Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - WARNING: Russell's List Building Rant

Episode Date: July 24, 2019

Behind the scene's access to a late night conversation with the two comma club coaching students. On this special episode Russell rants to his Two Comma Club X members about how to build a list and w...hy it's so important. Here are some of the super awesome nuggets you'll be hearing about in this episode; Hear nearly a billion ways Russell has built his list over the years, and how you can use them as well. Find out why email lists are still the most important lists to build. And when creating a product, why listening to the market is key to giving them what they want. So listen here to to all Russell's creative and genius ways to build your list in the market of your choice. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey everyone, it's Russell Brunson. I hope you guys are doing amazing tonight. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I just finished an hour-long Facebook Live with my Two Comma Club ex-members. And it was all about list building and I kind of went off on a rant and it was a lot of fun.
Starting point is 00:00:15 And as much as they all needed to hear it, my guess is that some of you guys are gonna need to hear this stuff as well. So I, with their permission, am gonna be posting this here on the podcast. You guys can learn from it and hopefully start refocusing all your efforts on building your list. With that said, the Cuba theme song, we come back, um, you guys will be jumping directly
Starting point is 00:00:32 into my rant. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital? We're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Go! the next year of your life. So there we go. All right, so this whole conversation's starting out
Starting point is 00:01:25 because I'm gonna call him out a little bit because I love him, Nick Fitzgerald. So he just did his launch this last week and it did good considering the percentage close rate and low in the fact that his list was really, really small. So he sold a ton of product to a really small list, which made not as much money as he wanted. And anyway, I was going back and I was re-listening because I've done two special podcast episodes for him. One two years ago, one last year. And so this is going to be the updated
Starting point is 00:02:02 version for him and for you guys. And it's going to be going deep on list building. So if you haven't listened to any of those episodes, if you go back to the marketing secrets podcast, I found it today. Uh, the first one was episode, uh, 18, it was July 19, 2017. And the episode was called how to make it rain. So I highly, highly, highly, highly recommend you guys go back and watch that one. It was me driving around Bear Lake telling Nick, this is before Nick knew anything about our world or Funnel Hackers or anything. And I was kind of just laying down the groundwork
Starting point is 00:02:31 of how people make money in this world. And it was really fun. So go listen to that one, number one. And then a year later, he came to Funnel Hacking Live, joined Two Common Club X. And then at the Traffic Secrets event, I pulled him on stage to tell his story. And then I did a second round podcast with him live
Starting point is 00:02:48 in front of everybody, which was really, really fun. And oh, great, Nick's on here. What's up, Nick? You're gonna have so much fun. All right, so that one I posted, for some reason I stopped doing episode numbers, but oh, I remember why. iTunes didn't like that for some reason.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Anyway, November 21st, there's a podcast a podcast, the marketing secrets podcast called my conversation with a friendly giant part one of two. And then November 26th is part two of two. So go listen to those because Nick tells a story, which is really, really cool. And then the second half of it is I gave him some spot consulting, right? I think it was in five or six or things or whatever. And what's interesting is that one of the things I talked about is the same thing I'm talking about tonight.
Starting point is 00:03:22 So I must not have said it loud enough. So tonight I'm going to say it really, really loud because I think my wife never goes to sleep in the house. So I'm going to, so, so we're going ranting. Um, but it was talking about building a list. Um, so that was a year ago. And, uh, and, and now that he went through this experience with this launch and he was well as he wanted, like, oh, my heart broke for him and hurt for him. Um, but then part of me is like angry because a year ago, I didn't yell him loud enough about this thing. So I'm yelling at everybody here
Starting point is 00:03:49 inside this coaching program. I'll probably turn this into a podcast episode as well. So I am yelling this for anyone who can hear the sound of my voice. And this is the warning, okay? You guys ready for this? Until you own traffic, you don't have a business. Until you own traffic, you do not have a business. Until you own traffic, you do not have a business.
Starting point is 00:04:08 What does that mean? It doesn't mean, I think a lot of times we, us entrepreneurs, we think that the business is the product, right? Like, oh, I created this amazing product. I'm in business. The business, the product is not the business. Your customer list is the business. That's the only thing that actually matters.
Starting point is 00:04:25 If you look at companies that are purchased, the only thing that matters in a valuation of a company is customer list. If somebody was ever to buy ClickFunnels, they are not buying ClickFunnels. They couldn't care less. They spend a couple million bucks on really good development,
Starting point is 00:04:38 they could clone ClickFunnels. They would be buying ClickFunnels because of the customer list. That is the only tangible, valuable asset inside of my business is my customers who are paying me for something awesome. Like it's the customer list is the big, big, big secret. Does that make sense? Okay. Um, I remember a few years ago when, in fact, I'm writing the traffic secrets book. I have like a two chapter rant about this as well in that book. But when eBay bought Skype for,
Starting point is 00:05:00 I think it was like $4.2 billion, like eBay at the time was the biggest company in the world. Why they spend that much money for Skype? They literally could have cloned Skype in a weekend. They did it because Skype had like 420 million users at the time, right? That was the asset they bought was the customer list. Why did Zuckerberg buy Instagram? He could have cloned Instagram in like 35 seconds, right?
Starting point is 00:05:19 He did it because he wanted the customer list, the subscriber, that is the only valuable tangible asset in your business. So until you own traffic, until you have your own list, you do not have a business. You can have promotions. You can have some cash here and there. But until you have a list, you don't have a business. So knowing that, our entire focus should be building a list.
Starting point is 00:05:37 That should be it. That should be the focus. That should be the thing we talk about, we think about, we eat, sleep, breathe, drink. That should be the number one focal point. I know somebody told me this a decade ago and I listened to it and I like, I tattooed it to my brain. And I'm gonna tell you guys again,
Starting point is 00:05:54 I want you all to like get out a mental tattoo and tattoo this to your brain. Oh, Nick's starting to repent right now. He's saying, I've been recording, creating freebies to build my list. Good, we're getting deep into that. But I'm gonna go a couple levels deeper than that tonight with you if you're okay with that.
Starting point is 00:06:07 So list building, right? My friend told me, he said, on average, you just make $1 per month per name on your email list. That's what he told me. And I remember taking that to heart. I was like, okay. I don't know what it is. I have this really weird problem where someone tells me something, I just believe it.
Starting point is 00:06:21 So I'm like, sweet. Okay, $1 per person per list. I was like, how much money do I want to make? I was like, I'm going to make $100,000 a year because that was my big thinking back then. So I'm like, sweet. Okay. Dollar per person per list. I was like, how much money do I want to make? I was like, I'm going to make a hundred grand a year. Cause that was like my big thinking back then. So I'm like, I need a list of 10,000 people. If I list 10,000 people, that's 10 grand a month, $120,000 a year. Boom. I am in. And so that was the goal. And that was the game plan. Right. And so I started running. And so I started doing everything I could dream of. I was trying to be as creative as I could. Like, how can I build a list? What can I do with the list? Like who has
Starting point is 00:06:42 the list? How can I get that list? Like, what do I need to do? Like, and like, just that was, because that became the focal point I started thinking about, right. And I remember in a very short period of time, I got a list of like 217 people and then it grew to like a thousand and to 5,000 and 10 and 15 to 20, then to a hundred thousand, a million to, you know, and, and, and that became the focus. And it was interesting. Um, man, probably it was, it was like two years before ClickFunnels hit, my business was stagnating and stalling. We were stuck at like two and a half, $3 million a year for like three or
Starting point is 00:07:11 four years. And I think he has never told a story before. And I remember, um, we're trying to figure out like, well, what is like, what's the big thing I got to figure out? And I remember Dagan Smith, he asked me one day, he said, well, how many people join your list every single day? I was like, what do you mean? He's like, I was like, well, my list is like, I can't remember, like 130,000 people. He's like, no, no, no, I didn't ask how big your list is. How many people per day are joining your list? And I was like, I don't even know. He said, well, if you don't know, that's why your business is stalling.
Starting point is 00:07:38 If you don't know how many people join your list a day, it means you're not focusing on it, which means it's not happening, which means that's the root problem of all, like the root of all evil is the fact that you have no idea how many people per day are joining your list. No one said per day. It wasn't per week, per month, per year. It was like how many people per day. I remember I was in a mastermind group.
Starting point is 00:07:53 This is back, okay, this is gonna date me a little bit for those SEO nerds out there, but there was a time when article writing was the secret to getting leads and all this stuff, right? And I remember this guy was in a mastermind group and he was talking about, he wasn't getting traffic to his site and all these kind of things. And he was doing article marketing.
Starting point is 00:08:10 And I asked him, I said, well, how many articles a day are you submitting? And he said, I can tell by the way you said that, but I'm doing it wrong. I was like, what do you mean? He's like, well, I've submitted two articles so far. And you asked me how many per day I was submitting. I was like, yeah, you're doing it wrong, right?
Starting point is 00:08:23 And so I was like in 10 years when article marketing was this thing, but like fast yeah, you're doing it wrong, right? And like, so I was like in 10 years when article marketing was this thing, but like fast forwarding now, it's like, if you're like, oh, my list is 10,000 people or 10,000 or 100,000 people, it's not the question. The question is how many people per day are joining your list? So Dagan told me that, so I was like, I didn't even know.
Starting point is 00:08:37 So I remember logging into my software and in the software, there's a stat that showed how many people that day joined your list. And so we started writing on the whiteboard. I think the time was like 23 or something. It was like 23 of that day. And I was like, oh, and the next day I looked at it, it was like 20, you know, 20, 29, 19, like these little numbers. But then I started looking at it. So I started looking at that number started making me so angry. Cause I was like, it's so small. I need to make it bigger.
Starting point is 00:08:58 How do I make this thing bigger? So what's interesting is like when you, when you track something, it grows, like it's just, except for when you're losing weight, when you track something, it shrinks. But for most things, if you track it, it grows, right? And so number became the driving force. Like that was the metric for my business was how many people each day are joining my list. That's all that mattered. We were looking, we were focusing, that became the number. And so every single day we'd come to the office and that was the number. How many people joined the list yesterday? How many people joined the list yesterday? Every single day we came in, that was the number that was on the board. And it was crazy. We went from 20 to 30 a day to 50 a day to 100 a day to 200 a day to 250 to 500 to 1,000. And I remember when we crossed 1,000 a day. And it was insane. If you had asked me a
Starting point is 00:09:37 year earlier, can you get 1,000 a day? I'm like, that's not possible. But we got to the point where we were doing 1,000 a day. New people joining our list. And guess what happened to our business? Oh, it all just kept growing, right? Because it's the new fresh blood coming into your universe. Your business is all about getting that fresh blood, the new people in all the time, consistently focusing, focusing, focusing, focusing. And so I want you guys to understand, until you own the traffic, you don't have a business. And so that's got to be the key focus. Now, without me like
Starting point is 00:10:05 teaching the whole traffic secrets book right now, um, there's three types of traffic, right? There's traffic that you control. So Zuckerberg owns it, right? Or Larry and Sergey over Google, they own the traffic. So that's why that, that's why they're so freaking rich and so powerful. I was talking to my dad today about how, like, if you look at the entire internet, you got, you got Zuckerberg on Facebook and Instagram, you got Google guys own Google and YouTube. That's like 90% of the internet is owned by like three dudes, right? It's insane. Like they have all the power because why? They have all the customer lists. Like they have everybody. So they own traffic. Okay. So if you go and buy ads, you don't own that traffic. You
Starting point is 00:10:37 can control it. So it's good. And you should be controlling traffic is one way to build your list. Okay. I'm going to go buy ads to build my list, but I don't own it, okay? I can control, I can buy an ad and say, point it to this landing page and go there and give me your email address, right? Number two is traffic you earn. So that's me going on a podcast or me doing a Facebook Live on somebody else's page or me doing a summit
Starting point is 00:10:55 or me doing all these things where I'm trying to earn traffic and get them to come to mind. And then the third and the best, the most important, the only thing you should be focusing on is traffic that you own. That's your list.
Starting point is 00:11:04 That's the big secret, right? When you have a list, this game becomes super, super easy. I always tell people that internet marketing is like pushing a boulder up a hill at first. You're pushing and you're pushing. It's hard. At first, you're making no money. You're like, I'm spending 80 hours a day
Starting point is 00:11:18 and no money's coming and no money's coming. No money's coming. You keep pushing it and you're pushing it and you're pushing it. But as you're pushing this boulder up a mountain, that rock is your list. And it's getting bigger, and it's getting—I guess the rock's not the list, technically, but it's picking up the list, right?
Starting point is 00:11:30 The list's getting bigger and bigger. And there comes a point where there's this tipping point where the boulder gets on top of the hill and starts bouncing down the other side. And as soon as it starts bouncing on the other side, this game becomes really, really easy. For me, that started happening to about 30,000 people on my list. And I was averaging about $30,000 a month. And it became easy. I could literally wake up in the middle of the night and send an email list like, Hey, tomorrow I'm gonna do a training on how to wake
Starting point is 00:11:51 up happier. If you want to come to this training, pay me 10 bucks. And I would wake up and maybe $3,000 in my inbox, like insane, right? Like any, in like any crazy idea I wanted to pull out of my loop, pull out of my whatever, I could make money with it because I had a list and it was simple, right? And so like, that's what you gotta get. But the first, like getting from zero to 100 to 1,000 to 10,000, 20,000, 30,000, like that's the hard part. As soon as you get over the edge,
Starting point is 00:12:14 then it becomes so, so, so, so easy. So that means you become the focus point and the goal is like, how do I build the list? How do I grow this thing? And it's gonna be painful to a certain point. As soon as I get it over the top, then it becomes easy. Okay, because you have a list, now you have a leverage. Now it it's like you can go to somebody else and say, hey, promote my product and I'll promote yours.
Starting point is 00:12:31 There's reciprocity. When you have no list, you go to somebody and say, hey, promote my product. They're like, no. What's in it for me? I guarantee you as much as cool of a person as I think I am, if I would have called Tony Robbins a decade ago, I'd be like, hey, Tony, guess what? I'm a super fan. Can I come speak at your event in Fiji? Can I hang out? Do you wanna be friends?
Starting point is 00:12:50 Do you wanna be business partners in the future? Do you wanna promote my book? He'd be like, no. But when I went to Tony, guess what I had? I had something that was value of him. I had this thing. It was called a list. And a list is a platform.
Starting point is 00:13:00 I could say, hey, Tony, man, you're amazing. I wanna promote you to my list of 500,000 entrepreneurs you'd be interested in. He's like, yes, I will listen to you because you have a platform, right? Like your list opens up doors. It opens up any doors. I don't think there's a human being on this planet I couldn't get to right now because of my customer list. Like that's how powerful of a tool it is.
Starting point is 00:13:16 Like it's the key, okay? And when you have a list, you have power. You can do swaps. You can promote other things. You can sell your product, sell somebody else's product. You can have an power. You can do, you can do, you can do swaps. You can promote other things. You can like, you can sell your products to somebody else's product. You can have an idea. You can brainstorm. Um, it becomes easier because you don't even have to like, like again, right now, a lot of times we're creating products and we're, we're guessing, we're hoping, we're putting stuff out there. And then like, we try to sell it and it doesn't buy, right? Oh man, we spent all this
Starting point is 00:13:37 money on traffic. It didn't work. Whereas your list is like, you don't even create the product. Like, ah, I'm going to send an email to my list, see if they buy it. They bought. Sweet. I'm going to go out there and create the thing. Um, the other powerful You're like, I'm going to send an email to my list, see if they buy it. They bought. Sweet. I'm going to go out there and create the thing. The other powerful thing, I think it was John Lennon. It was John Lennon or Paul McCartney. This was them writing. I remember the story. They were sitting one day and they wanted a swimming pool.
Starting point is 00:13:57 He said, I'm going to go write myself a swimming pool. And he walked inside and he wrote, I think it was yesterday, wrote the song and boom, got the royalties and bought the swimming pool, right? He wrote himself a swimming pool. I remember Dan Kennedy, you know, he, he, I love Dan. I'm a lot more, you know, he calls his list his herd, like build a herd of people. And I remember he used to always say, he's like, he's like, if you want to buy something in your life, he's like, figure out what it is you want to buy. So I'm gonna buy a new car, a new house, whatever. He's like, then send the bill to the herd. That was Kennedy used to always say to us all the time back in his mastermind group, like send the bill to the herd. So it's
Starting point is 00:14:30 like, I want a guy, a new car. What's it going to cost? It's going to cost $150,000 for my new Tesla. Cool. Send the bill to the herd, write an email, send it out, have them pay for it. Everything's free. Right? So like that's, that's the power of a list. Like, like you have to like make that the focal point. Cause that is your business. Okay. Everything else is good. Like having a webinar is good, but the reason why it's good because it builds a list profitably. Having a book funnel is good, but why is it good? Because it builds a list profitably. Having a summit funnel is good. Why is it good? Because it builds a list. Like all those things, the only reason why they ever even matter at all is because they build a list. That's it. Every funnel I've ever created in this
Starting point is 00:15:03 entire history of my life has got one goal and one goal only, and it's to build a list profitably. That's it. And I have a list. I can sell whatever I want. I can sell software, coaching, supplements, underwater scuba lessons. I don't even know. You do whatever you want, right? But that's the magic. The list is the key, okay? All right. Have I drilled that in everybody's heads enough? I hope I have. If not, I will rant even more, okay. So now you are like, sweet, I got a list. Now, or now I get the thing I need a list. How do we get a list? Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:29 So a couple of things. Number one is you need to make on your whiteboard a big thing that says, how many people joined my list today? And you look at that number and if it's zero, you need to be angry. If it's one, you got to be angry. Start getting angry because the anger is what's going to get your mind to be like, what's the next thing? What's the idea?
Starting point is 00:15:43 What's the thing I got to create or do to get somebody to give my list? Okay. Um, all right. So that's number one is, is putting that number, making it front and center of your entire business, looking at it over and over and over again. So you see it. So you start thinking about, okay, that's number one. What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. I've got something really cool for you today from my friend, Taylor Wells. And Taylor spoke at our last funnel hacking live because I wanted him to share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method. And today he decided to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy that you are going to love. It's something we've been implementing into our
Starting point is 00:16:15 high-end coaching program as well, and it is amazing. But to kind of give you some context about this offer he's making for you guys, as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JPMorgan Chase did a study, and guess what they found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating expenses in reserve. That's right. Less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop. Am I right? Especially with how the economy has been lately. It's not the time to be gambling with your finances. So Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method, and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine.
Starting point is 00:16:49 We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my Marketing Secrets listeners. And if you go over to slash secrets, you can grab the revolving price method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this, you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability, this is the model you
Starting point is 00:17:15 need to add into your funnels. So go over to slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue. Again, that's slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson. And I want to jump in really quick to share with you a new assessment. I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because not only does it help you understand yourself, but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs,
Starting point is 00:17:40 it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the bus so they can get more stuff done. I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the Working Genius is awesome. Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited for the new assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done. Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately. I took it for myself. I had my team take it. And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are. And that's important
Starting point is 00:18:11 because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out, make sure that you have first off the right people, but make sure the right people are sitting in the right seats on the bus. And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Um, now normally this assessment, you can go to working and there's two G's in the middle,, but I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all, but you get a 20% discount off when you put in the keyword secrets at checkout. So go to, again, two G's, workinggenius, two G's in the middle,, and then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S
Starting point is 00:18:45 at checkout, get 25% off. But then we'll take the test. Again, it takes you 10 minutes, but even in a 10 minute session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help you understand yourself, to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to give you the most joy, number one. But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are with your teams, getting them in the right seats as well. So anyway, I love this assessment. Go check it out at and enter the promo code secrets for 20% discount. Take this test for yourself and for your team. And I promise you, it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody and help your company to grow.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Number two now, it's like, okay, if I'm going to build a list, I've got to list building is basically you're just, you're trading, right? Like, like I give me something exchange for email address. So it's like, I need to create something really, really cool. Okay. It doesn't have to be big. It doesn't have to be a book. It doesn't have to be a thing, but something cool. It's unique. That's, that's fun. That's interesting that you can, it's got a really good hook, right? Like, um, it could be, it could be as simple as like, like this pod, like this thing that I'm yelling my rant right now, this could be very simply and very easy and amazing. Um, an amazing lead magnet to put on a squeeze page. I can be like, hey, one night I went to my coaching members
Starting point is 00:19:50 and I ranted for 45 minutes on the power list building and I showed them five or six of my most powerful ways to build a list. If you wanna watch that video right now, go opt in right now. Like that could be like, this could be me just me ranting. You can get your phone on and just rant for 15 minutes on the phone
Starting point is 00:20:02 and that could be the lead magnet. That could be it. It doesn't have to be something that's huge and hard. It's got to be something really, really cool, right? So you create that, and then it's like, okay, you create that. You create a really basic landing page, like a squeeze page, a thank you page where you give it away, and that's phase one. That's why when we started this round of Two Comma Club X coaching, the very first training I did was a two-hour training on lead funnels, how to build a list through lead funnels. And I apparently didn't rant loud enough in that for everybody to hear.
Starting point is 00:20:27 So I'm ranting loud now. If you haven't gone, go back to that training. I show like, I think I show 110 different examples of landing pages and lead funnels and how they work and how people like different opt-ins people use, different bribes and the layout and the structure of the pages. So it's all in there, right? So go check that out. Okay, so squeeze pages is good. But now it's like, out. Um, okay. So squeeze page is good, but now
Starting point is 00:20:46 it's like, okay, well how do we, how do we get people to opt in? Cause like traditional, just Facebook ads, like, yeah, you can go buy Facebook ads. You're looking at anywhere from a buck to five bucks per lead. And so especially if you can start like that's, that's a heavy pill to swallow. Right. And so for me, like, um, Facebook ads are awesome and they're great. I didn't buy my very first Facebook. I didn't buy my first paid ad, um, for over a decade. So for the first decade I was like, I got to figure out other ways to build a list. And what's fascinating is, um, back then we did not have Facebook. We did not have my space.
Starting point is 00:21:15 Friendster wasn't selling ads. Um, Google slapped everybody. So it worked for like a week and then I got it. I worked like a week or two and that stopped working for everybody. So like I didn't have an advertising platform to build a list on. It wasn't, it wasn't a thing. And so like I had to be creative. Like, okay, well I got to build a list. Like how do you buy a list? It wasn't like go buy ads somewhere. It's like, okay, you got to be creative. How are you going to build a list? So pretend like, just, just pretend for a moment. Like, like I don't have,
Starting point is 00:21:39 I don't have Facebook. I can't pay for leads. How am I going to generate leads? Can I start looking? I'm like, well, there's other people who already have a list, right? So they don't have a list. How can I get access to like, you have a list. Here's a member of the wedding singer. When, um, uh, Adam Sandler goes to, to, uh, he goes to the bank with Kevin Nealon there and he's interviewing for a job. And Kevin is like, you like, why should I hire you?
Starting point is 00:22:01 He's like, well, you got money. I need money. So I was hoping you could hire me and give me some of that money. It's the same thing. You've got a list. I need a list. How do we do something together so that your list can join my list
Starting point is 00:22:11 and I have a list too? As dumb as that sounds, that literally is what went through my head all the time because I didn't have a list and other people did. So I'm like, how do I build the list? And so a lot of it was going out and like, okay, how do I create something with this person?
Starting point is 00:22:24 How do we do a partnership? Okay, I did summits like crazy. I did more summits than you guys would ever believe me. If you go back in the internet archives, you can see a lot of them. But I did a lot of summits. I put on my own summits. Why did I put on my own summit? Because I knew that all the other people I was going to interview in the summit had a list and I didn't.
Starting point is 00:22:39 Okay? And I didn't even position myself as an expert initially. I said, okay, I'm going to do a summit. It's called the Affiliate Boot Camp. I think I've launched Affiliate Bootcamp six times. But one of my very first ones was Affiliate Bootcamp and I just found six affiliates, or excuse me, I think it was like 12, I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:22:54 It's been a long time, it's been a decade or so. Whole bunch of affiliates. I put them on a summit and I was just the interviewer. I wasn't even teaching anything. I just interviewed people, right? And then I had everybody promote the summit. I interviewed all the people and I got a list. And it wasn't a ton, but I think I got 1,500, 2,000 people to join my list. Now I had a list, right? And I leveraged that list. I went to someone and said, hey, your product's really, really cool. I've got a list. It's not huge, but
Starting point is 00:23:16 I'll promote your product, you can promote mine. Someone's like, cool, I'll promote your product. And also we did exchanges. They promoted mine, I promoted theirs. And then what happens? I make a little money, they make a little money, but I get people joining my list. Then I start thinking, okay, I know all these people that have lists. A lot of them are affiliates. They promote other people's products.
Starting point is 00:23:32 So what if I create something really, really good and most people are paying them a 50% commission on the product? What if I came back and paid them 100% commission? And at the time, no one ever heard of that before. And so I go to people and I'm like, hey, I created this amazing product. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:23:44 And they're like, that product is really cool. And I was like, what if I pay you 100% commission to promote it? And they're like, why would you do that? I'm like, I don't know, because I'm a nice guy. And I feel like you should get all the money, because you're the one that built the list. And you spent the hard time and energy and effort. And you're way cooler than me. So I'll let you sell my product and keep 100% of the money.
Starting point is 00:23:58 And so many people said, dude, that's an awesome deal. So they would promote my product. They would keep 100% of the money. And guess what I would get? The list. The list would join my list. And all of a sudden those people became my people. And the next thing I saw, I kept all the money from, right? Like that was, that was the magic. Okay. I remember, um, uh, I had one friend, ah, he, he did a really cool thing. He, um, he had these CDs that he used to sell for,
Starting point is 00:24:20 I can't remember. I think it was 300 bucks for these CDs. Um, and, uh, he was doing okay with it, but not like killing it with these things. And he's like, you know what I'm going to do? He's like, I'm going to take my $300 things. And back then he put them on CDs or DVDs. So it doesn't work as good nowadays because people don't really have DVD players back then. It was a thing. Right. And I remember he had this big Christmas promotion and he went to all of these big, huge people with lists. He said, Hey, for Christmas, how would you like to give your list my $300 product for free? And, like, that'd be awesome. Like, it's free, so you're not gonna make any money, but they get a cool gift. It's coming from you, and it'd be awesome. And so
Starting point is 00:24:53 he set these pages on the people's, for each person. I didn't do it, but it would have been like, it was called the Marketing Quickies. It was like slash Russell. So you know Marketing Quickies, you see the CDs were cds were like 300 if you go to slash russell it was like i was like hey this is uh i think it was and what's his name is andrew anyway he was like i did this partnership with russell because you're on the list normally people go to the home page you can go see it's 300 for this product but because you're russell subscriber i'm going to ship you a cd for free all you gotta do is put your name and address down below and i'll ship you cd for free so he came to me and like i don't know 400 other people he asked 400 you know he asked tons of people and most of them said no,
Starting point is 00:25:28 but he had like 30 or so people like, sure, that sounds awesome. It'd be a great gift for my audience. They all sent emails to the list, went to the page, they filled out the form with the shipping address, everything. He went and burned CDs all Christmas long and sent them out to people and when all said and done, he ended up with a list of like 18,000 people. Boom, by giving away his product for free. But Russell, now I'm not going to make any money. Well, again, your business isn't your product, right? Your business is your customer list. Now you've got a customer list.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Now make another product. And figure out the next thing they want to buy, right? I remember Telman Knutson. Telman, I remember I had just been building my list at the time. I thought it was a hot shot. I think I had like, how much was it? I probably had 40, 50,000 people on my list this time. And he messaged me one day.
Starting point is 00:26:07 I don't know who he was. And some of you guys may not know Tillman. He's not as big in our market as he used to be back in the day. But he's more in the personal development hypnosis market now. But he used to be like in the internet market. In fact, he owned for a long time. But anyway, I digress. So he came to me.
Starting point is 00:26:20 He said, hey, Russell, I'm doing this really cool summit where everyone's talking about how they build a list. And, um, I want to see if you'll promote, um, promote the summit to my squeeze page. And, uh, and then you can be on the summit. I was like, no, dude, that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. And he's like, why? Why? Like, why? I'm like, I'm not going to email my list to your squeeze page. And then half my list will go on your list. And like, what's the benefit for me? And he's like, and anyway, I told him, no, I hung up the phone. And then like six months six months i don't even know like six weeks later i see this big launch where every single person on planet earth is emailing their list to this brand new newbies uh squeeze page
Starting point is 00:26:54 tellman and was like in fact if you go to i wonder if it's still there it used to be list i wonder if it's still there list crusade crusade's a hard word to spell yeah i spelled it wrong anyway i'm sure if you go back to the way back question you can find it but um it was just pages like hey learn the list building secrets from it had all people's names like give me your email address i'll give you access to all these interviews and um so we did it and like i said six weeks later i saw all these people emailing, boom, boom, boom, boom, like person after person, like all these big names. I was like, what in the world? And I remember I watched this campaign,
Starting point is 00:27:30 and he built the list, I found out later, of over 100,000 people from this campaign. And I remember messaging him afterwards, and I was like, dude, how did you pull that off? Because you asked me, and I thought you were insane, and I told you no. And he's like, I know, he's like, most people thought I was insane.
Starting point is 00:27:42 He's like, I asked 70 people, and all 70 of them told me no. And then guess what? He said, I know. He's like, most people thought I was insane. He's like, I asked 70 people and all 70 of them told me no. And then guess what? He said, I asked the 71st person and his name, who was the, I think it was, was it the Nitro guys? I think it was the Nitro, Matt and Kevin Wilkie. And anyway, he asked them and they said yes. And he's like, oh my gosh, I got my first yes.
Starting point is 00:28:02 So then he went to the 72nd person and said, hey, I'm doing this project. These two guys just said, yes, you want in on it? And the guy's like, yes. And the next person, hey, I did this project. That person said, yes, you wanted in on it? He said, yes. He said, the next like 40 people said yes afterwards.
Starting point is 00:28:16 Okay, but he got 70 no's in a row before he got his yeses. Is that crazy? And then boom, at the end of the campaign, $100 million, or excuse me, 100,000 subscribers. I think year one in his business made $760,000. And all he did was email to those lists all the people's products and sold their product. He didn't have his own product that first year.
Starting point is 00:28:34 He just built a list from everybody else's list and then sold other people's products, okay? Do you see this? Like there's, it comes down to this creativity. Like how do we do this? How do we do it, okay? It's like how do I create cool things that I can somehow incentivize somebody else to promote? Okay. Um, one thing's Nick said,
Starting point is 00:28:50 and I'm going to tease him a little about this piece. You know, I thought, I thought that, um, uh, I had a bunch of friends who I assumed were going to help me promote the product. Why would they help you promote the product? There's no reason why someone's helping promote product. Like, like I have to make a better offer to my affiliates than I do to my customers, right? People always think, well, Russell, everyone promotes ClickFunnels. Why do you think everyone promotes ClickFunnels? Number one, we pay 40% recurring commission for the lifetime of the customer, higher than any other SaaS platform on this planet. Number two, I pay for a dream car for everybody. Number three, I bring them on stage to give them street cred. Number four, a lot of times we have 100% affiliate commissions on books, or on offers, like OFA.
Starting point is 00:29:28 Number seven, like book deals. When we do the book launch, it was just $20 to give away a free book. Like, I work harder to get my affiliates to promote than I get my customers to buy. Okay, so you have to understand that if you want somebody to promote for you, it's not just like, oh, promote me.
Starting point is 00:29:41 You should promote me because we're friends or because we know each other. Like, no, don't even ever expect it. My best friends on the planet, I do not ever expect them to promote my stuff. I still go to them and sell the crap out of every one of those guys as well. Okay? I got to make an offer for every single one of them. I don't care if I've been friends with them for a decade and a half.
Starting point is 00:29:55 For them to promote me, I still sell them on why they got to promote me. Okay? And we make those offers insane. So when you think that, like, if you want affiliate to promote you, it's like, hey, what do I give them? Do I give them 50%? Do I give him a hundred percent? I can't tell you how many messages I get people like Russell, I haven't had it for a product. If you promote it, I'll give you 50%. I'm like, dude, a really good affiliates. Don't take 50%. Okay. Especially for info price. They don't want 70 or 80 or a hundred or, you know, we've got deals we've done in the past.
Starting point is 00:30:20 We pay 150 to 200% commission on things. Why? Because we want the list. One of my very first mentors, his name is Mike Littman. I remember seeing him on stage one time and he said, he was talking about how they were doing these offers that make these free DVDs. And he said, we sell these free DVDs. Somebody buys a DVD, we call him on the phone, we sell him coaching. He said, guess how much money I spend to sell this free DVD? And I was like, I don't know. And he said, 30 bucks. Like I paid an affiliate $30 to give away a free DVD. I was like, I don't know, and he said, 30 bucks. Like, I paid an affiliate $30 to give away a free DVD. I was like, what? You're gonna be broke in like 13 DVDs.
Starting point is 00:30:49 Like, how does that work? And he stopped, he said, Russell, you have to understand, amateurs focus on the front end. Amateurs focus on the front end, okay? Professionals focus on the back end. He's like, I spent $30 to give away a CD, but I averaged on, for every CD I give away,, I average $200 in sales on the phone within six weeks. Okay, so for you guys to start thinking about that, like how do I create something that's
Starting point is 00:31:10 such a good deal for the affiliates to promote and give them so much up front. So like, why do you think we pay 100% on our OFA on my One Fun Away Challenge? We pay 100% because right now we got, last month, 6,500 people joined OFA. 6,500 buyers, guess how many leads came from that? A whole lot more than that joined OFA. 6,500 buyers. Guess how many leads came from that? A whole lot more than that. I think, yeah, a lot. Right?
Starting point is 00:31:30 And it cost me a ton. In fact, I loathed money. I think we spend $70 per box. I might be misquoting. $60, $70 per box for one full-day challenge, plus 100% commission. So it costs me, for every box I sell,
Starting point is 00:31:43 I lose 50 to 60 bucks. Right. But what happens? Okay. Amateurs folks on the front end and folks in the back end, I get a customer where I bring them into the value ladder. I bring them to the things and they send and they get stuff and all sorts of stuff like that. Right. And so, um, that's what we as understands just like, it's, it's coming back down to like, okay, how do we, how do we create something amazing? And if, if you're nervous, I got like, again, it comes down to like, okay, how do we create something amazing? And if you're nervous, like, again, it comes back to like, especially at the beginning when money's tighter. It's like, man, paying Facebook $1 to $5 per lead is scary, right?
Starting point is 00:32:15 But it's like, what if we come back and what if I took my $300 product and put it on CD and people pay $4, maybe not CD, maybe MP3 player, maybe it's whatever, and pay $4 for me to ship it out to them. Or maybe it's a book. Maybe I take my best presentation, my best Facebook Live, my best whatever, and I get it transcribed where it's like a book. And I get affiliates promote it, and they can get away for free. Or they can, and I'll print it and ship it and send it out to people.
Starting point is 00:32:41 And they pay $5 for me to print it and ship it to them. And then I get the lead, and they get, you know, whatever. Or maybe it's co-branding. I used to do this all the time where I would find somebody who had a list who was better than me. Like, I don't know if I can think of it off the top of my head. Like Mike Filslam and I used to do this.
Starting point is 00:32:53 We did it a couple times where we had both done a pre-launch. In fact, if you go back to the internet archives, you go to pre-launch secrets. Yeah, Look at the wayback machine, you'll see it. But basically, he had done a bunch of pre-launches. I'd done a bunch of pre-launch secrets. Yeah, Look at the wayback machine. You'll see it. But basically, he had done a bunch of prelaunches. I'd done a bunch of prelaunches.
Starting point is 00:33:08 We came together and created And it was basically like a tele-summit where like, hey, come listen to the summit. You're going to hear Mike talk about his prelaunch. I'll talk about my prelaunch. We'll talk about what we both did. And then you guys get it for free. And so Mike promoted his list. I promoted my list.
Starting point is 00:33:24 When leads came in, we both got the leads. So they joined both our lists when they came in. And so basically, he got some of my leads. I got some of his leads. We both got better. We gave this really good trading way for free.
Starting point is 00:33:33 And then I think we had an upsell where we could buy, I can't remember, something we put together for an upsell to try to make a little money off it. But that was it. And I did another one with Josh Anderson
Starting point is 00:33:44 and with, um, uh, Jeremy Burns. I remember some of my old buddies back in the day, same kind of thing. I would interview them, interview, like we put together a thing where it's co-branded. We both create something together. We both promote it. We will split the leads and boom, both of our lists got bigger. Right. Um, and so it's like looking at people already have lists, looking at people have a following and like co-branding and going into each of these different markets and, and, and doing that. Okay. The first part of your business, you guys have to understand that the first part of your business is all about, um, getting, like getting land, right? It's getting
Starting point is 00:34:12 people. In fact, uh, recent, recent inner circle meeting, it was interesting. Brandon, uh, Poland was there and he was talking about how the first half of your business is all about gaining ground. And the second half of your business is about protecting it. And so it's like, you know, um, and hopefully they just have to go through that part of the process but you know we get to the spot when um you know now it's like we have legal crap and all these other stuff to protect your land right and people throwing lawsuits at you all sorts and that's like the part of the assignment and it sucks you guys are in the fun part of the business where you're like gathering land like this is the like if i could sit down all that just brains from like how to
Starting point is 00:34:44 get more land like it'd be the greatest thing in the world. But it's just thinking about that. Like, hey, this is the part of my business. I gotta gather land. I gotta get people as quick as I can, right? And so it's doing a little bit of a lot of things. Consistently, like every day, like your full-time job, like this is your job.
Starting point is 00:34:57 This is an eight-hour day job is to hustle, to build an audience. Like until you have an audience, you don't have a business, right? Until you have a list, you don't have a business. So it's going out there and you're buying ads. You're doing affiliate deals. You're doing partnerships. You? You're buying ads. You're doing affiliate deals. You're doing partnerships.
Starting point is 00:35:07 You're getting people to email. You're doing summits. You're doing podcasts. Like everything you can do to capture land. Like it's just not a one thing. It's like a whole bunch of things, right? And you're trying thing after thing after thing. And it doesn't work?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Don't freak out. Do the next thing. Do the next thing. It's going to a potential dream partner who's got a list. Okay, you've got a list. What can we create together? Or coming to them with a plan. Like, Okay, you've got a list. What can we create together? Coming to them with a plan. Like, hey, I've got a really cool idea.
Starting point is 00:35:29 I can, like, your audience is good at this. I'm good at this. Like, what's his name? Noah. Noah St. John did this to me back in the day. At the time, he had no, he was a, he's a personal development guy. And his whole, his whole pitch is like, you know, a lot of times, like, Russell, you teach people the most amazing marketing stuff in the world.
Starting point is 00:35:45 He's like, they're sitting there. They've got their foot on the gas because you're giving them all information, but they're all freaked out. So at the same time, they have their foot on the gas and their foot on the brake, and they're like, and so they're spinning out and nothing's happening. He said, your product helps people put their foot on the gas. My product helps them take their foot off the brake. He said, let's do a partnership where your people can come in. They buy your product, and they're going to get my training.
Starting point is 00:36:01 My training will help take their foot off the gas. And if I remember right, this is, man, a decade ago, he first pitched me on this. It wasn't, he wouldn't want money for it. He was like, yeah, just put this on your thank you pages and, um, have people click link. They go over, they fill out a form and then boom, I'm going to access my course. And when they fill out the form, guess what they did? It joined their list. Okay. Um, one of my buddies, um, one of my buddies, uh, uh, Joel Marion and Josh Bizzoni, they launched Biotrust, which is a supplement company. If you look at how they did it, they didn't go and buy a bunch of ads initially.
Starting point is 00:36:31 What they did is they went to all the people who already had traffic. They already had funnels. They went to the thank you page, every single person's thing. And on the thank you page, they have a button that says, hey, thanks for buying my info product about how to get six-pack abs. Click here to find out my number one recommended supplement. They'd click there to go over to the squeeze page and put the name, email address in. And then boom, they were put on Josh and Joel's list. And then those guys emailed the list every single day selling protein, selling things
Starting point is 00:36:53 like that. And as they were selling all those things, they were, all those commissions were going, excuse me, all the commissions would go to the person who referred them over to the squeeze page. And they just sold, like they just, they'd sell people like crazy, and all the commissions went back to that person. Just like ClickFunnels, right? Someone sells one of my books,
Starting point is 00:37:08 and then we can buy ClickFunnels, that affiliate still gets the money, right? And so he's put squeeze pages on everyone's thank you page. So it's looking at that kind of thing, like how can I go to other people that I know in my market who maybe have a little bit bigger following than me, and like how do we start partnering together, and we tag team together,
Starting point is 00:37:24 and we create cool things together, right? Trying to give you as many different tactical ideas to jolt your brain as possible. What else, what else? One thing is I'm thinking more just tactical ideas. I remember when I first got started in this game and I first got the gist of list building, and I remember I started looking
Starting point is 00:37:46 at who the list builders were, right? And if you don't know who the list builders are in your market, that's your number one homework assignment. That's even before writing the number on your board and having people join today. It's like, who are the list owners in your market? Okay?
Starting point is 00:37:57 And I'm talking about email lists. There's so many different types of lists, but email's still, to this day, still the most powerful, right? Like, getting someone's podcast is good, and it's awesome, but getting them to send an email for you is better and it's faster. Like it just still is. Someday it may not be, but as of today, it's still the best. So I'm talking about email list builders. Who are the email list owners in your market, right? And so I remember like that was the first thing I learned about building
Starting point is 00:38:19 lists. I'm like, cool, here are the list orders. And I started like listing them out. I remember the ones at the time were like Joe Vitale, Mike Gillespie, um, who the other names, like all different names. Right. And so I was like, okay, I'm going to do a deal. And I remember, uh, um, uh, Joe Vitale was the first one I was like, I think I thought he was so cool. And like, he is cool actually. But like, I remember the time I was just like, Oh, Joe Vitale is the man I want to, I want to be, uh, um, I want to be the, uh, I want to be like, I want him to promote my thing. And I built this whole thing up. I remember, I built a whole, like I remember studying his stuff and going through stuff
Starting point is 00:38:52 and learning. I was like, okay, I have this something I can provide. His audience is going to be a huge deal, right? And then I emailed him and guess what I heard back? Nothing. It was like crickets. My crap. So I emailed him again, nothing.
Starting point is 00:39:03 Emailed him again, nothing. I'm like like what a punk like he should be responding back to me doesn't he know that i spent all his time energy like learning about him and focusing on him i say that because i want because i'm being vulnerable here but i guarantee that happens to me all the time i get people hitting me up on instagram on facebook on like all sorts of places i don't respond back to him because i can't i'm drowning looking back now i'm like joe i get it I'm like, Joe, I get it. So sorry.
Starting point is 00:39:26 It totally makes sense why you didn't. But he didn't, right? And I was trying to get all these people that were at this level up here. I'm trying to reach around to them, and none of them responded back to me. I was all angry and mad. And then I remember I was just like, man, this game sucks. No one's out here for the little guy. I thought everyone was here to help each other, and apparently not.
Starting point is 00:39:42 And just all the bitterness that I could possibly have was all there. Right. And then, um, and then, uh, I went to this forum at the time and I met, I don't know, a dozen guys. We're all about my level. Um, and, uh, we're all in that same kind of thing. And no one had a huge list. I think my list was like 200 people at a time. Uh, Mike Phil same was one of the guys in there. Mike, I think had a list of like five or 6,000. He had just come out with a product called Carbon Copy Marketing, and he had them on CDs. He would burn the CDs. I remember that I think he was charging like $5 for them or $10 for them.
Starting point is 00:40:12 It was like a $97 product, and it was cheap, and he was using it to list build. Looking back now, it's like, oh, he's using it to list build. He started building this big list. Excuse me. So that's what he was doing. And I emailed Mike, and I sent him a copy of my product. And, uh, and, um, and I emailed Mike and I sent him a copy of my product. He's like, this is really cool. I'm going to promote it. He promoted
Starting point is 00:40:29 it. And then, uh, and I was like, cool, man, thanks for promoting it. I'm like, who else do you know? And he's like, Oh, you should meet this guy, this guy that he told me two or three other people, um, who same thing had lists about size of mine, maybe a little bit more, you know, kind of the same area. And we got to know each other. And then I had to let them promote me. Then another guy promote me. And then I promoted this guy and we started like and it was interesting all these guys were at this level down here right and i remember looking at again there's all these guys up here like like the joe vitality stephen pierce's all these people like were untouchable and we were down here and we started promoting across for me helping each other out what happened
Starting point is 00:40:57 it was interesting is that in that level we started getting bigger and started getting better and our list started getting bigger and they started responding more they started getting more people and then and then every single person we brought in knew three or four other people and they we get them in and we get them in and soon i had this network of 30 or 40 people and we're all helping each other and cross promoting each other and doing deals together and like co-branding products together we both promote the product and do like all this stuff and soon in about a in about a year year and a half time our list got the same size or bigger than these people i was looking up to i And remember that time I was doing a project.
Starting point is 00:41:25 I was like, oh, it'd be cool to do something with Joe Vitale. I was like, oh, I can't message him. Like he doesn't respond to like six of my messages. I'm sure I said something stupid in there. I don't even know. Like I probably said something. I don't know. I probably did something embarrassing.
Starting point is 00:41:37 But I was like, you know what? I'm just going to email him. And I email him and Joe's like, oh man, I see you everywhere right now. Like I'd love to do something with you. Email is back like instantly. I was like, oh my gosh. Like I'm in, like I'm in the cool kids club. And we started doing those people this level. And then guess what? All of us grew the next level and they kept growing, growing, growing. And that's how we started growing. So like, I think
Starting point is 00:41:55 that's a big thing for all you guys. Look in your market, start looking around, like who are the list owners and then get to know them, build partnerships, build friendships, take them to dinner, buy them a party, like, and then actively try to figure out things. A lot of times I see people doing Dream 100 and they send gifts and they try to do nice stuff, but they never ask for something. Like, ask for stuff. Like, you're both trying to help each other.
Starting point is 00:42:14 Like, get on the call. Like, how can we help each other? Like, I'm really good at this and this, you're good at this. Like, what can we do together? Can we do a summit together? Can we do a, you know, can we do a cross promo?
Starting point is 00:42:23 Can we create a product together? You promote to your audience, I promote to my audience. We, like, we cross pollinate. Like, what can we do?, you know, um, we do a cross promo because we create a product together. You promote your audience. I promote my audience. We like, we cross pollinate, like, like what can we do? And then after I said, like, who else, you know, that we can, I can work with like, oh, and then you see these three people and you're just in those three people, you knew that work in the past and you start building this network of people that becomes super, super powerful. Right. Um, in fact, uh, I've actually just wrote this in my, the traffic seekers book. This is a lot of spoilers for you guys for when the book comes out in the near future. Um, but, uh, um, do you guys remember the movie never been kissed with Drew Barrymore
Starting point is 00:42:54 in it? It's one of those like cheesy movies that I don't know why I watched it, but I did. I'm sure my wife made me anyway. Um, in the movie, Drew Barrymore, I goes to high school, she's a complete loser. And then she leaves high school and then she gets a job as a as a reporter and uh and then her boss wants her to like do a story on like all the cool kids in high school who are all into drugs and and all this stuff right and so she's like oh I'm gonna go back to high school she'd go back to high school and instantly within like five seconds she's back in with the nerd she's in the chess club the
Starting point is 00:43:20 the music all these things like that and all the stories she's bringing back to her to her boss he's like I want a story about the cool kids I don't care about chess club these things like that. And all the stories she's bringing back to her boss, he's like, I want a story about the cool kids. I don't care about chess club and things like that. And so she tried to get into the cool kids club and just gets rejected every single time, right? And so she goes back home to her brother, who's David Arquette, and tells him this whole thing. And he was like the cool kid in high school.
Starting point is 00:43:41 And he's like, oh, you're so lucky back in high school. I wanted to be back in high school. And she's like, no, you don't. It's horrible. The kids are so mean and blah, blah, blah, blah. And, uh, and he was like, if I was back in high school, I, I, you know, I could be cool again. And she, and she kind of makes fun like, no, you couldn't be it. And so the next day at school, she was back to school again. All of a sudden she sees her brother come in and she's like, what are you doing? He's like, I just registered for high school. Like, and, uh, she's like, you know, whatever. And, uh she's like you know whatever and uh anyway so he he walks into the uh to the lunchroom the very first day
Starting point is 00:44:10 and he grabs the big old tub of coleslaw from the lunch lady stands up on the table and starts like i'm gonna try to eat the entire thing of coleslaw so he's eating this whole thing of coleslaw and all the jocks all the cool kids around like chanting and cheering and by the time he's done he's just covered in coleslaw and they like pick him up and they carry him out of the lunchroom i may be exaggerating the story i can't remember the movie perfectly it's been about a decade since i've seen it but you know what i mean and also he becomes like the cool kid and then uh josie who's drew barry murph's cut uh character goes back to him later and he's like so mad at him and uh and uh and frustrated he said no no i show you something. So then he walks over and teaches this principle that's so, so, so powerful.
Starting point is 00:44:51 Again, I'm slaughtering this story, but conceptually, hopefully this makes sense. So he goes over and he starts telling people. He's like, hey, you see that girl Josie over there? Man, we used to date, but she broke up with me. She is so cool. She is so blah, blah, blah, whatever. And the guy's like, really? She's that cool? Oh, yeah, she's amazing. And the guy's like, really? She's that cool?
Starting point is 00:45:05 Oh yeah, she's amazing. And then all of a sudden, he goes and tells someone else and tells three or four people. And all of a sudden, within a day or two, all these people come over to Drew Barrymore's character
Starting point is 00:45:14 and bring her into their thing. And all of a sudden, that quick, she's one of the cool kids. And Dave Arquette's character says something that's so powerful. He said, if you want to get in the cool kids club, all you need to do
Starting point is 00:45:23 is get one cool kid to think you're cool. Boom. Okay, you guys getting this? So for you, as you're building your dream 100, look at this thing you're trying to figure out, like, how do I get in this network of people? You don't have to get everyone to say yes. You have to find one cool kid to think you're good and you're in. That was the moral of Tellman's story I told you guys 20 minutes ago, right?
Starting point is 00:45:41 Tellman called 70 people in a row. 70 people told him no. And then one cool kid said yes. And the next 40 said yes. All you need is one kid to think you're cool and you're in, okay? So who is that in your market, okay? And if you don't have a list of 10, 20, 30 people
Starting point is 00:45:57 that are your market, like these people right here have my customers. They're on their list right now. Okay, and if I can find a way to work with them, those lists will become my list. Like this is what we're talking about. I've been preaching Dream 100 for a decade, and for some reason, the majority of people never do it.
Starting point is 00:46:09 And Dream 100 does not mean sending out big packages in the mail. It means Facebook messaging someone saying, hey, what's up? What do you do? How can I help you? Look, I've got a product for you, you've got a product for me.
Starting point is 00:46:18 Let's do a deal together. Like, what can we figure out? Like, that's what Dream 100 is, is core essence, right? It's getting in there, and you're networking, and you're trying to find out who's a cool kid. Because you get into one good person, that person thinks you're cool, it opens up all the other doors. Okay?
Starting point is 00:46:32 Does that make sense? Like for me, my cool kid was Mike Filsaime. As soon as Mike Filsaime said I was cool, he did my first promo on Zip Brand, one of my very first products ever. Then he went out and he's like, hey, Gary Ambrose, hey so-and-so, hey so-and-soso this guy's named russell he's really cool you should deal with him and i did those all three of those guys and i asked them like who else you guys know you guys are awesome do you have another cool guys like you like yeah you should meet him him and her and her and that person and they brought me in and within months my network grew very very big and then all of us are across pollinating cross morning and all of us as a market grew the next level grew the next level grew the next level
Starting point is 00:47:03 um all right does that make sense you guys so anyway, there's a million tactical ways to build a list, but it just comes down to like thinking about it differently. Thinking about like that is your business. That's the core thing. How do I do it? Who already has my customers on the list? Okay. How do I get to know them? How do I become friends with them? What can I create with them to get them to promote my thing and like promote their thing? Like how do we do these kind of things, right? And maybe, and let's say, and I can promote their thing. How do we do these kind of things, right? And maybe, and let's say, and I'm coming back to Nick specifically on this one. Nick's new course is on Facebook Lives.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And it's like, okay, who are people in your market that have a big, have a fan page with 30, 40, 50, 100,000 followers right now and come to that people and say, let's do a BeLive together to your fan page and let's talk about the power of Facebook Live. At the end of it, we'll make a special offer. I'll pay you 75% commission on every single one. Boom, that fast, you're in front of their entire audience. There's a reason when I launched my book, I said, Tony Robbins, can you interview me? He's like, sure, I'd love to interview you.
Starting point is 00:47:59 I'm like, but not on my page. My page has my fans. I want to be interviewed on your page. He's like, what? I'm like, yeah, let's do the interview on your page. And he was like, I guess. So we do the interview on his page. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:48:08 His 3.2 million fans saw the interview because it was on his page. I got all those people to come and buy my book. And then I asked Tony, I'm like, hey, can I log, can I have my team log into your ads account and buy ads? I'll pay for the ads. You'll get affiliate commissions on it, right? I'm selling my partners harder than I sell my customers. I will log into your ads.
Starting point is 00:48:24 I will pay for the ad costs. And I and I'll pay you affiliate commission and we'll keep pushing your interviews. Like sure. So we logged into that account for like three months after that I was spending as much money as possible to show every one of Tony's fans, my interview with Tony on his page. And we ended up getting, I think that video had three, three or 4 million views on it, uh, during that time. Okay. So it's, it views on it during that time, okay? So it's that thing. Aaron said, the first step is admitting we're not the cool kids yet. Exactly, exactly, exactly.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Toby said, I'm building a list of agency owners and marketing freelancers. I have about 1,000 so far. DM me if any of you guys want. Awesome. You know what? As much as I think Gary Vaynerchuk's a, I'll leave it there because this may be public someday.
Starting point is 00:49:02 As much as I love Gary Vaynerchuk, the best thing he said, he was like, he's like, you guys know what business development is? He's like, business development is getting your phone out, going to Instagram, going to your DMs, and DMing each person. He's like, not copying, pasting, literally DMing each person a personal message.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Like, hey, you're awesome. Hey, you're awesome. Okay, by the way, don't be here, okay, I'm gonna geek out for a second because I got really excited about this. My favorite author right now is a guy named Ryan holiday. He's written some of the most amazing books ever. Um, ah, so many good ones. Um, trust me, I'm lying is insane. It'll like change the way you look at the news, perennial seller, uh, about how to like create works of
Starting point is 00:49:39 art that lasts for forever. Super powerful. And he wrote egos, the enemy, um, the obstacles, the way how much other ones, right? So I follow him on Instagram and he wrote, Ego's the Enemy, The Obstacle's the Way, a whole bunch of other ones, right? So I follow him on Instagram and he's got a new book coming. I post the manuscript. I'm like, dude, I love your books. I can't wait to read that. And then he DMs me, like my favorite author on the planet, DMs me personally. I'm like, oh, so I DM him back and we're back. Now we're like friends that fast, right? And I'm talking about like, how can I serve you? Like, can I help promote your book? Can I do the thing? I go, what can I do to help serve you? And I'm not asking him for anything. I serve you? Like, can I help promote your book? Can I do the thing? I go, what can I do to help serve you? And I'm not asking him for anything.
Starting point is 00:50:06 I just like trying to like legitimately help him and serve him. And I guarantee in some day in the future, who knows, a year, five years, 10 years from now, something cool happened from it. But I'm just, I'm reaching out, right? So Gary Vaynerchuk is like business development, sitting on Instagram, DMing the cool people and trying to get the cool kids club and like commenting and like saying stuff and like, like being active in their lives so that you're not just some dude who just shows up one day on their newsfeed and they've, you know, in their DM, they ever heard of you.
Starting point is 00:50:29 Anyway, just a thought. So, um, anyway, all right. And, uh, the last thing I'll say just within this community, you guys, and I'm saying this right now inside the two comic club X community, the same thing, if you're listening on the click funnels community or like we've created these communities for a reason. And obviously there's a lot of like, not in the Two Common Club community, but in the ClickFunnels community there's a lot of people that come in there and just try to poach people and try to get customers.
Starting point is 00:50:53 But there are amazing people in there as well. It's like how do you go in there and start looking around? Who are the people that are legit? Who are the people commenting and giving good value? Those are the people you should get to know, right? If they're in the forums commenting and posting and stuff like that, they're trying to create business. They're trying to do good stuff. They're trying to help people. Those are the kind we should get to know, right? If they're in the forums commenting and posting stuff like that, like they're trying to create business.
Starting point is 00:51:05 They're trying to do good stuff. They're trying to help people. Like those are the kind of people you want. Like go in there, comment on their, on their posts. Like, yeah, yeah, that is cool. And go back to their Facebook page, follow them, send them a message. Like just get to know people. And like, that's, that's part of this game.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Um, yeah, that's how this, this whole game is played. So anyway, I hope that helps, um, all you guys. I hope it helps you, Nick. I hope it helps, um, everyone here at Two Comma Club. And Club. And again, if I post this as a podcast, something that hopefully helps everybody else as well, is just shifting your mindset, focusing on that. Because as much as I love funnels, as much as I love coaching, as much as I love soft, as much as I love all that stuff, the only thing that matters at the end of the day is your customer list. Like every funnel is built so I can grow my list. Like that's it. That's the purpose and that's the reason.. So I've read how long we've been going for tonight. You didn't even know. I haven't been
Starting point is 00:51:48 timing this anyway. I hope it was valuable. You guys. Um, and I hope that it just becomes the focal point. I think, um, within our community here in the forums, you're posting like how many people joined your list? Like, Oh, we got 10 today. I got 50 today. I got 20. Like, as soon as you start focusing on it, it'll keep on growing. I can't tell you how much, like again, the times my business has staled, that's the number to look at. Right now it's like ClickFunnels,
Starting point is 00:52:11 it's interesting if you look at the ClickFunnels. So every morning we do what we call the daily pulse. And it's all hands on deck, sharpened style meeting. We all jump in, it's a seven minute long meeting. And guess what the meeting is? The meeting is each department
Starting point is 00:52:22 sharing their critical numbers. And the critical numbers, like our traffic is like, how many books did we sell today? How many ClickFunnels trials did we sell? How many people joined our list? Like that's the numbers. And we're looking at every single day because whatever you look at grows. And we don't look at streaks. It's just focusing on that, focusing on it, focusing on it. All right, Jamie's over 46 minutes in. Sweet. All right. Well, that's almost as long as the first one, Nick. For those of you guys who don't know, this is part three of his podcast coaching episode.
Starting point is 00:52:47 So the first, I talked about this at the very beginning, but for those of you who jumped on late, the very first one I did July 19th, 2017. If you go to the Marketing Secrets Podcast, you'll listen to episode number 18. It's called How to Make It Rain. And then a year later, we did two more on November 21st. It was called My Conversation with Friendly Giant, part one of two. And then November 26th is My Conversation with Friendly Giant, part one of two. And then November 26th is My Conversation with Friendly Giant, part two of two.
Starting point is 00:53:07 All that is in the Marketing Secrets Archives. You can go back and check them out. This will be the third installment. So next year, Nick, my goal for you is at that point, your list is gonna be at least 50,000 people big and money will be flowing like crazy. And the question is gonna be, okay, so how do we invest this money? What's the next step? I want to make sure that
Starting point is 00:53:27 I'm protecting my family and my future. Um, cause that, that's, that's the best place to be. Then one more thing I want to comment on, and this, this was not a Nick thing specifically. So I'm going to tease somebody, but it's not him. Um, it was someone who's in my inner circle. Um, and so they're not here and I can tease them like crazy. I'm not gonna say their name though. Cause, um, but, but it's something I think is a, is a, is a big, um, uh, um, a mindset that's going to hold a lot of people back. So I want to share it. Um, he told me he's, um, he's out there and he's networking with all these people and traveling all around.
Starting point is 00:54:00 He's got a killer podcast. He's on podcasts, all stuff. And, um, and he keeps trying to get Facebook ads to work. And he's, man, two and a half, almost three years in this business. He's struggling, struggling. And he's trying to do just Facebook ads. There's nothing wrong with that. Facebook ads are great, right?
Starting point is 00:54:16 But he sucks at them. And they're not doing good with them. And they can't ever make the, they can't get the thing to work. And at the Inner Circle meeting, I told him, I was like, stop buying Facebook ads. You have no right doing that. You don't have money to him, I was like, stop buying Facebook ads. You have no right doing that. You don't have money to be buying it. And you stop buying Facebook ads and you're never with all these people. You should be doing deals. Every single person you meet, you should be doing a collab. And when you're there with them, you know, like do an interview,
Starting point is 00:54:36 create a sliding page. You promote, he promotes it. Boom. Now, now like everyone's business grows. Like you have a list, you have assets, you have a podcast, you have some things you have leveraged, you have a platform where you can offer this person that you're interviewing. Like, like, you have a list, you have assets, you have a podcast, you have some things, you have leverage, you have a platform where you can offer this person that you're interviewing. Like, like, don't just like, ah. And, um, and so like, I thought he heard me cause he's like, okay, cool. I'm going to do that. And then fast forward two months later and he messaged me about how the Facebook ads aren't working more. And I started screaming. I said, you were not allowed to run Facebook ads. We get to turn these stupid ads off. And like, just like when you have a ton of money, you're going to Facebook ads. Like you need to be going out there doing deals, like, like, like belly to belly doing deals, closing, like promotional
Starting point is 00:55:09 deals with other people. One off, one at a time, one at a time, one at a time. And each deal will grow your customers and grow your business incrementally. He said, he's like, and he messaged me back on Voxer. I should find it and post it. But, um, he was like, well, I don't want to do that. Cause he's like, someday I might get by a car and i want i want this legacy for my for my wife and my kids and my grandkids like i want to build this thing and if i don't have paid ads that are properly working then i don't have my legacy and and whatever so because i don't want to do those other things you're saying i was like dude you don't have anything right now like you don't have a business right now like build a legacy eventually but right now it's not about building legs right now it's about like trying to gain some ground trying to get customers in like the first year of your business
Starting point is 00:55:48 is like and more than the first five years of your business but it's it's all focused on like getting ground getting people getting those things in and i was like i was like you're not gonna have a legacy at all because you're not gonna get your facebook ads to work like you gotta spend some time doing the the hard work doing the belly-to-belly stuff there and doing deal after deal, partnership after partnership, you know, cross promo, cross promo, cross promo, like getting those things so you start building your list up. And then you'll have something of substance that then you can like, you have some time and energy to buy ads.
Starting point is 00:56:17 You're not going to be stressed out like, oh, I got my budget this month, $300 in Facebook ads. And you spend that the first day and you're like, oh, I don't have money, ad money. I didn't make my, you know, it wasn't like that's so much stress on you, so much pressure. Like, oh, I can imagine the stress and pressure that would cause. Like take that pressure off. Like stop giving money to somebody. Stop giving money to Facebook and go in and start focusing on doing the deals that don't cost money up front, right? They're all like a percentage of revenue. Do those things so your customer base is big enough, your cashflow is big enough,
Starting point is 00:56:42 your income streams are big enough that now you can be like, okay, I've got an extra $5,000 a month. I'm going to start figuring out this ad, this Facebook game, right? That's the time. That's where this becomes easy and fun and takes the stress off of you, right? If you've got more cash and you've got money to burn, yeah, go spend time figuring out Facebook ads and running them and getting profit. But if you're like in that spot where you don't yet, like, okay, that's fine. Like, I spent a decade of my life,
Starting point is 00:57:10 a decade, like on Skype, face-to-face, like pre-Facebook, like I was on Skype, messaging people, calling them, up at all hours,
Starting point is 00:57:17 like trying to do deals, like, and like recording interviews on my, like this is before we had USB microphones like this. Like, we had these big old, like Davis Speedos on here. You probably remember this like we had these big old like davis speedo's on here you probably remember these days like these big boxes you're like plugging cords and wires like i had a cassette player from radio shack freaking radio shack to record my my phone calls and i had record it and it was horrible quality and i forgot to get from a cassette tape
Starting point is 00:57:38 onto the computer and like and then that was the thing and then that that horrible audio quality from my cassette tape from my phone to the cassette tape to then that was the thing. And then that horrible audio quality from my cassette tape, from my phone to the cassette tape to the computer was the free thing you got people to opt into. But it was the best we could do, right? And it was like so much work and so much stress, but it was like, but it was like all these little fun wins along the way. And it was like, man, I do a deal.
Starting point is 00:57:58 I'm like, oh, we made two grand tonight, but from a telesummit, we do telesummit or we make two grand, but I added 500 people on my list. Like boom, 500 people on my list this week. Like that's awesome. Do another deal. Boom. And like that becomes the focal point. So it's a little bit of hustling, but it's, it's hustling without the stress of like, um, where's, you know, like three bucks per lead. Like that's stressful, right? This is less just like put together a deal, have some fun with it, cross create something amazing with somebody. Um, and then get with it, cross create something amazing with somebody,
Starting point is 00:58:25 and then get them to, you know, you both promote it, and you both, your list gets bigger together, and you create something amazing, and then at the end of it, you both have it, right? And it's this fun thing. I mean, for Crying Out Loud, Jason Flattlin and I did this a little while ago. We did it with, I think. We created a webinar together.
Starting point is 00:58:41 We said, hey, let's just teach our webinar secrets for three hours. He's like, okay okay and then I'll promote you promote we'll like we'll share the list and he's like okay so we both promoted it talked for three hours
Starting point is 00:58:50 he got the list I got the list and we moved on and we made some money but both grew our list and we kept on moving forward so um and now like
Starting point is 00:58:57 and now like he got the rights to the product I got the rights to the product so I can make that as a bonus for my next thing
Starting point is 00:59:02 and I can use it as a freebie over here I can use it for an upsell I can use it for order for a bump like there's a million places I can use that three a bonus for my next thing and I can use it as a freebie over here. I can use it for an upsell. I can use it for order form bump. There's a million places I can use that three-hour interview now because we created it. We both got the rights to it.
Starting point is 00:59:10 We both do whatever we want with it. I remember Mike Filson, when I launched my very first product, made over a million bucks. He was my top affiliate. He gave away a bonus, which is like, I'm going to do a six six hour consulting call with russell
Starting point is 00:59:25 where he's gonna consult me for three hours i'm gonna consult him yes let's send behind the scenes to it and what's done we'll give you guys the rights to the interview you want with it and so we did this this six hour call when he interviewed me three hours i interviewed him and then that was the bonus he gave away to get people to buy through his affiliate link and then he let people take that and they can sell and people using that for order form bumps and upsells and all sorts of stuff all over the place and like to spread our message even more so Anyway, there's like a billion ideas. Sometimes I get so many ideas to people that get it Freezes them. So hopefully doesn't freeze you guys. Hopefully just listen all those like that when I can actually on
Starting point is 00:59:56 I know some of the list. It's a little bigger in mind. We're in the same market I'm gonna do a cross promo form. We're gonna come up with a really cool product anywhere and call it whatever I'll teach my part. chooses his part I promote he promotes we share the list and boom my list will grow I'll make a little money and then I'm gonna do this deal again and every week we can do this and it's gonna be so much fun because I get this weekly excuse me I do this weekly because I know that every single day I look how big my list is growing and if I only just once a month my list doesn't grow for two or three days and it's gonna stop so
Starting point is 01:00:21 I gotta do this more often right it might be weekly might be day like I'm setting up deals all the time and it's gonna stop. So I gotta do this more often, right? It might be weekly, it might be daily. Like I'm setting up deals all the time and it's gonna be so much fun, okay? And so look at, do I have agreements? No, I don't do agreements. Every time I have a legal agreement, the person who's trying to get me to do the legal agreement is usually trying to screw me over,
Starting point is 01:00:38 especially at deals like this. Like it's just simple. Like I'll email and like, okay, this is the deal you in? And they're like, yeah. So I always have like an email, but I don't, yeah. At this level, I don't do contracts, I don't do anything. Even to this day, I hate doing contracts. I have legal people that force me to now, but I hate them.
Starting point is 01:00:53 So I would say I didn't do, I don't think my first contract happened until I was about a decade into the business. And that dude made me do a contract, screwed me hardcore. It's crazy. Like literally, I don't know what it is with people in contracts, but the people who want the contracts the most are usually the ones who screw you. That's why I always say like in a divorce, like, or, uh, in, when marriage is like, like if someone thinks you're cheating on, like, I think my wife's cheating on me. It usually means that you're cheating on your wife.
Starting point is 01:01:14 Like there's like the craziest thing. It's the same thing. Like they want a contract means they're probably trying to screw you. Um, that's my, my opinion. It seems like any contract, like let's just not do this deal then. Like this is going to be a fun thing. Um, anyway, that's why I do it. Um, and I always make it super easy. Like it's easy. Um,
Starting point is 01:01:29 this is the thing we're doing. You promote, I promote. We both put our full effort into it. I'm prone by sending three emails. My list, you send three emails, um,
Starting point is 01:01:35 do Facebook live, do Facebook live and we'll podcast or whatever, you know, whatever it is like, that's what we're both going to do. You, and then, um,
Starting point is 01:01:40 when it's done, everyone opts in the list and then you would copy the list. You copy the list and that's it. And, um, and they're like, sweet, let's do it. And then that's it. There's nothing, there's no, and then at in the list, and then you copy the list, I copy the list, and that's it. And they're like, sweet, let's do it, and that's it. There's nothing, there's no, and then at the end of it, like, you get rights to the product, you can do whatever you want with it,
Starting point is 01:01:51 I'll do whatever I want with it, and you can both keep the interview, and we can both use it however we want to use it in the future. And just simple, keep it nice and easy and clean. So, yes, Susan, I should be in bed, but not gonna lie, I was working on a project, I got really excited, and I was going through it, and I should be in bed, but I'm not going to lie. Um, I was working on a project. I got really excited and I was going through it and I looked at Facebook live and I saw Nick and I wanted to do a little rant. And then now it's been an hour later. Anyway. All right, guys. Um,
Starting point is 01:02:14 I'm probably going to wrap it for tonight cause I've no idea if my kids are in bed yet. Um, so I probably should go check on them. I think they are, but, uh, you know how it is in the summertime sometimes. Um, anyway, I appreciate all you guys. Hope you're how it is in the summertime sometimes. Anyway, I appreciate all you guys. Hope you're enjoying this whole experience. You know, I'm not going to lie. I'm super jealous and envious of all you guys going through this. I still remember the very first time I was going through it. I remember times being so scared because I didn't have any money.
Starting point is 01:02:44 My wife was making nine 15 hour. I was making zero an hour. And I was like, I got to figure this out before I had money. Um, but we didn't like, it's, it's funny looking back at now because like, I was so stressed then worse. Now it's like, like worst case scenario, like we're going to become like, have more debt. Like, you know what I mean? Like I was so scared, but like it wasn't that big of a deal. Like nowadays things were way scarier. Like I have 340 employees, 340 families that rely on me not screwing up. Right. Um, then I've got like all the, all of you guys who I coach and try to inspire and mentor. And like, there's a lot of
Starting point is 01:03:19 stress nowadays. I'm like, man, I was just back in the day when I was trying to figure this stuff out. But I, I, I remember learning all these things and like having the aha's the very first time. Like I remember, I remember like, um, first time I got list building, like, like I really got it. And I was like, oh my gosh. Like it was just like the light bulb went off my head. And that was like, I remember like I had that and then I like, well, how do you, I didn't know how to build a list. And some of you guys know my spam store. I'm talking about like, I got into spam and it didn't work. And I found out how email autoresponders worked. And I was like, oh my gosh, this is so much easier.
Starting point is 01:03:48 And then each piece along the way, having these things and just, the joy of that discovery was so much fun. I really, really miss it. It gets harder and harder. It's harder and harder to find the new thing. And I totally miss that part of the game. It is really fun.
Starting point is 01:04:05 So hopefully you guys are enjoying the process. Um, you know, I know it's hard and frustrating and scary and all those kinds of things sometimes, but, um, and looking back on it, it's just like my wife and I always talk about like, um, you know, now money's not an issue. We have, you know, all those kinds of things we want, but like we, we talk about, do you remember when we were like completely broke in a 400 square foot apartment? And like, we literally had no money at all. I remember like one night we had no money for groceries and taking all her CDs that she spent a decade of her life collecting.
Starting point is 01:04:33 And we took them to the CD exchange store that gives like 30 bucks for like 100 CDs. And then taking that money to the grocery store and buying groceries. And it wasn't enough groceries for the week. And we're like, what are we going to do next week? I don't know. And like those times were so much fun.
Starting point is 01:04:50 And like, anyway, I just hope you guys enjoy the process. I know sometimes it can be stressful, but I promise you that after it clicks, it's like we talked about earlier. If you came on later, go back and listen to something. It's like it's pushing this boulder up a hill and it's hard and it's frustrating. It's hard to get there. But as soon as you get over the top, then it just takes off and it's fun. And I'd say for most of you guys over the tops, like 30,000 people on your list, like 30,000 people on your list. That's like the tipping point typically. And then, and the
Starting point is 01:05:17 next big one's a hundred thousand people on your list. But, but if you said that was the goal and like the site and like, that's where we're going, then it becomes possible. And it's just like how to be creative. How do we do it? What are the different ways? How can we come up with new ideas or new tweaks or different ways, new partners or different fun stuff? And then it's just doing it. So, yeah.
Starting point is 01:05:35 And Michael said it great down there in the comments. Don't quit. I promise you guys this stuff works. It takes a little while sometimes to go through the ups and the downs and the frustrations, the frustrations, those kinds of things. Um, but it's worth it. I promise you guys it's worth it. Um, it's worth it on a couple levels. It's worth it, um, for yourselves, like the, the money and that kind of thing is, is really, really cool. Like that's, that, that part's cool, but that, that wears out fast. Um, it's worth it from like the, from like the freedom security, like that kind of stuff's like awesome, but it's more worth it. Like when, from like the freedom security, like that kind of stuff's
Starting point is 01:06:05 like awesome, but it's more worth it. Like when you start seeing the people's lives you're serving and you see them have success, like, oh, that's so much cooler than I ever dreamt it was going to be. You know, I don't think most of getting an entrepreneurship, like I want to change somebody's life. Some of you guys do, some of you guys are more altruistic than me. Um, that wasn't my, my core motivation going into it. then after I tasted that I was like man that was really cool that was really cool so anyway keep doing it you guys
Starting point is 01:06:31 it works I promise you that you just gotta make sure you're focusing on the right things you know putting out a lot of stuff some funnels flop I was talking to my dad tonight earlier he's there in town right now and I was just like the interesting thing about this is that the market doesn't care about our feelings. Like the market doesn't care
Starting point is 01:06:47 you're in business. The market doesn't care that you spent the last six months killing yourself on saying the market doesn't care. The only thing the market cares about is itself. So first that's like frustrating, like screw you market. Like, don't you know who I am? But then it's like almost freeing. It's like, you know, if I, if I screw up, it's not my fault. Like the market just didn't want it. Like, what does the market actually want? Like, what if I stopped asking, like, what do I want to create? Start asking, what does the market want?
Starting point is 01:07:08 Like, what are they looking for right now? Like, what is the thing that they actually want? Like, that's when you start shifting to like, huh, let me start listening. Like, what is the market saying? And it's hard because the market's not a person. It's a group of people, right? But like, what are they saying collectively?
Starting point is 01:07:23 Start listening closer and then start reading their comments. I was talking to Brandon and Caitlin Pullen off Lady Boss when they were at last year's Circle meeting. And they said, you know what's fascinating is that we don't write our own copy anymore. We don't create our own products anymore. And they go, all we do is we go into our Facebook group and we just listen. And they tell us, they tell us the copy. They tell us what they want. They tell us what they, we just listen to the market right now. And so, you know, eventually you build up the list where you have your own list, you have your own following
Starting point is 01:07:49 and that's the voice you're listening to. But until you have that, you know, you gotta look at the market. So it's like, hey, where's that market congregating? Who's listening on? What forums? What groups?
Starting point is 01:07:58 What Facebook groups? Like getting into that and start listening, like listening to the market, trying to get your ears in tune with the market, like the pulse of what they're saying, what they're, what they're feeling, what their pains are, what their desires are. But if you start listening through those ears, um, like when you're in the Facebook groups or wherever it is, you're going to hear your market. Um, you'll start like, you'll start hearing it like, Oh, that's, that's the
Starting point is 01:08:21 frustration. That's the pain. That's the thing that we're missing. You know, it's been interesting. I can't announce these things yet, but the last six months or so, like listening to my market, to the ClickFunnels, to that market, I've definitely heard a lot and felt a lot. And you will be seeing over the next six months, that at first will make no logical sense.
Starting point is 01:08:47 And then when I write the book about it later, you'd be like, Oh my gosh, he heard. And so I'll make sure you guys for your markets, you're listening and just paying, paying attention because the market tells you what it wants. So if the offer doesn't convert, don't, don't be bad. That's not what the offer was. That's not what the market wants. What do they want? Let me find out. Let me pay attention and create what they're asking for. If you do that, that's the recipe for success. I remember one of the very first courses I went through was Frank Kern's Underachiever Method, which I ended up buying that course and the rights from him.
Starting point is 01:09:18 But the whole premise of the book was like, having success in business is three steps. Step number one, find a hot market. Step number two, ask them what they want. Step number three, give it to them. That's it. And you start looking at a business from that lens, it's like, oh my gosh, this is really easy. Find a hot market, ask them what they want,
Starting point is 01:09:35 give it to them. That's it. It's not, think of a really cool, unique product or service that's gonna be amazing, then create a funnel to force them to buy the thing and then go buy ads to go force the, you know, find people that'll buy the thing that you created that you love. Like no, find a hot market, ask them what they want and give it to them. Like that's it.
Starting point is 01:09:55 It becomes really, really simple that way. And if we're overcomplicating it, then like maybe stepping back a little bit, you know, all the other things are techniques to help make that process easier, but it, but it really, really is simple. Find a hot market. Okay. That's a market of people who are excited or passionate make that process easier, but it really is simple. Find out market. That's a market of people who are excited, who are passionate, who have money, who are looking for stuff. I still remember Joel Irway when he joined the Inner Circle three years ago. He was trying to sell to engineers how to increase your salary.
Starting point is 01:10:24 He tried everything on earth and like his webinar was good, his offer was good, everything was good and like nobody was gonna buy. And he's like, why is nobody buying? Finally, I was like, do you really wanna know why? Engineers are boring. Like they're nice people, but they're boring. They're not excited about buying.
Starting point is 01:10:41 They're not like, yeah, engineering, let's go spend some money on becoming a better engine. You've never heard that from any of them ever. What do you hear? The hot market is the market where people are like, oh, I must give money to somebody for something. If your market's not buying stuff from a lot of people right now, not a good market. So finding a hot market. And then, again, listening.
Starting point is 01:11:02 What do they want? Ask them what they want. And then creating that. Not what you want, again, listening. What do they want? Ask them what they want. And then creating that. Not what you want, but they want. And I can't tell you how many failed funnels I've had of me creating my big idea that the market didn't want. I've had features inside of ClickFunnels that crashed because I created what I wanted, not what the market wanted. So it comes back to that.
Starting point is 01:11:23 Yeah, Nick said, that's where my course came from. I kept getting asked that, so I created it. Boom, you got it. That's the game plan. So now you kept getting assets, so I created it. Boom, you got it. That's the game plan. So now you know that. Now it's like, okay, now we got it. Now, Scott, let's start getting that market. Start earning the ground, building it up.
Starting point is 01:11:38 All right, guys, I'm going to bounce. Thanks so much for everything. Hope you guys are all doing good. And if you don't have your ticket yet to unlock Secrets event, come on now, what are you waiting for? I'm killing myself on these slides and this presentation, and it gonna be so good uh it's gonna be fun so i appreciate you all have a great night and we'll talk to you soon bye everybody would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually doing each day to grow our company if so then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes reality tv show
Starting point is 01:12:01 at

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