Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - What "Being Coachable" Actually Looks Like

Episode Date: April 12, 2021

Let me show you what life’s most important skill looks like. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 Join my newsletter at ---Transcript--- What's up everybod...y, this is Russell Brunson and welcome back to the Marketing Secrets podcast, I hope you guys are pumped today. Today, I'm going to talk to you guys about some crazy stuff I'm doing right now and I want you understand the secret behind what I think is probably the most important skillset you can possibly learn during this life and that is how to be coachable. All right, all right. So, I am... it's late night and I'm actually driving to go get my son from one of his friend's houses and I got, it's probably 10-minute drive so it's like, I would jump out and hang out with you guys while we're going. And I am at the end of day number one of a water fast. Yes, a water fast. I'm literally going to drink nothing but water for the next five days. I think some of you guys are rolling your eyes and you think I'm insane. I know this because I posted on Instagram today and I got thousands of messages coming back to me, from everybody telling me why I'm dumb, why I'm smart and about a million things in between. But that doesn't matter to me because I'm doing it for a purpose and a reason and I'll explain why here in a second. But before I do, I want to talk about what I think is one of the most, maybe not want of the, but probably the most important skillset you can learn in this life. And I don't know how I was blessed with it and I didn't even know I had it until I remember my ... it was actually my sophomore year in high school and I joined this freestyle wrestling team and the team was called Elite and I was probably the worst kid to join Elite. Somehow my dad got me in and it was all these guys who were amazing at wrestling. It was a private club for these guys and they all, "I'm sure you'll get better." I was in this group and I was having so much fun being around these guys who were amazing. I've seen them winning all these big tournaments and everything. And so, I remember going to one of our tournaments, wrestlers tournament and I don't remember exactly how, but I just remember a wrestlers match and I lost. And the coach pulled me off side and it was Greg Williams, he's now actually the Head Wrestling Coach at UVU, but he was my freestyle wrestling coach in this little club we were in. And I remember he pulled me off side he said, "Hey Russell, this is what you're doing wrong." And just like a normal coach, he walks you through to two, three or four things. I was like, "Okay." And so, I paid attention, I listened and in the next match, went through I wrestled and I did the things that he told me to do. Surprise, surprise, right? So, I did the things like I literally just ... he told me to do something so I did. And I remember the next match I won, I came off the mat, he looked at me kind of strange, I said, "What?" He said, "You're one of the most coachable athletes I've ever met." I'm like, "What do you mean?" He's like, "Most kids I tell them what to do over and over and over and over and over again before it ever sticks." He's like, "I told you what to do and you went in the next match and then you just did it." And he said, "You're one of the most coachable athletes I've ever met." And I remember hearing him say that I was like, "Oh my gosh, that's so cool." And so then, became part of my identity, I'm coachable. My coach tells me something, I'm not going to be skeptical, I'm not going to talk back, I'm going to shut my mouth, I'm going to listen, I'm going to just do what he says. He's my coach, he knows more than I do so I'm going to become as coachable as humanly possible. And over the next eight years of my wrestling career, I think that's why I succeeded at high levels because I was so coachable. Same thing is true for me when I started business. I would come in and I would hire a coach or I would read a book and whatever the book said, I would just follow it, I just did the thing. And long and behold, I became successful because of it. And it's been interesting as I've been on the other side of this now and I've had a chance to coach tons of people and help people. It's interesting how few or how uncoachable most people are. They want to come back and tell you their opinion and why they think they're right and why this and why that and it's just like, "Why would you do that? You hired me to be your coach." It's like, "You literally paid me to teach you this thing and now you're fighting me." It doesn't make any sense to me. I hire somebody as a coach or someone I paid, I just I do what they say. I remember actually, I'm in the middle of my fourth book right now, which has been a fun project to start on. I'm not telling too many details about it yet but there's this one quote in here and it was actually from my friend and he wrote the article about his morning routine and it was so funny. And he's just like talking about all the things he does and how crazy they are and one of the things that he mentioned, I can't remember what it was, it was something weird. And he's like, "Why do I do that?" He's like, "Because Tony Robbins told me so." He said, "I obey all giants with helicopters and stage presence." I thought it was so funny. I was like, "Yes, that's how I am. I obey all giants with helicopters and stage presence. I obey all people who I hire, all coaches, all people who I want to learn from, I obey them, I listen to them, I ask them their advice and then I just do the thing they said." It's the weirdest thing in the world. We recently here at ClickFunnels had a chance to meet with this dude, who's literally one of the smartest students I've ever met. And we were lucky enough he sat down for four hours, four or five hours with us and walked us through. Looking at our business like, "Hey, I would do this, I would do this," and he gives us all these things to do. And so me and Dave Woodward were just taking notes as fast as we can and all the things and just like, "Oh my gosh, this guy's amazing." I remember we got done with the day, it ended and he messaged us a couple of weeks later, two or three weeks later, he's like, "Hey, you want to jump on a call and go over the stuff again?" Like, "What do you mean?" He's like, "Well, do you want to go over the stuff we talked about and figure out ways to start implementing?" Like, "No, you understand you don't know how we work. We're implementing everything you said, we literally," and we started going through the we did this, we did this, we did this," and the guy was like, "Oh my gosh," he's like, "I've never had somebody who just did what I told him to do like that before. Yeah, we're very, very coachable. We listen and then we'd do what you say." And so, that's key. So, I want to show it to you because that goes back to my water fast that I'm dealing with right now. So day number one's almost done. And the reason why I'm doing a water fast, actually there's two things. My dad was a insurance agent for State Farm Insurance. I remember that he would, obviously they sell auto insurance and health insurance and all the different, house insurance and things like that. But the one that was the hardest to sell was life insurance. And we were asking him, "Why is it so hard to sell life insurance?" And he said, "Because it's a preventative not a cure." After you get sick, you want life insurance. After you get sick… but it's hard because ahead of time you’re like, "Oh, I'm never going to be sick, I'm going to be fine." It's just like aspirin, no one wants to pre-buy aspirin but if you got a headache, you will give your right arm for some aspirin, right? It's the prevention versus a cure. People don't want to do the prevention and you see it right now, it's insane in our society. People are getting sick and all the problems and everyone will go and they want a magic cure for this thing. But nobody will go back to the root cause and like, "Hey, we're actually super unhealthy, we should change our diet and exercise." The fact that nobody on the news or on TV has mentioned that over the last 12 months is insane. Anyway, I'll get off that soap box in a minute but most people will not go for a preventative, how do you say it, preventative. You know what I'm saying? They wait for a cure though. And I'm not that way. I want to like, "What's a preventative ahead of time?" And so, one of my friends, he joined my inner circle a few years ago his name's Chris Wark and if you've heard of Chris before, he has or And he is someone who came down he had, I think stage three cancer and ended up curing himself from it naturally without any chemotherapy and all these other things. And then, he's gone on and help hundreds of other people on this journey as well. And he's just an amazing person. He spoke at Funnel Hacking Live one or two years ago and just have so much respect for him. But he came out with the book. And so, I don't have cancer but I was like, the book came out I was like, "I'm going to read this book," and so I bought the book and I listened to it and then he had a course, I bought the course, I went to the course. I'm like, "I'm going through all this stuff because I'm like, "Man, I don't want cancer." I can go wait until I got cancer and then I got to figure this stuff out or freak out or I can be like, "Hey, I don't want cancer. Let me preventatively figure out who's the dude or the lady who's already solved this problem, who's got the framework that fixes this problem and let me figure it out?" And what's crazy and again, I'm not an expert on this at all so don't take my opinion. But if you love someone who has cancer, you should go to If you have cancer, you should. If you don't want to have cancer, once again, you should still go there, you'd be insane not to. So anyway, I'm trying to think where I left off. Anyway, so I was like, "I don't want to have cancer," so I started going through all the stuff, started listening to him, learning from it. It's like, "This is amazing." Oh yeah, I was going to tell you, he says that only 5% of cancers are hereditary, 95% are based on things like your environment, your diet, your stress levels. It's crazy. So it's like, if we know these things, why aren't we talking about these things? Why is it not on TV every single day? When he talked about the first time he went in for, I think it was him or maybe someone else, the first time he went for a cancer thing, the doctor looks at everything and then, after he got out of the thing, gave him hospital food and it's just like junk food, garbage food. It's like, we know what causes these things, why don't we focus in that? But that's not sexy, there's no money in that. There's no money like, "Hey, you should eat healthier, you should exercise, you should change your diet, you should change your environment." And so, it doesn't get the attention it needs. But anyway, so for me, I'm someone who wants to look for a preventative, it's rare. I'd say 0.1% of people in the world search for preventatives. They're always just looking for cures. They wait until something bad happens, look for a cure. I'm trying to figure out how do I protect myself today so that I don't have to worry about that? Maybe I will still have to, who knows, but if I can protect myself, I can fortify myself against that problem, I'm going to do it. So, Chris became my coach, I'm like, "He's the dude, I'm going to go through it and I obey all giants with helicopters and stage presence." So for this situation, I obey Chris' work as he's cured himself of cancer, he's cured hundreds of other people like, "Okay, I obey all dudes who cured themselves of cancer when they tell me how to prevent myself from having cancer." So, I just listened to what he said, did it and I'm going through it. So, part of it is this five-day water fast. And it's interesting he talked about how your cells in your body, how there's cells that are weak, there's cells that are dead, there's cells are cancerous, all these sorts of stuff like that. He said, "In your immune system the same way," there's these weaker cells, I'm probably messing up, if Chris is listening to this he's probably rolling his eyes, but you should go buy all his stuff because he'll explain it way better than me. But basically, what happens is when you do a water fast, your body literally starts eating itself because it's like, "I need food or anything," it just starts eating yourself. We know that, that's how you lose weight. Your body starts eating the fat cells or whatever. But in this case, the cells that die, they go the first are the weakest ones. I think one of the analogy is someone shared with me, it might've been him he was like, "If you're out in a forest and there's all these pine needles and pine cones, all the stuff they do controlled burns like the light, those things on fires, it burns all that stuff, it doesn't catch the fields on fire but kills all the dead stuff underneath, that way you don't have problems in the future." It's the same thing here where you do these water fast and your body literally will eat all of these cancer cells and disease and all sorts of stuff. And so, I started learning about that, I got excited, JLD if you guys know John Lee Dumas from Entrepreneurs on Fire, he told me about another book that I read about water fasting and stuff like that. And so I'm like, "I'm all in, let's do this thing." And so, I started day number one of water fasting because I want to kill off these dead cells, I want to protect myself or I want to make myself stronger and heal myself. And so, I'm excited. And if someone who is insanely healthy and in great shape and not having any issues, but man, I don't want to have issues. And so, that's why I'm doing these things now. I think Chris said that he does his water fast once a quarter so I'm probably trying to figure out some way to incorporate that more often on top of a lot of the shifts in my diet that I've made because of listening to Chris and other geniuses. So anyway, I'm telling you this, because number one, I want to tell you that I practice what I preach. I am as coachable as they come, I try my best. I try to listen to what they say, my coaches say, even if I don't have the problem, if I want to protect myself from the future problem, I listen. And so for you, in all aspects of your life, be coachable. Be coachable in business, be coachable in sports, be coachable in health, find coaches, ask, you hire then pay them. Find someone who has already accomplished the thing that you want and then pay them, ask them for advice, get their framework and then go and just do it. And don't question it, don't try to be smarter. Just like, "All right, I may have heard this in the past, I don't care. But at this point in time, I'm giving you my money. Therefore, I will do anything you say. I'm not going to fight you, I'm not going to talk you back, I'm just going to do the thing you say." And then, don't do what most people do like, "Okay, cool," and listen and not do anything, just do it. When I say instantly execute on it, don't wait a day, a week, a month, a year. Now is the time. You gave him the money, now it's time to make the changes. So, hope that helps you guys. It is literally the most important skillset you can learn as being coachable. It's not hard, you just have to do what the person says that you're going to do. It's keeping commitments, it's making keeping commitments. And I think that as a society, we have problems that we can't make. If people will make commitments, then keep commitments and like, if you want to be successful, you got to make commitments and you got to keep them. And the same thing is you got to go out there and find the people, find the people that have what you want. Give them money, that's that's a commitment you're making to them and then follow the process to a T. So, hope it helps. I'm at my son's friend's house, I'm going to pick him up right now and hope you guys have a great night. Thanks again for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, any episode, please take a screenshot on your phone, tag me and post it on social and tag me and then, if you love your life and you want to extend your life, I would highly recommend going to Amazon, worst case scenario buy Chris Wark's books on cancer. They are amazing and best case go buy his courses, dive in because he's an amazing person who's figured it out. And man, if there's only 5% of cancers are hereditary, 95%, we can be protected from by just shifting some basic things. And water fast is one of a million things, he's got a ton of things, they're not hard, they're pretty cool and they're awesome. Anyway, it's worth it to you, to your family, the ones you love so check out Chris Wark as well. And with that said, I appreciate you all and I will talk to you all again soon. Bye everybody. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. I hope you guys are pumped today. Today, I'm gonna talk to you guys about some crazy stuff I'm doing right now, and I want you to understand the secret behind what I think is probably one of the most important skillsets
Starting point is 00:00:17 you can possibly learn during this life, and that is how to be coachable. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question and this podcast will give you the answer. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
Starting point is 00:00:51 All right, all right. So I am, it's late night. I'm actually driving to go get my son from one of his friend's houses, and I got probably a 10-minute drive. So I thought I would jump out and hang out with you guys while we're going. And I am at the end of day number one of a water fast. Yes, a water fast. I'm literally going to drink nothing but water for the next five days.
Starting point is 00:01:12 I think some of you guys are rolling your eyes. Some of you guys think I'm insane. I know this because I posted on Instagram today and I got thousands of messages coming back to me from everybody telling me why I'm dumb, why I'm smart, and about a million things in between. But that doesn't matter to me because I'm doing it me why I'm done, why I'm smart and about a million things in between. So, um, but that doesn't matter to me because, um, I'm doing it for a purpose and a reason and I'll explain why here in a second. But before I do, I want to talk about what I think is one of the most, not maybe not
Starting point is 00:01:36 one of, but probably the most important skillset you can learn, um, in this life. And I don't know how I, how I was blessed with it. And I didn't even know I had it until I remember, um, my, um, it was after my sophomore year in high school and I joined this, uh, freestyle wrestling team and the team was called the elite. And I was probably the worst kid to join you lead. Somehow my dad got me in and it was all these guys who were amazing at wrestling. It was a private club for these guys now, you know, up till you get better. And I was in this group and I was like having so much fun, like being around these guys that, you know, who are amazing. I've seen them on, you guys and they all helped each other get better. I was in this group and I was having so much fun being around these guys who were amazing. I've seen them winning all these big tournaments and everything. I remember going to one of our tournaments,
Starting point is 00:02:16 a wrestlers tournament. I don't remember exactly what happened. I just remember I wrestled this match and I lost. The coach pulled me off the side. His name is Greg Williams. He's now actually the head wrestling coach at UVU. But he was my freestyle Greco coach of this little club we were in. And I remember he pulled me off the side. He said, hey, Russell, this is what you're doing wrong. And just like a normal coach does and walks you through three or four things. I was like, okay. And so I paid attention.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I listened. And then the next match went out there, I wrestled. And I did the things that he told me to do. Surprise, surprise, right? So I did the things. Like I literally just, you know, he told me to do something. So I did it. And I remember, uh, the next match I won, I came off the mat and he looked at me kind of strange. I said, what? And he said, he said, you were one of the most coachable athletes I've ever met. I'm like, what do you mean? He's like, most kids I tell them how to, I tell them what to do over and over and over and over and over again before it ever sticks. He's like, I told you what to do and you went next match and then you just did it.
Starting point is 00:03:07 And he said, you're one of the most coachable athletes I ever met. And I remember hearing him say that. I was like, oh my gosh, that's so cool. And so then it became like part of my identity. Like I'm coachable. Like my coach tells me something. I'm not going to, I'm not going to be skeptical. I'm not going to talk back.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I'm going to shut my mouth. I'm going to listen. I'm going to just do what he says. Like he's my coach. Like he knows more than I do. Right? So I just, I'm going to become as coachable as humanly possible. And, um, over the next, you know, eight years of my wrestling career, um, I think that's
Starting point is 00:03:32 why I succeeded at a high level is because I was so coachable. Uh, same thing that's true for me when I started business, like, um, I would come in and I would hire a coach or I would read a book and whatever the book said, I would just follow it. I would just, I just did the thing. And lo and behold, I became successful because of it. And it's been interesting as I've been on the other side of this now, and I've had a chance to coach tons of people and help people, you know, um, it's interesting how few or how uncoachable most people are. Um, they want to come back and
Starting point is 00:03:59 tell you their opinion and why they think they're right. And why this and why that? And it's just like, why would you do that? Like you hired me to be your coach. Like you literally paid me to teach you this thing and now you're fighting me. Like it doesn't make any sense to me. Like if I have someone who's a coach or someone I pay, like I just, I do what they say. I remember, actually I'm in the middle of my fourth book right now, which has been a fun project to start on. I'm not telling too many details about it yet, but, um, there's this one quote in there and, uh, it was actually from my friend and, uh,
Starting point is 00:04:29 he was, he wrote this article about his morning routine and it was, it was so funny. And he's just like talking about the things he does and how crazy they are. And, um, and, uh, and one of the, one of the things he mentioned, I can't remember what it was, but something weird. And he's like, you wonder why I do that? He's like, because Tony Robbins told me so. He said, I obey all giants with helicopters and stage presence. I thought it was so funny. I was like, yes, that's how I am. I obey all, all giants with helicopters and stage presence. I obey all people who I hire, all coaches, all people who I want to learn from. Um, I obey them. I listen to like, I asked them their advice and then I just do the thing they said. It's, it's the weirdest
Starting point is 00:05:03 thing in the world. Um, we recently here atFunnels, had a chance to meet with this dude who's literally one of the smartest dudes I've ever met. We were lucky enough that he sat down for four or five hours with us and walked us through. He was looking at our business like, hey, I would do this, I would do this, I would do this. He gave us all these things to do. Me and Dave, Woodward are taking notes as fast as we can on all the things. Just like, oh my gosh, this guy's amazing. And I remember we got done with the, with the day and ended and he messaged us like a couple of weeks later, two or three weeks later. He's like, Hey, you want to jump on a call and go over this stuff again?
Starting point is 00:05:33 Right. What do you mean? He's like, well, do you want to like go over the stuff we talked about and figure out ways to start implementing? Right. No, no, you don't understand. You don't know how we work. Like we're implementing everything you said. Like we literally, and we started going through this, we did this, we did this, we did this. And then all stuff. And the guy was like, Oh my gosh. He's like, I've never had somebody who just did what I told him to do like that before. Yeah. Like we're very, very coachable. Like we listen and then we do what you say. Um, and so that's kind of key. So I want to share with you because that goes back to my water fast that I'm dealing with right now. So day one, number one's almost done.
Starting point is 00:06:02 Um, and the reason why I do the water fast, actually there's, there's two things. Um, my dad was, uh, an insurance agent for state farm insurance. And I remember that, uh, he would, you know, obviously it's like auto insurance and, and, um, health insurance and all the different, you know, house insurance and things like that. Uh, but the one that was the hardest to sell was life insurance. I remember asking him, like, why is it so hard to sell life insurance? And he said, because it's, um, it's a preventative, not a cure, right? Like, like, um, you know, after you get sick, you want life insurance, right? After you get sick, but it's hard to have time.
Starting point is 00:06:36 Like, Oh, I'm never gonna be sick. I'm going to be fine. Um, it's just like aspirin. Like no one wants to pre-buy aspirin, but if you had a headache, like you will give your right arm for some aspirin, right? It's a prevention versus a cure. Like people don't want to do the prevention and you see it right now. Like it's insane in our society, right? Like, uh, people are getting sick and all the problems and everyone will go and they want, you know, a magic cure for this thing,
Starting point is 00:06:57 but nobody will go back to the root cause and like, Hey, we're actually super unhealthy. We should change our diet and our exercise. Like the fact that nobody on the news or on TV has mentioned that over the last 12 months is insane. Like, anyway, I'll get off that soapbox for a minute. But, but most people will not go for preventative, how do you say the word, preventative, you know what I'm saying? They just, they'll wait for a cure though. And I'm not that way. Like I want to like, what's the preventative ahead of time? And so one of my friends, he joined my inner circle a few years ago. His name is Chris Wark.
Starting point is 00:07:27 And, uh, he, if you, if you've heard of Chris before, he was, um, or And, uh, he is someone who came down and he had, I think, stage three cancer and he'd have cured himself from it naturally, uh, without doing chemotherapy and all these other things. And then he's gone on and helped, you know, hundreds of other people on this journey as well. And, uh, he's just an amazing person. He spoke of funnel hiking live, uh, one or two years ago and just, um, have so much respect for him, but he came out with the book. And so I don't have cancer. And, but I was like, the book
Starting point is 00:07:56 came out. I was like, I'm going to, I'm going to read this book. And so, um, I bought the book and I listened to it. Right. And then he had a course. I bought the course. I went through the course. I'm like, I'm going through all this stuff. Cause I'm like, man, I don't want cancer. Like I can go wait until I got cancer. Then be like, Oh, I got to figure this stuff out. I like freak out. Or I could be like, Hey, I don't want cancer. Let me preventatively figure out who's the dude or the lady who's already solved this
Starting point is 00:08:16 problem. Who's got the framework that fixes this problem. And let me figure it out. And what's crazy, like, and again, I'm not an expert on this at all. So don't, you know so don't take my opinion. But if you love someone who has cancer, you should go to If you have cancer, you should. If you don't want to have cancer, once again, you should still go there.
Starting point is 00:08:35 You'd be insane not to. So anyway, I'm trying to think where I left off. So anyway, I was like, I don't want to have cancer. So I started going through all this stuff and started listening to it and learning from it. It's like, this is amazing. Oh yeah. I was going to tell you like what he says that only 5% of cancers are hereditary. 95% are based on, um, on things like your environment, your diet, like your stress levels, um, like things that it's, it's crazy. So it's like, if we know these things, why aren't we talking about these things? Like why isn't on TV every single day? Why is this not, but it's not like, um, he talked about the first time he went in for i think it was him or maybe
Starting point is 00:09:09 someone else the first time i went for a cancer thing uh you know the doctor like looked at everything and then you know uh after he got out of got out of the the thing like gave them hospital food and it's just like junk food like garbage food it's like like we know what causes these things like why don't we why don't we focus on that but that stuff's not sexy there's just like junk food, like garbage food. And it's like, like we know what causes these things. Like, why don't we, why don't we focus on that? But that stuff's not sexy. There's no money in that, right? There's no money. Like, Hey, you should eat healthier. You should exercise. You should change your diet. You should change your environment. Right. And so it doesn't get, it doesn't get the attention it needs. But anyway, so for me, I'm someone who wants to look for a preventative. Um, it's rare. Like I'd say 0.0% of, Oh, 1% of people in the world search for
Starting point is 00:09:43 preventatives. They always just looking for cures, right? They wait until something bad happens. Look for a cure. I'm trying to like figure out like, how do I protect myself today so that I don't have to worry about that? And maybe I will still have to, who knows? But if I can protect myself, if I can fortify myself against that problem, like I'm going to do it. So Chris became my coach.
Starting point is 00:09:56 I'm like, he's the dude. I'm going to go through it. And, um, uh, you know, I obey all giants with, with helicopters and stage presence. So for in this situation, I obey Chris work as he saw, he's cured himself of cancer. He's cured hundreds of other people. Like, okay. Um, I obey all dudes who have cured himself of cancer when they tell me how to like prevent myself from having cancer.
Starting point is 00:10:13 So I just listened to what he said, did it. And, um, and I'm going through it. So part of it was this five day water fast. And it's interesting. He talked about how, um, how your cells in your body, how, uh, how, you know, there's, there's, there's cells that are weak, there's cells that are dead, there's cells that are cancers, like all these sorts of stuff like that. And so if you, you know, in your immune system, the same way, there's like these, these weaker cells. I'm probably, I'm probably messing up. Chris is listening to this. He's
Starting point is 00:10:35 probably rolling his eyes, but you should go buy all this stuff because he'll explain way better than me. But basically what happens is when you do a water fast, it's, uh, your body literally starts eating itself. Cause it's like, I need food. I need things. And so it starts eating your cells, right? We know that like, that's how you lose weight, right? Your body starts eating the fat cells or whatever. Uh, but in this case, what the, the cells that die, that go the first are the weakest ones, right? I think one of the analogies someone shared with me, I might've been him was like, if you're out in a forest, you know, and there's all these pine needles and pine cones, all this stuff, they do controlled burns.
Starting point is 00:11:05 Like the light, those things on fire. So it burns all that stuff. It doesn't catch the tree that's on fire, but it kills all the dead stuff underneath. That way you don't have problems in the future. It's the same thing here where you do these water fasts and your body literally will eat all of these cancer cells and, uh, and disease and all sorts of stuff. And so I started learning about that. I got excited.
Starting point is 00:11:22 Uh, JLD, if he has no, uh, John Lee Dumas from entrepreneur fire, he told me about another book, um, that I read about water fasting and stuff like that. And so I'm like, I'm all in, let's do this thing. And so I started day number one of water fasting because I want to kill off these, these dead cells. I want to protect myself. I want to heal. I want to make myself strong. I want to heal myself. And so I'm excited. And I'm someone who's like insanely healthy and in great shape and not having any issues, but man, I don't want to have issues. And so that's why I'm doing these things now. I think Chris said that he does his water fast, like once a quarter. So I'm probably gonna try to figure out some way to incorporate that more often on top of a lot of the shifts in my diet that I've made because of listening to Chris and
Starting point is 00:11:56 other geniuses. So anyway, I'm telling you this because number one, I want to tell you that I preach. I am as coachable as, as they come. I try my best. I try to listen to what they say, what my coaches say, even if I don't have the problem, if I want to protect myself from the future problem, I listen. And so for you, in all aspects of your life, be coachable.
Starting point is 00:12:14 Be coachable in business. Be coachable in sports. Be coachable in health. Find coaches. Hire them. Pay them. Find someone who has already accomplished the thing that you want, right?
Starting point is 00:12:24 And then pay them. ask them for advice, get their framework and then go and just do it. And don't question it. Don't try to be smarter. Just be like, all right, I may have heard this in the past, this in the past. I don't care. But at this point in time, I'm giving you my money.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Therefore, I will do anything you say. I'm not going to fight you. I'm not going to talk you back. I'm just going to do the thing you say. And then don't do what most people do. I'm like, okay, cool. And listen and not do anything. Like just do it.
Starting point is 00:12:43 Like just, what did I say? Instantly execute on it. Don't wait a day, a week, a month or a year. Like now is the time you gave him the money. Now it's time to make the changes. So hope that helps you guys. It is literally like the most important skillset you could learn as being coachable. And it's not hard. You just have to do what the person says that you're going to do, right? It's keeping commitments. It's making, keeping commitments. And I think that as a society, we have problems that we can't make. We can't, you know, people will make commitments, but they don't keep commitments. And like, if you want to be successful, you got to make commitments and you got to keep them. And the same thing is you got
Starting point is 00:13:13 to go out there and find the people, find the people that have what you want, right? Give them money. That's a, that's a commitment you're making to them and then follow the, follow the process to a T. So hope that helps. I'm at my son's friend's house. I'm going to pick him up right now. Um, I hope you guys have a great night. Thanks again for listening. If you enjoyed this episode, any episode, please take a screenshot on your phone and tag me and post it on social and tag me. And then, um, I, if you, if, if you love your life and you want to extend your life, I would highly recommend, um, going Worst case scenario, buy Chris Work's books on cancer. They are amazing.
Starting point is 00:13:47 And best case, go buy his courses. They dive in because he's an amazing person who's figured it out. And man, if there's only 5% of cancers are hereditary, 95% we can be protected from by just shifting some basic things. And it's not like, and Water Fast is one of like a million things. It's got a ton of things. They're not hard. They're pretty cool and they're awesome. And anyway, it's, it's worth it to you, to your family, the ones you love. So check out Chris
Starting point is 00:14:11 work as well. And with that said, I appreciate you all. And I will talk to you guys all again soon. Bye everybody. Hey everybody, this is Russell again. And really quick, I just opened up a texting community, which means you can text me your questions. And right now I'm spending anywhere between 10 and 30 minutes every single day answering questions through text message to people who are on the podcast. And so I wanted you to stop everything you're doing, pull your phone out and actually text me a message. Okay. Now the phone number you need to text is 208-231-3797. Once again, it's 208-231-3797. When you text me, just say hello. And then what's going to happen is they'll add you to my phone.
Starting point is 00:14:50 And then they'll send you back a message where you can add me to your phone. And then we can start having conversations. On top of that, through this texting community is where I'm going to be giving out free swag, giving away free copies of my book, let you know about book signings, about times I'm coming to your local area, and a whole bunch more. Just want to make sure you are on this list. On top of that, every single day, I'm sending out my favorite quotes, my favorite frameworks, and things you can get for free only through my texting platform. So what you need to do right now is pull out your phone and text me
Starting point is 00:15:16 at area code 208-231-3797. One more time, that's 208-231-3797. I can't wait to hear from you right now.

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