Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 18: All Things Protein w/ Professor Schanz

Episode Date: August 7, 2016

This week, our very own Professor Schanz joins us in-studio to fill you in on everything you've ever wanted to know about protein. We cover protein supplementation vs food-sourced protein, meal timin...g, quantities, bro science vs real science, and everything in between. Make sure you LIKE Massenomics on Facebook and remember to SHARE this podcast with a friend. If you feel like being really generous, go to iTunes and leave us a 5 star rating.  Follow @Massenomics on Instagram, and go to the MASSENOMICS STORE and get your new favorite shirt and/or hat with the iconic Massenomics 'M'. We had an awesome time making this episode for you. And as you can tell from the photo gallery below, we looked damn good the whole time, too!

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Starting point is 00:00:26 M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M- and buy yourself some of that sweet mass. All right. We are here in massonomic studio. Finally, all four of us are in the same room. Um, nobody special other than the four of us, but, uh, I'm here.
Starting point is 00:00:34 I'm Tyler. Next to me is Tanner. Hey everybody. Crossed away as Tommy. What's up. And to my right for the first time in studio is professor Sean's. Howdy folks. We do one of those cool horns.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Wah, wah, wah, wah. So can you put that in there? I can't. That would require me to go back and check the podcast. Maybe like a round of applause or something. Well, I actually don't. We were just talking about this. I don't do any editing at all, no matter how stupid we sound. I've thought about going back and be like, why did I say that? I that out i have the power and i just don't because i'm too lazy so
Starting point is 00:01:09 we've never ever cut anything out have we i don't think so i think literally maybe once we've like restarted because i fucked up the intro i think that was like day one we've never done this before i was like welcome to you kind of toss it to me i think and i didn't know what to do fuck it we're done we're starting and we were in what we were 10 seconds in we had to start that that's been the extent of our redo isn't this like i honestly i don't know i think we had the first couple episodes we launched with and i have not i listened to those for for like auto audio quality and we had some level issues. Other than that, I haven't actually listened beginning to end to a single podcast. Tanner, now, do you?
Starting point is 00:01:50 I have listened to every second of podcasts that we've ever posted. He's our quality control guy. Yeah, that's like my way to work thing. And at first, that used to be weird to listen to yourself even, and now I'm like, I'll laugh at listening to our podcast that was funny when tyler said that man those guys are brilliant i will actually like laugh out loud sometimes though and i'm and i'm like god am i the only person that finds this funny or is anyone else laughing at this part right now that's pretty good and even i think there's been one like one of the first three i
Starting point is 00:02:25 might have just missed just because i thought this is painful and then i same thing i gave into it and i have been listening to them and it's part of my week rituals i gotta get through the masonomics podcast yeah i started listening to like the first couple and then i just stopped because i'm like i gotta hear these guys every day their text messages like i don't want to hear their voice for 30 minutes straight. Well, if you're listening, you do like hearing our voices, hopefully. Today we've got a really pretty loose agenda today. I did want to cover some things.
Starting point is 00:02:56 CrossFit Games wrapped up this last weekend. My boy Matt Fraser took it. If I remember right, I believe it is pronounced Fraser. I didn't know that until these games. And then I started. I heard everyone say Fraser before that. Because everybody's an asshole and they're wrong. Now that he's the fittest man on the planet, they're like, all right, we'll pronounce it correctly.
Starting point is 00:03:15 I don't remember. I think, I don't know what podcast I heard him on. But I know it's Matt with one T and it's Fraser like laser. And that's how I remember. But anyway, I did run into Matt at the Arnold this year. I didn't run into him like casually. It was a meet and greet. But then he won the CrossFit Games. So I assume that's no coincidence.
Starting point is 00:03:34 Were you hosting the meet and greet or was Matt hosting the meet and greet? Matt was hosting the meet and greet. It wasn't like a massonomics meet and greet. It was rogue. This podcast is actually brought to you by Rogue Fitness. But no, so anyway, if you go on my Instagram, at Tyler F. and so on, I got a video of Matt and Dan Bailey
Starting point is 00:03:54 signing a t-shirt for my wife on my back, and you will understand how they are very small people. Yeah, they look like dwarves compared to you, don't they? They're huge people on tv when they're surrounded by only similarly sized people like dan bailey looks like he is a jack huge are we talking like five eight ish no not even close like five six there's no i am the two of them are standing shoulder to shoulder who's the one that maybe that maybe this is the picture i'm thinking of i always thought he was the biggest guy I'd ever seen in CrossFit,
Starting point is 00:04:27 and he just looks massive compared to everyone. That Jason Kalipa probably. Dan Bailey looks pretty big with a shirt. His arms look huge. But I remember seeing this guy on the games and just thinking that guy is massive. Kalipa looked way bigger than everybody else for sure. He's not in it this year.
Starting point is 00:04:43 His daughter's got cancer, so he's not in it this year his his like his daughter's got cancer so he was not he had done the team i think he had retired from individual but he uh he looked huge compared to everyone but i don't even know i saw him standing next to you in that picture i thought oh that guy no that was probably uh that was yeah that was probably dan bailey then yeah i think that's dan bailey because you were with like two other guys two or three other guys in the or or matt chan was another guy matt chan looks freaking huge on his own and then he's like a regular size dude fucking jacked but not like but not like a huge person yeah but but dan bailey and matt fraser standing side by side are as wide as i am and they probably maybe come
Starting point is 00:05:23 up to my nipple you know like they're signing a shirt on my back and they're like climbing up me to just get to my back so how are they signing your shirt in that picture i'm bent over okay i was gonna say i thought you were like a real classy gentleman that picture with andre the giant and wilt chamberllain and Arnold in between. He looks like just a child. They're holding him up. Yeah. So anyway. So he crushed it though. He won by
Starting point is 00:05:53 like 200 points or something. It wasn't even close the whole week. Who got second? Ben Smith. What's his ass? Ben Smith. Tyler and I had talked about this before. Ben Smith. I'm not huge into CrossFit, but it's like the one thing on TV that's remotely related to lifting and stuff that's actually produced really well. Yeah, I think to CrossFit HQ's credit, their media stuff, their YouTube videos and shit like that is on point.
Starting point is 00:06:19 There is some pretty fucking entertaining stuff. Yeah, so I'd been watching that that crossfit stuff on there and i i found out ben smith is so boring the most boring lame lame you can be that you can be the fittest man on earth and also be boring as hell like they they uh crossfit they don't care from what i've gathered if people are cussing and stuff in all their videos and you know if they can the guy's pissed off and he's throwing f-bombs out they don't they don't which is like my favorite part because you're never gonna hear lebron james on an nba promo like fuck that fuck this guy yeah but then ben smith was talking about something and he's like and i even used the s word and he said the s word and i was like oh my god yeah like
Starting point is 00:07:00 don't no don't ever say the s word he's like he's he's like the Peyton Manning, where it's all just totally PC and super, super, super boring. But I like Matt Fraser. Fraser's a badass. Josh Bridges is a badass. Matt won it before. Is that a first time? Matt has been second like two or three times. So good for him.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And this year for the women was the exact same as last year. In order, really. It was David's daughter, Tia Toomey, and Sigmund's daughter. So Iceland, Australia, and Iceland. So pretty much America needs to step up their fitness game. My favorite part of the games was the deadlift ladder. Yeah, yeah. So that event, the thing about that event,
Starting point is 00:07:46 like the numbers alone are impressive, right? So the numbers, the thing a lot of people forget, what I forget when I'm talking about this is they actually didn't just come out and do a deadlift ladder. And it's not like, you know, Sam Dancer came out and cranked out 615 pound deadlift. It's not like that's the only thing he did.
Starting point is 00:08:06 It came out and they did a 7K trail run, which is basically running up and down a goddamn mountain. It looked awful. They were sliding down. It was super steep. It was a damn mountain run. Then came back and Sam Dancer was the last man to finish because he's a giant CrossFit person, giant in air quotes because he's –
Starting point is 00:08:25 He weighs 200 pounds. He's like 210, 215, 5'10", I think. And they were talking the whole game is how huge he is. And he looks freaking huge though. Sam Dancer is jacked. But he was the last one to finish the run, which meant he had to go first on the deadlift ladder. And he comes on the deadlift ladder and it's not like a cute little
Starting point is 00:08:44 like 50 pound increments or something like that like you do when you're going for your one rep max yeah you know you're not taking big jumps and like it was 10 pound increments 20 lifts so he did 20 freaking lifts with 10 pound increase and still pulled 615 which is fucking insane did anyone else is 615 that was nobody else yeah um one other guy got like 585 or 595 yeah and then i think he was pretty smoked i don't even think he attempted to failure i think he was done after that uh lucas parker was i think like near the top in that lucas like the other guys had some pretty ugly looking deadlifts and lucas parker's deadlifts were like fucking beautiful like just textbook just beautiful things to look at and you can tell like he got to a point where
Starting point is 00:09:29 he pulled about halfway up and he was either gonna start having his deadlift not look good and he was just like we're done put it down most of the guys i noticed had it looked pretty good it wasn't like the stereotypical like oh look at their shitty form their shitty form. I mean, it gets rough at the top. You get to the top of your capacity, especially when you're smoked. It's going to look like shit eventually. Some of the women, though, I did notice a couple where I was like, ooh. It looked ugly. Yeah, like, don't do that.
Starting point is 00:09:56 Like a nasty stiff leg. Well, and hunched backs. Yeah, cat back. What's the – now, actually, you just reminded me of that. Now, when they do that, what about like the – what's the rule on hitches in a powerlifting meet on a deadlift? You can't get away with any at all. Never. You can do a leg shake.
Starting point is 00:10:13 What's the definition of a hitch? Any downward movement. Or if it looks like it's riding up your thighs. Yeah, you can't ride up your thighs at all. The common one you see is people almost in this bent knee position resting on their thighs yeah doing sort of this repeated jerk thing yeah that doesn't fly but what you can do is sometimes people get the deadlift shakes you know so literally like it's just like an uncontrollable convulsion and as long as you're still making upward progress that's okay gotcha gotcha strong
Starting point is 00:10:44 man you can do whatever the hell you want though you can rest it on your thighs hitch it but power lifting you can't you can't get away with much at all in power lifting i think with the women's at the crossfit games like that there was there would have been a lot i think that would have gotten flagged as hitch oh there was some pretty rough brooke wells like her technique she almost has like a built-in hitch at the very end of like it doesn't look bad. It's not a bad hitch. I think it's because of her Olympic lifting skills.
Starting point is 00:11:09 She almost pulls it, still stays bent over forward a little bit, and then opens the hips there at the end. Like for a powerlifting meet, even though she's clearly strong enough to get it, those would probably all be questionable as to whether or not they're great. And I don't think – now in her case too, she she pulled all the way to 415 yeah which is fucking incredible 20 reps 10 pounds at a time to 415 which is nuts but that's my girl brooke wells by the way uh we had make my wife megan on the podcast last week and we have a firm agreement that if brooke, if you're listening. She's on your list. You're on my list. But no, I mean, it was pretty good events.
Starting point is 00:11:51 It was pretty entertaining. They did some shit. They had ring handstand push-ups, which like on the gymnastic rings, which they knew going in that they were going to have it. But the women, they had their rings on the floor, like almost like maybe a foot off the ground. So all they had to do was grab the rings flip up and it still looked like fucking awful but the man actually had the rings way up high so they had to jump up do a muscle up flip over and then do it and it i think it chewed a lot of people up but um those are things that
Starting point is 00:12:19 at 295 pounds i don't have anything to worry about that's not like it's not a movement that i'm like really knocking on the door of um but yeah that was kind of the crossfit games wrap up for me at least uh coverage was okay i still fucking hate the fact that you have to bounce between whatever they're going to show on youtube and whatever they're going to show on and i think they only have like a little bit on actual tv um what when you watch it on watch espn if you're gonna watch it you have to expect to watch if you're gonna watch an hour of it you expect to watch about 30 minutes of just the aerial shot of the blimp circling the stadium or downtime between yeah it's just like and like you you hear like the sound and video guys like talking in the background like we're gonna need that mic
Starting point is 00:13:05 over here i'm like what the hell you guys make like i don't know how many millions of millions upon dollars a year like just get or let me watch let me watch something else in between these competitions or honest to god like those are like it's between events there's nothing going on i understand they're not going to follow around athletes with a camera, whatever, while they're just setting up for the new event. I've never begged for a commercial as bad as I am. Come on. No, I mean, it was pretty good. It was entertaining at least,
Starting point is 00:13:39 even though it really was a fucking blowout on the men's side. And what's the winner get? $250,000. $250,000. And a Glock. a fucking blowout in the men's on the men's side but and what's the winner get 250 250 and a change and everyone who podiumed got glocks which was kind of cool controversial the controversy i don't understand because it's like well guns are legal so glock sponsored them and gave the winners guns i don't like cars kill people too and fucking nobody gets mad when the you know the winner of the super bowl mvp gets a chevy pickup right which is probably more likely to kill somebody than a glock that fucking ben smith won like you really especially with a super bowl mvp like when they're when they're out leaving casinos and strip clubs
Starting point is 00:14:25 at four in the morning. Exactly. Do you really think? Ben Smith won't even say the word shit. Oh, the S word. Like that Glock is going to collect dust. That's all that's going to happen. Professor Shons, what do you think about
Starting point is 00:14:36 the winners getting Glocks? I'm all for it. Second Amendment, baby. Yeah, I don't know. I didn't see where the fuss came from. I understand there's international competitors, but just because you live somewhere that you can't have a gun. You could probably give it away.
Starting point is 00:14:53 I mean, I'm sure there's... Yeah, I don't know. I didn't get it, but I don't really give a shit. I don't know. I think there was more made about it than probably was necessary. Does the woman winner win 252? I believe so, yeah. Oh, yeah uh and also rich
Starting point is 00:15:06 froning's team won which means technically he's won six crossfit games in a row because he's won the team the last two years do you think he would win the open if he did the open still he does the open still i believe i think the way they do it is you still have to do the open but like all of the members of your team, depending on where they fall. I don't know. I could be wrong. I did the open this year and fucking hated it, so I don't know really what all that is. But I don't know.
Starting point is 00:15:37 He'd probably still be in the top five, I think, no matter what. Well, we got the professor in, so's talk some uh some getting jacked shit huh sounds good to me all right so i don't know much about that crossfit game so i'm just gonna be sitting here minding my time twiddling my thumbs so well what we normally do when we when we have guests is we just ignore them for the first 15 minutes, and then we get to it. It's right on track. It's how we make you want it. It's like an initiation of sorts.
Starting point is 00:16:15 We don't have a real long dissertation put together, but we did want to just decide to give us a little bit of direction, and we figured we'd talk about the most popular thing as far as with fitness people is just protein in general um i think the most common thing that people do and really when anybody starts doing anything like if somebody gets off their ass says i'm gonna i'm gonna get in shape jug of protein i'm gonna go buy one jug of protein and i'm gonna go for a run and bro you on that protein so uh so that's what uh that's what i think we will cover today a little bit just uh while we got austin here so um tanner you got a few things put together do you
Starting point is 00:16:53 want to you want to get us get us rolling yeah i've got a few questions for you uh let me start off who the hell do you think you are question. What the hell gives you the right? I wasn't expecting these questions. I'm not going to lie. I don't know how to answer them. Not pulling any punches. No softballs around here. Well, I've got a question. You know, I like to eat food. Do I need to take protein powder supplement? And I'm asking this like this is probably a question, you know, anyone could ask. But how about that? Like I just like to eat food.
Starting point is 00:17:38 If I eat the right food, do I have to ever take any protein powder? I would say that if you want to optimize things and generally, you know, if we're putting in the amount of time and effort that we do per week in the gym, we want to optimize what we're doing and make the most progress that we possibly can. So in that sense, supplementing with protein powder would be ideal. And then people go on the opposite side of the spectrum where they will supplement to death and then hardly add any the opposite side of the spectrum where they will supplement to death and then hardly add any real food and you'll see uh they're not going to make near as much progress as people that you know start their diets with the foundation of a good good amount of
Starting point is 00:18:16 whole food rather than just a whole bunch of supplements so i mean to answer your question for optimizing yeah i would say so um just for the simple fact that you're not going to be able to isolate protein like you can with a powder. And then there's speed of digestion, which can increase protein synthesis, increase your gains, increase your recovery. You're not going to be able to do that with whole food through the digestion process. process so um just the the concentrated form of it uh the speed of digestion uh the processing of it is is where you're going to get the extra benefit from that really so so so we really probably should be taking some form of protein then in addition to to our food right i mean uh you know the whole food itself is going it needs to be the main component i mean by far is you can't you can't like sell everything else out and just eat take protein powder also you know right there's
Starting point is 00:19:12 a lot of poop your pants and stuff oh yeah i don't think it's real good for your gastrointestinal system protein farts are are horrible as is when you're just supplementing with a shake or two a day so uh to do mostly that would be bad. I mean, you're missing out on micronutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc. But yeah, I mean, just supplementing isn't ideal. So I'm trying to put a target on the wall of how much protein I need. What's my go-to? What's my magic formula?
Starting point is 00:19:41 That's controversial. You'll see lots of different research on that. One for a long time had been about uh and this was low end 2.2 uh grams per kilogram of pound uh per per pound of weight that you have or wait no 2.2 kilograms of weight for your body so one gram per 2.2 kilograms um and that ended up one gram per kilo per 2.2 kilograms. One gram per kilo, basically. 2.2 kilos. Okay. One gram. Yeah, sorry.
Starting point is 00:20:09 Really confusing to say with those conversions. I don't often use kilos, but yeah, one gram per 2.2 kilos. And that ended up being really on the low side. And what you'll see with people who have been lifting for a long time and have more anecdotal stuff than what you're going to find with research, you'll see a lot of recommendations of one gram per pound. And that's probably what most people are familiar with. So you're going to get wide ranges. I personally, myself don't think large amounts of protein, you know, if you're getting a gram per pound, like that's, that's probably pretty good. I don't think people need to go above that, if you're getting a gram per pound, like that's, that's probably pretty
Starting point is 00:20:46 good. I don't think people need to go above that, but you'll see lots of people that shoot up to 400 grams, you know, when they're in the 200 pound range. And, um, I, I don't know if they're getting any benefit at that point. I remember, and I, I have, I just completely passed over it, never read anymore, but, um, someone on, I I saw on Facebook one time was commenting how, oh, after I just got done lifting, trying for my shake and had this huge steak and everything and hitting this many grams of protein a day. And the guy, someone has to reply back and say, you realize you're just destroying your kidneys by forcing that much protein through your body. And I've never heard that. I didn't know if that's actually a thing and I never bothered to even research it anymore, but so, so I guess is, is the question there is what is, is too much protein a problem? Well, this person made it sound like after a certain point,
Starting point is 00:21:37 that amount of protein is going to start hurting you, which I, I didn't know if that was a thing or not. Um, yeah, that's, I mean, with protein and then creatine too is a big one. And creatine damages your kidneys. If you are an inherently healthy person with no kidney problems, your body's not going to have any problem filtering creatine or protein or anything like that. I think one of the things that came from is that when you work out, you break down what's called creatinine in your body. It's a form or it's something that comes from your muscle when you're turning over, basically breaking down and building up muscle again. So what they find is
Starting point is 00:22:16 that people who work out and supplement with protein, supplement with creatine, they'd have elevated levels of creatinine and they'd say, well, that protein or that creatine, you know, damaging your kidneys, your kidneys aren't functioning like they should because of these elevated creatinine levels as a kidney marker essentially. But, uh, so, so basically that's all bullshit then. Yeah. Yeah. Pretty much. Pretty much. Uh, it, uh, if you have, like I said, if you're, if you're inherently healthy and your kidneys are are you don't have any kidney problems then uh yeah you're not gonna have any problems with excess protein within reason i mean you don't need to like triple your protein so like one kilo a day is too much i got really confused on all the conversions. So I just eat half a tub a day.
Starting point is 00:23:09 2.2 kilos of protein per day. Intranasally. So what was... Tanner, what do you got? I got another question. So are you thriving or are you just merely surviving? Surviving. So are you thriving or are you just merely surviving? One of my friends was kind enough to send me a package of those Thrive supplements.
Starting point is 00:23:40 And I tried them out and I wasn't really all that impressed with them. I did the videos that were posted to Massanomics. Check it out on our youtube channel or on the website we also we also did discuss this in our one of our recent episodes about things that suck so if you'd like to go back and check that out you sure can too but yeah i i don't know i i i was really interested in the in the patches to see what they would do with the transdermal delivery of uh nutraceuticals, which is kind of a new thing. I just basically wanted to see how that goes and see if it was effective, if I noticed anything. And I don't know. I mean, caffeine is supposed to be a pretty realistic drug to, or I guess nutraceutical, whatever you want to call it,
Starting point is 00:24:21 to deliver through the skin transdermally. And I don't know. I took those patches, and I don't even know if I noticed a bump from the caffeine. So I wasn't a big fan of it personally. And then the protein with the caffeine was just killing me. Like every one of their products had a stimulant in it. I'm just like, I just want to take a protein powder and not have 100 grams of caffeine in there. I just want to take a protein powder and not have 100 grams of caffeine in there. I think that's how they get the most impactful thing.
Starting point is 00:24:53 If you give somebody caffeine, they're going to be like, I don't know what it is, but I just got – I just feel better. Ever since I started taking their protein and their whatever, I'm so energetic and enthusiastic and I don't feel miserable and I'm ready to do shit. And it's like, well, it's because you put caffeine in fucking everything. You know, everything. And the same thing is like, you know, people that are out pimping like Advocare products and shit like that.
Starting point is 00:25:15 You know what the most popular product that they sell is like the Spark. Yeah. I was going to say Spark. Yeah. It's like, well, that's because it's a very easy thing to feel. You know, you're taking a stimulant. People dig that shit.
Starting point is 00:25:29 You know, if you just took a protein powder, nobody's going to take the protein and be like, oh, I feel awesome today because of that protein I just took. It just changed my day.
Starting point is 00:25:38 You know, I was tired and I took this protein. Well, then and then, you know, caffeine has some addictive properties to it as everyone knows so that's a good way to get them hooked on your products oh i stopped taking thriving now i
Starting point is 00:25:50 feel like shit so gotta get back on that yeah so kind of my takeaway from that is that you are just merely surviving just merely surviving how do you do that thriving uh i i got a another couple questions for you then so if i go and buy a jug of protein powder i'm looking through the store and there's 50 different kinds and i'm looking at them and i look turn them around and i want to look at the nutrition info in the ingredients list uh question one why is there so much different shit in there why doesn't it just say like protein and question two like do they do tricky shit in there are they hiding things and uh answer those or talk about those and then i've got kind of a follow-up question to that stuff okay so the first one was what again like why is there
Starting point is 00:26:40 so much shit on there i was waiting for like four in a row and i was like just put the first one out of my mind already because i'm not gonna remember it all right why why is there so much shit on there? I was waiting for like four in a row. I was like, just put the first one out of my mind already because I'm not going to remember it. Why is there so much shit and what do you look for if you're looking at it? Again, it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish with it. And I get that question a lot like, what should I be looking for in this supplement? First of all, what are you trying to accomplish? I always have to ask that. What are you trying to get from it? So, you know, if you're looking for a protein to
Starting point is 00:27:08 have around your workout, you want something that's faster digesting. So you don't want one that has, you know, micellar casein in it, which is a slow digesting protein. You probably want some type of whey isolate, whey hydrolysate, something that's hydrolyzed is going to digest faster. So those are things to be looking for you know high branching amino acid content you know if you're looking for fast digesting ones and then you know if you're you're watching your physique you're dieting or whatever you obviously don't want ones with high sugar content or high fat content most of them are pretty low now a lot of them use artificial sweeteners but you know like a popular one like centa six can be sneaky with the calories because they contain a good amount of fat and that kind of gives it that creaminess and that's it's a good
Starting point is 00:27:54 tasting one i don't know if anybody who's tried it but it's a good tasting that's that's because they add those fats in there and they make it a little bit creamy so you know and if you're looking for a protein before you go to bed or other times of the day where it doesn't need to be you know digesting fast you can maybe get a blend like a whey case and blend um you know again it just depends on what what you're trying to accomplish really that makes sense uh and then kind of with that ingredient stuff what i don't know maybe one of you guys knows the companies but some of them out there that have been busted lately for what is it like amino acid uh spiking or uh what is that and what are they doing what are they doing tricky with the label do you know about that i've heard a little bit about it and i think what they'll do is they'll throw in some
Starting point is 00:28:42 junk amino acids which aren't like, say, with the branch chain amino acids, which I believe are isoleucine, leucine, and valine, which are the main ones for building muscle performance-wise, you know. So, they'll throw in some junk amino acids, and that'll contribute to the overall protein content when it's actually just a bunch of junk amino acids that aren't going to contribute to say improving your recovery or performance or things like that unless they break down the individual amino acid content on it which some do which is very helpful then you'll you'll never actually know whether you're getting you know a bunk protein from that standpoint so a label that the less uh proprietary blends and the more detailed actual information, the better on any label that you're ever looking at?
Starting point is 00:29:29 For sure. If you see some that have proprietary blends, I know one of the things they have to do is they have to list the ingredient at the top of the proprietary blend that makes up the largest percentage of it. And then it goes on from there, making up a smaller and smaller portion until the end. So that's one way you can see what the largest or the most ingredient is from the proprietary blend. But still, usually if they have a proprietary blend, they're hiding something. They'll throw cheaper ingredients at the top and the other ones at the less. So maximize profits. So along the lines of Tanner's question, this is an 11-part question. He's going to start with number six okay yeah i want to work with my way in the middle and then i'm gonna go north and then south and then
Starting point is 00:30:13 i want you to follow it in that order i guess you know because you kind of know what you're talking about which is more than probably we can say. Like I just kind of, there's two things you need to know about me is I am super fucking cheap and I'll meet somewhere in the middle with quality. Usually, like I have a hard time with say like protein, buying the most expensive protein on the shelf when there's something there that's literally a third of the price. So I guess what I'm wondering is what do you take for protein supplements? Like what do you buy? What do you take consistently?
Starting point is 00:30:50 Or do you bounce around a little bit? I've kind of settled on one company I like for the past few years. Otherwise, yeah, I bounced around a lot. I was with Optimum Nutrition for a long time with their protein. There was good price, good taste. so I stuck with them for a while. But I do biotest a lot now because I can get a fast-digesting protein and then a fast-digesting carbohydrate in there, along with some other things they add into it.
Starting point is 00:31:21 So it's like a full intra intra workout type mix thing and, um, just a smaller amount of ingredients and then just a large amount of the good ingredients and not a bunch of fillers and crap. So it's a company that I followed for a long time and that I trust. And I, I think is quality. And I, the thing with, uh, the, the supplement I've been taking of theirs is I actually noticed a pretty dramatic increase in my recovery capacity. And as we get older and as we get stronger, um, and we're lifting heavier weights, um, recovery really becomes one of the biggest components. And I'm sure you guys would agree with that as you're getting older, that it doesn't matter how hard you work out if you're
Starting point is 00:31:58 not recovering from it. So, uh, the recovery thing really gets to be important. And I noticed, uh, an improvement right away from that. So that kind of sold me on that. It's a bit expensive. I think it's about $70 for, I want to say, 20 servings. Not quite. Maybe 15 to 20 servings of it. So it's pretty expensive.
Starting point is 00:32:17 That's fucking for real expensive. I don't dabble with a lot of other things. It's pretty much that and creatine. And that's what I roll with now. Well, go ahead. What would you say the recovery properties of Bud Light are? Or Coors Original. Or Coors Original.
Starting point is 00:32:33 Well, let's look at it from this standpoint. The relaxing effect and the reduce of stress and cortisol alone from it might get you a victory, but the empty calories and then maybe hormonal effect might be hurting you a little bit whenever it's not all negative not all negative there's so there's some positives whenever we talk supplements with you we always end up asking a few questions about how beer can fit into the equation yeah that that does seem true so i also want to let everybody know that at the price that austin's talking about austin does not have any children well is that true as far as i know
Starting point is 00:33:13 now austin is in town probably making babies left and right well i can't i mean i guess i have to drop this on the Maths Anomics podcast here, but I do have a girlfriend now in case she listens to this. I have to say that I'm not going around and making babies, just so you know. That's good to clarify. You know she's not listening to this podcast, is she? Not unless I make her. You mentioned creatine. Important question here.
Starting point is 00:33:47 Is it creatine or is it creatine? Because growing up, it was always creatine to me. And now it seems to be an en vogue thing for people to call it creatine. Have you heard people say that? Pronounce it that way? I guess I have not. And I don't know if there's a correct way, honestly. And it might just be how your dialect is or where you're from and how you say it but uh have either have you ever heard i've
Starting point is 00:34:09 i've been increasingly hearing creatine yeah it's like lane norton says creatine all the time now and you know he's he's a well-respected i've just noticed that like through podcasts and youtube people say creatine i don't think i don't think you can ignore that e that's frankly i mean phonics say that you don't say tin you say yeah yeah i mean i i went to a private school i don't think you can ignore that E, frankly. Phonics say that you don't say tin. You say teen. I mean, I went to a private school. I don't know if you guys know this. But that E doesn't just go away.
Starting point is 00:34:32 It's there for a reason. Well, can we talk about how you say Masonomics, too? Yeah, we should talk about that. Did we talk about this on the Things That Suck episode? No, we should have. We did it, and we should have. All right, here's the deal. If you're listening thus far, I'm assuming you get it.
Starting point is 00:34:46 It's massonomics. Which it's kind of funny because it's like, yeah, it's two words, massonomics. There's two S's, which is an important fact. And people routinely think mace or macy, macynomics. And fortunately, though, at least when people are coming up to me saying, what's this masonomics thing that you that you're doing at least i know right away that they are not at all a person that i'm interested in having around our product because like it's always it's always somebody who i'm
Starting point is 00:35:15 like you definitely don't exercise you don't do anything like some you just stumbled across one of my facebook posts and now you want to talk to me about it. But it's not a fucking hard thing to pronounce if you read the words. I've even heard people say mass economics before. There is a mass economics site. And I found out who was in mass economics one time, and I'm like, oh, we were really close to that. I don't know what it is exactly. People going for their mass economics website are sure going to be surprised
Starting point is 00:35:43 when they stumble across four meatheads. Actually, my daughter, she's 13, and I was listening to a more kid-friendly podcast than this one while we were driving. I think it was Tim Ferriss, and he was on kind of a co-podcast with the people from Freakonomics. It's not that far. She was like, oh, is that where you ripped the name off from? And I'm like, what did you just say to me? Like there's a million words that end in nomics. Maybe full disclosure, Freakonomics is a book,
Starting point is 00:36:18 and I was reading that around the time that the name came out. And economics was also a thing that existed so so yeah it could have been could have been just that so yeah but uh yeah it's uh pronounced massonomics is probably the 50th time you will have heard it between our intro and all of us saying it by now but if you're this deep into the podcast you get it but god damn it i'm tired of explaining so now we've gone through a phonics lesson yeah well when you've got a professor here it's like you cover all the uh everything you can what else you got over there tanner oh you're the one that came the most prepared i had like three questions rattling around my head that I had a few others, and if he's not going to answer me,
Starting point is 00:37:05 who the hell he exactly thinks that he is. Not a real professor would be one of them. No, I guess I was also going to comment, as long as you're here, a couple things that we recently had out. One of them was the article tyler and you both wrote uh maybe you can talk explain what that is a little bit better but it has to do with uh crossfitters and and their met cons and at what point maybe that can be uh harming them in some way or at least detrimental towards where you want to be
Starting point is 00:37:42 yeah and i i just uh wanted to remind people to check that out. And if you had anything else to add about that or kind of just a little synopsis of what your, your opinion was on that. Yeah. So, I mean, I guess people that do,
Starting point is 00:37:58 do a lot of Metcon work. I know one of the things, I mean, relating to what we're talking about with protein, one of the things I threw in there was to what we're talking about with protein, one of the things I threw in there was proper, you know, workout nutrition, which can go a long ways to helping recovery, you know, protein synthesis, you know, rebuilding a protein, when you break it down, when you're working out, rebuild it up, form new muscle tissue. And then one thing that carbohydrates can do is lower the cortisol response.
Starting point is 00:38:27 Your stress hormones are kind of just filtered down a little bit, I guess. And if you have high stress hormones going around your workouts, they tend to be very catabolic and can eat away your muscle tissue. And they just have some other detrimental effects to recovery too. So, I mean, I guess relating it to what we're talking about with the protein, for you CrossFitters out there, having a protein-carb blend around your workout is going to go a long ways to helping you recover if you're doing a ton of Metcon stuff or some really high-intensity Metcon stuff.
Starting point is 00:38:58 Pre, post, or both post-workout? Well, I mean, when I say intra-workout, it really can be pre, um, actually during your workout and then post. I mean, that, that's kind of, uh, dependent on what you can tolerate in your stomach. Some people can't tolerate a whole lot, so they'll wait till afterwards. But if you can tolerate it, um, loading your muscles with amino acids and carbs, so you can, um, basically the muscular contractions that you go through while you're working out will actually help you to absorb, you know, those amino acids, uh, glucose from, from
Starting point is 00:39:31 the carbohydrates. So if you can load yourself with, with, uh, you know, some type of protein carb solution before, uh, it'll, it'll help fuel your workout and help you recover from it rather than just putting it all post. I mean, I don't know if it's going to make a huge difference, but again, when we're talking about optimization, you know, every tool out there is important. And I think it's important too, with a lot of the stuff we talk about too, is that I think around protein generally so much of the misleading information that we do get is because it's, there's differing opinions on the optimization end of it but i think generally
Starting point is 00:40:06 would you agree that like getting the right amount of protein and not fucking up in the process is probably more important than timing and all that other stuff i mean is timing is definitely falls secondary between the quality of the protein that you get and uh and the amount quality yeah i protein that you get and the amount. Quality, yeah. I mean, if you have terrible quality protein, whether that's from whole foods, I mean, you're just eating bad meat or whatever, or your actual protein powder is like, yeah, that's going to be an important issue. And that's going to affect recovery and whatever, your performance more so than the amount. The amount, I think you can
Starting point is 00:40:45 have the greatest variability too. So like one thing I would say is that if you are timing your protein to where you have it around your workout, you would probably overall need less, um, throughout your entire day, like a less net amount throughout the entire day, um, to get the same benefits, uh, as if you time it around your workout, cause you're just, you're going to absorb that better. You're going to utilize it better, um, around your workout. Because you're going to absorb that better. You're going to utilize it better around your workout. I like that. What else you got, Tanner? That's about it.
Starting point is 00:41:11 That's about it. That's kind of my list of questions for the professor. We got any other big points we got to drive home, Tommy? I think we hit the major ones. Austin, tell us what's up. I don't know. It's only my second podcast, so I'm still kind of getting my feet wet into it. I'm trying not to sound like an idiot.
Starting point is 00:41:29 Technically, it's the third. We had you on with Jonah a few weeks ago. Oh, I guess. I said so little that I might as well not have been there. There was so many of us there, too. There was six of us in the room, so it was a whole lot of dude in one room. Something else I thought we should cover, considering the timing that this is going to come out,
Starting point is 00:41:49 the Mastodonics Strongman competition. If you're listening to this, it's probably either the week before or the Saturday coming up that you'll be listening to this. I'm not sure exactly how it plays out, but it'll be really close to when. We should actually know that, but we don't. But I actually believe it's going to be... You will get it... There should be a week or two before the event.
Starting point is 00:42:15 The event is August... August 20th. Saturday, August 20th. It's going to start around noon at the Brown County Fair. And it's going to be awesome. We're going to be there. We're going to be competing in it, a going to be awesome we're going to be there we're going to be competing in it a few of us we're going to be huge and stuff um we got to try out all the events a little bit at least and uh yeah yeah we actually went through the whole run of it uh we got the car deadlift rig is built painted in massonomics red yep whose car are you dead lifting uh crossfit cory's it's going to be a
Starting point is 00:42:47 hatchback ford focus nice and which uh tanner and larry legend were able to deadlift numerous times and i was not able to fucking budge that car it it's hard it's it's heavy it i you wouldn't want much bigger of a car on there i don't know i mean like for i suppose for the event i'm about the weakest deadlifter in the competition so i suppose we're set up right where i basically can maybe barely do one so it's probably the right scale for that for that but i would prefer a much lighter car yeah maybe a motorcycle bring your scooter tanner yeah my scooter but that that event's gonna be really cool that's gonna like after practicing with it i can tell that that's gonna look really cool uh
Starting point is 00:43:29 and then also that the atlas stone event is gonna be pretty badass too definitely definitely uh we also have some promo videos out i suppose by now by the time you're hearing this we should have both of them done so unless tanner really fucks around on getting his long version done but we should uh you can check out our instagram page for that stuff uh tanner that'll be on your instagram which is at massonomics and you can uh while we're there you know hop on by and say hello we'll have some massonomic swag all that good stuff people can yeah yeah if you've been too lazy to go online and hit buy yeah if buying things on the internet is too difficult for you, you can for sure...
Starting point is 00:44:06 Or just a little too far in the future. If you're not to that stage in life yet, you can sure go to the Brown County Fair and wade through a sea of human flesh when it's 105 degrees to buy a t-shirt from us. But no, for real, please show up to the event. It'll be pretty cool. I think we're going to have a pretty good turnout.
Starting point is 00:44:24 We've had a lot of good interest in it. The first 500 people that show up get in free. Yeah. Actually, so will the second 500 people and the third group of 500 people. It is a free event. So if you want to show up and you think it's cool, then you can buy some shit. But yeah, it'll be great. Make sure you check out our Facebook page as well. We're
Starting point is 00:44:45 going to have I think a long form promo video for all that we're going to go through like some detailed explanations of the events, the weights, the time domains, all that stuff. So you'll kind of know going into it, you know what, really what really what these guys are going to be in for. So that'll be available on our Facebook page. Make sure you go to Facebook and like the massonomics Facebook page. That way we don to Facebook and like the Massanomics Facebook page. That way we don't have to pay for you to see all our stuff. Video will also be available on our YouTube channel, which is Massanomics on YouTube. We'll have all our other videos on there as well.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Please go to iTunes, leave us a five-star review. Tanner runs the Instagram page at Massanomics. And don't forget, go to There we have our store. And if you can buy some stuff, scroll to the bottom of the page, sign up for our email newsletter list. I am Tyler. You can hit me up at Instagram at Tyler F. and Stone.
Starting point is 00:45:35 Tanner? Tanner at Massonomics on Instagram and Grindr. You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D Austin. I have nothing. I guess just give us your cell phone number. You can reach Austin at our email, which is a get big at And any,
Starting point is 00:45:59 any personal requests will forward to his Craig, Craig's list listing. That'll do it for us today. Thanks a whole lot for listening. personal requests will forward to his, uh, Craig, Craig's list listing. Uh, that'll do it for us today. Thanks a whole lot for listening and, stay strong. Later. You just heard the mass and Amix podcast with your ears.
Starting point is 00:46:19 You're welcome. Check us out on Facebook. Find us on Instagram at mass and Amix and make sure you visit and buy some of that sweet Masanamics gear. From your friends at Masanamics Studio, home of the world's strongest podcast, stay strong. Outro Music

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