Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 351: Tommy Rediscovers Commercial Gyms

Episode Date: December 26, 2022

This is our first episode recorded from studio 6.9! Find out what it’s like for Tommy training in a commercial gym for the first time in years. This recording didn't go quite as we had planned, so ...the day after this we invested about 5 grand into new equipment (hardware and software). Next week's episode will be more polished, and be cooler beans. Juggernaut AI: and use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% The Strength Co: BearFoot Shoes: and use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% Swiss Link: and use code MASS to save 15% Spud Inc: Texas Power Bars:

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You know, thanks for what you do with your podcasts and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:16 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics. Massanomics. Welcome back, everyone, for episode 351 of the Massanomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing, recorded live from western northeast South Dakota and southeast South Dakota. Eastern southeast South Dakota. Eastern southeast South Dakota.
Starting point is 00:00:51 Is that what we're going with, Len? I think that's the proper way of naming it, I believe. Okay. So this will be recorded live from western northeast South Dakota and eastern southeast South Dakota. Okay. Now that we've got that out of the way, if you're tuning in on YouTube, you might notice something different.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We are in Studio 6.9. Right now, we officially had retired Studio 6.0 with Episode 350 and 351. Here we're kicking off Studio 6.9. How does it feel? I'm actually, I'm wondering, Studio 6.9 might only be this week right because i think we'll officially be on studio 7 next week right yeah um so maybe we
Starting point is 00:01:34 should get if you're if you just if you just consume the massomics podcast audio only if that's what you've been doing for years and years and that's all you're ever going to do some of this is actually kind of irrelevant because i don't think you really won't know the difference but if you are someone that watches it on youtube or something this week or you're a discord member and you stream the first 30 minutes and watch it live i shouldn't say discord member a massonomic supporting crew member and you uh stream the first 30 minutes live every week then there's some changes in the air you have a different experience so what what would you describe this the video presentation
Starting point is 00:02:12 that we have right now on so right now i just say it's kind of like i mean it's not zoom but it's kind of like a zoom call we're stacked at the moment or or side to side depending on how you have your device set up but But yeah, that's basically what the format will be to an extent going forward. But because this is our first, this is kind of a, this is our first remote podcast in, well, since like COVID, since like the very first time when COVID hit in early 2020, you know, we had a couple of months of that, but it's been a long time. So we're kind of getting back into the swing of things tonight's all about experimentation it's like we're in college again Tanner yeah we're trying a different uh live stream approach or I don't know app or the way
Starting point is 00:02:55 that the people that the supporting members the way that they watch live we're trying something different than streaming through the discord so we'll see how that goes and then also as far as our video presentation we have some things on the way to uh improve this really soon right yeah we've spent a good chunk of money on getting a pretty banging street i mean you're gonna think we're streamers and we're not even gonna be podcasters we're just gonna be like twitch streamers hopefully starting next week we have all types of lights come in some just uh some better cameras all types of stuff so i think that the hopefully a week from now my studio won't look like i'm in the middle of a move tanners is always going to look like he's in a t-shirt warehouse that's totally fine so yeah i think there should be some big changes visually
Starting point is 00:03:46 coming next week hopefully yeah some fancy lighting stuff so the mass dynamics fulfillment center is really going to get a facelift isn't it it is it'd be fulfillment center 3.0 now i think yeah that's true or maybe 2.1 2.1 yeah that's probably a better way to do it yeah i think lighting probably doesn't justify a whole new number so it's just an incremental change right right is that how uh apps and stuff work is that what they do yeah usually the big number is like the major releases you know and then the the incremental like adding lighting video sound quality that'd be like the the incremental, the dots would go on there. Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:28 Okay. So it's like an app. We're like a living app, basically. Right, right. So you are, talk about your move then, I guess. You know, you made the move. We're not sitting in your basement. I could tell something felt different.
Starting point is 00:04:43 Do you even have a basement anymore then? I don't have a basement. I have an upstairs, so do you even have a basement anymore then i don't have a basement i have an upstairs but i don't have a basement which is really really weird because we are almost permanent basement dwellers but uh not me anymore which is sort of sad uh the move went uh it was stressful it was stressful at times because you just start to think you're done. And then there's just more shit. Like it just, the number of times you're like, yep. All right, this is it. And then, Oh no, we forgot about this room. Or we forgot about this closet, or we forgot about this pile in the garage, or just the number of times that comes up is so much. And, uh, at first we looked into hiring a moving company, but that's not cheap. And so I'm
Starting point is 00:05:28 like, I'm kind of cheap, you know, and decide, nope, we'll do this in the U-Haul way. And of course you reserve the U-Haul a month in advance, but in Western Northeast South Dakota, I don't know if that's the world's busiest U-Haul hub. So of course, on the day that the move is going to happen, our U-Haul is not there. The people that were supposed to bring it didn't bring it back on time. And the nearest U-Haul is about 100 miles away. And this is like throwing a major wrench in the plans. It was very stressful. Eventually, to speed this up a little bit, instead of getting our U-Haul at nine in the morning, we got it about five, six at night. So instead of having a whole day to pack the U-Haul and then a nice, easy next day to drive, it was like, no, you'd like pack in the dark and the cold as much as you can and then
Starting point is 00:06:17 get up early and try to do it the next day. And it all ended up working out. It worked out fine, but man, loading a U-Haul truck, that is, you get pretty stressed. There's a lot of things where you think if this isn't packed right, there's enough valuable things in here that it would suck if this broke. You know, like when you're, when I've moved before, especially when you're in college, it's like all of my stuff is kind of shitty. Like it's kind of broken already. Like outside of like just outside of like well i have like a laptop or some video games like let's not break those but you can put those in a backpack so it doesn't really matter but you're like oh our furniture it's stained it sucks it's broken like there's nothing to really damage and not that i have a ton of nice stuff but we're at the point now where we have some furniture that costs some money and some different decor items and things that it would suck if they broke.
Starting point is 00:07:10 So there's just a little more anxiety with all that. Luckily, the only damage, I haven't unpacked everything yet, but the only damage I found in the entire move was somehow the bottom side of our mattress got like four like two or three inch cuts in it which is totally fine doesn't affect that at all and like one flower pot got completely destroyed but other than that everything has been like spot on so far which is pretty shocking i i really was not expecting that at all yeah okay yeah i was there I was there at your house right at the time. Like when the U-Haul wasn't there. Yes. Yeah. Oh,
Starting point is 00:07:48 what is going on? That was not a fun time. Uh, I was just thinking we kind of put the cart before the horse. Are you familiar with putting the cart before the horse? Oh, I am. And I know exactly what cart and horse you're referring to here.
Starting point is 00:08:01 Well, I actually am referring to two carts, two sets of carts and two sets of horses first yep uh the first one i want to talk about second so the second one i'll talk about first so we'll come back to the first okay if that's all right with you but first the second yeah of course this is the strength company We've set out to build a better barbell plate on American soil. We ended up here at Wisconsin's legendary Wapaka Foundry. With over 60 years of ironworking experience, the foundry had the knowledge, technology, and processes
Starting point is 00:08:38 to build our weights to our exact specifications. The Strength Company plates are slim but rugged, smooth but easy to grip, and electro-coated for durability and to look great in your gym. This is the next generation of American Iron, only available
Starting point is 00:08:58 from the Strength Company. Thank you, Strength Co. Thank you. I just busted out some Strength Co. plates today. You probably didn't get to, Tommy. I was having some real... I was really reminiscing about the Strength Co. plates today. I bet you're missing them. We're going to talk about that more in a little bit but yeah and should i read an ad yeah you check out too and for the people uh listening along live yeah
Starting point is 00:09:37 we are still checking out the comments on discord we both we're both keeping an eye on the comments on discord and i would say say for the video presentation, that's more of a live stream symptom that you're noticing right now. The YouTube video presentation should be up to snuff, especially as we make improvements here going forward. But you'd be experiencing, there's making jokes about us being an 8-bit. The new shirt will be 8-bit Tanner or 8-bit Tommy.
Starting point is 00:10:06 But I think the final product you'll notice will still be. God, I hope so. Actually, we don't know really, but that's why we're testing this one. Yeah, we're kind of guessing at this point. What do we know? All right, I'm going to tell you about our friends at SwissLink. In 1995, Maurice bigmo huffman founded swiss link he had a partner based in switzerland and their mission was to bring
Starting point is 00:10:31 authentic swiss army goods to the united states and into the hands of those yearning for quality gear at uncompromised prices over the years that mission expanded to nations across europe and beyond now for nearly three decades Big Mo has been traveling far and wide in search of the best items for military forces around the world. Big Mo doesn't only find authentic military clothing for Swiss Link, he brings in everything you can imagine from Czech Army bedpans to Italian champagne glasses. At, you can find right alongside those classic military surplus uniforms, a great selection of military-issue backpacks, tools, wool blankets,
Starting point is 00:11:07 NATO fuel cans, gas masks, emergency food, first aid kits, survival packs, camping gear, and so much more. Swiss Link's unrivaled collection and dedication to quality customer service sets them apart from the rest. Treat yourself to the real thing with authentic military surplus and save 15% off your first order from with code MASS at checkout. Thank you, SwissLink. Real life example here.
Starting point is 00:11:39 I just got a special delivery from SwissLink this week. I ordered a couple of those wool blankets for Christmas. And they showed up? And they showed up, and there was a giant cool beans written on the box. So you know it came from Swiss Link. Was there authentic military bloodstains on them, or were they clean? Yeah, these are combat-hardened wool blankets. And then I also ordered a cool, it's's like you know how you'd roll a blanket
Starting point is 00:12:05 into like a roll and then it's like a leather carrying strap for like a roll blanket. Oh yeah. Real decorative like. Yeah it's like makes it decorative then at that point. Going to give those give those out as Christmas presents and a great idea. Some other people
Starting point is 00:12:21 some other supporting members were talking about doing the same just this week. So I think there's's still time i would also say this very fast shipping from swiss link and you're a guy that knows something about fast shipping that's right that's exactly right uh and the second you know the first thing that i we put the cart before the horse on which I'm bringing up second is uh some weather we've been having huh oh okay luckily I've mostly missed that it's I will say down here there is a lot more snow to start with but uh it's been raining for the last day and a half so that's really knocked it down I think you guys are sitting much worse than me right now yeah it's really it's they made it
Starting point is 00:13:05 extra sloppy for us they apparently knew how we like it extra sloppy up here because i know how you like some sloppy because um old mother nature's made them extra sloppy for us right now it's kind of a sloppy mess it's uh and all and I don't, I guess we probably haven't talked about this, but all I'm, what I'm driving right now is a two wheel drive pickup with, with old tires. So it makes some of the getting around kind of interesting, but it also makes me realize like when people say they can't get places within town, I'm like, yeah, you can, because I'm driving like the worst possible vehicle like outside of like a low profile sports car and i can still go wherever i want i have if i'm careful i've i mean we if you listen to this podcast you know i've been a malibu driver for i don't almost 10 years now and there's never really been a time where i'm like this malibu is the thing that's restricting me from getting from point A to B. The only time that it's ever an issue
Starting point is 00:14:08 is like when the snow is like six plus inches deep on the road. Then it's just a clearance issue, but it's going to be an issue for most people at that point unless you are actually driving a truck. Yeah. So this has been some weather and you're trying to actually make it back here this week yeah so i'm supposed to i'm supposed to close on a house on friday and uh as of right now
Starting point is 00:14:32 supposedly our interstate is closed yeah probably probably shouldn't believe it until i actually drive there and see it if the road's actually closed you know you got to see to believe but yeah supposedly right now i can't even get on the road that takes me home so i i don't know if i'm allowed to close or if someone can sign for me or how that works but um details big chris and the discord brought up a good point yeah oh yeah but the pickup i'm driving is awesome right now for whipping shitties me and uh jack have been going out actually and just just for the sake of whipping shitties i mean you could just like with the road conditions right now and that pickup, you can just whip shitties till the cows come home.
Starting point is 00:15:09 It's fun. I feel like I'm on Tokyo drift everywhere. I go. Yeah. Real real. Get the rear wheel drive truck. No weight over the bed. Bald tires.
Starting point is 00:15:18 I mean, what more could you ever ask for? That's it's like machine. Like one of those drifting video games where you just like, all you do is like see how long you can hold the drift yeah that is what driving this is like and it's a stick so you have supreme control over what the engine's doing that's the other fun thing i guess i didn't talk about that is it's i've had different i've owned
Starting point is 00:15:39 different i've drove different manual transmission vehicles over the course of me owning vehicles my first vehicle was a manual transmission two-wheel drive pickup actually also but um it's been a while since my daily driver has been a manual transmission vehicle and it really does um change quote-unquote driving where it does feel more like you're driving the vehicle because it's so much more of an active process rather than how passive driving can be at times where you're like, oh, yeah, I don't even really know how I got here. I just hopped in, and now I'm there. I don't really remember looking at anything on the road.
Starting point is 00:16:19 Was there stoplights? What was going on? And the pandemic of texting and driving, the biggest cure for that in my opinion now would be making every vehicle be a manual transmission because i'm like you like driving through town especially if it's a lot of stopping and going and you don't have like the faculties to be able to text and drive while you're doing that people would find a way oh yeah i did find it would be, I do. It wouldn't actually solve it. Driving would just get that much more dangerous. You know what's harder than driving a stick?
Starting point is 00:16:52 Driving a stick with a phone in your hand while you're trying to text at the same time. Yes. You have to get creative then. You can actually steer and shift with your off. I can actually do it with my off hand off hand really where i can steer like this and the only reason i know that is because uh like
Starting point is 00:17:13 you if you're watching on video you can see what i'm doing steering with my elbow and shift your left cross hand yeah yeah yeah uh and i know that because uh i took the kids all out in the vehicle the other day so we're it's it's also a regular cab it's a regular cab short box step side uh pickup so i had we were sitting four wide i mean you say regular cab like there's only one yeah the window is you know you tap the window it's right sits right behind your head yeah yeah there's nothing there's no back seat of any kind at all which is funny because that used to be what pickups are and now you like well you have to explain what you're even talking about because it's just they don't even make you know that's so rare that you even see a newer pickup that's like that now they're just giant luxury
Starting point is 00:17:58 cars they are once a year once a year go to home depot like they're 70 000 uh i know like new pickups are so expensive do we're just talking about this though like yeah you could show up anywhere in like a new sports car and people like geez look at money bags over here old money bags anyone can show up in like a ford raptor like you can see ram trx's around town like uh you can see platinum pickup you know they cost like a gmc yeah or a gmc whatever denali package they have and these are all like between 60 and 100 000 and people's like that's a truck whatever like yeah one thinks twice about it but if you were to show up in a sports car people were like whoa what's going on yeah yeah the run of them run of the mill you know ford gmc chevy four-door uh toyota any of those the run of the mill like the average price is i don't know
Starting point is 00:18:53 is it like 60 grand for a new one like that's not even like that's not uh i think i mean like 50s i think you can get in the in like the mid 40s like okay ones i mean they make like you know the work trucks that are cheaper, cheaper trim, but no one buys those. But I was going to say that's even a grade below just average. You know what I'm saying? Like, I would just think like the base model, as far as a Chevy was like an LT, you know, or like, you know, just, um, yeah, crazy expensive.
Starting point is 00:19:21 But what you said is exactly right. People would be like, oh, look at this guy showing up in a $65,000 car. It's like, all your pickups cost more than that. Yeah, every single one of them. Yeah. So are we going to talk about your... Well, actually, I wonder if we should play a little game. Oh, we got games?
Starting point is 00:19:43 Should we mix it up? Yeah, we might be in a new studio but we still got some old favorite games here um we're gonna get the can thing figured out too we're just on we actually didn't even plan we planned on not even recording one this week and then we thought hey you know what we both got time let's do it so yeah this one as of like about 24 hours ago wasn't even gonna happen so that's why things are a little a little not totally in place but we just for the sake of like starting to figure this out and fine-tune it i think it's worth just getting getting going and trying again and uh i think 352 will be the better
Starting point is 00:20:19 for it and every other subsequent episode will be from there on. We're just investing into future episodes right now. That's right. And that's just like you listening. Like, um, I think I made a meme about it this week where it was, uh, ripped off one of the immortal barbell cartoons that we like to do
Starting point is 00:20:37 oftentimes. And where it's like, why do you listen to the mass economics podcast? It's like to get strong, to stay strong, to use my strength. And the guy's like, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Like, I just feel like I have to, because I've've lived i have so much time invested i can't not listen that's where you guys are all at listening right now it's like you just have to stick around to see what happens next yeah um but i don't know like now that you're a fancy sioux falls guy if you'll remember how these games work or if uh i refresh you on rules but we'll do our best the first game we're going to play is a little thing called has he seen it oh so have you been watching a lot of movies now that you've moved to uh eastern southeast south dakota uh my my tv watching has actually been incredibly low since i got here even, so I'm even more behind the ball than normal. On that note, my TV watching for the last two weeks has been almost zero,
Starting point is 00:21:32 and a large part of that is because of A, us moving this podcast and getting that set up, and then B, just the high volume of people ordering from over the last couple of weeks. So needing to pack those orders every night, which is awesome. So thank you to everyone that has been ordering, um, and ordering from our new drop too, right? Yeah, it's actually, you know what we did just, well, God, this is going to be two weeks from now. We don't really don't get this far out because yeah, normally we could talk about, talk about how the drops gone, but I'm assuming at this point that the,
Starting point is 00:22:07 the kind of fit kind of fat shirt is probably gone. If you're listening, even as we speak, I think it's gone in like X, more X, three X, two X. You know,
Starting point is 00:22:17 I, yeah, by the time this comes out, the kind of fit kind of fat shirt might just be gone altogether. We probably, Hey, this is a new one advantage of what we're doing now i can just look around and tell you what we've got because uh i've got a lot of orders to
Starting point is 00:22:31 pack right now actually i've got uh for those watching these are all pre these are all thank you cards that have been written so these are all orders that need to be packed probably like you know like after we record tonight i'll probably knock some of these out so these are all orders that need to be packed probably like you know like after we record tonight i'll probably knock some of these out so these are some of the perks that you guys are going to have from um this new studio 6.9 is getting like a sneak behind the look peek at some of this stuff uh but penance that's what i was getting at is all this pennant all this kind of fit kind of fat talk, and I forgot about the hearkening of the pennants.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Oh, yes, of course the hearkening. Yeah, so we should still have some pennants available for sale. We ordered a whole pile of those. So check out our pennant flag. Very reasonably priced, too, in my opinion. I don't know. Very reasonable. And like you mentioned, in my opinion. I don't know. Very reasonable. And like you mentioned, we're a couple of cheap guys,
Starting point is 00:23:28 and we think it's reasonably priced. So you know it's fair, right? And then the last thing I'll hold that up to is the free calendars, the free dashboard calendars that we've got. We're giving those out free with every order as they come in, but I don't know, by the time this comes in, these could easily be gone.
Starting point is 00:23:51 And part of the problem is you put 15 on your own dashboard, right? You probably need one of these to spice up your new office, I would guess. That actually is the missing piece. Well, I was supposed to be in town tomorrow to get some of this, but I might have to get these put in the mail if I don't make it in the next few days and you brought up uh what's in the can and i do think we can do that we've you know i've been thinking about our options there and i think like uh part of it we i could even do it in bulk like i go sometime and i i pick out like three or four of them oh yeah we just. We just send it. And just like always. Yep.
Starting point is 00:24:27 And this week's number two. Right, right. Yeah, yeah. So we've got ways to be able. Because this one was kind of a spur of the moment episode, we don't have that figured out yet, but we will have that going forward too. But all that to say, has he seen it? Last week we did 1989. We went back in time a little bit this week we're
Starting point is 00:24:48 going to go back forward in time so we're up to 1998 and i have one two three four five six seven for you from 1998 how are you feeling about 1998 tommy seven from 98 um i kind of i feel pretty good about saying four but do i want to push it and say five no no i'm gonna take it easy i'm gonna say four this week i think i got four okay i do have one from 1998 that we're just gonna pull off the table you know how we do that sometimes uh of course. For anyone that's listening along new, what has he seen it is just where Tommy lets us know if he's seen these movies from whichever year we're picking. And I wipe some off because they're just straight up gimmies.
Starting point is 00:25:37 And the one we're going to wipe off from 1998 is The Waterboy. It's not on the table. Yeah. Yeah, that's a fair one to wipe off. Okay. the water boy is not on the table yeah yep that's a fair one to wipe off okay um so 1998 i got uh a few good comedy several good comedies in here i i would also say this i think you're going to score highly this year okay i picked a lot of uh a lot of a lot of ones here that i just could not pick them because i want to talk about them so but i think that you've seen a lot of them so first have you seen it basketball oh yeah i've seen basketball uh many times it's trey parker and matt stone the south park guys like what's
Starting point is 00:26:16 not to love about that movie oh and they got real big fish the band playing in there man oh there's so much great stuff in basic yeah uh yes me yep that that classic cover yeah i yeah basic of all is amazing it's it's a good and i think it's like i actually watched it not that long i watched it a few years ago and i want to say it was like two hours long maybe a little longer which shocked me that that movie needed to be that long but yeah hilarious movie it's awesome uh what's it uh what they call it is it squeaked little bitch is that what they call them yeah yeah and they're like if you guys rag on me like five or ten more times i'm gonna quit like i'm out of bed yeah yeah so funny i haven't seen basketball for a lot a long time i would actually like to watch that i mean i probably haven't seen that for 10 15 years yeah you can now especially see a lot of
Starting point is 00:27:10 the south park influence in it when you when you watch it it's yeah it's super funny i'm sure yes squeak a little bitch scolari yeah there you go yeah yeah that's good okay so that's your one for one good start okay have you seen it half baked oh yeah uh yes half baked um i mean it's just a dumb stoner movie right it's yeah i've seen it i it's been a little while that used that movie used to be on comedy central on tv i feel like when i was in middle school that movie was like permanently on comedy central during the day all the time so then that was probably actually the last time i saw it too okay i figured you'd be yeses on those ones um next one i'll give it a coin flip have you seen it american history x i have seen american history x uh oh geez you're really gonna score well because that would be one of the ones i could
Starting point is 00:28:13 have could have went either way on oh no edward norton like uh yeah yeah i i mean the whole point of that movie was just to show the problem with not like, I mean him being a Nazi and all the problems that's getting him into, right? I like, it's been long enough. I'm having a hard time remembering some of the details, but I've never seen all of American history. So do they curb stomp someone in that movie?
Starting point is 00:28:37 Yeah. I was gonna say there's that gruesome scene in the beginning with that whole thing. And yeah. Yeah. But yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I mean mean i know i've seen it it's just been it's been a long time like i'm having a hard time remembering i want to say the whole point of it was to be like no this is the problem with being a nazi but um i i can't remember it good
Starting point is 00:28:59 enough to actually say that for sure i think it won a ton of awards okay it won an award for best movie ever made okay highland three for three three for three boy this could almost be a clean sweep uh year uh clean sweep year for you which has never happened here we go see though number we go. Let's see, though. Number four, A Night at the Roxbury, 1998. Oh, God, yeah. Okay, basically, if the movie was associated with Saturday Night Live in any way, I believe I've seen it, because I was huge into Saturday Night Live about this time.
Starting point is 00:29:39 I could not get enough of that. YouTube didn't exist then. You wanted funny videos. You either had to watch comedy. Not that actually there's that many funny videos on youtube but if you wanted anything to watch something funny you either had to watch a comedy movie or you had to watch saturday night live or mad tv even and yeah i like that i did too they're probably the most what's the most classic skit on mad tv stewart oh yeah for sure right let me do it yeah that probably is stewart uh what else would it be like was it will sasso is that the one guy's name the bigger guy uh am i yeah yeah will sasso uh
Starting point is 00:30:21 god who else was on mad tv i feel like there were some other big names and i cannot remember any of them now yeah yeah but uh mad tv yeah it's interesting yeah what is that you know it's an ambulance because the sound you stop my heart or the sign of you stop my heart and they can of you stop my heart. And he can just, he's in the bedroom with the girl and his brother can just hear him doing that over and over. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:50 It's just the whole thing. Me, you, me, you, me, you, me,
Starting point is 00:30:53 you, you want a muscle triplicator bar? He's like, nah. And then he's like, what about this? And he keeps like saying all the protein bars with the, their one buddy.
Starting point is 00:31:00 Yeah. Classic. Yeah. Okay. Four for four. Number five five the big lebowski oh yes actually just watched this one uh i think last year on christmas we got done with christmas and everyone's kind of sitting around you opened your presents you've ate food you've done a little drinking time to wind down watched it with my parents they'd never seen it and they were they were enjoying it they
Starting point is 00:31:30 thought it was pretty funny and that is an all-time classic big lebowski if you said you hadn't seen that one that's one that people will go like oh come on you know for sure i know especially i feel like we've like made references to that show multiple times on the podcast. Haven't we? Yeah, I think so. I, you know what my hot take on the big Lebowski is. Let's hear it.
Starting point is 00:31:55 Well, I, I, first of all, I really liked the big Lebowski and I, I've watched it. I don't know, like 10, 15 times,
Starting point is 00:32:02 a ton of times. So I'm a big fan of it, but I think it's overrated i think that uh it's grown a following like beyond like what it's worthy of maybe even i mean i i think it depends on what circles you ask it in like die hard movie people i it does have that right classic status but i still think now it's, you know, a movie from the nineties. There's, I think a ton of young people that are like,
Starting point is 00:32:27 I have no idea what that movie is. You know, like they, there's just no way that that meant, I don't know. That is a tough one. It does get hyped up a lot. I still would probably say underrated,
Starting point is 00:32:37 but I know what you're saying. It does get a fair amount of hype for being a weird sort of nonsense movie from the nineties. Yeah. What, uh, the hype that is good right here is you being five for five with two to go. So we're going comedy again here. Action comedy here on number six.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Okay. Have you seen it, Rush Hour? I have. I've seen... I think I've only seen both of the rush hour movies once. Like, and I think it was maybe in theaters because I love Jackie Chan too. As a kid, I thought anything Jackie Chan was in was so cool, but yeah, I mean, I'd be, I, I would really struggle to tell you any of the plot points of the original rush hour, other than Jackie Chan
Starting point is 00:33:24 fights a lot of people. And Chris Tuckerucker is like running around chasing jackie chan basically i don't know i i just cannot tell you much about that movie i don't i've seen it for sure of course i don't remember very much about it though oh there's there's three rush hour movies i guess okay see i only knew of two so what. So what's that say about it, I guess? I have no idea what the difference in any of them would be. Yeah, I just remember a lot of fighting and yelling. And it was action. I wasn't concerned about the plot when I was eight or nine years old.
Starting point is 00:33:58 I just wanted something crazy to happen. Yeah. Okay, six for six. Last one. This is kind of worth all the marbles a lot of pressure right here there's a lot of pressure and i this last one is a blockbuster movie that i feel like i know we've talked about and i assume you've seen it but there's something in the back of my mind that's telling me maybe you've actually said you hadn't seen this before, but I'm changing my mind.
Starting point is 00:34:27 You had to have seen this. I'd be surprised if you hadn't. So have you seen it, Armageddon? Oh, I have seen Armageddon. I remember going to Armageddon in the theater and at the time being like, so what was that? What did you say?
Starting point is 00:34:42 This is 98? Yep, 1998. Okay, 98. I would have been nine years old. I remember at the time being like so what was that would you say this is 98 yep 1998 okay 98 i would have been nine years old i remember at the time thinking that's the best movie i've ever seen that movie was absolutely crazy because as a nine-year-old you're not watching a lot of movies with like that blockbuster drama thing going on you know i thought it was the most dramatic thing i'd ever seen i thought it was so crazy and as a nine-year-old, thank you, Small Mini, for reminding me. I was in love with Aerosmith the band. I thought Aerosmith was so awesome,
Starting point is 00:35:13 mainly because of watching Wayne's World. I got introduced to Aerosmith. So I'm thinking Aerosmith is so cool. They do the soundtrack for it. Oh, I thought that movie was amazing. And I don't think I've seen it since the theater, and I'm not sure it really holds up at all. I haven't seen it for quite some time.
Starting point is 00:35:35 Actually, though, how did I already forget the guy's name? The guy, the big black guy. Well, it's definitely not Ving Rhames. Isn't it Michael something? Michael Clark Duncan, is that? Yeah, Michael Clark Duncan. There you go. Yes, yes. There you go.
Starting point is 00:35:48 We talked about that like a few weeks ago, and I already. Yeah, we did. I already forgot what it was. Very recently. Yeah. Yes. Damn. Is that a clean sweep?
Starting point is 00:35:58 For anyone that didn't listen to that episode. Yeah, seven for seven. Seven for seven. Unheard of. I guess you could say I'm kind of a movie guy deep down. Yeah, we're starting to learn maybe after all you are a big movie guy. I'm excited for next week, 1999. I'm excited to see what 1999 brings us.
Starting point is 00:36:17 I think you're going to struggle to find movies that just everyone hasn't seen. You might have to go kind of obscurity to beat me. I don't even want to say any of the that's good to beat me that's kind of want to say like um i don't even want to say any of the movies because i don't want to ruin it but there was a lot of i think i think a lot of people agree 99 was maybe the best year of all time for movies yeah like even 1998 here it's like well all those i said were pretty like it almost any of them if you're like i haven't seen that it'd be like really you didn't see that one huh like how did you not see those but hit my stride uh stay tuned next week coming into my own yep okay well uh i guess that answers the age-old question he has seen it
Starting point is 00:37:00 okay well let me hit you i want to tell you about our friends over at Spud Inc. That's Head over to their website. They're the boys in black and yellow. You're probably familiar with them by now. They've got the straps, wraps, everything else there. What else they've got that I really like that I think is pretty cool is their gateway gear. that I think is pretty cool is their gateway gear.
Starting point is 00:37:25 They've got their gateway briefs that they've had for a while in their single-ply and two-ply options. And now more recently, they added the gateway squat suit with Velcro adjustments. So obviously we're not multi-ply experts over here, but what this is is something... We're hardly single-ply experts. Yeah, we're hardly single-ply experts. Yeah, we're hardly single-ply experts.
Starting point is 00:37:51 What this is is something... Like, we kind of are, but just barely. Yeah, we're just at the very bottom of what you would still consider an expert. Like, we're expert level just, like, four. Like, there's the expert list, and there's all these names on it, and our name is on it, obviously, you would still consider an expert. Like we're expert level just like four. There's the expert list and there's all these names on it. Our name is on it, obviously, but it's pretty down far on the list. But you're talking about the single ply list, right?
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah, single ply, of course, of course. Single ply, yeah. Everyone knows we're not multi-ply experts. But single ply, yeah, we know quite a bit about that that single ply i people know where we stand on that yeah they know how we sit there when you think massonomics you think um you know cool beans northeast south dakota and single ply expertise so if you do want to dip your dip your hips into the dark side just a little bit check out the gateway squat suit it costs just a little over 100 bucks it's got the velcro adjustments uh also something pretty cool if you spend over 75 or more at uh spud inc you get free
Starting point is 00:39:01 shipping they'll ship to you for free and uh make sure to let them know that the friendly faces over at Massanomics sent you. Thank you, Spud Inc. All right. Is it my turn to fire away? Yeah. Hit them with your best shot, Pat Benatar. Well, here we go. Today's show is also brought to you by Barefoot Shoes.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Most shoes harm your mobility by over-restricting your foot's natural movement. Barefoot shoes are designed with minimal restrictions so your feet can move the way they're supposed to. Move with more strength and confidence in every step. Barefoot Shoes was founded by Chris Duffin, who attributes proper foot biomechanics as foundational to his success in squatting and deadlifting over 1,000 pounds for reps. He helped create the company to provide a minimalist shoe that can be worn for anything from deadlifts to walking your dog. Go to to check out the best minimalist shoes available. Use code MASSANOMICS to save 10% on your next order. Thank you, Barefoot Shoes. Should I tell you about my gym experience?
Starting point is 00:40:14 Yes. That is what the people have been dying to know, what life is like outside of MASSANOMICS gym. All right, well, let me just say I've been to the other side, and it's, that's pretty scary. So I did just out of the sake of convenience, I have visited a gym because there's one quite close to my house. And is it the best gym in the area? Definitely not. Is it the most convenient in the gym and
Starting point is 00:40:42 convenient gym in the area? Yes, because it's's the closest so will this be my permanent gym i don't know right now it's my gym for right now though so we're gonna roll with it but this is my first time coming out of the basement in what what was the number six years yeah seven seven seven okay yeah uh yeah so um man commercial gyms they are weird they are it's a it's a whole different culture lifestyle man it's like a it's like I'm getting introduced to the world of lifting again for the first time. Like you go in there and the place is nice enough. It's new and it's got, it's got all the same cardio stuff. It has, uh, uh, it has an echo bike. It has rowers or has concept two rowers. It has the concept two skier thing, which I'm never going to use it has some of the not the um um freeform runners but the whatever one of the other brands that have you know those style of treadmills like it has that
Starting point is 00:41:53 same stuff that the gym has and then like any commercial gym it has basically any machine you could ever want which is fine i still don't use the machines much but the squat racks are nice enough i can't complain about squat racks. We had, we lifted at massonomics for years with not the nicest squat racks. And I've never really thought that that was an issue. Like, so that's, I mean, it's hard. A squat rack has to suck really bad to complain about it. So no problem there.
Starting point is 00:42:19 The bars, not the best, not the best. But again, I don't really know unless the bar bar super whippy, which I didn't go heavy. So I don't know. But on deadlifts, the New Orleans not super aggressive. So that's a bit of a problem, but still not the end of the world. Now, what maybe was the biggest offender for me? And people love to hate on 35s. But what I think we're fairly pro 35 around here. We don't have a problem with 35s but what i think we're we're fairly pro 35 around here we don't have a problem with 35s
Starting point is 00:42:47 what i actually think might be the worst plate in existence is the 45 that's not the size of a 45 like have you ran across these ever yeah it's a 45 that's where they're like between yeah yeah it's like between the size of a 35 and a 45. Like it's just marginally bigger than a 35. And I cannot believe that any company has ever thought it was a good idea to make that plate. Like that makes no sense to me. Yeah. That, that is the worst plate.
Starting point is 00:43:16 That's worse than a 35 hands down. Oh, it's terrible. It's terrible. They're bad. So, uh, there was even multiple times I caught myself loading the bar incorrectly because I'm like, I don't know the 45s and 30s. And the number of 35s around is insane. Like most gyms don't, in my experience, have like maybe one or two sets of 35s.
Starting point is 00:43:36 There's a 35s pepper everywhere. There's more 35s than 25s. And I do not get how that works out. So then you're just constantly confused about what size plate you're loading out of the bar. So that's, yeah, that's whatever the benches are wide enough. There, there was some of that legend fitness equipment and I think they make a pretty decent product for the most part. So the benches are fine. Definitely way more slippery. You, the width I'm fine with, but they are, they are way slicker than what I'm used to. There's no
Starting point is 00:44:03 driving your shoulders in and sticking down. Like that's not a thing. But so the equipment's a little iffy. And then I guess I should say one more thing, Reagan, on the equipment. No deadlift jack of any kind. And then the only, because you can't deadlift with those 45s
Starting point is 00:44:19 that are the wrong size. That's super annoying. So then there are actual deadlift platforms there is the really chonky like crumb rubber 45s that are for real probably three inches across or four like they're they're big and then after you put that on then you know you could put your miniature 45s on after that but i don't know if it would actually be possible in this gym to to deadlift like five plates might be the max you could ever deadlift there like that that might be it so that's why i can see there could be some potential problems on the horizon but
Starting point is 00:44:54 for the time being i am probably going to tough it out for a little bit but now what's yeah what the commercial gym life has really opened me up to is the number of, you just get used to mass economics gym where even the people that aren't strong still know what they're doing. You know, even the people with bad form actually don't have bad form. You know, like everyone, like, and no one has bad form. No one has bad form. There's maybe people with less than ideal form,
Starting point is 00:45:24 but you can maybe even chalk that up to individual differences. Like, no, that's just works better for me. And then you go somewhere else like, damn, okay, actually most people have a really bad form here. Most people have no clue what they're doing. Like borderline dangerous.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Like this just looks bad. I gotta give people credit. I always remember when we went to a commercial gym, it seemed like everyone benched all the time. Like that just seemed like that was what you did. I did not see anyone benching all. It was, it was a lot of high school guys and they were all trying to do squats and
Starting point is 00:45:54 deadlifts. Like I got to give them credit for that. They did have, they were spending a fair amount of time, you know, hitting up the dumbbells with curls and raises and things like that. But I do got to give them credit for their, for people putting in the effort on on squats and deadlifts i do not remember that being
Starting point is 00:46:09 like a thing eight years ago when we were in a commercial gym seeing that maybe that's a little bit of a shift though in like the last eight years that like it's just uh maybe people had like gen pop has figured out a little bit more about like oh maybe i should squat and deadlift a little bit i might still not know what I'm doing, but maybe I should do it. I think you might be right though. I think that has changed probably a little bit over the years.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Like that people have woken up to the idea that, yeah, if you want to go to the gym, like you can't just bench or you shouldn't. You shouldn't just bench every day. You can bench every day, but you probably shouldn't. You should mix some other things in with it. I think it's an interesting point that you brought up about uh like when you compare it to plates like mass and i'm extreme because what you're saying is right i didn't really think
Starting point is 00:46:52 about that but like even the people that maybe aren't quite as strong like they're still kind of doing a pretty good job and like they're getting stronger over time in almost all cases and like technique wise like you said like it's very rare that i've watched anyone do anything that i would say is quote unquote bad technique you know there's a lot of variance in technique but you don't see anyone doing anything that i'm like oh that's uh they're gonna hurt themselves like i almost i just don't ever i don't ever almost see anything like that i can't recall the last time right and the number of guys that I could see that were, you know, they're with their buddy and they're trying to like, it seemed like there was a lot of guys that were actually lifting for the first time because they were talking about like they were trying to deadlift with
Starting point is 00:47:36 just the 10 pound bumpers on the, and I have no problem with, I mean, everyone starts somewhere and I have no problem with that. And we've said this before. I'd rather see any day of the week, someone squat with an empty bar than to someone squat with like three plates and do a quarter squat with like their knees caving in and doing nothing. Like there's nothing impressive about that. Like good movement is always more impressive than really, really shitty movement patterns like moving weight incorrectly. Like that's not impressive and that's not going to get you very far. But, um, there was just, there was even still a lot of guys that it seemed like they were in there deadlifting for the first time in their life because they have their buddy talking them through it. And there's like, everything's wrong about it. And you're like, Oh, like give me five minutes and I could help you. But also, no, I don't want to do that. And I don't think you want that either. So you just let them go on their way. And I don't know if they,
Starting point is 00:48:25 you know, if they stick it out long enough, they'll figure it out. Right. Everyone does eventually. Yeah, I think so. They will.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Or they'll probably just quit like in a couple of weeks. Yeah. I think that's the more realistic thing. And I was wondering, you know, it's just, it's the middle of December or people jumping on their new year's resolutions early.
Starting point is 00:48:42 Is that what's going on? I'm not sure. That's possible. That's possible. That's also something we're shielded from at massonomics gym you know the new year's resolution thing has never really been a thing like there's no wave of people that come for that and like the gym doesn't really get busier it's kind of the same all the time yeah yeah massonomics is very insulated from that aspect of the fitness world. Big news, though.
Starting point is 00:49:10 Did you know that somebody commandeered your old locker? It didn't sit up for long. No, I was going to ask about that. Yeah, who's got it? Big Caden. Big Caden jumped all up in that business. That's like a penthouse suite having that locker up there yeah it's kind of uh we're actually talking about it's like the hierarchy of lockers at
Starting point is 00:49:31 mass dynamics gym because caden used to have a we have a small cubby of lockers where the lockers are actually smaller you know they're just uh smaller squares and he had one of those but he had one of them in the top section before. So yours opened up. So he went out of the top section of the small cubbies, went into your big top row blue locker. So then someone in the bottom of the cubbies went up to Caden's old cubby spot. And now the very bottom row of the small cubbies is the only opening,
Starting point is 00:50:01 I think. So it's kind of a, there is a bit of a hierarchy yeah that top row the blue lockers is without a doubt the best lockers in the gym you don't have to bend over for anything it's right there you can see in it easy they're big lockers those are the ones to have some people like the top row red lockers because the red lockers are a little bit bigger actually oh they are oh yeah farther shows how much either if you look like it's a yeah they're just a little bit bigger like they're actually taller like it's uh about sits up higher than our blue lockers do but they're in farther closer to
Starting point is 00:50:35 the tv so there's a little bit of a trade-off there i think well well either way caden uh caden definitely came out ahead on that one yeah big time big time any other did you see any uh did you get to see any massonomics uh gear at the gym gym down there yet believe it or not i didn't i wore my massonomics shirt just the whole time waiting for someone to be like oh my god you're one of the massonomics guys but uh yeah unsurprisingly that uh that didn't happen um yeah i guess there's always next time huh yeah one of these times it's just a matter one of these times someone has i mean there's people in sioux falls that buy your stuff so there's people around that know what it is um it's just only a matter of time there's for sure other gyms in sioux falls that if you
Starting point is 00:51:22 were aware in that it'd be much more likely for someone to spot it too, I would assume. Yeah, yeah. It'll happen eventually, though. How about a little supporting our supporting members segment? Are you familiar with that still? Oh, yeah. I was kind of missing that segment. I was hoping we'd get some of that in.
Starting point is 00:51:42 Yeah, I've got a few of them here that I want to hit on actually. And what this segment is, is we have our supporting members of the podcast that choose to chip in a little bit every month to help this ball keep spinning around over here at Massonomics. And we like to give back to them. We give back to them in a few different ways. One of the things is they get to listen along live to the uh to the podcast each week like we got some people doing now um they get there's a discount code that they can use once they first hop on our discord they get access to the discord a big old family of like-minded individuals individuals in there and uh last of course not least is each
Starting point is 00:52:23 podcast episode we try to give back to a little back a little bit to a few of them through this supporting our supporting members segment. So we pick out some things that they do. A lot of times it's lifting PRs or meets, but sometimes it's other completely random life achievements that we give them props for. But for this week, we
Starting point is 00:52:41 want to shout out Big Brad did his Juggernaut AA mock meet. He hit a 295 squat PR, a 255 bench PR, and a 415 deadlift PR. PRs across the board. Nice. Then, yeah, Big Luke Lovelady, he competed powerlifting meet this last week, and he hit PRs across the board also.
Starting point is 00:53:04 491 squat. One, I type out fat finger at his bench, but it was a PR bench and a 579 deadlift. It was a 1389 total for Big Luke. Then we've got Big One Arm Herc who did a USPA meet. And he hit a 402 squat, a 325 bench, and a 5.12 deadlift for a 12.39 total. Then we've got Big Big Daniel. He was the one that submitted our sack segment, I think, last week. Big Big Daniel had a 5.90 squat PR.
Starting point is 00:53:36 It was a Virginia State record, a 4.35 bench, a Virginia State record, and a 6.39 deadlift for a monstrous 1665 total for Big Big Daniel. Yeah, that's awesome. Then we've got the Toms, and I'm not talking about you, Tom. We're talking about Big Tom Schneids and Big Tom Schwartz. They competed together. These guys did, in our last contest, these guys were in the crew that got in on
Starting point is 00:54:05 something what did they it was the drink spotter thing i think where they're going across the gym and they got a whole bunch of them oh i think they were both in on that yeah yes yes i believe you're correct there yeah okay so big tom schneids hit a 589 squat 379 bench 644 deadlift for a 1606 total and he won the 100 100 kilogram class with that big meat right there and did he okay oh yeah go which one had the lift sweater on that i think is the seven i think that's tom swartz who he did a 523 squat, 374 bench, and a 584 deadlift for a 1482 total and won the 82.5-kilogram class. And I think he was wearing the lift ugly sweater, right? Yeah, very well-dressed.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Both very impressive totals, but one might have won the best dress award. Yeah, big time. Those guys aren't screwing around, are they? No, they're not. They're putting some numbers up for sure i think it's probably because they're uh long you know supporting members and long-time massonomics fans i would guess that's yeah i think that's how it works if you support you support long enough and your total just goes up exponentially yeah it makes sense to me so so if you also want to experience those those great benefits that all those guys had,
Starting point is 00:55:26 you just go to slash join, and you too can become a supporting member. There's an option for everyone's budget. Once you're in, you get a Massonomics discount code, access to the Discord where you can watch the podcast live the first 30 minutes, or in the case of this week, the first like 58 minutes and counting, and lots of other benefits. You get to have the inside track on what's going on.
Starting point is 00:55:50 And you can also be featured on supporting our supporting members. Yeah. Can't afford not to do it. Can you? No, you really cannot. Okay. We do have a, I do have a special underrated overrated plan for this week um do do we want to do that we've got a few other topics but i don't know
Starting point is 00:56:16 there's anything we have to do this week um oh one other thing though on my list of just just what i've been noticing is supporting members, as long as we're talking about it, they've really been flooding in this last week or two. Oh. Really had a lot of new faces join the party. Yep. A lot of new recruits.
Starting point is 00:56:38 New pledges. Yeah, and I'm just crunching some numbers right now. Crunch. Oh, yeah. There's three spots left. Tanner's number machine was going crazy there. Yeah. Ding.
Starting point is 00:56:52 Three spots left. So make sure to get signed up now before all three spots are gone. Yeah. Do it. Do what he said. Okay. So we have overrated underrated and let's see this is going to be a special edition this is going to be a special overrated underrated
Starting point is 00:57:15 of uh eastern southeast south dakota edition of overrated underrated this week okay okay you're kind of acting like i'm a local and given given that i've got that i've been here for like two days and all i've done is move furniture and then it's been stormy and i haven't really left the house yet but let's take a crack at this yeah we'll uh we'll we'll give it a go here um we'll go uh it a go here um we'll go uh overrated or underrated falls park wow falls park i have not been there in many years i had not that lived here when i was a kid and we'd always go we'd always go to falls park and it looked very different at that time. I'm not sure that I have been there in the last 20. I probably haven't been there since I was like eight years old.
Starting point is 00:58:11 So it's really hard for me to say. It's kind of a pretty hyped up tourist destination, the Sioux Falls area. That's for sure. Actually, if there's going to be a picture of something taken on the eastern side of the state, if people are going to be a picture of something taken on the eastern side of the state if people are going to use promotional pictures of south dakota it's going to be like this mount rushmore the badlands the black hills and they're like oh and also there's the eastern side of the state so they'll do like the corn palace and falls park like that's and then oh we need to represent the rest of the east side so like let's do a picture of a cornfield there we've gotten the entire east side of the state represented in photos it's probably a little overrated i will provide some follow-up on that but it's probably a touch overrated maybe i'll be more impressed when i
Starting point is 00:58:54 actually see it again i've been there lately a few yeah we go we'll take the kids there a lot of times when we go to sioux Falls so I've been there probably like three times in the last four years maybe something like that and uh it's pretty good it'll I do get the logic of it could actually be overrated but it is overall pretty good um and I think right now with it being Christmas time they have like 30 miles of Christmas lights put up there or something like that like 30 feet of Christmas like everything's there or something like that. Oh, really feet of crisp. Like everything's all decked out for Christmas. I don't really know what I haven't been during that,
Starting point is 00:59:29 but I think it's a big deal. Yeah. We'll probably have to take the kids next week. I'm, I'm childless at the moment. I'm just like living a bachelor lifestyle here, which is man, you want your perspective on time to change,
Starting point is 00:59:40 have a wife and two kids and then not have them for three days. It's like time time doesn't matter anymore there's unlimited time to do whatever you want it's crazy yeah yeah i don't know what that feels like anymore uh okay i do miss them though overrated yeah no but it's fun to joke it's not that's not as funny to say like it's more fun to talk about i was like oh what i do with all this time yeah yeah okay uh overrated or underrated moving companies uh this is a very hard one to say moving companies. God.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I mean, if somewhat, if you have a job that's going to pay for your moving company, I'd think that's would be awesome. Like to take a good chunk of the stress out. So I got to pack a bunch of shit I'm assuming, but to not have to worry about the transportation side of it and the packing into the truck part of it
Starting point is 01:00:45 oh that would just be a load off your shoulders um but they're not exactly cheap either i think they're underrated i think they're underrated that i i mean i think you can afford it i think you would feel pretty damn good about it so i'll say underrated okay underrated on the having said that i've never used one so i can't actually say from experience i'm just saying from a hypothetical point of view that if you had the money to do it it would be worth it how about the money to do it ah i'm so torn on that too because they're overrated in the way that like you can you can reserve a u-haul but
Starting point is 01:01:26 then when you go to get the damn thing it's not there and you're like what the hell did i reserve what did i put my money down for if it's not here so in that way they suck but they do have it it is pretty slick in the way like i gotta say a 26 foot ford well i think it's like a whatever the hell they are 26 foot ford triton V10, whatever they got. That thing drove pretty damn smooth. I was fairly impressed, actually, how nice that thing drove down the road. It really sucked the gas down, that's for sure, but it drove pretty well.
Starting point is 01:01:58 Are you thinking about trading in the Malibu? You know, it kind of crossed my mind for a second, but something about five miles with a gallon just doesn't sit quite as well, but they do have a pretty slick automated. I got to give them props for this. I feel like U-Haul feels like an old school company to me, but when you get done with the damn thing, you take it back and you can do the whole check-in on your phone. You can take like a picture of like the inside of the truck, the outside of the truck, where you parked it, the gas gauge, the odometer, and they charge you for like fuel based off of if you filled it up to the correct level and all of this. So you don't got to
Starting point is 01:02:32 talk to anyone. I mean, that's, that's it is fairly slick and they're actually really cheap. They are cheap. So I do think they probably are underrated assuming that they can actually hold up there into the bargain and get you the damn reservation when they say they're going to. Yeah, it's funny. When I went over and you were explaining the reservation issue, and my first comment was, that is a Seinfeld episode. And I didn't know what you were talking about.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Yeah, he just posted in there the car reservation because it is the episode and he goes, and the lady behind the counter says, sir, I understand what a reservation is for. And he says, no, I don't think you do because I made the reservation and now you don't have the car. The reservation holds the car.
Starting point is 01:03:25 And like, it's funny because that's exactly what, that's your identical scenario. That was my whole point. I'm like, okay, I paid money. Yes, I paid money to reserve this a month out. I get it if it's less than 24 hours or whatever, but I paid money a month out to say, have this here at this time.
Starting point is 01:03:41 Like that was what my money did to like hold that spot in line. And then I even got a phone call, a text, and a voicemail and an email all the day before to say, have this here at this time. Like that was what my money did to like hold that spot in line. And then I even got a phone call, a text and a voicemail and an email all the day before saying, this is to confirm that your reservation is still on for tomorrow. You got nothing to worry about. And then when I get there, is it there? No, it's not there.
Starting point is 01:04:00 And it's like, why is this happening? What is the point of the reservation? So, yep. I totally, totally relate to the Seinfeld bit gotta watch that yep yep you will you will look and you'll be like oh this is i mean it couldn't be something more relatable it is the exact same story uh okay so next one overrated or underrated the sky force oh the sky or and an extension of that the developmental league The Sky Force. Ooh. The Sky Force. Or, and an extension of that, the Developmental League. So, well, when did they change it from the... Okay, wait.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Is it the D League? Is it the G League now? Yeah, maybe it is. I thought it maybe is the... Maybe it might be the D League now. Maybe it used to be the G League, or maybe it used to be the D League, and now it's the G League. But D was always, I thought, because it's the might be the d league now maybe it used to be the g league or maybe it used to be the d league and now it's the g league but d was always i thought because it's the developmental league
Starting point is 01:04:49 yeah it's the g league now i don't know okay maybe sky force is actually bumped maybe maybe they're not in the same that they were before but i think that they are i can't actually even remember who they're a feeder team for uh we were actually just talking about this the other day. Yeah, they still are in it. They are a feeder team for the Miami Heat, which, like, why is that the case? No idea. Well, obviously, because we're so close.
Starting point is 01:05:19 Right, yeah, let's pick the closest thing we got, Miami. I actually want to get to a few games this year. I don't think I've ever... Have you ever been to one before? Oh, no. Yeah, I've been to one before, but I can't remember. I was really little. I can't remember what it's like at all.
Starting point is 01:05:37 Yeah, so that's it. I do need to check that out. I was kind of looking at the schedule, and they do have some coming up here. But my boy, he will not care at all. I literally have to go by myself because there's no way I'm going to get a two-year-old to sit through a basketball game.
Starting point is 01:05:50 So who knows? Maybe I won't make it. But the G League, overrated or underrated? I mean, I think they're probably underrated, right? Like no one really rates it that highly, do they? I don't think so. Is there people that get excited for g league games i would imagine their attendance there is pretty low i'm just guessing just speculating but i don't know maybe
Starting point is 01:06:11 i'm wrong but i i would assume their attendance is like way lower than our you know d2 basketball team in western oh yeah there's no way they're getting well they played in the pentagon here which i don't even think holds that many people. Yeah. It's they can't have more than like, I don't know. Do they get a thousand people at a game? You think that might be a stretch?
Starting point is 01:06:34 I'm guessing. Maybe they do, but I, that, that could be tops. I need to go. I need to go do, you know what I need to do? I need to go like this weekend,
Starting point is 01:06:42 go to a G League game get done then go to Falls Park and I can report back on both of those to you yes yes that's that's good okay last one is worth all the marbles of course um
Starting point is 01:06:58 usually save the most important for last I think you're going to have an opinion here overrated or underrated? Slim chickens. Ah. So old flying Ryan helped me move. And when he was leaving, he goes, oh, I think we're just going to swing through somewhere on the way home.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Because I'm like, oh, I'll take you guys off for dinner. It was late. They're like, no, we need to get back. We're just going to swing through somewhere on the way uh on the way home because i'm like oh i'll take you guys all for dinner it was late they're like no we need to get back we're just gonna swing through somewhere and i heard him mention something about slim chickens and then i take the u-haul back and actually on the way to taking it back i go oh there's slim chickens over there i might have to look into that so i did i did i had to pop in and uh i was impressed i thought the food was pretty good i don't even know a thing about it. Is it like a big chain? Are they in a lot of places? I'm just looking at this right now.
Starting point is 01:07:50 I don't know the answer to that either. I think there's like several of them in Sioux Falls, if I understand it right. Yeah, it looks like they're out of Arkansas. I haven't had it before yet. I was pretty impressed. The people at the drive-in were very nice. They were very excited to see Bernie. For some reason, you get Bernie, he pops his head out the window to drive.
Starting point is 01:08:08 He barks at you like he's going to kill you, Tanner. And you put him in a drive-thru and he just sits there with his head out the window and it's like the world's friendliest dog. It's like, what in the hell? This doesn't make any sense. We go to these places and you don't care at all and you're so nice.
Starting point is 01:08:20 But yeah, everyone in the drive-thru was super cool. They were helpful. I didn't know what I was ordering. I'm like, how the hell does this work? they were telling me and i didn't go with the i think their signatures like their chicken tenders and fries and all that stuff i needed i feel like i need something a little more substance than just chicken tenders so i went with the chicken club sandwich and it was pretty good it felt uh didn't really feel like fast food to me i was i was impressed so i will say underrated for slim chickens all right so so you didn't go with the tendies then you pat you opted out of the tendies
Starting point is 01:08:48 i did not but okay on that same line i would okay if we're talking chicken restaurants i would also say chick-fil-a is overrated like i think it's good but i do not get the hype that people have for that store still to this day yeah i agree it doesn't i don't know if it really does it for me i'm not sure i mean it's fine but when i see how insanely busy it can get around lunchtime like people lined up like crazy and how people freak out for it i just i don't get that hype at all and does uh chick-fil-a doesn't have they don't have wings do they no no they do not yeah that's definitely a strike yeah that's kind of a that's kind of a strike in the negative column for me no wings no flats or drummies you don't have to pick because we have neither
Starting point is 01:09:37 nope you don't gotta worry about it oh and i guess slim chickens does have wings yeah i didn't even uh i i didn't even bother to order those because I have had a lot of wings lately, actually. So I need to follow up on their wings, too. I heard they're small. You have to give me more details on it, but I've heard from a few sources that they're undersized wings. I'm sure.
Starting point is 01:10:01 They're fast food wings. They've got to compromise somewhere, right? Yeah. You know where oh um let me add up the totals yeah it looks like yeah it looks like you passed actually oh well you know what that means cool beans
Starting point is 01:10:18 cool beans I earned them right thank god I was worried you didn't you forgot to pack the cool beans down I earned them, right? Thank God. I was worried you forgot to pack the cool beans down to take with you. Thank God you still have those. Cool beans got packed. Nothing to worry about there. Thank goodness.
Starting point is 01:10:36 I was really worried. I'm like, oh, maybe you went far enough south. They're not cool anymore. Maybe they warmed up too much. Right. Yeah, yeah. Well, you guys have all the cold weather up there we don't have that so but yep i saved just a little bit
Starting point is 01:10:49 down in the southern part of the u.s sioux falls i was looking you know how close i am to the iowa border like maybe four miles did you know that no yeah. Yeah. Like I am, I can look on a map and it is, you can count the squares, the squares of land to the Iowa border and the Minnesota border is not much farther. Minnesota border is probably less than 10. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:18 But usually like the way you'd go on the interstate, it would take you a lot longer to hit Iowa. Yeah. It kind of, it kind of dodges Iowa the way the interstate it would take you a lot longer to uh hit iowa yeah it kind of it kind of dodges iowa the way the interstate right but yeah if you look at google maps like damn that's the state line there that doesn't make any sense right but i suppose it's part of iowa that juts out a little bit think about if what well it's part of iowa that kind of juts out then a little bit more or what how is it so uh yeah that very that very top northwest corner of iowa does cut into you know it makes that dip in the state there and that's about where sioux falls is right yep so that's uh that's right where iowa is it's really not far away at all. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:12:07 You know what? Speaking of things you can count on, like cool beans, you know what else you can count on? What's that? Juggernaut AI. Just like Big Brad, who we talked about in our supporting members segment here just a little bit ago. Big Brad did his Juggernaut AI testing day, and he hit PRs in all three lifts squat bench and deadlift uh he'd been running who'd you say big brad had been oh running that yes yes that's right he he hit uh prs in all of them
Starting point is 01:12:39 and we've seen that uh same success story from a whole bunch of people and And we've seen that same success story from a whole bunch of people. And we both use Juggernaut AI. Part of what we like about it is how it customizes to you over time, how it helps you address weak points, how the fact that it's kind of just like an affordable coach in your pocket that we're getting a level of coaching that you don't get from a free template or even a paid template from like a comparable price. So good stuff from Juggernaut AI. Check them out. When you do,
Starting point is 01:13:13 make sure to go to the website. It's And that's where you want to get signed up if you're thinking about getting signed up, because that's where you can use our discount code, which is MASSANOMICS. And that will save you a whopping 10 for the lifetime of your membership at juggernaut ai juggernaut discount code massonomics yeah baby okay um i should probably pull up my sheet here. And finally, what everyone's been waiting for. This episode is also brought to you by Texas Power Bars. Buddy Caps first started lifting weights in the late 60s and began powerlifting in the mid 70s. At the time, he was working for Image Barbell, building gym equipment. Around 1976, a local machine shop started making Olympic bars for them, calling it the Image Bar.
Starting point is 01:14:10 In 1977, Image Barbell became Champion Barbell. It was then that Buddy started looking at the bars with an intent of changing them for the better. In 1979, Buddy bought his first lathe to begin addressing the known issues. In 1980, his passion, drive, and purpose now had a greater mission. Buddy set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he had ever seen and trained with, and the Texas Power Bar was born. It was strong as a house with the best knurling and was maintenance-free. Hundreds of state, national, international, and world powerlifting records have been
Starting point is 01:14:44 and continue to be set and broken on the texas power bar to learn more about texas power bars and buy one of their legendary bars visit thank you buddy caps thank you thank you do we need to talk about anything else this week tommy or should we kind of bring it bring her on home do you think um well this was kind of our first experimental podcast so hopefully it doesn't sound shitty i did realize full disclosure uh did did this is again talking about the video side of things over here, Tanner, did it ever cut out on you or freeze at all? Yes.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Yes, it did. Did it a few times, a few times it did for me to a couple of times. And then I did realize at the end that my online computer backup had been running the whole time. So I think that might've played a part on my side of that going. I don't know if that affected both of us, if that caused both of us to have issues or just me or just you, but I hit pause on it here just a little bit ago and it's been fine since. So I got to remember that next time and hopefully
Starting point is 01:15:58 that actually does make a difference. So how's that work work does it make it a little bit slower other things run oh yeah it'll use like as much it'll use like as much of my internet as possible to push backups online for me so it's just you know using up using up more bandwidth so um yeah anything you can do to clear the pipeline is good you always got to protect the bandwidth that's what i've always said that's right gotta have that bandwidth all right make sure to catch uh anything you can from our last drop that's available dependent flags we should still have some maybe there's a couple sides of kind of it kind of fat teas uh but then we have decent stock on everything a lot of other other things and we have some cool stuff coming down the pipeline that we can't talk about yet, of course, but stay frosty on that and wait and listen to what we've got left.
Starting point is 01:16:52 Please leave us a five-star review if you could on Apple Podcasts. Hit us up with that five-star review. We're working on getting the road to the road to 500. We desperately want to get 500 podcast reviews, so hit us up there. It's fairly easy and we would appreciate it. Let a friend know about the podcast likes on YouTube, Facebook,
Starting point is 01:17:12 all those places. Tommy, where do they find you at? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D and you can follow me at Tanner underscore Baird, but just make sure to follow massonomics at massonomics. See ya. Tanner underscore Baird, but just make sure to follow Massanomics at Massanomics. See ya.

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