Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Writing Retreat... AKA: The New HACK-A-THON

Episode Date: March 28, 2022

As I'm preparing for our writers retreat, I want to explain the value, the purpose, and why you should be doing these in your business as well. Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 J...oin my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing Russell Brunson discusses the concept of a writing retreat he's excited about on his Marketing Seekers podcast. He draws inspiration from past experiences, like the hackathons he used to do with his team when ClickFunnels was launched. These intensive sessions of focused work and collaboration led to the birth of ClickFunnels. Now, as they prepare for ClickFunnels 2.0, Brunson wants to replicate that level of focus and creativity. He shares insights into the process he's adopting, inspired by the Harmon Brothers' approach. They book a two-day writing retreat for every viral video project they undertake. During these retreats, three different writers work on three different scripts, each presenting their ideas to the team. The scripts are refined through iterative feedback sessions until they reach a final version. Brunson emphasizes the importance of the script in marketing and sales, highlighting that it's often more critical than the product or offer itself. He encourages listeners to consider implementing similar focused retreats in their businesses to elevate their marketing efforts from "good to great." He also discusses the significance of defining the problem your business solves and mentions seeking out market data to support arguments and create compelling core stories. Overall, Brunson's podcast episode offers practical advice and insights into improving marketing strategies through focused collaborative efforts and data-driven storytelling. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

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Starting point is 00:00:00 What is going on, everybody? This is Russell Brunson. Welcome back to the Marketing Secrets Podcast. Today, I want to talk to you guys about something I'm really excited for. We're actually, I'm driving downtown to downtown Boise. We're going to Bruce Wayne's penthouse, and we are going to be doing a writing retreat
Starting point is 00:00:16 for the next two days. So we'll talk about what that is, why we're doing it, and how you can model this for your business as well. So the big question is this. How are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still remain profitable? That is the question
Starting point is 00:00:41 and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to Marketing Secrets. Alright, so I'm pumped for today. It's something we've been talking about internally for almost a year now, doing a writing retreat. And I'm going to tell you kind of the back story behind it, because the concept and the principle of this is really, really cool, and I'm going to start trying to do this more often in our business. And we've done versions of it. Like if you look at when we first launched ClickFunnels, me and Todd and Dylan used to do, we used to call these hackathons where they'd fight a boy scene. We'd spend a week where
Starting point is 00:01:15 we literally like wouldn't sleep or do anything other than just work hard for a week and get stuff done. And you know, it was a lot, it was, it was a lot, but that's how ClickFunnels was born in these times of concentrated, insane amounts of effort and work and collaboration in a small group. Um, and, uh, I actually missed those like, ah, I haven't been to those in a long time, but we used to do them probably once a quarter. So Todd and Dylan would fly out here and we'd lock ourselves in a room and tell our wives that we weren't going to be able to hang out for a little bit and our kids and tell them we love them. And then we'd go and just work, um, for like a week straight. And it was, it was awesome. But, um, we haven't done this for a long time, which is cool. I get it.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Life's changed. Things are different. Um, but as we've been preparing for ClickFunnels 2.0, um, I know there's a lot of stuff to get done and I'm sure you're the same way. You have a big project coming up and there's a million different tasks and things like that. And if you are like me or like most small entrepreneurs, like, you know, especially if you're a solo entrepreneur, like you are the copywriter, you're the designer, you're the funnel builder, you're the product creator, you're the, like, you're doing all the things, right? It's a lot of times where, um, we're like shift, um, shifting our focus and tasks back and forth and back and forth and back and forth, uh, which is fine and understandable and necessary.
Starting point is 00:02:28 But as you know, great things happen in times of radical imbalance, right? It's when you're focusing on one thing for a long time where connections start being made and ideas come out and things like that. And so for us, that's been always kind of a hard thing now that we've got a team of 400 plus people and it's a big operation. Just to get everyone coordinated and to focus on a thing and everyone's kind of in their lanes doing their things it's been really really good but um as you know good is the enemy to great and we're creating something great clickfunnels 2.0 is the future it's the future of i mean i don't want to be arrogant but i think it's the future of the internet at least the important part of the internet which is
Starting point is 00:03:02 you know entrepreneurs serving their their people which all the other websites are pretty much pointless. The only ones that actually matter are the funnels. Come on now. Anyway, sorry, let me step back. I want to talk about this concept of the writing retreat and where I learned it from. It was the very first time we actually hired the Harmon Brothers. The Harmon Brothers, I think, have done four videos for us now.
Starting point is 00:03:24 Their process is really unique and cool. We're kind of modeling it for the next two days here but and i'd heard about it before we ever had a chance to work with them i heard rumors of like yeah the squatty potty one and stuff like that and so when we finally got a hold of them got to know them we got to do our we got to do a project with them like i was so just insanely excited to see the process. And so what they do is, um, they book a two day riding retreat for every video, viral video thing that they're going to make. And they book them all up in, um, Sundance, Utah. They're, they're all out of like the Provo Orm area for those who know where that's at. So they go up the Canyon and there's, there's, um, this really cool place, Sundance, you know, your first Sundance, Sundance film
Starting point is 00:04:03 festivals there, uh, Robert Redford, like that's anyway. So there's up there in Sundance, you know, your first Sundance, Sundance Film Festival's there, Robert Redford, like that's, anyway, so there's up there in Sundance, it's like a ski hill, tons of cabins and stuff like that, so every single time, they're in a cabin for two days, and then they get the people who are, who own the product to come up there, and they actually live in the cabin, so like we'd go up there, and we'd sleep in the cabin for two days or whatever, and then prior to us showing up, we do a big, you know, brain dump where we talk about the business and the product and all the things. And we, we kind of like just brain dump everything about the project to them. And then they would go and they actually hire three different writers to write three different scripts, which is kind of cool. So I remember when we did the very first video with them, the script we ended up using
Starting point is 00:04:41 was this one of the gold prospectors. Some of you guys have probably seen that video. Um, but they had three different pitches. One writer wrote a whole one based on this magician. And it was the magician trying to explain funnels. And it was really cool. The second one wrote one basically kind of like, if you've ever seen the video Kid President, it was kind of like that, like two kids. And it was these kids explaining the whole concept of funnel.
Starting point is 00:05:02 And the third one was the Gold Prospector. And so these writers, before we start the writing tree, all three of them have a chance to write their version of the sales video that they think is going to be best. Then they come back, and at the writing tree, we sit down with them and talk, and then we have a chance right at the gate to hear each of the three writers read their script.
Starting point is 00:05:21 So writer number one explains, you know, this is my motivation, my creation, this is why I created it and why. And then they read their thing and we laugh and we, yeah, it's really funny. Then writer two tells his inspiration and then reads it. And then writer three, same thing.
Starting point is 00:05:34 So you get three different versions of the script. And all three of them, at least for us, were amazing. They're all like, these are so good. Like it was crazy. And so we read it, we got excited. And then basically it's like, you have to pick which direction you want the most. I remember for me at first, I felt so guilty. I'm like, ah, all the writers are so cool. All the stories are so cool. I don't want to like,
Starting point is 00:05:52 I felt guilty. I don't want to, I don't want to like to, uh, you know, just to take one or just, you know, pick one. I didn't want to like say no to the other two, but that was kind of the process they wanted. So eventually we picked, okay, we're going to use this one. We decided to go with the gold prospector. So they came back and then they read the gold prospector again. So we all got to hear it again. So this is what I'm doubling down on. We said, yes. And okay, cool. And then the writers, they literally leave the room and then they go into like a back bedroom or back area of the, of the cabin. And they spent like two hours taking that script and then rewriting it. So they'll take, you know, the core script. And, but then, you know, every, every script had funny jokes and funny things and funny
Starting point is 00:06:29 angles and cool hooks. And like, so then all three writers were all three, they all focus on this one script and they start weaving things in and adding things in and it gets tighter and tighter and tighter. So after about two hours, you know, us and the, the product owners out, you know, hanging out, eating food, just waiting. And then they come back out, okay, here's a new version of the script. And they read the new one. And it is like 10 times funnier now, right?
Starting point is 00:06:48 They read it and we start laughing. And they're like, cool. They're like, what'd you like? What'd you didn't like? And then other feedback, other ideas. And so we, you know, we brain dump on them for, you know, an hour or so. And then they go, okay, cool. And they break off and they go back in the room and they start writing again.
Starting point is 00:06:59 And then, um, and they come back and then they present it again. And they do this back and forth and back and forth for two full days. Um, and then when it's done, we have this final script that we're just like, this is the greatest thing ever. There's no way this could be better. Then they take that and they go and produce it. That's the way the writing retreats worked. Then they did it the first time.
Starting point is 00:07:16 They did it another time. They kept doing this every time we did a video with them. Every video they've done, that's the process they go through, which is why their scripting is so solid. I've worked with other production companies and things who focus a lot on the production or on the videos or on the, you know, all these things. I've never seen somebody focus as much on the scripting, which is, as you know, and I know that's the most important part. The script, the copy, whatever you want to call it is more important than the product. It's more important than the
Starting point is 00:07:39 offer. It's more important than the funnel. It's more important. Like, um, it's the most important part. Oh, maybe not more important than the offer. Ah more important like um it's the most important part well maybe not more important they offer ah the offer and the copy they're hand in hand they work together sorry sorry offer i didn't want to offend you there uh but you know a really good irresistible offer and copy that sells that offers the most important part you can plug that in any funnel it's going to work but like that's the most important part they'd spend so much time on it i think for most of us and it depends everyone's business different levels you know sometimes we'd hire a copywriter and they'd go write it or I'd write the copy or we'd try to do something or it's like, Oh crap, the launch is happening in two days now. Like click on a camera
Starting point is 00:08:11 and Russell recorded a sales video. And luckily for me, I've been doing this now for over 20 years. So I've, I've written enough copy, I know enough copy that I can click go on a camera and I can write, I can from the top of my head speak pretty good copy. Not as good as like if I was to script it out and make it perfect, but I can get pretty close, um from the top of my head, speak pretty good copy. Not as good as if I was to script it out and make it perfect, but I can get pretty close, at least to my warm audience, where I can get most of my warm audience to buy it. But as you start going further out,
Starting point is 00:08:32 trying to get colder and colder audiences, your scripting is the key in having it really, really good. And so the reason why I'm telling you this and why I'm so excited to drive down there is that with ClickFunnels 2.0 launch coming up, our default would be spending all this time and energy, like building the software, getting it perfect, all that kind of stuff. And then launch day comes, we're like, oh, we need to build a funnel for it.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Oh, we need to, you know, and then we start like thinking about those things later. And they, you know, and then what's the email sequences? What are they going to get? And how's it going to work? And like all the rest of that stuff we think about secondarily. Sorry, my Tesla's yelling at me. We think about it secondarily and and then we put it out there, and we do it good enough where our warm audience will buy,
Starting point is 00:09:08 and then we try to move to cold audiences and beyond, and it's not right, it's not correct, it doesn't get people to buy and stuff like that. And so then we're tweaking it and changing it and all these kind of things. And so what I wanted to do was step back and say, okay, let's plan this today. What's the hook, what's the offer?
Starting point is 00:09:23 What are we going with to point out? What's the right messaging? What problems do we actually solve? What's the offer? Like where are we going with two point? Like what's the right messaging? What problems do we actually solve? What are the different things? Like how are we trying to speak to this audience? You know? So what's the, what's the copy?
Starting point is 00:09:32 And what's the video sell? The video going to be, what's the long form cells or where the email sequences, where the copy, where the, where the affiliate copy, what's our copy? What's the,
Starting point is 00:09:40 we're doing challenge before we not doing check all the things want to map out with the writers. So we know exactly what it is. And then we're going to start actually writing and getting things back and getting feedback and going back and forth and back and forth and kicking this process off. And now then I can, you know, I can for two days coming here and like focus my brain and energy on trying to like, you know, do what I can to help everybody here, but I can step back. And then the writers can spend the next, you know, obviously two days concentrated time, but then the next two or three months, you know, um, working on these things and
Starting point is 00:10:08 perfecting them. So when we're done, we have all the assets, all the things, and we have something we can use to, to really rock and roll. Um, and so that's the point is writing a retreat. Now what's fun about it is like, as we planned this and got through it, um, you know, everyone else in the company is like, well, I want to do a retreat. And Todd's done, I mean, with the development team is building ClickFunnels 2.0. He's done hackathons with these guys all the time. They're different departments. People working on the e-commerce features fly out and spend a week in Atlanta with Todd. And people working on the funnel builder or the editor, they've been doing these meetups.
Starting point is 00:10:37 But on the marketing side, this has been the first time. So this is the first writing retreat, and we're excited. And then all the funnel builders and designers are like, we need a funnel design retreat. And so I think the next thing we're going to do is that. We're coming in and focus on the structure, the design, and the elements of the funnel to make sure that that's flawless and perfect. And then potentially the ads team would come out and do the same thing with the ads team and create the ads and the creative and those kind of things.
Starting point is 00:10:58 But doing these things where, at least on my side, I can spend two days focused giving everybody the right direction as opposed to, again, typically in our business, I'm sure that you're like me, we're juggling two bajillion things and trying to do them all. And it's really hard, um, to get all of the, you know, the brain dump and the time and attention you need to really make something great. And so I want to encourage you guys, you know, they say that good is the enemy to great. And I think most of you guys, if you're having success, you're doing things really good, obviously. But if you want to get to the next level, if you want to go from a million to 10, 10 to 100, 100 to a billion, which is the path that I'm sprinting on right now, you have to become better.
Starting point is 00:11:36 You have to have more focus, more quality, more things on the places that matter the most. So that's what I recommend for you guys is to think about that. Okay, how can you do a version of this for your company? Can you do a writing retreat? Can you do a funnel building retreat? Can you do a, uh, an ad retreat? Can you do a development retreat? Can you do like whatever it is with your people? And I'm not bringing the entire team together. That would be 400 people. It'd be like a little mini funnel hacking live, but all the people are gonna be writing or here. Um, that way they can hear it straight from my mouth. Like the vision, the direction, like all this kind of things as opposed to having to hear it water down
Starting point is 00:12:07 through five or six levels. You know what I mean? So anyway, there you go. Call them hackathons, call them writing retreats, call them whatever you want, but, um, find some time to, to take what you're doing and make it, take it from good to great. Like I said, I had a chance to see it firsthand now four times with the Harmon brothers and it is amazing. Like it's, it's, like, whenever we read the first version of the script, I'm like, that's perfect. Let's just go produce it. Like, there's no way it can get better than that. Like, it's flawless.
Starting point is 00:12:31 And then by, you know, by lunchtime, I'm like, oh my gosh, how'd you make it better? Like, this is flawless. Let's go produce it. And they're like, no, we're not done. And then, you know, at dinnertime, like, here's the next one. Like, I'm like, oh, there's no way it can get better. Let's produce this. And like, we're only halfway through, you know, it keeps going and going and going.
Starting point is 00:12:44 And it's like, man, things can really go from good to great. If, if you'll put in the focus, time and energy and effort. So this is the process we're testing out. I know Agora has got a version that they do. It's a little different, but, um, you know, Agora multi-billion dollar company, this is the same process they do with their writers. Um, in fact, they've got a really good book. If you want a book to kind of see how they structure, it's called copy logic. It's how the writers write together and how they brainstorm and feedback and give ideas without talking negative or talking down. But they create an environment where writers can all be creative together as opposed to them fighting against each
Starting point is 00:13:18 other. So that book, Copy Logic, I don't think it's sold more than a dozen copies and probably most of them were to me. Of course, I'm not good at selling their, like their books on like how they do their copy and stuff. They write them and they're amazing, but they don't really have a channel to sell those things through. So a copy logic is a really good one about how they, they structure their writing things, but would it work for anything from ad, ad retreat? It would work from, um, from a funnel bill or retreat, like just the way they structure
Starting point is 00:13:41 the creativity and things like that. Another great book that Agora put out is called Great Leads, which is like the lead of a video or a sales letter, things that are like the initial, the first 20% like that lead that's the key,
Starting point is 00:13:53 like how do you create that lead that really grabs somebody. So, all right, that's what I got. Hope you guys are awesome. Oh, can I add one more thing? Oh, sorry. I've been focusing on getting all the research
Starting point is 00:14:01 prior to this, right? So a couple of things I've been doing to prepare for this. And I kind of felt I should have done more prep work with my team about this, but the first hour or so this morning is going to be focused on this. But for us, a couple of things. Number one is if you read the book, Play Bigger, which is all about being a category king,
Starting point is 00:14:18 you know, this is what we've done. We're trying to double down on reestablish. It's like, how do you become the category king? But we had for the, our, I have a mastermind group called category Kings, but for our category Kings, a mastermind, um, we had, uh, one of the authors come and speak to us. And the biggest thing he said is like, he's like, if you can define the problem you solve, um, that's how you does it, how you develop your categories. Like what's the problem you solve? And that seemed like a really simple thing. Oh, it's just like, we help people build funnels.
Starting point is 00:14:47 I was like, that's the problem? Like, well, no, that's not the actual problem. That's like the solution. What's the problem? And he spent like an entire day with us and all the Category Kings trying to figure out what our problem was, which I thought was going to be super easy. It was not.
Starting point is 00:14:58 It took us, I mean, the entire day, and I didn't know what it was. And then we went back and brainstormed and talked about it. And then we did a meeting with Todd and Dave and Brent and John and Dan, like our core team. And we spent like three or four hours again on like, just trying to solve like, what is our problem? And we finally got down to like, what I think is our problem, which I'm going to present today to everybody on the writer entry. Cause I need our writers to understand like the problem that we actually solve is this, right? Um, cause if you understand that, then that defines your category and then you can do everything. Um, if you don't have that defined or figured out, then it's just
Starting point is 00:15:30 like, Oh, I'm selling to everybody. And you're not a category King. So that's number one. What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. I've got something really cool for you today from my friend, Taylor Wells. And Taylor spoke at our last funnel hacking live. Cause I wanted him to share a really cool concept about what he calls the revolving pricing method. And today he decided to sponsor the podcast to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy that you are going to love. It's something we've been implementing into our high-end coaching program as well, and it is amazing. But to kind of give you some context about this offer he's making for you guys, as you may or may not know, a few years ago, JP Morgan Chase did a study, and guess what they found? They found that the average small business
Starting point is 00:16:03 only has about 28 days of operating expenses in reserve. That's right, less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your stomach drop. Am I right? Especially with how the economy's been lately. It's not the time to be gambling with your finances. So, Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing Method and it's awesome.
Starting point is 00:16:22 It helps you turn every client you close into a long-term profit machine. We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now, here's where it gets even better. Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my Marketing Secrets listeners, and if you go over to slash secrets,
Starting point is 00:16:39 you can grab the Revolving Price Method book and over $150 worth of bonuses, and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a customer of this, you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with real stability, this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to wealthy slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue. Again, that's wealthy slash secrets. Do not miss out.
Starting point is 00:17:02 Hey, this is Russell Brunson. And I want to jump in really quick to share with you a new assessment I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because not only does it help you to understand yourself, but more importantly, especially for us who are entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting on the right seats in the bus so they can get more stuff done. I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni talking specifically about this new assessment they created called Working Genius. And the Working Genius is awesome.
Starting point is 00:17:30 Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it because I was so excited for the new assessment. And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done. Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes, like you can actually apply this immediately. I took it for myself. I had my team take it. And what's cool about it is from there, we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are. And that's important because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out, make sure that you have first off the
Starting point is 00:17:51 right people, but make sure the right people are sitting in the right seats on the bus. And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Now, normally this assessment, you can go to and there's two G's in the middle, But I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all. But you get a 20% discount off when you put in the keyword secrets at checkout. So go to
Starting point is 00:18:14 Again, two G's, workinggenius. Two G's in the middle, And then use promo code secrets, S-E-C-R-E-T-S at checkout. You get 25% off. But then we'll take the test. Again, it takes you 10 minutes. But even in a 10-minute session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help you understand yourself, to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to be
Starting point is 00:18:33 the most joy, number one. But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are, with your teams, getting them in the right seats as well. So anyway, I love this assessment. Go check it out at and enter the promo code secrets for 20% discount. Take this test for yourself and for your team. And I promise you, it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody
Starting point is 00:18:50 and help your company to grow. Number two, if you've heard of Chet Holmes, Chet is one of my early mentors. He wrote a book called The Ultimate Sales Machine. I just blinked out for a second. The Ultimate Sales Machine. And Chet passed away a couple of years ago, but his daughter, Amanda Holmes took over the company. And, um, one of the principles that Chet talks about in his book is called the core story.
Starting point is 00:19:12 And so, uh, they had a, they have a side part of the company where they actually will build a core story for you. And so, uh, I messaged Amanda who she's literally like the coolest person ever. And I was like, I want to do a core story. I want you guys to do a cool story for me. And she's like, it was funny because she's like, okay, if we can jump on like a 15, 20 minute call, I got some slides to go over with you. I was like, I know you can try to sell me. I just want to wire you the money. Like, I mean, like, I don't need to be sold.
Starting point is 00:19:34 She's like, no, but we can jump on. I'm like, I literally like, I just want to send you money so you can do this for me. She's kind of laughing. She's like, okay, here's the wire info. Like, how much is it? I think it was, actually, I have no idea. I think it was 25 or 30 grand or something like that. But what they do with the core story is they try to figure out, like, your stadium picture,
Starting point is 00:19:53 core story, like, what is your thing? And so they don't do it from a standpoint, like, most of us who are copywriters and marketers, like, we're telling our own stories and we're telling, like, how we found the thing and, like, Epiphany Bridge stories and all that stuff I always talk about. But what a core story is, it's fascinating. It's all, it's not driven on like your story, your experiences, your case studies, testimonials. It's, it's written based on market data. It's like, um, like when you look at the actual data, like what's happening in the world, like it's all about that. So you pay them, they could do like a
Starting point is 00:20:21 bajillion interviews with you, which is, you know, are not my favorite part, but they, they go through all of it. From there, they figure out all these like hypotheses of where they think there's going to be data that's going to support arguments and find things. And so, um, it's crazy. And then from that, they go and they find all the data, they bring it all back and they give you just like, you know, a billion pages of all the stuff, the stats, the things to prove that like that you're to prove your case, which is really cool. And then secondarily, they actually write the course story for you, which is this thing
Starting point is 00:20:47 you can use as your elevator pitch, your stadium pitch. And unfortunately, the course story wasn't done before this. I was hoping it would be so we could have it for the riding retreat. What we did have back is all of the market research and the data. So we're able to bring that to this meeting as well. I'm like, hey, here's the stats, here's the numbers, here's all the stuff. So we can incorporate not just our own gut feelings, not just our own stories, not just our own success stories, but also the market data, the market research and weaving those things into as well.
Starting point is 00:21:11 So that way you have, we have not just the emotional arguments, but the logical arguments as well. Um, that we can weave into the copy and the videos and the sales page and all the things we're doing. So anyway, I don't know about you, but I'm pumped about it. It's exciting. There's so much fun stuff happening. Um, and that's what's going on for the next two days. So I'm almost downtown and that's what I'll be, uh, we'll do with our team. So there you go, you guys, there's some ideas, some thoughts, um, hopefully, you know, amongst all these ideas that, you know, two or three things you can pull away. Like I think you should do a writing retreat with your team.
Starting point is 00:21:39 You should do a funnel retreat. You should add retreat. Um, we can focus on something and make it go from good to great. I think you should, um, try to figure out the problem that you actually solve as a business. I think that you should figure out your core story. If you don't want to pay Amanda a ton of money, then go read the Ultimate Sales Machine. Read the section on core story and figure out your own core story. Or if you're like me and you just want to just buy your way to the end, go throw some
Starting point is 00:22:01 money at Amanda and she'll do all the work for you. She's amazing. So anyway, there you go. That's almost a 20-minute podcast, you guys. That's what you get when I got a long drive downtown. I've got a long drive home tonight and one downtown tomorrow again, so maybe we'll get a couple more of these longer ones for you. I hope that you're all doing amazing.
Starting point is 00:22:17 I hope your businesses are thriving, that you're able to get a hold of the people that you've been called to serve so you can change their lives. I hope that the marketing secrets and ideas and things I try to share with you here are helping to expand your mind and expand your reach and get you to do, um, to find those people who are looking for you. So I appreciate you guys for being entrepreneurs who serve your audiences at the top of your, um, abilities. Um, I respect you guys.
Starting point is 00:22:38 I admire you guys. You're the reason why I do this at this point in my career, in my life, and I'm grateful for you. So that's it. Thanks so much. And I will talk to you guys also. Bye everybody. Thank you for listening to the Marketing Secrets Podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:50 If you've loved this episode, then please take a screenshot on your phone and post it to Facebook, Instagram, or wherever you post stuff, and be sure to tag me and let me know why you like this episode and what you'd like to hear in the future. That'll help me to know what's great for you.
Starting point is 00:23:03 Also, Dan Kenney and I would love to give you the most incredible free gift ever designed to help you make maximum money in minimum time. This free gift comes with almost $20,000 worth of pure money-making information for free, just for saying maybe. You can get this gift from Dan and from me right now at Not only are you going to get the $20,000 gift, you also can get a subscription to two marketing newsletters that will be hand-delivered by the mailman to your mailbox each and every month. One from Dan Kennedy and one from me. To get this gift and your subscription, go to right now.

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