Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Write Yourself A Swimming Pool
Episode Date: November 6, 2019How to get your list to pay for the thing you really want in life. On this episode Russell talks about the importance of building your list so that when you want something you can send the bill to yo...ur herd. Here are some of the awesome things to listen for in this episode: Find out what it means to send the bill to your herd when you really want something. Why Russell wishes he'd never taught this concept to his wife, Collette, years ago. And find out who said they were going to "write themselves a swimming pool." So listen here to find out how you can get your tribe to pay for the things you really want. Transcript - Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
Today, I'm streaming to you from the Tesla.
So, the big question is this.
How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn't cheat and take on venture capital,
who are spending money from our own pockets,
how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services
and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable?
That is the question and this podcast will give you the answers.
My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
All right, so I got a Tesla. I was all excited and for the most part, it's pretty cool. I'm not
like a car guy typically, but Tesla is pretty cool. And for the most part, it's pretty cool. I'm not like a car guy, typically.
But the Tesla is pretty cool.
Except for the fact that this is the third time now where I get my kids all the way to school.
And then I push the Falcon doors for them to come up and the kids get out.
And the doors don't come up.
They're just stuck.
And it's like obstacle detected.
And it's like, there are no obstacles around here.
And they're like, well, we can't stand up.
And so then the kids have to pile out the windows and stuff.
And it's super embarrassing.
So Elon Musk, you screwed me. You embarrassed my kids in front
of their own school again. Why do you do that? Just make a car that knows there's no, there's
no obstacle there. There's no obstacle there. Anyway, I digress. What are we here today to
talk about? Um, uh, I want to talk about something that I think is kind of fun to talk about.
Hopefully gives you like a mindset shift.
I actually had a friend yesterday who messaged me and he was like trying to figure out a way to make some more money.
And he's trying to buy this house and wanted money for down payments and stuff like that.
And I messaged him back and I was like, I think you're looking at this differently. And I said, um, Dan Kennedy, who, you know, probably the person I quote the most on this podcast.
Um, uh, he, he, uh, used to always say, he's like, if you want to buy something, say, send
the, send the bill to the herd.
If you listen to any Kennedy stuff, he'd always refer to, um, like your, your list, your following
your tribe, your people, whatever, as your herd.
He'd always say, yeah, if you want to go buy this thing, then send the bill to the herd.
What he meant is he'd have an idea for something.
He'd go, okay, I want to go buy this new house, this new car, go on vacation or whatever.
He's like, I'm not going to pay for that.
I'm going to send the bill to the herd.
What's an offer I can create, I can send out there to the herd?
They will buy it and they will therefore fund the thing I want to actually get.
And so I remember hearing him say it way back in the day. And I used to always think that every
single time I wanted a new thing was like, well, send, send the, send the bill to the herd.
And, um, it's funny because when Colette and I first, first, first, um, got married,
I guess we were in our, we probably made a year, maybe two years at this point.
And this is about the time that I'm learning this whole internet marketing game.
And I remember because it was Christmas time and she wanted these new couches that were like,
I don't know, three or 4,000 bucks. And I was like, Oh my gosh, like I'm unemployed. I don't
have a job. I'm selling some stuff on the internet and hustling every once in a while. But I was like,
I don't have money to buy this couch that she wanted, but you know, I want to
be able to buy it for her. And so I remember I made this little promotion. It was during Christmas
time and I called it the Grinch sale. And it, it was like, I told a little story about the Grinch
and I was hard grew three sizes and kind of put this little sales page together. And I put together
a really good offer. And I remember in the offer, I said, you know, um, one of the, one of the lessons about copy is like to justify why you're doing something.
So in the copy, I was like, the reason why I'm doing this insane sales, because
my wife wants this couch set and it's like 3,600 bucks or whatever it was. And my goal is to have
this promotion pay for it. And then, um, you know, whatever. And that was kind of like part of the
reason why I was doing the sale. And I did the launch and, uh, and it was crazy because we think we sold like,
I don't know. I think I, I can't remember the numbers, but it was like $36,000,
like 10 times what we were expecting. And I had never made that much money ever. It was just
insane. I remember people buying it and they sent me a letter like, I hope you get your wife that
couch. And like, I didn't even want to say it. I just wanted to help support you and get your wife a couch.
And I was like, what?
This is crazy.
All these people that bought the thing to help support my wife getting this couch.
And I remember it was funny because after we did that, I was like, okay, let's go buy your dream couch.
And she was like, that's a lot of money.
I'm like, it's just an email away, hon.
We just sent an email out to the list and it paid for it.
And I learned that that was a really bad thing to teach her all those years ago because ever since then, not always, but every once in a while when I like,
we want something crazy. She's like, well, just send the email to your list
because she's learned. You just send the bill to the herd. Um, another, another really fun,
um, story that kind of relates back to this, uh this from the Beatles, like Paul McCartney.
It was funny.
They said that he used to say to John Lennon, but he said it one time before he wrote, I
believe, I think it was Help, but I might be wrong.
But before he wrote the song, he said, hey, let's go ride ourselves a swimming pool.
Because he wanted to build a huge swimming pool, but obviously didn't want to pay for
And so he sent the bill to the herd.
He, oh man, the sun is shining my eyes. Sorry about that. You guys. Um, anyway, so he said,
let's go ride ourselves a swimming pool. He sat down, they wrote a song and then launched it and
it made enough money, more than enough money to pay for their swimming pool. Okay. So what was
the lesson? He sent the bill to the herd. So this, this lesson, this podcast episode implies a couple
of things. Number one is you've got to have a herd. If you're not focused on building a list and building a following and building a tribe and building people,
that's problem number one.
We've been talking about that for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long time.
Many, many, many of our podcast episodes are about list building and focusing on building your tribe.
And the Expert Secrets book is all about that.
So if you haven't been doing that, that's the first step.
You can't send the bill to your herd unless you've got a herd.
So you've got to build your tribe. So you got to build your tribe, you got to build your
people up. So that's, that's the first part of it. And the second part is like shifting your
mindset to that. So like, Oh, I can't afford that. It's thinking, how can I afford that? Well,
if I make an amazing offer and provide a lot of value, I can create something awesome that my
list will like, and then they will finance the thing I'm trying to get. Um, and that becomes a symbiotic relationship between you and your, your list. You provide the value,
they provide your money and, and they're, you're able to kind of get whatever it is you want in
life. I remember before we moved in this house, I think I did an episode on this. It was probably
way back in the archive somewhere. I can't remember off the top of my head, but I remember
I want to buy this house
and it was a couple of million bucks.
And I was just like, ah, it's so expensive.
Like a down payment was going to be, I don't know, whatever it was going to be.
It was at the time was just like crazy.
And so I was like, um, you know, I, if, if I created a hundred thousand dollar offer
and I sold five people that would cover the down payment.
And so I went and put together a hundred thousand dollar offer and we pitched it. We had a bunch of people to take it and that paid cover the down payment. And so I went and put together a $100,000 offer and we pitched it.
We had a bunch of people to take it and that paid for the down payment, right?
And so it's like, it all comes back down to that.
Like, all right, I've got to follow.
I've got to herd.
I've got to people.
I've got to tribe.
I've got whatever you want to call them, right?
Kennedy calls it a herd, which I don't think is as appropriate, but that's Kennedy for you.
In fact, it's funny.
They used to do, they had a day
at their super conference called the herd building day, which was how to build your own herd, how to
build your list. And I believe, um, they had this, they had this company by them, I don't know,
seven, eight years ago. And the company was like very politically correct. So they went through all
the courses and they tried to pull out things that they thought were disrespectful. And they
heard building was like disrespectful. So they pulled it out of all dan's courses which is insane because that's like him
and his personality and who he is and what he teaches people but i don't know why i told you
that story it comes down to political correctness in fact it's funny as i'm writing this new traffic
seekers book um the editors wanted me to pull out the word tribe because i kept saying talk about
building a tribe.
Um, because I guess apparently that's offensive to some language or some people or something. And it's like, it's just funny now.
So to always caveat and preface when you say something like this might be offensive.
Some people, I apologize in advance, which cracks me up because there's like six books on the New York times bestselling list right now.
They have the word, the F word in the title.
It's like, you can tell people to go F themselves, but don't tell them that, that, that, um, they're part of a tribe. Uh, I don't get it anyway. Sorry. I'm back. Um,
all right. This is one of those days you guys. All right. So, um, with that said,
send the bill to your herd. Um, that's the moral of the story. Uh, build a tribe. If you don't
have it yet, start building it and then figure out ways to send the bill to the herd. Be creative.
What kind of offers can you, what kind of things can you make for people? What are the things you
can go and you can do? And, um, and as you do that and provide value for them, they'll provide
value back to you and you can literally write yourself a swimming pool by creating a new offer.
All right. Um, I apologize. Not in advance. I
apologize if I offended any of you guys from this episode. Hopefully you learned something and, uh,
I'm going to go before it gets too much further down the rabbit hole. Thanks everybody. And we'll
talk to you soon. Bye everybody. Would you like to see behind the scenes of what we're actually
doing each day to grow our company? If so, then go subscribe to our free behind the scenes reality
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