Marketing Secrets with Russell Brunson - Your Follow-Up Funnels (Emails) - FDLC: Day 4 of 5
Episode Date: May 4, 2022This is day 4 of the 5 Day Lead Challenge. If you want to watch the video of this episode or download the OnePager, go to Hit me up on IG! @russellbrunson Text Me! 208-231-3797 ...Join my newsletter at Magnetic Marketing ---Transcript--- Coming Soon... Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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What's up, everybody? This is Russell. Welcome back to Marketing Secrets Podcast.
Today, we are jumping into day number four of the five-day lead challenge.
And this is one we're going to start getting into the actual emails.
Like, what do you send these people when they come through?
And I'm excited because on this episode, I actually had Yada Golden,
who was in the house when we recorded this live event,
who came out and she walked us through her framework
and how she structures her email sequences to get people
to open emails, build a relationship and to buy over and over and over again. Uh, something that's
so powerful. I don't think we talk enough about in our communities. How do you actually structure
and craft those emails? And so that is what is happening on today's episode. Um, a couple of
funny things. If you do go online and go to five day lead, you can opt in there and
see the videos of this live event for free and also download the one pagers and the homework assignments and things like that. But you'll
notice one thing is that on the video for day number four, Yada and I are sitting on opposite
sides of the stage. And the reason why is because this was filmed in the middle of COVID and people
were freaking out, like yelling, like you can't be that close to each other, which is completely
ridiculous now that we're looking back in time. But so we had to film like six and a half or seven
feet apart just to make sure that the audience at home wasn't angry at us, which is so funny to me now. But anyway,
that it is what it is. So if you're watching the video, you're like, why are they sitting so far
apart? That is why. Um, but anyway, like I said, today we're talking about your follow up funnels.
What are the email sequences? Yada Golden is my special guest on this one. She does an amazing
job. I hope you guys enjoy it. And with that said, we'll queue up day number four.
So the big question is this, how are entrepreneurs like us who didn't cheat and take on venture capital, we're spending money from our own pockets. How do we market in a way that lets us
get our products and our services and the things that we believe in out to the world and yet still
remain profitable? That is the question in this podcast will give you the answers.
My name is Russell Brunson and welcome to Marketing Secrets.
We've got people from all around the world.
We're super excited to see you guys today and congratulations, you made it to day number
You'd be blown away by how many people will go and they'll be
excited to change their life and they will buy a book and they will get it and they'll be so excited
to read and they'll read chapter one and then they're about to start chapter two and then they
don't and they never get to chapter two or three or four or five and they go back to the life they
had before, right? You know how many people go and they buy a brand new course and they're so
excited to learn this topic, this thing, and they go through, they watch module number one,
they're excited and they just kind of end, okay? And the same thing's true here, right? Day number one,
we had 11,000 people on live. Day number two is a little less. Day number three, a little bit less.
And so each day kind of shrinks and the people who make it this far are proving to the world,
proving to the universe, proving to God, whatever it is that you're worthy, that you're looking,
that you're trying to figure these things out. Okay. And those who push through those type of
things are the ones who have success. So if you're here today, you you made it to day number four you've been doing your homework assignments you've been
keeping up you're doing all the pieces you're the people who will be rewarded because of it
okay it's true in all aspects of life okay i am coaching my kids wrestling team i see right now
the ones who are having success the ones who show up the ones that put in the time they put in the
effort the ones who don't are the ones who are struggling okay so if you're here today despite
all the craziness that's happening around the world, you're showing
up, you're trying to make your life better, your business better. I want to congratulate you for
doing that. Okay. So that's number one. We've been covering a lot of things so far the last
three days. You've had a chance to hear me talk a lot. And I'm excited because today and tomorrow,
the last two days of the five day lead challenge, I have guest speakers that are going to be here
with me today helping, which I'm really excited for. And so the first guest speaker, I'm going to introduce her here
in a little bit. And she's going to be going deep into the email side of it, right? Okay.
We talked, we've been talking to all these things, all the things we need to start generating leads
and get leads. And the question is now that I have them, what do I do with them? Right? I've
got these leads. Like, I don't want to mess them up. I don't want to, I want to make sure they like
me. Like, ah, I remember when I first got started in this business, um, you know, and I learned about
lead gen, I was excited. I started generating leads. I remember the leads were coming in
and I was like, now what do I do with it? Do I, I don't, I don't know. Like, do I send an email?
Do I not? I didn't want to offend people. I didn't want to send emails too often. Like I was so
scared of all the different things. I remember in my head, I was like, okay, I'm missing that one
email a month. Cause I don't want to offend them or annoy them or, you know, so I was like very, very careful. And, uh, and I built a list up to a couple thousand people. I remember in my head, I was like, okay, I'm going to send out one email a month because I don't want to offend them or annoy them. So I was very, very careful.
And I built a list up to a couple thousand people. I remember sending an email and being so stressed
out and so much stress and so much anxiety. I sent the email out. I'm just waiting for people
to yell at me. And of course, I got some unsubscribes. I was all depressed. Like,
oh, some people don't like me now. Or a couple people were angry. Like, why are you sending
me emails? I'm like, because you asked me to send you emails. And I remember being like,
I had so much anxiety behind it, okay?
One of my goals for today is to help you guys get rid of that anxiety, because the first
is going to be kind of weird, okay?
But people came to you, right?
You didn't go and follow them.
You didn't chase them.
They saw an ad.
They saw you drive traffic.
They came to your thing.
They saw this lead magnet.
They were so excited for it.
They gave you their email address because they wanted that thing.
You then gave them this thing, this framework you created.
They're going through it.
They're getting value.
You have to understand this is the spot in someone's life that they're interacting with you, right?
They just got this lead magnet.
They got this value.
Like, this is amazing.
And all of a sudden you send an email.
Now they know who you are.
Now they're excited to get to know you, to build their relationship with you.
If it goes back to, we talked about the value ladder yesterday.
If we go back to that analogy of dating, right?
If you're going to date with someone, I had an amazing experience.
Guess what you don't want to do?
Just ghost him for the next six months because I don't want to offend him or, you know, be
annoying, whatever.
If you do that, the relationship very quickly disappears and dissolves.
I remember cause I was sending my email once a month and, and every time I send the email
once a month, uh, I get tons of people who are like, who are you?
They couldn't remember who I was because there was so much distance between when I got the
lead magnet and when they actually had a chance to hear from me.
I remember I had this friend I met and he told me, and I don't know if I recommend this,
but he was emailing his list twice a day.
I was like, what?
Twice a day?
He's like, yeah.
He's like, I want to make sure people remember who I am.
I was like, okay, I'm not going to do twice a day, but maybe I'll do twice a month.
I started sending out two emails a month.
What was crazy is my income more than doubled. right? People remembered who I was because I was
communicating more often. And I was like, okay, twice a month. What if I did it?
What if I did it once a week? So I said, I'm going to email my list once a week. I shifted
once a week. And guess what? My income more than doubled. I was like, huh? People aren't
annoyed to hear from me. What if I send out emails a couple of times a week? Okay. And so
you'll find this thing is kind of counterintuitive.
Sometimes we're nervous.
We have these leads.
I don't want to mess up the relationship with them, so I'm not going to send anything.
It's not the case.
You want to be building relationships, sending out emails, getting me to know them, okay?
You guys have been getting emails from me every single day in the morning and the night
about this, right?
Like, hey, they're about to start.
Jump on.
And afterwards, okay, here's the replay if you missed it, right?
I'm building a relationship.
I'm keeping the doors open.
And yes, some people have been annoyed.
Some people have unsubscribed.
Some people left my world, and I'm happy they're gone.
Because you guys are the ones who are worthy enough to get this information and actually do something with it.
And so your people will follow you.
They will listen to you.
They'll be excited to hear from you.
And so don't be scared of emailing.
That's a big, very, very important part.
But of all the email parts, the thing that's the most important is when the lead first
comes in, what are the emails you say?
If you're not careful, you can do it wrong and you can
distance them. You can, you know, all sorts of things can, can happen. Uh, but if you do it
correctly, you can build a relationship with them. That relationship will stick and there'll be more
likely to buy from you, uh, moving forward in the future. Okay. And so that's what we're talking
about today. Uh, and I'm excited for it because, um, as much fun as generate leads are, um, you
don't make money from generation leads. You actually make money from emailing leads and
selling them different products and services
and the things that you have to offer.
And so this is where we start transitioning from the lead generation to actually monetizing
and making some money.
So that's kind of what's happening.
So that's what's happening today.
And then tomorrow, we've got another special guest coming.
And her name is Rachel Miller.
She actually just got here last night, which is exciting.
She flew in and she's going to be talking to us about how to actually generate the traffic.
Okay. Because now we've got the system in place. You have the lead magnet, you have the funnel.
Now we're going to have the email. So everything, all the structure will be in place. And now we've
got to go and take traffic and dump it into the top of this funnel. And people start coming through
to start getting a lead magnet. I'll start getting the email sequences and everything else to start
taking care of itself. So that's happening tomorrow. She's gonna be talking about ways to
get traffic that are free, which is exciting. Some of you guys don't have big budgets yet.
And so we'll be going into that.
And so that's kind of the game plan. Are you guys excited for today and tomorrow?
Awesome. I hope you guys have been enjoying this process. I've been enjoying it so far.
It's been so much fun coming in and speaking and serving you guys every single day.
You know, it's been with all the craziness happening around it, I haven't had a chance to do this kind of thing that often recently. And it's just been a lot of fun to come back
and kind of reconnect with everybody. So with that said, I'm going to bring out our special guest.
She's someone who I had a chance to meet
back about the time that we started ClickFunnels.
She kind of came to our community and got to know her.
And it's been so much fun watching her blossom
and grow over the years.
And she'll kind of tell her story a little bit here,
but she never thought she was going to become a copywriter,
writing emails or any of those kinds of things. And now four or five years later, here she is.
She's had a chance to speak at Funnel Hiking Live. She's had a chance to do a lot of trainings
inside of our community and she's here to train you guys. So with that said, let's put our hands
together for Yada Golden. So we are so excited to have her here.
So first off, for those who don't know, you want to introduce yourself and kind of tell
some of your story about how you got here?
Yeah, absolutely.
So, I mean, I met you, what, like four, five, maybe six years ago at this point.
And I was in such an interesting part in my life.
Like I had just come out of a divorce.
I had two kids that I was now solely responsible for. And I say to people all the time, I'm like, I had to adult
for the first time in my life. Like I had to pay insurance. I had, you know, a rent to pay all of
these things. And I was really looking for a way that I would be able to do that without giving my
time to a job. Like I was like, I don't want to have a job. And that was a realization that I
really came to when a girlfriend of mine, I don't
know if I've told you this story. She looks at me and she says, well, Yara, you can always get a job
at Nordstrom. And this fire like ignited inside of me. And I was like, oh, I don't work at Nordstrom
as I shop there, you know? And it was this like moment of indignation and it's nothing against
people who work in retail or Nordstrom's or anything like that. But something inside of me
came alive and was like, you're, you're meant for more than that. Like you're capable of more than that.
And so that's really how I kind of like stumbled into your world, into entrepreneurship and online
business and all of those things. And the only thing that I knew that I was good at, at that
point was relationship, right? I was like, I know what went wrong in my marriage and I know why it
ended. And I was able to, uh, create a in my marriage and I know why it ended.
And I was able to create a really good co-parenting relationship on the back end of it.
And so what I did really was going on Facebook and I started sharing the story of what happened and why the relationship fell apart and what I had learned and what I was doing to move
forward from that.
And the most interesting thing started happening was that people started
reaching out to me and saying, Oh my gosh, you're navigating this so gracefully. Like,
how would you handle this? I have this going on in my life. Can you help me?
And that was this real aha moment for me where I was like, wow, people are actually looking for help
in this thing that I have experience and expertise in. And now I didn't think at that point that I
was an expert. I was like, these people are crazy. Don't they see the disaster that I just created?
But luckily for me that my new partner, James, at that point had been in business for a while.
And he says, well, why don't you become a relationship coach? And that was really the
first inkling of like, Hey, you could actually start a business. And I'm curious because I know
a lot of people, if you don't have a business yet and you're not phased,
you're trying to figure out your business.
I think a lot of times we look at some of that and the first question is like,
well, I'm not worthy.
I just went through a divorce.
I don't feel worthy.
What was it or why was the reason
you were able to say like,
okay, I'm going to try this.
I'm going to take that leap of faith
even though I don't feel worthy at this point
or I don't feel ready yet.
Oh yeah, no, I thought they were crazy.
I was like, you guys are asking me for help. This is nuts. Um, I think it was really that desire to
build something for myself without giving away my time. I was like, I don't want to go get a job
and pay somebody to watch my kids while I'm there. You know, I want to be able to be with them.
And so it was really, it was really a leap of faith. It was just like, can I do this?
And do I believe that I can help somebody be better off than they are right now?
And the answer to that question was yes.
I was like, I've read books.
I've done this for myself.
I know that I can figure out how to help somebody else get this result for themselves.
And that was kind of it.
I think the hardest part, honestly, was making that first offer was when I was like, okay, well, I've been talking to you on Messenger for a while, and I know you have the issue that I have, and I can help you solve it. But like,
are you going to pay me money? You know, then even today, people are like, but how do I do a CTA?
And I'm like, it's okay, just take a deep breath and like, believe that you have something that
can help somebody else. Yeah. So yeah, so I mean, and then we can fast forward like a ton of time, right?
I was in inner circle.
I started learning about internet marketing, started learning about Facebook ads, started
learning about click funnels and just all of these things.
And I was hitting my head against a wall because the messaging that I had was really, you know,
how to, uh, how to divorce gracefully, like at the end of the day.
And nobody wanted to raise their
hand for that. You know, nobody wanted to let people know that they were having problems in
their relationship, but I would look around the rooms that I was in and I was like, I could help
all of these people because it's interpersonal relationships that they're having. And this,
this moment of like, aha happened where I was like, oh my gosh, the same problem people are
having in relationship one-on-one is the same problem that entrepreneurs are having in relationship one-to-many.
And I thought, you know, if I can help entrepreneurs rewrite their story so that they can
share that with people from a place of authenticity, but also confidence in themselves and their
abilities, what a difference that might make in their businesses. And I mean, within 30 days,
like my entire business had changed. I shut down my coaching. I was like, I'm a copywriter now.
This is amazing. And, uh, and now I'm here with you and it's, it's just been such a crazy
ride. But I tell everybody like Russell always says, once you find that thing, that's actually
your thing, everything changes and it happens like in an instant. And that's, that was my
experience. So thank you. So cool. I love it. All right. So we're talking about email today.
And I know, um, I think this is kind of fascinating. We've talked behind, um, off stage
about this a little bit, but you know, your stuff you talk about in relationships, right? Like
building a relationship and things like that. And, and P an entrepreneur's relationship with
their list, like the principles are the same. And one day you said something like a lot of the way
that most entrepreneurs teach their list or treat their list. You want to talk about that?
Cause I think it's kind of funny, but also it makes it very like, Oh yeah, I see that. And
probably people's email lists you're on, you'll notice that this is what they use their list for.
We don't want to be using it this way. So let me talk about that.
Absolutely. So I think that there's three different ways that entrepreneurs typically
show up for their email audiences. The first one is like a pickup artist. You know, they're just like, Hey, it's like a booty call, right? They're just like,
Hey, you want to buy my thing? And it's like, Oh man, like you gotta, you gotta give a little bit
more than being like that booty call. You know? Um, I think the second way is really like a player,
which they put in a little bit more effort on the front end. They really do kind of care and they do
their automations and they set up their sequences and stuff.
But the problem is that when they don't make that sale or get what they want in their own time frame, they move on and then they completely ghost you.
You never hear from them again.
And then you've got who I've been guilty of being a lot is Mr. Nice Guy.
The person who gives and gives and shows up every day and is like, oh, I'm here for you.
Like, I want to support you.
I want to serve you in every way possible, but you never make an offer, right? Cause you're just like,
if I serve enough, they're just going to call me and tell me that they want to give me their money.
And that's not how it works, right? They never do. They really don't. And so what, what I really,
uh, do my best to teach people how to do is to show up as relationship material where
you're, you're showing up for them. You're serving them, you're, um, you know, you're adding value, but you're also challenging them and you're making
them think a little bit about themselves and about their situation while giving them opportunities to
actually step into working with you and like making a change for the better. So it's, it's a,
it's a, it's kind of a combination of all three of those personalities, right? Like you want to
have automations and sequences and put the work in on the front end. You also want to be making offers
when the time is right and you want to add value and show up consistently. Yeah. Yeah.
Becoming a more well-rounded human. Yeah, exactly. I love it.
What's up everybody. This is Russell Brunson. I've got something really cool for you today
from my friend Taylor Wells. And Taylor spoke at our last funnel hacking live because I wanted him
to share a really cool concept
about what he calls the revolving pricing method.
And today he decided to sponsor the podcast
to give you guys more access to this super cool strategy
that you are going to love.
It's something we've been implementing
into our high-end coaching program as well,
and it is amazing.
But to kind of give you some context
about this offer he's making for you guys,
as you may or may not know,
a few years ago, JPMorgan Chase did a study,
and guess what they found? They found that the average small business only has about 28 days
of operating expenses in reserve. That's right, less than a month of cash on hands. Now, if you're
like me, the idea of your business being one bad month away from disaster is enough to make your
stomach drop. Am I right? Especially with how the economy's been lately. It's not the time to be
gambling with your finances. So Taylor put together this book called The Revolving Pricing
Method and it's awesome. It helps you turn every client you close into a
long-term profit machine. We're not talking about one-time paydays. We're talking about creating
sustainable and real predictable income for the long haul. Now here's where it gets even better.
Taylor put together an awesome exclusive deal just for you guys, my Marketing Secrets listeners.
And if you go over to slash secrets, you can grab The Revolving Price
Method book and over $150 worth of bonuses and get this all. It's at 70% off. And I promise you guys as a
customer of this, you are going to love it. So if you're serious about growing your business with
real stability, this is the model you need to add into your funnels. So go over to
slash secrets, grab your 70% off deal, and let's start turning your clients into long-term revenue.
Again, that's slash secrets. Do not miss out. Hey, this is Russell Brunson. And I want to jump
in really quick to share with you a new assessment. I found out that is insanely cool. You guys know,
I'm obsessed with personality profiles and assessments, but this one is different because
not only does it help you to understand yourself, but more importantly, especially for us who are
entrepreneurs, it helps us understand our employees, our teams, and get people sitting
on the right seats in the bus so they can get more stuff done.
I just had a chance to interview Patrick Lanchoni
talking specifically about this new assessment
they created called Working Genius.
And the Working Genius is awesome.
Like this test, I had actually blocked out an hour to take it
because I was so excited for the new assessment.
And it only took me like 10 minutes or less to get it done.
Yet, even though it takes only 10 minutes,
like you can actually apply this immediately.
I took it for myself. I had my team take it. And what's cool about it is from
there, we figured out exactly what people's working geniuses are. And that's important
because if you're building a team or a company, you got to figure out, make sure that you have
first off the right people, but make sure the right people are sitting in the right seats on
the bus. And this is what this assessment will teach you how to do. Um, now normally this
assessment, you can go to working and there's two G's in the middle,, but I got you a 20% discount on the assessment, which is
only $25. So don't stress. It's not an expensive test at all, but you get a 20% discount off when
you put in the keyword secrets at checkout. So go to Again, two G's,
workinggenius, two G's in the middle,, and then use promo code secrets,
at checkout, get 25% off. But then go take the test. Again, it takes you 10 minutes,
but even in a 10-minute session, you will get something that is so insanely valuable to help
you understand yourself, to make sure you're working in a spot that's going to give you the
most joy, number one. But then number two, it's going to make sure that you are, with your teams,
getting them in the right seats as well. So anyway, I love this assessment. Go check it out at and enter the promo code
secrets for 20% discount. Take this test for yourself and for your team. And I promise you,
it'll change the working dynamics amongst everybody and help your company to grow.
So what we're gonna talk about today and then with Yada is when a lead first comes in,
and there's a lot of different email sequences. Over time, when you go to one funnel way challenge,
other things, you'll hear us talk about lots of different types of sequences.
But the first one is like when someone first comes into your world.
It's that first – like the first time they met you, you're introducing them, you're shaking hands, you're getting to know them, and there's a sequence.
And there's a – I'm not even sure if you have an official name for it or not.
But there's six emails that you do when someone first comes into your world.
And I don't know if you want to briefly talk about – I six are really quick and then we'll go down and kind of break day
by day and kind of go through each of them. But these are the first six emails they're going to
do exactly what she's talking about. Like build that relationship, provide value, and also ask
the call to action to, to really ultimately get the thing that you're, you're trying to get towards
the end. Yeah, for sure. And so for me, I call it the warmup sequence. I believe in your world,
that's the indoctrination sequence. Everybody, a lot of people call it a lot of different things. Um, the way that I actually
came up with this sequence was, uh, thinking back to when I lived in San Diego and my mom was
teaching me how to drive. There was this huge on-ramp to the freeway. And of course the freeway
is going at like 65, 70 miles per hour. And I'm at a dead stop up here. Right? So I had this big
hill to gain the speed so that I could properly merge with traffic.
And I started thinking one day, I was like, you know, when a prospect comes into our world,
they're at a dead stop and our business is moving.
Like we're having a certain conversation with our people, with our students, with our audiences,
and they don't know anything about that.
So I was like, how do we help them merge into our business without crashing?
And so my thought was
when I meet someone at a conference or at an event or anywhere really in person,
what are the six questions that I ask them or that they ask me and that help us get to know each
other? And, and I turned those into emails. And so the first one is who are you, right? This is
the first question that every single person that meets you has on their mind. Who are you? Right? This is the first question that every single person that meets you has on their mind. Who are you? Second is where did you come from? Right? Third, what do you do? Fourth, how
do you do it? Fifth, well, who do you do it for? And sixth, how can you do it for me? Right? And
so I took that framework of how you meet someone in person one-on-one and said, well, let's do the
same thing when we're behind our computers. Cause something weird happens to people when they get behind the screen of a computer and they're
just like, hi, I'm Yara, buy my thing. And it's like, that's not what we do. That's not how we
interact. You'd be like, oh my gosh, that person's so weird. Get me away from them. And so I just
took a little bit more time to get to know people, to really onboard them into my world, to let them know a
little bit about my backstory. And I found that doing that actually invites conversation, right?
It engages them in a way that does help them feel like they know who you are. And I think more
importantly, it connects the dots for them as to why it is that you do what you do, because it's
a logical progression in your story, right? If you were to tell somebody, you know, I built a potato gun all
these years ago and now I run a software company. They're like, well, that's how we're missing
something in between. It's a big gap for them to bridge. But if you're like, well, I did the
potato gun and then I started doing the CDs and I figured out that I could do it online. And then I
was like, you know, hitting my head against the wall because I'd hire all these people.
And I thought there had to be an easier way. And so I pulled this team together and we created
click funnels. And now I have a software. You're like, yeah, that totally makes sense. I want to
do what he did. It was the onboarding ramp into the exactly. It's not already talked about funnels
at that point. Exactly. Like they're not crashing. They're just like, okay, I'm here for the ride.
And the coolest thing is, you know, I heard you in your opening, you were talking about how,
you know, you would watch when you would email people and there was like unsubscribes
and you do want people to unsubscribe. Like a lot of people have so much fear of the unsubscribe.
And I think that what you're doing here with this lead challenge is amazing because it's solving
that problem. You know, most of the people who fear the unsubscribe don't have a systematic way of
adding people to their list.
And so when you have, let's say, a thousand people on your list and you see 300 drop off,
you're like, oh, I'm going to run out of people.
But if you're adding 50, 100, a thousand, however many people a week, a day, it doesn't
really matter.
You're just like, OK, I'm weeding out the people that don't like my story, that don't
like what I have to say.
And I'm keeping the people who do. And so if we keep with the, with the freeway analogy, it's like,
if they merge onto your business and they realize that, Oh, I'm on the wrong street. It's like,
okay, take the next exit. And that's totally okay. Yeah. I was thinking about it. Um, like,
cause like a sifting and a sorting, right? Like you're dumping all these leads in. Cause I want
the lead magnet, sexually magnet, more people come in, But then you're like figuring out like are these my people?
Am I the right leader?
Because I talk about this a lot.
I feel like business – for all of us when we're in business, like we're called to serve a group of people.
And just because I serve this group of people, a lot of people are going to come in, but a lot of them are going to leave.
And that's okay.
Like it's the sifting and the sorting.
Again, we have 35,000 people join this challenge.
Every single day, hundreds of you guys are unsubscribing.
That's totally cool.
It means this is not the right fit. You don't like me. I talk too fast. I'm annoying. Whatever
it is, that's cool. I want to figure that out now before you give me money. Because if you give me
money and then you don't like me, it's going to be super weird and awkward. And I'd rather you
guys leave now if you don't like me at this point. And go find someone else. And that's cool. If
you're not who I'm called to serve, go find the next person. Find the person who's the right
leader for you. And you should feel the same way about your audience. If they don't connect with you, they should find the right person. Because I think when all is said and serve, go find the next person. I find the person who's the right leader for you. And you should feel the same way about, about your audience. Like if they don't connect with you,
they should find the right person. Um, cause I think when all of a sudden we want the result
for our, our customer more than, I don't care if you give me money or someone else, as long as you
get the result, that's, that's the mission. So a hundred percent. And I think, you know,
just to kind of piggyback on that, it's so important that you show up as who you actually
really truly are, right? Like you and I laugh all the time because both of us are introverts and we
get kind of awkward sometimes and it's okay, but I lead with that. You know,
I'm just like, Hey, I'm Yara Golden. You know, I really love my partner. I love my kids. I love
my dog. He's a Frenchie and he like snores all the time. And I love Star Wars. And you know,
like I talk about all of those different kinds of things because it's who I am, right? Like I even
drop an F bomb every once in a while in my emails. And I'm like, if you're the type of person who's going to be offended by that, you're probably not a right
fit for me. And that's okay. Go find the person who is. And I know that you do the same. It's like
by showing those different facets of your attractive character of who you actually are,
it makes it so that your content creation is much easier and it's much more sustainable because
you're not playing a part that you think somebody wants you to be. You're actually showing up as who you are. Yeah. Yeah.
Very cool. All right. Two real quick things that I'm going to dive in email by email. So, um, number
one is a week or two ago, Yada came over to the office and I had her read her entire six email
sequence. Um, and she writes emails longer than me. And so I want to stress, it doesn't matter the length.
It matters the content, right?
But in the one page you guys will be getting here in a minute, you can actually watch and have her.
She's going to read her six emails.
You'll see a practical application of what we're talking about.
We're going to talk about some of the structure on each of the emails.
But if you want to see her actually doing it, you get the one-pager tonight.
Go watch the video and you're like, oh, this is cool.
You're hearing how she tells the story. at the same time. Don't be like,
she wrote a four page email. I like Russell can't do that. Like it's so it's, it's the story. It
doesn't anyway. So that's number one. Number two is Jim Edwards and Yada got together and Yada
kind of shared, here's my framework for the emails. And then Jim took her framework, her
frameworks and reverse engineered into software. And so the other thing we're gonna give you in
one pager today is, is this new new software you fill in the blanks with your
stories you click a button and it actually will take those and write out this six email sequence
which is awesome you can take it and copy and paste it yeah i was like he's not gonna be able
to do it and then i was like oh my gosh he did it it's really cool so those are two gifts you guys
are getting here in a little bit uh but i just wanted to um to let you guys know that because
again right now we're talking about some of the structure and some
of the things you'd be like, okay, I kind of understand that, but I need to see it.
Okay. You'll be able to actually see it in the one pager. So, um, all right. So that said,
yeah, let's go day by day. So day number one, tell us what the question is and like, what,
like, how do you do that? You're like, what are the things you're thinking through as you're
writing the very first email that someone's getting when they first get your, your lead
magnet? So the very first email is basically my handshake, right? It's just like, Hey, I'm Yada. Nice to meet you. You know? And, um, and I
want to tell them a little bit about how I became who I am today. It's not like, Hey, I was born in
San Diego in 1982. Like nobody wants your biography in this email. It's really about telling them the
things and the parts of your story that are relevant to them right now.
Right. So I start with, um, I believe I started at the kitchen table in my new apartment, you know,
and I'm just like, you know, here I was sitting at this kitchen table the first time that I have
a mortgage to pay or a rent to pay and a phone to pay and like all of these things. And I'm
stressed because I don't have money. What I'm attempting to do with sharing that story is to meet my prospect where they're at,
right? Because if somebody is looking to engage their email audience or is looking to write,
learn how to write emails, my guess is that they're wanting to make more money. And so
they may not be in as dire a situation as I was, but the feeling, right? The underpinning feeling of that whole
situation is the same. It's like, I have my head in my hands. I'm trying to figure out how to make
this work and I'm frustrated. Right. And so that's what I'm really going for with the story. It's,
it's connecting with them on an emotional level of, um, sharing a story that comes with the feeling
that everybody's experienced. And so, you know, I would ask all
of you guys, as you're thinking of your own story to say, where is your prospect? Like,
what is the pain? What is the frustration? What is the, the shame or whatever it happens to be
that they're feeling that they're wanting to overcome? And what's the story that you can
share with them that will help them, uh, connect with you and think, oh my gosh, he's felt that too.
She's felt that too.
Let me continue reading so that I can see how this wraps up.
Very cool.
And one of the mistakes a lot of people make that I see, especially when you become an
expert or whatever, is our natural desires.
We want to position ourselves as like, look at how great I am.
So my first email was like, my name is Russell Brunson.
I'm the CEO of ClickFunnels.
This year we did blah, blah, blah, millions of dollars.
You think it's like, oh, I know who I am.
They're going to think I'm awesome.
They're going to listen to me.
That's not actually what works.
What works is you're getting off your pedestal, coming back to where they were at.
I was in the same spot you were in.
That's why I created this thing that we're talking about.
Let me tell you my story.
And that's what builds the connection.
And now they want to go on the journey with you.
I don't know why it is.
I see people doing webinars and Facebook lives and every, every
communication. They all want to posture because it makes them feel better about themselves. But
as soon as you posture, it pushes them away. Okay. So get off your, get off your posturing
and come back down and go back to where they're at right now and where you are at and relate to
them and like share the empathy. And that's the, that's what builds the connection that gets them
to be like, Oh my gosh, Yada understands me or Russell understands me. And reading the story
and like, okay, tomorrow's email, I'm going to, I'm going to look for it, open it because like,
I actually connected with that person. A hundred percent. It's like, I say, you know, you got to
come off of Mount Killam with knowledge, right? Cause that's what we think. We're like, I'm going
to talk to them about all the cool big words that I know and all of the awesome seminars and people
that I've worked with and like they the the the
gap that they have to bridge between their position and your position you know if we're
even going to look at it as like a height thing is is huge right and they're just like I'm never
going to get there they already think it's so hard if we come off of Mount Kiln with knowledge
and we do exactly what you said stand shoulder to shoulder with them and be like listen I'm not
better than you I'm just further down the road than you are. And I've
learned a lot of things by stumbling and falling on my face and picking myself back up and dusting
myself off. And I'm going to tell you a little bit about that behind the scenes so that you know
what's coming up. It's almost like putting out a roadmap for them and saying like, hey,
there's some tar pits over there and there's a saber tooth tiger over there. So like,
make sure that you watch out because I ran into them. That's how I
know. And that makes you way more relatable and it makes you trustworthy. And it makes you somebody
that they understand that you actually can help them. Cause you're telling, you're talking about
something that they're experiencing and they have shame around. They don't want anybody to know that
they don't know how to build their business or that they don't know how to email their audience.
And you're like, dude, I know what that was like. I remember sitting at my
computer and like staring at the cursor and being like, Oh my gosh, like it's never going to go
away. Um, so it makes it way easier. Cool. So that's email number one. Email number one,
you're not selling stuff. You're not hard closing them. It's just building the connection. So
they're going to open email number two and hopefully keep people open to emails in the
future. Completely, completely. And then email number two is really like, where did you come
from? Right. And I told you guys a little bit about where I came from. I had,
it had nothing to do with geography, right? It had to do with, I got divorced and I became a
relationship coach. This is a little bit about how that started. And this is the progression
that I went through to become a copywriter. Right. And so that's what I mean by like,
where did you come from? Like, where did your business come from? Where did your expertise
come from? Like, did you earn it? Did you learn it? Like how, how did, how did this come
to be? And, um, the, the one thing I forgot to mention on email one is that all of these emails,
I always end them with the call to action is actually a reply. Like I'm asking them for
engagement, especially when you're first building your list, because this is when you're most
excited, right? Like you're going to see a hundred or 50 people jump onto your list and you're like, oh my gosh, there's new people.
And when you send an email out and they reply, you're like, oh, there's actually really people
there. You don't feel like you're talking to that void and you get to see also like what they're
excited to hear from you about. Right. And so email number two is very casual. Also, it's not
a super hard pitch. It's just kind of telling them like,
this is how I came to do what it is that I do. And then an email three, we're really going to start talking to them about what that is. Cool. So question one is who are you? Yep.
Question two is where did you come from? Where'd you come from? I was like, I should wrote this
down in my hand or something. I remember all. Okay. So where'd you come from? Is this where
you came from? You're kind of like leading the gap of like, I'm over here. Yeah. Like I was a regular person and now I do this.
How did that happen?
Like, who did you talk to?
What conference did you go to?
What experience did you have in your life?
There was like, there was eventually like some, some Valley that you experienced where
you were like, never again.
I'll let Tony Robbins.
It's like, never again.
I'm never going to do that again.
And everything from then on was different.
And then email number three is going to be like, okay, well, what do you do? Like,
tell me about what it is that you do. And so for you, it's like, you were like, well,
I had this potato gun, like you were in school, right? You're just like, I need to make money.
And so that was your valley. And then you were like, and so what did I do? I created this potato
gun and I started selling these CDs online. And that's where you that like, that's what you do,
right? Like you create info products, you and then you created an easier way for people to
sell those info products, right? For me, it was like, I actually help people wrap their heads
around what their story is and share it in a way that helps people come in and actually connect
with them. Right. And so I talk a little bit about like, what when I had that realization,
when I realized that it was a problem for others, and not just me. And then I talk a little bit about like what, when I had that realization, when I realized that it was a problem for others and not just me.
And then the solution that I created for that, like, did I create the salute?
Did I like happen upon the solution or did I actually intentionally go and create it?
Like, that's what this email is about is so that people are going to start seeing, oh my gosh, you know, she saw that that was a problem for other people.
It's actually one of the problems that I have. And she said that she created a solution. I want to hear what that
solution is because I trust her. I like her. I want to keep going. Yeah. When she's talking about
this, I'm just, she talked about earlier, like meet someone at a networking party and then the
logical questions you'd ask them. I picture myself in a conversation of like, who are you? Cool. How
did you get there? Like, what do you do? You know, like it's, it is very natural, like the
progression of a normal conversation, which is why it works so well. Yeah. Yeah.
All right. What's the next email after that? So number four, we're going to go into, uh,
how did you earn it or learn it? Right. Like, tell me about how you gained this expertise.
For me, the story is actually Jamie cross in inner circle came up to me one day and she said,
yada, I read all of your posts on, on, uh, on Facebook. I feel like I could have written them
myself. Have you ever thought about writing for another company? And I literally stopped dead in my tracks.
I was like, no, I've just been writing and it's not even making me that much money. Right. I was
like, cause I don't have call to actions. I'm showing up like Mr. Nice guy. Um, and I was like,
well, let me give it a shot. You know, she's like, would you write for my company? And I was like,
absolutely. And so I interviewed her. I got like, I fell in love with her story, with her, her character, like everything that she was doing.
And I just started writing to her audience and her audience came to life and they started wanting
the products. And we started telling stories about the products and all of these things.
And so I saw that there was an actual need for something that I wanted to do and that I was good
at doing. And, and that's really when everything changed. I remember standing up that year at funnel hacking live and I was in the
audience and I was like, I'm going to speak on stage next year. And I was like, I have no idea
how that's going to happen or why that came out of my mouth. But it was just this feeling that I had.
I was like, I found my thing. And so I tell them that story, you know, in the email and it really
helped. So, and what I want you to see with all these emails is that there's inception selling that's happening along the way, right? Because as I'm telling you my story and as
I'm telling you what I did, I'm sharing results and I'm sharing information about what I'm doing
for other people and how I came to gain that knowledge and all of that stuff. And so you're
naturally already like, Oh, like she's the person that I need to talk to if I want to do this in my
business. So yeah, that's kind of, that's one thing i know a lot of you guys can be like wait so i'm not selling in
every single email it's like well not directly not overtly but every email is like building the
connect like it builds a relationship it builds your expertise and to the point where like they
trust you they like you which is like how most sales happen anyway right yeah there's a reason
why i'm spending five days an hour every single day plus homework and giving you guys like stuff
like crazy because i'm hoping by any chance, all right, Russell's got the key.
He knows what he's doing.
I'm going to go to the next level with Russell.
And like, that's the value ladder we keep talking about.
And so these emails are doing that.
We're at the point now at day four, five, day four, day five.
There's like, oh my gosh, like, I think they, I think this person's got the answers.
Like, I think I found the right person.
And that's when it starts pre-selling everything else you're doing.
Well, and I think the really cool thing too, is that you're, because you're not going after this, it's like, if you met somebody and tried
to kiss them immediately, right? If you're just like, oh my gosh, you're gorgeous. I just want
to kiss you. And it's like, oh, that's, you're going to push them away. Right. And that's what
it's like when you show up as the pickup artist, you're just like, Hey, nice to meet you by my
thing. And it's like, well, Hey, nice to meet you. Why don't you tell me a little bit about
yourself? Let me ask you a couple of questions. Let me tell you a little bit about my background.
It's like three or four dates down the line. Your prospect is actually like, okay, like how,
like I'm excited. I really like you. I like what you have to say. You seem like you have a solution
for my thing. Like, how do I, how do I get ahold of you? Like, how do I work with you? Those are
the types of emails that I get back from this sequence. Like it's email three, four or five.
And people are like, how do I work with you? Like, how do I schedule with you?
Where do I send you money? Yeah, exactly. And it's such a cool experience, but especially when you consider like you're not
selling, like there isn't actually a CTA, but the invitation is there, the door is open.
And so what starts happening is that a lot of those replies become sales conversations because
they're like, Hey, you told a story about, you know, not knowing how to pay your mortgage or
your rent and, you know, wanting to find an alternative.
I'm in that same situation.
You know, can you help me?
And it's like, well, yeah, I've actually put together this course for you.
Or, you know, have you looked into this or that or the other?
And so those all, those inbound, it creates a space where you're not selling to people,
they're buying from you.
And that's such a distinction.
And it's like so important because for people that are, you know, feel weird or kind of
cringy about like being salesy, this eliminates that completely because you're now just opening
the door and saying, I'm open for business.
This is what I do.
Do you want to talk about it?
And they're just like, yeah, I do want to talk about it.
And you're good.
That's awesome.
We are on email five.
Email five.
Who do you do this for? Right. So now we've told them who you are, where you came from, what's awesome. Okay. We are on email five, email five. Okay. Who do you do this for?
Right. So now we've told them who you are, where you came from, what you do,
how you earned it or learned it. We're going to talk to them about who you do this for. This is
one of my absolute favorite emails because it's like the inception of all inceptions, because
we're going to present them a case study. So, um, if you're just starting out, you may not have like
your, you know, grandiose case
study yet, but go and find somebody, right. And help somebody get the result that you, that you
are promising people and then tell their story, right? Like whoever that ideal person is for you
and say, you know, uh, when I met Russell, um, he was, you know, running this huge company and I was
like, oh my gosh, I could totally help him get his message out. And it turned out that he was looking to do a new onboarding sequence for his people.
And so I, we, you know, we went through the process. I interviewed him. I had this amazing
story. We wrote the emails, he put it out and these were the results that he got. Right. And
like, it was so, so amazing working with him. These are the types of people that I work with.
These are the problems that they're having. Uh, these are the objections that they had to maybe
working with me. This is how I overcame those objections. So you're, you're
walking them through the sales process, but you're doing it from a distance so that they don't feel
like it's actually about them, right? Like they can hear the story that you're telling about
whomever you're talking about and say, Oh my gosh, I'm just like Russell, or I'm just like Sharon,
or I'm just like John. Like I have those
same problems. I had that same objection, right? If you're somebody like money objections are a
huge thing, right? Or I have to talk to my spouse. If those are objections that you hear a lot,
you can write them out with your counter, right? It's like, oh, Susie desperately wanted to work
with me. But you know, when we were talking about it, she really needed to talk to her spouse. And
so I asked her these questions and this is the result that she got, or I coached her on how to talk to her spouse about it. Right. And so you
actually coach them through it in the email. So by the time they get to the end of it, they're
already on the other side of it. And they're just like, Oh my gosh, like, let's just do this. Um,
so that's, that's one of my favorites. I've never told a story before, but you were saying that it
reminded me. So when Colette and I first met my wife, we were hanging out with a bunch of friends and stuff.
And I used to have these lists.
It was like my,
like my future wife,
these are the qualities of my future wife.
And these are the things she does.
And I would always share those things.
And it's funny.
Cause we were just hanging out at the time.
And she told me,
she's like one day we're hanging at your house and you were talking about
And she's like,
Like I have that quality.
I do that thing.
And she's like checking these things off.
And she's like,
And then that was the first time in her mind.
She's like,
what if I, like, and cause my wife's older than me.
So she was like, wait, like this, this is like this really weird fit.
And like, so I, I did that close.
I didn't even know it the whole time anyway, but it's pretty cool.
Cause it's like, it's, it's not as a scary as like, like this is why you buy my thing.
It's like, this is why other people did.
And people will identify like, oh my gosh, I connected that person, that story, that
And again, drawing them to you completely.
And you can, it doesn't have to be just one person.
You can totally go through like two or three different avatars and just talking about like,
these are the types of people that I helped attain this result.
These are some of the objections that they have.
These are some of the fears that they have.
These are some of the results that they've gotten.
And so, and nobody likes being told what to do, right?
If you're just like, you should do this.
It's like, uh, I don't want to, right?
Like your wall goes up.
But if you're telling somebody a story, humans just learn that way, right?
We love hearing stories and we get like in this like little daze and we just listen,
And we let the information sink in.
And so that's one of the reasons why that email is so powerful because it helps you
help your prospect identify, like self-identify whether they're your ideal client or not.
So imagine again, now you're at a party
and you're talking to a person and you're like,
yeah, so this is what I do it for.
I did it for that person over there
and that person over there.
You see all these people.
And what's the next question
that the person's probably going to ask you at that point?
Well, how do you do it for me?
Like, well, I've got a business.
I got a thing.
Like do it for me now, right?
So that email leads us into email number six,
which is how do you do it now for me?
Yeah, for sure.
And email number six is also super cool because it's the email where I like to really kind
of zoom out to 30,000 foot view of your business.
And you can kind of give them an overview of your entire value ladder.
Because just because somebody is coming in off of a lead magnet doesn't necessarily mean
that they're only a low ticket buyer, right?
Like they could be ready for your highest ticket thing.
But if we try to pigeonhole them and say, well, this is the only thing you can buy, they may not buy, right? And they may leave. And so what I like to do is say, you know,
because I help these kinds of people with these kinds of problems, I initially developed this
product. And when I developed that product, I've learned that when you solve one problem,
you immediately create another, right? And so I realized that this was the next problem everybody was having. And so I created this product. And
then I realized that this was a problem and this was a problem and this was a problem. And so
these are the different ways that I'm able to help these specific types of people create this result.
And so that's really where you now have your links, you have your calls to action,
you have anything like that, that, you know, and I would prefer to see one link in an email,
um, just so that you don't lose people, you know, clicking out to different places. But if you can
create a page where you have all your offers and it's like, well, just go and click the one that's
right for you. Yeah. Yeah. Super cool. Yeah. And that's when they start buying. Now think about
like the built up anticipation over these days. It's just like, they, they get to know you like,
oh my gosh, this person's like me. And then they start seeing these things and it keeps progressing and progressing. And by the end, they're just like,
I want to buy something. And you're like, well, here's what I have to offer. It's like, Oh,
sweet. And like you said, it's interesting. We talked about the value ladder, um,
that yesterday, yesterday about the value ladder. Right. I think on that page, a lot of times it's
like, you know, here's my, here's my a hundred dollar course. People want that. Here's my
$3,000 live event. Here's my $10,000 mastermind or whatever, whatever your version
of that is. Right. Um, I can clean your teeth. I can whiten your teeth. I can give you braces
or whatever those things are like, like just option offer it. And, um, you know, it's been
interesting to me because when I wrote the secrets book, I talked about the value
ladder and I think my belief for the time, a lot of people's belief at the time was like,
people have to go through step one to step two to step three. It wasn't until later where I
started realizing that some people just want to go to the top.
Like when I met you and James, like you guys – I don't know if you bought anything ahead of time.
But you're like, what's the most expensive thing?
I'm like, well, I have my inner circle.
You're like, sweet, we're in.
And you guys just leapfrogged everything.
I think we went from like perfect webinar script to inner circle.
They just leapfrogged right up.
And so it's kind of cool in this email number six to be like, hey, here's the options.
And some people, high-ticket buyers will go for high-ticket.
Low-ticket will go for – and like people will kind of bracket themselves and put
themselves in where it makes sense for them at that point. Um, and then moving forward and other
email sequences, you can focus specifically on a product or service, but during this onboarding,
it's kind of like this is what I do. And you're showing them like, here's the buffet,
pick what makes most sense to you. And, uh, and then that way people kind of self bracket
themselves. And now you, you've got business coming in. It's like a getting to know you sequence, you know, and,
and I think showing up as who you really are and showing those quirks about yourself and telling
stories about things that are important to you. And, you know, in mine, like I acknowledge like
my mentors all of the time. Like I'm, I, when I read it, I was like, Oh my gosh, this is like my
ode to Russell. But, but it's, it's awesome. You know, you always say like, give credit where credit is due. And I, I believe that this is an amazing place to do that because
when you're talking about how you learn this, how you earn this, it's like, what conferences did you
go to? What books did you read? What, what coaches did you learn from? And that actually adds
credibility. Like it's not going to take anything away from you because at the end of the day,
you're the person that's providing this value to these people.
You're the person who drew them in.
And I actually just had this thought.
It's like, you're putting out a lead magnet, right?
Continue to magnet, continue to be magnetic.
Like this sequence actually allows you to continue drawing them in rather than like
trying to like grab at them once they're there.
And I think that's, that's the mistake a lot of people make is that they, they go for
the cash grab like really quickly. And I'm like, just, just let them sit
there for a second and get to know you and get comfortable so that when you do make that offer,
they're ready to say yes. Awesome. Yeah. Okay. The one last question I'm gonna ask you, because I
know, um, I've gotten this a lot over the last couple of days is for some reason, not everybody,
but there's a huge segment of people who hang out with us that always like, well, that's cool,
but it doesn't work for my business.
So I love you.
I know you've done this for my business, yours, other people's.
But I love that I kind of show like a breadth of like these are the types of businesses work for and then help them understand it doesn't matter what business you're in, the process is still the same.
It really doesn't.
Everybody likes to think that they're like a delicate, unique flower.
And we all are as human beings.
But marketing is the same no matter what industry you're in.
And, of course, there's like nuances. we've done it for e-commerce businesses. We've done it
for physical product businesses. We've done it for dentistry businesses. We've done it for, uh,
software businesses. We've done it for coaching businesses. We've done it for network businesses.
We've done it for network marketing. Like, I mean, anything and everything that you can possibly think of this sequence will help because at the end of the day,
behind all of this is a relationship with a human being, right? And human beings are by nature,
social animals and social creatures. And we want to feel connected and we want to feel a part of
something. And so when you create that space where they can actually come in and get to know you
and understand who you are, what it is that you do,
like you're helping them take those steps
to come closer to your offer through these emails.
And that's really what's going to create the relationship
and the yes at the end of the day.
And it works for all businesses.
Yes, all businesses.
Very cool.
Thank you, Ada, for sharing that.
So we're almost towards the end.
What I'm going to do, again, in like two minutes now, I'm going to give you guys the one-pager.
And the one-pager has two really cool things.
Well, there's a lot of cool things.
But two of the coolest things is you're going to have a chance, if you want, to watch Yada
actually read through her six-email sequence when somebody comes into her world for her
email copywriting things.
And then also, Jim Edwards built software that takes her frameworks for each day.
You fill in the forms. You click a button and reverse engineers and write c6 emails for you and you'll see like
they don't come out perfect they come out like 95 there you still got to go back clean them up and
tweak your stories and add your adjectives and your things in there but for the most part it
does an amazing job of like helping you uh start on the journey one of the hardest things as you
know and i know from like writing copy writing words is like starting with a blank page it's
just like uh that little flashing cursor and you're just like i hate that cursor just keeps
like mocking me and so the the the software we're giving you guys will they will do it it'll pop out
there's six emails now you're like oh sweet i just got to edit and tweak things and it's so much
easier well and i think jim and i actually were talking about he's like how much time do you think
this saves people and i was like probably about 90 of the time right and that doesn't mean that
you're gonna go in there and in 30 seconds, you're going
to have these six emails.
There's still going to be some efforting that you've got to, you know, trash in, trash
So you've got to really take the time to fill out the answer, the questions and the
answers that Jim has in there for you.
Uh, well, but I mean, this is, it's like, it's insane.
You guys, it's insane.
So cool.
I'm excited for you guys to get it.
Before I give you the one page below, um, um, I got, so yesterday I kind of brought up the
fact that at the end of this five day challenge, um, that I was thinking about on Monday, starting,
um, to, uh, to do one funnel away, the OFA challenge and doing it live in the similar
format as we've been doing it. You guys have been telling us you love this format of going live,
getting the one pager, getting the homework and doing it back and forth. And so we've been
contemplating actually doing one funnel way live for 30 days, starting
on Monday.
Um, after I told you guys that the amount of people who said, please, please, please
was a lot.
So we finally committed to it.
So that means Monday I'm going to be starting the one funnel way challenge live.
Um, and we got so many questions.
You guys cool if I spend like five minutes going through that really quick and then I'll
give you guys the one pager in the software right afterwards or make sure you guys are
all cool with that.
I can't see you all but if you're
cool send the comments say yes russell okay i'm gonna go really quickly won't take more than five
minutes but i'll show you guys really quick so they have these guys pull up the slides right here
on the uh the podium so i can see them as well um okay so one fun way challenge as i'm excited for
a lot of things the thing i'm most excited by is um we're making some new ads for this recently and
i literally got a hang from the uh like Tom Cruise did in Mission Impossible.
So you'll start seeing these ads all over the place coming,
but that's how dedicated I am to the art and to making sure you guys pay attention.
As I hung myself from the ceiling, it was like literally one of the greatest days of my life.
Anyway, so this is the One Funnel Away Challenge, and it's very fun.
Every single day, similar to the Five Day Lead Challenge, you're going to get a mission just like this.
And the very first ever live – and again, One Funnel Away has been around for two and a half years.
In the past, it's been kind of an online course people take.
This is the first time ever that I'm going to be doing it live.
So if you're here right now and we're live, starting Monday, we're going to go live every single day for 30 days.
In the future, it may be a recorded version, but this time it's going to be live.
It's simplified from the old One Funnel way.
We've taken some of these out.
We've simplified some things.
It's going to be so much fun.
So if you've done it in the past, you should still do it.
You should definitely do it again because this one's updated.
It's different, and it's going to be a lot of fun.
So again, the first ever one starts this Monday live, same time, same place as these five-day lead challenge are going to be.
We're starting Monday.
We'll go five days a week going through this for 30 days.
Now, really quick, I want to show you guys, this is one of the promotional videos we made.
So your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to go through OFA with us.
So I'm going to have you guys watch this video really, really quickly to kind of show you guys what One Fun Way Challenge is, what it looks like.
When we come back, I'll walk you through kind of the structure structure and then I'll give you guys the one pages right after that.
So let's keep the video now.
What's the first thing you need?
The second thing and the third thing.
Pretend like these are humans because they are.
What does One Funnel Away mean?
Like what is the whole concept behind that?
For everybody, it's different.
For some of you guys, you're in a job you hate.
You're trying to get out of that, right?
For some of you guys, you are entrepreneurs.
You got a business and maybe it's stuck and it's not where you want it to be yet
and some of you guys this one funnel that helps you get a bigger impact my goal of this challenge
is to help you guys to design an architect and understand what that funnel is and how it's going
to work for you specifically belief is the most important part involved in all of this
i need you to believe this will work for you.
For some reason, people think because it's a funnel, it's like this magic nerdy thing. It's
like, no, it's people are people. This is just a process we're taking somebody through.
Funnel is like having the best salesperson on earth take somebody through the process
to find the exact group they need. The difference between what happens here in a store and what
happens here is I don't have to have a salesperson. The funnel does the selling for you. That's what you're trying to
create for them. If you do that, it increases the happiness of your customer. Then you'll increase
how much money you make with every transaction, which makes it a better experience for you as
well. That's what a funnel is. That's the big secret. The way this challenge is going to work,
each day there's going to be new videos unlocked. Each one's going to be a mission.
After that mission's finished, there's going to be some kind of task for you to do, and I need you to do it.
Today's mission, we're going to start getting into your offer sequencing.
We're going to be talking about offer hacking.
The power of e-covers.
Squeeze page.
Sales page.
Order form.
O-T-O page.
How to fill your funnel.
Build out your dream 100.
Paid side of ads. This is like the number one rule of direct response marketing.
A confused mind always says no.
The average attention span of a human being today, guess how long it is?
Seven seconds.
And so because of that, your website is literally blocking people from giving you money.
Hook story offer.
Hook story offer.
Going grabbing someone and getting their attention.
Increase the offer.
You make it better.
People give you money.
People give you the email address.
People click on your ads. Increase the offer, you make it better, people give you money. People give you the email address, people click on your ads.
That's the magic.
The One Funnel Away Challenge was amazing.
Thank you, Russell, for changing my life and changing my business.
A lot of people who get into this, they don't understand the fundamentals.
Because of that, it's complicated.
I literally feel like I can open up any business right now.
When you understand the base core principles of direct response marketing, then funnels become really, really simple and really
easy. This process will work for you. It'll change your business. It'll change your life.
But most importantly, it's going to change the lives of your customers. I'm in the two comma
club. Business is not about you just making money,
but you'll find very,
very quickly as you go through this process,
the excitement and energy and motivation of money doesn't last long.
After you start making money,
what will light you up is your ability to serve these customers.
This is a dream come true,
I visualize this over and over again.
You see their lives transform.
That's what's going to light you up.
That's the key.
That's why we do all this stuff that we do.
And it's going to be why you're building your company as well.
If you spend the next 30 days,
put in the time, put in the effort, put in the energy.
I promise you guys, it'll be worth it.
At the end of this, you'll have something really cool
to show yourself, show your spouse,
show your friends, show your family.
It'll be like the launch pad for your entire new company.
I need you to unglue from these external things
that you're doing and just focus.
It's a lot of work for a concentrated period of time, but it's worth it.
Just one funnel away, and I'm excited to help you get there during this challenge.
Oh, man, I just got re-exc excited for the OFA challenge.
I was like, I'm going to take that.
Let's re-sign up.
I'm so excited.
Again, two and a half years ago is when we recorded the very first One Falling Away challenge.
I've never done it live before.
And starting Monday, we're going to be going live for 30 days in a similar format to this.
It's going to be really fun, really exciting.
So let me walk you guys through how this whole process is going to work.
So number one, it's going to be very similar to what you guys have been experiencing this week.
Every day I will go live teaching you guys the strategy on a whiteboard, teaching you the next
step in the process. It'll be starting the same time. So noon Eastern, 10 o'clock Mountain Time,
9 Pacific, and then you got to figure out the conversions if you live somewhere else,
because I don't know how it works. But I'll be going live, same kind of thing, for 30 to 40
minutes a day, teaching you guys the strategy. As soon as that's done, once again, I'm creating one-pagers for every single step.
I'll give you the one-pager with the video of me actually doing the assignment I asked
you to do and all the homework and everything like that, so you get the one-pager walking
through the process.
I'll go live, again, at 10 o'clock my time.
As soon as it's done, you get the one-pager.
Then that day at 1 o'clock mountain time. So it's at three
Eastern time. Um, we have a full team that actually supports OFA. Okay. A full team of people. So
every single day you can jump in and they do live coaching on that session. Okay. So you listen to
the strategy, you apply the strategy, you jump in. And if you're stuck, we've got live coaches
there who literally sit there and do the thing with you. So if you're stuck, I can't figure it
out. Okay. Um, obviously in the fiveday lead challenge, because it's completely free,
I can't afford to spend money on coaches
to coach you through every single step in the process.
But in one funnel way, all the money we get
goes back into the coaches to help fulfill on the process.
Okay, so it's really cool.
You get the strategy, right?
You get the tactics, but you also get the implementation,
which is why so many people who've gone through OFA
have had success because there's live coaches there.
Every single day, you can log in, you can ask your questions. If you get stuck, if you get
frustrated, there's people there to help serve you to make sure that you actually execute and
finish all the steps in the process. Okay. So that's step number three is implementation happens
every single day during the one funnel way challenge, which is really cool. Okay. So to
look at contrast, like how does this compare to that? So the five day lead challenge, what we did,
we figure out your ultimate result, right? Then we figured out, figured out your core result. And from there we took one of your
splinter frameworks and we built the lead magnet out of it. Right. And that's been the framework
that we covered during the five day lead challenge. Okay. So one funnel way challenge is taken to the
next tier. What we do instead, um, is we're taking this core result. Okay. And from the core result,
we're going to build out your very first ever sales funnel. Okay. So we're gonna have your
sales funnel, your sales video, your offer, your order form bump,
your upsell number one, your upsell number two, and your thank you page.
So by the time the One Funnel Away challenge is done,
you're going to have an actual offer to be able to sell people.
So a five-day lead challenge, you're generating leads off your lead magnet.
Now you've got these leads coming in.
Now it's like, well, if you don't have a product yet or a business yet or a funnel yet,
how do I make money?
One Funnel Away is going to give you that funnel where you're actually going to sell
your framework, sell your product, sell your services.
Again, it's going to be happening over 30 days.
By the time the 30-day process is done, what's cool is you're going to have an entire funnel
that's built out.
Your sales videos will be done.
Your offers will be done.
Your frameworks will be done.
Your products will be done.
All the pieces will be finished.
They'll all be connected and you'll have traffic coming into these funnels and it's
going to be really, really cool.
Here's what the weeks look like.
Week number one, we're focusing on your offer
and your framework.
Number two, we're building out your entire funnel.
Week number three, we're working on your upsells,
your downsells, things like that.
And week number four is all about traffic
and selling more people into this funnel you're building.
And so that's what it looks like.
The one thing you guys are aware,
again, the five daily challenge has been free.
The one funnel away challenge is a paid challenge, but it's just a hundred bucks. Okay. And the coolest thing about
it is if you, um, if you are an affiliate, we pay out 100% affiliate commissions. Okay. This
hundred bucks is not about me. This is about getting you guys to put some skin in the game
to make sure you're committed to actually following through and doing the process.
Okay. So it's a hundred bucks. Um, what's that? $3 a day, basically. So it's $3 a day,
uh, to get coached for me live for an hour,
and then all the live coaches and stuff like that.
And the other thing is, let's say you do this,
you sign up for one of the Funnel Away Challenge,
this is awesome.
If you tell one of your friends,
again, we pay out 100% affiliate commission.
So if you sign up, you pay the $100,
you get one of your friends to sign up,
you get that $100, okay?
So you get one other person to sign up,
it's completely free to you, okay?
And so that, again, we're not making money
off the One Funnel Away Challenge.
My goal with the One Funnel Away Challenge is to give you guys the tools and the resources
you need to be successful with funnels.
My mission, as you guys know, the top of my value ladder, right, that my ultimate result
I'm trying to give you guys is to grow your companies through sales funnels.
By getting you guys into the One Funnel Away Challenge, that's how I do that.
And so it's $100.
It is a premium challenge.
But you get all of this.
And then, again, if you refer anybody else, you get 100% commission, which is cool.
And so if you want to be part of the One Funnel Away Challenge, it's starting live on Monday.
All you got to do is go to
You can sign up and register for it there and then get prepared for Monday.
It's going to be a lot of fun.
So that's kind of it for the One Funnel Away Challenge.
So now what I want to do is I want to give you guys your actual homework.
So if we can pull up the one pager, everybody's going to be getting here really quick.
Yana hasn't actually seen this one pager yet. No so excited this is it so across the top you can see the doodles these are what the five days look like oh this is the
video so if you watch this video right here this will be me actually showing you guys how we do it
like how do we fill out jim's software how do we get the emails written how do we plug those into
click funnels right how do you plug them into the email sequence so that the emails automatically
get sent out so that video walk through all the tactics, the homework. It's me and my
house doing the assignment with you. And then as you scroll down again, you'll see there's the six
days. So you have a reminder what the, what the frameworks look like. You have your spot here to
kind of brainstorm out the six different days and go up a little higher or sorry, the other way
lower. Yeah. And there's Yada's video. If you click on that, you have a chance to watch the
video of Yada actually reading out her six email sequence, which is really fun. And then there's the software box, email copy
generator. This is the software Jim built for you guys. You click on that, it'll give you the
software, fill in the blanks, it'll write the entire thing. And then the third step then is
plugging your email sequence into what we call follow-up funnels. Follow-up funnels is built
inside of click funnels. It is the thing that sends out the emails. When someone gives you
their email address for the lead magnet, follow-up funnels say, this is the first email you sent out,
this is the second, this is the third email you sent out. This is the second.
This is the third.
It all happened automatically behind the scenes.
You just got to write the emails, post them into follow-up funnels, and then that point forward is done.
It just magically happens behind the scenes.
So in there is assignments, all the steps, everything's in there.
I'll have them drop the link down below where you guys get the one-pager for today.
There it is, slash follow-up funnel.
That's where you go, and it'll take you to the one-pager. Again, a five daily slash follow up funnel. Uh, that's where you go.
And I'll take you to the one pager again,
save it to your account,
go through the process and do your homework assignment.
You guys,
it's not a difficult one.
it'll take you a little while.
It's not hard,
but it takes a while to go fill the emails out.
But when you're done,
you guys have your six email sequence done.
It'll be finished.
It'll be amazing.
so again,
there's the link down below five daily slash follow up funnels.
And on top of that,
I want to thank you for coming and serving you guys today.
She did this for free out of the kindness of her heart.
Super grateful for her doing that.
If all of you guys in the comments down below, if you're on Facebook or YouTube or Instagram
or Zoom or wherever you're at, if you can tell Yana, thank you so much for coming today
and serving you guys.
Super grateful for her and all she's done.
And with that said, thanks you guys so much for hanging out with us.
And we'll see you guys tomorrow when we start diving into hanging out with us. And we'll see you guys tomorrow
when we start diving into traffic.
Thanks everybody.
We'll see you guys tomorrow.
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