Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 256: Stan Efferding

Episode Date: March 1, 2021

Stan is a man that needs no introduction. We got to the bottom of all the hard hitting issues with him including: pepper as a supplement, the booming marijuana business in WNESD, and coolers.  We als...o announced the winners of the Massenomics Meme contest! Hybrid Performance Method: and use code MASS to save 5% on all programs Lifting Large: and use code MASS20 to save on Lifting Large branded products Spud Inc.: Texas Power Bars:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:16 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics! Massanomics! Science and everything. Masanomics! Welcome back listeners for episode 256 of the Masanomics podcast. We are the lifting podcast about nothing and of course this is recorded from western northeast South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:00:38 My name is Tanner. And my name is Tommy. Kind of got a lot of things to say right at the beginning there. It's a run down the list of what episode it is, where this is recorded from, and what my name is. That's a lot of things to say right at the beginning there. It's run down the list of what episode it is, where this is recorded from, and what my name is. That's a lot of stuff to remember. Name, location. Age, sex, location.
Starting point is 00:00:53 That whole thing. A little chat room talk. Do we want to hear about today's sponsors right off the bat? I thought you would never ask. Okay, good. Today's show is brought to you by Lifting Large. Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world they have live website chat support and speedy email responses lifting large is home the ground lock deadlift slipper and they are always in stock and ready to ship massonomics listeners can save 20 on all lifting large branded products by using
Starting point is 00:01:18 our discount code mass 20 at checkout this episode is also brought to you by texas power bars in 1980 buddy cap set on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained at checkout. This episode is also brought to you by Texas Power Bars. In 1980, Buddy Kapp set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house with the best knurling, and it was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, international, and world powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more, visit them at today's show is also brought to you by spud inc the goal of spudding straps is to make products that support sports
Starting point is 00:01:50 performance and help everyone achieve their training goals they make products that last forever won't bust your budget and most importantly leave no doubt about success when everything is online check them out online at and this episode is brought to you by hybrid performance method they're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching whether And this episode is brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline,
Starting point is 00:02:18 you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. Use our discount code there. It's MASS, M-A-S-S, in all caps. That'll save you five percent off any training or nutrition membership or the life of your membership at hybrid performance method thank you sponsors great to hear from you guys all again uh we're going to talk more about hybrid performance method in a ruined about way in this episode talking about the hybrid showdown meet version three that just got wrapped up this week we'll get to that eventually tanner but we can't
Starting point is 00:02:50 talk too much about lifting because we have so much other stuff to talk about we do have a lot of stuff this episode we also have an awesome guest mr efforting is joining us this week that'll be coming up here about the midpoint of course um what about this yeah we should probably start we should probably start with the most important thing in this whole episode which is right talking about our own product our new merch um some of that hot merch and by now by the time you're hearing this this has been launched several days so we didn't really talk about it last yeah i guess i don't know if we'd normally do that or not when we this is the episode we would normally talk about it
Starting point is 00:03:23 yeah it wouldn't really be really we wouldn't we wouldn't want people uh knowing what it's like oh we haven't released product for a month i can't remember how we do this out tanner well either way we mentioned it very briefly we teased it at the end of the last episode but we have two new teas yes first one the massonomics drinking tea and we got our beloved skull on the front left chest there and uh that's a fan favorite already it is flip it to the back side oh and that's where there is where that's where the popping starts that's where all the popping starts this is pop city back here uh massonomics drinking team established 2014 lift hard live easy we got our drinking skull on there i mean that is massonomics right there that is that screams massonomics and pop and it pops like yeah you
Starting point is 00:04:10 ever seen a black and white shirt pop that much oh i'd be i'd be hard pressed to name a better one than that but uh that tea looks really good and it's got that it does have that clean classy look yeah yeah it does almost kind of like a motor motorcycle vibe a little bit yeah you know one that pops like a jacket that pops so that's one and then the other one slightly different for us yeah we went with this is on the midnight blue color yeah we went with the heathered is it it wasn't midnight blue i think they just call it midnight blue but it is a heathered midnight blue or was it just heathered gray was it oh yeah it is midnight blue you're right yeah it is crazy how the name of this color just doesn't quite match my brain yeah um but we have the lift neon the neon lift and uh massonomics established 2014 both established in 2014 this is the established 2014 collection yeah it's they're both there
Starting point is 00:05:04 and uh kind of kind of has theft hard live easy neon vibes to it. It does. But we brought it to the Lyft sign. Yep. And this is the established in 2014 collection, which we were talking about today. We feel okay to put that on there because it's not like one year ago. Like how long does something have to be around before you start?
Starting point is 00:05:23 If it's 2021 2021 you shouldn't write established 2021 because it's just like well you didn't have anything else to write so you put it out you put the same year like right and then established 2020 like i feel like that's also not i guess maybe if the shirt was a one year anniversary shirt maybe then but already it's like well it's only been around a year that's not really anything or like three months in this case yeah technically it could be in this case but then okay two years yeah it doesn't seem long enough five years is for sure long enough seven years now that's the magic number that's where i would say if you want something to pop you you go back seven yeah seven years that's how you know things are popping. Yeah. So there we have it. Established 2014 right here, this collection.
Starting point is 00:06:07 And grab them both. Hopefully they're, well, I always say that wrong. Like maybe they're going to be available. Hopefully they're all gone and lost out and just buy stuff quicker the next time. Yeah, you big dummies. So get on that. At this point, we released those on Thursday. So at this point, they've been out for a few days.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Yep. For sure, several sizes are sold out, though. Yeah. Yes, absolutely. Usually someone swoops in on those 4X, the 4X boys, and sometimes the smalls have even been. The 4X boys go hard sometimes. And it doesn't even make sense.
Starting point is 00:06:36 No, it's like 4X is about 5% of the shirts we sell. Four to five, roughly roughly speaking is 4x but and those five people are demanding they are 90 those five percent that we're going to sell of each new launch gets sold within like an hour and it's not like it's not like oh we should be or we should be ordering accounting for 10 of the 4xls because if we do that, those first 5% still sell in the first hour and then they stop. Yeah, like if someone watched our orders come in for the first time ever,
Starting point is 00:07:10 they'd be like, you guys need significantly more Forex sell because those are way too fast. And it's like, nope, the people that buy those just get them right away. They do. And that's it. And we've talked about it before.
Starting point is 00:07:19 I think the reason for that is because people that wear Forex are used to having a harder time finding shirts in their size so when they get used to a company that has those they like they're gonna accommodate their needs they're like i am buying that immediately yep and we have we have filled that hole haven't we tanner yes we have that's what she said should we uh should we crack into a cold one before we get to business here yeah let's do it okay this is tanner a what's in the can okay i thought you're gonna say this is
Starting point is 00:07:51 the story of a girl not yet oh this is a what's in the case this is what's in the case so i shouldn't be looking at it no looking allowed but i should be cracking it open should be crack-a-lacking did you notice tanner how on top of our weather being significantly nicer just it automatically feels like the days the daylight got two hours longer to me at least it seems like that but that's been uh we have been experiencing longer days those are the types of things i like to talk about when i'm cracking a cold one. You know, the weather, the time, how things are going. I wondered if I should start getting, like, we should each start doing little industry updates. You know, I could do a little agronomy update every once a month or so. What's going on with the farmers these days?
Starting point is 00:08:41 Commodity prices are up significantly over the last several months. I have heard that. But fertilizer prices are also going up pretty drastically right now so if you need to purchase fertilizer you're going to want to get on you're going to want to do it now because the prices are on the rise they're on the move up but overall the general outlook on the economy is positive right now where people are feeling bullish at the moment yeah bullish on uh on grain farming uh 2020 ended strong and it's looking like 2021 could probably be the best year for grain farmers in uh western northeast south dakota in at least five years that's great yeah so that is the update the industry update for the geez yeah don't have to bother watching the new news now
Starting point is 00:09:25 well i know now i got a battle between weather and that it's like there's so many okay so back to the can uh i was just stalling while my brain was trying to think of flavors to just process let me try one more sip here though i think it's like raspberry is one flavor. And then I thought strawberry. And then I wondered if it's strawberry and another flavor like strawberry lime or strawberry banana.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Okay. Am I on it? Making any, you're doing pretty well uh boy or could it be like raspberry lime or something like that i'm gonna say it's strawberry lime okay well i will say at one point i'm not gonna say when yet but at one point you did say the right answer i'm gonna i'm gonna go back i'm say, is it two flavors or is it one? It is two flavors. I'm going to say strawberry banana. That was my thing.
Starting point is 00:10:26 It's raspberry lime. Oh, dad. I'm like, wow, raspberry lime. You did really good. I actually. And then you threw a curveball of strawberry banana. In all your incoherent ramblings, we are all now stupid. I thought you were for sure going to go, yep, it was raspberry lime.
Starting point is 00:10:47 It threw me the curveball, Tanner. I was tiptoeing in the right. You were. You were. You did say it. You said it. And for someone even just to say the right combination is kind of shocking. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:02 But I would assume now, would you say you can taste the raspberry and the lime in here i i can yeah i can and part of being able to guess that part as a like not i didn't actually guess it correctly as we know but part of being able to stumble across the right answer though is just the more you know these common combinations of what they're doing it's like yeah like i'm pretty sure there's not cucumber in here. Limes in 20% of them. Yeah. So, you know,
Starting point is 00:11:27 like you start, yeah, but polar. So we have a polar. Oh yeah. What is this? What is this? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:33 This is a first. I don't know anything about polar. I believe it's at one of the local grocery stores. I was going to say, is this a generic? I don't know if it's, I don't think it's generic. I think it's a,
Starting point is 00:11:42 I think it's a, a nationally carried chain. Oh, I'll be a son's generic. I think it's a nationally carried chain. Oh. I'll be a son of a bitch. Through Polar Beverages in Worcester, Massachusetts. Okay. Polar Seltzer. So let me have one more sip here just to think about ratings.
Starting point is 00:12:02 Yeah, I would give this a three and a half. I like it. I like it. It's good. I'm really torn between a three and a half and a four right now yeah it's good i like raspberry i like raspberry lime is always one of my favorite flavors i'll go four i'm gonna give it a four we broke it average is three seven five yeah there we are perfect good refreshing beverage okay so we do damn we are just tanner we're dragging things okay we gotta go fast though because we have a lot to cover so one of the biggest uh things in power lifting news probably in the last i don't know nine months maybe in the last year because there's
Starting point is 00:12:40 been nothing has been the hybrid meet. Yep. This past weekend. Yes. And the most, the most noteworthy thing, the headlining news is Dan Bell, friend of the podcast, friend of the podcast, Dan Bell.
Starting point is 00:12:55 Now, once again, bringing the title of the biggest total of all time, bringing it back to America and making making us proud with it so he had dan finished the day with a 2606 total that's something in kilos but that's for yeah it's a lot in kilo i think it was also like a 636 wilks or something he's even cracked tap top 10 wilks of all time okay yeah so which is harder to do for people that weigh 400 pounds it's very hard but you just have to total just ridiculous numbers, I guess, to do it.
Starting point is 00:13:26 He squatted 11.02. It's a monster squat. And he could have done more. It really looked like he could have done more. Yep. He benched 6.01. It also looked like he could have done more. Yeah, none of these lifts looked like they were at the limit.
Starting point is 00:13:40 And he deadlifted 9.04. And so that makes him, well well the first person to do probably any combination of that really isn't it uh yeah i said anyone has anyone squatted over 1100 and benched over 600 or what what about deadlift over nine and bench over six that would be an uncommon combination too yeah yeah any of them we got to be a very uncommon squat over 1100 yeah you know i mean dead right nine like yeah you can just say any of the combination because i heard oh he's the first person to squat over 1100 bench over 600 and deadlift over 900 and it's like yeah of course that's what you have to add those three up to get to 2600 like nobody else is exactly what the biggest total of all time is the first one to do that. Right. So we're super pumped for Dan.
Starting point is 00:14:27 He made us proud. He finally made us proud. We finally now accept him as part. But that is an insane accomplishment. Very cool. And it wasn't like he just chipped the total. As far as all-time world records go, that's destroying it. That's putting a number out there that i feel like
Starting point is 00:14:45 could stick for quite a while stick because it wasn't that long ago we were talking like well 2500 right you know really i feel like that's a number that's gonna stick because boy for someone to put together you can you have to be exceptional at all three lifts yes you do and then be healthy and then you know unless dan's gonna make a run at god which he totally could yeah he certainly could but i would guess he wants to maybe chill for a little while after that like that was that was impressive yeah uh what else happened oh julius maddox rebroke the bench press world record 782 and it was a it was a really clean looking lift too like i mean like easy clean like that was a good lift so 800 800 is coming, I think, without question.
Starting point is 00:15:25 It's like, you're that far. Come on, 18 more pounds, right? That's like, what is that even? Would you even notice the difference? We're talking, like, I don't know. What's that, 2%? 2% heavier? Right, right.
Starting point is 00:15:36 So I don't think that that one's out of reach. And John Hack also set the new 198 total at 2,132 pounds with a 573-pound bench. Yeah, also a world record. Doesn't make any sense. John and Dan both broke the world record totals on their opening deadlift. That's so stupid. Yeah. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:58 When you're good, you're good. Who else? Big Bacon and Beer Bells. Mr. Oldham. Jonathan Oldham. um who else big big uh bacon and uh beer bells mr old head jonathan oldham competed he broke his first 2k plus total squatted like 850 benched 424 and deadlifted eight or i can't remember this exact deadlift number now if it was 750 i don't know whatever odds up to like 2022 or whatever his total was so that was very cool yep okay we never talked about did we ever talk about jonathan's video on here of him changing
Starting point is 00:16:31 his clothes i don't think we did dude that was such a good video yeah ripping uh he had the massonomics his numero uno and he ripped it off and then he had like crop top on. Yeah, yeah. And then he had the... No, the numero uno was the crop top. Oh, yeah, the numero uno was the crop top. And then he had jorts on and he ripped those off and it was a speedo. And I did not... Okay, so I watched it and thought it was hilarious. I did not realize until the next day when you told me,
Starting point is 00:16:57 when you're like, did you see Jonathan's video? Yeah. I thought he had actual like breakaway... No, it was off. I didn't realize it was edited that good and set up that good. And then also I didn't realize until later on when I was reading the comments, cause you have to watch that video like 50 times that on one of my many
Starting point is 00:17:12 repeat viewings that someone's like, Oh, I like how the cowboy boots switched out. Cause at one point his footwear changed too. So damn props to Jonathan. That was a really well done video. Yeah. I know when we shared that one,
Starting point is 00:17:24 he had followers really rolling in from that one. He was happy to see that. a really well done video yeah I know when we shared that one he had followers really rolling in from that one he was happy to see that was that was really good so also I want to say with after the hybrid meet it looked like he had a lot of fun in Florida and I think he won many best dress awards everywhere he yes definitely he was styling Jamal Browner also competed at the meet and there Tom Callis did uh there's a whole bunch of friends of the podcast that were there they're competing and just look i mean it had as good of a roster of lifters as like as any major any meet yep makes me wonder in the future how like because i don't know that i necessarily considered the hybrid showdown meet prior to this as like one of the top
Starting point is 00:18:01 three premier meets but certainly the lineup that they had this year puts it in that i think i think it's it's not for a lack of competitors it was probably just the biggest thing being like the u.s open versus other ones is just the prize money i mean that really is the only difference right yep and some lifters probably do or don't care about that so it's like it probably doesn't matter to some but right yeah it's definitely has its spot as being one of the premier meets i suppose people people just like going to Miami too. That always makes it better. They don't want to go to Illinois or Miami.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Don't just wait until Western Northeast South Dakota throws a premier meet. Then people will really know what it's about. So that was the Miami hybrid. Was it Showdown 3? Is that what they call it? I think so, yeah. It looks like they ran a good meet down there.
Starting point is 00:18:50 Yeah. Okay. Now, Tanner, we have got... We don't have a lot of time to talk about this. I thought we were going to have way more, actually. We have got to talk about, maybe after our guests, maybe we'll even have some more time. Maybe we'll have someone finish business.
Starting point is 00:19:03 But the Masonomics meme contest. Okay okay so we have to announce our winners we have to announce our winners first we need to talk we talked a little bit about last week i don't even remember completely what we said so we might say some things twice but we did not not know what we were in for with this one did we absolutely i think we both said it'd be pretty cool if we got to 100 memes i think we i think that was one of our conversations like think we both said it'd be pretty cool if we got to 100 memes yeah i think we i think that was one of our conversations like if we cracked 100 that'd be pretty cool and i believe if you type the tag in right now are we at 397 yeah and i don't know if that accommodates for slideshows so yeah yeah that one yeah it wouldn't for the ones because there's a
Starting point is 00:19:41 lot of people that did carousels with five on it so um yeah safe to say we're well over 400 posts yes maybe even closer to 500 depending on how many carousels are i don't right don't know that number off the top of my head but there was a lot of content produced a shocking amount of content produced yes uh we would have never guessed that there was a surprising number of pages made just for the sake of the contest too which we would have never guessed either nope i did not see that coming as a potential idea yeah there's just so many parts of it that i just didn't see coming when i when and it happens every time we do a contest we're like here's this contest idea we have here's our general expectation of how it
Starting point is 00:20:21 might go over and what we might see in return and then it's always just like completely shatters expectations yeah and it just like shows again that this is like a thing that's growing outside of what we could ever contain because it just takes a life of its own and i don't really know what to do there's just so much to talk about here i don't really know what to do then maybe kind of start more towards the beginning like if i go into the tag and go by time if we just start at the very beginning so we'll just talk about some highlights of the of the contest and at the end here we'll uh yeah we'll say the winners but um i think first of all we were shocked with how quick some of the memes started to come out right so already immediately yeah as soon as our podcast like it was yeah i don't even know if the podcast had been done for an hour like from the
Starting point is 00:21:10 time it was posted and there was already memes coming out yeah and at mostly squat videos was the very first one on that and he had the uh the the django unchained leonardo dicaprio with tanner gets cocky about his performance during What's in the Can, Tommy, I Come Out with the Ultra Seltzers. Swim Hack was also really quick on the gun there with When Daddy Says You Can Be Anything When You Grew Up, except for his comments. Swim Hack already has that.
Starting point is 00:21:38 So, and Turner Austin right away, me rushing out to put out memes for the Mastodon Memes Contest before all the inside jokes get drained. I understand, I'm just realizing this right away, me rushing out to put out memes for the Mastodon meme contest before all the inside jokes get drained. I understand. I'm just realizing this right now that reading all these memes out loud probably isn't as funny because the whole point of a meme is to get the picture. The visual representation. But the number of jokes, like we thought for sure, we said like, hey, don't do the obvious thing. And there were still jokes made about the obvious things,
Starting point is 00:22:05 but they were really, really funny. They were good. They were all funny. Well done. But the number of things that just went deep and from different angles, different topics, different things that we wouldn't have expected, it was shocking.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Some of the things that surprised me, but to my delight, were the memes that incorporated us personally like the our faces cut out on and i didn't i actually had not that hadn't even registered as a thought to me i would have never guessed that would have been a concept that's why i i'm pretty sure scott dodds was the first one yes he said when your dad's friend tanner found out you just got your license and he says haha call me before you get on the road. And that was hilarious. And to me, that kind of opened up the door
Starting point is 00:22:47 for all of these memes of us. And quickly, Tanner, you became the crowd favorite. Shortly after that, there was the baked beans, cool beans with the Drake meme from Turner Austin with your face. A format I really liked a lot was the, the astronaut. I don't even know what you call it,
Starting point is 00:23:07 but the astronaut shooting the other one. It always has been. Yeah. There was some really good ones of that. Cool beam. Cool beans was in there a lot. I think we said this one last week. The shack Tanner on his phone.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Tommy's reading the ads. Yes. To be, you know, to be honest, actually, I'm just kind of realizing right now, the number of memes in here that actually didn't really have anything to do with lifting is actually pretty funny. That's true. That's true. The ones that a lot of them incorporated are podcast sponsors too,
Starting point is 00:23:40 which I think are funny. There's a lot of Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper memes in there for lifting large. And a pretty funny one for Texas power bars. It was that those slap contests. It was the guy slapping the speed up 15 seconds. It started the buddy cap story. Yeah, that was good.
Starting point is 00:23:57 And I think maybe the breakout star that a lot of people wouldn't have guessed was the green breaking parallel shorts. That was for sure. We did certainly didn't see that one coming uh i'll pop formats other formats i noticed that i like uh i was wondering if anyone was going to utilize this uh get fit gen throughout the verses the verses the verses on each of us then someone else also did uh a versus a second versus on you because you took on tommy lee which is a well like as a man who's created a versus or two in my day um it was well those are well that you took on tommy lee and tommy guns and what did i take on a tanning bed yep and
Starting point is 00:24:37 all good all top to bottom you know uh correctly done massonomics versus has four yep yep it followed the format it didn't break the rules no and then also a couple people did rookie cards yep scant scant did one as like i think it was actually massonomics and someone did one as a lift shorts rookie card and i like that too seeing the old popular uh yep seeing our very own formats come back that was great uh lots of comments about when we talked to a guest from another country mr worldwide that was good um i liked the pentagon hexagon octagon my house is gone with the lip shorts um the one of us awarding our because then there started to be we got in on it even tanner uh i saw the tanning bed one and then i did the tanner beard andanner uh i saw the tanning bed one and then
Starting point is 00:25:25 i did the tanner beard and the tannist beard i did like that and then you came back quickly with the with the juji mufu diet one which got us to finally get juji mufu to follow us that that was the hidden gem of that one he shared that one and and followed us so we kind of were one step closer to having juji on the uh podcast yeah and uh that's also kind of a deep cut meme too because you we know where that came from like that was at the arnold uh where didn't someone come by and say like when we were the year we had our booth at the arnold yeah i'm trying to remember someone just it was just a random person or what did they make a comment in person or was it on the instagram page maybe it was on the Instagram page. I couldn't remember.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Something about diet jujimufu. Maybe it was on the Instagram page. Someone made a comment about diet jujimufu. Okay, that's what it was, yeah. Or maybe we just made that up too. I don't know. I think somebody said it before. I don't know if it was an idea we had.
Starting point is 00:26:16 It was somebody that said diet jujimufu. And so, yeah, that was really funny. I'm awarding, I think, just the one you made of me and the one I made of you are probably going to be the winners. There was five winners. Our two were so good that it gets all five prizes. So what would you like to select as your... As my prize?
Starting point is 00:26:38 Yeah. I guess I'll just take the entire stock of Lyft shorts. I can do that as a part owner, right? Yeah, that's true. Joke's on us. it's already all ours but really the jokes on you guys i really like the unpaid interns meme though there's a lot of unpaid interns or like us manipulating the system right right to get people to do the stuff for us the the good use of the astronauts one where uh well it was the whole time already what what's the punchline of that one uh i have it right here it's uh wait under unpaid interns were really the listeners
Starting point is 00:27:14 the whole time always has been always has been uh the unpaid interns yeah that's great uh tanner a shocking number though of your face being photoshopped on things. The good one of me at the grave. What is on the grave? That might be, yeah. That's from Austin Turner. I think that was one of his. It's so hard to find them all because there's so many in here. I thought it was towards the top, though.
Starting point is 00:27:39 But, yeah, there is one of you at a grave. And the angle of your head being phot Photoshopped matches just way too good. Yeah. Yeah, and I can't find it. Oh, here it is. Yeah, breaking parallel shorts. Yeah. And that one just matches up so good.
Starting point is 00:27:54 It actually looks like that's me. Like, if you show that to someone today. Like, if someone's scrolling through a timeline, they'll be like, oh, yeah, that's Tanner. I like Nate did a meme theme. So it it was what was it massonomics meme park yep and just a bunch of jurassic yeah yeah and that was very that i really like that conceptually like the idea of a meme theme for a whole uh a scroll of memes one here with just a funny punch line when she sees your cool beans through your lift shorts that's that's just a really funny one oh what another topic i loved was the aberdeen magazine okay yep i got that right here that was banging yeah so there was several about the aberdeen
Starting point is 00:28:36 magazine and their uh now infamous snub of the massonomics podcast yes and boy it was not only were they funny but they were even funnier because people were tagging the aberdeen magazine in them and that was just so the memes were so dumb it was yeah yes should you include the podcast that legit had a billboard in the podcast in this podcast spotlight article aberdeen magazine no i don't think i will also the format there was a lot of good ones is where it's the three people in an office and the the boss asks a question and whatever the third person says he gets thrown out the window and like there's a good one for the aberdeen magazine of that it's like which podcast
Starting point is 00:29:18 should we feature in this and someone said the coach's wife yep Yep. Soccer or whatever. Soccer made simple? Yep. And it was like, the one that had a billboard? Nope. Yeah, that was really funny. I also really appreciated the effort people put in to take well-known meme formats and Photoshop our stuff onto them. Yeah, like Good Guy, who's the... Yeah, the Good Guy, Greg and bad luck,
Starting point is 00:29:45 Brian. Yeah. But even like the old school memes, yeah. Old school memes. They were just Photoshopping like, like someone would have clothing on it. Now there's a lift logo on it or there's a, there's a silly pint in the background,
Starting point is 00:29:55 like incorporating that stuff. And also the, like you said, the old school memes, like the formats that like don't exist anymore. Oh yeah. Why, you know,
Starting point is 00:30:04 like that guy, like why, you know, like those ones. Yeah. The's like, oh yeah. Why you know? Like that guy, like why you know? Like those ones. Yeah, the good guy Greg, those things. Who's the guy? The penguin going both ways. I haven't seen that one in forever. Bad luck Brian. I forgot about some of those.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Like that's what memes were when memes were, you know. Yeah. Like, yeah, I haven't seen a lot of those. The sticker, the Irma Gerd girl, like that one. This one, we were laughing about this before the podcast. It was from Half Wookie. And it's Big Ed from 90 Day Fiance. Just him kind of making the blowing face.
Starting point is 00:30:40 And it's like, Mills 85, do the royal blue shorts cost more? A7, no. no haha mills 85 replies hashtag not my lift shorts a7 and and what makes it like that's funny but what really makes that funny is someone in the comments underneath this guy's meme wrote the fuck i'm reading and you look back on it and it's like this isn't even english if you don't know masonomics it literally doesn't read as anything like anything coherent like the two commenters here their names are a7 and mills 85 like neither one of those are names and then the comments revolve around like no words and hashtags like so it's a completely different language like you have
Starting point is 00:31:20 to it masonomics meme in that case especially like had become its own language that you only get it if you get massonomics you have to be deep in it to know this stuff and that's what's so awesome about it is like it is in a life of its own yes should we get to our oh damn yeah we should get winners in the process okay okay okay so yeah we got to speed this up just a little do we got to speed this up just a tad too we could we could get to the running down our winners and why we picked them okay i didn't know if our guest is i mean uh you can keep stan waiting what's he got to do he's he's not a busy guy or anything so okay our meme winners so in no particular order we're just picking five no. No particular order.
Starting point is 00:32:07 We run the show here. So we made categories that didn't exist at the time, but we have made categories. And we have assigned the winners based on our five categories that we made. And there's a winner in each category. So the first winner, very well deserved, is the winner of the new meme category. category yes creating a meme that we didn't even know was a meme before a mass we didn't even know it was a mass dynamics meme before this contest started and that was austin turner at turner underscore austin underscore and he's winning the
Starting point is 00:32:39 category for best new meme category for the breaking parallel shorts work that he did it was some really groundbreaking work tanner it was and and other memers picked up it all the other memers essentially picked up and ran with it and uh all that does beg the question will we have green breaking parallel shorts it does beg the question uh we don't have an answer today for you on the podcast but it does beg the question uh we don't have an answer today for you on the podcast but it does beg the question nothing nothing is impossible but he really he went at it so hard that he so wielded he willed that meme into existence he it would have been easy to do one meme and kind of nobody really respond and for it to die but he just he didn't let it yeah and he
Starting point is 00:33:22 had a lot of he had a lot of really good memes. Actually, just looking through one he made, I don't know, 60 of them or so. And also, like when I look through, we've already talked about several of his memes, like this Aberdeen Magazine one, the one of you at the grave, Tanner. One to simply not ride the line on overrated, underrated. Several Django Unchained ones. Tommy and Tanner just casually creating a meme contest me making a whole new inside joke about the whole procreation of baking parallel shorts yeah this one of you shaking michael scott's hand that's funny like he had some bangers and just the volume
Starting point is 00:33:59 behind these is crazy so so he's definitely a winner austin turner you are you are a winner in our books all right next on the category list most memes and i who would have thought most memes it goes to at massonomics underscore memes josiah richardson a hundred and eight memes that's a hundred and eight mass that is insane that week that is insane yeah that's a lot of memes yes so he he was really pumping them out say it was seven days long 15 memes a day he was putting out there 15 memes a day he's gonna come for your job no kidding yeah i thought two was a lot and i mean there's so many that's why they call them an unpaid in that's why they call them an unpaid in from like the Spongebob he also has
Starting point is 00:34:48 some some breaking parallel to these Maslow hierarchy pyramid it probably is a food pyramid incorporates the breaking parallel shorts on top of it corporate needs you to tell the difference between these pictures with the seltzers and the ultra seltzers
Starting point is 00:35:04 I mean there's a lot of great stuff here and just the With the seltzers and the ultra seltzers. I mean, there's a lot of great stuff here. And just the number is really, really impressive. Yeah, 108 memes. We said before we started, we thought 100 would be a great number to get to. We didn't realize one person would get that many on the road. So very well done there, at massonomics underscore memes. In true massonomics fashion,
Starting point is 00:35:24 there's that race for first comment every week well we're giving an award for first me first and that goes to at mostly squat videos yes i uh for the michelob ultra no stranger to winning massonomics contest and yeah that is for the uh leonardo or the jingo unchained yeah, Michelob Ultra. Yes. Well, also a very good meme. Curveball that I threw in. It was a very good meme. When I saw that,
Starting point is 00:35:49 it was the first one, I'm like, whoa, this is the type of heat people are bringing to this thing? We're in for it. So that was number three on the list. Number four, Deepest Cut.
Starting point is 00:35:59 And at Professor underscore Steven, he had some really good memes, but he had a couple that only exist if you've been paying attention to Masonomics for a long time or have listened to every single episode. Yeah, he hit very deep cuts on his memes, which I just thought were like really, I really enjoyed them at how deep he was going. I'm like, ah, man, this guy has been along for a long ride.
Starting point is 00:36:24 And probably the single meme that described the origin story of massonomics better than any other one yeah it was it was the dominoes falling and the first domino was um was it poor lifting conditions at the ymca the aberdeen yms aberdeen south and it's like man he's got a point yeah it's like that was the original domino that like yeah that domino doesn't exist. Like, if the YMCA is a better gym. And then the giant domino at the end was Massonomics, essentially, as it exists today, as we know it.
Starting point is 00:36:54 Or was that the one that was interns? There was two people who used that format, yeah. But still, it's like, damn. I mean, if you could describe this whole thing, like say, how did Massonomics start? And you said, I want it to know in a meme meme format there's probably not a meme that could ever explain that better than that. That distills it pretty accurately that was really well done and he
Starting point is 00:37:12 also did have the he had the like the Mastinomics 45 jersey pulled up. Oh yes yes he was digging through some really old content to pull that stuff out there that was the other one we were talking about. Oh, and Tyler. Oh, that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Yes. What made girls cry? What makes men cry? What makes legends cry? And it was Tyler, episode 124, Tyler going to the Netherlands. That was really funny. Yeah. Yeah, that was very good.
Starting point is 00:37:43 Oh, Matt, one that still makes me laugh that mostly squat videos did of me is where it was like uh that 13 reasons why me and then he goes that it was that smile that damn smile yeah that's so stupid and it was one of your like old business pictures yep that was very funny uh and are we ready for the fifth and final final fifth and final category goes to uh this would be the best aberdeen magazine meme because there was a good one in honor of the infamous podcast article and this goes to at memanomics underscore numero underscore uno and that with, it was with the guy walking with his girlfriend and he has his head turned looking at the other girl.
Starting point is 00:38:29 Yeah. And it was, the other girl was, his date was the Massenomics podcast. The other girl was soccer made simple. Which is so funny. Which is one of the other. Because it's such an,
Starting point is 00:38:43 like there's definitely people listening that this still doesn't make any sense. Yeah, right other because it's such an like there's definitely people listening that this still doesn't make any sense but it's the whole thing of it just such a perfect tie in
Starting point is 00:38:52 with that one with that one podcast episode and Mastodon was getting snubbed that account did make other good ones too honorable mention
Starting point is 00:38:59 in that category I'd say old underscore man underscore Stren and he did the top five on the billboard yes so he'd made the billboard of the top five podcast in western northeast south dakota and
Starting point is 00:39:12 massonomics was not on it and it was even uh uh what it was even on there like number five number five which is also you have to really know your layers of massonomics yeah and the greater massonomics and we had a lot of quite honestly we we put together a list of like 11 and then we just had to whittle it down to and to get to a list of 11 was quite hard right right to be honest um other other honorable mentions um we had on here our uh best western northeast south dakota meme at chris hornick with his Spider-Man pointing at Western Northeast and South Dakota. I did. That was definitely in fair contention for winning.
Starting point is 00:39:53 Yep. We have best Tanner meme written here. Scott Dodds had an amazing one with the middle class fancy. There was also many, many good ones there. That one, we don't have that for sure, but that is a hard one. Best Tommy meme. Get Fit Jen had the great one.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Also, my dog Bernie made several appearances. I really like the one where it's Squidward. I love this one, actually. It's Squidward sleeping, and it says Bernie. It's like, here's the Buick pull-up or something, and the eyes are all bloodshot and that is my dog so hard there's even the one thing i have of him when he's sitting there with the headphones on podcasting and yeah yeah it's like ah time to podcast like i'll decide
Starting point is 00:40:35 bernie made it in like three and uh nate made one of bernie and like dot what's uh not bitcoin but the oh the bernie coin yeah yeah. So there was some really good ones there. It is at the point where my dog knows on Wednesday nights, my phone rings, and he can just hear Tanner's voice, and he already is just running to the door barking. He's like, yep, that guy's coming here now. I have to go wake up the whole house. So that was good.
Starting point is 00:41:01 Another very good deep cut at above parallel memes had the Power Man 5000 salad dressing meme. That was really funny. I really laughed at that one. That was very funny. When worlds collide, right Tanner? That's right. This is what it's like. We already talked about the best themed meme series
Starting point is 00:41:18 with at Nate561 with his Massanomics meme park. That was really funny. Very good. I think it's safe to say Nate561 with his Masonomics meme park. That was really funny. Yeah. Very good. So I think it's safe to say the contest was a smashing success. We loved it. We learned a lot about Masonomics. We even learned about Masonomics from it, Tanner.
Starting point is 00:41:35 We did. There was a lot of stuff that happened. Tons of original content. I think it's safe to say this is not the last time we'll have a contest like this. No, this was a smashing success. I think it was too fun for everyone is not the last time we'll have a contest like this. No, this was a smashing success. I think it was too fun for everyone involved. Yeah. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Should we read some ads really quick so we can get our guest on? Hopefully he hasn't abandoned us because we're keeping him waiting so long. Today's show is brought to you by Lifting Large. Since 2004, Lifting Large has been providing lifters across the world with powerlifting gear from Titan Support Systems. Lifting Large has the largest in-stock supply on Titan wrist and knee wraps in the world. Lifting Large is home of the Groundlock Deadlift Slipper, and they are always in stock and always ready to ship, and also a favorite of Massanomics meme creators worldwide. That's right.
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Starting point is 00:42:53 and you can follow them on Instagram at That's at Lifting Large, D-O-T-C-O-M. The Massonomics podcast is also brought to you by Spud, Inc., and the Loop. No. And the Hooker Strip. Here we and the loop. No. And the, um, here we go. Here we go. Nope.
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Starting point is 00:43:51 Buddy Caps first started lifting weights in the late 60s and began powerlifting in the mid-70s. At the time, he was working for Image Barbell, building gym equipment. Around 1976, a local machine shop started making Olympic bars for them, calling it the Image Bar. In 1977, Image Barbell became Champion Barbell. It was then that Buddy started looking at the bars with an intent of changing them for the better. In 1979, Buddy bought his first lathe to begin
Starting point is 00:44:15 addressing the known issues. In 1980, his passion, drive, and purpose now had a greater mission. Buddy set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he'd ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house with the best knurling and was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, international, world, and massonomics powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the Texas Power Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of their legendary bars, visit And last but not least, this episode is brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method. If you've been training without a coach and have been looking for a
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Starting point is 00:45:25 for 5% off membership to all programs for the life of your membership. Thank you to our sponsors. Let's get this show on the road, Tanner. Here we go. We're going to dial up Big Stan. It's fast. You guys there yeah stan you are on the massonomics podcast with tanner and tommy we're excited to have you on hey stan awesome i should put my pants on then right oh no no actually we got you right where we want yeah that's uh you you know what we're up to. I didn't see the video camera. I figured I was good.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Ah, no, that's perfect. Um, yes, Stan, we're, we are super excited to have you on, uh,
Starting point is 00:46:12 the mass dynamics podcast here. And a lot of times we do a little intro or a little background information on our guests that we're doing here, but we kind of talked about it and we really feel like you are a man that almost needs no introduction at this point. I don't, I don't think there's a single person listening to our podcast that isn't well aware of Stan Efferding at this point.
Starting point is 00:46:33 Yeah. I think if they waited for the massonomics podcast to figure out who they are, then they've had some bad things happen in their life. My fellow meat necks, my brothers in iron. I'm glad to be here. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:46:44 But, but that is kind of a part of what we were talking about as we were talking about everything we want to discuss. It is a little tricky with you because you have, are doing and have done so many different things in the realm, the strength world that we're interested in. So that's one thing that we're kind of curious is what is it that's really your burning concern right now? Or what are you working on the hardest right now? You've got so many different things that you have done. What fulfills a lot of your time today? Well, of course, I've got two young kids, seven and nine years old now. So I'm really focused on them. But in terms of my career, I've kind of transitioned from doing many things throughout my life from telecommunications
Starting point is 00:47:31 company to an engineering firm to the construction, even have a couple of medical marijuana clinics up in Washington. But now full time, I'm able to do what I've always wanted to do since I was studying exercise science in college and subsequently started personal training when I graduated, but wasn't able to make a living at it. And now with the advent of social media and all of the promotion that I've received, very grateful for all of that. I've had a chance to reach a large audience worldwide, for all of that. I've had a chance to reach a large audience worldwide. And I'm trying to responsibly navigate helping people achieve their goals from all the lessons that I learned and all of the, you know, all the coaches I've worked with and the collaborations I've had with great athletes. And so that was kind of been my big focus now is just to keep learning and to keep
Starting point is 00:48:21 providing good information and just help people. You know. A lot of it's health oriented now. I know I work with some great athletes, but I also mostly work with people who just want to improve their health or their physical fitness, some weight loss and that. And as they age in their 40s and 50s, they want to have just more longevity and feel better. So I'm really focused on that. I partnered with a registered dietitian who's got a PhD in exercise phys, and we've gone over all of the information, you know, in detail and provided lots and lots of scientific references to support all of the
Starting point is 00:48:57 things that I promote. And I'm learning and I'm hopefully educating others now as much as I can. I'm doing that pretty much full time. That's all I do now. Very cool. So will we see, you know, we were before the show, we were talking about, you know, some of your things that we've admired through the years. And one of the things that really came to mind right away for me was,
Starting point is 00:49:21 was your, your rhinos rants, your, your 10 talks. And those were a series that I think, I think probably did a lot for you as far as marketing wise. I mean, they were, in my impression, they were very popular. I think they were well-received. I always enjoyed doing those. Will we ever see a return of those? Boy, I hope so. I've got some in the queue that I would like to work on. The problem is, is that I, man, I worry over those so much. I wanted them to be condensed and very informational and complete and entertaining and brief. I hate tuning into a two-hour podcast and ending up with about five minutes of information and half a page of notes.
Starting point is 00:50:03 To me, that's a monumental waste of time. So I really tried with those rants to give a lot of good information. And then I got to be honest with you, I kind of ran out of the big rocks, the things that I thought were the most important. And they're not glamorous. And you know, they're not, you know, I don't know what you would call it. But a lot of the people on the internet today like to promote the next shiny object. And, you know, some people tune in to me and listen to everything that I've had to say. And then eventually they hear me start repeating myself because that's what is most important. The sleep, the hydration, the nutrition, the training. I mean, how much further do you need to go?
Starting point is 00:50:45 The blood testing, the gut health. And once I get past that, I just can't get all excited about, you know, I don't know, any number of things that people tend to carry on about. So I just, to be honest, I ran out of really important information. I've got a few things that I think I can still cover, but I just hate just, you know, following the latest trend and talking about stuff that I think is majoring in the minors. I don't want to do that. Right. So that's probably why.
Starting point is 00:51:09 But I've got a few. I'll do a few here over the next month or two, I'm sure. But my brain's been working on some. Cool. Well, I want to tell you, and I hope, I tried to go back and find this, but there's enough of them and they're long enough that it's really hard to just remember where one sound bite is. But there's one piece, and I hope I'm not just making this up in my head, that really resonated with me. And you had, I think you had like one, you just one little
Starting point is 00:51:33 snippet in one of them. You said the same things that make you successful in the gym, showing up regularly, putting in the work are the same things that will make you successful in business. And that one really clicked with me. And I feel like, you know, you try to remember that when you're in the, as someone that runs his own business and then massonomics is also a second business. Um, it, you know, you kind of get in the grind and at some days it feels like you're not getting anywhere, but you do see if you keep putting one foot in front of the other, that over the course of a year, two years, three years, it really does start to add up. So whether you said that one bit or not, or I'm just making up, I'm not sure, but I'll say thank you anyway, sir. No, absolutely. I said any successful bodybuilder or powerlifter athlete who spent, you know, a significant amount
Starting point is 00:52:13 of time to reach the top of their sport with the, you know, the discipline, the time management and the commitment necessary, you know, the daily checklists of training and dieting and for bodybuilding, tanning, and for prepping for competitions, et cetera. If anybody spent that kind of effort and directed it towards any income-producing venture, I said they'd be a millionaire in five years. I absolutely believe that. It's about repeating successful behaviors, making habits out of them and doing them every single day, however boring they may seem. Things like getting eight hours of sleep and taking your 10-minute walks and meal prepping and having those things available for you and just consistently and progressively over time committing yourself to
Starting point is 00:53:02 training or business, you're absolutely going to be successful. We do get bogged down, like you said, in the day-to-day sometimes and end up with a checklist full of things that don't necessarily push us towards our goal. And so we have to be cautious, again, about majoring in the minors. And the same thing happens in business. Yeah. And it is funny.
Starting point is 00:53:24 Anecdotally, we can speak to how true that is it just it sucks sometimes how boring of an uh uh to to have to tell someone that that's what it takes is just being consistent over a long period of time you know it it sucks for some people that that's the answer but it really is true and it really does and we find like the longer you do it the more you just see that there is no overnight success like this is the one thing that changed it all. There are no quick, quick tips or hacks out there. It seems like. No, I had, and I'd like to talk about some of the little things that are, you know, kind
Starting point is 00:53:54 of the 1% of the cherry to put on top of the cake. And I just had a client yesterday call me from New Jersey and he went on and on and on about all these problems he was having, autoimmune disorders, and his back was hurting him, and he had rashes, and he was trying all these of the conversation. And he's, he's barely getting six hours of sleep at night. And he doesn't even know if it's, if it's a good sleep. And he's got a lot of stress in his life. And that was really the driver, you know, he's out shopping around and watching videos and calling me and trying to find out, you know, can I take this 400 milligrams of magnesium here?
Starting point is 00:54:45 Can I, you know, try this supplement there? And at the end of the day, I was like, all of this stuff stems from the fact that you're probably only getting actually five hours of sleep a night. He had some sleep apnea issues. He wasn't stressing. And he was lethargic, didn't have adequate energy. He was having low libido and all of those things. And I'm like, wow, this guy's a hot mess. And bingo, come to find out, he's not sleeping well.
Starting point is 00:55:10 And that would resolve 90% of those problems. Yeah. One of those simple things. Yeah. Indeed. So another thing we were talking about is how good of a job, at least from our perspective, it feels like you do of uh i don't know if marketing is the correct word but marketing yourself uh your products and basically everything that uh you end up being passionate about or getting involved in um from the outside looking
Starting point is 00:55:39 in it just feels like you do an exceptional job of that. And you do because the common path you see in this space is I have a lot of Instagram followers. I'll make a post or two telling you to go buy my thing or take my coaching. And it's just completely dependent on the number of people following me, hopefully seeing it on Instagram. But not only are you have a presence on Instagram, you have a presence on YouTube with those videos we were already talking about. It seems like you're always on a podcast of some kind, you know, talking about things you've been on shark tank. Like you, you, you're in a lot of different
Starting point is 00:56:12 channels. Like you're kind of all over the place. So is that a, I guess the question being, is that, is that, that a method to, to, to what you've done? I mean, is that all very purposeful? I mean, does it all kind of fall back on what we were just talking about it, that it is just consistency with all that, uh, over time or how do you look at that side of it? I wish I was that smart with marketing. I'll be honest with you. I was, I was very fortunate, uh, to have done both bodybuilding and powerlifting become an IFBB pro and I partnered up with flex and flex put me in touch with the people from muscular development and they did a big 12-page spread uh which was kind of what launched my popularity and then right behind that i started working with mark bell and we were shooting youtube videos at kind of the beginning of youtube's growth and uh you know
Starting point is 00:57:00 the bodybuilding industry was much larger and then to have coupled that with powerlifting the powerlifters started to see you know here's a lifter with abs, squatting 800 and benching six. It was kind of unique at the time. Now, you've got damn near every junior high school kid pulling 800 pounds at recess, and I'm like, fuck. There's amazing strong kids there are out there now, but I was kind of fortunate to have, you know, been exposed to all that. And Flex Magazine picked me up with a big article and some regular, you know, articles contributing to them. And then Mark Bell on the cover of his magazine. And all of that was kind of good fortune, to be honest with you.
Starting point is 00:57:37 And, yeah, I, you know, I achieved some things that allowed me to get that kind of publicity. But it was unique in that marriage between powerlifting and bodybuilding because I wasn't you know a great bodybuilder i got a pro card but i never competed in the olympia and the like but people recognized me for that strength thing and it was always something folks have been interested in ronnie coleman and you know all that kind of stuff and johnny jackson the world's strongest pro bodybuilder it was just kind of a a perfect storm of events the trans and it was somewhat new at the time. Raw lifting wasn't really that popular. So I benefited from all of that.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And then I'll tell you what was deliberate. What was deliberate is I started putting out a lot of free content. I wanted to give people as much information as I could. And I felt like that would come back to me. And it absolutely did in spades. I can recall when I did the seminar in Iceland with Hafthor Bjornsson, and my wife said to me, she said, you know, it's a two-and-a-half-hour video that goes over almost every single aspect of my vertical diet e-book that I was selling. I just put out to sell on my website. And my wife was concerned. She goes, you just gave them the entire ebook in a free seminar. Who's going to buy the ebook? And sure enough, the ebook sales skyrocketed. And I think retrospect, the main reason is because I can
Starting point is 00:58:59 listen to a two hour podcast or a seminar. And at the end of it, remember about one thing. I've either got to watch it again, or I've got to purchase their book that breaks it all down for me, gives me checklists and details. So that's kind of what I counted on, was the fact that the recall on those things is not terribly good. But that kind of launch, it's got, I think, over almost 7 million views now, that video. And then subsequent to that, like you said, I had a ton of different interviews on other people's podcasts. And I put out the rants, of course. And I just tried to put out as much information as I possibly could. Matter of fact, I've given about five refunds out of tens of thousands of e-books that I've sold.
Starting point is 00:59:45 And one in particular was this guy from the UK. And he sent me an email. He said, Stan, I want a refund. And I'm like, why do you want a refund? He said, well, I didn't learn anything in the e-book that I didn't already get for free from watching all of your videos. And I was like, okay. And I gave him the refund happily so. But the fact, you'll get just about 100% of what's in my e-book by watching all of my videos and seminars and YouTube content. So it's there.
Starting point is 01:00:14 It's still different, though. I agree. There's still value. We both read the Ridicule Diet e-book, and there is value in sitting down and reading something like that. It's like you can go to a lecture in class, but if you're willing to study it, you need the textbook to go over it. Right, right. Yeah, and it's a step-by-step program, of course, with a meal plan and a grocery shopping
Starting point is 01:00:36 list. And then I put all those links in there, which I thought were really important. If I say something, I'm trying not to pull it out of my ass. I mean, anybody can give you anecdotes, but I usually reference what I think are very reputable, well-educated, credentialed professionals in the industry. I try and give the best information I can. In the book, I link other people's videos, articles, peer-reviewed published research, so they can take a deeper dive if they want to and see you know how does how do i come up with these conclusions because they're you know they're not always agreed upon by other people in the industry right uh switching gears a question i
Starting point is 01:01:15 had was um we obviously world's strongest bodybuilder we were just talking about that and all the success you had in power lifting i think think you totaled, I don't know, over 2,300 or basically you were doing things raw that people didn't even understand at the time. And you were doing it in a way like, oh, this is what you can look like and be this strong. Like, okay, that's what we can do. I mean, it was revolutionizing at the time in comparison to what powerlifting was like. But what I wondered if at say at that point in time we go back uh when whatever you consider your prime is if uh strongman had been something that you were extremely interested in and we know you've gone on to work with Thor and Shaw and everyone else that you've worked with over the years uh do you think you could have been competitive in the sport of strongman if you if that would have been
Starting point is 01:02:03 something you were uh had a lot of interest in at that at that point in time i don't think so i think i played around with it for a bit and i'm kind of a small jointed guy i've got these little deer ankles and my tiny knees all of those dudes have those massive knees and hips they all look like chad wesley smith or you know off the jaws of the world. It is enormous wastes. I've always been a thinner guy. And matter of fact, when I get down to 250 or 260, I'm not nearly as strong as I am at 275, 285. Just the loss of like 30 pounds has a dramatic impact on my top-end strength
Starting point is 01:02:39 on all three lifts, to be honest with you. So I tried like hell to get as big and heavy as I could. On a few occasions, i got over 300 pounds uh but i just it didn't translate into more strength i was just as strong at 275 as it was at 305 to be honest so i uh and i played around with it for a little bit but uh it's also so dynamic i don't think people appreciate people appreciate how damaging that sport can be to your hips and knees. I appreciate that. Yes, I can. Yeah. And look at Larry Meals. He's the strongest people on the planet and he's had really tough times here in a hamstring tear and a bicep. And I had that conversation with Larry and when he was out here with Hofthor, as a matter of fact,
Starting point is 01:03:25 some years ago, talking about Strongman. We both told him, so Larry, you're going to need to get over 300 pounds if you want to be able to endure those kinds of loads while moving, the dynamic nature of them. It's very different. And he was probably 260, 265 when he was trying to do some of that and he did some pretty incredible feats right but it caught up with him and he
Starting point is 01:03:50 started breaking down i think more recently he just said he quit strong man that's probably one of the reasons why he just he too like me has smaller uh you know wrists and ankles and knees and i think that's a that's a tough sport on that kind of individual. I think it's a tough sport for any kind of individual outside of the 10 guys that seem to compete in it at a high level. Yeah, agreed. What about this pop quiz? I don't know. We haven't been too silly yet, Stan, but we do like to get a little silly on every podcast that we do.
Starting point is 01:04:27 So we have a little pop quiz for you, sort of a lightning round question. Time really isn't of the essence, but there'll be relatively short answers. And there is a right and wrong answer to each, so we'll correct you if you get it wrong. Okay, good. So we'll give you the pop quiz here now. So complete – actually, we'll correct you if you get it wrong so we'll give you the pop quiz here now so complete actually we'll start here what is the best diet?
Starting point is 01:04:51 the one you'll follow see you're wrong the best diet is T-toxes good try the one you'll follow there's some logic there but it's actually T-toxes are proven to be the best diet. Like Fit Tea, that sort of thing.
Starting point is 01:05:09 You can't go wrong with those. I'll update that for the vertical. 4.0 version. Yes. Okay. Next one. Complete this sentence. Compliance is the... Science. There again, nice try. It's actually the favorite tool of big government uh to force
Starting point is 01:05:26 the population into doing what they want them to indeed and then oh my god real quick though i know where i'm lighting around but real quick yes on that on that note about wearing the mask i just flew back from miami i was down watching the stephy cohen's meet down there oh you were there okay yeah okay cool oh my god some some freakish we were just talking about earlier what what one I was down watching the Steffi Cohen's meet down there. Oh, you were there. Okay. Yeah. Okay, cool. Oh, my God. Some freakish. We were just talking about that earlier. What one thing impressed you the most out of what you saw there? I would say that I got to give you three top ones.
Starting point is 01:05:54 Dan Bell's letter to the squat was ridiculous. Obviously, Jamal's total was outrageous. Yep. And John Hack's total was also outrageous. So really very impressive stuff. But I'm on my way back, and the stewardesses are starting to hassle this guy because he had his mask down. He was eating, and they said, well, you can take your mask down to take a bite,
Starting point is 01:06:15 but you have to put it up to chew. I was like, wow, where have we come from and gone to this? It's crazy. I need to distract from the lightning round. However you feel about it, that just seems like a really hard one to enforce. Yeah. Yes. No, one last lightning one then.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Finish this one then. Pizza, pastas, and? Pancakes. French toast is actually better than pancakes. So French toast. I don't know if it, what's alliteration? It doesn't have the same alliteration, but it tastes better. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:50 All about the flavor. Yeah. That's funny. You know, I trademarked, talking about my business acumen, I have to trademark shit. You do? Okay, that's interesting. So what are some things that you've trademarked? Well, I trademarked World's Strongest and Monster Mash.
Starting point is 01:07:06 I have both of those trademarks. And World's Strongest Monster Mash is, of course, one of our products. But also Compliance is the Science. I actually trademarked that. I don't know why, just because I thought it was pretty nifty. And I believe I was the first person to come up with it. So I trademarked that so I can, I don't know, make t-shirts and quotes. So I'm so proud of myself.
Starting point is 01:07:29 I'm not sure how you feel about litigation, but I'm going to have to speak to my wife about it. She makes what she calls for me quite frequently monster mash is the term she uses. And it's my ground beef and rice. And she always says the words monster mash because I trained her into that. And so I don't know how that's going to, you know, if you're going to have an issue with that. Not at all.
Starting point is 01:07:51 She's welcome to use it. So we have talked about a lot of the different things that you've done, Stan, ranging from a wide variety of industries and disciplines and over a pretty big time span too. What out of all of those things do you think was the most challenging to be successful at? Goodness, I tell you, I haven't had any easy wins. I got to be honest with you. If I look back at my road to bodybuilding, starting back competing in my first show in 1986 and not getting my card until 2009.
Starting point is 01:08:29 My powerlifting, I couldn't bench 135 when I was in college. I was 18 years old. And then to eventually bench 600, that was a long, long haul. My businesses were all very, very difficult. were all very, very difficult. I mean, to the point where I had taken out loans and damn near went bankrupt and to build those businesses, eating at McDonald's every day and sleeping four hours a night. I haven't had any easy wins. And I've had a lot of failures. I've run some companies that haven't done too well and learned a lot of lessons along the way with that too. So I tell you, it's hard. And since having kids, of course, I'm more risk averse. I won't mortgage my home. I won't sign on the dotted line. I guaranteed all of my
Starting point is 01:09:21 investments back when the real estate market collapsed, I lost $20 million in equity overnight, practically. I thought GameStop was bad. No kidding. I was building single family subdivisions and I had multifamily properties and commercial. And I was fully vested in real estate at the time the market collapsed and it just wiped me out overnight.
Starting point is 01:09:44 And of course, I personally guaranteed all of those assets with my homes and my car and my cars and my personal assets. So that thing came down like dominoes. It was a very challenging time. So I guess I was supposed to be talking about something positive. I dribbled on about all the challenges, but, you know, I've emerged from the other end, you know, unscathed. I saw so many people when the real estate market collapsed in 08 and 07 that, you know, jumped in front of trains and all that kind of terrible, terrible stuff. I mean, to me, it all was a game. I didn't grow up rich.
Starting point is 01:10:31 Yeah, I was very successful. I look at it as a game. To me, it's a monopoly, and it's just not that serious. I think now that I'm fortunate enough to have children, I can see what's truly important. So now my biggest focus is on, is really on health. And I've, I've turned that around. You know, when I was at the end of my powerlifting career, I had all the problems that a lot of the athletes that I work with have,
Starting point is 01:10:56 you know, fatty liver disease and high blood pressure and high blood sugars and a whole host of other problems. And so I had to start dropping weight and getting healthier. And my joints were all fucked up. You guys have seen some of my videos on keys to pain-free knees. And I broke my back. And I had hip issues. And two doctors wanted to do surgery and replace my hip. But all of that is now, I'm 100%.
Starting point is 01:11:21 I feel fantastic. I'm recovered from that very well. So that's probably the most important thing that I've done throughout my career was to was to regain my health, my joints, my all of my metabolic markers. So where I feel like I'm positioned now for the long term to to be a good uh good example for for a lot of folks and that's kind of why i focus our key in on those things with my big athletes in particular uh getting them healthy first and looking at uh you know how that can improve their performance long term so i even come anywhere close to answering the question uh we'll say yes we'll say it had to have been in there somewhere yeah okay do you ever feel, uh, uh, I, I,
Starting point is 01:12:05 I assume for sure personally in your personal family life you do, but professionally with, uh, everything that you've been involved in, do you ever have the feeling of like total satisfaction with the things that you've done? Or do you always, uh,
Starting point is 01:12:16 uh, feel like you're pushing for more? Never. Yeah. Always more. You always lift more. You always want to be bigger and, you know, leaner and,er and faster and stronger and richer.
Starting point is 01:12:31 But it's interesting. I listened to a really interesting YouTube presentation. I feel bad now that I don't recall the name of the individual. But This Is Water was the presentation, and it was just absolutely profound. They said that if you pursue wealth, you'll always feel poor. If you pursue – how did this go? Now I'm forgetting exactly how it went. I'm forgetting exactly how it went.
Starting point is 01:13:11 But it's just a matter of being dissatisfied if that's your primary focus is wealth or even knowledge or power. You'll always feel powerless. You'll always feel dumb or you'll always feel poor if that becomes the primary driver of everything you do. And there's been many times throughout my life when that's all I was focused on is how big I could be, how strong I could be, how much money I could make. And none of that made me satisfied. When I set the world records, when I got my FBB pro card, when I had millions of dollars and lived in a 10,000 square foot, $2 million home and drove a Rolls Royce, I was always dissatisfied and wanted more. dissatisfied and wanted more. And so that it's a very, very difficult road because you have to be driven and goal oriented and driven to, you know, to accomplish things. But the idea that, that, you know, it's a, it's a finish line that it's, you know, like you say, the pursuits of happiness, it's not something that you ever catch or accomplish. So the process has
Starting point is 01:14:05 to be rewarding. And that's kind of what I like to go back to where we started with this conversation about where I'm at now is that my day-to-day is rewarding. It's enjoyable. I feel like I'm helping other people. And to me, that's very rewarding, giving out a lot of information. And it returns to me in kind. I have done well with the vertical diet, with the meal prep, with the e-books, with the seminars. I've certainly built that into a very successful international brand. But I still focus every day on what can I do for others. That's very cool. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:14:40 And if you ever need an additional avenue business-wise, I think you mentioned being involved in the medical marijuana business. Did you say Washington State? Yeah. We're from South Dakota and South Dakota did just vote to legalize medical and recreational marijuana. I mean, there's some roadblocks. Some roadblocks in the courts right now. Right, but eventually they'll come through. So we could be your foot in the door to get into that lucrative South Dakota medical marijuana market. So just don't forget about it. We already have massonomics. Grassonomics is the pivot point. Oh, that's perfect.
Starting point is 01:15:19 You guys better trademark that. We shouldn't have even said it on the podcast, I suppose. Yeah, I'm already on the phone to my uh tommy what do you think about playing uh our overrated underrated game i think it's time okay so we have another little segment here for you stan we call it overrated underrated it's not a overly difficult concept uh the important thing to remember we did handpick these topics specifically for you um you can get this from gary v i don't know we have been doing this for a long time we've been doing this for how long we would have to look back and see when gary started and i don't know if you know but we are the first people in the history of the world to do over and under so it is ours uh we we what
Starting point is 01:16:03 what we would say is we have done it long enough now that when other when some of our followers see others do it they accuse them of stealing it from us uh but we can't rightfully say that we were the first ones to do this i would say that for sure well brett contraris just started one so i'll i'll make sure and know that you guys we we have at least been doing it for a few years non-stop every week, every single episode. I'm excited. First time to play. Okay, and what's special about ours is you have your druthers to
Starting point is 01:16:32 answer as long or as shortly as you'd like on these answers. You can elaborate as much as you need to. Most important part, though, there's no riding the line. And really the most important part is your entire performance on this podcast episode comes down to how you perform in overrated, underrated. I'm impressed here.
Starting point is 01:16:50 Great. A lot rides on this for sure. So first topic, overrated or underrated, not salt, pepper. We know your stance on salt already, so we really want to know pepper yeah i'd have to say overrated but eat it i don't enjoy it so i i'm going over it are you a spicy food guy at all i'm really not okay i teased like crazy on mark bell's podcast recently because i don't have a sweet tooth and i was trying to explain to people that you know that I don't have a sweet tooth and I was trying to explain to people that, you know,
Starting point is 01:17:27 that I don't have a sweet tooth and that was a problem for, for them. Um, is there any nutritional benefits to pepper that you're aware of? I'm not aware of any. No. Okay. Not much nutritional content anyway,
Starting point is 01:17:44 I suppose on pepper. Okay. No, I suppose, on pepper. Okay. No, I never snorted it before a squat, I'll tell you that. It's no salt. We know that for sure then. Right. Okay. Overrated or underrated Yeti coolers?
Starting point is 01:17:58 Boy, I don't know. I never had one. They're too expensive, but I'm touching it. And you are a man in the cooler business. Right, right. Yeah. Just the cost alone. I was like, these things must be amazing, but I'm not buying it. They're too expensive, but I'm a huge fan of, uh, you know, like I told you, I've got that thermos that I bought off, uh, Amazon's like $20 for a 24 ounce thermos. And I packed my meals everywhere I go.
Starting point is 01:18:20 I used to carry around Tupperware and I'd always have to run and find a microwave or the food would get cold and nasty. And so the thermos has been life changing for me. And then when I go on long trips, like I just got back from Miami, I took all my meals with me. I had obviously my meal prep frozen meals. So instead of putting a piece of luggage on the plane, I packed a rolling Coleman cooler because they're only 30 bucks. I packed a rolling Coleman cooler because they're only 30 bucks. Right. And I, I put,
Starting point is 01:18:46 uh, I put my whole weekend's meals in there and along with some of my clothes and stuff and, uh, duct tape that baby shut and I checked it on the plane. And so I had my own meals. I know most people don't go on vacation, their own frozen meals out of their microwave,
Starting point is 01:18:59 but because you go to a restaurant, you end up dropping 200 bucks in Miami. So I, uh, it's not a cheap thing, although for me, it's just the fact that I, you know, because you go to a restaurant you end up dropping 200 bucks in miami so i'm uh it's not a cheap thing although for me it's just the fact that i you know i've told you i don't eat things i like i eat things that like me i usually make that decision about an hour after i eat as to how fast i'm sprinting to the toilet or not right right but the one thing i hate about the cole or the coleman rolling cooler rolling cooler is the lid doesn't lock. So I got to check out Yeti.
Starting point is 01:19:27 They have a locking lid because tape it shut. Or if I put a – one time I put a band, you know, like a workout band, one of those stretchy bands around it. And the freaking luggage people grabbed the band as a handle and snapped it off. Freaking lid popped open as the thing was moving around on the conveyor belts and my shit started falling out all over the conveyors. So, anyhow, yeah. You said, you
Starting point is 01:19:53 told me I could answer as short or as long as you want. But you also do have to have a final answer. So what was the final answer on Yeti Coolers? I'm going to say underrated because I'm going to get Okay. We'll be on the lookout for the first ever Stan Efferding review on YouTube where you go in depth on cooler reviews.
Starting point is 01:20:12 Yeah, it might have just been because they're too heavy and it doesn't allow you to put enough. 50 pounds, yeah. I think I checked the weight of them and they are heavier than the little lightweight plastic Coleman coolers. That was the reason I realized I didn't have enough extra weight to put all my meals in there.
Starting point is 01:20:32 Makes sense. Okay. Overrated or underrated FUBU? Oh, I better say underrated. those who aren't aware i'm partners with damon john from shark tank so i gotta put a good word in for him who was the underrated yeah we thought maybe you would say that on that one yeah um what what one quick question i had about shark tank um how real would you say, based on your experience, how real is what's presented on TV in comparison to your actual experience there? beginning to end from my initial presentation to the people who select for the show to three months worth of back and forth with financials and subsequent interviews and, you know, documents, et cetera, to presenting to the sharks who don't have any information on you. They have your name
Starting point is 01:21:37 and the name of your product when you walk out there. And so you're completely raw and you do your little two minute presentation and they ask you questions. And that Q&A section, it lasts for a few minutes on TV, but it's 30 to 40 minutes of actual time that they're asking you questions, grilling you under the hot lights with the cameras in your face. Very nerve-wracking. And matter of fact, when you leave there, they have a psychologist that has to sign off before you can leave. Really? Interview you and ask you questions and try and see what your demeanor is like. Because some people, obviously, you've heard stories.
Starting point is 01:22:15 They've sold their home and they're living with their parents or they've mortgaged this, that, or the other. And they go on there and it's a do or die. They put everything. Mr. Wonderful tells them they're garbage and kill it and yeah the most interesting thing was is that they play both sides of the field so that the editors at the end of the uh presentation whether or not you got a deal or didn't get a deal they could completely change the way uh the whole thing looks so one time uh you know mr wonderful will say something shitty and the next time he'll say something nice. And I started to realize for a while.
Starting point is 01:22:47 It took me about 15 minutes to figure out that these guys are both playing both sides of this thing. They're all doing good cop, bad cop. Good cop, bad cop. You talked about the due diligence through financials and stuff. I'm curious, how much of that is done prior to you ever getting there? All of it's done prior. Okay, so when a deal is made on the show, is there still some additional due diligence that's done
Starting point is 01:23:14 until a real deal is done? Or is it pretty, is that? It's 100% repeated over again. Even after we make you an offer on the show, then you have to sit down and go over all that information again before you actually have a deal. And the show has no ownership of that deal. Right, which is how it should be, I suppose. That makes it more real.
Starting point is 01:23:38 Yeah. And what's interesting is I think something like 40,000 people applied. something like 40,000 people applied. I think there was 200 came down to Hollywood to do the, to present in front of the producers. Only 80 actually went on the show and only 50 were aired. I think those numbers are pretty close. So you can see it every step of the way and they tell you right from the get-go and you could actually present to the sharks and then not get aired if uh if something happened so right you you never know all the way through the whole process whether or not you're going to air i was actually i gotta be honest with you though i was pretty confident because of the the uniqueness of presentation, which you notice that they've now aired for.
Starting point is 01:24:28 Yeah, you're on like every teaser they have. Well, and not to discount your intellectual capacity in any way, because we know how intelligent you are. But you have a look that almost no one else coming on that show has. So that works in your favor. Absolutely. Yeah, it was about eyeballs and just that whole lifting thing, throwing the dumbbell up and flipping the tire.
Starting point is 01:24:50 I told a whole story in there about how when I was setting up that the producer of the show came up to me and was trying to reorganize my tire and my weights and all this stuff. And so I flipped around my cell phone and I showed him photos of where each camera angle was and why I positioned the things there. And he just looked at me kind of, you know, and he went and sat down and that was, that was Bennett, right? That was the producer of the show. So yeah.
Starting point is 01:25:29 Did you have to provide your own tire or any equipment or did they have that stuff for you? I bring everything down myself and haul it in. I had a trailer there and I was unloading all my own weights. They didn't have anybody, anybody set aside to help anybody. There was a ton of us there and we only had, you know, a few minutes to present. And we all presented on Monday to the producers on a concrete floor and an empty warehouse. And they had some folding tables and metal chairs set up for them to sit and
Starting point is 01:25:55 watch us present. And then at the end of the day, we were told whether or not we'd actually be presenting to the sharks the next day. Right, right. Okay. Oh,
Starting point is 01:26:03 very cool experience. Yeah. Okay. Very cool experience. Last topic for you on overrated and underrated. Probably the most important overrated or underrated, Mike O'Hearn. I got to be honest with you, man. Underrated. It's not just because I'm friends with him and we go back 30 years and competitively
Starting point is 01:26:21 in powerlifting and bodybuilding, but I was kind of relishing in my retirement after i stopped competing and i was just sitting by the pool and picking my ass eating bonbons mike wanted me to come down and work out with him so i went down and worked out with him he kicked my ass all over the gym and i was like fuck and it and that's kind of when i did that video fuck michael hearn uh and the whole sentiment of that was that he just kind of makes you feel bad about yourself. He sets the bar so high. And you've seen him recently.
Starting point is 01:26:54 Dear God, he's just so shredded and he's so big and strong. Mike's interesting because almost every accessory exercise in the gym, he will punish just about anybody that tries. A tricep push, a bicep curl, a hamstring curl. He's so strong on all the accessories. He never reached world-class level in powerlifting. He didn't have just that top end. He didn't squat over 80, he didn't pull over 80, he didn't bench over 6. But he had some damn good lifts lifts and he was very strong.
Starting point is 01:27:26 But when it comes to all the accessory work, no matter what it is, I couldn't keep up with him for the life of me. And it was embarrassing. So I went home and I actually started training harder so that I could challenge him to that squat challenge some years later that we did up at Gabe Moan's gym in Seattle. And I'm still waiting for the phone to ring for the next time he wants to challenge me because I'm training my fucking ass. He is a guy that doesn't seem to age either. Yeah, we had the opportunity to interview him really quick at the Arnold one year and surprisingly charismatic too for people that aren't familiar with him.
Starting point is 01:28:03 The comment I believe we made, we've interviewed you in that capacity at the Arnold before as well, Stan, and we did the same thing with Mike before. And I believe we got done with interviewing Mike one time and we kind of made the comment, wow, a guy like that makes it so easy. Like you go into this, sometimes it can be hard with some people, but he just like... He has a way of just making it natural and fun. Yes, he does.
Starting point is 01:28:28 Super nice guy. Anybody that's met him and knows him, loves him. He's just absolutely, uh, just to the heart. Just a wonderful, wonderfully nice guy. Yeah. Okay. Well, good news, Stan. I believe you passed overrated underrated.
Starting point is 01:28:42 So excellent news. Yeah. Uh, that, that, uh, draws us to the close of, uh, what we wanted to get out there, I guess. Uh, where would people find you and find everything that they need to find about Stan Efferding? Yeah. Everything's at Stan Efferding. My website is My Instagram at Stan Efferding and my YouTube Stan Efferding. And I have tons of free content and videos, the rants and all of that are, are all on there. So, um, anybody needs anything. Plus,
Starting point is 01:29:11 uh, a lot of people DM me and I've responded to over 50,000 DMS in the last two years. I think that's how you guys originally got to me. Um, but I spend probably better than an hour every day as fast as I can, uh, trying to trying to reply and you know maybe copy and paste an article or you know do the best i can that's one of the things that has really think i think connected me with with a lot of people all over the world that have been very loyal so certainly if you have a question or need some i hate saying this because then I get more DM. Endless cycle. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:49 I did that tour this summer. I did 60 cities in 60 days. Yeah, I remember that, yeah. I did every state in the lower 48 plus Washington, D.C. And a lot of people, there was over 4,000 people attended nationwide. And so many of them, the vast majority of them had already purchased my e-book, have already seen my videos, and just sat there and watched me repeat myself. And came up afterwards and thanked me.
Starting point is 01:30:18 And most of them would say, yeah, I DMed you. And I'm like, did I answer? And they're like, yeah. So always kind of proud of that. I do my best. That is cool. That's an impressive do my best. That is cool. That's an impressive stat for sure. That is very cool.
Starting point is 01:30:31 Thank you. Well, we loved having you on, Stan. This was awesome. Yeah, it was a lot of fun. Thanks, you guys. I love the games, man. That's great. I'm going to get better at those.
Starting point is 01:30:40 And then just let us know whenever you're ready to take the leap into grassonomics here in Northeast South Dakota. That's right. I'll be taking my cut. Okay. Excellent. All right. Thanks, Stan.
Starting point is 01:30:50 Thanks, Stan. It's good talking to you. See you. Wow. Well, Tanner, what would you give Stan? I think we know what goes on here. He gets the cool beans. He definitely gets the cool beans.
Starting point is 01:31:06 beans beans he gets the cool beans he definitely gets the cool beans stan like just like what we were talking about michael michael hearn is another guy that is very easy to talk to yeah he is uh you know i mean and he has a ton of perspectives done a lot of different things yeah um i mean we didn't really even talk about lifting at all no i mean we mentioned it was one of the many things that he's been very successful at over his career, but certainly wasn't the highlight of this discussion. There's just so much other stuff to talk about. There is so much stuff to talk about with someone like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:31:34 Yeah, that was fun. And he's one of the guys that, I mean, when we first started getting more into the powerlifting side of things, he was one of the first people you knew about at the time. Actually, an interesting story about it, and I was thinking about it as he was describing about it and i didn't bring it up we had moving in other directions but in when i was in kuwait in 2009 that's when i was starting to i had already been in the gym for like a year or two prior to that but in that 2009 2010 when i
Starting point is 01:32:04 was overseas that's when i started to understand like oh dead lifting that's something i should do other than just benching and then i was like ah squatting i should also do that and that was right that period when i was just figuring out like you know like i deadlifted five plates for the first time and i'm like ah i need to also be squatting i can't just deadlift and stuff like and i was that was like a revelation for me over that period of time and i at that point in time the internet obviously existed our internet was very bad it was just such a different internet well and like where we were at really it didn't we didn't have good internet and even for what the internet was like 15 years ago uh but we i subscribed to like three different lifting magazines i had flex
Starting point is 01:32:46 magazine um i don't think i described uh what did i say describe i subscribed to your prescription yeah i don't think i subscribed to muscle and development i might have i had two or three different ones flex was one of them i'm missing one in my head that i know i had uh but anyways it was a lot about bodybuilding stuff so i was like super interested in ronnie coleman at the time and i wasn't really into powerlifting and powerlifting didn't exist the way it does now like what we like but anyways i remember world's strongest bodybuilder stan efforting him going against johnny jackson and like like he said they did a spread on him and they did like flex magazine did
Starting point is 01:33:26 multiple runs on Stan. And like, by the end of it, I was like, oh, he, this guy's strong. And he looks like that. I was like, this is the guy that interests me. Yeah. I'm like, this is the guy that, so you actually did have the magazine. Yeah. Oh yeah.
Starting point is 01:33:38 And, uh, I remember those, like him having some black and white covers and like, and us talking like, and it's like and us talking like and it's like shows stands workouts and it's like holy crap he's doing dumbbell tricep extensions with like 200 pounds like just the weights he was using in comparison to the other just bodybuilders in there and like that's where i transitioned to be like oh wait no that's what's really cool like there he's like dead lifting 800 pounds i'm like ah that's what interests me you know not so much the bodybuilding side of it but that really was like yeah that is cool uh kind of like inspirational to what i wanted to start to do at that point in time and really during the time exactly when he was talking about it there too yeah yeah wow and that's really what we had like that's what i had
Starting point is 01:34:20 was it sounds seems like talking about the stone Age is now. It is so funny because, well, because this thing called Instagram didn't exist yet. Or YouTube, really. Facebook existed, but in 2009, Facebook was, what was that farming thing? Oh, Farmville? Yeah, Farmville. That's what Facebook was. And the same thing, YouTube existed,
Starting point is 01:34:39 but YouTube was just like really weird little videos at the time. Well, and even powerlifting existed, but powerlifting wasn't like what I think of it as today. Well, we were just laughing today. Powerlifting is played in the gym. It's like, what year is this? Actually, I want to know that answer right now. What year is the video Power Unlimited from?
Starting point is 01:34:57 Because the powerlifters in there? Because, yeah, when you watch it now, you're like, all of these people are morbidly obese and can't move around. They don't look anything like athletes. They're strong, but also by today's standards, they're not that strong. I mean, take someone like Dan Bell. Now, he has a better look to him and is significantly stronger than what they were at that point in time.
Starting point is 01:35:22 At least the people. And we know the movie well because it airs on repeat in our gym it's one of the movies in rotation and it's a good movie but uh it's just it's just crazy how the look of those lifters has changed that much over not that long of a period of time yeah i'm trying to figure out there's probably not a lot of info there's not a first attempt in power unlimited movie and all that's coming up is a movie that's not power unlimited the movie um funny about it have i ever told you the story of how we got that dvd no i think it's from like 2011 that's what that would have been my guess so we want we were aware of that and you can find power unlimited on youtube i think the full movie is on youtube
Starting point is 01:35:59 2007 i think okay and that makes sense yeah that probably makes more sense 2007 according to this post on reddit um you can watch the full movie on youtube but we needed a dvd copy of it so we can play it on repeat at the gym yep like we have west side versus the world and born strong uh so ross from the gym he found I think through wikipedia found like the guy that made the movie and found his email address and emailed him and said, Hey, where can we buy a DVD? Because you could like, there was no store with it on it.
Starting point is 01:36:33 Got ahold of them. And the guy said, Oh, let me check sometime. I think I have a box of them in my attic. Then this is the guy that made the movie. He's like, I think I've got a box of them.
Starting point is 01:36:42 I'll just send you one. And he didn't get back to him for a while. I think Ross emailed him again. He's like, oh, yeah, yeah, I'll send you one. So he just mailed us. Did he have to pay for it? I don't think he paid for it. I don't think he wanted money for it.
Starting point is 01:36:54 Well, there you go, people. If you want a power unlimited DVD, it's pretty much a collector's item. You just email the guy and he'll send you one for free. Wow, I didn't know that was the story behind it. Kind of a funny story. Yeah, that's really cool. I seriously thought you just like hopped online and bought it no you get anything right right no not power unlimited wow you gotta know a guy you gotta just talk to the guy that made the movie you have to know a guy yeah the guy that made it and it's and it's funny
Starting point is 01:37:19 like he and the way he made it sound like yeah i've, I think I've got some of those around somewhere. I think I remember that. Wow. I don't even really remember how we got to that point. Just what power. I'm talking about how people used to look. Yeah, yeah. And how Stan was the outlier.
Starting point is 01:37:35 Oh, big time outlier. My God. That's a good interview, though. That was. That was really cool. Yeah. Did we have to circle back around? I think we really did probably cover the meme contest pretty well.
Starting point is 01:37:47 I think so, yeah. Really, if you want to know more about it, just look at the hashtag. It could keep you busy for a long time. Yeah, the one asterisk I was at is there's a ton of funny ones that we didn't mention here today, and not because we didn't think they were funny. It's just there was 400 and some. Like, I can't.
Starting point is 01:38:03 And a good part of memes is the visual part right just hearing us talk about them the whole time so but what if you haven't done go on instagram and just search hashtag and really thank you to everyone that competed awesome it was a ton of fun we will for sure do another one of these i'm not sure how we're going to ever narrow it down on the next one because no it does doesn't it really make you feel good about the massonomic support though oh you're just like it's awesome where i fact that people know more than what happened in the last two episodes right and you do and i do really get the feeling like oh we really do have something here where i'm like because sometimes i'll forget and be like art you know i can see the analytics and
Starting point is 01:38:39 stuff but it's like we're just over here doing this again yeah we do every week and then it's like oh no wait people are really totally for nothing that's right oh it is very cool oh should we hear from today's sponsor i think we should today's show was brought to you by spud inc the goal of spudding straps is to make products that support sports performance and help everyone achieve their training goals to make products that last forever won't bust your budget and most importantly leave no doubt about success when everything is on the line. Check them out online at And this episode is brought to you by Hybrid Performance Method.
Starting point is 01:39:11 They're your one-stop shop for all things fitness and online coaching. Whether your goals are training-related, nutrition and body composition-related, or both, Hybrid has a program for you. With dedicated and experienced coaches in each strength and fitness discipline, you can rest assured that you're in the best hands possible. Use our discount code MASS, M-A-S-S, in all caps, for 5% off any training or nutrition memberships for the life of your membership at
Starting point is 01:39:35 When I start reading this one, don't slap the 15-second-ahead button like in that meme. This episode is brought to you by Texas Power Bars. In 1980, Buddy Kapp sat on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house with the best in Erling, and it was maintenance-free.
Starting point is 01:39:53 Hundreds of state, national, international massonomics, stand-efforting, and world powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the legendary Texas Power Bar. Learn more at You know, we may have mentioned this one last week, but it was the one, yeah, we did talk about it last week where it was someone on the podcast brings up something
Starting point is 01:40:14 like they're talking about very serious. Tommy says, wow. Tanner says, so would you like to play our game? We do do that. Well, you have to, you have to keep do do that. Well, you have to. You have to keep the damn thing moving. Yeah, right, right. Lifting Large.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Lifting Large has set a new standard for customer service within the strength world. They have live website chat support and speedy email responses. Lifting Large is home to the Ground Lock Deadlift Slipper, and they are always in stock and ready to ship. Massanomics listeners can save 20% on all Lifting Large branded deadlift slippers by using discount code MASS20 at checkout. Tanner, I do have some live feedback. Oh, I do love live feedback.
Starting point is 01:40:59 Keith Honeycutt wanted me to remind everyone, to tell everyone that they should not buy our hats. Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. So you posted something he saw that we were doing the podcast. Of the start of us reading the ads in the very beginning. And he said, don't buy our hats.
Starting point is 01:41:14 Thank God someone brought it up. I'm sick of reminding people. But seriously, people have been buying our hats. And it's becoming a problem. Do not. Would you say it's really grinding the knurling on your Texas power bar? Yes, it's really. It's grinding it down to smooth. Because do not is it would you say it's really grinding your the knurling on your texas power yes it's really it's grinding it down to smooth because do not buy our hats so i mean we've gone over all the many reasons why you shouldn't but please don't buy our hats please don't buy our hats what you can do in lieu of buying our hats is sign up to become a supporting
Starting point is 01:41:39 member of the podcast which i would say they've been just popping off they have the people that are coming out to support the massonomics podcast and uh come into within our circle i guess everyone that likes massonomics is a millionaire because the amount of money they're giving to us is it's offensive it is offensive uh we appreciate it though it's an offensive and appreciate it appreciated amount of money we really have been getting quite a few new supporting members which is super cool it's always really whenever we get that email it's like oh that is how someone feels okay yeah very cool yes um i was just thinking of a meme with like a venn diagram of supporting members and something else i don't know what else is it okay yeah i see what no venn diagram memes in the contest i think that was an oversight on some people's part.
Starting point is 01:42:25 Maybe we'll make the next contest be a Venn diagram contest. Really limit people. Test the creativity. Really put the constraints on people. Yes, you all try to come up with something different. Sometimes that's what you have to do. You have to really limit it. Other thing that we haven't talked about,
Starting point is 01:42:39 and we can't spoil the surprise yet, but we had the big road to 300 that we hit and achieved. We're at like 310 now, of course. We do have something big. The wheels are beyond in motion. Things have been put in motion that cannot be stopped at this point. It cannot be stopped. You could not stop it now.
Starting point is 01:43:00 And it's going to be very, very good. I'd say we're pretty proud of what we've put together on this, right? We are pretty proud. I mean, I would just say, not to spoil anything, but I just saw you post earlier today, Tanner, that Tim Ferriss has a billboard. Tim Ferriss, come on. Pat yourself on the back, man.
Starting point is 01:43:18 What is your business worth? Millions of dollars and you bought a billboard in the middle of Ohio? Okay. Come talk to us when you spend a significant amount of relative to your business size on a billboard in the middle of nowhere and then make it goofy yeah right come on tim yeah it's harder there man kind of like i don't know i think that's even what i said like your own horn a little too much yeah it. It's like how wacky we are. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:46 Real wacky, Tim. Yeah. What is to go back to your four hour work? We can see good or I think he's a little, I think he's one of the guys that sells the, uh, sells the,
Starting point is 01:43:57 uh, what do you call? I don't even, he sells the idea more than the actual thing. Right. I mean, I get what he's hit the whole thing. The whole,
Starting point is 01:44:05 where does he fit in the uh gary v chart they're kind of different because tim's thing actually i could be totally wrong because i don't follow him that close but his whole thing is the four-hour work week you get a business where you can offload all of it and make passive income and i'm like well outside of like two businesses in the world there's nothing that's truly passive true that's not right it's just i don't know anyone that does anything meaningful that really is in a truly passive business right right well and not ever i mean sure okay if that's a goal of yours that's not going to be achievable by a large portion of people i don't think well it can't be the parade by the way someone has by the way numbers work it can't be achievable by most people right yeah right but tim ferris fans
Starting point is 01:44:48 listening right now will say well that's the wrong attitude right right right uh i'm probably too negative on that stuff i just don't like anyone that sells like ideas like that i can't stand but i i think it's exactly what you said though it's they're more involved in the selling like how did you phrase that they're more involved in the selling the idea right actually selling it's the idea of you can be rich working four hours a week it's like yeah who doesn't love that it's like also who doesn't love the idea of getting fit not working out yeah it's i guess it's maybe technically possible but 99.999 of the time that's not how it works uh yep our friend stan that we had a podcast with tonight would say otherwise.
Starting point is 01:45:27 Yeah, right. Yes. So Tim says meh. Meh on Tim. Yeah. But we got something that's not meh. It's cool beans. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:45:38 It's seagull screaming cool beans. A lot of people utilize the red button, blue button. Yeah, that was pretty popular. Blue button. Yep. That was in there a lot. people utilize the red button blue button that was pretty a lot of blue button yep that was in there a lot in there is that it then that's probably don't buy the hats do do the supporting membership do uh mass slash join yeah leave us a review tell a friend about the podcast and also go buy some of our new shirts oh yes yes the new shirts that are out glad uh don't get a hat to go along with them don't don't don't hit the hat button while you're in the car don't even do it on mistake someone threatened that they were just going to buy one
Starting point is 01:46:14 of every hat and i was like you don't do it someone do get a tattoo though yeah we don't have any of those yet someone got a big crazy uh you have really big i i'm almost shocked that someone does not have a mass and i know too but as soon as i put that out the same thing happens every time like five people are like asking questions like oh what does it have to be you know like what can it be and like my general thing is you have to look at it a general person that understands massonomics has to look at the tattoo and say, that is a massonomics tattoo.
Starting point is 01:46:48 It doesn't necessarily have to just be the massonomics logo. You don't have to like put the OG logo on your chest. Right. You have the shirt on. Right. But you, you have to, a person with common massonomics sense has to look at it and say,
Starting point is 01:47:01 Oh yeah, that's a massonomics tattoo. And people with common massonomics sense can take a pretty big stretch and make things work so right right right uh but there's always these people that all show up and say yeah yeah like show express interest nobody's done it yet and what else what i also told a few of them today is nobody remembers the name of the second man to walk on the moon you're absolutely you're quit stalling because nobody remembers the man name of the man the second man to walk on the moon it's the first gonna be really weird when next week 10 people all got yeah well who did it first yeah it's nobody cares about the the second
Starting point is 01:47:35 comment on the youtube the second comment does not matter it's not the race for second comment oh it's the race for first yeah um that That's probably it. Other than yet, tell someone about the podcast. Get some more people involved in these inside fun jokes. We've also been seeing great numbers, great growth on the podcast, which that's exciting. I get pretty excited when the podcast is showing the momentum that it's doing. You know, that's a, I mean, I like all, I like seeing our sales of apparel. That's also very cool. You know, that's like immediate money in our pocket, so to speak.
Starting point is 01:48:09 But when the podcast shows. It's like we're planting a little seed. Right. That seed's going to grow into a tree. And then you. That buys our stuff one day. That seed's going to grow into a money tree. Yes.
Starting point is 01:48:18 That delivers money to us. Right, right. All right. Tommy, where do they find you at? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. You can find me at Tanner underscore Baird. Don't buy our hats, but please do follow us at Massonomics. See you.
Starting point is 01:48:31 See you. See you. See you.

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