Massenomics Podcast - Ep. 416: Building a New Home Gym

Episode Date: March 25, 2024

Big Tommy is finally making the leap into the home gym world! We brought in a special expert guest to help get to the bottom of all the details on equipment, setup, and plans going forward. Build Formula Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% on every order! BearFoot Shoes Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10% on every order! Juggernaut AI Use code MASSENOMICS to save 10%! The Strength Co Get some Go-To Plates! Swiss Link Use code MASS to save 15%! Texas Power Bars Get the Barbell that changed the game!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Thanks for what you do with your podcast and all the rest. You're doing a great job. Hope everybody keeps tuning in. You get a lot of good info, a lot of insights, understandings on how to get strong, how to stay strong, how to use your strength. You do a great job, dude. You make things better than they are in real life, I think.
Starting point is 00:00:15 If you don't follow Massanomics, y'all do it. Social media, website, everything. Massanomics. Ladies and gentlemen, Massanomics is in the house! Just wanted a little extra Gino in there. Gino gets a double intro on us. A little extra Gino intro. Got a lot of double intro on us. A little extra Geno intro. We've got a lot of Geno intros.
Starting point is 00:00:47 A little extra Geno never hurt nobody, though. We've just got to get warmed up for July and get everyone a little Geno ready for what July. Imagine all the Masonomics-type things he's going to be screaming. It's never even been at our event before, all the stuff that he screams. How many catchphrases is he going to have when he walks away from our event? He's going to have so many Masonomics sayings.
Starting point is 00:01:10 It should give us some good marketing material. Here we go, everyone, for the 416th time. Hand grenade pins in every line. This is the Masonomics podcast, the lifting podcast about nothing, episode 416. My name is Tanner. and my name is tommy that was some um i was spitting some m&m lines there i thought you were just straight up freestyling that was just i mean it's basically freestyle yeah but i just i just draw from all of your inspirations yeah right like i know it comes out as freestyle but
Starting point is 00:01:43 just to be honest with everyone like i am pulling from works of other people actually when i do that stuff that's fair i don't want to try and be something i'm not like i don't want to give a false sense of my um rapping ability that's fair all right this episode episode 416 we got a lot of cool stuff before i even tell you about that i got something on my mind that I can't wait to get out. This episode is brought to you by Juggernaut AI. They are a sponsor of the Mastodonomics podcast and for great reason. Because Tommy and I both use Juggernaut AI, have used it for many months.
Starting point is 00:02:21 Like I said, we're users of it. A lot of people that we train with have been users of it someone at the gym was just showing me a cool feature a few days ago and then like yesterday today i saw someone in our discord a couple juggernaut ai users showing it was like it'll now start to show you like total tonnage lifted i did yes i did that program very cool and i had Yes, I did see that. Lifetime on the program. Very cool. And I had never looked at that myself before. That's an example of all that is at your disposal in the app. You know, that particular thing might not be something that you exactly have to have every lifter needs, but what that app gives you is just a lot of a cool ability to look at stuff like that and to see your past training and it logs it all
Starting point is 00:03:05 for you and it's right there and like a really easy consumable way to look at also the training it just used phasic training structure that is backed in you know the scientific principles of strength training and then it is specifically molded and catered to the individual using it and the longer you use the app the greater it starts to hone in on what you need to be working on. So make sure to check them out. It's You go to the website and make sure to sign up on the website because that's where you can use discount code Mastanomics. If you sign up through the app, you can't use the discount code. Go to the website,, discount code Mastanomics, 10% off. Go to the website,
Starting point is 00:03:44 Discount code MASSANOMICS. 10% off. Thank you, Juggernaut. What's going on with my camera, Tanner? It just keeps, I think it's, I mean, it's going to be okay, but for some reason it looks like it keeps wanting to focus on the background behind me. I have no idea why it's doing that. It must see Bernie back there.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Like, there's the real star of the show. That must be what it's doing. All right. So you were just telling us the good word about juggernaut AI. I'm going to tell you the good word about Texas power bars. Buddy Caps first started lifting weights in the late 60s and began powerlifting in the mid-70s. At the time, he was working for Image Barbell, building gym equipment. Around 1976, a local machine shop started making Olympic bars for
Starting point is 00:04:25 them, calling it the Image Bar. In 1977, Image Barbell became Champion Barbell. It was then that Buddy started looking at the bars with an intent of changing them for the better. In 1979, Buddy bought his first lathe to begin addressing the known issues. In 1980, his passion, drive, and purpose now had a greater mission. he set out on his own to make what he believed was the greatest bar he'd ever seen and trained with and the texas power bar was born it was strong as a house was the with the best knurling and it was maintenance free thousands of state national international world and massonomics powerlifting records have been and continue to be set and broken on the tex Bar. To learn more about Texas Power Bars and buy one of their legendary bars, visit
Starting point is 00:05:12 Thank you, Texas Power Bars. Episode 416, we've got an exciting episode. We're going to actually, we had an original guest plan that is falling through this week. We're going to get him back on later. So we have a surprise guest coming up later this episode that nobody except for Tommy and I and this guest are aware of who that's going to be. So
Starting point is 00:05:33 some exciting stuff coming on this surprise guest that you'll hear more from later. We get to find out a little bit about or probably quite a bit about what Tommy's got going on as far as a home gym. We got lots of home gym talk today so buckle in people. We're gonna get we teased it last week and this week we actually are gonna get to get to get to it. First we've got some other
Starting point is 00:06:00 things I just should we dive into a can first Tommy or should or should i think that's a good idea yeah okay let's dive in crack a cold one a cold crispy icy one what are you rocking over there i've got a little i've got mine in my twins cup and i don't mean minnesota twins i mean the cooers light too i keep forgetting to damn grab that damn cup uh i just gotta use the can like a regular old person but i am going with the lemon lido oh i tried to guess which flavor you were gonna go with that was the lime was right there i went with the lemon though i grabbed the pink one at first thinking maybe he's gonna get through this pink one first to get it get through with it because i know you like these other flavors and then i thought you know what i think he's just going to go with what might be his favorite one of the bunch just uh you just can't you just can't hold back anymore i can't but
Starting point is 00:06:49 sometimes uh sometimes lemon is up there with my favorite too though yeah i've got the lime i've also got it in a classic massonomics drink spotter light so So how's the limon flavor? It is quite delightful. Very tasty. As tasty as lemon water can be. I've got lime. I like it. I like it.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I'm not saying this as a negative, but not a super flavorful lime. I actually don't mind what this is packing, but I've certainly had other limes that pack a little more lime punch. But I don't even know if I wouldn't say it's... Stronger? It's crisp. Yeah, yeah, stronger. So it depends on what you want there.
Starting point is 00:07:38 But not bad. I'd give this a three and a half every day. I'd go three and a half on this too. I'd say I would have. Three and a half every day, all day. I've had better lemons, but it's still very, very good.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Hey, when life gives you lemons, make sparking water. That's what we've always said. I see big, big, uh, Jen V saying something in the discord here in one of the channels right now.
Starting point is 00:07:59 And this would be good. Cause I could address it. Uh, she's, she said she just finished masters of the Air on Apple TV, and she said it was excellent. We had talked about it before, and I had said I don't have Apple TV. Well, as a matter of fact, over the last couple weeks,
Starting point is 00:08:15 we've been borrowing someone's Apple TV. Oh, rule breakers. I have just two episodes left of Masters of the Air, as a matter of fact. And boy, is it good. She is 100% correct on that. It was almost hard for me to podcast tonight because I'm like, I could stay up. I don't normally, as I've said many times, I don't watch very much TV. But I would have stayed up late tonight to watch the rest of this because it's on my mind.
Starting point is 00:08:46 I just want to see the end of this show. It is very much as advertised Band of Brothers-esque only Air Force Bomber edition really. It is the
Starting point is 00:09:01 old conundrum on the war series is where you know you got a lot of you got a lot of characters that you like and just things don't always go well for all these when when they're in working these uh uh that's how when there's it's how war tends to go right yes yeah world war ii a lot of people died i guess so but that show is excellent that's like a five out of five for me i love it but she also mentions and then get apple tv so you can watch ted lasso and i've been record on this before i've watched that some before my wife had me into watching it a maybe like a year or two ago and it was fine i'm not i don't want to talk i think we've actually talked about this maybe
Starting point is 00:09:44 offline yeah and we came to the same conclusion. Because have you seen Ted Lasso? We had this exact conversation. We're both like, it's totally fine. We get why people like it, but it was just too bubbly and happy too wholesome. Ted Lasso does not captivate my interest. It's hard for me if that's on to not like look at my phone because it's just, I don't think it's that funny. I think it's like marginally funny at times.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I agree. I started with my wife. I'm like, everyone says it's so good. And we got like four episodes and she's like, are you sure people actually say this is good? I'm like, yes,
Starting point is 00:10:18 people like it. And after like one more episode, she's like too cheesy. Can't do it. And she quit at episode five. And I just, I couldn't, I couldn't not finish the first season and i had to finish it and i got done i'm like yeah i probably don't need to watch any more of this show so i i haven't watched any more of it i 100% why people get like it it's just a little too wholesome cheesy for me yeah it's not
Starting point is 00:10:40 uh it's not i guess it's just not my perfect cup of tea. There's not enough wars and battles going on. Yeah, I'm like, when do people start shooting each other? Yeah, the special forces come in. What exactly does this have to do with World War II here? I don't get how this relates to World War II. What are they getting at here? Like everything has to come back to World War II or else are they getting at here? Like everything has to come
Starting point is 00:11:05 back to World War II or else it doesn't make sense to me. I'm like, so what branch of the military are they supposed to be in here? There's no soccer. There's no football branch of the military. Maybe they do it different in Europe. Ted Lasso,
Starting point is 00:11:20 Ted Lasso, you know, perfectly if it's in underrated, overrated. Ted Lasso, albeit probably a fine show. Well overrated. That's an easy overrated because it's rated so high. It is rated so high. That is an easy overrated for me. And I'm not even saying it's terrible.
Starting point is 00:11:37 Oh, no. I can think of way worse shows to watch than that. It's not exactly my cup of tea. Yeah. shows to watch than that it's not exactly my cup of tea yeah so that um that was my watching um that's what i've been watching as uh masters of the air freaking love it recommended to everyone i'd watch it a thousand times over ted lasso uh like we said ted lasso terribly uh like it's ted lasso's depiction of world war ii is so off the mark maybe that's the european depiction of it though maybe that's i don't know like that's like there's a diff of
Starting point is 00:12:13 like there's not even any raf uh royal air force stuff and like i don't even know they're so off the mark but masters of the air great but did you have a did you actually have a topic in here about movies or something, too? I think we're going to save that one. Or is that unrelated? No, I mean, it's somewhat unrelated, but we're going to save that for later on. We're going to get our guest included in this one, I think. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:35 That'll be a surprise guest, you mean. Yeah, surprise guest. We'll include them in that one. Surprise guest. I think we got to get out the big news, the giant 1,000-pound gorilla in the room. I'm not just talking about our surprise guests that we have coming up. We've got Home Gym Con. The South Dakota Hicks travel to French Lick for Home Gym Con 2024,
Starting point is 00:13:02 powered by Bells of Steel. Coming April 26th and 27th in French Lick, Indiana, and the Massanomics boys will be there. It is official. The wait is over. If that title doesn't just roll off the tongue and sell itself, then I don't know what does. That's our working title, just so everyone gets that clear.
Starting point is 00:13:22 It's the South Dakota Hicks Travel to French Lick for Home Gym Con 2024, powered by Bells of Steel. Gets me excited just hearing that. So you probably see that on a lot of graphics and a lot of videos and stuff. So we are flying. We're not going to have a booth. We're going to do content in this trip. We're going to fly in thursday night the con starts on
Starting point is 00:13:48 friday morning so we'll get we'll get in pretty we'll get into french lick real late actually like probably like after midnight i suppose on um thursday night no strangers to little sleep on on work trips people worry about that shit at this point. Sleep on work trips? Please. We don't even. Compared to the Arnold, which we're just getting off, I'm like, you're telling me we don't have to drive. Like, you just get in a plane and sit there?
Starting point is 00:14:12 Like, who cares? It's going to be like one in the morning. Like, all we're doing is sitting our asses down in a plane. It's like an hour drive to the airport. That's nothing. And then when you get there, we don't have like half days worth of work of unloading stuff. I get to go through airport security.
Starting point is 00:14:26 I don't have to worry about two kids screaming the whole time with me. It's just Tanner is all I got to worry about. Man. Just me screaming. This trip is on autopilot. I don't want to go on a plane. Take me back to home, Jim. Take me back to French Lick.
Starting point is 00:14:41 So we'll be there. And then we're leaving Saturday early uh early evening you know so we might miss like the last hour or two of the event but otherwise we'll be there for the duration everything else and uh you know there's a strongman event going on a grip grip competition going on there is a ton of vendors yeah a lot of vendors the vendor list is long like as we were looking at it today it's just uh it's long and it's hard that vendor list so that is one way to describe it yes and there's uh so we're going to do be shooting youtube videos some vlogging some equipment stuff etc etc we're also hoping to do
Starting point is 00:15:20 some live podcasting while we're there at home gym con and i shouldn't really say hoping to do some live podcasting while we're there at home gym con. And I shouldn't really say hoping to, I mean, we basically do, we do have the green light to make that happen. We just have to get everything scheduled out and planned out. Should be some Arnold style videos as well. Yes. Some type of that style of content while we're there.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Yeah. Hopefully, you know, we should end up with like a home gym con tour sort, sort of, sort of addition. And, uh, I'm excited to see, check out all the equipment that's there. And, um, you know, there's several vendors on the list that we already have great personal connections with that. It's just fun.
Starting point is 00:15:56 It's just getting to see people, another chance to see, or even vendors that you have bought things from before and you've never got to meet. So this will be. That's true. A way you've, I mean, definitely people you've talked with online for years and have never met in person. And then there's a bunch of crew that's going to be there. I think Big Keith is keeping tabs on that as maybe like at least like 10 crew members. Yeah, maybe just as many as what was at the Arnold. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:23 So that'll be exciting. I'm excited for the trip. That's coming up in barely over a month already. That is pretty much like five weeks away. Yeah, by the time you're hearing this, basically a month. Yeah, yeah. And it's just going to be way less. The Arnold is very fun, also very stressful pre, during, and post,
Starting point is 00:16:43 where this, I feel like, like is not gonna feel like that almost at all it shouldn't be we really got uh two things on our mind make content and have fun and chew bubble gum we're all out of bubble gum okay three things on our mind i guess yeah and rip zin upper lippers and we're all out of nine milligram zins tanner's gonna see if he can get addicted to the zins this time i'm gonna work on it again i'm gonna try again i'm not giving up that easily big to big nicotine i shouldn't say tobacco there's no tobacco but um that's all the same all the same to me i'll get you'll you'll get me in your your greasy grips one way or another your stinky grips yeah so home gym con you know more on that i
Starting point is 00:17:34 obviously as when we get there expect to hear like i said some podcasting coming out then you know that won't be but maybe like five episodes or so away from now so that will not be long and then same same way with the youtube content and uh we have been pumping out the youtube content as of late too we're doing like three episodes three uh not episodes episodes there's at least three videos on youtube every single week cranking them out yeah it's just they want a content over there it's crazy it's a regular old content factory it is they interview with uh big meg squats came out last thursday was the big arnold vlog which i love that video if you haven't checked out that one go give it a watch and i dare you to watch that and not just be like oh this looks just everything about this is fun it's like it's like these guys are having fun.
Starting point is 00:18:25 There's a bunch of fun people around. I just couldn't imagine someone watching. Even if they don't like us, they'd be like, well, I don't particularly care for those guys, but it does look like they're having a really good time. I think there was even a comment saying something along the lines, if you guys laugh a lot or you have fun, and I can guarantee you that is not a show.
Starting point is 00:18:43 We are genuinely having fun the entire time the the least fun part of the whole thing is when we're just trying to pack everything up and even then we're still kind of having a good time yeah that's true yeah as much of a good time as you can while um that's going on uh there was at times where I did feel like though that I'm getting too old for this shit. There was maybe more than a few times that you said that actually. I think that did pop up in the video. It made one
Starting point is 00:19:14 appearance. Yes. I was happy to see it once. I was excited going back to the footage and there was one instance of it because it was said a lot. I'm getting a little too old for this shit i got something in the mail this week you haven't seen this one yet i got a new postcard it's show until postcard time uh this one it is rob schneider is tommy schneider
Starting point is 00:19:40 and tommy schneider is rob schneider in and the twins and it's uh Rob Schneider on Tommy Schneider's face squatting and then Tommy Schneider's face on top of Rob Schneider as a South Park episode when he was a carrot and the back says coming to a theater near you that's really good that's really good. That's really good. And the twins. I'm getting quite the collection of postcards. I don't need to know who's sending these. As a matter of fact, I like not knowing.
Starting point is 00:20:13 Oh, it would ruin the whole thing knowing it. The only thing I'd like to know, is this all from one person or is this all from a different person? You know what's even funnier to think about? If someone, like let's say your next-door neighbor, got that postcard instead, the mailman actually gave it to them, they'd be so confused what the hell is going on.
Starting point is 00:20:35 Well, actually just our mailman and mailwoman in general that we have, like I know that we do a lot of mail stuff with Masonomics, of course, so we know them pretty well. And I would be curious. I suppose it's in your job that you're not supposed to like actively pay attention to this. But like you couldn't not look at some of these. What is this? This is so stupid.
Starting point is 00:20:58 And the twins. I had a little. Well, which we got a few updates here. I had a little I had a little, well, which we got a few updates here. I had a little, I had a little cankle update. I have been making, I have been making cankle progress actually over the last few days in particular. The swelling has finally really started to go down. I'm getting close to two weeks from the date of injury. And the swelling is still notice. you would look at it next to my
Starting point is 00:21:27 other foot and be like oh that still looks bad but it's way way less swelling and uh way less purpleness and with that a little less pain and discomfort too yeah so i'm walking a little more normally i'm definitely walking quite a bit more normally and it just, it definitely hurts quite a bit less. It's still pretty swollen. And it's even just annoying with my socks. Like every pair of socks I have is tight because my foot is like the diameter of my, everything is just so much. Yeah. It just, so it's like when you, you know, sometimes when you take your sock off and it leaves that imprint.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Well, and mine, like, it's like squishing down. Right. It's like indented, like a sausage in the casing right yeah say exactly like a sausage in the casing and um but uh lifting wise it's still tricky because there's just still very limited flexion range of motion there you know but i was able to do some dead lifting this weekend. I did some deadlifts off the floor. Not exactly my normal form because I really have to keep more of a vertical shin angle than I normally would. But then I did some block pulls. And those, I was able to do those and have it feel really quite normal.
Starting point is 00:22:40 Because with the higher start height, I don't need to have my... Right, your leg can be a little more perpendicular to the ground. Right, yeah, more, yes, exactly. And that, I was like, ah, yes, these I could be doing probably, I can start doing these sooner because I just can get in that position. You know, it's not perfectly comfortable and stuff, but I want to be working it a little bit anyway. Yeah, still giving you some of that stimulus.
Starting point is 00:23:05 Right, right. So that's working it a little bit anyway. Yeah, still giving you some of that stimulus. Right, right. So that's my can't-kill progress. So I do think I have really promising progress even just within the last couple days that I'm like, ah, yes, this won't last forever, although at times it seems like it'll just be forever. I'm thinking it will not be forever. Yeah, it could be a while, but yeah,
Starting point is 00:23:23 the fact that it is making progress, that is. I'm going to, at some point, I don't know how long this will take, but when I start trying to be able to squat, I'm going to use the slant board, and I think I can get away a little bit easier with the slant board because then my ankle, I can get away with even less need for the ankle to bend in that way. That's a good call. Ankle progress 2024. I got to keep working on it.
Starting point is 00:23:53 I got to be ready just in case. Yeah, a hypothetical thing were to pop up. Yeah, you just never know. And doing the block pulls works all right because just in case there was an event in there, you know, a deadlift that was a high pull deadlift, you know, I guess I can have some practice. You wouldn't want to be caught off guard. Just purely, purely just in case, you know, hypothetically, if something like that were to be.
Starting point is 00:24:17 That's good. I have maybe an update on the injury thing. I might have spoke too soon last week saying how i thought i was in the clear because uh not exactly injury related but the next morning after i got off the podcast ryan from iowa did you i didn't see ryan but i'm wondering if there was the lasting the lingering effects because a sickness worked through our family starting last night after i got off the podcast and boy it was a last week last week last week And boy, it was a tough. Last week. Last week, yes, yes.
Starting point is 00:24:46 It was a tough about four days how things went here. But everyone is on the up and up and things seem to be going better. So, yeah, might have spoke too soon. Ryan still might have had some lasting effects on us after all. Working his space jam magic still. Is that the Ryan update? Yeah yeah that's the ryan update i thought maybe it's like something about your brother or uh no no no that's the right update anything new on your brother uh no i actually haven't talked to him for a little bit now
Starting point is 00:25:18 uh actually probably a couple weeks ago but i'll be i'm coming to this actually he was actually back to back squatting for the first time the last two weeks he is the first time he back squat i saw that that's surprising still repping out three he said uh you know it was it was a nice feeling you know he feels like he's just kind of a strong guy that he can uh like i'm not saying that as like a like i get what he's saying when he says this like it's a relatable thing where he's like i haven't even been i have not done a back squat in four months or whatever he says and he could still put 315 on and do like a set of uh six or eight or whatever it was and just like they look like a squat should look like and he was doing hacks like for people listening it's not like he was doing yeah he was working out this entire time he was just avoiding back squats was right and
Starting point is 00:26:08 that's we i taught we talked i talked about that with him quite a bit even how it's like well yeah but you've been like and not only has he been hack squatting but he's also just been like lifting hard yeah you know it's like he hasn't been maxing out he hasn't been back squatting hasn't been dead lifting but like he's still lifting like super purpose. He hasn't been back squatting. He hasn't been dead lifting. But, like, he's still lifting, like, super purposefully. You know, he's been on Juggernaut AI the whole time and still, like, lifting with a lot of intention and purpose and stuff. It's just the movements have been slightly different movements. I'm surprised that he wasn't doing any squatting at all.
Starting point is 00:26:42 Like, if I can, assuming things feel good, I just like to have squats into my into my workout in some way but I mean I also I guess I suppose taking some time off from it gives you that excitement when you go back well that was his thought is that anymore like he might just do those for say like three or six months of the year and then the other half of the year not really do them yeah and might just might just rotate it that way you know like say if you're gonna do a power lifting meet you know start like six months before it's working it back in and and then like when you're done with it not really do those for that for a while too and i could
Starting point is 00:27:19 especially as like a bunch of us that are recreationally into this and like as you get i would also say for people that have built up are recreationally into this and like as you get i would also say for people that have built up a certain level of strength and like that'll that'll keep you in maintenance for so long like you're gonna lose so little at that point but like if you're a complete greenhorn noob yeah i'd be like no you probably need to like keep doing the yeah right right so that was my ryan update okay that's good to have one of those two um let's see how you put this reverse hyper in here is that supposed to be in podcast or is that related to what we were talking about uh no actually this is related dude it's it's almost this i didn't know if we were because we were
Starting point is 00:28:08 talking about reverse hyper for something else today and i didn't know it's almost comical how much certain stereotypes do exist in the gym and the every stereotype you could have about the reverse hyper is just so true in a commercial gym it is so true. This gym I'm at now is the first commercial gym I've been to that has a reverse hyper. And it's just something about that damn thing just gravitates people. It just pulls people to it to set things on. I think it's the fact that it's a table that's chest height
Starting point is 00:28:40 really, really gets people's attention because the number of people that come in to people's credit, most people don't leave their stuff on it. Every once in a while, people do leave their stuff on top of it, but there's a lot of people that their first thing when they do, when they get to the gym is they walk over to the reverse hyper and they set everything out like it's their work bench. And I'm just like, dude, I get it. You're not here permanently, but some people, they got to put it all out and have their pre-workout and put like their, have their stuff on it for 20 minutes. And I think that's a significant portion of someone's workout and you're just chilling with all your stuff on there. And it's, it seems like I'm just,
Starting point is 00:29:19 it's a dumb stereotype. That's not true, but it is so true. People love that damn thing. I don't, if it's your home gym, of course of course use the use your reverse hyper table as a table if it's even if it's massonomics gym go ahead and use it as a table as long as you're aware enough to know like if there's someone in there that might be wanting to use it but in a commercial gym i don't think it's the right move i just to walk in and sprawl your shit out on any piece of equipment just as a table. Just remove the reverse hyper and just take any piece of equipment. Bench press. Yes. I went over this bench. I'm just going to lay out all my shit here. I just didn't want to bend over to put my shoes on. So I'm laying all my shoes across the bench. I didn't, I don't plan
Starting point is 00:29:57 on this using this either, but there's that. But then the thing that a lot of people do too, still though, is the handles off the back. A lot of people like to hang their gym bags off of the handles which is also comical to me that you don't want your gym bag on the floor so you hang it on the off off the handles off the back that's a thousand it's kind of out of the way but i've also i go use it then when people are doing that like i'm breathing all over your stuff if i if i was all sweaty i'd be sweating on your stuff i don't get that sweaty but it's it's it's comical to me and it is so totally a real thing big alex said last person he saw using reverse hyper in a commercial gym was just a box jumps onto it people just just don't get it it's it's uh it's it's just a giant table it's just it's basically a standing desk for the gym. It's a great place to go lean on and browse your phone in between sets.
Starting point is 00:30:53 People can't get enough of it. Yeah, so the reverse hyper. So have you had that before where you want to use it and a bunch of people have stuff on it? Yeah, yeah, for sure. That and people love to pile their stuff around it you know luckily the reverse hyper works in just one plane so you know where it's at but uh i mean there's always gym bags all around it for whatever reason that's the spot to to lay your things like people just know it's universal like it's just something built into
Starting point is 00:31:19 our dna that resembles a table and it's up high. I can stand at it. It's good. Well, should we do a little supporting our supporting members from this week? I think so. Okay. Big Dr. Hogan. Big shout-out to Big Dr. Hogan. Exciting news here, actually. This is an exciting news alert.
Starting point is 00:31:41 Exciting news alert. Big Dr. Hogan from Ohio was able to do me a solid, do me a favor. There's been one missing pair in the York dumbbell roundhead collection, and the search is over. Big Hogan was able to pick up those 85-pound York roundhead dumbbells for me. I got them paid for, got them picked up, so now he's holding them hostage. And he will be at home gym con. So we wondered, is there a way to do it?
Starting point is 00:32:17 And there's not because we're flying. I was going to say, tell me you figured out a way to this because I want to hear that. You're going to send these back. So there's not a great way to do that shipping them isn't it i'm paying for a carry-on luggage and i'm paying for double because i'm putting 170 pounds in it so possibly um possibly you know who knows maybe there'll be someone driving here for lift hard live easy classic 2 that could snag him in or out. That's a possibility. Or, you know, certainly a possibility will be the Arnold 2025, which I'm okay.
Starting point is 00:32:52 You know, the search is over. The wait is over. They're in his possession. See, the thing I don't like about the Arnold 2025 is I want to make that damn video before then. We can't do the video of the complete set. It's not really technically complete without it. No, we can't make that video the complete set it's not really technically complete without no we can't make that video and i don't i don't want to wait a year to make that video
Starting point is 00:33:08 so if anyone's driving and to western northeast south or even even if anyone's just going west from hogan that could get to a farther west crew member and could do the 85s and part of a relay it's not the pony express it. It's the Crew Express here. I should get that map out and be like, okay, Hogan, if you just drive these 20 miles west, you can meet up with Mini Action Jesus. Yes. And then, Mini, I just need you to get 20 miles west, and you can meet up with Matthias.
Starting point is 00:33:40 Well, he's coming to the Littoral Museum Classic, though. All right. No, but I like that idea better to incorporate. There's just like 10 handoffs like a 15 person relay and where none of them actually travel more than like 20 miles yeah like so like it's so to each one it's not that big it exchanges five times just going across indiana and and then maybe like each one of them gets to sign the dumbbell uh like on the back of it and then i get it it's like the the the collection was only complete thanks in part to like 15 different crew members made it to everyone and also all those all
Starting point is 00:34:13 those exchanges did take several days you know there was never an exchange like the whole process didn't take a week it took months it took like yeah everyone no yep i'm headed that way in like three weeks i'm like okay perfect i've got it Everyone got to have the 85s in their home for a couple weeks. Yes. So shout out to him for that. That's exciting. You know, I'm excited about that, of course. Big Stu and Big Travis from the Lift Hard Strength Club
Starting point is 00:34:41 were on guests on Unpaid and Underrated this week. Great episode there. I really enjoyed hearing Big Stu and Big Travis talk about their gym startup experience. And, you know, a lot of that hits close to home. And it's fun to think, I wouldn't want to steal a bit of their thunder in any way, but it is just fun to think that we're some form of uh you know massonomics at least plays some small small role of inspiration in the process you know given our history and what we've done so it is pretty cool actually it's really cool to think about it in
Starting point is 00:35:15 that way that like now uh these two dude you know good dudes in west virginia now have a sweet gym plus i can say they're startup founders too. That's true. That's true. Which is what you want to be able to put on your LinkedIn. Yes. That is really good. Founder of a startup gym.
Starting point is 00:35:35 They can leave the gym part out. Just founder of a startup. Just startup. Yeah. And then last, I want to mention our latest hall of fame induct inductees and these are into the 12 achievement class we shouted out the first four last week and now we have the next six that have made it this week you know at the very beginning here i think there's gonna be quite a few and i think that's already starting to taper off probably but i would say some people are still just getting those letters like even
Starting point is 00:36:05 as recent as like today and those all shipped out on the same day like grant and big d down in south carolina got theirs like two days i assume that that video was a week old and they were just posting it now they just got it and i think i am now up to five that have gotten returned well that's not but i've gotten updated addresses on all five, and those have all shipped back out. Okay. But the latest, the next six inductees into the 12 Achievement Masonomics Crew Hall of Fame are Big Joey, come on down. Big Scantz, come on down.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Kind of a Canadian contingency there off the bat. Then we've got Big Waffler and Jim. No surprise there. Big Grayson, the first South Dakotan to make it into the Hall of Fame. Big Grayson Anatomy. And then Big Dodzilla, supporting member number one. And then Big Dr. Jake from State Farm made it in there as another Midwestern, you know, a little bit of Midwestern representation in there. So we
Starting point is 00:37:06 now have 10 members in the 12 Achievement Hall of Fame. Very very well achieving individuals there. Yeah. Nobody in the 15 club yet. We also I wouldn't not putting any carts before any horses, but
Starting point is 00:37:21 I mean, I have been secretly behind the scenes and someone's hit 15 yet. We've been talking about possible changes, alterations, additions to what the 15 Achievement Hall of Fame members receive as a part of that achievement. I would say this. At minimum, there will be what's on the table that we've already presented to everyone as an award for that,
Starting point is 00:37:47 but we're thinking of a way to make that even better. So it could possibly even get better. Yeah. I hope we can work it out because it'll be cool. Yeah, yeah. So that's our supporting members. We'd love to have you become a supporting member. It's very easy to do.
Starting point is 00:38:03 It's so easy a caveman could almost do it. You go to slash join. That's where you can get joined up. We have several levels that you can get signed up at. We'd love to have you sign up at any of them. If you've been a listener to this podcast for a long time and you just want to support us somehow, that would be a really easy, awesome way to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:21 We greatly appreciate everyone that we have in on that program. We try to give back a little bit, uh, like by this segment, by our mailings, like we just did here recently, uh, you get access to our discord. It's the only way you get in, in our discord. It's the only way you get to listen live to the podcast. It's the only way you get early info on drops, early access to drops. There's a discount code special for those supporting members, all kinds of cool stuff. So, uh come be a member love to have you also this week maybe we'll talk about this more in our next segment but uh make sure to check out the strength co made in america olympic iron barbell plates they're the best at it it's what
Starting point is 00:39:06 they do it's what you should go to the strength co for check them out if you need plates for home gym commercial gym maybe you're going to start a kind of a smaller club semi-commercial gym like mass and i'm extreme or like the lift hard gym in west virginia something like that i know they bought a bunch of strength co plates we've bought a bunch of strength co-plates. We've got a bunch of strength co-plates. There's a reason we all did that. It's because they're the best damn plates that are out there. So check them out.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Actually very affordable, very reasonably priced for what you get, and their shipping rates are basically the best in the business. Dynamite. Yeah, and really those prices haven't changed or anything as maybe prices on other things you purchase have. So check that out at Today's show is also brought to you by Barefoot Shoes. Most shoes harm your mobility by over-restricting your foot's natural movement.
Starting point is 00:40:01 Barefoot shoes are designed with minimal restrictions so your feet can move the way they're supposed to. Move with more strength and confidence in every step. Barefoot Shoes was founded by Chris Duffin, who attributes proper foot biomechanics as foundational to his success in squatting and deadlifting over 1,000 pounds for reps. He helped create the company to provide a minimalist shoe that can be worn for anything from deadlifts to walking your dog. Go to to check out the best minimalist shoes available. And while you're there, make sure to use code MASSANOMICS to save 10% on your next order. That's
Starting point is 00:40:37 Code MASSANOMICS will save you 10%. Thank you, Barefoot Shoes. Thanks, Barefoot. Well, should we get our guests going in here yeah we better kick out all these other sorry sons of gun freeloaders that are here and then uh just get our guests on the horn if you will a classic guest on the horn scenario here we got the horns we got to put the guest on it what good is a horn without a guest to put on it? The horn has been prepared.
Starting point is 00:41:08 There's just no guest on it yet. So we're almost there. Oh, hello, hello, hello. There he is. I can assure you that I am not hornless. I am horny. I am here. Oh, I guess they'll let anyone on this podcast nowadays.
Starting point is 00:41:25 How you guys doing? It's a big, big, big Keith here from a unpaid and underrated and the no wine seller. Yeah. For anyone, uh, maybe there's some people listening that don't know who you are, big Keith. So give us, uh, what is the known no wine seller and what is the unpaid and underrated? We're looking for a 10,000 foot view here.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Yeah. Give us the 10,000 foot view. Uh, no wine sellers. My home gym that I started, uh, about to have, you know, in 2015 catered to all my powerlifting buddies would come over, got three squat racks, a bench press deadlift platform. So I have anywhere from, you know, two to 15 people over here on a regular basis and unpaid and underrated podcast is as some people call it the sister podcast to the mass
Starting point is 00:42:02 nomics podcast. I don't know if I agree to that. You know, we are a, you you know we're definitely adjacent to them we're not really sure who the sister podcast is just yet but maybe maybe we'll figure it out oh right as my laptop fell off my cradle there we go i like to mention on us i like to think that you are uh because the background is your home gym there but i like to think it's kind of like a green screen background but i also like to think that's actually exactly where you are sitting too but you just have it as a green screen just for the hell of it it used to be but it's uh my bit
Starting point is 00:42:34 my wife told me when i record in my basement gym it's actually louder throughout the house than if i'm in like a spare bedroom so i gotta admit you know considering it's it's 10 30 at night here she's been in bed for a couple hours i gotta got to try to, you know, not be as, you know, as disruptive as I could be. Yeah. So do you got a special beverage over there, Keith? This week I've just got a Poland Springs. I am officially out of Bubblies and all that. I actually need to go grab one before our podcast Thursday.
Starting point is 00:43:00 So we got big Keith on because we got a lot of fun exciting news to talk about about uh tommy's venture into the into the home gym community but also as long you're on keith you probably i mean obviously you already know about this but we're going to be at home gym con and you're gonna be there too absolutely no i've been excited i've been kind of busting your guys's chops to get a final answer and you've been uh you know i know you had some you know some irons in the fire trying to figure out if you could make it or not. So I was like, oh man, that would, it would, cause I was like very much had, you know, you know, very much missed out on going to the Arnold. And I was like, oh, that looked like such a good weekend. I just, you know, I couldn't justify all the expenses
Starting point is 00:43:34 this year. I already had home gym con on the books. So I was like, oh man, if I can, if I can get them to come to home gym con, that would just, you know, make, make up for missing the Arnold. So no, I'm excited. I think you guys are gonna have a blast you're gonna make a ton of content uh i think even if you had to pay out of pocket to get there i think it still would have been worth it in all honesty so i think you guys are gonna have a blast yeah i'm excited about it i think it's just uh it's just different than the arnold you know i don't we haven't been to home gym console not vets of it so i can't speak from experience but like the arnold is so many people which has its pros and cons whereas home gym con i you know assume is a lot more
Starting point is 00:44:11 uh tight knit of a group in a way and which also could say yeah which also has its you know pros that go along with that that the arnold doesn't have with just being so many damn people around all the time so So we're excited. Yep, there should be a blast. I'm excited. If anyone's listening to this and haven't bought tickets yet and are still on the hook or interested in it, code UNPAY, it'll save you a few bucks, and come on out and see us in French Lick.
Starting point is 00:44:37 All right, awesome. So, Tommy, Keith, we're just going to chat with Tommy about his home gym stuff. So there's no real plan or format here. We just going to chat with Tommy about his home gym stuff. So there's no real, no real plan or format here. We just want to have you on because I guess also why we'd say we're having Keith on, like you talked about the no wine cellar, you know, he's had a home gym for himself for 10 years and it's, it's not your average home gym. Yeah. I mean, you have, you have people, uh, come over and come train there regularly, weekly,
Starting point is 00:45:05 and it's almost like, I don't know what you call that. It's like a club home gym almost in a way. Maybe not members like there is in a commercial gym, but you have regulars. Yeah, I feel it's as close to a little boutique gym as you can have. It's like a mini-Massanomics gym. Every Sunday I have an open gym you know it's like a mini massonomics gym it's just you know we basically do every sunday i have an open gym and it's anywhere as over the years i've had anywhere from like five regulars on sunday now it's just like uh one person comes regularly uh but then i do uh an open gym every one friday a month and it's anywhere from six to like 12 people pretty
Starting point is 00:45:40 regularly uh you know and we have enough equipment and space down there to handle that many people typically so right okay tommy so what have we told have you told anyone anything about what what's going on with your own gym yet i think other than mentioning it on the podcast on the road podcast that we did coming back i i think all i did was mention i'd gotten a rack and i i think that's all i said i don't know if I've really ever gotten into any more detail on anything yet. So what have you gotten? Now even go over the rack specifically too because I don't even know what we really-
Starting point is 00:46:11 So this is already the fun part is that, and you guys I'm sure all relate to this and probably do the same thing, is that already in my little to-do app that runs my entire life and my entire business, I know things are getting serious when underneath my personal category, not the work category, the personal category, there is now a group for home gym and the list is growing. So the wish list is there.
Starting point is 00:46:34 The items are added all the time. Things are purchased and checked off. New things get added on. It actually just grows more. It doesn't even when you check things off, but this is all right. So this is the list I'll run through. You guys can add commentary, critiques, whatever. And I'd be happy to justify why or why not. I did certain things that I did not a ton to go through right now, but a first piece. And this was what was mentioned on the podcast is I did tell Tanner, God, you know, if we go to the Arnold and there's a chance that I could just get a rack and we could come home with it and I could probably get a decent deal that I might actually do that. And you had made the comment. Yeah, there's probably a good
Starting point is 00:47:15 chance you could, you could do that. And yeah, it happened. So went by the Bezel still booth. They already had a 50% off sale for the last day of the Arnold. They had a, I wanted a three, my bare minimum was a three by three rack with standard five ACE or one inch holes, you know, something that I could use with other things. So I got this rack. I went with the, I don't want, as of right now, I don't want to take up my entire garage. I'm trying to keep things compact. So I have the 30 inch depth. So it's not a super deep brackets. It's relatively,
Starting point is 00:47:47 relatively slim. What's like a standard roll gun. What are those like 45 or something like that? It's 42 or 30. I believe, I think, I think I have a, I'm like 90% sure I have a 30 and it's fine.
Starting point is 00:47:58 What are the ones that mass now is Jim. They're a lot bigger. Yeah. Those big six post monster one. Yeah. 40 something. I'd put money. It's 42. Pretty confident. All right. So we got, yeah. So I
Starting point is 00:48:08 got 30. I don't see that. And it's a four post also. Yeah. It's a four post. It's a flat foot. It's a flat foot. So, um, I don't know, maybe more stable, I guess I've never used a flat foot. You just don't have to bolt them down essentially. And I didn't want to, the way they can justify. Yeah. Yep. And I didn't want to bolt anything down in my garage either. and i didn't want to the way they can justify yeah yep and i didn't want to bolt anything down in my garage either so that worked out well in my favor too um i also got they threw in four band pegs or sorry not band uh four uh weight pegs the the the ones that go on what would you call those like the pin loaded ones is that how you would describe that yeah because they they just go through the whole
Starting point is 00:48:45 yeah it's you know it's on a five eight five eight inch pin you know like a right like a j cup or whatever so i got four of those to to put weights on um i got the j cups for it i got the standard pull-up bar and then i got the bells of steel uh uh logo cross member rack header whatever you want to call that that is up on my list is i'm going to replace that with a custom massonomics one you know what's going to be on the custom massonomics one exactly what what's going to be on it yeah uh probably what i'm going to do is i'll probably take our red massonomics logo pattern that we do on the background of a lot of stuff. I'll get that printed and then I'll do the white massonomics logo, the massonomics stencil logo with the logo on the right hand side. I'll do that.
Starting point is 00:49:33 I can spread that out pretty good across it. So I think using one of the sign shops, we've done stuff. I actually should just one of the print shops that we've done stuff with locally before. just one of the print shops that we've done stuff with locally before. Whether I do something like an acrylic or a metal or even just like a magnet type material, just something they can print full color on. And I'll do something along those lines there. I think it's going to look cool when it's done, but that'll definitely be documented.
Starting point is 00:49:58 So that's the rack. That'll add an extra pop though. It will. Yes. I mean, that'll be a pop. Yes, because the rack is all black right now. So that will definitely add an extra pop. I did assemble the rack the other day. First time ever putting a rack together.
Starting point is 00:50:09 And yeah, it went off pretty smooth. I mean, it's pretty simple. You just do the same thing over and over again. Were all the parts there? Because when we took it out of my trailer, you know, there's a lot of nuts and bolts, but I think we got them all. I will say as of right now, I have-
Starting point is 00:50:21 They'd rattle the parts a little bit. So they're not everything. You know, there's some loose nuts. Yeah, I think the guy told me, there were So they're not everything. You know, there's some loose nuts. Yeah. I think the guy told me there were so many people talking to me when I bought it. I think they said they threw some extra hardware in there because there's a lot of extra hardware and I'm looking, I'm like, I didn't miss. There's no more holes to put things in.
Starting point is 00:50:36 I have all of them in. And I, and I probably have, I probably have 10 to 15 extra bolts right now. So they definitely threw some extra pieces in there. And yeah, the whole thing went together pretty easy. The hardest part was I did the entire thing by myself. There was a few times where it would have been nice to just have someone to hold something for me. So I'm not trying to do this crazy balancing act
Starting point is 00:50:59 on a ladder with getting these bolts to line up. But I did make it happen. Did you ever consider just having larry come do it you know that actually was before i even touched it before i even touched it i thought god damn it larry why don't you live closer this would be so much easier just show up with your little impact and i could i could just he could just show up with his impact and say here you go larry and then like 20 minutes later it'd be done i don't have to do anything that is the rack all right the other
Starting point is 00:51:25 pieces then uh while i was there at the arnold grant gave me the strength co standard bar and that's going to be a totally fine barbell i'm totally happy with the name of the bar what's that that is yeah that is the name of the bar that is the standard bar that a general purpose bar yeah it has the it has the double ring at least yeah yep center and early and it has the double ring marks on it but yeah just a pretty standard uh power bar so i got that one from grant grant also gave me all of the change plates while i was there we were a little maxed out on weight coming back so grant also wanted me to take my you know about probably i still wonder if we, I mean,
Starting point is 00:52:05 I'm, I assume we could have taken, we probably would have, but it's one of those things where when you go and then you run into troubles or there you blow a tire or something, you're like, Oh, life would have been a lot easier if we didn't have these. So I didn't take my 45s or my 25s, but those are on order and should be here very soon. But those are on order and should be here very soon. So the entire gym will be outfitted with strength co plates, which I'll be excited for that. Grant also threw in one of his little deadlift jacks. So I got one of those and he did throw in a weight tree.
Starting point is 00:52:36 So I got plenty of storage options in the gym when it comes to comes to my plates. Oh, and also a pair of the Strength Co. the fancy clips, whatever. Yeah. I can't remember what those things are actually called, but it kind of makes me regret now not having a pair of the red limited edition massonomics ones.
Starting point is 00:52:53 Yeah. Really, really missed my chance on that one. Yeah, those are all gone too. I know, I know. So that is those, and really, oh, okay. And also I should say, we'll talk about this more probably later on here, but when you start looking around,
Starting point is 00:53:11 you realize you have color options from different manufacturers for racks. But after that, the color options really disappear in a hurry, like a surprising amount. I thought for sure, never looking into this before, that J cups and things like that would every manufacturer would have just as many color options for those no that
Starting point is 00:53:29 there's zero it's your options black on those things so one one thing you can do to add a little pop just depending on what style j cup you have it's a company called aperture engineering they make these like uh uh you know, fabricate. What the fuck's the word? What's the machine that prints shit? Like a 3D printed thing? Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they do 3D printed things that you can basically.
Starting point is 00:53:52 So you take the UHMW off your Jacob and you put this little sleeve over it. And it just adds a little flair. I have orange ones on some of my older style Jacobs. They won't work with fancier Jacobs. But if you just have straight up basic ones, they probably could just work you get those in red just have a little red flare i see it here okay okay interesting yeah i didn't know that was a thing okay that is a nice little way to get some color because all of my stuff is black my accent color is going to be red on everything so i'm looking for ways to get some, some, you know, red pops in there.
Starting point is 00:54:26 As part of that though, I did order the bells of steel safety strap system and it's very confusing. I'm going to be in for a surprise here because they do, they're one of the only people from what I can tell that offered colored straps. Everyone else, your option is basically black and they had an option
Starting point is 00:54:42 and on the website it says dark orange, but from what i can tell that thing looks red and so i'm definitely rolling the dice on if i'm gonna get a dark orange strap or a red strap all of it has shown up except for the strap part so any day now i'm gonna know what i actually got there that's good stuff uh next okay so then basically everything i've said so far uh there was no research required it was just like yep i'll take that and uh here we go because it's people that i know and friends and their companies and all that so the only thing that i've really spent a bunch of time
Starting point is 00:55:15 researching is what bench do i get so like any good you're saying just uh a bench to go slide into your rack and bench press out of. Yes. You're not looking for a dedicated comp. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:55:29 No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No.
Starting point is 00:55:29 No. No. You're looking for a space. And you wanted an adjustable bench. And I want an adjustable bench because I do like doing incline. I like doing incline bench like that's one of my favorite accessories. And if it was just a flat bench, you know, we got that that rogue one that in the gym that uh with the with the lower height to it not the big fat pad one with the one with the knurled handle
Starting point is 00:55:50 yeah with the knurled hand on the front and that's an amazing feet yes if that was all i needed was a flat bench i'd probably just be the one because i think that's an awesome bench i like it a lot yeah but i did also only to your footprint comment you only want one bench i only want one bench yes that's all i want for right now i'm trying to keep things slim compact no excess here i'm just going with the basics and so i start looking around and this is the first time i've really ever researched like a single product before because i've never had to do this you know tanner buys the stuff it shows up you go cool this is nice and i don't have to think about anything. So I start really, really watching the videos. I watch Brandon's videos. I watch Gluck's videos, even to get a
Starting point is 00:56:31 fine, a far away opinion. I watched some of garage gym review videos and everyone seems to go to the rep benches, like rep adjustable benches seem to get recommended quite, quite highly. And there it's the, I'm already going to mess up the numbers. It's the 4,100 and the 5,200, I believe were the two, the two that kept popping up a lot. And at first I'm like the 4,100 is 400 bucks, the 5,200 is 500 bucks. And I'm looking at the 4,100 and from the specs and the sizing, I'm like, this is the one, this seems totally fine. It's a little more compact. I think I'm good to go. But just to be safe, I messaged my old friend Gluck and see if he has anything to say. And watching his videos, I know he loves the 5200.
Starting point is 00:57:15 And in his messages, he basically said the same thing. He loves the 5200. And he goes, you know, it's a bigger bench and you're also a taller guy. You might appreciate that extra room. And also the 5200, you could do the thing where you could do a two-tone color with it. You could do red and black. And that also means something. So after a little bit of thinking, I did decide to go with the 5200. The final piece to that, the pad and the rest of the pieces showed up like yesterday or two days ago. So I
Starting point is 00:57:45 haven't even taken it out of the box yet. I was waiting for everything to show up. So I'm excited to get that thing going and see how that compares because I now have used, well, at Massanomics Gym, we have talking dedicated benches. We have the Ghost Bench. We have the Elite FTS Benches. We have Rogue Benches. We have the Stray Dog strength benches. I've never, we don't have basically anything from Rep, so I'm very curious to see how this compares in that lineup, being a product that I have a lot of experience with other ones to see. Keith, do you have any adjustable benches? bench uh the 3100 they don't even make that one anymore they make like a different version of it that doesn't have a tapered pad anymore um and then i've got rogues uh adjustable bench 2.0 i think so they're on to like 3.0 on the manor right now so it's it's a similar you know it's very similar but uh yeah i would have recommended the rep 5200 more than likely if you were to you know
Starting point is 00:58:39 that's that's that is like one of the more popular ones that's like not a thousand dollars and it's you know comparable you know it's, you know, comparable. You know, it's going to give you 80% of what the $1,000 bench gives you probably. Right. And that was the other thing too is because you can see like Rogue, their bench looks sweet and it's awesome. But that damn thing is, well, I guess like the one starts at, is it the Manor? Is that the one that starts at $600?
Starting point is 00:58:58 Is that what that is? I think. But yeah, once you add the foot plate and shit on and, you know, on a spotter deck or something, you're looking at, you know, and then delivery. Well, I think not as bad because they've now they've made it modular it's not a solid welded one like my old one is but the rep one also ships free so that's another little break you get on that one so yeah i i'm uh i'll have more updates there but i that was the the longest thing i had to research so that uh go with red I'm assuming like a red and black I went with uh
Starting point is 00:59:26 I went actually you know what I went with red and black and now that I say it out loud I can't even remember if I went with all red and a black accent or black I think I went with an all red bench with a black accent like on the ladder I think they could do the ladder in black I think that's what I did that'll be cool uh yeah so those are the items that i have so far but then the wish list so there's a lot on here obviously uh i'm gonna pick up my stall mats uh probably not i'm actually coming to aberdeen tomorrow so probably won't pick those up tomorrow but probably this weekend um so i will stop before you get to so i know you you want to keep the small footprint um you're hard you're gonna be hard so if you buy like three stall mats today and you want to you want to expand
Starting point is 01:00:08 it next year the likelihood you're going to find the exact same stall mat is going to be such a pain in the ass that actually is i would honestly just spend the extra so here yes i i mean i haven't bought uh historically it is a pain in the ass tractor supply gets their stall mats from like three i think they're all pretty much coming from canada at least but it's it's it's whatever they ship them it's all the same skew and it's all the same thing on their website i think it's almost always a flat mat but you show up there and it can be anything from like the diamond plate pattern like i have or it's like this like cracked skin kind of thing where it's just like little little small grooves through the whole thing okay i've almost never seen flat ones so if you find a stall mat
Starting point is 01:00:45 you like i would literally buy enough to almost do your entire gym and then worst case they just sit and sit on your backyard okay or something but that's just me i mean they're there that is good to know that is good to know though so that if i do go and there's like a perfectly flat pattern black one that i love that i should uh err on the side of having too many of them then i would personally okay that is that is helpful they're also not that expensive also I don't know if you know but they're really fun to move yeah at least you're not going to do it yeah yes yeah I gotta get that working for me too so okay so stall mats are on the list obviously we're talking there's gonna be
Starting point is 01:01:22 banners there's gonna be stickers's going to be flags all over, but I think I know some guys that, uh, that, uh, that make those things. So those will be going up to, uh,
Starting point is 01:01:34 lately. One of my favorite tricep exercises has been dips. So I'm really looking at adding the rogue monster light matador onto the, uh, onto the list here attachment yeah as a little dip or rogue uh rack mounted dip attachment i that's the way i'm there's the mutant metal so mutant metal is a pretty uh you know it's a pretty popular company in the home gym scene right now and they basically you know initially rogue kind of stole their design and they part they've been but then they partnered with them but i don't know if they offer that in a uh in the in the five eights hole or not i know they do it here that i'm not positive but i just i know anyone that's got a dip attachment
Starting point is 01:02:13 they currently like pretty much everyone's buying like the mutant metal ones uh okay i mean the one you're talking about i think it's been out for like you know 15 years i don't think they've done anything to innovate it or anything uh the cool thing about the one i'm talking about is uh the handles are modular so you can widen and okay i'm looking at is this the ultimate dip attachment is that the one yeah yeah this damn thing is also 400 so yeah but i mean i guess if the other one's like 80 bucks sure yeah i think that the rogue one's 90 200 okay and this one's also 400 with a 14 week lead time on their website um so yeah yeah it does look sweet though i'll give them that let's give any options yeah no that is good to know because i didn't know this was a thing but uh yeah it looks way cooler i'll give them that all day god the
Starting point is 01:02:56 red one looks really awesome with those handles yeah if i had uh if i felt like that was worth spending 400 bucks on i'd go with that all day. But that one's currently not high on the priority list. So we got that. Oh, I'm not a huge dumbbell guy. Never really have been. Never used many of them. Honestly, the dumbbells I probably use the most are like the 25s when I'm doing like curls, lat raises, things like that. 20s, 25s right in there, depending on how many reps i'm doing like lat raises or yeah curls lat raises things like that 20s 25s right
Starting point is 01:03:26 in there depending on how many reps i'm doing and for that i'm like well i could just buy a set of 20s you know like that's not a big deal then you can get those what those little micro plates or whatever if you want to add who do you buy those from keith what's the um mike mike micro gains there's another one called plate mates but i micro micro gains are the ones that like go over the dumbbell shaft handle and then the plate mates kind of only work on the edges. So if you're rubber coated, they don't work. And that's just that's Yeah. a couple dumbbells in at some point. Like that's not, that's not super high on the priority list, but it would be nice to have a few of those. And then it brings up the thing of, do you ever go down the road of just looking on Facebook marketplace and looking for those Bowflex adjustable ones? Like if those come up, do you take it? Because it looks like you can get those for 300 or less used fairly commonly,
Starting point is 01:04:24 right? Like like is that i wouldn't even pay that and i think that's what they're new oh is that okay i see i think the bow the bow flex are of the adjustable dumbbells i think the bow flex might be like the most uh just because i think dick sells them or something but they're not like super highly what's the square ones that come up are they power blocks yeah power power blocks are decent uh those those used could be a good deal too because people kind of those are decent aren't they yeah i i i had a pair during covid when we were trying to actually like keep segregated in the gym a little bit i still i got a pair super cheap but uh so here's a question for you is your is your wife planning on using
Starting point is 01:05:00 the gym at all at any point she says no not at all not okay okay that basically because if she was you'd have to keep in mind okay how do i make things like how do i scale things from 10 pounds to 500 pounds so but if it's just you then that makes life a little easier it does so that's why yeah that's dumbbells i guess i don't know i'll maybe keep my eye out to see if anything used pops up maybe just for the time being i'll get a set of 20 or 25s and that can hold me over for a long time and it's one of those things where i can just play the waiting game and see what happens there the cool thing is you'll be able to get your hands on probably 10 different pairs at home gym con uh and like multiple different companies maybe not 10 different pairs there should be
Starting point is 01:05:35 multiple companies that have their version of an adjustable dumbbell okay because there's there's but they're so that's another one oh yeah they're so expensive adjustable dumbbells oh also you're gonna nickel and dime yourself buying a 20 here no i know next thing you know you're gonna turn around you're gonna have 500 and like six dumbbells uh yes that is also that's why like i just i have a hard time with the dumbbell game at all there there are occasions when on facebook marketplace even like minneapolis more so but sioux falls were like a moderate like a 5 to 50 used dumbbell set will pop up for like a decent i saw one i was looking it was in it was i think it's like five or six hours from here was in kansas someone had a pro style set it didn't
Starting point is 01:06:15 look like there was a name brand on it but it was a pro style set i think it was 5 to 60 pounds with a rack to put them on and they wanted like 300 for it and i thought yeah if that was local i'd just do that all day that that's great could come up at some point in time you know that could uh that could arise which that that's that makes me think that i yeah i'll probably just wait that one out and just see what happens better than the power block and stuff too like i don't know if those ones those there's they're so cumbersome almost. Then you're like, I almost, they're nice. Cause they don't take up any space, but then you're like, you won't even use them because they're just like, I know. And that's why I would go that way. If like a smoking deal popped up on one of those and it was like, Oh, okay. This almost seems dumb
Starting point is 01:06:57 not to do it. Then I could see myself going that way. Like in a situation where you couldn't afford not, you know, you're really put pen to paper and you just can't afford not to do it. Yes, that would be the time I would do. And then it's like, okay, maybe I sit on these until something better comes along and you can move it. How about shooting for a full collection of York roundheads? You know what? I was on the fence if I needed one. You got a couple York roundhead full collection guys here. I was between this one to three dumbbells or a full York roundhead collection.
Starting point is 01:07:24 And I kind of am, you know, getting closer to that roundhead collection. As any real roundhead collector knows, you don't have a full collection, Keith, until you have the salesman sample. So is that what you end up doing with them? You just keep them in the recording studio? Yeah, just because these would be almost just too easy for someone to like not even purposely steal, but just like somebody's kid to come into the gym and be like oh yeah look a toy and be like um don't steal those those cost me a lot of money yeah yeah so i just have them sitting here by me because i don't know what else to do
Starting point is 01:07:56 with them yet so that sounds like tommy will not be starting a vintage collection anytime soon now that's pretty low on my priority list of But that's what you said about the home gym. It was, yes. I don't actually know what my future holds, you could say. As Keith could say, it's a bit of a slippery slope. I got a lot of things that need to go on my slope before I start slipping down the vintage. So you feel like you have to spend a hundred dollars on this
Starting point is 01:08:25 i got a long ways to go before i get there a very long ways it is a slippery slope to get to the point where you start to say yes i will give someone 100 i will happily like i'm dying to give someone 100 for this you know you're like please i'm actively seeking someone to give money to and i just can't find the person cananner now that you've essentially finished them they're not in your hands but you've already waiting on the 85s yeah is it like did you get so when i finished mine a few years ago it was so anticlimactic it was just like my like my well my my one of my past times is now gone like i had right it was so like adrenaline and like you know fulfilling like every time the thrill is the hunt in the case you know in the case of especially like something like
Starting point is 01:09:11 these and then it's like um well what is next but my the nice thing is like these are also just part of my equipment buying for massonomics gym and i'm always buying equipment for maxonomics gym so it's just like what is the next piece of equipment you know whether it's almost like vintage or not vintage there's always the next piece it's almost like you cleared that hurdle so now you can finally focus on the next thing actually right right but it does the one thought that i'm still not wrapping my head around because i just don't know that i like the way they look even and i don't know what i would do with them but if someone had a full set of vintage roundhead dumbbells and they were into this, you know, you could go down the path
Starting point is 01:09:51 of a full collection of globes and buns and globes. But I just don't even like the set. It looks like you're like, oh, what did you do? Like grab anything you could find to put a dumbbell set together like they don't even look and then also when you walk into the gym it starts to turn into like are they like the unknowing person is gonna be like do they just collect shitty dumbbells in this gym right why is this to the uninitiated duplicates of dumbbell first of all there's dumbbells from five to what 150 or whatever and then there's like an old old shitty
Starting point is 01:10:25 looking version on another rack over here what am i supposed to do with those and then like if you added a third level into that too oh one aside as long as this is very much related to what we're talking about i put something out of my story i would what i gotta fix it's all related to exactly what we're talking about here is the dumbbell storage situation now at massomics gym because there's just i now have way more dumbbells than i have dumbbell storage for and it's very pieced together over the years of i have four different dumbbell racks none of them are ideal for what they're being used for at all and it's just like piecing together and i've got a whole bunch of dumbbells on the floor at the moment so what i've been looking at is uh you know options for this
Starting point is 01:11:10 and i need a lot of dumbbell storage because i kind of have a lot of dumbbells now but um prime makes this killer four-tier rack where the bottom tier slides out how tall is that top shelf on that thing um it's like 40 somesomething, 48 inches maybe high. So it's up there, though. Something like that. You know, maybe that's not right. It's 40-something, I think. It's a sweet dumbbell rack.
Starting point is 01:11:35 Oh, it looks so cool. When you had that, you put, yeah, in your store, you put that in there, and I thought, damn, that thing looks like almost a display piece. Yeah. You know, when the dumbbells are on there, they're like nice. Right. And it's a, that,
Starting point is 01:11:47 that'll hold basically a five to a hundred set and all, you know, and in that one, and it's only 97 inches wide or something like that. So because of its height, it doesn't take up a very big footprint, which I really like. That's part of what I really like about it.
Starting point is 01:12:01 Um, but so this thing costs twenty seven hundred dollars that doesn't include the shipping which is another like uh uh i don't know if it was it was like eight hundred dollars i think is the quote i got from him so then we're looking at uh you know thirty four thirty five hundred dollars and the kicker there's at least a 12 month lead time to get one if you want one and i'm like um okay but so if i want to give you thirty five hundred dollars for a and i'm like thirty five hundred dollars i bought most of my york roundhead dumbbell collection for that you know like also like uh there's whole racks that you didn't spend that much on right well
Starting point is 01:12:43 i'm like i did this would now be the most expensive single piece of equipment I have in the gym. Like, next to probably our ghost combo rack is worth more than that. But, like, this would be one of the very most expensive. And it is literally just a rack for the dumbbells. It's just a shelf. That's all it is. It's a shelf. So I'm a little off that one now.
Starting point is 01:13:02 A, the price. And B, if that was enough, the lead time. I'm like, well, I don't want to wait 12 months for anything if I'm going to give you the money. So then someone pointed me in the direction of Irwin Fitness makes a four-tier. I think what I've decided is I need a four-tier dumbbell rack. And not only do I need one, I need two four-tier dumbbell racks, and that could get me to a pretty good place
Starting point is 01:13:24 with storing most of the dumbbells that i've got there now uh the erwin fitness one though once you start making it the four-tier change in the like doing most of the stuff it ends up being like almost two thousand dollars a piece but here's the kicker quite a bit cheaper is erwin according to google erwin fitness is out of manitoba can Canada. Yeah, that's right. It's still North American, though. Could you pick that up? I'm saying that's the kicker.
Starting point is 01:13:52 Yeah, it's possible. Yeah, it is possible, actually. Especially if there's two of them. And if we were making a trip, it could be worth it. But they'll also, I think, do pretty custom things. So what I'd almost like to do, even their four tier i'm like can you give me a fifth tiny tier on one of those that for my york round heads that i could then put all the smalls on keith yeah you could go one by one through one one to 12 one to 15 right and and because what i just need is a tiny shelf for the smalls like it doesn't even need to be like a really a dumbbell shelf it's literally just like a shelf but i just want it like a fixed part of this rack you know so it's all like a
Starting point is 01:14:29 is this the one is this the pro series four post multi-storage rack i think that's what it's called uh starting at 750 bucks does that sound right yeah because it's i that probably is it because it starts off way cheaper but then as soon as you start making it a four, because there's options there. So it's the Citadel dumbbell storage rack. Ah, the one next to it. Okay. It's the Citadel, and then you say your custom color,
Starting point is 01:14:56 and then the 20-pair four shelves add $608, so it gets it up to like $1,800. Yeah. But you can get it in a custom color, and it's nice and it's got the would be cool and it's it's made with the one inch hole hardware so you could in theory add whatever on add a one inch drink spotter on there yeah yeah the og exactly but to do two of these and maybe make it a little more custom, I'd be looking at probably four grand, like $4,500 to get two of them. But it would change the layout of the – What do you say?
Starting point is 01:15:31 Change the game? I don't even know at this point. That's why I'm going in a circle in my head if this could ever be worth it or not even. How many of the bros would be upset, though? Because wherever – I'm assuming you're in the mirrors right above your one dumbbell rack. So now your dumbbell rack is going to be literally almost a foot and a half taller that's why i can't go with anything taller in my gym yeah it's going to cut out like and it would stick out so damn far it wouldn't really or would you put it to the wall to the
Starting point is 01:15:55 right tanner well i need to i still there's a dumbbell rack there also now i need to say could it just go i need one in both of those spots still. Because I still have to have two of these. So, you know, there has to be one in front and on the side no matter what. Like you're saying one for the Yorks and one for the other ones? Or just one to fit all the regular ones? One to fit the regular ones. It wouldn't even still be enough to fit the regular ones because it goes up to 150. And then I need a second one for the Yorks.
Starting point is 01:16:22 Because looking at this, like, oh, okay. Sorry, the different pictures show like, Oh, okay. They have, sorry. The different pictures show different levels of, okay. Yeah. That just, that,
Starting point is 01:16:32 that will fit five through one hundreds in every five. Okay. And if I could customize one to have like a little extra shelf just above it, or maybe on the side or something, you know, do something a little customized to fit the smalls. One could completely take the Yorks. And then if I got another one, it one could completely take the yorks and then if i got another one it would almost completely take all the other ones and then just the really big ones
Starting point is 01:16:49 i'd need to do something a little different with but so yeah i would still need a dumbbell rack in front and on the side both sides but yes it would cover some of the mirror uh but part of my thing is i just don't give a shit about that where And also I'm tall, so I still will, you know, if I want to look in the mirror, I still can. But, yeah, that is a consideration, though, too. So I don't know. I'm not convinced on this yet. Really, I haven't found the perfect option as of yet, but I'm still. I definitely say you bend some guys' ears at home gym con and see what they can do for you.
Starting point is 01:17:24 You might be able to completely cut them out of the block from someone that is not even known for dumbbell racks. And I don't even know. Like the saddles are nice because that's like a very defined place where you put each dumbbell. But I also think the saddles waste a little bit of space to where I'm if I have an option that doesn't have sad. They do. I'll say this or dumbbells. Tanner, I know massonomics is different but the last gym i was at had two different rooms and one room had some dumbbells that didn't have the saddles and that thing just turned into a war zone of people especially the lighter ones that you can toss around easier when there wasn't a designated spot it got really sloppy looking at times i would
Starting point is 01:18:03 say people are really good about that at massonomics gym that like they have that mastered now like it doesn't there's never a dumbbell in the wrong spot actually the only thing i do is this is part of my daily routine is people just put the yorks in upside down and i just like so i just like to turn them so the york is faced there you know so the numbers are all the right way on all of them. And I don't mind that people do that. Like, that's just part of my own OCD thing that I want them right. But they do at least always put them in the right numerical order. I had a buddy that knew how OCD I was about that.
Starting point is 01:18:38 And he was, I think I had to go to a wedding or something and he was in town and needed to work out. So I just, I just let him in the gym to fuck with me. He turned every single pair around. i was so pissed off and like i couldn't like and i think he you can't lift until you fix it no i had to go down there that night like i had like 11 o'clock after a wedding half drunk and fucking move them all back around i was so pissed off that's definitely a good way to mess with me i think we gotta talk about talking about tommy some more yeah so what else is on your list? We talked about the dumbbells as a potential list.
Starting point is 01:19:08 So then just other dumb little things. Wall control is fairly cheap, and it looks cool. I think that that... It is cool. I might throw some of that in there. Do you have any of that, Keith? Yes, yeah, I've got a few of the orange ones. I love wall control.
Starting point is 01:19:24 It is good and it is paint your walls first before you start adding shit and putting stuff together that's what my walls are all white like my garage is like whited out totally it's finished and everything i mean they finish it nice um i don't think i'm gonna paint though i think i'll just leave it white and i think i'll just the color will come from banners flags yeah that's fair i was thinking more of like you see all those gyms where they have the unfinished garages with just the it's just tape and mudded but not sanded and people just build a home gym there without finishing it i'm like that yeah actually uh what's interesting even is if you even look at the
Starting point is 01:19:59 massonomics like our latest drop it looks like i'm standing on some white background that's just me in my garage that's just the white wall like i didn'm standing on some white background that's just me in my garage that's just the white wall like i didn't cut myself out or anything it's just it's bright enough in there and it's totally pure white that it gives it that uh white backdrop look well the wall control i've even been thinking about just getting a bunch of that for my like redoing my garage storage with well and i assumed because you put those up the one day you know i was at the gym when you're putting those up and they just look so nice and everything i assumed they were kind of expensive they're really not that bad when you're talking gym stuff
Starting point is 01:20:33 no and it is nice it works really well too like and it's pretty uh versatile and things look cool when they're on it it just it does it just showcases it so nicely compared to some random pegboard or something like that. So that's on there. And I guess we'll see. I do like how you have Tanner those. Do you have the stray dog change plate, like triple peg thing on that collegiate rack? Yes. I think those are cool as a cool way of story space use
Starting point is 01:21:06 of use of space too so i thought about maybe like and that's these are things that don't affect lifting at all so that's just something that i thought would be cool at some point to add on there uh other things that would be cool somewhere down the line if i get another power bar it's going to be a texas power bar probably the 29 millimeter one i'd like to add that into the into the stable of bars at some point strong as as a house. Best and early maintenance free. Just a few of the things I've heard about them. I don't, you know, just heard that. So that, I mean, honestly, that's really kind of where I'm at for right now. Like I said, I haven't even set it up and used it yet. So I'm sure once I start going, I'm going to notice some obvious gaps. But when I look at,
Starting point is 01:21:43 when I run Juggernaut AI, the type of exercises I do, when I go to the gym here, I'm going to notice some obvious gaps. But when I look at, when I run Juggernaut AI, the type of exercises I do, when I go to the gym here, I mean, I don't use, I don't use cable machines. The only thing I ever do on a cable machine would be lat pull downs or tricep push downs. And I've been doing, I've just liked dips a lot like this past year. So I haven't even been doing tricep push downs at all. Lat pulls would be nice, but also I do notice that sometimes I think you get in this, I know I do it. I get in this habit of cheating lap pulldowns and then I go to pull-ups and then I'm like, oh, I should be better at pull-ups than what I am.
Starting point is 01:22:15 So I have no problem doing pull-ups in the meantime. So I don't have anything in the works or any plans for cables of any kind at this point. Would you ever consider one of those rack mount? Like surplus strength, actually. It's the UPS. Is that what it's called? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:22:33 That would be the standard. Is that the gold standard if you're going to do a rack mounted? Yeah, if you're not going to do a dedicated standalone, yeah. I mean, Bell's might have one that integrates with your rack maybe, I out of bells might have one that integrates with, you know, with your rack maybe, but you know, there's, everyone's coming out with like better upgraded, you know, holy systems at this point now, but, uh, you said it yourself, you're not really doing it. And so that's a good space. Yeah. Not, you know, not additional space that would probably give you a way to do that pull downs too, if you ever really wanted to do that. So that would probably give you a way to do lap pull downs too if you ever really wanted to do that so that would be a potential option there so what what is your goal tommy to
Starting point is 01:23:09 offset a commercial gym or replace what i'll probably do and i i'm just i'm keeping an open mind on this i don't have any like major things set is luckily we're entering the time of the year where training in a home gym is going to be great in South Dakota. So I'll ride this out through the spring, the summer, probably as late as I can into the fall and my garage it's, it's finished and insulated and everything. So even when it's shitty out, you know, it never really gets below like the coldest it gets is, you know, right around 35 ish. I mean, is that about where your gym or your garage sits Tanner? Well, mine, mine's heated oh yeah you have a heater in yours i forget yeah i have i have like 55 to 60 yeah it always sits
Starting point is 01:23:50 right like the coldest it ever gets even when it's 20 below is it's right around that freezing point is where it gets right and so what i could see insulated and it's new built you know it's it's not going to get that cold in there you know yeah and so what i could see though i'm like i could see potentially you know even well like this year we didn't even really get like cold cold weather until January and so the gym that I go to right now it's just month to month you know whenever you want to go so I could see all right January's looking kind of shitty let's sign up for the commercial gym and I can have that membership January February March if I need to.
Starting point is 01:24:25 And then by then, April, it's always decent in April again. So that's kind of what I'm thinking. But I don't know. Maybe I'll like it so much that I'll just throw the propane heater in there, warm it up for 10 minutes before I go out. And then it's tolerable. I don't know. There's options there. I'll find out.
Starting point is 01:24:41 I'm glad you're an answer. I was afraid you'd be like, well, I'm just going to use it like one day a week. No, no, no, no. Girls try to go to the commercial gym like 80% of the time. Like, fuck that. No. Especially like, the way you're talking, like you don't utilize the majority of what people do. And that's my, you're right. And that's part of what, when I really took a step back and looked at my gym usage, a lot of people do love machines. Like they go to, they pick their gym based on the machine. I've talked to people at the gym. Like I come to, they pick their gym based on the machine.
Starting point is 01:25:05 I've talked to people at the gym. Like I come to this gym for people like us to think about. Like that's a forward concept to me. I've never even thought of it that way before. And then I start to look, I'm like, well, I haven't used, there's just rows and rows of machines in here. I've never even used, I've never even touched before. And then the ones that I do use regularly are ones that you can, I mean, it's just to do something different. It's not like I'm getting some magical stimulus out of that machine that I couldn't replicate in a home gym of any kind. And really, like I said, the majority of my training is barbell training. And then there's a few dumbbell things. And then, you know, you got pull-ups, you know,
Starting point is 01:25:39 dips, body weight, stuff like that. So when I really looked at it, I realized, damn, there's not many exercises that I'm coming here to do that I couldn't exactly do in a home gym and also do it with better equipment on top of that too, because I'm using, you know, crappy, I don't even know. It's like X alt. I don't even know what that brand is. X ULT, all that's that. I mean, well, half the bars there don't have center knurling and then you'll go there. And then the one day you do, you want to squat. Oh yeah. Of course,
Starting point is 01:26:06 like everyone's using the ones with center knurling. So then you're squatting without that. And it's just little things like that that are really annoying. It's a rig that's mounted to the wall. So it just, it shakes a lot, you know, just little things that are dumb that don't make your workout worse,
Starting point is 01:26:19 but they don't make it more enjoyable. So, yeah. So it's basically like your stuff you do use, you can have a better version of it at home. Oh, significantly better version. it's basically like you're the stuff you do use you can have a better version of it at all significantly better version yes and then you're you don't have the stuff that you never used anyways you know which is okay so yeah that's that's why i'm not i'm not too worried i really and for me the biggest thing is my time is such a commodity right now and the number of times where even on the weekend, it's just so hard
Starting point is 01:26:45 for me to go to the gym on the weekend because if we finally get the kids to sleep, then one kid's not sleeping and we got this going on and this going on. And by the time I drive to the gym, rush through a workout, drive back, it's just a pain where it's like, oh, I can just step, step out into the garage, do this workout. If I need to come back in for five minutes and help with this one thing, I can go back out. So like, I'm looking at that and that's a huge time saver there. And then also just my day during the week, you know, that's typically what I'm working out is on weekdays. And the fact that I can just pop into the garage gym and do my workout is that, that honestly might be what I'm most excited about is just having that, that time saving. It's a life
Starting point is 01:27:23 changer. You're going to love it. I really think you really think you will what um so was it just the fact that you got into the new house now because I know when you were in the townhouse we talked about it you were like yeah you know it's just too early until I get okay gotta gotta see what happens and then yeah I'm actually gonna I'm actually gonna make a YouTube video about a lot of this stuff but I really even even into this new house actually now knowing this, I still did not plan on having a home gym at all when we were making this. And we built this house.
Starting point is 01:27:50 So like knowing that could have done a few things a little different that would actually would have made life a little better even. A little garage heater. Yeah, there are definitely some things that would have just, that would have been the time to do this six months ago when I thought that,
Starting point is 01:28:02 or when I didn't think this would be a possibility. Like if we had these plans in place six months ago, I could have made some decisions that would have made life better. But I don't know, just something in the last couple of weeks, I just thought, ah, I think what it really was, was there'd been several times in the last couple of months where I've just been so insanely busy with just work and life that I'm like, man, I really want to go to the gym, but just the idea of getting my stuff ready, getting in the car, the 10 minutes there, getting unpacked, putting my shoes on, getting started. And it's like, I've already taken 30 minutes out of my day and I'm just starting to warm up now.
Starting point is 01:28:35 And then while you're doing that, then I got people calling me. I mean, all these annoying things, things that can go to the side, but it's just the time thing is what was killing me so much to where it started. This, this switch started to flip in my head and I'm like, you know what? I really think life would be a lot easier right now if I could just do this at home. And the other thing that really clicked for me too, was I realized that the exercises I'm doing in this gym are not dependent on this gym in any way. I could do these exercises from home. So once I really started to think about those two things, that's when the home gym seemed like a real possibility. It makes it nice when we're at the Arnold with just having the connections.
Starting point is 01:29:15 You can acquire a lot of the stuff you need for maybe less. We also have a lot of friends in the industry. It makes it a lot easier to acquire certain items, acquire them or acquire them cheaply or more affordably. So like, yeah, we've got a lot of things going in our favor too. Another thing is if you go through the nice part of the year and like if you got to the point where you're like, oh my God, this is so much better.
Starting point is 01:29:40 I'll never go back to the commercial gym. Like, it was just like two years ago i put in uh it's a natural gas it's like hot dog it's a common common brand a ceiling mounted up natural gas heater they're not that expensive like the heater itself is like a thousand bucks but it's like a very you know they're legit like oh okay i see yep i see what you're talking about here i think mine's like a 60,000 BTU hot dog, and then it just plums into your natural gas. It's got to be vented outside, but that's easy in a garage.
Starting point is 01:30:11 And then you've got to have a wall-controlled thermostat on it. But it's really pretty simple and not that expensive. And then since it's already insulated, it's like, boom, it's now a heated garage too. Right, yeah. So if you're going to go outside in your garage, do you don't, do you leave that out in your garage? I don't keep it 60 all the time. I'll turn it down to like 45.
Starting point is 01:30:30 I mean, there's different philosophies on this. Some people will be like, no, you keep it at 55 all the time and that's actually cheaper, but I don't really subscribe to that. I will turn it down to like, yeah, I will turn it down to like 45, 48. And then like when we're doing some, it heats it up so fast. I don't go out like hours before and turn it up.
Starting point is 01:30:49 I mean, I just straight up turn it up. And in minutes, it's like that temperature. Well, that's why I was curious if you even just turned it off completely when you weren't in there. Because I figured it did work so fast. Well, we have a sink and stuff in there. So like I don't want it to get too cold. And like actually, because it's heated and stuff like that. We use the garage as like an additional room of the house at times.
Starting point is 01:31:09 So like, I never want it too cold. Cause I want it so I can like always go out there and just even like a light jacket, even the middle of the winter and be like, okay. And then just like turn the heat up then. And then within no time, it's that warm. Okay. So you would give that your recommendation for a heating option? Oh, that, because we had a couple, we had two ceiling mount electric ones in there.
Starting point is 01:31:30 And that was way too expensive in South Dakota. Like the, you know, there's like 110 electric heat. And like to actually try and keep it warm with that was too expensive. But the natural gas, the hot dog. Okay. Has been legit. Note note taken good to know so that's that's that's an easy thing if you get to the point where you're like no i have to just use my like there's no going back and like and we get january and it's negative 20 and like 25 degrees in the garage
Starting point is 01:31:59 there is with a little bit of money there is a pretty easy fix to that that's good to know because i see that you know the recommendation that comes up a lot is that mini split i see get recommended but i didn't uh they'll seem like those can get a lot more expensive too though yeah i just know personally from my experience the hot dog one has been has been pretty it's been a hot dog hot digggity dog. All right. So that is good. I've basically gone through for the most part, what is on my immediate list. Again, this list is made without me.
Starting point is 01:32:32 I mean, I got other dumb things on here, you know, like chalk and, you know, things like that. But I was curious if you guys thought that I had any major missing pieces that you think I need to add. Keith, what do you got? What is, what needs to be on the list? I didn't hear deadlift platform or SSB. I think you, as much as deadlift platform or SSB. As much as you talk about doing SSB at commercial gyms,
Starting point is 01:32:51 but then also if you're only getting metal plates, unless you're keeping it under 405, I would not just metal plate on just one level of stall mats. Really? Do you think that actually is a problem? I mean, it all depends. I mean, I don't drop it. I don't drop the weights. You would probably be fine because you know it's just you and you're controlling the effort. That's kind of important.
Starting point is 01:33:09 Yes, if it was other people, I'd be very concerned about dropping it on there, but it's me in my entire life. Actually, the only time I can ever think I dropped a deadlift was at one of the powerlifting meets, just third attempt PR, giving it everything I could,
Starting point is 01:33:22 and eventually I just let go. I lost it. But that's, I think, the only time in life I've really just truly dropped a deadlift. So where will you, you will deadlift just outside of like in the very front of your plan. I was, yeah, I could see building a deadlift platform someday. Um, that's not super high on my list because I don't like to build shit. So, uh, that's just why that's not there right now. But for the time, yeah, I mean, it would be YouTube content for sure there right now but for the time yeah i mean it would be youtube content for sure uh but for the time being i was just planning on just using just just having more stall mat like stall mats that's what you could just have a second layer you know like i got like
Starting point is 01:33:54 like even if like uh you could even just have like a two you know if you cut one stall mat that was like two foot wide by the i think just i don know, because it's got to be eight foot wide for a deadlift, doesn't it? Pretty much. Pretty much, yeah. I guess I'm just thinking if you had, like if you're really worried about it, you could just double up one layer of stall mat somewhere too. And just pull it out even when you're deadlifting maybe. That's what I'm thinking. Like you just like, you just have one piece that you basically just slide up there to just have a double layer when you really want to.
Starting point is 01:34:27 Oh, yeah. If you were worried about that. Or get one pair of bumper plates, too. So we have a deadlift platform, but when I have multiple people, like if someone wants a deadlift with a power bar, someone wants a deadlift with a Texas deadlift bar, then we have to separate. with a Texas deadlift bar, then we have to separate. So I always have anyone that's not on the deadlift platform, the first pair of plates or a pair of bumpers, and then I worked up to 405 with that without me being worried.
Starting point is 01:34:55 Or, you know, like Grant sells those squares. Well, and I have one of his squares because I was like, I could do that. Right, if you had three squares, then all of a sudden you can be on two layers. Right, because a square for under each plate side of the bar and then one to stand on and then you have then you have a double layered uh area too but also with just you i know if it was just me in my garage with one stall mat layer i could deadlift in a way that i would feel pretty confident it's not good I it's when you introduce other people I would yeah I do not trust you to uh to not screw something up here you know what do you need to do do you know do you have to keep in mind uh noise control I don't know like
Starting point is 01:35:35 no you have a you have a bonus room above your garage or anything no nothing above the garage and the only room I'm not I don't lift late or early in the morning. I let 90% of my lifting is going to be when, uh, uh, the kids are at daycare and my wife is either at work or she's in the house, but it's the middle of the day. So, uh, noise is basically not an issue for me. Could potentially be if I sneak in one on the weekend and the kids are, you know, napping then potentially it is then, but I I'm still not even really worried just don't deadlift that day you know right yeah or just don't slam deadlifts that day yeah you're also the farthest away from the house too aren't you like yeah are you i'm in the far third stall of
Starting point is 01:36:14 the garage the kids are on the total opposite end of the house so again maybe the noise carries more than i think but the g uh physically they are a far distance away. Speaking of noise, then another consideration I would have is how are you going to listen to music? Well, that's an important piece. I have. I bought a Sony stereo when I was in eighth grade, and that thing has been through some battles with me.
Starting point is 01:36:40 We used to have this little party called Tent City that survived multiple tent cities. I don't think it ever was in the original massonomics. Somebody's was, but I don't know who, I think it was Ryan Anderson's. Maybe that was, maybe it was,
Starting point is 01:36:52 it's that same thing though. It has the three disc changer. Like back when that was a thing for CD players, that's the, it still gets insanely loud. So that is cause we were cleaning out some stuff today, making room for it. My wife goes,
Starting point is 01:37:03 Oh, you're going to throw the stereo away. Right? I'm like, no, you're going to throw the stereo away, right? I'm like, no, this is the gym stereo. It's been waiting for its moment to shine again. So, yeah, the music is taken care of. No worries there. Can you put a sign on it that says do not turn the stereo above 30?
Starting point is 01:37:16 Maybe just for a tie-in. I'll put a sign, do not turn above 30 or whatever. Now, can you Bluetooth that? Or do you have to... I actually have... Ox cord from a Masonomics Jam iPod Touch that you stole? I have an ox cord for it, but because it is so old,
Starting point is 01:37:34 Bluetooth wasn't a thing then. But I did like a year or two ago because in my old house, this was also the garage stereo. I bought a little Bluetooth adapter for the ox cord. So you just pair it to that. So technically, I do got Bluetooth. so what else does he need keith yeah what else do i need i've got my wish list up right now well and that says like definitely an ssb right like you yeah i thought
Starting point is 01:37:55 about that or a titan for under 300 bucks yeah i mean that that would be a thing someday as of right now i've been on uh a kick where things have been feeling good like that's where i use the ssb is when my back hurts uh as of right now i've been on a kick where things have been feeling good like that's where i use the ssb is when my back hurts uh as of right now i've been on a kick where things are feeling really good so uh part of me says i hope i never have to get it because if i don't that means things are feeling good yeah uh so you know you're you're maybe on another power bar but i guess give give grants bar you know make sure you but i guess before you drop another 300 bucks on another texas power bar maybe see if grants bar can hold you over oh yeah and i know i know it will like it'll be better than any bar i've used in the last year basically so already it's instantly going to be feeling so
Starting point is 01:38:33 much better can i hit him with a mount rushmore oh yeah i got him uh so so big tommy uh mount rushmore uh massonomics gym flags and banners. You want to hang in the gym? All right. So I was I'm going to Aberdeen this weekend. Obviously, I will meet up with Tanner and I was going to tell him, you know, package up every single item we have so I can just take them with me. Give me we call that the works. Give me the works. But what I actually have to go to the website right now because I'm curious what's in stock stock because this is one of those things in my head that I don't pay that close of attention to because it's when it's like like I don't really have a good spot to put them so I've never really
Starting point is 01:39:12 got them but looking right now for me the don't curl in me goes on the goes on the Mount Rushmore all day like that might be the first to be restocked soon actually we we don't have that yet I see that it is out of stock at the moment. But that that they ship that got shipped today. So that should be here soon. That so that's on the Mount Rushmore for sure. I am very happy, though, that I have one of the. Red Varsity Macedomics banners.
Starting point is 01:39:41 Oh, the rectangular flag. Yes. I'm happy I have one of those because you sent one of me one just to take pictures. And I found it in my closet here. I'm really glad I hung on to that one. So I still have that one.
Starting point is 01:39:53 What about the pennant flag? Do you have one of those? I have the pennant flag too in my closet. Because we have some of those. That's the one that it's nice to have whenever I finally finish setting up the studio. I'm probably going to turn this room a little bit. And that is a nice backdrop item, but also
Starting point is 01:40:06 it looks good in the gym too, so that's going to be the conundrum there. We do have spares of those though. Oh, we still have some of those? Oh yeah, we do. We do still have some. We've got the powerlifting record holder. What key swearing? We've got that. We've got the record holder. I do also have, I found it today when I was cleaning out
Starting point is 01:40:21 the space in the gym, I found the OG blue lift flag in there. So that is oh that one is a bit of an icon and uh the lift hard live easy skull i was gonna say that was the next one on my list was the lift hard live easy skull is always been a personal favorite of mine that is probably top three all-time artwork for me i just love that artwork so much that that so it's probably don't curl in me. Lift hard, live easy skull, OG lift flag.
Starting point is 01:40:50 And then that fourth one is cause I like lift shit a lot too. I like lift shit, but I just like more. Maybe I want something that just is massonomic. So that's what I'm going to go with the red, the red mass. And I, that's a hard thing to say because I'm leaving off powerlifting and strongman which are also and bench heavy well but that's a banner that's a
Starting point is 01:41:10 banner to oh no i i i i said flags or banners oh well my bad well it's a yeah just stick stick stick with flags if they've already i don't want to change it now oh well okay what i would change then is uh i'll just take out the red varsity Massanomics flag, the small one with the OG Massanomics logo banner. You know, that doesn't belong on the Mount Rushmore from a sales standpoint, but just as a, you know, that is the brand. Oh, yeah, the OG banner. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, so that one will get subbed out there.
Starting point is 01:41:38 Otherwise, yeah, bench heavy. I still like lift hard, live Easy skull more than bench heavy. I just love that skull so much. Well, the cool thing is you won't have to decide on your own. I know. That is the beauty of it. It was just more of a too hard and Mount Rushmore in there. Yep, yep.
Starting point is 01:41:57 That is the Mount. So I guess the final Mount Rushmore, I got to say it so it's stated here. Don't Curl In Me OG massonomics banner, uh, lift hard, live easy skull. And then the fourth one I'll give to, uh, I'm going to go lift shit on the fourth one,
Starting point is 01:42:15 but that fourth one could change depending on the day you ask me. Well, hopefully you guys have a nice spike in all those, uh, you know, flags and banners next week. It has got me thinking, though. I told my wife, I am the guy that has every single art file ever made.
Starting point is 01:42:33 And it started making me think, I could do some really cool stuff. If I really wanted to take my time, I could do like I told her, how cool would it be if every T-shirt design we ever made, I had it framed in like a little thing. And I just had a wall of, you know, floor to ceiling or, you know, let's say, is it 15 in a row,
Starting point is 01:42:52 like five, six deep, however many it is, that would look really sweet. Wouldn't it? What if you did the, we also have just so many pictures at our disposal. What if you did the Dave Tate thing where you made like a,
Starting point is 01:43:03 a vinyl wallpaper, that was all these massonomicsics picture that was another thing that crossed my mind too is we have that exact same thing i can set up the file send it to a printer here locally they can print it i mean i could tell them to come hang the damn thing even yeah and uh yeah so those are all the the flags are the easy one for right now like that's i can just grab those put a pin in each corner you know we're good to go so that will be the the immediate option but depending on how into this life i get and uh how much money i want to spend and time into the decoration part i definitely have some potential ideas yeah i think the like the decal wall thing like dave tate with all the pictures would be awesome even in massonomics gym but i like, at this point I can't take anything down.
Starting point is 01:43:49 So I don't know. Yeah. You don't have that option anymore. Someone wanted to do a lacrosse ball rollout thing on their shoulder and you need a wall to do it on. And they had to open the gym door and go like outside of the gym because there was no like normal height area that they could find not covered. And then you said, you're right.
Starting point is 01:44:06 There's nothing on the doors. We've got to fix that. That's funny. Yes. What else am I missing, Keith? What am I overlooking here? So how are the mosquitoes in Crew Falls? Do you think you'll need to do a mesh net to actually keep the door open?
Starting point is 01:44:20 I don't think I will. They're nowhere near like Aberdeen. They're like nothing like that at all so i i don't foresee mosquitoes being a problem uh that being said i do live in a different part of town than where i used to where i used to live the housing was a little more dense now i'm out on the edge of town so it might be a different game where i'm at here we'll see it i have summer will you haven't been through the season yet yeah yeah so that is something to to think about though you you do got a point there sometimes uh i don't know that this would be the case that well sometimes it could be even better maybe it's in an area where there really aren't mosquitoes too it depends probably so much on standing water
Starting point is 01:44:57 like if it's in an area where there happens to be like a lot of standing water yeah or like when there's not then there might not really be any i don't i and i don't have there's of standing water. Or like when there's not, then there might not really be any. There's no standing water here. The closest thing is there is a river like a little bit a ways, but I mean, that's probably half mile to a quarter away. So yeah, I don't think mosquitoes are going to be much of a problem.
Starting point is 01:45:19 Well, it sounds like most things on your list will fit under a bed. So I think that's a good, you know, I think that's good. I mean, that's a harken back. Good call. Does it fit under a bed. So I think that's a good, you know, I think that's good. I mean, that's a harken back. Good call. Does it fit under the bed? Fitness finest.
Starting point is 01:45:29 Gym name. Is that something? Are you going to be like, you know, Masonomics Satellite Gym? Right now I'm leaning towards Masonomics Gym of Sioux Falls. That's where I'm leaning towards. Okay. All home gyms do need a name.
Starting point is 01:45:39 There can only be one. I'm a firm believer of that. You can throw the Scout Reverse hyper on your like way way way down the list you know because i know you do like your reverse hyper i think that there might even be other versions of the scout but the scout at least folds up uh so you could like put it away it literally would i think yeah it's a good spot where i can show up to the gym and throw my bags on and you know get my shoes ready and all that too. I mean, you are going to have a table.
Starting point is 01:46:08 You are going to have a barbell and you already mentioned chalk. So, I mean, obviously you need a barbell rescue brush, uh, code unpaid. And you know, you can check those out. This, uh, barbell rescue brush is nice. They are pretty cool. They are super cheap. Like 50 bucks. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:46:22 That's nothing. 49 99, you know, save 10% know save 10 with uh you know sister podcast code will they accept that out in person at home gym probably not i'm pretty sure i just gave kim uh kim 40 bucks cash last year so i think it was i think i think he's just i think he's pairing up with someone again this year i think last year he was just kind of hanging out at uh jason's booth at surplus strength and i think this year he's, he paired up with someone. So I think we'll actually have like a bigger display this year, but I'm just excited to see you guys in,
Starting point is 01:46:49 you know, at home gym. I think you're gonna have a blast. I think Tommy's going to be like, especially because it's like almost two months away or a month and a half away. So you're going to, you should have hopefully have got a couple of workouts in by then.
Starting point is 01:46:58 Yes. Yeah. You might, you might pick up good ideas. That might be way more relevant to you than it would have been a year ago. It would be good. That's what, okay. So so maybe all right so the only thing i before we move off of it is i don't know if you explicitly mentioned drink spotters oh yes well clearly i've i have a lot of drink
Starting point is 01:47:17 spotters laying around here and um i haven't had a lot of good places to put them i mean i got places i can set them here and everything, but in their true natural habitat, now they can really go to work. I also have a little bit of a special drink spotter. When Grant gave me his plate stand, he threw another drink spotter in it. So I have a drink spotter that's been tested at the Strength Co. booth.
Starting point is 01:47:36 At the Arnold, yeah, right, right, good. Also kind of cool to say that I do have plates that were used at the Strength Co. booth at the Arnold. You know, they got a fun story to them. Now you said you got all the changed plates, but a lot of people don't consider the 1.25s in that category but i know grant has those i got them uh did you did nice attaboy i do i do love my my little mini prs man there's nothing like yep 275 today or two you know 277 and a half i'll be curious if i ever use them i've never used 1.25s in my life but i like
Starting point is 01:48:05 the fact that i have them though i i use them pretty regularly i also too so keeping this i i a lot of times i'll use them for all right i have a powerlifting meet coming up that's obviously in kilos right i want to match the weight i want that is a good idea closer to my open right yeah i never thought of that when you can get it to like half a pound almost versus being almost two pounds off i like. I like that. I like that use case more there. Also, yeah, yeah. So that's yes.
Starting point is 01:48:30 Yes, that's that's good. That's good. One thing you might want to get down the road is you said you only have you're going to just have the spotter arms and the safety straps. But I guess it'll all depend on you're going to have some plate loaded. You're going to have weight horns. So you've got to make sure those aren't in the way of trying to bench or anything especially incline so you might end up having to incline bench out of the rack just depending on how
Starting point is 01:48:54 you're in spotter arms possibly only if you can't figure out a way to safely incline inside of the bench yeah and that's maybe I'll start to push it more, but also every incline bench I've used in the commercial gym doesn't have any type of spotter arms to it.
Starting point is 01:49:10 And when I put an incline bench at Masonomics, I would do it outside of the, well, I guess the collegiate one has the safety arms, but I'd never put them up. I'd keep them down. So I'm not sure I've ever done incline bench to a point where I've actually had safeties. I like bench blocks uh
Starting point is 01:49:26 that's a great like 50 75 thing you can get you know to to replace your tripod uh oh you're gonna need a tripod luckily you probably got luckily i have a business that relies on cameras and things like that so i do got plenty of tripods laying around so we're gonna are we gonna see more tammy uh tammy who's tammy i literally always combine your guys's names when i'm talking uh we're gonna see some tommy more uh instagram stories actually lifting because actually yeah i said that uh i told tanner that uh one thing that it didn't really dawn on me until we were getting home with this stuff and i started thinking about i'm like damn the content options are
Starting point is 01:50:04 are almost limitless for what can be done all of a sudden here like before opportunities for us yes before we were in a pinch and we needed a video I mean I wasn't going to take my camera to a commercial gym and especially like the gym here and do something there and so like Tanner a lot of times that rely on him to go into the gym and do something quick and they always turned out fine but now I have the option to where I could potentially go to the gym and even, you know, do a training vlog. I can now do training vlogs in my home gym, things like that. So there's a lot more content options that it opens up. When you put your rack together, did you, um, I mean, most people say basically like you're obviously waiting on your weights, but you might want to
Starting point is 01:50:41 keep it in mind to like, if it feels like it's not level or anything and it's not the floor kind of put like three, 400 pounds on the bar and like, so loosen all the bolts up just to see hair, put a bunch of weight on the bar and then tighten it up where you kind of know, let the, let the bar weight kind of settle the rack and everything up. So that's, that's something you might need to play with. That does make sense. Yeah. Are you on a slope? Like which way? I'm far enough in in the corner like there's a very subtle slope because there is a drain but i'm far enough in the corner that from what i can tell you know having the flat foot on like shaking it and everything i can't really get any play out of it so i think i'm i mean if there's a slope it's incredibly it's not to a point where effect lifting it anyway uh how much how much uh how many 45s uh i think i think what i'm well so
Starting point is 01:51:27 yeah so what i have for the 45s is actually should back that up uh me and grant have kind of a thing going on so there there's a little bit of a something hang in a hang up at the moment but uh the plan is is i'm gonna have four uh four pairs so i have 405 there and then you know between the 25s 10s all the other stuff i'll be able to go up around 500 ish um i haven't i haven't touched weights over 450 in a very very long time so uh when that time comes i'll just reward myself and buy more 45s when that when that looks like it's gonna show up well i made a list of about 25 things when Tanner texted me at 7 o'clock today, and I was like, ah, shit, I literally sat on the couch for a half hour just working on my document, and I'm trying to think what else.
Starting point is 01:52:15 Okay, so I've exhausted everything I can think of. Tanner, do you think there's anything that can allow Tommy to finally get strong that he should add to the gym? That's because I want the thing that's finally going to get me strong. Well, that's what I've noticed is over the years, you know, I bought a lot of gym equipment from Asonomics Gym. And what I keep finding is it's always the next thing that's really the key. So it's not what you have now. It's always the next thing.
Starting point is 01:52:44 It's the thing you just ordered that is the key to getting strong. So it's not what you have now. It's always the next thing. That's the thing you just ordered. That is the key to getting strong. So really it never ends. It's always a healthy pipeline is really, you just got to keep it coming because it always, it always kind of feels like it is the next thing. That's finally what's going to allow you to be strong. So I forgot one thing,
Starting point is 01:52:58 one thing I thought would be, cause I do like the belt squat. I like having a squat variation. Uh, I'm curious what your opinion is on... I want to get the name right. The one from Fringe Sport. Yes, the one from Fringe Sport.
Starting point is 01:53:12 Yes, that is the one. I can't actually find it on my list. It's pretty popular. Just hold off on it if they don't have the one with the kickstand yet. Because I know Kyle at Kaizen was working with them to get a kickstand version of it, I think. Yep, and I saw that on their website. I think that one's on pre-order right now. I think it said like in the next... If I were to do that, I would definitely make sure it get a kickstand version of it, I think. Yep, and I saw that on their website. I think that one's on pre-order right now. I think it said like in the next...
Starting point is 01:53:26 If I were to do that, I would definitely make sure it has a kickstand. Was it like $200 or something, I think, total? Yeah, I think the plain one's $200, and the one with the kickstand's like $300. And that's basically just the arm that you attach that pivots inside the rack. That's the one I see all the time, yeah. Yeah, so that's what I could see adding that in sometime soon here too.
Starting point is 01:53:48 Tommy, did you have, I know you had it as a bullet point here, but you've been, you know, you've been looking a lot more purposefully at, because you're looking at the equipment, you mentioned Gluck and stuff. You've been looking a lot more closely at the garage gym review channels that maybe you haven't really actually yes so i've always with that eye before yes so like we were for friends with those guys you know we were brandon they're on the channel i've always been fans of them so i follow all their stuff but when you're not like actively needing to buy things for the most part i follow them to keep tabs on them you know see just what they're reviewing you know just kind of what they but i'm not watching every video and a lot of the things I'm like, I don't even know what the
Starting point is 01:54:27 hell this is. I'm not even going to watch it. Cause it's not like it. I'm never going to buy this. I don't have a gym. It doesn't relate to me. So a lot of those guys have been very passive to their channels where now I've been much more active in them. And so I'm curious to get your guys' opinions on this too. So when we're talking the content, consuming the content, doing the research, looking at all this stuff, there's a few things that I've noticed just in my limited time here, now that I've been paying more serious attention. And so where to start here? I guess the first one that is almost comical to me is how often I can go to a video from one of these guys, go to the comment section and know like tons of people in the comment section,
Starting point is 01:55:07 you know, like it makes the world feel so small, but I'm like either. I know that I know who you are. Cause you buy stuff. Carp and Keith. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:55:17 Like big Joey. Yes. You buy stuff from us. I see you. You're in our discord or I see you comment on our instagram or i know who you are from stuff like it's just it it's funny how small it can feel at times while also being you know a relatively nationwide community yes like a global thing like everyone wants to have a gym so that that is the first thing that just makes me laugh and like how often some of these
Starting point is 01:55:41 same names pop up on like every some of these guys do an amazing job of staying engaged. Like they comment on every single video. So that was one of the first things that jumped out to me. At first I thought it was just a lucky, a lucky chance thing that I recognize that name. And then I quickly realized, no, no, no. I recognize this name on every video. Like these guys are in all of them. So that was one of the first things, uh, okay. Looking at the garage, the garage zoom review channels. So, uh, one thing that's obvious to me is clearly garage zoom reviews has the biggest budget. Obviously, uh, you know, they're one of the pillars that have that funding. They have the biggest budget. And with that comes some things that are comical to me. Things that are really funny is that they make, so they make the most content too, because I think they make the most
Starting point is 01:56:32 content. Maybe I'm wrong there, but when you consider written stuff in as well, they have, you know, a lot of guys that we follow do the video thing, but they're not doing 5,000 word articles to also get the affiliate links built in there. So they had that game cornered pretty well there, but where it gets confusing is, and I don't even know if they try to present it this much anyway, but you know, very much in the beginning, it was like Keir's Coop offering reviews. And now when you go to the website, a lot of times when you're reading stuff, you don't even know if it's Coop. I mean, you got to look in the beginning because sometimes it feels like it's Coop, but then all of a sudden it throws in
Starting point is 01:57:06 garage gym founders. Coop loves this. You're like, oh, okay. I went into this article assuming this was Coop talking about this. And then it's like some random dude that like coaches CrossFit or something is like actually the one that's reviewing this. So they have this weird sleight of hand where you never quite know who's actually reviewing and recommending stuff when you're not watching the video. When you're watching the videos, you can see who's doing it. But when you're reading it, it gets confusing there. And one of the things that I think is really funny is, and you can just see how heavily they're incentivized to play the affiliate game here, is some of the ways that they make recommendations and make lists and make articles.
Starting point is 01:57:41 And one that just really stuck out to me, and I'm going to try and get there quickly here, is they had a list for best racks. And so, okay, best power. That's a great list to have. Anyone in the home gym space or anyone in this content should have a list for best racks. Like that is the cornerstone of a lot of home gym, home gym. I mean, that's the cornerstone of your gym. So, okay. I got, I got the list here. Sorry. I was trying to find this here. So the list is, I just want to, I want you guys to read the, or hear the categories here because they got to categorize it somehow, you know, like what, who is this the best rack for? So here's the top nine squat racks for your home gym. This was updated in February 27th. So this was updated like three weeks ago. And this one was not by Coop. This is by some guy that is something else in the company. So here's
Starting point is 01:58:38 your nine categories, best power rack. I mean, that that's a pretty broad one, best squat rack for beginners. I guess beginners means maybe you don't need a very heavy duty. Yeah, $300 rack. Yeah, squat rack for small spaces. Best foldable squat rack. And already it's like, oh, small space isn't foldable. Maybe there's some overlap there. Then there's best squat stand.
Starting point is 01:59:02 And it's like, well, best squat stand might also be the best rack for small spaces. But okay, maybe you need a rack. So maybe that's different. This is my favorite one on the list. Best squat rack with a pull-up bar. And already, like, that category should not exist ever. That category does not need to exist. Best squat rack with a pull-up bar.
Starting point is 01:59:18 Because I've used a few different racks in my day between commercial ones from the gym, from the big gym people in the space are ones from, you know, rack or rogue people like that big names in the space. And I've also used commercial ones. You know, what's the most unremarkable part of every squat rack is the pull-up bar. It's the most boring vanilla part. It's the part that's in my opinion, maybe the hardest to get wrong because you just put a damn bar. Is it off the ground? You can do pull-ups. I think that one is a totally dumb one to have. And that is clearly an example of, we just need to get another brand on the list so we can get another affiliate code to click through. That's all that is. Next one on the list, best squat rack on Amazon. Sure. Best budget squat rack. Kind of overlaps
Starting point is 01:59:58 with maybe the beginners and the small squat rack. And then the last one is best half rack. And then when you look through the list, what is also funny about these is that how it just, it spreads evenly across every brand because you also want the affiliate code to touch every pace, every place. So you can make sure you get that money because of the nine options, there is, here's the brands listed rep fringe, Titan PRX rep one more time, bells of steel, major fitness force and rogue. So the only one of those nine recommendations, there's eight companies there. So that to me just shows you're just playing the game of, we just need an affiliate link to every single one because when, and for
Starting point is 02:00:37 people that don't know the way affiliate links usually work is you click the link and you say, Oh, they say the best power rack is the rep fitness PR 4,000. I click that link to go look at the price on it. They see when I visit rep now, the way it works is rep sees that, oh, you came from garage gym reviews. We're going to remember you for the next 30 days. And if you buy anything from us in the next 30 days, we're going to give garage gym reviews a kickback. Like that's tip and something that, that timeline depends, changes depending on how the affiliate program works. But yeah, it can be anywhere from like 30 to 60 days or maybe even 90 in some programs. And so they're just playing the game of like, let's just spread, let's just spread, cast as wide of a net as we can here. Hope people click as many of these links as
Starting point is 02:01:18 possible. And then when they go back and buy stuff, we're going to catch that because what's comical is the rack I bought. The reason I even found this list is because i bought the bells of steel hydra rack and when i'm googling around i see that they would bells of steel hydra won the award for best rack with a pull-up bar and to me that is such a stupid that award shouldn't even exist and it's so dumb that that's the rack that won that it's like no you just wanted to get bells of steel on the affiliate list here and that's why that's why they exist so that's my i'm sure you guys have noticed things like this too wouldn't best rack with a pull-up bar be like one of the rogue or sort like you would just pick the best rack because they all have a pull-up bar
Starting point is 02:01:54 yeah you would think that that would just overlap with the best power rack you know but like really like this list is kind of like this list should be. I mean, I would never make a list with those categories, but that's, that's how they do that. And then of course, as long as we're on the subject of garage gym reviews, there was the obvious oversight this week of them making the list of best plates, best plates. And the company that they gave an award to for best plates didn't even make
Starting point is 02:02:23 their name onto the list. That being the Strength Co., which is so funny that there could be that major of an overlook on that. Well, and that's even an intent, either an intentional move or it's the function of the, you know, it being so many different people. Well, that's what I think. There's just so many different people with their hands on it that everyone's kind of half checked out and assuming the other guy's doing their job so that by the time they show up, they're kind of like, yeah, film guy, you're ready, right?
Starting point is 02:02:50 And he's like, yeah, the script guy talked to you, right? Yeah, are you ready to read? Yeah, and then they all just like sit down and like just do what they're supposed to do without any serious thought into it. And then, I mean, we have come to find out that supposedly, you know, he admitted that it was just a complete oversight, which is an odd oversight, though.
Starting point is 02:03:08 If you're talking about the best in a category and you just can't think of it. I would like if he did the like a list of puffiest jackets to wear on YouTube videos. Puffiest jackets to wear indoors. Yeah. So that one was, I mean, that was hilarious. When I saw that, I, when I saw that thought come up at first, I thought, ah, they must not be a fan of grants affiliate program because they've snubbed them on this list clearly for a reason. Uh, their reason seems to be because they said it was an accident, odd accident to make though, when your list is
Starting point is 02:03:42 the best items. And, uh, we also gave you an award but we somehow also forgot you exist just a year later whenever that was uh what other observations have i had in this space um yeah i guess yeah then you can just tell though garage and reviews they have the biggest budget the biggest thing because the only one that's like, not just a dude and his base. Well, right. And that's what,
Starting point is 02:04:09 that's what you see where company owned by another company. That's literally the only job is to make money and support like 50 people that work there and to bring in hundreds of thousands of dollars, several hundreds of millions of dollars a year and fucking at in, in revenue. So when, what I think think everything he says with a grain of salt right right yeah yes true and what i think is this odd about the garage gym
Starting point is 02:04:30 space when when i look at other hobbies or interests that i have you know eventually if you're interested in anything it turns into there's some review component to on youtube and like i'm a huge fan of tech stuff computers apple all that. And I follow tons of guys on YouTube channels that review tech stuff, but tech stuff is relatively cheap in the scheme of things and it's easy to ship. So like companies can send out demo units to people and just say, Hey, here you go. You get this for a month. And then when you're done, just throw it back in this box and send it to us. You know, it's kind of hard to do that with a rack or with some of these larger, that's not how that world works with that. So I think, well, what world do
Starting point is 02:05:08 they do this in? And then I think, well, I also like have a lot of interest in the car YouTube world and cars are big and expensive, but people do that with cars though. There's, I guess there's a dealership in every town. So you just go to your dealership or they send review units out to people that doesn't really seem to happen much. I don't know. Is there a lot of guys that get, you know, there's clearly guys in the space that get stuff sent to them for free, but is there a lot of guys that are getting like whole racks and whole, like, because when I look now, so I'm starting to pop up, you know, on these guys' email lists, like when I go to a rep, they have this huge, uh, what the hell is this thing they
Starting point is 02:05:41 got now? This pulled this Adonis cable system you know are they sending those out are they sending free huge cable towers to 10 reviewers on youtube does that is that a thing i think it's gonna be hit or miss with like how big your channel is how buddy buddy you are with the guys how much ad revenue you're or how much affiliate avenue you're actually how much kickback you've done yeah what you've done for them i I would not be surprised if graduate reviews is getting one of those, but do you think, do you think they're sending one of those things to coop or Brandon or sorry,
Starting point is 02:06:11 not cool. I think, I think Gluck and Brandon do get a decent bit of stuff, but even something like that though, like, does that fit? Like, do they do reviews like of these giant cable towers like that?
Starting point is 02:06:22 I think they turned down a lot of stuff too. We'll see that. That is also part of it. It turned down a lot of stuff too. We'll see that. That is also part of it. It turns down a lot of shit. Yeah. Because they have homes and they got to only have a certain amount of shit that can fit in it too. So that also is part of the problem is that this stuff is big and takes up a
Starting point is 02:06:35 lot of room. Yeah. It is an interesting spot where they're just by the nature of it. It's hard to have a lot of competitive. I guess I should say a lot of people offering competitive content in the space because it's incredibly expensive. It takes up a lot of room and there's just not a lot of people that are making a lot of money on the content side versus some of the other niches that I look at where there's a lot of people that can live in the
Starting point is 02:07:03 review space. I haven't noticed that. I've noticed that it seems like there is a relatively small review pool, uh, in the, in the equipment world. That's fair. Yeah. I think it was like four or five guys that probably do it full time. Uh, like literally like that's their job. Like they, they were able to offset like, you know, a salary to do that, but it's just a, it's a fucking, salary to do that but it's just a it's a fucking it's a grind and it's a hustle yeah for sure so yeah we all know that um i don't think it has to be said but coop is keith's favorite garage home gym reviewer i think historically we all know that i think last time i'm i've been here for the first time or the second time i was on the podcast when i drunkenly screamed out fuck coop and uh as i was talking about the trying to get to do the lift hard, live easy and then I think you turned it around on me about
Starting point is 02:07:47 home gym stuff I believe. That was good stuff. Yeah. Okay, so Tommy, anything else on the home gym experience up to this point in time? Well, all that being said I still have not even lifted in my home gym yet. There's a lot that needs to happen still. It's a developing situation, you could say. There'll be more as time goes on. But I think I've said enough regarding home gyms tonight.
Starting point is 02:08:17 Keith, any other parting thoughts on Tommy's home gym journey? Unpaid or underrated. Okay, here we go. Just one. Traveling to commercial gym for the last year. Well, okay. I've lived in two places in the last year. And when I first moved to town,
Starting point is 02:08:40 the commercial gym I went to was for real two blocks from my house. So that one actually wasn't that. was almost refreshing because like by the time I go outside, I'm already at the gym. Uh, that one honestly wasn't that bad. If I lived there in that spot still, I might not, I might not even be thinking about a home gym because it was so convenient. But now, um, now there's a little, it's still not a far commute, but there is a little bit of a commute. So yeah, it's unpaid.
Starting point is 02:09:08 Good to hear. That's glad I was able to get, you know, get, get our game on this podcast that, that made me chuckle. But no, yeah,
Starting point is 02:09:17 I'm, I'm, I have got to get up for work in five hours. So I am, this has been a blast. When's your next, when are you recording your next episode? Thursday. Okay so you get a night break yeah yeah yeah so yeah tomorrow i uh we've got to work and get a deep tissue massage because i got a powerlifting meet saturday so this this
Starting point is 02:09:36 this is my so like sunday was my last heavy lift so i'm in like you know this was a weird week i don't know that i you know it's that you know twice a year when you don't want to meet you don't have to do anything for a week I was like oh cool I don't I it's a Tuesday I should be benching but I'm not benching is a massage part of your routine or is that something oh yeah I always get it I I know a lot of people say like don't don't do it anywhere close to your meat but like I can recover like deep tissue massage anywhere from like three to five days out for me is is clutch is it one of those like uh happy ending massages very happy i mean i'm happy when i leave but no one has to do any
Starting point is 02:10:12 clean up on aisle 69 old rub and tug it is not one of those uh so are you looking at uh some potential uh meat pr total uh ideal uh total probably not because it's a USAPL. So it's on a pulling on a power bar. So like at best, I'll still be 10 pounds off my deadlift bar PR. If I can, if my main goal was to was to chip my bench PR. So if I can get a five pound meat PR to be great because I really want to set myself up to hit another five pound meat PR, it'd be great. Um, cause I really want to set myself up to hit it at another five pound meat PR and lift hard.
Starting point is 02:10:46 And another one. And another one. And that just keeps everyone gives me shit. Cause they're like, oh, you can, you can, you can definitely bench 295 to, you know, 300 right now. I was like, well, maybe, but probably not. And especially not after I squat four 20 and I'm in a full power. So not with that attitude, you won't Keith.
Starting point is 02:11:02 I like getting my, like my next kilo jump jump like a pr yeah no if a five pound pr i'm you know i'm 38 and i'm almost 39 like i'm not gonna pr for the rest of my life but if i can milk out another few years of getting those five pound prs at like 10 more meets that's fucking awesome to me well it's always mentally a better feeling to hit a pr and be like i maybe could have done more than to uh miss something and be like oh shit, shit, now I know I can't do that. Why didn't I do that? Yeah, five pumps or whatever the break is. So is this your last meet then before the Lift Hard Live Easy Classic?
Starting point is 02:11:35 I could sneak another one in in the next. Well, it's a struggle. It's such a struggle. That's why it's like the sooner you guys can get a date and everything, the sooner we can plan our other meets. Because I'm sure as long as there's a Lift Hard Live Easy and as long as i have some kind of income i'm gonna do my best to get out there but it's like i don't want to do just one meet a year like i like doing two meets a year but it's like okay i have to do something super super early spring or like late into the fall to early winter but it's like well and then there's only you don't want to interfere
Starting point is 02:11:59 with that keith yeah i true falls will be tentative this year based on finances i think yeah you know you might not be able to be in there four trips to south dakota in two years oh god uh and your your guest uh this week is big jordan wong right uh yes yeah big jordan yeah we got a fair amount of stuff for big jordan so that should be fun um tell him tell him hi for us we'll do it's nice to sprinkle in the uh you know everyone loves the crew but it's like i feel like having some well he's still his crew well yeah but i meant like the lesser knowns the everyday hidden gems you will you know the the very active discord crew that is just you know the run-of-the-mill fellas and ladies uh you know sprinkling in the uh the swim hacks and the siri dolls and stuff and you know the jordan wongs i think that's pretty cool that we can
Starting point is 02:12:49 that joey and i can like pull different guests like that and you know still be able to do a similar interview absolutely absolutely but yeah we're we're literally i don't have to look at my phone but i like i'm i'm booked like 12 weeks out i think and i i don't know i know you guys are almost like week to week half the time. There's so much research that I got to do. Sometimes it's day to day. I don't know if you could say hour to hour, Keith. I don't know if you've noticed.
Starting point is 02:13:10 Well, you got on the show just hours before the show. Trust us. It's not because we want it to be that way. It's what the business dictates. Yes. And I think it's helpful that we don't have the people that we have we're excited to be on the podcast. It's not a chore.
Starting point is 02:13:27 It's not just doing us a favor. People want to be on our podcast. We've only had one incident where someone had to just push it a week because of a family issue. Other than that, we've had 46, 47 episodes. That's when you tell them, no. No family issues about this.
Starting point is 02:13:43 Nothing. Stop it. All right, Keith. Well, so they check you out. Give me your final rundown, your closing, where you check it. Big Keith. KeithHunterGets73 on Instagram. Go follow my orange gym, the no wine cellar,
Starting point is 02:13:57 and be sure to go follow Unpaid and Underrated Podcast,, I believe is the website. We have a YouTube now. Go follow that we're 20 away from uh 69 followers so we got to hit that soon hopefully nice nice uh okay awesome so tommy should we boot keith off and then leave our read our last couple ads and wrap it up yep yep we'll do that all right keith thanks a lot tuesday boys thanks for all your keith thanks for all your Keith thanks for all your advice later mmm those are cellar aged cool beans finally got rid of that guy I thought he
Starting point is 02:14:37 would never leave just lingering that was really good the Keith was a really good addition to the uh home gym discussion i think he brought up a lot of stuff that i certainly wouldn't have thought of uh yes that was good i enjoyed that a lot got to add a few more items to the wish list too so yeah we got into a really home gym deep dive too so that's uh um speaking of deepives, if you want to supplement deep dive, you check out That's where you find all the supplements you need. And a personal favorite of the Mass Anomics listeners is the Vasoblitz.
Starting point is 02:15:14 That's their dual nitric oxide support supplement. That's great for getting that pump in the gym and also sometimes in the bedroom, if you know what I mean. Pump, pump, pump, pump it up oh yeah what who's who's that song by i can't remember yeah i'll look that up you keep reading okay all right uh check out their caffeinated pre-workout supplements also blitz 3d or then the full blitz which is kind of a combo of the vaso blitz and the blitz 3D. And then my personal favorite, the 80-20 protein, which is nature's protein ratio, the 80% casein, 20% whey protein.
Starting point is 02:15:56 And I prefer the, my favorite is the chocolate flavor. So check them all out at If you use discount code MASSANOMICS when you check out, it'll save you 10% on any order that you do there. You can also sign up to be a subscription model for any of these products that'll save you an extra 10 stack those on top of each other it's 20 off thank you build fast formula uh joe budden pump it up oh god you know what uh you know what soundtrack that movie was on the soundtrack that uh song was on i should know uh need uh need for speed or uh god what's the awful 10 series uh don't don't tell me with vin diesel uh
Starting point is 02:16:37 what the fuck is that stupid movies uh speed uh too fast too furious too fast Stupid movies. Speed. Too Fast, Too Furious. Too Fast, Too Furious. Is it on Too Fast, Too Furious? Is that the movie? Too Fast, Too Furious. So I got it right. You did. Although I could not think of the name of those stupid fucking movies. You said Speed and Need for Speed multiple times,
Starting point is 02:16:58 and then you said Vin Diesel. Like your brain, I could see it getting there. Yeah, yeah. I did know that. I can picture Ludacris walking around, like opening up the trunk of a car. I can't remember that at all. I cannot remember it getting there. Yeah, yeah. I did know that. I can picture like ludicrous walking around like open up the trunk of a car. I can't remember that at all. I cannot remember that one bit.
Starting point is 02:17:10 Yeah. I'm glad you could. That's good. I could sort of remember it eventually. I got to say, I did not realize how late it was. I did not realize we're damn near two hours and 20 minutes into this.
Starting point is 02:17:21 That's a lot of home gym talk. That was a lot. Wow. That's what home gym, that's like lot wow that's what home that's like you're see you're falling in you're falling deeper and deeper and it's you're the rabbit going down the hole keith didn't have to get up for work in five hours we could have gone a couple couple more hours i might have to you might have to have them pencil us in a little longer for our podcast home gym con a few months from now you're gonna i'm gonna start seeing more i'm gonna do
Starting point is 02:17:44 those things pop up in the background you see those memes it's always like day one of doing this day five of doing this and it keeps changing it'll be like day one of getting a home gym and i'm all excited about it and then like day seven of a home gym and then like the last day is i'm just surrounded in york roundhead dumbbells that's uh the other kind of variation of the meme is like uh like uh yes i'm the type of person i get a little bit interested in anything and i turn it into my entire personality you know like that's legit yeah it must be my entire personality now uh-huh which uh any hobby any hobby uh you know you're going doing things right when your hobby becomes your entire personality. That's always what I've always said.
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Starting point is 02:19:36 we want to do this oh what might as well i mean i i kind of felt we were originally supposed to do this with keith but i kind of felt bad how late it was getting on him. Yeah. We're going to do a little. Has he seen it? Tanner Oscar edition 2024. Oh boy. Big movie guy. You are big award winning movie guy.
Starting point is 02:19:57 You are. So we're going to see Tanner's award winning current day movie chops are up to snuff here. I don't know if I've just there's one, two, three, four, five, six, If Tanner's award-winning current-day movie chops are up to snuff here. I don't know if I've just... There's one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. There's ten on the list, and I recently saw one of these. This is what has inspired this, and we have a little discussion to have about the one that I saw because...
Starting point is 02:20:20 Last year we did this. You got me on this, and I actually had seen way more than I would have guessed going into it. That's why I'm curious this year. How many chances am I going to have? How many are we going to go through? Well, there's 10 movies here. Okay, 10.
Starting point is 02:20:35 We're going to talk about all 10. We're not going to talk about all 10. We're just going to decide if you've watched them or not. Are these all nominees for best? These are the nominees, yes. We'll also talk about the best. These are the 10 nominees for best movie. the nominees yes we'll also talk like the best these are the 10 nominees for best movie best picture best why is there 10 um does it need to be 10 does the 10th best one ever win it's probably thousands of movies made so it's 10's a pretty small pool i'd say okay um i've probably seen i'm gonna say three of them three how many
Starting point is 02:21:02 have you seen uh i've seen one of them just as of like three days ago so maybe my number's zero this wasn't zero for me well but even last year you saw like four or five of them and my number was zero i think last year too let's uh why that's the only reason i'm picking three is just because i remember last year being a little surprised that i had seen as many so i'll say three okay i'm gonna start uh at the bottom of this list and work my way up okay first one on the list killers of the flower moon i've barely maybe heard of that name before it is i have no i absolutely no idea what it is but i feel like maybe i've heard it is a martin scorsese one i believe it was a netflix one uh leonardo dicaprio's in it pretty big name maybe you've heard of him yeah but what was the
Starting point is 02:21:45 name of it again killers of the flower moon it's probably good i suppose i'm sure martin scorsese and leo yeah how could you go wrong there does leo ever uh swing and miss i don't think so hasn't done it yet oh uh the next one uh maestro. Not the Maestro. I was just going to say, I do know the Maestro. I think we all know that we know the, well, actually, more recent listeners wouldn't actually know the Maestro story. I don't know that we need to get into the entire Maestro story. I'll put it on the list for another time.
Starting point is 02:22:20 I'm going to write the Maestro on here because that is a good story to tell. We do, and I know it's come up a few times over the years we've revis write the maestro on here because that is a good story to tell we do and i know it's come up a few times over the years we've revisited the maestro but it might be time that we revisit the maestro story we'll do some research and decide if that's worth bringing up or not okay um so no i don't know what that is either okay oh god i just closed my tab uh is my tab uh that one is a see full list here it is bradley cooper steven spielberg never heard of it myself either uh big names bradley cooper is yeah it seems like it's never heard of a good movie okay so you're all for two next one anatomy of a fall i've definitely heard that name i have no idea what it is i I hadn't heard that name.
Starting point is 02:23:05 I don't even know the person's name in it, so I can't help you there. Next one, Past Lives. Don't know what it is. I don't either. Don't recognize the names. Next one on the list, Poor Things. Don't know what it is. I don't know anything about it.
Starting point is 02:23:20 Next one on the list, Barbie. Yes. Bing. Ding, ding, ding. I watch Barbie because it's on some hbo or something on hbo i watched it uh with a couple of my kids and was it okay worth watching yeah i thought barbie was a good movie i want to watch it just haven't got to do it i would absolutely recommend barbie okay um there's a lot of uh i suppose symbolism and stuff in there that's kind of interesting that probably gets people fired up and whatever i'm sure there's debate about it but i thought it was funny and um the guy what's the guy's name in there ryan gosling yeah uh pretty
Starting point is 02:23:58 good performance also the woman in there uh whatever her name is yep she is pretty good too so a good movie okay the zone of interest don't know what it is american fiction don't know what it is the holdovers never heard of it oppenheimer i have not seen oppenheimer i thought for sure you would have i know i i just have not seen seen oppenheimer. I just have not seen Oppenheimer. That desperately, that's like might be as much as I want to see any movie right now. Wow, that's even, I mean, it's not like a war movie, but it's very war adjacent. Oh, yeah, that's like top of my list of a movie that I'd like to see. Looking at this list.
Starting point is 02:24:40 Is that the full list? That's the full list. Oppenheimer 1. I should be at 2 to be real. I should have seen Oppenheimer. Well, you are at 2. You saw Barbie. Oh, no, you haven't seen Oppenheimer.. I should be at 2 to be real. I should have seen Oppenheimer. Well, you are at 2. You saw Barbie. Oh, no, you haven't seen Oppenheimer.
Starting point is 02:24:48 God, I can't. I thought for sure you would be at 3. I thought you were going to say Killers of the Flower Moon, Barbie, and Oppenheimer. And then I thought, you know what? Tanner's going to surprise me with one more. He's going to be at 4. I kind of thought you were going to be at 4. I should be at 2. And that Leonardo DiCaprio one, I maybe should see that one too.
Starting point is 02:25:04 So I think I could be at three but um the rest of them on the list i just don't even know what the hell those movies even are so the okay i gotta tell you about the one i watched on this list the one i watched on this list i'd never heard of it didn't even know it was a thing until four days ago and that is a movie called poor things with emma stone do you know emma stone i know the name she was one of the girls uh here i'll take it. It's all related to you. She was the love interest in Superbad.
Starting point is 02:25:29 Yeah. That's okay. That's actually what- A movie from almost 20 years ago. I was thinking Superbad, actually. So, yes. That makes sense. Yes, I know who it is then.
Starting point is 02:25:40 Okay. Never heard of this movie. My wife saw it pop up on Hulu, and she goes, oh, we have to watch this. Everyone's talking about it. What's it called again? Poor Things. Poor Things. Poor Things.
Starting point is 02:25:50 Like you poor thing. Oh, okay, poor. Like you poor thing. Poor Things. I'd never even heard of it. P-O-O-R. P-O-O-R. Not like we're going to just pour things.
Starting point is 02:25:59 No, no, no. Porn Things. Like you poor thing. And man, okay, visually, the movie's awesome styling camera they do some cool stuff like really cool it looks really cool i have never in my life seen a movie with as many sex scenes as this movie i'm not lying i'm not lying i think emma stone has 15 to 20 sex scenes in this movie and that that sort of is I mean she's naked having sex with 15 to 20 different people in this movie was not expecting that one bit I thought
Starting point is 02:26:31 this was I didn't know the synopsis of it at all I had no clue what was going on and then pretty soon you're like oh Emma Stone's having sex oh she's having sex again oh she's having sex again and again and again and again oh wow you're just having sex every five minutes in this movie it was it was not what i was expecting one bit is this based on a novel that's really popular amongst women readers it is based on a novel i'm not sure if that novel is aimed at women or not but uh yeah uh well but it's not like anything i know about it's not like in a 50 shades of gray kind of way it's uh okay this is like a weird uh kind of dark comedy oh i mean depending on who you depending on what you read some call this a
Starting point is 02:27:11 comedy some call it a dark comedy some i mean there's a lot of it's a it's an odd genre whatever is it as funny as super bad it's not well i mean there definitely actually are parts that are it's not as funny as super but it's not as funny as super bad no um i would say you should watch it with mary i'm very curious i could see she'd probably like i could see you guys having some interesting it's very possible she's read the book she probably has it wouldn't surprise me at all uh but i was just i was i did not know what i was getting in for with that one uh the movie was entertaining though i i did find it it was worth it is worth your time if you watch it i'll put it that way you know this talk about it it kind of makes me want to watch super bad instead you know i haven't seen super bad in a long time and it really takes you back to in the early 2000s
Starting point is 02:27:56 mclovin in it when you yes mclovin when you're trying to have a party and it was actually hard to orchestrate who was where not because people weren't responding but because it was actually hard to get a hold of people yeah especially around here it's like oh there's a 50 chance even if they do have a phone it might not be working wherever they're at yes yes yeah especially then yeah like some people wouldn't even didn't really text then they might just call you and yeah it was super bad from a different era but super bad wasn't on the list this super bad did not make uh like a 18 year later list no they didn't for some reason they didn't include it i don't know why uh so you've seen you've seen oppenheimer though or no uh the only one so you've only seen one on the list yeah okay so we tied so have we seen it we are both combined this year you could say yeah i gotta see oppenheimer though yeah that's the one on the list that i'd really like i would
Starting point is 02:28:50 really yeah i'd really like to see that one i want to see barbie too yeah barbie and killers of the flower these other ones there's probably good ones in there but i have no clue what they are the maestro here bradley cooper steven spielberg there's got to be something there well i want to talk about The Maestro. It's not The Maestro. It's Maestro. I'm adding words here. It's revisionist history to make more sense with the Masonomics timeline. Actually, let me just
Starting point is 02:29:16 do some quick... I think The Maestro is in Target and stuff. The last I knew about that, The Maestro, you could buy it all over the place. It is very much still a company, so they got that going for them still. Store locator, let's see. Maestro's classic.
Starting point is 02:29:40 Oh, yeah. Just even locally, both Targets have it here. Yep. Someone's given me maestro. You know, people always give me beard stuff for like Christmas and stuff. And people have given me maestro stuff before. Have they really? Yes.
Starting point is 02:29:55 And I'm like, I know the maestro. I've heard way more from the maestro than I care to ever want to hear from the maestro. I've had interactions with the maestro. I've been cornered from the maestro than I care to ever want to hear. I've had interactions with the maestro. I've been cornered by the maestro before. That's good. That's good. The maestro and us go back. I didn't even have a beard at the time.
Starting point is 02:30:17 We have some history, you could say. Now I would be afraid to run into the maestro now he'd be like oh you talk to you about your beard give me that beard he's coming for your beard and i work his maestro magic on that that's just the thing that connects us men together all of us beards we're guys we do things like girlards. We're just a few wild and crazy guys. With the maestro. All right. Should we bring this one on home?
Starting point is 02:30:55 I think. Johnny Holmes. Should we bring this one on Johnny Holmes? I think it's ready to bring it on home, Johnny. Let's bring it on home. The Johnny Holmes Band. Playing Friday night at the zoo bar. Now for the last 30 years and for the next 30 years,
Starting point is 02:31:11 they transcend time and ages. Your parents saw them and your parents' parents saw them. Now your kids can see them. And your children's children will see them. Is Johnny Holmes a person? We don't know. Maybe at one point in time he was. Now it's just a name.
Starting point is 02:31:35 It's very ambiguous. All right. Catch us at Home Gym Con next week. Buy some stuff from the Mastodonics store. Become a supporting member. Leave us a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. Please, for the love of God, subscribe to our YouTube channel so we can break 5,000.
Starting point is 02:31:52 We're almost there. And, Tommy, where do they find you at? Okay, one question quick, though. Because you brought up this whole Johnny Holmes thing. Did they name the band after the pornographic film actor, or was that just coincidence? I don't know. I don't understand. I've never really known about the name
Starting point is 02:32:09 of why that is the name of the band. At one point in time in my life, I thought that that was like whoever the lead singer's name was or something. Well, because I've always wondered this because for people that aren't up on their history, Johnny Holmes was a fairly well-known uh male pornographic actor i had to look here years active he was active from 67 to 87 uh also went by the name
Starting point is 02:32:34 johnny wad in case you were in case you were curious pretty good string together there 20 years it's a good run uh from ohio so debatableatable whether he's from the Midwest or not. But the Johnny Holm band, though, I've always wondered if they were, did they intentionally name their band after this pornographic actor from the, like the sixties? Cause these guys have been around a long time too. Or did they just so happen? Also people that know the Johnny Holm band is a cover band from hopkins minnesota that has been in the upper midwest for a thousand years in case you're wondering my parents talked about
Starting point is 02:33:11 how they used to see them play street dances and things like that i was gonna say they've been at every street dance you've ever been to somehow you could travel from uh you could go to two street dances at one in one night and then you'd leave johnny holmes playing at one and show up to the next street dance like uh 30 miles down the road and they were already still they're already there playing they like beat you there and we're playing at both i'm i'm trying to i think like johnny holmes band like nobody even knew who the people were so there's actually like five johnny holmes that's what i kind of assumed, wasn't it? I don't know. I've never theorized that out loud before. It can't be the original people still, is it?
Starting point is 02:33:48 Well, no, but I mean even simultaneously. The Johnny Holmes fan was playing in both. It's like when you're going to Broadway to watch... You're the Johnny Holmes band. You're watching Hamilton. It's like everyone's watching Hamilton. Yeah, yeah. It's like the Blue Man Group. It's just an's watching Hamilton. Yeah, yeah. It's like the Blue Man Group.
Starting point is 02:34:05 It's just an act. Yes. Like the Johnny Holmes band is very, it could be many things. Well, I think the guy's name is Johnny Holmes, though. So maybe it was just unfortunate timing. Maybe it was fortunate timing that there's two famous Johnny Holmes coming up in the sixties at the same time. Yeah. All right.
Starting point is 02:34:30 Well, now that we got Johnny, we brought this one on home. We did bring it on home. Didn't we? John. Okay. Tommy,
Starting point is 02:34:38 where do they find you at? You can find me at Tomahawk underscore D. You can follow me at Tanner underscore bear. Just make sure to follow massonomics at massonomics see ya

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