Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 231: Mark Rippetoe

Episode Date: September 7, 2020

We were lucky enough to have The Godfather of Starting Strength on our show, so we of course had to ask him important questions like:  Does he really say "FAHVE and DRAHVE"? Why does he lean on so ma...ny things?  Are cowboy boots and ribeye steaks all they are cracked up to be?  Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.: Texas Power Bars:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:16 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Welcome back everybody to episode 231 of the Masanomics podcast. We are the lifting podcast about nothing, nothing and piping hot sparkling waters. The best. Yes. This is episode 231. We've got a cool sack segment to come up today we've got a really good guest to come up today uh a man that we were on his podcast not too
Starting point is 00:00:55 long ago and we get to reciprocate the favor and and have him on ours so be exciting and a lot of fun a lot of fun unplanned just, just great conversation, right, Tanner? Right. We don't even know what it's all going to be. We just only named a couple things that we do know of what's actually going to happen. But first, a note from our sponsors. Tanner, you keep doing your thing. I'll be right back.
Starting point is 00:01:16 All right. I'll man this ship. No problem. Today's episode is brought to you by Texas Power Bars. In 1980, Buddy Cap set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house with the best knurling, and it was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, international, massonomics, and world powerlifting records have been
Starting point is 00:01:39 and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of their legendary bars, visit Today's show is also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world. They have live website chat support and speedy email responses. Lifting Large is home of the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper. They're always in stock and ready to ship.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Massonomics listeners can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded products by using discount code MASS20 at checkout. Today's episode is also brought to you by Spud Inc. The goal of Spud Inc. Straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals. They make products that last forever, won't bust your budget, and most importantly, leave no doubt about success when everything is online. Check them out online at
Starting point is 00:02:23 And last but not least, this episode is brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They are your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching, whether it goes to training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both. Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. We've got a discount code with them it's mass mass in all caps and that will save you five five percent off any training or nutrition memberships for the life of the membership at hybrid performance tommy you're back it's like you never really left just
Starting point is 00:02:56 some things are just meant to be tan yeah yeah that's right did you see uh i shared on instagram today that uh I built something? I was going to ask you about that. Yes, that's what it is. Okay. We always talk about what we're going to say before, and there's always usually one thing in my brain that I can't remember. I did want to ask you about that because, one,
Starting point is 00:03:18 I think a lot of people enjoy a quick assembly video. That's why people historically, based on what we have shared before, people do love a little. We have a page on our website of building a deadlift platform and it is still one of our top performing pages. And that article is what, four years old maybe?
Starting point is 00:03:36 Yeah. Thousands of people. Built some strongman deadlift tires, did a article about that. People loved that. That got shared around many times. I still continue to see people sharing and commenting and saying they used our plan to yeah so i saw the video of you building it and i was pretty impressed because i know we've talked about this for quite a
Starting point is 00:03:53 while i think you talked about maybe having nick possibly engineer something up and he did he made plans for one a steel steel one yeah fabricated one and it's just i just haven't gotten around to getting the materials needed for him to make that and he made a great plan for it and still might do that someday as an upgrade but i was just and we should probably tell people what you built actually yeah yeah i guess that's important here it's a uh vertical storage rack for i would say barbells is what you could use it for but i more specifically made it for uh strongman logs and farmers carry handle implements because why i say specifically for those because the traditional vertical storage rack for barbells the spacing so close yeah is it yeah and we have a few of them what's it a few
Starting point is 00:04:36 inches between right which is nice because the footprint on it is so small you can have something that's a foot by a foot and fit like what eight or nine barbells yeah we've got one that's a nine barbell holder we've got a rogue one of those you also got a titan one that's like a five barbell holder and they both work just fine but uh they don't work for the logs and stuff and be because i and i've looked around a lot of times for some different options that people actually make that you can get. And really there's not, I, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I haven't really seen anything ready-made for that purpose. They just click on and buy it. And I didn't know if it was that or if it was, because I can also see it would be insanely expensive. Well, the one, the couple of things I did, I did get a couple
Starting point is 00:05:18 of leads and I talked to a couple of companies and it was like going to be like $700 to make something that what I was after. And I'm like, well, that's not worth it. I mean, if I'm just looking at $700 for the gym, I'll spend that on something else because I don't need this thing. The utility of this is just like getting the strongman equipment off the floor and organizing it a little better. The thing in it is like a Titan log, too. It'd be different.
Starting point is 00:05:41 It'd still be a hard sell, but if it was holding like bars from texas power bars or uh you know the kabuki bar or the road like it was holding all these really nice bars but it is kind of the strongman stuff that just beats it does it gets yeah that that's especially the farmer's handles like those things will just look like pieces of steel with more steel attached to them right right and so it's it's working really well the the the tricky part is and i knew how many does it hold i i set it up for 10 okay so you can fit 10 vertical you could fit 10 10 inch 10 12 inch logs if you wanted to the thing about placing a log into a vertical storage rack is the logs weigh 100 ish pounds you know a barbell when
Starting point is 00:06:27 you place it in the rack it weighs 45 pounds and you go and you still kind of take it out like why does this feel heavy yeah right right right yeah so the logs you actually almost have it's really awkward to grab the handles of a log right and lift it up being a hundred pounds yeah yeah not only awkward but also just like incredibly uh-huh it's it is heavy like you really can't do that you have to bear hug it almost to do it that makes sense and like in the when we had our smaller portion of the gym we always did like leave the logs leaning in a corner and i did always have to do that like bear hug it to get in there so i have to do that same thing but it's still worth it just getting all that stuff like up out of the ground
Starting point is 00:07:03 it's easier for cleaning and a lot of different things. I know you talked about it. I think it was about last summer at this time. You were like, I'm trying to get as much stuff off the ground as possible. And the dust bunnies collect around anything that's on the ground. They do. And once things are off the ground, you realize how much better it looks. Yes.
Starting point is 00:07:17 When they're, whether that's like cable attachments on a pegboard. Yes. Or random dumbbells and the fat bells and those things and kettlebells like on some type of little shelf for them so i have been working on a lot of those things over the last year or so and it does make a big difference it does and like it makes things look bigger too because now that area i was down there today and i saw that in the corner i'm like damn that looks pretty good and like that whole area it's like this looks bigger again right now because that stuff a few logs laying on the ground so those implements they take up a well basically two logs laying on the ground the amount of space that took now this thing will hold
Starting point is 00:07:50 10 in that same amount of space so it's worth it to be a little awkward to set the logs in there and uh take them out i do have to go in and bolster something a part of it like just because there's if it was just barbells putting in their 45 pound barbells it would hold up really well and easily exactly the way I made it but with the logs then being so heavy and so top heavy I run into a little bit of issue it's working all right for now but if I don't fix it it's going to eventually break so I just have to go in and add some pieces it'll take me like an hour to update it and then it'll be rock solid and so what you basically did i am i could never i can't build anything out of wood i'm i have zero skill in that part but it looks like basically what you did is you built a
Starting point is 00:08:33 box yeah what are the rough dimensions of the box it's it's the box is made from two by eight lumber so you know a two by eight i don't think is actually eight inches yeah you know it's construction lumber it's like seven and a half inches probably uh tall by an inch and a half thick but made a box and i made it like five feet long and about two and a half feet wide and then how deep is it is it how tall is it well that's the two that's where the two by eight comes in so it's eight inches tall that's why i used a two by eight instead of like a two by four. If it was only a two by four, it wouldn't be very tall.
Starting point is 00:09:07 So then the sleeve for the, the, the end of the log would, wouldn't be long enough. So that's why I use a two by eight. You could also use, I suppose a two by 10. I think that would be too long.
Starting point is 00:09:15 I think two by eight is really the right board. These do not bottom out in it right now then do they know? So, so I made the bot, the frame from two by eights. And then I used half inch osb or half inch plywood or half inch particle board to lay a sheet on top and a sheet on bottom so it is basically a closed-in box at that point and then i just drilled the 10 holes you know spaced them
Starting point is 00:09:38 where i wanted them and drilled the 10 holes in the top of the box and then used a two inch PVC pipe, which fits snugly into that hole that, you know, it's a two and a two and three eighths inch hole saw and two inch schedule 40 PVC pipe because two inch PVC pipe is the inside diameter. Okay. The outside diameter is two and three eighths. So it fits tightly into that hole.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And then the, that pipe goes all the way to the bottom of the box and rests against the bottom of the box it fits tightly into that hole and then the that pipe goes all the way to the bottom of the box and rests against the bottom of the box and fits tightly around the hole and it's a little bit taller than the box so it sticks up oh i didn't think yeah yeah so it sticks up a little bit and that's kind of what keeps it in place um and with a regular barbell that all would just work just fine i did use some adhesive to keep it tighter but with the the 100 pound logs it's just a little bit sloppy where that pvc pipe is in the bottom so what i have to do is open the box back up and put basically supports around where that pvc pipe will be in the bottom so the bot so
Starting point is 00:10:37 the pipe can't move and move around it'll be stuck in one position so even if you like have a hard time getting it in and like wiggling it around it'll just stay really rock solid yeah it costs about a hundred bucks to build and i didn't really have a plan for it i was just winging it as i i mean i was just thinking about it as i as i went and i wish i had a thought of the supports the only thing i screwed up on i feel like in the long run is i didn't put these supports in for that pvc pvc pipe to begin with because now it's going to take me like an extra hour to take it apart and put them back in there and do all that crap so okay then the my final question with it if you put two logs on one end would it flip the box no i don't think so no it is because it's six feet long you know it's it's five feet long it's 60
Starting point is 00:11:25 inches long and it's wide enough that it's okay it would not that's what when you said there's one thing i would have done different i didn't know if you're going to say like oh i i need to know like some weight in the box so that it wouldn't flip no my original design wasn't going to be near that wide but that's why i actually made it like almost three feet wide just so it will so you don't have to worry about like perfect loading right right that's pretty nice then yeah that's a solid piece yeah no it was pretty stable in that way that wasn't a problem i did think about even putting it on casters on four casters but i'm like pushing that around with and how top heavy it is i'm like that would not end well that would be a disaster get it going yeah just um so i then i realized no that's that's a bad idea the other
Starting point is 00:12:05 thing i did is i did inside the the two inch pvc pipe which two inches the size you want because that's what a barbell sleeve is is like just barely under two inches so that's what what they fit into nicely uh-huh but at the base of them i did put like furniture two inch furniture coasters so that if it was a nice bar which none none of these, it doesn't matter for these. But for the one day, someone grabs a barbell and throws it in there without thinking. Right. And I just wanted to see if that.
Starting point is 00:12:31 That's a good idea. And I was like, ah, that's a little protection. That's what I was like. This is just a good idea. I want to try it just to see if it works. I like it.
Starting point is 00:12:38 And that's where we're at with that. Cool. And I painted it. And then once I make these final updates, I'm going to throw, you know, a mass. I saw someone, someone someone seemed there there's a few people i think they were upset that the decals were not in place right but that was the diy project and i put fairly simple directions on instagram if you're interested and you can and if you were someone that didn't just even want
Starting point is 00:12:59 to spend the money on a barbell one you could do the same thing and you'd make it much smaller too and put the holes just much closer together. And it would probably cost 50 bucks. That's cool. One of those from Titan, a metal one for a barbell costs like 75 bucks. Oh, is that all there is?
Starting point is 00:13:15 Yeah. So I guess you would have to just really want to make it yourself with one of the 75 bucks and free shipping. I mean, it would work just as well and really not look much of any different. It'd be a project, but it would save you like 20 but take you two hours that's one of those things rogue charges like twice as much for yeah there's no reason to buy the rogue one yeah i mean i unless someone can prove me wrong there's no performance benefit right right yeah right yeah
Starting point is 00:13:38 that makes sense to me i mean unless you just want to support an american-made company that sort of thing so there are reasons but like if you're just comparing the products there's a lot of other products i think you should buy from rogue right right right right yes yes yeah well that's cool yeah and just as a teaser we won't get into it in this episode but that's that's a maybe overall in the scheme of things that's kind of a boring piece of thing to have in the gym but we will eventually this year have a really cool thing really cool new piece of equipment coming to massonomics gym that we will eventually this year have a really cool thing really cool new piece of equipment coming to massonomics gym that we will spend a little time discussing on the podcast is it that sauna we've always talked about and the tanning bed yes yes a standing one and a
Starting point is 00:14:17 laying down one right exactly oh god this the best keeps getting better yep yep so more to come on that later amazing yeah well i'm really excited um it's time to crack into a cold one all right great is this uh a secret i'm gonna say i'm just gonna give you a hint i think we've i don't know for sure but i think we've had this one 10 times on the podcast and i almost say that because i think you're already doing like oh god i can't mess this up yeah yeah yeah okay here we go okay i know what it is yeah yeah i know and like you said we have had it about 10 times so you know only 10 times shame on me uh i'm going to go with uh peach pear lacroix well done yeah
Starting point is 00:15:04 well done i do my something about the i think in time i've gotten better at this game and it's I am going to go with Peach Pear LaCroix. Well done. Well done, Tanner. I do. Something about the Peach Pear. I think in time I've gotten better at this game, and it's probably just because we've done so many, there ends up being more recurring ones. It's like I've got to get it right eventually. I tried really hard to get some different flavors. I don't know if it's like a COVID thing going on
Starting point is 00:15:22 or if we've just had enough of them, but the store I typically buy them from, they only carry like eight flavors anyways. And we've had all of those. So then I went to Target thinking, okay, I'm going to Target. Like they're going to have a lot of flavors and they had a lot of flavors, but the flavors they had were ones we've already had. And they're ones that I don't like as much. So I'm running out of ideas. And then normally like Target has like Waterloo and some other brands. And those other brands were completely gone too. So it was slim pickings. Some people have given me some recommendations,
Starting point is 00:15:51 good recommendations on one that I need to bring to stump you because they're like, you need to stump Tommy. Turn the turntables. They said, we've got a couple here that like he will not be able to guess because they do not even remotely taste like what they say on the can. So just stay tuned for that if i ever figure out how to i would that would require me going to a store um which i haven't done in like two years so a little i can order that yeah maybe i can order them like arrange some curbside pickup or yeah amazon so they can help you out right
Starting point is 00:16:22 uh what about our sack segment we've got a really good we've got here's the dilemma we had today we've got two sack segments to go through but i don't think we don't want to do two we don't want to load the sack twice yeah yeah it's just you got to save something for the next time let it build back up and then it's like a better makes it more enjoyable for everyone so we're just going to do one today but just um as a something for you to look forward to we got a great one coming next time too we do and we i did just do the fairest thing and we're doing these in order of which we received that shipping speed really kicks in so making a return to the sack statement is our friends
Starting point is 00:17:02 from grip genie they sent us a nice uh family card this time oh damn we need to get a family card so that's travis in there he's uh been the one that's helped us out of course juji and tom uh the gal in there she i can't remember her name she also reached out to us and said how much i think she's like the coo or i don't remember her title honestly i don't remember her title or name so not doing her any justice whatsoever but I do know that they listened to the last time that we we had grip genie uh featured in our sack segment so I did a really poor job of shouting that out to you if you're listening again so keep sending us stuff guys but so what they did if you remember last time they sent us our their number six they sent us some really cool stuff yeah and they sent uh you know of their number six which is the number
Starting point is 00:17:48 six of like the grip crusher yeah and it is the gold one yeah and it looks really really it does look really cool everyone at the gym has tried it nobody can close it like i i grabbed it here barely squeezed it and cracked like four of my fingers somehow it was right and so what they told us this time is we're gonna send you some stuff you guys can do but what they told us is they want us to do it on the podcast here so if it's anything grip related they're gonna be disappointed because i am so bad he they assured us there would be something we can do so what we've got here is one through five oh we've got the six what we've got today is one through five and these are on open so i guess we'll just so you can verify that we have not uh yet attempted these so is this one first this is
Starting point is 00:18:33 number one is one the lightest one they offer yes oh not like some not like some of those other brands where one is actually not the first one right right? Right. I wasn't prepared for how hard this would be to open. I need a knife. Do we need something? Okay, I figured it out. Let's say I can grab something. So do you want to try one first? Yep, let me try first.
Starting point is 00:18:52 So we'll go down the line and just go, well, I suppose we'll just go until we can't go anymore. Yeah, one is easy. And I'll verify. Ah, it is closed. Tommy closed one very easily. For me, the part I always struggle with too with these is i squeeze and i always get them out of alignment you know what i'm saying right yes it gets a little wonky
Starting point is 00:19:11 yeah it twists in my hand so after so one was the silver we both closed that relatively easily i think right yep yep that wasn't uh a huge challenge to you but you can do that for some reps right oh yeah yeah and i do think if you're really training grip the idea isn't just much like all of our lifting the idea is not just to max out what you don't just max actually i suppose if someone's listening to this and they really are a grip trainer this would be like if you just watch someone they're like we're just going to try and max out on bench we don't know how to bench we're just going to go until we until we fail but also when you don't ever bench you can max out yeah it's not going to really hurt anything and this is number two number two and it is a lime green and i like it yes
Starting point is 00:19:47 banner oh it's close it is close did that feel harder it was it was harder but uh and we're closed very easy so we both got two would you say you're better with your right hand than your left hand oh yeah yeah i am i do know that as a fact and that goes for more things than just grip training if you know what i mean podcasting that's why my mic's over here um so then we're number three metallic blue okay i gotta shake it my hand's getting so fatigued already and i believe what travis told me is like i think you'll get one and two pretty easily i think three is where yeah start to usually with all things related, things get really hard really fast, you know? True.
Starting point is 00:20:28 Good point. Oh, I might get this one. Oh, it's closed. Yep. Ah, there it is. Okay. So that was more challenging, definitely. Three is definitely pushing my limits already.
Starting point is 00:20:40 And then, so this is three, yeah. The gold one they sent us was six, is that what? That was six. Okay. And we're just on three. Yeah, you got that easy. So you got that so i closed it yep but definitely starting to feel a lot harder yeah like tell the difference in these levels yeah yeah and the other thing too though for people that don't grip things is a lot of them getting to the 80 or 90 percent mark is not the hard part it's like yeah even on that closing even on that one getting to the 98 percent mark wasn't i had
Starting point is 00:21:04 to pick it up and see that they weren't quite touching. It is the actual touching that's the hard part. I agree with that for sure. Like you have to hold a card between them. Yeah, a credit card close, I guess is what you would say. Next is four, which is the all black. And I just have a feeling this one's going to be hard. I'm not guaranteeing either of us will close this one.
Starting point is 00:21:22 It just looks intimidating. Three, even for me, was not that hard. But I can tell it's to that point where when it's going to get isn't there also a thing where like a certain direction they're supposed to be yes yes there is where you hold a certain half of it in your palm yeah do you know what that is i know we talked about it the one time and now i can't remember like the very straight at i don't know the straight side should go in your palm. I think if, if that even applies or makes any sense, I'm not sure if that's right.
Starting point is 00:21:48 I can't remember. Okay. All right, Tanner. Part of it is loading the grip here. You know, that's right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:21:59 Oh man, that is, that one's tough. So I guess you weren't, like you said though, you weren't very far away from closing that. Yeah. Yeah. I was, I maybe got it halfway but yeah it's getting to halfway is where
Starting point is 00:22:11 like the hard part kicks in and he said we were gonna maybe start to struggle out three i think we both got three pretty well three i think i could i think i could do three uh multiple times my guess on four before i even try it just to make my prediction and do you like to use chalk when you use these things? I would, yeah. I guess I actually do. And we're not doing that now, obviously. I'm guessing I could maybe get this on a good day with the right conditions, and I'm guessing I won't be able to quite get it today.
Starting point is 00:22:36 I just had to throw that out there. Well, you've got to set yourself up for the right excuse. You were really close there, weren't you? Yeah, I was. See, I could feel the need for chalk. Let me try one more time. If I can't give it, I'll give up. Oh, I think, did you get it?
Starting point is 00:22:51 No, I can't quite. One more. No, I can't quite. Oh, okay. So when you say you didn't quite have it. Yeah, it was. We were talking like maybe. They were not touching each other.
Starting point is 00:23:01 Yeah, like less than an eighth of an inch though. It was very, very, very close. But I do feel like I was having a problem. It's slipping out of inch though. It was very, very, very, that is like the, but I do feel like I was having a problem. It's slipping out of my fingers. So that's where chalk would help a little bit. So that's what I think. I think I could close that one.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Here's the five. Um, I'm not, my hands are already a little sore for the other ones. For me, I feel it across these knuckles right here, like right behind my fingernail. It's like those knuckles.
Starting point is 00:23:22 I have a problem where it's it. My feet, my fingers are a little sweaty and it starts to like slide around this without the chalk so they do sell chalk also but here's the five it's metallic red um i'm going to just make the assumption we can't do this quite close before five probably not gonna get close today either that's what we had from grip genie very cool that was a very maybe our most ever interactive sack segment that we've ever had a very handsy sack segment if i had to criticize the team at grip genie for anything this is constructive criticism so i know i'm sure i assume the
Starting point is 00:24:00 entire team it's huddled around the office. There's like this old antique radio. They're in a little grip workshop, like around it. And they're all like sitting, taking a break from building applesauce. They're taking a break from building little grip hand things. I would say last time we gave them homework of, we need to get a communication started to get Mr.
Starting point is 00:24:22 Mufu as a guest on the Mastodonics podcast. I don't know what progress we've made on that, so that would be my... Maybe that's their third sack segment. Yeah, the third ones they're sending. Could you not picture this? They mail a box, it's at your doorstep, it's a really big box,
Starting point is 00:24:39 and Jujimufu springs out of it with a horse head mask on. With a horse head and surrounded by flamingos. Back flips into your driveway and is like, I'm here. That's how I would imagine it. Yeah. Could totally picture that. I want that sack segment. But thank you to the Grip Genie team.
Starting point is 00:24:57 We always love a good sack segment. And these grip tools are so colorful that my hands won't be able to stay off them in the gym. Like we said last time, I don't know if we need to mention the name of other companies that make grip stuff, but we've got some stuff. It might just have to all get thrown in the trash. I don't know if there's room enough at this point. Now that we have one through six, that other stuff might just have to get melted down for scrap metal. That makes sense to me.
Starting point is 00:25:22 If we maybe want to make one of those log holders out of metal, we can make it out of our old grippers that aren't any good melted down grippers be a pretty expensive that's how that all works yeah yeah yeah you can melt anything metal and turn into something else there's no rules on no limits to what's possible there yeah exactly maybe this is actually grippers is what they make those uh mandalorian uh all the mandalorian uh armor out of it must be grippers yeah all right so that's our sack segment very cool thanks a lot guys yeah the team at grip genie always keeping it real should we uh should we hop into some ads and get on to uh then get on to our next event? Mr. Ripito, exciting guest here today.
Starting point is 00:26:10 But before we get there, I have to tell everyone that today's show is brought to you by Texas Power Bars. You had me on edge for a second if you were going to tell me something else. I mean, what could be better than that? No, that's really the best thing. Buddy Caps first started lifting weights in the late 60s and began powerlifting in the mid 70s. At the time, he was working for Image Barbell, building gym equipment. Around 1976, a local machine shop started making Olympic bars for them, calling it the Image Bar.
Starting point is 00:26:38 In 1977, Image Barbell became Champion Barbell. It was then that Buddy started looking at the bars with an intent of changing them for the better. In 1979, Buddy bought his first lathe to begin addressing the known issues. In 1980, his passion, drive, and purpose now had a greater mission. Buddy set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he'd ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house with the best knurling and was maintenance free. Hundreds of state, national, international, massonomics, and world powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of their legendary bars, visit This episode is brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. If you've been training without a coach and have been looking for a competitive edge,
Starting point is 00:27:27 remember to check out Hybrid has 15 different strength and fitness programs covering everything from powerlifting and strongman to gymnastics and general fitness, all included in one training membership. That's not all. Hybrid also offers one-on-one personalized nutrition coaching that uses lifestyle habits and a flexible approach to shape your nutrition plan around your current lifestyle instead of turning your lifestyle upside down in order to support unsustainable habits that only work in the short run the way most programs do.
Starting point is 00:27:57 If you're ready to take your training, nutrition, or both to the next level, use code MASS, in all caps, that's M-A-S-S, all capitalized for 5% off membership to all programs for the life of your membership. Today's show is also brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large sets the new standard for customer service within the strength world. Get email responses in hours, not days. They now have live website chat support available during the weekdays so you can get advice from a real powerlifter with actual platform experience. The Lifting Large team wants to help you achieve new PRs in the gym and on the competition stage. When you're ready to try single ply and make your way to the dark side, give them a call.
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Starting point is 00:29:19 ukrainian deadlifts are a great way to build your deadlift and squat at the same time the spud inc ukrainian deadlift rig is designed to be home gym friendly with an extra long loading strap with an attachment point at 12 inches and at 20 inches. So you can stack weights to the ceiling if you want to pull from a super low position with the short attachment point. The Ukrainian deadlift rig comes with a 20 inch straight bar handle with a rotating center attachment point to make it more versatile and difficult you can stand on plyo boxes bumpers or blocks to do this primal movement check out the spud ink ukrainian deadlift rig or cold war puller at great wahoo now to our guest. Hopefully. It's always a caveat. Are we ringing?
Starting point is 00:30:10 Just a boot. Hello? Mr. Ripito that are we ready you bet you're you're live on the mass podcast with tanner and tommy we're excited to have you on here today well uh i'm so damn excited to be here i just can hardly contain myself we can hear it it in your voice. It's palpable. You can feel it through the phone. Just excitement, you know. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:50 Just, you know. So what's going on? We've been, ever since we were guests on your show, Starting Strength Radio, we've been excited to get the opportunity to have you rip on our show, and we got that lined up here. So we've got a few things the opportunity to have you rip on our show, and we got that lined up here. So we've got a few things we want to ask you about, and to go along with most of what we do, none of it is overly serious, of course, but important topics nonetheless.
Starting point is 00:31:17 We want to play our overrated, underrated game with you again. You did so good last time. We had to come up with another series of topics for you and um but but first of all in honor of having you on here in honor of what you do on starting strength radio you have this this segment you kick off a lot of your episodes with called comments from the haters and we love that we love that at that that part of your show it doesn't really get much better than that sometimes um and and we wondered if if you would be willing to maybe uh partake in some comments from the haters on our show sure but the biggest thing i i'm wondering you you kind of have a way of of changing your voice when when you do the comments for from the haters
Starting point is 00:32:03 segment i'm wondering if you may maybe have the ability to also do that on our show as well. Well, I don't God, you put me on the spot here. Rusty helps me with that. He knows exactly what to say to me to get that reverb effect. Well, I think, I bet, just a hunch here, I bet you can even do it without Rusty Day.
Starting point is 00:32:33 You just have to trust us. I believe it's going to work here today as well. All right. Let me give it a try again. Let me think about what he tells me here and I'll alright I think I've got it alright are you ready
Starting point is 00:32:53 we're ready the Masonomics version of coming from the haters wow version of comments from the haters. Wow. I felt that. I felt that. That was good.
Starting point is 00:33:11 We could feel that. That worked pretty good. That reverbed all the way up from Texas here to northeast South Dakota. We could feel the reverb from here. That covered the country right there. That's excellent. That's excellent. So, then I guess what we should do is let me
Starting point is 00:33:29 read you the ones i've got that rusty handed to me some clown by the name of fabian brown says okay these guys look like stoners. You guys don't look like stoners. These guys don't ever... Has this guy never seen a stoner?
Starting point is 00:33:57 No, I don't think... Yeah, that's a good point. I can see why Rip likes these guys. The yellow t-shirt guy has a massive belly, and the stoner guy is a little pink. I don't remember either one of you guys having a massive belly. What qualifies as a massive belly on the internet? Well, it's a good question. We've a massive belly on the internet.
Starting point is 00:34:28 It's a good question. We've actually dissected these comments. For people that don't know, these are genuine YouTube comments from the haters off of the episode we did with you, Rip, on starting strength. What do you say these guys are? The bottom feeders? Bottom 1%?
Starting point is 00:34:43 They're like the bottom calf of 1%. Yeah. Basically, all of these guys are in prison. Right, right. They get some time in the library or wherever. If they let them read their
Starting point is 00:35:00 email in prison or something like that, these guys sneak onto the computer and read their email in prison or something like that. You guys sneak onto the, sneak onto the computer and, and type comments to the, to YouTube videos. And that's where all the comments, the YouTube videos come from.
Starting point is 00:35:15 I think people of normal intelligence don't occupy themselves in this way. I a hundred percent agree. I'm in southern North Dakota, and I never heard about these guys. I'm in
Starting point is 00:35:36 southern North Dakota, and I never heard about these guys. He's a fucking Canadian. Any part of North Dakota. North Dakota, it's a Canadian province. I thought I saw something in the news about that. Yeah, they sucked him up. If not, it ought to be.
Starting point is 00:35:56 These two guys basically look exactly how I would imagine two guys from South Dakota look. I kind of like that one. Yeah. That one's at least kind of creative. Sort of. Yeah. So you had $14 for a logo on a pair of mesh shorts. Not good with the flame.
Starting point is 00:36:27 Yeah. He just doesn't have the 14 bucks. That's that's we, the stuff we make, you know, it's not for everyone. We, it is for people that come up,
Starting point is 00:36:37 can come up with the scratch for that 14, 14 more dollars. I think it's a sorting mechanism. You know, you don't want these, you know, the bottom half of 1% wearing your shit. Anyway, it's a sorting mechanism. You don't want the bottom half of 1% wearing your shit anyway.
Starting point is 00:36:48 It's a bad look for us. It sends the wrong message. That's very true. Okay, Rip. One probably the most serious thing we had to ask you about is
Starting point is 00:37:03 strength lifting is basically a sport that you came up with. I think I believe at the time you worked along with CrossFit a little bit. And there's some really cool ideas that you've implemented with that. We have a big, a lot of our listeners are interested in powerlifting. You know, a lot of people competing powerlifting that listen to the show. And there's some things that you switched around. One of the most obvious things is it includes the press and not the bench. That's one thing. As far as things that could even have the ability
Starting point is 00:37:35 to pretty easily be applied to the sport of powerlifting that just have a lot of common sense behind them, one of the ideas that you implement is a way out it rather than a way in and that just makes a lot of sense like it's something i maybe hadn't really thought about but it just just in just if you just think about that as a concept it's like wow that that that makes sense to me could you explain that i mean it's not not super complicated but it uh maybe is a little bit novel to some people, I guess. Well, the problem with the way in, especially if you have something utterly
Starting point is 00:38:11 retarded like a 24-hour way in, is, I mean, it's almost as though the meat director is trying to allow the rules of the meat to be circumvented on purpose. Right? I mean, the weight class,
Starting point is 00:38:36 the 198-pound weight class, because I'm not going to keep up with these changing fucking weight classes. I'm just not going to do it. The 90- 90 kilo weight class is the idea of a weight class is that
Starting point is 00:38:51 people that weigh 198 pounds don't have to compete against somebody that weighs 242. Well, because why would this be? Well, because bigger guys lift heavier weights than smaller guys. So that's the logic.
Starting point is 00:39:09 So you get to compete in the same division as people who are roughly your level of strength. And 132-pound, 5'2 guy doesn't have to try to deadlift alongside Andy Bolton, right? I mean, that's the general idea. It's not complicated to understand this. And if you allow somebody that knows how to do it to weigh in and make weight at 198 24 hours before he has to lift on the platform, he'll weigh 220.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Yep. And that's how a lot of world records are happening right now. Yes, of course it is. And that's not a world record. That's not anything resembling a world record. Hell, back a long time ago, if you set a world record at the IPF Worlds, they weighed you. They took you off to the scale and weighed you
Starting point is 00:40:19 and verified that you were in the weight class in addition to weighing the set. Yeah, the actual plates and bar. The actual plates and bar were weighed, so we knew what was on them. And it was, you know, that's if you want to. You can't have a world record set in a weight class where the guy wasn't in the weight class. How hard is it to understand? He's not in the weight class.
Starting point is 00:40:48 Why don't you let the guy that weighed in at 275 set a record in the 198? It's absurd. It's not even worth discussing. It's so absurd. So what we decided was that we were going to just do away with all the drama
Starting point is 00:41:07 that happens in front of the meet on Saturday morning and we're going to, you know, when you show up to the meet you register an hour before you get all your, you know, ice chest and your folding chairs and shit set up where you want them to be. And then we have the rules clinic. And then we have the meet. And then whatever you weighed right after your last deadlift is the weight class that you competed in.
Starting point is 00:41:43 And if you're terribly concerned about it, well, then you make sure that you're in the weight class. And that's your responsibility. But if you weighed in and you competed in the 198, then you weighed 198, not 220. So, you know, i don't know uh how it could be any more straightforward logical than that it does make sense it almost seems too simple that's the only thing wrong with it really that's his downfall it makes too much sense well it makes me damn much yeah it uh i mean the goal of the the power lifting meat the strength
Starting point is 00:42:26 lifting meat weight lifting meat is to see how much how strong you can be how much you can lift and and the the 24-hour weight weigh-ins it turns it partially into uh who's the best at manipulating their body weight the most over a short period of time. That's part of the competition. Who's the best at getting it down to a certain amount in a 24-hour window and then getting all of it right back. Yep. It introduces a whole other element into the competition that's got nothing to do with the ostensible purpose of the meat.
Starting point is 00:43:01 Right. And, you know, if you want to play silly ass games with a scale like that well that's fine i mean i don't care that they're i don't i don't you know advocate the violent overthrow of federation they're playing silly ass games like that. But by the same token, that's, that's, you know, we all know it's stupid. Right. And we get put up with it.
Starting point is 00:43:30 Right. Yep. The, the other, the other big thing that comes to mind that just, as I think about it, the more I'm like, it just,
Starting point is 00:43:39 I just, I just get it is, could you talk about the concept of taking the judges out of the lifts? That's also just blindingly obvious. I mean, really, does the judge tell you when to come up out of the bottom of the squat? No, never does. Why should the judge tell you when to come up out of the bottom of the bench press?
Starting point is 00:44:06 How does that make the quietest bit of sense? should the judge tell you when to come up out of the bottom of the bench press it's a fair question I mean and yet everybody just goes well it's just the way we do it you know it's the way it's just always been done so you know it must be okay it's absolutely stupid. Why? All right, we got a set of technical rules, don't we? It's the lifter's responsibility to know the technical rules. And it's the lifter's responsibility, therefore, to perform
Starting point is 00:44:40 the lift according to the technical rules. Now, why should the judge be permitted to participate in this process? The judge should just decide whether or not that happened. You know, judge Why should the judge tell you when to rack the bar? When the rules tell you when to rack the bar? Why should the judge tell you when to press the bar up off your chest when the rules do that why should the judge tell you when to set the deadlift
Starting point is 00:45:12 down it makes no sense and so we just have moved a few things like that around and as a result I think that the sport is a lot simpler and cleaner and easier to understand and when you say it that way like i'm just trying to think off the top of my head are there any sports where the judges or the ref or the official interacts with you while you're like like dictates what you do while you're playing. Like,
Starting point is 00:45:46 you know, refs will blow the whistle or call it or do something after the, after the action has been done. But I can't think of anything off the top of my head where the judge actually dictates what happens while you're performing. I can't either. I mean, I'm sure there's something,
Starting point is 00:46:01 but does the gymnastics judge you? Do the judges tell you when to, when to perform the movements on the mat? Right. You know, if you're a diver, does the judge tell you when to leave the platform? Right. What are these guys thinking about? I don't even understand how this got started. I really don't because it makes absolutely no sense.
Starting point is 00:46:26 No, and even if the judge has the best of intentions, there's a human error element that on, say, the bench press, for example, with the pause, whether you like the pause or not, under the assumption that that's the rule you need to pause, there is a human error element of how fast or not fast they're going to call that and then for me to meet consistency introduces a variable that doesn't need to be there yeah you know i have seen i've told the story a thousand times i've seen a head judge at a big meet give the press signal for a big famous lifter,
Starting point is 00:47:05 give the press signal before the bar touched the chin. Right. Because he was scared of the guy. Right. Now, in a situation like that, what do the side judges do? Do they judge the lift according to the rules? Which it wouldn't comply with. Or do they judge the lift according to the rules which is what you're going to live according to the signal why would you want to put the side of judges in a position like that right so there's no aspect of that that makes any fucking sense so uh i think our
Starting point is 00:47:41 i think our uh solution is rather elegant. It's once again simple. Yeah, it has the disadvantage of being logical and understandable. So strength lifting meats, are those held nationwide at this point? I know, I knew you would commonly hold them out of, uh, yeah, go ahead. The gyms just hold them right now. Okay. The gyms just hold them right now. The little federation that, uh, arose a while back is kind of stuttered.
Starting point is 00:48:26 These things at this point are just informal. At some point, we'll probably establish some kind of a formal federation and establish some kind of formal records and stuff. But right now, this is just kind of a thing we're doing for fun. That's not necessarily a bad thing. When you look at that training, it gives someone,
Starting point is 00:48:54 if they're choosing to compete in one of those, it gives them something to train for. And, I mean, anyone that's trained for anything knows when you've got, even if it's for fun, you're still out there to do the best you can. And that affects your training positively. Yeah. It makes you focus and train harder. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Just got through with a podcast about that very thing. Uh, last week, talk about why you should do a meet. Yeah. And we, you know, we've always encouraged people to go to a meet since the first edition of the book was released back in 2005. I've always encouraged people to go to a meet primarily for that very reason. It improves your training. The minute you send in an entry fee, the next workout gets viewed differently. And that's terribly important.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It's a great tool for improving your training. Yep. You, you, you, you mentioned the book there, uh, the little blue book, as you might call it, or, or, uh, I've read it a couple of times. We have a couple of copies of roundups of it, sitting around at our gym all the time. Um, what, what I'm wondering is, and I don't know the answer to this you've authored a few books you have a podcast now you have YouTube coaching
Starting point is 00:50:32 all the starting strength coaches where did starting strength originally start that name even starting strength was the book the blue book the origins of starting strength no the blue book is the third edition the first edition okay the first edition uh was uh uh originally titled uh starting strength a simple and practical guide to coaching
Starting point is 00:50:54 beginners because uh we were under the the misapprehension that coaches, and when I thought about coaches at the time, I was thinking about football coaches and people in charge of teams, were in desperate need of a resource for utilizing barbell training for their athletes. What I failed to appreciate at the time is that coaches at the high school level and the college level and the professional level are almost entirely incapable of understanding that they need to know that. entirely incapable of understanding that they need to know that. And so the second edition was basically a rewrite and we called it Starting Strength Basic Barbell
Starting point is 00:51:56 Training. That was the second edition and I rewrote the thing and wrote it for the change the language around so that I was speaking to the lifter. And there were some revisions along the way for that book. And that one actually, because the first book began to be bought by lifters. Because they realized the value of the instruction. And the lifter started buying it,
Starting point is 00:52:26 so I rewrote it for the lifter. And then I learned a whole bunch of stuff during the period of time I spent arguing with CrossFit about this shit. And then we released the Blue Book in 2011.
Starting point is 00:52:48 And it's been continuously updated for the past nine years. So that in reality, the current version of the Blue Book is quite a bit different than the first version of the Blue Book. Every time we learned something, we accumulated this information and included it in the next printing. So looking through from, you said the first one was 2005? Yes. So over the course of 15 years, have you had anything that you would consider major foundational things that you've had to change course on or, or change your approach or your thought process behind?
Starting point is 00:53:28 No, not really. The details are, are very, very important, but, uh, starting strength is basically two things.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Starting strength is the squat, the press, the deadlift, the bench press, and the power clean. Yep. And their correct execution and incorporation of those primary exercises as essentially the entirety of the program. Because nothing else is necessary.
Starting point is 00:54:08 Now, we have learned a whole bunch about how to teach those and how to perform and that's what uh uh most of the revision has been and then the second part of starting strange is the simple approach to the program add five pounds to the squat for your three sets of five next time and do that until that stops working don't do anything else don't change the exercises don't change the form add to the load the load is the variable and it goes up and increasing load forces the adaptation and that's the that's just the basics of the program and it's it's it's so ridiculously obvious i'm shocked that somebody a lot smarter than i am didn't come up with it first but for some reason they didn't and uh and so that is the that the, that's the nature of the program.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Yeah, and the details of the execution have been continually updated and changed. Right. So starting strength, you know, between the books, your podcast, everything you're doing, and then, you know, through the forums online and that sort of thing,
Starting point is 00:55:25 it's developed this insanely loyal fan base. In some ways, you could say it's almost like a cult-like following where it's just such a strong following. I wonder when you started it, did you picture it would get to the level it's at now? Or did you even plan on this? No, and I don't perceive that that's the case. I don't know that we have that strong a following.
Starting point is 00:55:55 I'm not aware of it if we do. I mean, we sell a lot of books and we have seminars that occasionally sell out. and we have seminars that occasionally sell out. But I see no, you know, their crowds don't follow me around. Right, right, right. Well, that's interesting to hear that perspective from you.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I can still go out in public most places and not be recognized. So I don't know that we have an insanely loyal fan base. I think that those people on the periphery may perceive that uh that we do for simply because our approach to the to the problem has never been refuted and that pisses people off because Because, you know, there are people that say, well, there are as many ways to squat as there are sands on the beach. There are stars in the sky. This is just obvious bullshit. You know, you don't get to say stuff that's that stupid.
Starting point is 00:57:04 You don't get to say stuff that's that stupid. And our approach to it is logical. And it has been... We've looked at this harder than they have. And when things are wrong with it we change it and so it's been winnowed over the years and it has been, we've constantly improved the whole thing to the point where there's just not a hell of a lot wrong with it it works every single time it is tried
Starting point is 00:57:40 correctly and that pisses everybody off. Because nothing else really does. You know. I mean, when was the last time anybody contacted one of the NSCA's precious little certified strength conditioning specialists for training? You know, our people get called and offered money to please show us how to do this every week. They don't essentially exist outside the context of a ticket that you have to punch to graduate with a PE degree. That's the only
Starting point is 00:58:19 reason those people are there. We're here because we may actually make a difference and we make people strong. And that pisses everybody else off. I'm not saying we're the only people that know how to make people strong, but our program works every single time that it's tracked
Starting point is 00:58:40 with everybody it's correctly applied to. And, you know, if you can figure out a mathematically more efficient way of making your squat stronger than five pounds of workout, 15 pounds a week for four months, I'd like to know what it is. Right. Okay. Yep. Um, what I, right okay yep um what i what i wanted to ask you about next rip is words that words that end
Starting point is 00:59:12 with the spelling i v e there's this internet thing i'm sure you're fully aware of it uh where where say someone is speaking uh in in the rip and they spell the words A-H-V-E. So we're talking drive and five are the common ones you see all the time. What's your take on that? Is that how you're saying those words? Where the hell does that even come from? I think it must come from California. When I say word five, I say five.
Starting point is 00:59:48 That doesn't sound like fall. I'm not saying fall. I'm saying five. Five. But in California, they say five. How old are you, son? I'm five. You know, I don't know i i it's just something fun for them to do
Starting point is 01:00:11 yeah i have to let them you know as long as they buy the book i don't care yeah you get the last laugh hey dave just you know go ahead buy the book you know tell everybody I talk or however you want me to talk they also make fun of me for pronouncing why like why like the letter
Starting point is 01:00:34 why they want you to say the letter why why why is that what is that like w w u t why do they spell it w h a t if they wanted you to pronounce it w u t i don't know and i don't really give a shit you go up to new york and you get people making fun of us for the way we talk down here. Well, guess what? Our property is still worth something.
Starting point is 01:01:06 There you go. And theirs is not. So, yeah, it's an amazing deal. But anyway. Okay, Tommy, what do you think about jumping into overrated or underrated? I think it's about that time. Rip, I think you probably remember how to play the game. We got a series of topics that we picked for you,
Starting point is 01:01:35 and the idea here is that you can't ride the line. It's got to be overrated or underrated. I remember doing that. Okay, okay. it's got all right overrated or underrated yeah i remember doing that okay okay and you've got your druthers how much you choose to to elaborate or not elaborate on why that is the way it is okay all right topic yep topic number one here rip overrated or underrated whole milk last time we visited about skim milk. Today we're going to ask you about whole milk. Underrated. Highly underrated.
Starting point is 01:02:09 It tastes good. So you'll actually drink it. Yeah. I agree. I love it. That's a simple enough argument right there. I love whole milk, so no argument with me on that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:02:24 All right. Topic number two, overrated or underrated, knee wraps. Knee wraps for the squat. Oh, that's an interesting one. I think they are probably underrated because they are useful for lots and lots of people with creaky knees. are useful for lots and lots of people with creaky knees. And if you can squat with a properly applied wrap, that's better than not squatting because your knees hurt.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Yep, that makes sense. Topic number three, overrated or underrated, ribeye steaks specific to the ribeye cut. Highly overrated. Highly overrated. Sirloin tastes better. And I know this because I've been buying side beef for 15 years. I haven't bought grocery store beef in a long, long time.
Starting point is 01:03:24 And so I have the opportunity to eat the ribeye and the loin steaks and the sirloin steaks all for the same side of the same animal. So I can compare the flavor of the meat from different parts of the same animal. I'm not comparing different animals. I'm actually comparing the meat from the same animal. I'm telling you, the sirloin's got a better flavor. And ribeyes have got this reputation among people that don't know anything about beef. They're alright. You don't throw them away. You don't grind
Starting point is 01:04:03 them up into hamburger, but I'm telling you that they're highly overrated. Is the sirloin the best cut then? As far as I'm concerned. Yeah. If you had to, so when was the last time you said you had grocery store beef? Oh, it's been years ago.
Starting point is 01:04:23 So if you had to go grocery store, do you think you would still say sirloin's the best? Depends on the grade that I'm able to. If I can buy a choice sirloin, I'd rather have that than a choice ribeye. This isn't a topic, but I also just wonder where you feel about pig or where ham weighs into you as a meat in comparison to some good old beef. Ham's got its place. Ham makes a better sandwich. That's true.
Starting point is 01:04:53 Everybody knows that. That's a good point. Ham makes a hell of a sandwich. Ham and Swiss. Hard to beat that. That's true. Yeah, that's true. Yeah, that's true.
Starting point is 01:05:07 Okay, last one here. You're a Texas man, obviously. We all know that. Overrated or underrated cowboy boots? Oh, I think they are overrated. I haven't worn pull-on boots in a long time. I wear a cowboy Packers specifically. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:05:32 they look like cowboy boots with their lace up and they fit better and they support your ankle better. And, uh, specifically I wear whites. Okay. And I haven't had any, any,
Starting point is 01:05:44 uh, uh, pull on cowboy boots in a long time. You know, I need a pair of ropers right now. I just haven't bought them. But for daily wear, I wear the lace-ups. And, I mean, there's lots of good boot companies. Justin makes a very good boot. Olathe makes a good boot.
Starting point is 01:06:16 You know, there's lots and lots of different companies that make pretty good boots, but just that in terms of the style of boot, I prefer Olathe.-up yeah well that concludes our fashion tips with rip this week well there we go what you know everybody pays so much attention to that so yeah yeah you have any fashion trends i've started oh my god that's true that does wrap up our overrated underrated it made me think though as we're we're talking there one other thing that i see pop up all the time is a is about you leaning
Starting point is 01:06:52 on things are you familiar with what i like to know if you're familiar with these internet things i do tend to do that and and i've done that for years and the reason i i do that i'll tell you right now the reason i do that is because my fucking back hurts and if i can get some of the load off of it by leaning on something i just tend to that's what i find myself doing you know yeah everyone wants to be pain-free yeah yeah everybody you know to the extent you can get that way yeah all right rip that that kind of covers the majority what we wanted to talk about i i was good i i would rec what what is what is your website is it is that where people would go so that starting
Starting point is 01:07:45 okay i got a question for you guys how are the property values doing in aberdeen right now good i think stable as ever yeah they're they're good they're they're i'll bet they're up quite a bit yeah they're up and and you know interest rates are extremely low right now so you know it's there's i think there's kind of things moving a little bit but i think you guys are seeing some growth whether you want to or not that is that is the comment that i've heard several people make is that we i don't know if i can personally tell that you know yet if i can just personally see it just from our little corner of the world but everyone seems to make that comment that we're probably going to experience that at some point in time. I would say probably places like
Starting point is 01:08:27 Wyoming would be in that same bucket. Idaho. Your wonderful governor has made a good impression on lots and lots of people. I would look for an influx of escapees from Democrat shitholes. And my advice to you guys is to tell them once they get there, look, you just left a Democrat shithole. Don't vote Democrat here.
Starting point is 01:09:03 You'll have to remind them of that. That's why you left. Don't do that to us or we'll kill you. And that's the final straw. There's not much someone can say back to that.
Starting point is 01:09:20 Don't do it to us. We'll kill you. We can't not arguing there. Don't do it. Don't do it. We'll kill you. No. Okay. Well, we, we can't not listen to your advice. If you're giving out free advice,
Starting point is 01:09:30 you know, once again, very simple. Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And what starting strength radio, new,
Starting point is 01:09:37 new episode. Every, you come out with that on Friday, every Friday, every Friday till we get all wore out. We're going to do whatever. We've got one up every Friday. So, uh, uh, wore out. We're going to do whatever. We've got one up every Friday. When are you going to air this?
Starting point is 01:09:50 This will come out this upcoming Monday here, so not too long. It's just less than a week away. Friday after that, we've got my Israel on. Oh, very good. I will be excited to hear that. He and I had a wonderful conversation just three or four days ago, and that'll be up a week from Friday. Okay.
Starting point is 01:10:10 That would be a good one. I really am excited to hear that one then. Yeah, that's good. It will be. And I just got through listening to it again, and it's a pretty good show. We had a nice conversation. He's a real sharp guy.
Starting point is 01:10:25 I'm excited to hear the comments from the haters of what people have to say about that episode, though. That'll be the most fascinating thing. Yeah, of course. Well, you must train pretty late at night, Rip. You mentioned that you've got training to do yet today here. Yeah, I've got to do a little workout. And I typically, when everybody leaves, I train.
Starting point is 01:10:55 And, you know, I put her around in here and clean things up and work on editing things and in in between sets and that sort of thing so i just uh i go home late i've always kept late hours so okay all right rip rip we do it we appreciate you having having you on here what we would tell everyone is check out starting then check out starting strength radiocom. Then check out starting strength radio, new episode every Friday. Uh, books are on, on the store.
Starting point is 01:11:28 You also have some shirts on there. I know there's, what does some of the shirts say? Like, uh, uh, help us, uh,
Starting point is 01:11:35 uh, help us eliminate muscular. Yeah. Yeah. That's the one I like. Yes. Yes. That's the one that popped out.
Starting point is 01:11:42 Yes. Injury. Collection of posters. Yeah. We, yeah, we've, we've got all the posts. I don't know if those are still for sale on the website or not, but I really, yeah, that's the one that popped out to me. Collection of posters. We've got all the posts. I don't know if those are still for sale on the website or not, but I really do. Yeah, they're for sale.
Starting point is 01:11:50 We've got a whole series of posters we just designed recently that are on the website. We've got some caps. We've got all kinds of stuff. Just go to the
Starting point is 01:12:04 store and look and see what to the store and look and see what all the stuff we've done. All right. That's what everyone needs to do. And tell Rusty, Nick, Bree, everyone there make sure they're all staying in line too. We appreciate everything they do there too. I'll tell them you said
Starting point is 01:12:21 to obey every word I say completely. That's right. That's right. All right. Thanks, Rip. Thanks a lot, Rick. All right, guys.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Enjoyed it. Yep. We'll see you. See you. Later. Mr. Rip. The one and only. You know, I had to laugh because when you said the leaning on things one, in my head,
Starting point is 01:12:40 I picture him leaning on things. I don't read the comments close enough to know that that was like a thing of people actually commenting on it. I might be wrong on this, but I think there might be an Instagram page called Rip Leans on Things, and it's various pictures of him leaning on things. That's kind of how I picture him in my head. Yeah. He's kind of lean.
Starting point is 01:13:00 Like, if you look at a lot of the pictures that exist. Which there's nothing wrong with, but it's really funny because I didn't realize that was a thing. No, that's a thing that rip. I think there's, I don't know, maybe I'm wrong,
Starting point is 01:13:08 but I think there's a page of rippling. There's not, there should be now. Yeah. Yeah. But it's certainly a thing, whether there's a page or not, like people are well aware that he leans on a lot of things.
Starting point is 01:13:17 That's funny. Yeah. So that's rip and that's rip. And that's cool beans. That's very cool beans. Yeah. Um, I really enjoyed him reading the comments from the haters the negative things that people had to say about us i know
Starting point is 01:13:29 yeah isn't it nice when you can hear things negative and you're like you know that's a few years ago in this journey that would have like ah that kind of sucks yeah that's kind of a sign of of we're probably doing all right when we can hear a few negative things and know, well, there's quite a few people that like it. So it's okay if you don't. Not everyone has to like it. That's like number 99 on my list of things that happened to me that actually concern me anyway. Right, right. And it's reassuring.
Starting point is 01:14:01 I know, based on everything else we do, there's enough people out there that enjoy this thing that we're doing that if you don't, that's okay. Like that doesn't offend me. That's like, oh, that's okay. Not everyone's going to like it. Like everyone's going to enjoy this. Everyone shouldn't like this. No, no, right.
Starting point is 01:14:16 Right, right. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So that's cool. I was glad, like that's a bucket list when we had Rip on the show. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Yeah, yeah. We've been really banging out the people here lately.
Starting point is 01:14:26 That's true. And we got, we were talking with a lot of other people. We got really cool ones coming, too. I don't see this stopping anytime soon. There's a lot on deck. Yeah. Made that little Mount Rushmore of, and I kind of, truth be told, I did that knowing we just had Chad on the show,
Starting point is 01:14:43 and then knowing we're going to have Rip come up soon. I'm kind of working in people that we're going to work with. I don't picture us being able to get Louie or Louie being able to understand what we're doing here. Yeah, but you'd have a hard time making an argument that those were bad choices, though. No, I agree. I think they're certainly in the running.
Starting point is 01:15:01 A good one that people brought up, though, is Mike T. Mike Deshear. He follows Mastonomics, and he gets our silly stuff. So I did add him to our list, so we do need to have Mike T. Be very exclusive. Yeah, he's kind of credited for the RPE system. So we'd almost have to just come up with a series of what Rpe do you rate this and not have it be a lifting thing it's like uh uh trying to tie your shoes you know bending over trying to tie your shoes
Starting point is 01:15:32 when you're overweight and your belt's on two sizes too small what rpe is that on the scale yep you know like the series of uh i think most people would say nine or ten lots of those right yeah it's probably just actually i guess me that doesn't work it's just i'm just thinking of all tens yeah yeah everything i keep thinking of in my head is a ten two right right uh do we need to talk about our ads here again we probably should okay today's show was brought to you by texas power bars and it's worth noting that starting strengths works with buddy caps on bars that they sell. They have a Starting Strength bar.
Starting point is 01:16:07 Yeah, they do. That's manufactured by Texas Power Bars or by Buddy Caps or by that company. To the demanding specs of Rip. Of Starting Strengths. So by supporting Starting Strength through those bars, you would be supporting Texas Power Bars. And Rip also believes in the Texas Power Bars, too. So he would fully endorse this company here. But a 1980 buddy cap set out on his own
Starting point is 01:16:29 to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house with the best knurling, and it was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, international, and world powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar.
Starting point is 01:16:44 Visit The next one, Lifting Large is our next sponsor. And how I'd relate that, Rip said knee wraps underrated. Lifting Large does have a selection of knee wraps you can purchase. And I saw their post today at a pretty reasonable price. So knee wraps underrated. Where can you get them? Lifting Large.
Starting point is 01:17:03 Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world. They have live website chat support and speedy email responses. Lifting Large is home to the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper. They are always in stock and ready to ship. Massonomics listeners can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded products by using discount code MASS20 at checkout. Spud Inc. Rip didn't talk about Spud Inc. He should have, maybe. He didn't, but I think he should have maybe yeah he didn't but i think he yeah
Starting point is 01:17:27 he meant to talk we just ran out of time uh the goal of spudding straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals they make products that last forever won't bust your budget and most importantly leave no doubt about success when everything is online check them out online at this episode is also brought to you by hybrid performance method they're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching whether your goals are training related nutrition body composition related or both starting strength better start over thinking about too many things that one's here hybrid performance method
Starting point is 01:18:01 important distinction there today isn't it hybrid Hybrid Performance Method would be the ones for you because they have dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, and you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. We have a discount code with them on their personal coaching and training for nutrition and actual training programs. It's MASS, that's M-A-S-S.
Starting point is 01:18:24 That'll save you 5% off any of those programs for the life of those programs. And you can visit them at That's it for sponsors. We didn't really talk about leaving podcast reviews. We didn't. You should leave podcast reviews. We don't want to get into the playoff season too early.
Starting point is 01:18:40 That's true, but you should leave podcast reviews. And in case people are wondering, the MASSonomics billboard is still up. is still getting our money's worth on that we have really gotten a great money's worth i was thinking like it almost is it wait when what wait what day did you see it last today oh you saw it today yeah that means we've got another month of it then really yeah that goes by month from the way i understand it yeah even you get a day in they don't they don't know big i mean ours went up on i was kind of thinking i was kind of thinking it would be funny if the massonomics billboard got replaced
Starting point is 01:19:10 by another massonomics billboard that was like you thought that last billboard was obnoxious we're gonna be looking at four straight months of that billboard being up now because i'm pretty sure it goes by monthly we didn't pay for four months no no we're getting a hell of a deal pro tip for people advertising in these times not a hell of a deal pro tip for people advertising in these times not a lot of people want to pay the money for it so i'm going to be really sad when it goes uh goes away i want i would love to take a video of them like taking it down and putting it to like closing time yeah that would be doing it justice yeah that's what should what should happen. Yeah. Like put it to rest.
Starting point is 01:19:45 It's fine. Put it to rest. Like interview the people that did it. I'm sure they'll come down with tears in their eyes. This is the hardest billboard to ever take down. Have you gotten very many questions from people that you just kind of know, that kind of know you are associated with? I think I've gotten that many locally.
Starting point is 01:20:01 I think I would if I could go out locally. Right, right, right. I mean, normally I would be going to restaurants and bars and places and seeing people, but I don't see people anymore. So unless I ran into you in a grocery store, yeah, no, it's not going to click. I still get almost weekly to this point someone that comes to town or in town or just happens to drive that road and goes, had to see it for myself. It really is real. You know, like that's the thing goes had to see it for myself it really is real you know like that's the thing it's like bump it is real i believe you know you know i still think
Starting point is 01:20:29 so few people outside of my direct circle even have any idea what massonomics even is like so it's just such a forward concept i think there's probably a lot of people listening here that still aren't 100 100 sure exactly what massonomics is. I think you have a very valid point there. Still trying to figure that out. But also the podcast supporting membership would be the other thing. You can sign up for that. Got all the different tiers, the apple pie, the LaCroix,
Starting point is 01:20:57 the lift shorts level, the platinum club level. We just had the man that won, Big Matt that won the medium most medium world's most medium-sized check is actually paying some of that love back by becoming a so boarding member so we are going to get all of that realized he didn't realize that he's signing for life so eventually we will get all of that 500 and more yeah we're not we put we put a requesting with the credit card company they're not going to ever let him cancel.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Even if he terminates, we'll do illegal things. Yeah. Yeah. We have, we have things going on behind the scenes. So his money is ours. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:33 We're like the creditors. The whole, the whole plan. We played the long, the long game on this one. It is the long con. Money will be ours. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:21:44 Okay. Um, like us on Facebook, subscribe on on youtube that sort of thing tommy where to go on instagram you can find me at tomahawk underscore d and you can find me at tanner underscore baird more importantly follow us on massonomics at massonomics

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