Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 16: Picking Up The Barbell

Episode Date: July 25, 2016

In a special late-night recording session, we talk about getting started. We cover our intro to strength training, and give some most-likely mediocre advice for beginners and other people who are int...erested in barbell training. And remember to LIKE Massenomics on Facebook, and go to iTunes and give us a 5 Star Review. It will make you stronger, I promise. Buy some gear at the MASSENOMICS STORE, and tell all your friends about it. They'll thank you for it later. Enjoy this week's episode, and Stay Strong...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-Massanomics Welcome to Massanomics, the world's strongest podcast. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter at Massanomics. Make sure you go visit There you'll find the rest of our powerful content. While you're there, check out our store and buy yourself some of that sweet Massanomics gear. Welcome to Massanomics. What are we doing this one?
Starting point is 00:00:32 Okay, we are here on a very special late night edition of Massanomics podcast. We've never podcasted this late before. No, this is Massanomics after hours. Like it's really weird, Tyler, you put down like the rose petals and the candles. I was not expecting that. It gets pretty sexy in the studio this late at night. So, welcome to the podcast. I'm Tyler.
Starting point is 00:00:54 Sitting next to me is Tanner. Hey, everybody. And across the way is Tommy. What's up? And his magical hair. He brought it with this time. Yeah, you. So, today we're going to talk a little bit about just uh getting started um for whatever
Starting point is 00:01:09 that means to you you can kind of take and take from this what you will um for us getting started is kind of different things for different people um i guess we'll start a little bit tanner you've kind of trained for quite a long time. At what point maybe did you start taking it seriously? Would that be the moment of getting started for you? Yeah. Yeah. I guess if I was to have to draw a line in the sand somewhere, I, you know, I was already started lifting a little bit, but, uh, there came a point in time when I realized maybe when I started to compete in anything, that's when I really feel like I got started, you know, when I could say I got started competing. Um, and the
Starting point is 00:01:51 reason I did is it's just, it's just fun. You know, you can't, uh, I've talked about this before on a podcast, maybe at some point in time, but you know, if you play sports in college or football or do anything competitive, it's hard to replace that feeling that you get, that adrenaline rush. In order to do that, this is a perfect outlet for competing in strongman, competing in powerlifting. You can be 30 years old and still get that feeling. Jonah talked about that too. We interviewed Jonah on a couple of podcasts ago.
Starting point is 00:02:30 If you haven't checked that out, you should go take a listen to it it's probably episode 13 13 yeah but he talked about that too you know he's almost 40 years old and uh for him to get that feeling it's he's almost got to be on a national or world stage and yeah and i think that is a really good point is like people don't realize that once you're done like competing or something, you never really ever, you get pretty comfortable in your life. You're never in that position of like adrenaline, fight or flight, like scary. Unless someone's maybe trying to fight you on the street, maybe then. Someone coming with a knife. But that feeling just disappears from your body unless you can find something to get that. And, you know, it is a very real human emotion that it's like, it's fun to feel that once
Starting point is 00:03:07 in a while. Yep. So once I got my first feeling with that for my first strongman competition, you know, then I knew it was time to take that a little more seriously. And I didn't, I didn't win that or anything, but it was, you know, you don't have to win to get that feeling still to be out there in front of people and competing. Yeah. I mean, that's the one thing I always tell my kids is what's the one thing more important than winning?
Starting point is 00:03:27 Nothing. Nothing is more important than winning. You've won every one since then, right? Yeah, but that's not... Lesson learned. That's really not the takeaway. It wouldn't matter. I always say that it really honestly wouldn't matter.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It really is that sense of accomplishment. You get done with it like, dang, I really did something. I kind of proved something to myself. My other option was I'd be at home drinking beer or watching something, playing video games. And as long as you're not last, you proved that you're definitely better
Starting point is 00:04:00 than everybody else below you. And I've had people, I'm always recruiting other people to do it whenever I'm doing one, just because it's more fun for me that way to have buddies doing it. And I have losers to be. Yeah. I'd be like, ha ha.
Starting point is 00:04:14 No. What do you squat? All right. Yeah. You'll do it. Yeah. No, no,
Starting point is 00:04:18 but I've had several of them come do it. And, uh, you know, maybe, maybe they place or maybe they don't, it doesn't matter, but almost every one of them, when they get or maybe they don't it doesn't matter but almost
Starting point is 00:04:25 every one of them when they get done they're like oh i'm so glad i did that you know it was like kind of proved something you know it was like i kind of thought maybe i could do it but you know i got out there and did it and just like you said a sense of accomplishment of being able to complete some of it and i i like uh you you really find the the limits of your performance abilities that way too because it's hard really really hard to replicate that feeling in the gym ever of being out there in front of one someone where you're really finding that true max of what you can do so when there's people yelling at you yeah yeah and like no matter what you do in the gym with music and other buddies in there,
Starting point is 00:05:06 when you're out in front of a few hundred people, that's when you can really find out what you're made of, I think. And all the ladies. Well, ladies love big, fat, strong men and seeing them get really dirty and sweaty and smell like shit. Covered in dirt and rock dust. That's why I did it for the ladies my wife likes it maybe I don't know
Starting point is 00:05:29 Tommy what about you Tanner you've kind of always been training what about you Tommy was there a moment in which you started or started up again I think the getting started thing is kind of funny because what it all
Starting point is 00:05:45 comes down to is you got to just do it like there's never the perfect time really like i mean maybe somebody says oh this seems like a good time but really the perfect time is now for anything that you're going to do in life and uh i think back to uh when i was young very young in my professional career doing absolutely nothing in my free time and i had a co-worker that was active and i think you know he played a lot of volleyball i go lift weights and just say i'm headed to the headed the gym today head to the gym today he come in i'm like no no no i don't have a membership don't have a membership and then one day i'm like you know i'm gonna go next month it's like why next month because it's next month why wouldn't you just go right now and it's seriously as dumb as it sounds. Never clicked in my brain. Like, oh yeah, I have
Starting point is 00:06:28 actually absolutely nothing going on from now until the next month anyway. So yeah, I'll go now. And ever since that day, I've just gone. And it's, it, it really is as simple as like, yeah, I never thought of, let's just go right now. Like it always seemed like something you got to, and that's with anything you think like, oh, I i gotta put a date on the calendar and that's the day that i'll pick to start it but like why don't you just do it right now well because then it can always be yeah yeah it's just always out there but um yeah and that's seriously how i started doing it i had a co-worker that was i'm going to the gym and he said he was going enough that one day I was like yeah maybe I'll go and here we are so what two two grown men talking into microphones so what about that uh that Tommy like your that first time going in what was what was that like
Starting point is 00:07:17 was that uncomfortable did you know what you were gonna do you were there with somebody well naturally I was there to bench obviously aren't we all bench and curl um no i and i had i mean i was there with somebody we at that point basically did completely different things we were there lifting weights but we both kind of had different approaches and i was just kind of thinking back to how i thought i had lifted things in high school and just kind of went with that on and off for maybe a month. And after that, I had a friend that had some knowledge kind of point me in a better direction. What about that very first day? Were you like, okay, I remember what curls are.
Starting point is 00:07:56 It was like, all right, time to bench. Okay, yep. That went well. Hit whatever we did here. Okay, yeah, that's pretty good. Not bad, not bad. I'm not going to squat. Yeah. Not the first day. No, yeah, that's pretty good. Not bad, not bad. I'm not going to squat. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:05 Not the first day. No, no, you got to ease into these things. Yeah, just kind of like going back to the other things. And, you know, in hindsight, it was probably the crappiest workout I've ever had. But just the fact that you're doing something counts. It's a vast improvement upon nothing. Yeah, and that's all it takes. You just got to start somewhere.
Starting point is 00:08:23 That's interesting. And then, so, you said you kind of got some advice at some point from somebody then who basically said, you know, take this approach. Do you remember specifically what changes that was? Well, it's funny. It was actually the Gillingham eight-week program is what was presented to me. And at the time, I was like, which actually do that program almost to this day in some way or another. And, um,
Starting point is 00:08:49 props to Brad Gillingham. It was presented to me by, uh, a friend that had used it for years. And, um, at the time it was like, ah,
Starting point is 00:08:58 a lot of these things don't quite fit me. So I'm going to leave out this, this and this. And, uh, you know, which still should i have done them all right away yeah but i eased into it it kept me engaged i was learning as i went even if i did
Starting point is 00:09:10 like let's say that first day i wanted to deadlift i didn't know what i was doing it would have been a disaster anyway so part of it was just becoming aware with the movements in my body and how all that worked and um i mean it seemed to work out somewhat average for me now, I guess. Better by the day. So you kind of had a little bit of aversion from somewhat off the couch. Mine was at least I was just getting fatter and doing less and less all the time. So I had thought for probably like a year, like I should do something. I should definitely do something. You know, I, and I was like, noticed when I would be driving at work and stuff, I'd
Starting point is 00:09:52 be driving, I'd like feel a lot of movement in my belly. All of your muscles. That's not what I was like. I'd notice as things went on further and further and further. And I was like, man, there's a lot of shaking around. Like I'd get on like a bumpy road and it'd be uncomfortable. Cause like my tits and belly would fucking shake, you know? And, uh, I was like, ah, I should do something. And then, you know, I, I would,
Starting point is 00:10:14 I would do the thing where you'd go into the gym and you'd try to, you know, I'd be like, I don't know what to do, you know? And I was like, I don't know. So I'd run on the treadmill for what would, I'd hope to be a mile and I'd stop at a half mile. And I'd, I don't know. So I'd run on the treadmill for what I'd hope to be a mile, and I'd stop at a half mile, and I'd, I don't know, mill around the weight room a little bit, and then I'd leave. So a couple friends of mine had talked me into doing CrossFit, forced me basically because my wife had signed up. And they kind of, for a guy that wanted to do something eventually,
Starting point is 00:10:42 I sure as shit didn't want to do that. I had all the excuses. I was like, I don't know. I mean, I sure as shit didn't want to do that. I had all the excuses. I was like, I don't know. I mean, I just don't know. But then once I started and there was some other friends of mine that were doing it with me, then I couldn't just stop for no reason, right? Because I can't just stop because it's hard because that's kind of being a pussy. So I was like, well, I guess I'm just going to keep going because that's just what else,
Starting point is 00:11:06 what am I supposed to do? Own up to it when I don't show up the next day and be like, well, why aren't you here? Well, because it was hard. You know, I don't want to do that. And, uh, and that's kind of just where it took off for me. And it was, you know, then I was, you're so bad at everything and it's just a long road of learn a little of this and learn a little of that. And, um, that's kind of one of the
Starting point is 00:11:25 one of the points we wanted I wanted to bring up today too, is, you know, like Tommy said, if you would have dove right in fully to doing all these things, it would have been a train wreck, you'd have got hurt, or you got burned out, or it would have been just too overwhelming. And I think one of the important things to do is to really assess where you are and then do things incrementally. So don't come in and say, I'm going to eat super healthy 100% all the time. I'm going to exercise perfectly. I'm going to get on this program that the best lifters in the world are on. And I'm just going to do all of that today.
Starting point is 00:12:03 Because you can't knock down all the dominoes at once it just doesn't work take the next best step but the main thing with that and it's really advice that i'd give to anybody who wants to start if you start doing anything is just always be learning and i think that's what makes it enjoyable that's what that's what keeps you going is if you're always got your hands and having an open mind to the learning for sure for sure um you know we talked last week about you know people that aren't that good at taking advice and that type of stuff and and i get like that sometimes too but it's but i still actively like search for information you know but be it on a lift or be it on nutrition, I spend way more of the time, way more time than probably my boss would prefer to hear, you know, looking up, looking up that type of stuff and research and those things. And
Starting point is 00:12:55 not all the information you get is good, but the fact that you're looking, I think is important. The other thing is, you know, being around other people that do the same thing is you know being around other people that do the same thing it's really tough to be just like the guy on an island doing if you're going to go there just by yourself and have your headphones in that's hard I think it's hard it might work for some people
Starting point is 00:13:19 but I don't know about you guys no I don't prefer that no and you get just stuck in a rut too you're just not aware of what's really happening and what's going on around you. You don't learn much when you're never talking to anyone else that's in there. It's hard to glean much then. And one of the other things is to surround yourself with people that are better than you. And I think that works in everything.
Starting point is 00:13:42 I've learned it professionally. I've learned it you know with just regular with with friendships and they are one of the I think they apply it to almost everything but it's like you know if you're the strongest person in the room you're in the wrong room you know I kind of transferred to everything if you're the fittest person in the room you're in the wrong room if you're the smartest person in the room you're in the wrong room if you're the most successful person in the room you're in the wrong fucking room because you're not going to learn anything from those people and at some point you got to be around people that are going to make it a little bit uncomfortable for you you know
Starting point is 00:14:13 you can't be the baddest dude in the room you don't want to be the strongest person in the gym right um you better bring in somebody stronger that's why i occasionally take two weeks two three weeks off to let everyone catch back up that's just too that's why i don't i don't go to the gym anymore i just don't want to be the strongest person there give someone else a chance but as far as things that you know what about advice for people starting tanner yeah i've got a few things that i had thought about earlier today too thinking about this and you know my getting started what I talked about now was kind of getting started competing and then what you two talked about getting started was really getting starting getting off your ass yeah getting starting doing anything you know yeah and that's kind of
Starting point is 00:14:59 what my advice is more more geared towards just generally just getting out there and doing something and uh you know the first thing I thought about is don't worry about or don't Vice is more geared towards just generally just getting out there and doing something. And, you know, the first thing I thought about is don't worry about or don't focus on what you don't know, you know, because you're not going to know. Or even what people are going to think of this. Because the whole point is you're starting. If your first impression is as good as it's ever going to be, then it's like, I mean, you just don't plan on getting better. You might as well find something else to do if you plan on not getting better. Exactly. Exactly. So it's, it's really hard to tell someone that is starting off that though, because that's the mindset that just, you know, it depends on your mentality a little bit, but most people think that way. And I would just say anyone that's
Starting point is 00:15:39 in that shoes, don't, you know, try not to worry about that any more than you have to, because like, I still, we're probably still pretty terrible at podcasting but i think if we went back and listened to the first one i haven't done yet it's gotta be it's gotta be almost painful to listen to compared to this i yeah i just i won't i won't go back unless it's probably you know if you're just picking up listening now it's hard for you to believe that we were worse than this if there was ever a time that we weren't great at this so yeah and uh you know don't worry about necessarily fitting in and anything like that either because in my experience and this holds true like 99 of the time the strongest guys are the most knowledgeable guys or this could go for girls too are the nicest and most understanding and most uh willing to help coach
Starting point is 00:16:28 you in any way or or help shed the knowledge on what they know and give it off to you and uh guys that aren't like that that aren't willing to help are usually giant douchebags that you don't want to learn from in the first place and in a lot of those cases, those types of guys who are assholes about it and aren't helpful really got to as far as they have kind of by maybe talent and some work, but they probably haven't learned a lot throughout the process anyways. And there's really not a lot
Starting point is 00:16:55 that you're going to gain from them. Right. At Massanomics Gym, we probably got, I'd say 25 plus guys that are all, you know, have some good knowledge, at least something related to lifting or nutrition or whatever. And they're all nice guys that are going to be willing to share that information with people that, uh, you know, are just getting into it. So, uh, that's what I would say. If you see someone big and strong out there, don't, uh, don't be intimidated
Starting point is 00:17:18 by them and don't be afraid to ask questions because most people are going to be willing to help you out. And usually like what it takes to get big and strong is a lot of work. And at some point this person was obsessed with it and probably still is. And, and is probably fairly enthusiastic about it and would fucking love to talk about it. For sure. You know,
Starting point is 00:17:36 if someone came and talked to me about weightlifting at my job, I'd be like, Oh sweet. I'm not doing shit, but talking to you about this for a while now, everything else can wait. You know, that's, uh, and, and that's, I think that's, that's really just the way it works when you get around people that really enjoy something and you're not going to get really big or really strong if you don't like it. So, yep. And, uh, along with, uh, not
Starting point is 00:18:02 worrying about what, what, you know, also don't worry about how strong you are on any lifts because it doesn't matter everyone started at some point in time and everyone was weak outside of like the genetic elite that were just squatted 500 pounds the first week there in the gym you know yeah and same thing with that don't get obsessed into what other people are doing because you know you're in your path your road and you got to do just do you and eventually you know you put the hard work and it'll come around yep it's it's really uh it really is seriously a marathon and not a sprint by any means i mean it takes years and years if you see someone over there dead lifting 700 pounds that didn't happen this
Starting point is 00:18:39 year or last year they've been dead you know yeah like like I said, outside of like some serious anomalies, they've been doing it for five to 10 years probably. So don't, don't get, don't ever get discouraged about that. And don't worry about what other people think as far as strength. You know, uh, I personally, I never judge someone on how strong they are on a lift. It's what if, what if though, they're like about as big as you, are you like, all right, I got them there.
Starting point is 00:19:06 I mean, I, they're about as big as you? Are you like, all right, I got them there? I mean, I guess I should say I don't... People that maybe are beginners are people that aren't relatively all that strong. Yeah, no, I judge people against myself. You know, like where I stack up against other people. You know, anyone that's serious about it does that. But I just mean beginners. People aren't going to be...
Starting point is 00:19:26 What I judge people negatively on is if they use very poor technique, and not just if they're doing that. If they're using very poor technique, but they're asking questions or they're trying to get better, that's still cool. But if they're using very poor technique with too much weight and not willing to take any help or advice from people those are the only people that i really uh judge you know snicker about in the corner and that's a trap that i i've a lot of people fall into that trap too where you just
Starting point is 00:19:56 you can especially when you start out you get you can make all these gains you can get stronger faster move more weight and then maybe that's not that easy and you're not working on your form, but just maybe stack some more weight on and move it around shitty. I run into that a lot because I'm just kind of a big guy. So sometimes you always mentally, you measure yourself based upon how strong you are. So I fall into that trap quite a bit
Starting point is 00:20:20 where I'll be like fucking falling apart on my form. God damn it, Tyler, like back it all off. Nobody's gonna be like fucking falling apart on my form god damn it tyler like back it all off nobody's gonna be like look at this fucking guy you know well they might say that they're gonna say that behind my back and then i'm never gonna lift again but no i mean i think that kind of goes without saying really to anybody that's gonna get starting because it is a long road everybody nobody's gonna judge you because you're not strong right away. Everybody's been pushing that rock uphill for a really long time. And everyone that's strong knows that and understand everybody that is actually
Starting point is 00:20:54 strong knows that. And the other thing is keep focus on good, good mechanics because that's what's going to allow you to push that rock uphill for the long road. Yep. As opposed to coming out and going hard and just getting wrecked. And you're going to be taking months off. Don't worry about maxing out on just about anything right away either.
Starting point is 00:21:13 It's just not necessary. And that's a problem. Like I said, I did that too. I was like, well, I want to see how strong I am now. Everyone does. And I was fortunate to not fuck anything up. But, I mean, you could do something like that. Man, you could tear out your shoulder on a bench press
Starting point is 00:21:29 when you just don't have your technique down and you're pushing too hard. And what's that going to do to you over the course of a year? It's going to set you back huge. You might not show up again if you're new. Yeah, and I think that goes without saying. Just work on keeping your form over weight. That's for damn sure. Yep, for sure.
Starting point is 00:21:47 The last thing I was going to mention, and I'm a little biased on this with us having Massanomics Gym, but just find a place. Like that douchebag that I was talking about, if you're at a gym where 95% of the people there are that douchebag, if you have options don't be at that gym find the one and you know if you're into crossfit find a place where where uh you know you know that there's good coaches that are going to help you out as you're starting you know those places are out there so if if you have the choices do a little bit of homework and and find out what
Starting point is 00:22:19 those places are yeah and if it can't be a place you might find just a person i mean yeah but you you gotta look you know it's it's tough if you're in a place, you might find just a person. I mean, but you, you gotta look, you know, it's, it's tough if you're in a place that's discouraging to you, then it's, it's never going to work. The other thing is, um, you know, is make sure I always tell, make sure you set goals and you may not set a goal via a weight. And I, I always try to avoid that. Um, though most of my goals are weight, you know, like a moving a weight or losing a weight or, but, um, I really try to make your goals based on perform, uh, you know, things that you can control and let the outcome be. So don't do like a, you know, I want to be
Starting point is 00:22:56 able to bench 400 pounds by the end of this year. What would be better off would be, I'm going to eat what I need to eat every day. And I'm going to show up to the gym and train on these days. Make your attendance and your effort be what your goals are. And the outcome will just be what it'll be. I had talked about this in one of our blog posts before where I had lost like 47 pounds or something like that in the first like six months of doing things but I was pissed at the end of it because I didn't lose 50 I was like well 50 was kind of the number I had in my head but you just lost so I had accomplished something that's probably worth being proud of but kind of in my head I was like fuck you know I felt like I felt short when
Starting point is 00:23:43 actually I did everything that I had to do you know and and that was just where the line ended well and to pick really to pick out say 50 pounds that's kind of an arbitrary thing and there's a lot of stuff that factors into that if you would have told me if you would have told me when i started that you would lose 50 pounds in the next two years i would have been okay yeah pretty solid yeah so yeah i mean but the other thing is i think uh you know your goals are allowed to change your priorities are allowed to change also and you know you can you can do something and try something whatever you do though if you're going to move away from one methodology or one always give it a chance especially with programming don't jump programming because
Starting point is 00:24:22 you didn't get jacked in three weeks or four weeks if when we talk programming you gotta i mean you're gotta be some it's gotta be months and months not eight weeks or i mean it's gotta be gives if you're gonna do program six months yeah and if you quit then fine quit but you can't say well this program didn't work for me and at the very least keep your mouth shut about the program and go on to your next thing. The programming is like the longer we lift, the more I think. There's a whole bunch of programs that people are going to see progress with. That is not the most important factor. If you listed all the things that are important to your success
Starting point is 00:25:01 and to your ability to make gains, that's going to fall way down the list. There's a lot of other things that are above what specific program you're doing. Attendance and effort will get you further no matter what program you're using. Along with programming too, one of our lifters, Ryan Anderson, we were talking about, I believe it was Matt Wenning that had said, and he always said too, don't be too dogmatic about your training. And that really is like don't – I mean, nothing is gospel. I mean, you can try new things, experiment with new things.
Starting point is 00:25:37 It's supposed to be fun. It's not supposed to be something you hate. So you should always be – shake it up. Try something new. Learn something new. Do something different. Try it a different way um and if you don't like it so be it but you should always be always be trying new things um the other thing is you know like on the last point was your your priorities can change too um you know whatever you do though if you're if you're
Starting point is 00:26:04 going to drop that if you're going to drop that, if you're going to try something and drop it, even a big picture, you know, say somebody comes in and they want to try lifting weights and it just doesn't really focusing on strength training, maybe just doesn't work for them. Well, don't go from that to nothing. If you came from not doing anything and you tried something and it was hard or it didn't work for you, the last thing you want to do is go back to doing nothing. So then, I don't know, try fucking running or try rock climbing. Do something because if your activity level is consistently high,
Starting point is 00:26:37 eventually you'll find something that you'll latch on to and you'll get the results you want, but you can't try something and not like it and be like well that was stupid so i'm just gonna get fat and fucking die unless you really like that i guess yeah it would count as something just not the right something just the not right something just go to like relentless beer drinking. I got HBO Go now so I just decided I'm just not
Starting point is 00:27:10 going to go to the gym anymore. So I think that's about it for me Tanner. What do you got? Yeah I just wanted to mention the Strongman competition that we have coming up.
Starting point is 00:27:23 It's going to be Saturday August 20th at the Brown County Fair. It's going to start around noon. The biggest, baddest, and strongest dudes in Brown County. Yep, and that's saying something. It is. So Massonomics is one of the main sponsors of that,
Starting point is 00:27:40 so I guess we're sponsoring something. We're basically running it. But we get to say that we're sponsoring it. We're not spending any money on it, but we're sponsoring something we're basically running it but we get to say that we're sponsoring we're not spending any money on it but we're running it so yeah that's what we're doing and it should last uh i'd say about two or three hours if you're in the area at all i i would strongly recommend coming to it whether you really care too much about lifting or not it's good there's going to be a high entertainment factor, I think. Is there admission or is this free? It is free to get into the fair, and it's free to watch the event.
Starting point is 00:28:12 And, you know, I am way biased on this, but it would be like the most entertaining thing for me at the fair. Yeah, definitely. Or here's what I would recommend. If you're going to go out there, take the kids, buy them the wristbands that you're going to pay $35 for and turn them loose. Let them go with the carnies. Let them go with the carnies.
Starting point is 00:28:30 They'll be just fine. They drug test those folks and they got clean records. And you come over. Your options really, you can go look at some sheep and some pork that's still alive. Or you can look at piles of man man meat look at some big old piles of man meat lifting so wait and so some of the events are what are we going to have what's we're going to close out with the what's the big finale the big finale i'll save that for the last i want it i wanted to i wanted to lead with it so people were listening still.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Okay. So the first event, and this is a little tentative at this point. The rough format. Yeah. This is going to be pretty close to what we're doing. We're going to do a farmer's carry for distance. So as far as you can carry the two implements without dropping them. And that total weight is? It is going to be between 440 pounds and 460 somewhere in that ballpark so it'll be
Starting point is 00:29:29 about 225 a hand in each hand yeah so it uh it's a pretty heavy weight i mean just to pick it up off the ground you got a deadlift 450 pounds so can i use straps for that there is no straps allowed in that event it would kind of uh so it's a yeah you would just drop the weight when your shoulders dislocate and it's it's going to be on a 50 foot course so every 50 feet you have to make the turn and the turn is what really gets you i mean those uh handles start to feel like they're just ripping out of your hands at that point in time when tanner told me what the weight was a couple weeks ago i went oh shit because that's like really just slightly under what the heaviest i've ever deadlifted was so i was really
Starting point is 00:30:11 worried and i was able to get it once i got it off the ground i was able to kind of move with it but yeah that sucks it's going to be pretty intense so that's one of those events that i think the crowd's a big uh has a huge effect on for sure. Because that is a matter of when you decide to quit. Your body will give out on you, but at some point, it's when you quit. Because what I've described it as before, if you're not literally, if it's not ripping out of your hands and falling to the ground. You've given up. You've given up. Because physically, you can look and see if
Starting point is 00:30:45 someone purposely set something down and if someone's doing that then they could have gone farther you know because you're making a choice at that point in time so it really does become pretty mental you know it's a big ass so if you want to see which big tall guy is a total fucking pussy quit on his own come on over and see when it falls out or when we put it down. I'll probably be putting it down. We all will eventually. So that'll be the first event. The second event we're going to go to will be the log press.
Starting point is 00:31:13 And we're going to do that clean from the ground. You have to clean it up and do one press overhead. And we're going to do that with increasing weights. So if you make the first weight all the competitors will go through and it'll move on to the second weight when i think we're going to jump in about 20 to 25 pound increments and uh if you don't make it you're out you don't go to the next round and we will go until uh this only the strongest survives and that's a uh kind of a any ground overhead correct you can
Starting point is 00:31:46 kind of use whatever method you need to you can uh strict press push press jerk it if i can uh i can jerk it pretty good i'm skilled at jerking i've seen him do it i can uh can i can i log snatch it you can log snatch and jerk and that's what so that getting pretty sexy and i was thinking maybe maybe if if it comes down to the last two or three guys you can even call your weights at the very end so if uh uh instead of going with a standard 20 or 25 pound jump you might be able to make like a 10 or 15 pound jump just just to see really what someone you know what the top guy's max is would be be cool to see that uh you pull eddie hall where he's like i don't share records that record is mine uh so that'll be second event third we would
Starting point is 00:32:32 go to the tire flip and we're going to use a tire uh it's like a payloader tire and weighs seven to 800 pounds so it's if you've ever done a tire flip before, you know, this is probably bigger than the tire. You've done a tire flip before. Unless you do this stuff all the time. Yeah, it's probably bigger. It's not the size or weight of a tire that you'll use for exercising. No, no. That's for sure.
Starting point is 00:32:59 This is the size of a tire that you go and it's a daunting task to basically flip it one time for pretty strong guys. And as a side note, I hate this event, but we're putting it in because it's fun. The crowd likes this one all the time and it's a cool one. I actually hadn't heard how heavy it was until now. I just got pale. It's a cardio. It's really a pretty big cardio exercise too like after you flip it a few times it's just like pure death running through your body gross that's third event
Starting point is 00:33:31 fourth event we're going to go to the uh this is probably going to be a car deadlift we're still uh we're working on building that deadlift frame right now but i think that's going to be done in time engineers on this one yep Yep, we got the crack staff. Ryan Anderson, he builds stuff. One of our episodes, I think maybe it's episode 12 out there. I think so, 11 or 12. Check that out. He talks about some of the stuff he welds and builds.
Starting point is 00:33:57 He's going to be working on that, and I'm going to help hand him tools like my four-year-old son would do for me when I'm working on stuff. If he curses, I'll probably go hide in a different room. hand him tools like a my four-year-old son would do for me when i'm working on stuff and if he curses i'll probably go hide it in a different room uh so that's it's going to be a car deadlift and uh the weight is going to be one car is going to be the official weight on that we just don't know what car it is yet we're going to have to experiment with that a little bit we're just going to take the the the apparatus down to the car dealership and we're just going to have to experiment with that a little bit. We're just going to take the apparatus down to the car dealership, and we're just going to try it.
Starting point is 00:34:29 We'll be like, well, this one's too light. Out with the Tahoe. Yep, yep. So that's what we're going to do, and that's going to be four reps in a certain amount of time. I guess I didn't mention the tire. There's going to be a time limit on that, probably two minutes. But once you get to two minutes, you're're just dead anyway so it doesn't matter uh but the deadlift is going to
Starting point is 00:34:49 be for time same way though you're at a certain point you just can't do any more anyways so the time limit really just prevents you from sitting there for five minutes and be like all right i can do one more yeah you know so it'll be like a one one or two minute time limit on that and weight wise we're shooting for you know people ranging between anywhere from one to ten reps. We want to get a pretty heavy weight on there. So maybe we need to bring out a big Lincoln Continental or something to get the weight that we need. Not a bad idea. And then we're going to finish with that touted finale that we teased with earlier.
Starting point is 00:35:27 So if you made it this long, it's going to be the Atlas Stone. We're kind of copying World's Strongest Man. They always end with the stones, and that's what we're going to do too. And we're going to finish with the same one Brian Shaw threw at the Arnold. Yep, the 555. I expect most of us to get that. Brian's bringing that. Brian's in the competition.
Starting point is 00:35:47 He doesn't know it yet. Brian is going to be there. Brian's a graduate of Black Hill State University. Reppin SD. So he knows a thing or two about Strongman in South Dakota. But we're going to have six stones out there ranging from
Starting point is 00:36:03 180 pounds up to a 19 inch 300 pounder so uh that that event will be really cool you know that that to me that's the showstopper yeah that makes it like that's the event that makes it like a legitimate strongman event and in my in my eyes i guess speaking of legitimacy um we are not drug testing for this event. Is that correct? You can voluntarily. And so since we're not drug testing, that leaves us open for both performance enhancing and recreational drugs. Whatever. One might help the Strongman event more than the other, but one might just be more fun or whatever well good that sounds
Starting point is 00:36:46 like my kind of event yeah so and we're gonna cap it with 10 10 10 guys in there keep it moving quick yeah should be a couple hours and uh seriously i wouldn't miss it if you're from the area you would you would want to check this out it's it's going to be big and i hope to grow it a little bit in years to come as well if you're not from the area hit us up on facebook and uh you know just drive here and then when you're done you can area, hit us up on Facebook and just drive here. And then when you're done, you can go out and do Masonomics stuff with us.
Starting point is 00:37:09 Yeah. I mean, if you're not weird and you come from a really long ways away, we could put you up and you could stay somewhere. I mean, seriously, even if you're pretty weird,
Starting point is 00:37:17 we don't necessarily have fans. We know weird people too. You can meet more people. Tommy's not married. There's no kids. So you could all see. If you're weird, you can stay with Tommy. If you're cool, we'llmmy's not married there's no kids so you can all see if you're weird you can stay with tommy if you're cool we'll run it by me and tanner's wives if
Starting point is 00:37:29 you're super into like dudes with beards and stuff we got tyler you know come come watch that or if you like guys with long long curly hair we got tommy we we've really got something for everybody i'm not i'm seriously not against creepy people like We'll probably take what we can get. Oh, shit. So, well, that'll do it for today, guys. Make sure, again, go to Facebook, like the Masonomics Facebook page. If you listen to the podcast and you don't like the page, you're screwing up. Also, go to iTunes, give us a five-star review.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Instagram, you can hit me up on Instagram at Tyler F. N. Stone. That's Tyler E-F-F-I-N Stone. You can check me out on Instagram at the Masanomics page. Which is at Masanomics. And you can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. Make sure you go to the website. We got some restock, some shirts and hats in here in the last couple of weeks. So go to the store.
Starting point is 00:38:27 You can buy yourself some of that gear. Also, roll to the bottom of the page. You can sign up for our email list. Then we can kind of keep you in the loop when we roll out new products, new apparel, new programs, new whatever it is we decide to do. We can keep you in the loop. Also, go to YouTube. We'll have some competition videos. So once we get through that strongman competition competition if you were either deemed too weird or from too far away to come watch it
Starting point is 00:38:49 we will have a video from that strongman competition up probably a couple weeks after the event so what's what's the date on the event again saturday august 20th around noonish if you have any questions stay tuned to massonomics facebook page because we'll keep everybody in the loop from there so that'll do it today for everybody. Thanks a lot and stay strong. See you later. You just heard the Masanomics podcast. With your ears, you're welcome.
Starting point is 00:39:19 Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at Masanomics and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Thank you.

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