Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - We Are Funnel Hackers And These Are Our Stories - Part 1 of 3
Episode Date: January 21, 2019On this special episode we will hear part one of Russell's first presentation at Funnel Hacking Live 2018. Here are some of the inspirational things you will hear in today's episode: Hear stories of... other funnel hackers in the community and some of the things they have done. Hear a little of Russell's story and how Clickfunnels came to fruition. And be introduced to Todd Dickerson, Clickfunnels co-founder and Russell's business partner, and hear some of the stats of Clickfunnels and it's members. So listen here to hear part one of this very special three part presentation from Funnel Hacking Live 2018. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
I hope you enjoyed the last few episodes. We brought in one of my favorite presentations
from Funnel Hacking Live number two, where Sean Stevenson came and talked about all his
amazing stuff, insecurities and finding people. I hope you loved it as much as I did.
With that said, right now I am cramming for the 10X event. I'm going to be speaking in
front of 35,000 people
in like 10 days. And then right after that, we've got Funnel Hacking Live coming up where we've got
4,000 people. Anyway, so my life is a little bit hectic and crazy as you can probably tell. So
because of that, I thought let's bring back another amazing presentation from one of our
past Funnel Hacking Lives to share with you while I am prepping for Funnel Hacking Live. And I'm
sure I will be slipping in a couple more really fun episodes as I'm planning and
preparing and probably post 10X event to kind of give you guys an update.
But I didn't want the podcast to slow down.
So what I'm going to give you now actually is my very first presentation from last year's
Funnel Hacking Live event.
For those who were there, I hope you loved it.
And those who weren't there, this should hopefully tease you and get you excited about coming
to Funnel Hacking Live.
So if you haven't got your tickets yet, we're probably sold out by the time you hear this. If
not, we will be sold out very, very soon. You got to go to to get tickets.
But this whole presentation is one with the event happened at Disney World. And so I talked a lot
about Walt Disney and share some really cool stories from him. I talk about value ladder.
I talk about the three phases of a company going, you know,
phase one, figuring out the what and how, phase two and phase three. I'm not going to ruin the
surprise for you. Anyway, a lot of fun. So I hope you guys enjoy this. We'll break this up over the
next couple of days. But I hope you enjoyed these episodes and it gets you excited for Fun Hacking
Live. For those who are coming, cannot wait to see you. For those who aren't coming, this should
push you over the edge. Go get your tickets, Thanks so much. With that said, let's queue up the intro and then we'll
start with the next presentation. So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us
who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets.
How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that
we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the
answer. My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Oh man, you guys excited for this? I was in my room and I could feel you guys screaming and shouting when
the doors opened. It was amazing. Thank you guys so much for coming here. I am insanely excited. We
have killed ourselves over the last few months putting this together and I'm so excited to be
here today with all of you guys here at Disney World. Now to kick this off, this year's theme
is a little bit different than last year's. So
hopefully all you guys got your t-shirts yesterday. And we made a really cool video that I want to
show you guys that'll kind of introduce this year's theme and what we're trying to do. So I'm
going to cue this video right now. Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels.
The troublemakers.
The round pegs in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
They're not fond of rules.
And they have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them.
Disagree with them.
Glorify or vilify them.
About the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some might see them as the crazy ones,
we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world are the ones who do.
Thank you.
It's pretty special.
When we were planning this event last year, we thought,
how cool would it be to go to Disney and do this in Disney World?
There's so many amazing stories about their whole journey and how Walt Disney built this company.
And I was researching Disney and, like, studying him and his life before we came here, and I heard a really amazing story.
On Walt's deathbed, he was literally in a hospital.
He was about to pass away,
and this reporter wanted to interview him, and they kept getting pushed off and pushed off because
it wasn't well enough to do it. And finally, this reporter got the ability to come in and to
interview Walt, and he came and he started asking questions, and he couldn't understand a word that
Walt was saying. And so Walt motioned him and said, come here, come here. And so the reporter actually
laid down in the bed next to Walt Disney.
And he's laying there for 30 minutes and Walt was looking at the ceiling
showing this vision to this reporter
of this place that we're in today,
at Disney World.
And he started explaining,
this is where we're gonna do the restaurants
and the rides, this is where people are gonna come,
this is how it's gonna change their life.
And he sat there for 30 minutes.
So 30 minutes describing this place we're at today, five years before it was ever built.
Not only was he describing his vision, but he was describing his role that he would play in that
future, which is crazy from someone who's about to pass away. And I think for all of us, like,
as entrepreneurs, as people, as leaders, like, this is what I want all of us to be thinking
about this weekend. The way to live, to truly live, is to believe so much in your vision
and your mission that even on your deathbed, you're going to whisper it into another person's
ear to explain what your vision is who won't die without you. Now, what's interesting is five years
later, after Walt Disney passed away, they dedicated, they were opening up this place,
Disney World, and all this stuff was happening. Things were going crazy.
And one of the reporters actually came up to one of the main people at Walt Disney, in charge of Disney, and said to him,
said, man, it's a shame that Walt couldn't have lived to see this moment.
And this person looked back at the reporter and said, you don't understand.
He said, we did see it.
He did see it.
And that's why we're here today.
And when I heard that story, I was just like, oh, how powerful is that?
How many of us have a vision, and we just like know that no matter what happens, we have to get out there.
We have to do whatever it takes.
I guess that's why most of you guys are here today, which is really fun.
This is one of my favorite Walt Disney quotes.
Have any of you guys seen the movie Meet the Robinsons?
If you have kids, you've probably seen it.
If not, it's one of my favorite movies.
At the very end of the movie, they share a quote.
And it said, around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long.
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things because we're curious.
And curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.
And that's what entrepreneurship's all about.
That's what we're doing.
Every day, we have a chance to wake up and figure out what we're going to create, what we're going to make,
whose lives are we going to, like whose
lives are we going to change, which is like the most exciting thing in the world. Now in this room
right now, we've got about 3,000 of you guys and every one of you guys have a different story. And
I wanted to share a couple of the stories here. I wish I could share everybody's story, but we'd be
here for like six months. But there's a couple of stories I wanted to share that had a huge impact
in me over the last six months to a year as we're building ClickFunnels. We hear these stories of people
coming in, and they have emotional impacts on us. I hear the story in our team meetings with our
entire company. I tell everyone the story, because I don't want anyone in our company ever feeling
like we are a software company. As soon as we believe we're a software company, we become like
every other software company, and we become boring and bland, and you crazy people don't run through
the door screaming like you did earlier today, right? We're more than that. We're changing people's
lives, and so when we hear these stories, like I love sharing with everyone on my team, and I
want to share a couple with you guys today. So this one right here, first off, is Paul and Stacy.
You guys here, can you stand up? Let's give them a round of applause.
So I had a chance to meet these guys a few months ago.
They came to Boise, Idaho, the greatest place on earth.
And while they were there, I met them really briefly,
and I had a chance, after they went to the first event,
they signed up for one of our hiring coaching programs,
and they stayed for like another couple days.
And I didn't know much about what they did or who they were,
and then they got on stage in our little office,
and they shared their mission, what they were doing.
And they told their story.
And most of us, most of our businesses are built out of something painful in the past,
Something happened that we didn't like that made us cause a change, which then made us
create something, which now gives us the ability to help and serve other people, right?
The wounds we have are typically the wounds we heal from other people.
And Stacey and Paul, they were telling their story about how, I think it was like 18, 19
years ago, they were in a relationship, and the relationship started to break.
And it was horrible.
It was a horrible thing.
And Stacy realized that to save this relationship, she had to change.
It wasn't like I had to change him like most people do in a relationship.
She's like, it's me.
I have to change this if we're going to work.
And so she did the most difficult thing that human beings can do, and she changed.
And because of that, they ended up making an amazing relationship and a marriage.
And over the last 15 years of their life, they've helped
over 10,000 couples
to save their marriage. And bring back
the Spargen more, 10,000 more. Yeah, give them a round
of applause.
One of my goals for this entire event
is hopefully to give them one or two little
ideas so they can help 10,000 more, 20,000 more, 100,000 more.
At the end of the last event, her webinar, she was telling me,
converting at 0.5%, is this right?
One half of 1%.
What was your last webinar convert at?
Woo, 28.5%.
That's amazing.
That's why we do what we do.
Next I want to share, this is Annie Grace.
Is Annie in the audience?
Yeah, there's Annie right here.
Give her a round of applause as well.
So Annie came to this event last year.
That was your first Funnel Hacking Live, right?
She came last year, and she was on a mission.
So her backstory, she was in corporate America,
and the job that she had, they basically told her, like, hey, you need to be able to socially drink.
That's how it works.
If you want to raise up in the corporations, you've got to be part of this.
And so she was going on these business trips, and she was drinking.
And eventually, she kept drinking and drinking to the point where she became addicted to it.
Alcohol is very addictive.
And after a couple years, she realized, like, this is not the way I want to live my life anymore.
This is not how things are supposed to be.
And so she decided to try to break the chains of alcohol addiction. And for anyone who's ever tried that process,
you know it's not a simple thing. And she didn't want to go to AA and other things like that,
so she figured, I got to figure out a different way to do this. And she went through a journey
for 18 months figuring out how to break herself from the chains of alcohol addiction. And then
she did. And then she could have just left right there and be like, okay, cool, I'm fixed. But she
said, no, like, this is something now I need to help other people with. And so she went out there with this message to go share with other people.
And as I asked her the other day, like, give me some impact numbers.
What's happened in the last year or so?
So over 50,000 people are now in our online communities doing a 30-day alcohol experiment,
helping themselves to break the chains of alcohol addiction.
Is that amazing?
If you think about that, all these numbers are amazing.
50,000 people are amazing.
But think about each of those people, there's a family, and there's kids, and there's other relationships.
And the ripple effect that grows from it is amazing.
Next one I want to share is from Pamela.
Pamela, where are you at?
Let's give Pamela a round of applause.
So Pamela is actually going to be on Dr. Oz Thursday, right?
So we gave her a pass to skip whatever session so she can watch herself on TV.
It's kind of a big deal.
But I met Pamela last year as well.
She came to one of our events.
And at first I didn't know what she did.
And then, like, she came back and she did a little presentation to our group.
And she told her story.
And within about 15 minutes, all of us were crying our eyes out.
What Pamela does, she's a doctor. And when she was going through medical school, medical school is tough.
I've never went through it, but it's a difficult process.
And she was telling me the other day that she was actually at a funeral for the eighth or ninth suicide victim, Dr. Suicide, one of her friends.
And at times, she's like, I have to fix this.
And so she started a suicide hotline. And I don't know if you guys knew this,
doctors have the highest suicide rate of any profession, almost double the number two if I'm correct.
And there's no one out there helping them, no one's talking to them.
So she spent the last three years filming a documentary, she's been out there writing books,
she's written two different books talking about this thing.
She has a hotline for doctors calling. She runs retreats,
and she's literally saved hundreds of doctors' lives. But on top of that, each of these doctors'
lives who she's saved, each of them are able to impact thousands and tens of thousands of patients
on top of that, which is amazing. And I love Pamela and her story. She's such an amazing person.
The funniest thing she told me on the message, she's like, hey, before ClickFunnels, I didn't
dare to take payments online, so I made people mail me checks in the mail to try to change
their lives.
Now, she's like, I can get people to give me money online, and we can actually help
them, and it's growing very, very fast.
So she's going to be at Dr. Oz this week, and she's going to impact millions more lives,
which is the coolest thing in the world.
So grateful for her.
And like I said, there's so many stories.
One last story I want to share with you guys, because we're going to be talking about this
actually a lot today. This is Tim Ballard. I don't know if Tim's so many stories. One last story I want to share with you guys because we're going to be talking about this actually a lot today.
This is Tim Ballard.
I don't know if Tim's in the room right now.
He may not be.
So Tim runs an organization called Operation Underground Railroad.
Who here has ever heard of Operation Underground Railroad?
Very cool.
So this is a mission I've gotten behind a lot in the last six or so months.
Tim goes to the darkest, most evil spots in this planet and goes and finds kids and takes them and rescues them from a hell that they can't escape by themselves.
In the last few years, he's saved over 1,000 children.
He's helped the rest, over 433 traffickers,
and it's growing from there.
Now, tonight, you guys are going to have a really cool opportunity.
So at about 5 o'clock tonight, I'm actually going to bring him on stage and also another guest.
We spent the last few months actually filming a documentary.
And him and Nick Nanton is going to come up here.
And Nick and his team actually went down to Haiti during these raids,
strapped GoPro cameras on their heads and on their guns,
and went and actually saved kids and filmed a documentary.
And so at 5 o'clock, we're going to show you the trailer of that documentary.
You're going to have a chance to meet Tim and meet Nick.
And then we're going to have a break where we do this vendor speed dating,
which is going to be a ton of fun.
We're paying for dinner for everyone tonight.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
And then after that, for those who would like to,
we're actually going to be showing the entire documentary.
It's 85 minutes long, and you're going to have a chance to see what's happening in the world.
And not only see it, my goal is from this event, I want to make an impact.
Not a little impact. I want to make
a huge impact. We're going to save a lot
of kids' lives during the next four days.
And then I'm going to ask for all of your guys'
help on
Saturday, after Tony Robbins talks to you all,
we're going to talk about how we can take this
and this darkness, this evil,
if you look at how slavery
was broken back in the times of Abraham Lincoln,
the way it was destroyed was people shone a light on it.
What I want us to do as funnel hackers, I want to shine the biggest light possible on this problem
so that the cockroaches in the room have to scurry away and disappear.
And we're going to disrupt this and make a lot of noise.
And I need all your guys' help today.
You guys okay with that?
All right. So there's four of the 3,000 plus stories in this room, you guys,
and that's the reason why we do what we do. That's why our team is so obsessed with making the
software better, with training, with making you guys better at what you do, because I know that
every single one of you guys are not going to change one person's life. You're going to change
hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands, and that's why we do this. So my question for you
guys, I want you to think about it now, is what's your vision? Why are you here? Why did you jump
in a plane? Some of you guys got stuck in tornado warnings for hours, flying around in circles,
trying to get here. Like, what is your vision? Why are you here? What are you guys trying to create?
Who are the people that you want to serve? Because that's the key to business. As soon as, for me, and I don't know about you guys, but for me, when I started shifting my focus from, like, how can I make money, how can I make money, to, like, these questions.
Who's my mission?
What am I trying to create?
Who can I serve?
That's when the money came.
But that was the shift.
And so I want you to think about this entire week.
Like, what's your vision?
What are you trying to create?
Who do you want to serve?
And, again, this is the quote.
This is the quote, the
theme for this entire weekend.
Here's to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels,
the troublemakers. That's all of you guys.
The round pegs in the
square, the round pegs in the square holes,
the ones who see things differently. They're not quite fond
of the rules. They have no respect for the status quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or
vilify them, but the only thing you can't do
is ignore them. Because they change things and they push the human race forward. And while some of you may see them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can't do is ignore them.
Because they change things, and they push the human race forward.
And while some of you may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.
And I love that.
And for those of you guys, some of you guys are kind of new to our culture.
How many of you guys are kind of new to our culture.
How many of you guys are kind of more new to this whole world?
For those of you guys who aren't quite sure, like, what is your vision?
What's your mission?
Like, who has no idea?
Like, I'm here.
I don't really know what I'm doing.
I'm just excited.
How many of you guys are that?
So for you guys, that's okay.
I want to share with you, this is one of my favorite quotes of all time from Winston Churchill.
Winston said, to each there comes in a lifetime that special moment when they will be figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offer the chance to do a very special thing unique to them and fitted to their talents.
It's true for all of you guys.
God didn't put you on this earth just to walk around.
There's a purpose for all of you guys here.
You're here training.
You're learning.
You're trying to understand that.
And that's why I'm so grateful for you guys making the effort to be here.
We have a lot of ClickFunnels members. Five percent of you are here.. You're learning. You're trying to understand that. And that's why I'm so grateful for you guys making the effort to be here. We have a lot of ClickFunnels members.
5% of you are here.
The rest aren't.
You guys are the ones that are here that are trying to make the biggest change and the biggest impact.
The quote goes on.
It says, what a tragedy at that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.
A lot of you guys don't know what that is yet.
I didn't know what it was for me for years, for decades.
And the more I move forward, the more I keep finding out, like, what's the mission?
What am I supposed to do?
I don't know what it is.
I'm just running forward as fast as I can.
And so don't be nervous if you're not sure yet.
Just know you're in the right spot.
You're around a whole bunch of people
who are here to help serve you.
Just keep running forward and you'll find it.
You'll find those things that you can do
and eventually it'll come to you
and you're gonna be like, this is my thing.
This is what I was created to do.
And you'll find that out.
So I'm gonna talk really quick
about the vision for ClickFunnels, okay? Now that I kind of challenged you guys think about your vision. I want to share my vision.
So ClickFunnels was created with a goal. Our goal was to free all entrepreneurs so they could
share their gifts with the world. I honestly believe the entrepreneurs are the only people
that can actually change this planet. I don't think it's politicians. I don't think it's government.
I think it's entrepreneurs. We're the ones that are crazy enough to go out there and try to change things, right? You guys agree with
that? Yeah. So that's our mission. We want to free all entrepreneurs so that you guys can focus on
changing your customers' lives. That's our goal. Now, I want to actually introduce a special friend
and a partner. And before I bring him up, I want to kind of tell a quick story. So
this is my co-founder and my business partner, Todd Dickerson. And a lot of times I'm the one
on stage jumping around like a dancing monkey and people know who I am. They're like, Russell,
you created ClickFunnels. And I'm like, I didn't create, I don't know how to code. I hate to break
that to you guys who didn't know that. All I know is that when we had this vision, this wasn't a
unique thing. I was not the very first person to say,
we should build a platform
where people can do all their entire business on it.
Many people have tried over and over and over again.
I had tried three times myself in the past and failed.
It wasn't until I met Todd,
and we were sitting there in a room one day,
and we started mapping out this vision once again
for the fourth time,
and Todd said, I can do that.
I was like, everyone's tried it.
I don't know if we can.
He's like, no, I can do that.
I can do it.
And so we mapped out the vision in Boise, Idaho, in front of a whiteboard, in our little
tiny office at the time.
He jumped in a plane.
He flew back home.
He spent the next six, eight months of his life in a room coding what became ClickFunnels.
And this was not like the easiest thing in the world, as you can imagine.
Most companies that we're competing against have dev teams of 80 to 90 people.
We've got a Todd.
And Todd built the initial ClickFunnels. And he's one of the most amazing human
beings I've ever met in my life. And so what I want
you guys to do, I want everyone to stand up
and give Todd Dickerson a huge round of applause
as he comes up on stage.
I'll catch a grenade for ya.
Throw my hand on a blade for ya.
I'll jump in front of a tree, oh yeah.
You know I do it in the rain, oh yeah.
What's up, funnel hackers?
I would go through all this pain
to stay through my pain.
What's up, everybody?
This is Russell Brunson.
I've got something really cool for you today
from my friend Taylor Wells. Taylor spoke at our last Funnel Hacking Live because I wanted him to
share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method. And today he decided
to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy that you are
going to love. It's something we've been implementing into our high-end coaching program as well,
and it is amazing. But to kind of give you some context about this offer he's making for you guys,
as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JPMorgan Chase did a study, and guess what they found?
They found that the average small business only has about 28 days of operating expenses in reserve.
That's right, less than a month of cash on hands.
Now, if you're like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop.
Am I right?
Especially with how the economy's been lately.
It's not the time to be gambling with your finances.
So, Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method,
and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine. We're
not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable
income for the long haul. Now here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome
exclusive deal just for you guys, my Marketing Secrets listeners. And if you go over to slash secrets, you can grab the revolving price method book and over $150
worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this,
you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability,
this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to
slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue. Again, that's slash secrets. Do not miss
out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson, and I want to jump in really quick to share with you a new
assessment I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know I'm obsessed with personality profiles
and assessments, but this one is different because not only does it help you understand yourself,
but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our
employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the
bus so they can get more stuff done. I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni,
talking specifically about this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the
Working Genius is awesome. Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because
I was so excited for the new assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it
done. Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately. Uh, I took it for myself. I had
my team take it. And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's
working geniuses are. And that's important because if you're building a team or a company,
you got to figure out, make sure that you have first off the right people, but make sure the
right people are sitting in the right seats on the bus. And this is what this assessment will
teach you how to do. Now, normally this assessment,
you can go to
and there's two Gs in the middle,
But I got you a 20% discount on the assessment,
which is only $25.
So don't stress, it's not an expensive test at all.
But you get a 20% discount off
when you put in the keyword secrets at checkout.
So go to
Again, two Gs, working genius,
two Gs in the middle,
And then use promo code SECRETS, S-E-C-R-E-T-S
at checkout, get 25% off.
But then we'll take the test.
Again, it takes you 10 minutes,
but even in a 10 minute session,
you will get something that is so insanely valuable
to help you understand yourself,
to make sure you're working in a spot
that's gonna give you the most joy, number one.
But then number two, it's gonna make sure
that you are with your teams, getting them in the right seats as well.
So anyway, I love this assessment.
Go check it out at and enter the promo code SECRETS for 20% discount.
Take this test for yourself and for your team, and I promise you it will change the working dynamics amongst everybody and help your company to grow.
This is such an honor for me to be on stage with Todd.
This is like the coolest thing in the world. So just so you guys know, September 23rd, 2004 was the day that my life and Todd's life and all of your lives changed
forever. That was the day that he clicked live and ClickFunnels actually launched, actually went
live. Now this is obviously a lot of work on his end prior to that to get to that point. But do
you want to talk about what's happened in the last couple of years since we've gone live? Oh my gosh.
Well, of course, our original expectations was we were going to have
10,000 members week one. It ended up taking us about one year to get there though. So year one,
we ended up with 10,000 people. And then year two, we actually rolled up, we hit 20,000. Year three,
we went crazy, 50,000. Woo! Yeah, yeah.
That's awesome.
Well, today I pulled the latest stats.
This morning, as of this morning,
we have 60,000 plus active members.
Absolutely insane.
That is amazing.
I got another awesome stat for you guys, though.
So this is insane, right?
You guys have officially joined the Three Comma Club as a group,
processed over a billion dollars through ClickFunnels that we can track.
That's not even everything.
We can't even track everything.
So it's pretty crazy.
That's a billionth of B.
I want to put this in perspective for you guys, okay?
Now, I'm not that good at geography and math and all that kind of stuff, but there are 15 other countries whose GDP is not as high as that.
What that means is that if ClickFunnels was a country
and we were the people of FunnelHackers,
we have a higher GDP than 15 other countries here on planet Earth.
That's awesome.
And Todd's going to run for president of that country.
It's going to be amazing.
ClickFunnels Island. Now, a couple other amazing things about you guys
what you guys have accomplished in the last few years
258 of you so far have joined the Two Comma Club
Where's my Two Comma Club? Stand up here
Stand up real quick so everyone can see them
That's awesome
I want everyone to look around these are your peers That's awesome.
I want everyone to look around.
These are your peers.
Some of these people were in this room last year thinking the same thing like,
holy cow, that guy made a two comic club award
and now he's sitting next to me.
It's amazing.
All right, you guys can sit down.
And then we've got a new award.
We're going to announce the new awards
coming out this year.
So we're going to announce this for the first time ever.
We have just created the eight-figure award.
17 people have qualified for it to this point.
17 of you.
Is that amazing?
For $10 million with ClickFunnels.
Where's our eight-figure winners?
Can we stand up?
That's amazing.
So like last year before the event, before we launched the Comic Club Award,
I told Dave, I'm like, can you pull the stats and see how many people won the Comic Club?
I'm like, I'm guessing it's probably 15, 20 people or so that made a million dollars in ClickFunnels.
I think last year it was 93.
Now we're at 200 and what would we say, 58?
And this year, 17 have made
over 10 million dollars in a funnel, and there's people who
are encroaching upon the nine-figure one, so we've got to
go make another award for next year. But there's people
that are getting close. The four-minute mile, you guys,
just so you know, has been broken, and then it got broken again,
and it's about to get broken again. So for all you guys who are sitting
here wondering, like, these are the people
who have done it. Grab them during the breaks.
Ask them questions.
It's possible.
We're seeing it happen all the time,
so don't dismiss it.
It's true.
It's real.
You can do it.
This is insane.
So, again, our mission for ClickFunnels is this,
is to help free all entrepreneurs
so you guys can focus on changing the lives
of your customers.
With that said, let's all give Todd
a huge round of applause.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
So tomorrow
we're going to be bringing, or not tomorrow, Friday, we're going to be
bringing up all the Two Comma Club winners and awarding their
trophies as well as the
new ones. And so I want to make sure you guys are all in for that.
I promise you, if you're in the room and you watch
that, it's going to be something that's going to change
your life because you'll be like, that's my new goal.
If you're the Two Comma Club, your next goal is for X. If you're just beginning, it's going to be Two Comma Club to change your life because you'll be like, that's my new goal. Like if you're the two comma club, you're going to be, next goal is for X.
If you're at just beginning, it's going to be two comma club.
And I want you guys to see that and see all the people that are doing it.
Because for me, as soon as I realized it was possible, I was able to do it.
And I want you guys all to see that it's possible and it's happening every single day.
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