back in you guys want some
more some more insights from the book that hopefully help you out and whatever
part of the journey you're in right now hopefully do and as you're reading this
you're like alright fine or else you do. And as you're reading this, you're like, all right, fine. Also, you pushed
me over the edge. I'm finally ready to get the book you've been talking about for two years.
Just go to You'll see the funnel. And I would recommend going through the
funnel slowly. This is the highest converting funnel I've ever done. And I've been doing this
game for 15 years now. So this was 15 years of like me testing and trying a bunch of things.
And this is the, this is the, the, I talked about like funnel hacking. You know, I said that you can go through, get all the arrows in the back, like,
um, try to figure your way out or see where people are, where they're at today. And then
model it. So right now, um, this is where my, my funnel's at and it's killing it. Uh, excuse me,
we're averaging like 80, almost $80 for every free book we give away inside the funnel. So
it's working. It's good. Anyway, so that's the game plan.
You guys ready to jump into this?
Should we have some fun?
I love it.
All right.
Okay, I'm going to go.
So here you go.
I'm going to open up the box set.
And like I was like yesterday on the live,
everyone's like, where did I get the box set?
I'm like, the only place you get the box set is in upsell.
So you got to buy the book.
And then the upsell is like, hey, do you want all the books?
All the new hardbound copies and the workbook and everything.
So that's the only way to get it.
Is after you go to
and get a copy, your free copy of the book.
I think it's $10 shipping and handling US
for the hardbound.
And then it's like 1995, I think, international.
So, and these will be shipping May 5th.
This is a pre-launch.
May 5th, these will start shipping.
But the audio books that I recorded myself
in a studio for three days are available.
You can get them today.
And yeah, so there you go.
Plus all the other bonuses.
There's five insane bonuses you guys get with the book as well.
The easy life is sold each of those for 97 bucks.
It's a standalone product.
You get them for free when you buy the book for free.
So if you like free, then you should get a copy of the book.
All right, with that said, I'm going to go in here.
So the first day I talked about,
I just read some stuff from the intro, which was all about basically the storm coming, which is interesting now that we're in the middle of the storm.
But there's a storm coming, traffic's shifting, everything's different, and you've got to prepare.
I was lucky enough and blessed enough that when I started learning traffic, it wasn't when Facebook ads were here.
I was trying to figure out how to run Facebook ads. I was learning this stuff before Facebook,
before MySpace, before Friendster.
I was learning how to drive traffic
from some of the original OGs of direct response marketing.
I was learning direct mail, radio, postcards,
things like that.
And as you apply these principles to the internet,
it's really, really powerful.
So if Facebook shuts down or your ads account banned
or Google changes, this book is like, here's how to have a stable foundation to get traffic even in those times.
I've been lucky enough now to be doing this for 15 years. And I've been through a couple market
grows, a couple market crashes. And I've seen networks come and go, Google slaps, Facebook
snaps, a whole bunch of stuff. And what's interesting is that we've not only survived
in those times, we've thrived.
And it's because of the founder foundational principles you're going to learn here inside
of traffic secrets.
So, uh, talk about storm coming.
Then I started on chapter one, your dream customer.
Share some cool stories from this.
Uh, yesterday, I'm not going to go back into it, but, uh, the whole key is becoming obsessed
with your dream customer.
And you know, you better, you understand them.
You understand, uh, like what are they doing to move towards pleasure and away from pain
makes it so much easier to find them.
So today we're going to talk about our two things called the searcher and the scroller.
When you have your book, if you go to page 25,
that's where I start talking about these concepts of the searcher and the scroller.
I think I've got some doodles in here.
Yeah, I've got some doodles in here.
So for those who are like me, like the doodles,
there is the searcher and there's the scroller.
That's important to understand because a lot of people think that traffic is just traffic.
I just need to figure out how to get more traffic.
And so that's kind of all they're looking for.
But you understand the people's habits are different.
And so there's the searcher and there's the scroller.
And it was interesting if you look at how business started back in the early 1800s.
When did people buy something?
They had a need for it.
So like, oh, I need a hammer.
They would go jump in the car,
drive to the grocery store,
and they would go buy a hammer.
They're searching for something.
Now, when you're searching,
you know what you're looking for.
Like, I need this thing to solve this problem, this thing.
And so you're searching for it, and you go look for it, and you buy it,
and you come back, okay?
And for a long time, that's how business happened.
Back in the early 1800s, early 1900s,
was 100% of commerce happened through searching, right? Someone needed something. They went and searched for it,
right? The Yale pages came, they'd search through Yale pages, find the business,
have the thing they need on your plumber, find the person that search for them and they can go
and get them. So what was nice for consumers was nice. I could go search. I could find the things
I wanted, but as a business owner, it was tough because I couldn't, I couldn't go and get people's
attention. Right. Um, and so, uh, if, if you look at it, I share some of the timelines, like the first time, the interruption.
Excuse me.
So, yeah, I'll go into that in a second.
But searching is the first thing, right?
And then, but again, searching is good because you can go find exactly what you want.
That's the pros of it.
I think I have a list of the pros and the cons.
Yeah, the pros for search is that when people come to you, they're hot, right? That's the thing. Like
I'm just, I look for a plumber. They call you like, I need a plumber, right? Sweet. I'm a plumber.
I'm coming right over. I need a hammer. It's like they're, they're hot. They're looking for us.
That's the pros of search. The cons is you can't stimulate that. I can't stimulate search and make
you all of a sudden come search for me. Right. And so that was kind of the cons of it. And so
it was hard to really grow and scale a company because you're sitting there waiting for people
to search for you, waiting for someone to get a desire.
Then fast forward to 1927.
So 1927 was the first is when TVs were invented.
And 15 years later, on July 1st, 1942, it was during the Brooklyn Dodgers-Philadelphia Phillies game at Ebbets Field.
It was the first ever TV commercial aired.
So what happened?
Think about this. People were sitting there. They're watching TV in their homes, they're being
entertained, they're enjoying this thing, they're interested in baseball, they're watching baseball,
and then in the middle of that, boom, they're interrupted with an ad. And the ad was for
Bolva Watches and Bolva, and think about before this, if Bolva wanted to sell a watch, what would
they have to do? They'd wait for someone who's like, I need a watch, and they'd go search for a watch.
They're waiting.
Hopefully, business comes to us.
They had to wait.
Now, this first TV commercial in the early 1900s, people were sort of watching TV.
They're not planning it.
All of a sudden, in the middle of that ad, they're interrupted.
They're interrupted, and after they're interrupted, then comes in the ad where it says, the ad
was nine seconds long.
In fact, if you go to YouTube right now and search it, you can actually find it. I found it the other, the ad was nine seconds long. In fact, if you go to YouTube right now
and search it, you can actually find it.
I found it the other day.
It's nine seconds long.
It cost them $9 to run.
And the ad said, America runs on Bulba time.
Now, obviously, that ad was not the greatest ad in the world,
but it was the ad.
It was the first time someone did interruption marketing, right?
So people were watching baseball, so they interrupted.
And Bulba had this little window of time
where they could grab someone's attention, right?
They could build up the perceived value, what it is they have to sell? And then they can make them an offer, right? And
that was the very first time this interruption concept happened. Okay. And interruption marketing
is powerful because it gives you, because it was search marketing. People have to be looking for
you, right? They're interested. They have a desire. They're looking for you. With interruption,
you have a chance to, to capture their attention and then make a presentation to increase the
perceived value of the thing that you're trying to sell.
And then you make them an offer.
And in the book here, I'm going to talk a little more about Hook's story offer in a day or two.
I don't know when we get there.
But that's the next framework is when you interrupt something, you got this little window of time, right?
So I'm going to sit down here because this is my studio.
I'm sitting on the floor because that's what we got here when we're in quarantine.
But I want you to understand that.
This is some of the interesting stuff. And I have a friend, his name is Trevor Chapman,
and he's the one that kind of first made this concept light up in my head, right? He talked
about searching versus interruption. So search marketing, right? Let's say, for example, you
wanted a new home security system, okay? So what would you do? You'd go on Amazon, type in home
security system, you'd search for it. And if you found it, you're like, oh, I need a home security system.
I'm looking for it.
And right now, you can get a pretty good home security system on Amazon for like 200 bucks, right?
Pay 200 bucks.
It comes to you.
You install it.
And boom, you have a home security system for 200 bucks, right?
Because you are searching for it.
Now, people that search, typically, they're bargain shoppers.
They're looking not just one place.
They're searching five different things.
They're price comparison, all these kind of things, right?
But when they come to you, they're hot, right?
They're ready to buy right now, okay?
Now, put that in contrast with what Trevor talked about.
He talked about what he did.
He ran a sales team at Door-to-Door Sales,
people selling home security systems.
He said, we didn't rely on search at all.
We relied on interruption marketing.
He said, what we do is we would go
and we would go door-to-door and we'd knock on the door
and we'd interrupt someone during dinner
or whatever it is, we interrupt them, okay? And when we interrupt them, they open the door and we knock on the door and we interrupt someone during dinner or, you know, whatever it is, we interrupt them. Okay. And we interrupt them, they open the door and we have
this little window of time. First step is to hook them, get their attention. We hook them,
right? If we can get past the initial hook, then we have this window of time where we can tell
them a story. And the goal of the story is what? It's to increase the perceived value of the thing
it is I'm going to sell. And then I have a chance to make an offer. Okay. Now, two minutes earlier,
that person was not looking for home security system,, and in the end, I have a chance to make an offer, okay? Now, two minutes earlier, that person was not looking for a home security system, but
because I interrupted them, I hooked them with something to get their attention, I told
them a story to increase the perceived value, then I could sell the thing that I'm selling
for what it's actually worth, right?
Typically, with search-based marketing, you're in a comparison game, right?
It's a race to the bottom.
You're selling commodities, and people are searching for all the different variations
to find the cheapest one with the highest ratings, right?
Whereas, interruption-based marketing, they're not searching everywhere else in the world you're
coming to me interrupting him you make him you make a presentation about the perceived value
what is you're selling and then you can sell for whatever you want right and he talked about how
when he was selling security systems like someone could go on amazon and find them for 200 bucks
but what we do we knock on the door interrupt him tell the tell our story increase the perceived
value make him an offer and walk out the door with a five thousand dollar contract for a home
security system.
That's the power of interruption marketing.
It gives you the ability to find people who aren't in the moment needing it,
but you create a desire in them to be able to go and sell the thing.
And so what's interesting, as you start looking online,
the same trend happened throughout history.
When the internet first came out, there was what type of marketing?
There was search, right?
You'd go to Google and you'd search for something.
And it was amazing because you could rank for the keywords, you'd make a bunch of money,
you could buy pay-per-click ads, but you only made money on people that were actually searching
for you.
Everybody else, you just missed out on the opportunity, right?
And so you lost that money, okay?
But it was a really good opportunity.
Then a little while later, then all of a sudden the social networks started started coming out, right, and social networks happened, and then somewhere down the
line, and I have the dates in here, but somewhere down the line, it was when Mark Zuckerberg
introduced the Facebook ads platform, which was the very first real big play of interruption
marketing, right, someone would come in Facebook, right, and they're hanging out with their friends,
they're talking, they're being entertained, and then we're able to come in and interrupt them for
a second, right, so you're strolling through the ads, awesome, boom, your ad comes, and if you do it right, this is like the knock on the door for the door to our salesperson, right?
You knock on the door, it interrupts them for a second just long enough,
you've got their attention, right, you hook them,
and then it opens up this little window for you where you can now tell them your story.
And the goal of your story is to increase the perceived value of what you're going to sell them,
and then you make them an offer.
Hook, story, offer, okay?
And that's the power of interruption marketing. It gives you that little window of time where instead of like waiting for
people like, Hey, I hope someone searched for a cat food today because I'm selling cat food.
Instead of waiting and waiting, we have to say, okay, who's interested in cats? Let me go find
those people. Let me try to interrupt them. Let me go knock on their door. Let me go throw out
these hooks and try to grab their attention. Just long as I can explain to them why my cat food is
so much better. My cat medicine or my cat, whatever cat thing you sell, tell them your story, increase the perceived value of something and sell for what it's actually
worth. Then you're not going out there and they're fighting and they're comparing your cat food
versus 500 other people. You have the ability now to increase the perceived value and sell your
thing for what it's worth. So that's search versus interruption. If you start looking at all the
different advertising networks out there, you start classifying them, okay? So Google is a search platform, right?
People are coming to search on it.
Yahoo is a search platform.
I don't even know what other ones are out there.
I just use Google.
But those are search platforms, right?
Then you got Facebook and Instagram.
These are interruption platforms, right?
They're getting people's attention.
They're categorizing people based on what they're interested in.
And you have to really come and interrupt those people, saying, I I wanna interrupt all people interested in cats, all people interested in fitness,
all people interested in business.
I interrupt them, right?
And then it opens this little window for you
to come in there, set a hook to get attention,
tell them a story, increase the perceived value we have,
and then make an offer, okay?
And that's the magic.
Now, so then, again, the first phase
we talked about in this book here
was you're taking your dream customers,
you're identifying, you're breaking them versus them.
People are trying to move away from pleasure,
and people are trying to move towards pain, right? We
have different messages for both those people. They are not the same. They are different,
right? So maybe we have different funnels, different landing pages, different ads are
speaking differently to each person. The next thing is understanding, uh, where am I going
fishing? Where am I trying to find these people? If it's search based, that's okay, but I'm going
to speak to those people differently. Those people are probably doing more comparison shopping.
Those people are, are probably looking for a deal.
They're, they're, they're, uh, they're researching, right?
They're searching for you.
They find you.
So if my, if my landing pages aren't based on like understanding like,
Hey, this is the mindset someone's coming to.
They are, they're researching.
You're going to struggle, right?
What's up everybody.
This is Russell Brunson.
I've got something really cool for you today from my friend, Taylor Wells.
And Taylor spoke at our last funnel hacking live.
Cause I wanted him to share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method.
And today he decided to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool
strategy that you are going to love. It's something we've been implementing into our
high-end coaching program as well, and it is amazing. But to kind of give you some context
about this offer he's making for you guys, as you may or may not know, a few years ago,
JPMorgan Chase did a study, and guess what they found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating
expenses in reserve. That's right. Less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're like me,
the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach
drop. Am I right? Especially with how the economy has been lately. It's not the time to be gambling
with your finances. So Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method,
and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine.
We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an
awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my marketing secrets listeners. And if you go over
to slash secrets, you can grab the revolving price method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this,
you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability,
this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to
slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue.
Again, that's slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson. And I want to jump in really
quick to share with you a new assessment I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know I'm
obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because not only does
it help you understand yourself, but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs,
it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the
bus so they can get more stuff done.
I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about this new assessment
they created called Working Genius.
And the Working Genius is awesome.
Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited
for the new assessment.
And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done.
Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately.
I took it for myself.
I had my team take it.
And what's cool about it is from there,
we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are.
And that's important because if you're building a team
or a company, you gotta figure out,
make sure that you have, first off, the right people,
but make sure the right people are sitting
in the right seats on the bus.
And this assessment will teach you how to do.
Now, normally this assessment,
you can go to
and there's two Gs in the middle, But I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25.
So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all. But you get a 20% discount off when you put
in the keyword secrets at checkout. So go to Again, two G's, workinggenius,
two G's in the middle, And then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S
at checkout, you get 25% off.
But then we'll take the test.
Again, it takes you 10 minutes,
but even in a 10 minute session,
you will get something that is so insanely valuable
to help you understand yourself,
to make sure you're working in a spot
that's gonna give you the most joy, number one.
But then number two, it's gonna make sure
that you are with your teams,
getting them in the right seats as well.
So anyway, I love this assessment.
Go check it out at and enter the promo code secrets for 20% discount.
Take this test for yourself and for your team.
And I promise you, it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody and help your company
to grow.
Now, if someone's in Instagram or Facebook, they're doing something else, I'm interrupting
So I do something exciting.
I have something cool.
I need a cool background.
I need something like this where they're scrolling through their
scene. It's like, what is this thing? Why is Russell waving a book? Like yesterday I had my,
my Thanos, I had these gloves on yesterday, right? Because when the videos are on Facebook
and Google, I want someone to show them to like, why is Russell got this weird glove?
And they're going to stop, right? I hooked him just long enough to have a chance now to tell
them my story, to increase the perceived value of what I'm doing and then make them an offer.
Okay. By the way, BTW, those who are watching this video on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, wherever you are, what did I just do?
I hooked you, right? I've been telling you a story to increase the perceived value of the offer I
have for you, right? Some of you guys are like, dang, that's in the book. That's in secret number
one in the book. That's awesome. I need that. So I just told you a story to increase the perceived
value of this thing that I'm going to offer you here in a second, right? Wait, Russell, you practice what you preach?
Yes, I do every day, okay?
So that's what I'm doing, right?
Now, if I'm putting this out to a search audience, it's going to be different, okay?
My message is not going to be me with a faint note, so I'm not trying to interrupt them
because they're already looking.
They're looking for, like, how to get more traffic.
I'm going to come to, like, hey, here's a review page.
Like, here's five ways to get traffic.
Boom, boom, boom.
By the way, the number one book to get traffic is this book right here.
You should go get it for free at, right?
I'm speaking to them differently.
So you're categorizing people
based on search versus interruption, okay?
And understanding your ad campaigns, your structure,
all the things you're doing are different
depending on which way people are coming into your world.
Does that make sense?
Okay, I think so many times people loop like traffic
or advertising to like just one thing.
It's like, no, you guys are understanding
the intricacies of what you're doing, right? And so I need to understand if I'm speaking to someone
who's searching versus someone who I'm interrupting because it's different. My ad's different, okay?
My ad on my Google ad is not me running around going crazy or lighting my book on fire, right?
But my ad on Instagram is, my ad on Facebook is, I got to grab your attention just long enough to
open a window so you will listen to my story so I can increase the perceived value I have to sell
and I can make you an offer, okay?
Now start thinking that.
You have to start thinking in your mind like,
oh my gosh, I've seen this over and over again.
When I go to Google, I search for stuff.
What do the landing pages look like?
The people who are successful, what do those ads look like?
What are they saying?
How are they speaking to me, right?
I'm speaking to them differently
than I'm speaking to somebody who I'm interrupting, right?
If I'm interrupting, I'm doing crazy videos
trying to capture your attention,
trying to get you to like focus
and just long enough I can grab you, grab your attention and tell you a story.
OK, so that's the key that we understand.
There's a little different, a little like slight intricacies, little slight differences.
But it's the key to this whole this whole game.
Oh, yeah. OK, so Google is a search platform, right?
YouTube is interesting because YouTube is a search, but it's also a social.
So YouTube is one of my favorites. And there's a whole chapter here going deep into YouTube because it's, it's
a search and it's a, and it's an interruption platform. And so there's different strategies
when you're inside of that, which are kind of fun. Uh, Facebook, Instagram, interruption platforms,
uh, other search-based platforms like Quora, where you're going to your searching questions,
your answer questions, like that's a search-based platform. So as you start looking at where to get
traffic and you start thinking through to your mind, realize there's search-based, interruption-based, two different things. And it's important because that's a search-based platform. So as you start looking at where to get traffic and you start thinking through this in your mind, realize there's search-based,
interruption-based, two different things.
And it's important
because that's some of the foundational stuff
you gotta understand
as you're going after your dream customer.
So that again, yesterday's video
and today's is all just secret number one.
We haven't gotten secret number two yet.
So let me come back real quick.
So secret number one.
So I did introduction date number one.
Yesterday or today and yesterday was
who's your dream customer?
And today I talked about searcher versus scroller.
You see that in the video there.
Tomorrow's video, I'm gonna go into secret number two.
Where are they hiding?
So depending on if this is live, look for this tomorrow.
If this is on YouTube or on a playlist,
like there's probably a playlist here,
we can watch the next one.
But after we go into the next is
where are they hiding, the dream 100. 100 now really quick. Now that I've grabbed
your attention, I've told you a value increase the perceived value of this book. Hopefully now
I'm hoping you want a copy of this so badly. So if you want one, guess what? Right now during
prelaunch, they are free. Uh, you just got to cover the shipping handling. This is the hard
bound book. I've already paid for the printing of this thing. They are not cheap to print. So I
paid for the printing. Um, they are are gonna be shipping out on May 5th.
Right now, we are in pre-launch.
We've almost sold 10,000 copies the first 24 hours,
which is crazy.
Really proud of that.
Proof of these traffic things we're talking about
actually work.
But you can get a copy right now
at during the pre-launch.
Again, we ship these May 5th,
but when you're buying this,
one of the order form bumps
as you go through the funnel
is for the audio book.
The audio book is done.
I spent three days in a warehouse, or not a warehouse, in a studio, reading this entire book.
You can get the audio book immediately.
And inside the audio book, there's actually links to a supplemental PDF that has all the doodles and stuff.
So as you're listening, you can look at the doodles and make sure you understand the concepts.
That's available today.
You can start listening to the audio book right now.
You just got to go to, get a copy of the book.
This ship's May 5th.
And then the order form bump is the uh the audiobook so you can listen to it
uh which is awesome and right now like 36% of you guys are taking the audiobook so
that means that one-third of you guys are ready to listen today the rest of you is like I'll listen
all the way about traffic in in the future but honestly right now we're in scary times and I'm
in quarantine now I'm sure most of you guys are in quarantine at our house hanging out I'm recording
this on my phone on my iPad because my my film crews are in quarantine everywhere. It's chaos right now.
But you got to understand the most important thing in business for all of you guys,
in good times and in bad, is traffic. It's the people. You're having the ability to get your
message in front of people. If you're not able to do that, it makes business really hard. If you
are able to do that, it makes business easy. So how do you get traffic? Not just how to get any
traffic. How do you get it? Look at the sub subheadline here, it says the underground playbook for filling
your websites and funnels with your dream customers. Not just any customers, your dream
customers, the ones that have money, the ones that can afford your products and afford your services,
the ones you actually want to serve. And so that's the game plan, you guys, that's Traffic Secrets.
Now it's time to get yours at Someone said they ordered the book, but never got
a confirmation email. I'd look in your junk folder. Email is like the least reliable thing on this planet.
I hate email.
I wish someone would make something better than that.
So, um, all right.
Oh, someone's asking how much of the book.
So, uh, the box of the first upsell is the box set.
Uh, if you want the entire box set, I won't spoil it for you, but when you go through
the funnel, uh, if you, when you buy the traffic secrets book, uh, the upsell is to get the
whole box set.
Uh, the box that's secrets book, the expert secrets book, the traffic secrets, all hardbound.
And these have all been updated.
I added over 30,000 words to each of these books before the new hardbound versions came out.
So these are all the three newest versions.
And also this is the Unlock Secrets workbook.
It's a 600-page workbook that comes with it.
If you want this huge box set, it is the upsell at
But you've got to get the book book to be able to see the offer
for the whole thing. So I'd recommend getting it because it's awesome. So anyway, I appreciate you
guys. Thanks so much for hanging out today. While you're at home or doing your thing,
just remember that this is not a time to hide and do nothing. This is the time to serve your
audience at a higher level. Go live, tell your story, tell your message, give people a message of faith and hope.
Don't stop selling things.
Don't stop promoting.
Like if the economy, like the best thing for the economy is for us entrepreneurs to keep doing what we're doing.
If we stop all commerce from happening,
this is horrible for the economy.
It's what, it's like the scariest thing for me personally
is not this virus, it's the economic repercussions of it.
Our job as entrepreneurs is to keep doing what we're doing.
If we stop, the economy will stop, and that's when it gets really, really, really scary.
So yeah, keep producing, you guys.
Keep publishing.
I've been talking about this for years.
And as you get deeper in Traffic Seekers book, one of the things I'm going to challenge everyone is publish every day for a year.
Whether it's Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, I don't care. Pick a platform and
continually publish every single day for a year. If you do that, you'll have no more financial
troubles in a year from now, but you got to be consistent and start publishing. So I'm going to
publish every day. Every day I'm going to be reading parts of the books for you. Hope you
guys enjoyed today. Got some ideas out of it and I'll be back tomorrow with the next chapter,
secret number two we're going into you guys. So, so between now and then go get your copy of the book, Um, and, uh, I'll see you guys all again. Very, very soon. Thanks everybody.
Appreciate you all. And, uh, we'll talk to you soon. Bye. Hey everybody, this is Russell again.
And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your
questions. And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text
message to people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing,
pull your phone out and actually text me a message. Okay. Now the phone number you need to text is
208-231-3797. Once again, it's 208-231-3797. When you text me, just say hello. And then what's
going to happen is we'll add you to my phone and then they'll send you back a message where you
can add me to your phone. And then we can start having conversations. On top of that, through
this texting community is where I'm going to be giving out free swag, giving away free copies of
my book. I'll let you know about book signings, about times I'm coming to your local area and a
whole bunch more. So I want to make sure you are on this list.
On top of that, every single day I'm sending out my favorite quotes, my favorite frameworks,
and things you can get for free only through my texting platform.
So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me at area code 208-231-3797.
One more time, that's 208-231-3797.
I can't wait to hear from you right now.